Slovakia C1 Test

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Participant’s number: ………...

Kategória 2C1 – Olympiáda v anglickom jazyku – Krajské kolo 2010/2011

Complete each sentence (1-8) with the best answer (A, B, C or D). Circle the letter of
your answer.

1. The white Audi was eliminated ...... the police enquiries at an early stage.
A with B from C of D for

2. He was wounded in the ...... stages of the battle.

A closing B middle C intermediate D end

3. In the end they agreed to our ...... two teams for the tournament.
A entered B entrance C entry D entering

4. Her incredible energy and determination simply ...... aside any problems placed in her
A pulled B cleaned C moved D swept

5. I wouldn’t want ...... of my parents to know I have a boyfriend.

A either B any C neither D none

6. Van Gogh suffered from depression........ by overwork and ill-health.

A brought on B coming about C taken up D put through

7. Nobody from the President down should imagine they are ...... the law.
A beyond B over C within D above

8. It was difficult to ....... what he was saying above the noise of the traffic.
A make out B make off C make for D make up

9. Considerations of safety were eventually ...... by those of cost.

A compared B outweighed C predominated D prevailed

10. One of..... days I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.
A our B those C these D the

................... /10 pts

Participant’s number: ………...
Kategória 2C1 – Olympiáda v anglickom jazyku – Krajské kolo 2010/2011

G R A M M A R (continued)

For questions 11-15, complete the 2nd sentence in each set below by using the word in
CAPITALS given at the end of each. Your sentence must mean the same as the 1st. You
cannot change the word given and you must use between 2 and 5 words, including the
word given.

11. It would have been common courtesy to let me know you were coming. HAVE

You might ...................................................................................................... you were


12. Generally, the majority of the audience is made up of children. COMPRISE

Generally, ...................................................................................................... the audience.

13. We will, of course, take into account her comparative youth. ALLOWANCES

We will, of course, ......................................................................................................

comparative youth.

14. He shouldn’t overstate the importance of finishing on time. EMPHASIS

He shouldn’t...................................................................................................... the
importance of finishing on time.

15. I think we need time to consider the pros and cons of the arrangement. WEIGH

I think we ...................................................................................................... the pros and

cons of the arrangement.

................/ 5 pts

Total: …………./15pts
Participant’s number: ………...
Kategória 2C1 – Olympiáda v anglickom jazyku – Krajské kolo 2010/2011
For questions 1-10, decide which word (A, B, C or D) BEST completes each sentence.
Put the letter of your answers in the spaces provided.

1. The drawer is ................. . I’ll have to try and open it with a knife.
A bolted B dislocated C screwed D stuck

2. That landscape is somewhat ................ of Rembrandt’s early work.

A memorable B mindful C reminiscent D similar

3. I used an especially ................ film to take this photo.

A sensible B sensitive C sensual D sensuous

4. I’d like to................ a warm welcome to our visitors from abroad.

A extend B prolong C search out D put forward

5. In a greengrocer’s shop, there is a lot of ................ if fruit and vegetables are not sold.
A leftovers B rot C ruin D wastage

6. Priests like to remind us that life is................ .

A passing B short-term C fleeting D flying

7. The floor was so rotten that it almost …… under his weight.

A gave in B gave back C gave up D gave way

8. According to Darwin’s theory, humans are ................ from apes.

A elevated B descended C spread D originated

9. He had to ................ the mud off his shoes before coming into the house.
A clear B kick C scrape D scratch

10. Dried vegetables are easy to use if you remember to ................ them overnight.
A bathe B dampen C soak D water

Points: ............./10pts
Participant’s number: ………...
Kategória 2C1 – Olympiáda v anglickom jazyku – Krajské kolo 2010/2011

Make a list of nouns associated with the fine arts. You will score 1 point for every 3
correctly spelled answers.

Example: painting

Total Points: .............

Participant’s number: ………...
Kategória 2C1 – Olympiáda v anglickom jazyku – Krajské kolo 2010/2011
Read the article about volcanoes. There are two exercises on the next page to do after you read.

Volcanic eruptions have been a fact of life since the earth first formed as a solid planet, and
they have taken a huge toll of human life over the centuries. One of the earliest recorded
disasters was the Vesuvius eruption in AD 79 which buried the Italian city of Pompeii under
ash, killing an estimated 16,000 people. The most violent eruption of modern times was in
Krakatoa, Indonesia, in 1883 when more than 36,000 people were killed and debris was
scattered across the Indian Ocean as far away as Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa

There are about 500 active volcanoes in the world today, though 1 ……… that any volcano is
on the retired list. The types of eruption vary greatly. The simplest kind, found in Hawaii and
Iceland, is a more or less continuous fountain of fire, sometimes reaching incredible heights.
Next in order of complexity are eruptions that follow the Stromboli pattern, where the lava is
less fluid and the rate of eruption is not so high – from one every few seconds to one every
couple of hours. But even well-behaved volcanoes 2 ……… . It boils to produce steam and
this increases explosive power. When a section of rain-sodden ground fell into Mount Etna in
1979, blocking the flow of lava, pressure built up so much that when it was released the huge
explosion killed nine tourists peering inside.

