Moxa Arm Based Computer Linux User Manual For Debian 9 v4.2

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Arm-based Computer Linux

User’s Manual for Debian 9

Version 4.2, November 2019

© 2019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.

Arm-based Computer Linux
User’s Manual for Debian 9

The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance
with the terms of that agreement.

Copyright Notice

© 2019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.


The MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.

All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.


Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of

Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to
the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time.

Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility
for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may result from its use.

This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publication.

Technical Support Contact Information
Moxa Americas Moxa China (Shanghai office)
Toll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Toll-free: 800-820-5036
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1

2. Getting Started.................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Connecting to the Arm-based Computer ................................................................................................ 2-2
69BConnecting through the Serial Console ........................................................................................... 2-2
70BConnecting Through the SSH Console ............................................................................................ 2-4
User Account Management................................................................................................................... 2-6
71BSwitching to the Root Account ...................................................................................................... 2-6
Creating and Deleting User Accounts ............................................................................................. 2-6
Disabling the Default User Account ................................................................................................ 2-6
Network Settings ................................................................................................................................ 2-7
72BConfiguring Ethernet Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 2-7
System Administration ........................................................................................................................ 2-8
74BQuerying the Firmware Version ..................................................................................................... 2-8
75BAdjusting the Time ...................................................................................................................... 2-8
76BSetting the Time Zone ................................................................................................................. 2-9
Determining Available Drive Space...................................................................................................... 2-10
Shutting Down the Device.................................................................................................................. 2-10
3. Advanced Configuration of Peripherals ............................................................................................. 3-1
Serial Ports ........................................................................................................................................ 3-2
7BTChanging the Terminal Settings .................................................................................................... 3-2
USB Port............................................................................................................................................ 3-3
USB Automount .......................................................................................................................... 3-3
CAN Bus Interface .............................................................................................................................. 3-3
Configuring the Socket CAN Interface ............................................................................................ 3-4
CAN Bus Programming Guide ........................................................................................................ 3-4
Real COM Mode Configuration .............................................................................................................. 3-6
Mapping TTY Ports ....................................................................................................................... 3-7
Mapping tty Ports (automatic) ....................................................................................................... 3-7
Mapping tty Ports Manually ........................................................................................................... 3-7
Removing Mapped TTY Ports ......................................................................................................... 3-7
4. Configuring of Wireless Connectivity................................................................................................. 4-1
Configuring the Cellular Connection ...................................................................................................... 4-2
Using Cell_mgmt ......................................................................................................................... 4-2
Dial-up Process ........................................................................................................................... 4-4
Dial-up Commands ...................................................................................................................... 4-4
Cellular Module ........................................................................................................................... 4-6
Configuring a NB-IoT/Cat. M1 Connection (UC-2114 and UC-2116 only)............................................. 4-9
GPS ......................................................................................................................................... 4-10
Configuring the Wi-Fi Connection ........................................................................................................ 4-11
Configuring WPA2...................................................................................................................... 4-11
5. Security ............................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Sudo Mechanism ................................................................................................................................ 5-2
Cybersecurity—Moxa Security Utility ..................................................................................................... 5-3
Installing the Moxa Security Utility ................................................................................................ 5-3
Uninstalling the Moxa Security Utility ............................................................................................. 5-3
Utilizing the Moxa Security Utility .................................................................................................. 5-3
6. Firmware Update and System Recovery ............................................................................................ 6-1
Firmware Update and Set-to-default Functions ....................................................................................... 6-2
Set-to-default ............................................................................................................................. 6-2
Firmware Update Using a TFTP Server............................................................................................ 6-2
7. Programmer’s Guide ......................................................................................................................... 7-1
Linux Toolchain .................................................................................................................................. 7-2
Introduction................................................................................................................................ 7-2
Native Compilation ...................................................................................................................... 7-2
Cross Compilation ....................................................................................................................... 7-3
Example Program—hello............................................................................................................... 7-4
Example Makefile ........................................................................................................................ 7-5
Standard APIs .................................................................................................................................... 7-6
Cryptodev .................................................................................................................................. 7-6
WDT (Watchdog Timer) ................................................................................................................ 7-6
RTC (Real-time Clock).................................................................................................................. 7-8
Modbus ...................................................................................................................................... 7-9
Moxa Platform Libraries ..................................................................................................................... 7-10
Error Numbers .......................................................................................................................... 7-10
Platform Information ................................................................................................................. 7-11
Buzzer ..................................................................................................................................... 7-12
Digital I/O ................................................................................................................................ 7-13
UART ....................................................................................................................................... 7-15
LED ......................................................................................................................................... 7-18
Push Button .............................................................................................................................. 7-19
1. Introduction

This user manual is applicable to Moxa’s Arm-based computers listed below and covers the complete set of
instructions applicable to all the supported models. Detailed instructions on configuring advanced settings
are covered in Chapter 3 & Chapter 4 of the manual. Before referring to sections in chapters 3 & 4, make
sure that the hardware specification of your computer model supports the functions/settings covered in
these sections.

Moxa’s Arm-based Computing Platforms:

• UC-2100 Series
• UC-2100-W Series
• UC-3100 Series
• UC-5100 Series
• UC-8100 Series (firmware V3.0.0 and higher)
• UC-8100-ME-T Series (Model with Moxa Industrial Linux preinstalled)
• UC-8100A-ME-T Series
• UC-8200 Series

Moxa Industrial Linux

Moxa Industrial Linux (MIL) is the optimized Linux distribution for Industrial applications and users, which is
released and maintained by Moxa.

The MIL is based on Debian and integrated with several feature sets designed for strengthening and
accelerating user’s application development as well as ensuring the reliability of system deployment.

Furthermore, the major versions of MIL comply with Moxa’s Superior long term support (SLTS) policy. Moxa
will maintain each version of the MIL for 10 years from its launch date. The extended support (ES) may also
be purchased by request for additional maintenance. This makes MIL an optimal choice as a Linux operating
system for industrial applications.
2. Getting Started

In this chapter, we describe how to configure the basic settings Moxa’s Arm-based computers.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

 Connecting to the Arm-based Computer

 Connecting through the Serial Console

 Connecting Through the SSH Console


 User Account Management

 Switching to the Root Account

 Creating and Deleting User Accounts

 Disabling the Default User Account
 Network Settings
 Configuring Ethernet Interfaces

 System Administration
 Querying the Firmware Version

 Adjusting the Time


 Setting the Time Zone


 Determining Available Drive Space

 Shutting Down the Device
Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

Connecting to the Arm-based Computer

You will need another computer to connect to the Arm-based computer and log on to the command line
interface. There are two ways to connect: through serial console cable or through Ethernet cable. Refer to
the Hardware Manual to see how to set up the physical connections.

The default login username and password are:

Username: moxa
Password: moxa

The username and password are the same for all serial console and SSH remote log in actions. Root account
login is disabled until you manually create a password for the account. The user moxa is in the sudo group
so you can operate system level commands with this user using the sudo command. For additional details,
see the Sudo Mechanism section in chapter 5.

For security reasons, we recommend that you disable the default user account and create your own user

Connecting through the Serial Console


This method is particularly useful when using the computer for the first time. The signal is transmitted over
a direct serial connection so you do not need to know either of its two IP addresses in order to connect to
the Arm-based computer. To connect through the serial console, configure your PC’s terminal software using
the following settings.

Serial Console Port Settings

Baudrate 115200 bps
Parity None
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Flow Control None
Terminal VT100

Below we show how to use the terminal software to connect to the Arm-based computer in a Linux
environment and in a Windows environment.

Linux Users

NOTE These steps apply to the Linux PC you are using to connect to the Arm-based computer. Do NOT apply these
steps to the Arm-based computer itself.

Take the following steps to connect to the Arm-based computer from your Linux PC.

1. Install minicom from the package repository of your operating system.

For Centos and Fedora:
user@PC1:~# yum -y install minicom
For Ubuntu and Debian:
user@PC2:~# apt-get install minicom
2. Use the minicom –s command to enter the configuration menu and set up the serial port settings.
user@PC1:~# minicom –s

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

3. Select Serial port setup.

4. Select A to change the serial device. Note that you need to know which device node is connected to the
Arm-based computer.

5. Select E to configure the port settings according to the Serial Console Port Settings table provided.
6. Select Save setup as dfl (from the main configuration menu) to use default values.
7. Select Exit from minicom (from the configuration menu) to leave the configuration menu.
8. Execute minicom after completing the above configurations.
user@PC1:~# minicom

Windows Users

NOTE These steps apply to the Windows PC you are using to connect to the Arm-based computer. Do NOT apply
these steps to the Arm-based computer itself.