Even more dangerous is the nuée ardente – a burning cloud – 3 ……… . It occurs in
volcanoes where the lava is viscous and rich in gas. Pressure builds up gradually and
imperceptibly, though towards the end a distinct swelling of the mountain may be detected, as
if getting ready to give birth. When the eruption finally happens, 4 ……… like the fizz in a
well-shaken bottle of champagne throwing out a mass of dust, ash and solid chunks of lava at
speeds up to 100 kmh. The hot gases destroy the delicate tissues of the lungs, which can no
longer absorb oxygen from the air. Death is by suffocation.

Studies by volcanologists show that there is no real evidence of an accelerating pace in the
number and frequency of eruptions, but that increasing world populations mean that when a
volcano does erupt, it may well affect more people. In fact, this is already happening. The
eruption of Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991 affected the entire world population and
disrupted the ozone layer and the planet’s climate.

Volcanologists also warn that 5 ……… of a major eruption in the modern world. If a major
eruption were to occur in Japan, New Zealand or California, as they say is possible in the
near future, we might be counting the dead in millions rather than tens of thousands.

There are 15 capital cities in the world in a position to be wiped out or seriously damaged by
volcanic eruptions. So why do people continue to live alongside them? Many are poor and
have little choice, while others disregard the risk – which is, after all, rather less than
smoking or driving a car. But it is the land around volcanoes that attracts people. The soils
from volcanic ashes are light, easily worked, drain well and are full of plant nutrients. A light
(continued on the next page)
Participant’s number: ………...
Kategória 2C1 – Olympiáda v anglickom jazyku – Krajské kolo 2010/2011
(R E A D I N G C O M P R E H E N S I O N – continued)

fall of ash, 6 ………, pays back in future years by the fertility it adds to the soil. Coffee in
Colombia, vines in Italy, and rice in Japan are just a few of the crops that flourish on volcanic
soils. People will clearly not abandon the mountains that have played so large a part in the
history of the Earth and its civilisation. Although growing scientific understanding is helping
to predict when a volcano may be about to erupt, we will never be certain.

There are 6 phrases missing from the article (1-6). Put the letter of 1 of the phrases
below (A-H) into the correct gap (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) in the article. There are 2 extra

A though it may destroy one year’s crop

B can be done to prevent it
C which would kill anyone caught in it almost instantly
D it is always unsafe to assume
E we have yet to see the full capacity for devastation
F can turn nasty if water gets into them
G which may be man-made environmental disasters
H the gas is released

For questions 7-10, choose one of the alternatives A, B, C or D which you think fits best.
Circle your answers.

7. How do Stromboli eruptions differ from Hawaiian eruptions?

A They are more spectacular. C They are more dangerous.
B They are less frequent. D They are less complex.

8. If you were caught in nuée ardente you would be killed by...

A flowing lava. C flying pieces of lava.
B poisonous gases. D hot gases.

9. Studies by volcanologists show that volcanic eruptions...

A are likely to happen more often in the future.
B can have a serious effect on the environment.
C will occur in Japan, New Zealand and California.
D will destroy or damage major cities.

10. Some people continue to live alongside volcanoes because

A they don’t realize how risky it is. C they can make their own electricity.
B they enjoy taking risks. D they can farm the land profitably.

Total Points: ............./10pts

Participant’s number: ………...
Kategória 2C1 – Olympiáda v anglickom jazyku – Krajské kolo 2010/2011


You will hear someone describing four student residences (A-D). Listen and decide
which of the residences (A, B, C or D) is described in statements 1 through 5 below.
Write the letter of your answers (A, B, C or D) in the spaces provided.

Listen carefully: You will hear the information only one time only!

A Studio Apartments

B Henry Electric Apartments

C Rincon Apartments

D Castle Apartments

Which residence...
1 ...was originally designed as a residential property? .................
2. sometimes mistaken for a shop? .................
3. ...was used in healthcare services? .................
4. ...has the most apartments to let? .................
5. unusually spacious? .................

................./ 5 pts

Autor: Macková Marta

Recenzent: Brisudová Anna
Korektor: Steyne Lyn
Vydal: IUVENTA – Slovenský inštitút mládeže, Bratislava, 2010

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