Take the following steps to connect to the Arm-based computer from your Windows PC.

1. Download PuTTY to set up a serial

connection with the Arm-based computer in a Windows environment. The figure below shows a simple
example of the configuration that is required.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

2. Once the connection is established, the following window will open.

3. Select the Serial connection type and choose settings that are similar to the Minicom settings.

Connecting Through the SSH Console


The Arm-based computer supports SSH connections over an Ethernet network. Use the following default IP
addresses to connect to the Arm-based computer.

Port Default IP

Linux Users

NOTE These steps apply to the Linux PC you are using to connect to the Arm-based computer. Do NOT apply these
steps to the Arm-based computer itself. Before you run the ssh command, be sure to configure the IP
address of your notebook/PC's Ethernet interface in the range of for LAN1 and for LAN2.

Use the ssh command from a Linux computer to access the computer’s LAN1 port.

user@PC1:~ ssh [email protected]

Type yes to complete the connection.

The authenticity of host ‘’ can’t be established.

RSA key fingerprint is 8b:ee:ff:84:41:25:fc:cd:2a:f2:92:8f:cb:1f:6b:2f.
Are you sure you want to continue connection (yes/no)? yes_

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

Rekey SSH regularly
In order to secure your system, we suggest doing a regular SSH-rekey, as shown in the following steps:

When prompted for a passphrase, leave the passphrase empty and press enter.

moxa@Moxa:~$ cd /etc/ssh
moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo rm –rf
ssh_host_ed25519_key2 ssh_host_ecdsa_key ssh_host_rsa_key

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo ssh-keygen -t ecdsa –f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart

For more information about SSH, refer to the following link.

Windows Users

NOTE These steps apply to the Windows PC you are using to connect to the Arm-based computer. Do NOT apply
these steps to the Arm-based computer itself.

Take the following steps from your Windows PC.

Click on the link to download PuTTY

(free software) to set up an SSH console for the Arm-based computer in a Windows environment. The
following figure shows a simple example of the configuration that is required.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

User Account Management

Switching to the Root Account


You can switch to root using sudo -i (or sudo su). For security reasons, do not operate the all
commands from the root account.

NOTE Click the following link for more information on the sudo command.

You might get the permission denied message when using pipe or redirect behavior with a non-root
You must use ‘sudo su –c’ to run the command instead of using >, <, >>, <<, etc.
Note: The single quotes around the full command are required.

Creating and Deleting User Accounts

You can use the useradd and userdel commands to create and delete user accounts. Be sure to
reference the main page of these commands to set relevant access privileges for the account. Following
example shows how to create a test1 user in the sudo group whose default login shell is bash and has
home directory at /home/test1:

moxa@Moxa:~# sudo useradd -m -G sudo -s /bin/bash test1

To change the password for test1, use the passwd option along with the new password. Retype the
password to confirm the change.

moxa@Moxa:~# sudo passwd test1

Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
To delete the user test1, use the userdel command.

moxa@Moxa:# sudo userdel test1

Disabling the Default User Account

You should first create a user account before you disable the default account.

Use the passwd command to lock the default user account so that the moxa user cannot log in.

root@Moxa:# passwd –l moxa

To unlock the user moxa:

root@Moxa:# passwd –u moxa

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

Network Settings

Configuring Ethernet Interfaces


After the first login, you can configure the Arm-based computer’s network settings to fit your application
better. Note that it is more convenient to manipulate the network interface settings from the serial console
than from an SSH login because an SSH connection can disconnect when there are network issues and the
connection must be reestablished.

Modifying Network Settings via the Serial Console


In this section, we use the serial console to configure the Arm-based computer’s network settings. Follow
the instructions in the Connecting to the Arm-based Computer section under Getting Started, to access the
Console Utility of the target computer via the serial Console port, and then type cd /etc/network to
change directories.

moxa@Moxa:~$ cd /etc/network/

Type sudo vi interfaces to edit the network configuration file in the vi editor. You can configure the
Arm-based computer’s Ethernet ports to use either static or dynamic (DHCP) IP addresses.

Setting a Static IP address


To set a static IP address for the Arm-based computer, use the iface command to modify the default
gateway, address, network, netmask, and broadcast parameters of the Ethernet interface.

# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)

auto eth0 eth1 lo
iface lo inet loopback

# embedded ethernet LAN1

#iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static

# embedded ethernet LAN2

iface eth1 inet static

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

Setting Dynamic IP Addresses:


To configure one or both LAN ports to request an IP address dynamically use the dhcp option in place of the
static in the iface command as follows:

Default Setting for LAN1 Dynamic Setting using DHCP

iface eth0 inet static iface eth0 inet dhcp

# embedded ethernet LAN1

iface eth0 inet dhcp

System Administration

Querying the Firmware Version


To check the Arm-based computer’s firmware version, type:

moxa@Moxa:~$ kversion
UC-2112-LX version 1.1

Add the –a option to create a full build version:

moxa@Moxa:~$ kversion -a
UC-2112-LX version 1.1 Build 18031118

Adjusting the Time


The Arm-based computer has two time settings. One is the system time, and the other is the RTC (Real
Time Clock) time kept by the Arm-based computer’s hardware. Use the date command to query the
current system time or set a new system time. Use the hwclock command to query the current RTC time
or set a new RTC time.

Use the date MMDDhhmmYYYY command to set the system time:

MM = Month
DD = Date
hhmm = hour and minute

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo date 071123192014

Mon Jul 11 23:19:00 UTC 2014

Use the following command to set the RTC time to system time:
moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo hwclock –w
moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo hwclock
2018-07-31 02:09:00.628145+0000

NOTE Click the following links for more information on date and time:

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

Setting the Time Zone


There are two ways to configure the Moxa embedded computer’s time zone. One is using the TZ variable.
The other is using the /etc/localtime file.

Using the TZ Variable


The format of the TZ environment variable looks like this:

TZ=<Value>HH[:MM[:SS]][daylight[HH[:MM[:SS]]][,start date[/starttime], enddate[/endtime]]]

Here are some possible settings for the North American Eastern time zone:

3. TZ=EST0
In the first case, the reference time is GMT and the stored time values are correct worldwide. A simple
change of the TZ variable can print the local time correctly in any time zone.
In the second case, the reference time is Eastern Standard Time and the only conversion performed is for
Daylight Saving Time. Therefore, there is no need to adjust the hardware clock for Daylight Saving Time
twice per year.
In the third case, the reference time is always the time reported. You can use this option if the hardware
clock on your machine automatically adjusts for Daylight Saving Time or you would like to manually adjust
the hardware time twice a year.

moxa@Moxa:~$ TZ=EST5EDT
moxa@Moxa:~$ export TZ

You must include the TZ setting in the /etc/rc.local file. The time zone setting will be activated when
you restart the computer.

The following table lists other possible values for the TZ environment variable:

Hours From Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Value Description

0 GMT Greenwich Mean Time
+1 ECT European Central Time
+2 EET European Eastern Time
+2 ART
+3 EAT Saudi Arabia
+3.5 MET Iran
+4 NET
+5 PLT West Asia
+5.5 IST India
+6 BST Central Asia
+7 VST Bangkok
+8 CTT China
+9 JST Japan
+9.5 ACT Central Australia
+10 AET Eastern Australia
+11 SST Central Pacific
+12 NST New Zealand
-11 MIT Samoa
-10 HST Hawaii
-9 AST Alaska
-8 PST Pacific Standard Time
-7 PNT Arizona

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Getting Started

Hours From Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Value Description

-7 MST Mountain Standard Time
-6 CST Central Standard Time
-5 EST Eastern Standard Time
-5 IET Indiana East
-4 PRT Atlantic Standard Time
-3.5 CNT Newfoundland
-3 AGT Eastern South America
-3 BET Eastern South America
-1 CAT Azores

Using the localtime File


The local time zone is stored in the /etc/localtime and is used by GNU Library for C (glibc) if no value
has been set for the TZ environment variable. This file is either a copy of the /usr/share/zoneinfo/ file
or a symbolic link to it. The Arm-based computer does not provide /usr/share/zoneinfo/ files. You
should find a suitable time zone information file and write over the original local time file in the Arm-based

Determining Available Drive Space

To determine the amount of available drive space, use the df command with the –h option. The system will
return the amount of drive space broken down by file system. Here is an example:

moxa@Moxa:~$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs 803M 238M 524M 32% /
/dev/root 803M 238M 524M 32% /
tmpfs 25M 188K 25M 1% /run
tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
tmpfs 10M 0 10M 0% /dev
tmpfs 50M 0 50M 0% /run/shm

Shutting Down the Device

To shut down the device, disconnect the power source to the computer. When the computer is powered off,
main components such as the CPU, RAM, and storage devices are powered off, although an internal clock
may retain battery power.

You can use the Linux command shutdown to close all software running on the device and halt the system.
However, main components such as the CPU, RAM, and storage devices will continue to be powered after
you run this command.

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo shutdown -h now

3. Advanced Configuration of Peripherals

In this chapter, we include more information on the Arm-based computer’s peripherals, such as the serial
interface, storage, diagnostic LEDs, and the cellular module. The instructions in this chapter cover all
functions supported in Moxa’s Arm-based computers. Before referring to the sections in this chapter, make
sure that they are applicable to and are supported by the hardware specification of your Arm-based

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

 Serial Ports
 Changing the Terminal Settings

 USB Port
 USB Automount
 CAN Bus Interface
 Configuring the Socket CAN Interface
 CAN Bus Programming Guide
 Real COM Mode Configuration
 Mapping TTY Ports
 Mapping tty Ports (automatic)
 Mapping tty Ports Manually
 Removing Mapped TTY Ports
Arm-based Computer Linux UM Advanced Configuration of Peripherals

Serial Ports
The serial ports support RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 2-wire operation modes with flexible baudrate
settings. The default operation mode is RS-232; use the mx-uart-ctl command to change the operation

Usage: mx-uart-ctl -p <#port_number> -m <#uart_mode>

Port number: n = 0,1,2,...
uart mode: As in the following table

Interface-no Operation Mode

None Display current setting
0 RS-232
1 RS-485 2-wire
2 RS-422 / RS-485 4-wire

For example, to set Port 0 to the RS-485 4-wire mode, use the following command:

root@Moxa:/home/moxa# mx-uart-ctl -p 0
Current uart mode is RS232 interface.
root@Moxa:/home/moxa# mx-uart-ctl -p 0 -m 2
Set OK.
Current uart mode is RS422/RS485-4W interface.

Changing the Terminal Settings


The stty command is used to manipulate the terminal settings. You can view and modify the serial
terminal settings with this command. Details are given below.

Displaying All Settings


The following text shows how to display all settings.

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo stty -a -F /dev/ttyM0

speed 9600 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>;
eol2 = <undef>; swtch = <undef>; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R;
werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
-parenb -parodd cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread clocal -crtscts
-ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff
-iuclc -ixany -imaxbel -iutf8
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop -echoprt
echoctl echoke

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Advanced Configuration of Peripherals

Configuring Serial Settings


The following example changes the baudrate to 115200.

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo stty 115200 -F /dev/ttyM0

After running this command, the baudrate will be changed to 115200.

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo stty -a -F /dev/ttyM0
speed 115200 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>;
eol2 = <undef>; swtch = <undef>; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R;
werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
-parenb -parodd cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread clocal -crtscts
-ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl ixon -ixoff
-iuclc -ixany -imaxbel -iutf8
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop -echoprt
echoctl echoke

NOTE Detailed information on the stty utility is available at the following link:

USB Port
The Arm-based computers are provided with a USB port for storage expansion.

USB Automount
The Arm-based computers support hot plug function for connecting USB mass storage devices. However, by
default, the automount utility (udev) only supports auto-mounting of one partition. Use the mount
command to view details about all partitions.

moxa@Moxa:~$ mount | grep media

Remember to type the sync command before you disconnect the USB mass storage device to prevent loss
of data.

Exit from the /media/* directory when you disconnect the storage device. If you stay in /media/usb*, the
auto unmount process will fail. If that happens, type #umount /media/usb* to unmount the device

CAN Bus Interface

The CAN ports on Moxa’s Arm-based computers support CAN 2.0A/B standard.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Advanced Configuration of Peripherals

Configuring the Socket CAN Interface

The CAN ports are initialized by default. If any additional configuration is needed, use the ip link command
to check the CAN device.

To check the CAN device status, use the ip link command.

# ip link
can0: <NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP,ECHO> mtu 16 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT
group default qlen 10 link/can

To configure the CAN device, use # ip link set can0 down to turn off the device first

# ip link set can0 down

# ip link
can0: <NOARP,ECHO> mtu 16 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default
qlen 10 link/can
Here’s an example with bitrate 12500:

# ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 12500

CAN Bus Programming Guide

The following code is an example of the SocketCAN API, which sends packets using the raw interface.

CAN Write

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/can.h>
#include <linux/can/raw.h>
int main(void)
int s;
int nbytes;
struct sockaddr_can addr;
struct can_frame frame;
struct ifreq ifr;
char *ifname = "can1";
if((s = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW)) < 0) {
perror("Error while opening socket");
return -1;
strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
ioctl(s, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr);
addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
printf("%s at index %d\n", ifname, ifr.ifr_ifindex);
if(bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Advanced Configuration of Peripherals

perror("Error in socket bind");

return -2;
frame.can_id = 0x123;
frame.can_dlc = 2;[0] = 0x11;[1] = 0x22;
nbytes = write(s, &frame, sizeof(struct can_frame));
printf("Wrote %d bytes\n", nbytes);
return 0;

CAN Read

The following sample code illustrates how to read the data.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/can.h>
#include <linux/can/raw.h>
Int main(void)
int i;
int s;
int nbytes;
struct sockaddr_can addr;
struct can_frame frame;
struct ifreq ifr;
char *ifname = "can0";
if((s = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW)) < 0) {
perror("Error while opening socket");
return -1;
strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
ioctl(s, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr);
addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
printf("%s at index %d\n", ifname, ifr.ifr_ifindex);
if(bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
perror("Error in socket bind");
return -2;
nbytes = read(s, &frame, sizeof(struct can_frame));
if (nbytes < 0) {
perror("Error in can raw socket read");
return 1;
if (nbytes < sizeof(struct can_frame)) {
fprintf(stderr, "read: incomplete CAN frame\n");

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Advanced Configuration of Peripherals

return 1;
printf(" %5s %03x [%d] ", ifname, frame.can_id, frame.can_dlc);
for (i = 0; i < frame.can_dlc; i++)
printf(" %02x",[i]);
return 0;

After you use the SocketCAN API, the SocketCAN information is written to the paths:
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/can* and /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/can*

Real COM Mode Configuration

The UC-8100, UC-8100-ME-T, and UC-8100A-ME-T Series do not support Real COM mode.

You can use Moxa’s NPort series serial device drivers to extend the number of serial interfaces (ports) on
your Arm-based Moxa computer. The NPort comes equipped with COM drivers that work with Windows
systems and TTY drivers for Linux systems. The driver establishes a transparent connection between the
host and serial device by mapping the IP Port of the NPort’s serial port to a local COM/TTY port on the host

Real COM Mode also supports up to 4 simultaneous connections, so that multiple hosts can collect data from
the same serial device at the same time.

One of the major conveniences of using Real COM Mode is that Real COM Mode allows users to continue
using RS-232/422/485 serial communications software that was written for pure serial communications
applications. The driver intercepts data sent to the host’s COM port, packs it into a TCP/IP packet, and then
redirects it through the host’s Ethernet card. At the other end of the connection, the NPort accepts the
Ethernet frame, unpacks the TCP/IP packet, and then sends it transparently to the appropriate serial device
attached to one of the NPort’s serial ports.

The Real COM driver is installed on the Arm-based computer by default. You will be able to view the driver
related files in the /usr/lib/npreal2/driver folder.

> mxaddsvr (Add Server, mapping tty port) > mxdelsvr (Delete Server,
unmapping tty port)
> mxloadsvr (Reload Server) > mxmknod (Create device node/tty port)
> mxrmnod (Remove device node/tty port)
> mxuninst (Remove tty port and driver files)

At this point, you will be ready to map the NPort serial port to the system tty port. For a list of supported
NPort devices and their revision history, click

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Advanced Configuration of Peripherals

Mapping TTY Ports

Make sure that you set the operation mode of the desired NPort serial port to Real COM mode. After logging
in as a super user, enter the directory /usr/lib/npreal2/driver and then execute mxaddsvr to map the target
NPort serial port to the host tty ports. The syntax of mxaddsvr command is as follows:

mxaddsvr [NPort IP Address] [Total Ports] ([Data port] [Cmd port])

The mxaddsvr command performs the following actions:

1. Modifies the

2. Creates tty ports in the /dev directory with major & minor number configured in
3. Restarts the driver.

Mapping tty Ports (automatic)

To map tty ports automatically, execute the mxaddsvr command with just the IP address and the number of
ports, as shown in the following example:

# cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver
# ./mxaddsvr 16

In this example, 16 tty ports will be added, all with IP consisting of data ports from 950 to 965
and command ports from 966 to 981.

Mapping tty Ports Manually

To map tty ports manually, execute the mxaddsvr command and specify the data and command ports as
shown in the following example:

# cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver
# ./mxaddsvr 16 4001 966

In this example, 16 tty ports will be added, all with IP, with data ports from 4001 to 4016 and
command ports from 966 to 981.

Removing Mapped TTY Ports

After logging in as root, enter the directory /usr/lib/npreal2/driver and then execute the mxdelsvr command
to delete a server. The syntax of mxdelsvr is:

mxdelsvr [IP Address]


# cd /usr/lib/npreal2/driver
# ./mxdelsvr

The following actions are performed when the mxdelsvr command is executed:

1. Modify
2. Remove the relevant tty ports from the /dev directory.
3. Restart the driver.
If the IP address is not provided in the command line, the program will list the installed servers and total
ports on the screen. You will need to choose a server from the list for deletion.

4. Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

The instructions in this chapter cover all wireless functions supported in Moxa’s Arm-based computers.
Before referring to the sections in this chapter, make sure that they are applicable to and are supported by
the hardware specification of your Arm-based computer platform.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

 Configuring the Cellular Connection

 Using Cell_mgmt
 Dial-up Process
 Dial-up Commands
 Cellular Module
 Configuring a NB-IoT/Cat. M1 Connection (UC-2114 and UC-2116 only)
 Configuring the Wi-Fi Connection
 Configuring WPA2
Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

Configuring the Cellular Connection

Using Cell_mgmt
The cell_mgmt utility is used to manage the cellular module in the computer. To run the cell_mgmt
command, you must use sudo or run the command with root permission. The utility does not support SMS
and MMS communication.

Manual Page


cell_mgmt [-i <module id>] [options]

-i <module id>
Module identifier, start from 0 and default to 0.
-s <slot id>
Slot identifier, start from 1 and default value depends
on module interface.
example: module 0 may in slot 2
Shows module numbers supported.
Shows module slot id
interface [interface id]
Switching and checking module interface(s)
start [OPTIONS]
Start network.

PIN - PIN code
Phone - Phone number (especially for AT based modules)
Auth - Authentication type(CHAP|PAP|BOTH), default=NONE.

cell_mgmt start
cell_mgmt start PIN=0000
cell_mgmt start PIN=0000 Phone=*99#
cell_mgmt start PIN=0000 Phone=*99# \
Auth=BOTH Username=moxa Password=moxamoxa
Power ON.
Power OFF.
Power cycle the module slot.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

switch_sim <1|2>
Switch SIM slot.
Query network registration status.
Query network connection status.
Get signal strength.
Input AT Command.
Must use SINGLE QUOTATION to enclose AT Command.
Query sim card status.
unlock_pin <PIN>
Unlock PIN code and save to configuration file.
Get PIN code retry remain times.
pin_protection <enable|disable> <current PIN>
Set PIN protection in the UIM.
set_flight_mode <0|1>
Set module into flight mode (1) or online mode (0).
set_apn <APN>
Set APN to configuration file.
Check current carrier.
switch_carrier <Verizon|ATT|Sprint|Generic>
Switching between US carrier frequency bands.
Module/SIM information.
Module information.
Get device IDs (ex: IMEI and/or ESN).
Get SIM card ID
Get IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity).
Get cell location information.
Telecommunication operator.
Verizon Private Network auto dialup.
Cellular management version.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

Dial-up Process
Before dialing, ensure that the APN (Access Point Name) is set correctly and the cellular module has attach
with the base station.

1. Unlock the PIN code if the SIM is locked using a PIN code.
Use the cell_mgmt sim_status command to check the SIM card status and the cell_mgmt
unlock_pin <PIN> command to unlock the SIM card if a SIM PIN is set.
moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt sim_status
2. Use the cell_mgmt set_apn <APN> command to set the name of the access point that will be used
to connect to the carrier.
moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt set_apn internet
old APN=test, new APN=internet
3. Check if the service attaches with the correct APN.
moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt attach_status
CS: attached
PS: attached
PS (packet-switched) should be attached for network connection

4. Dial up using the cell_mgmt start command.

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt start
PIN code: Disabled or verified
Starting network with '_qmicli --wds-start-network=apn=internet,ip-type=4 --
client-no-release-cid --device-open-net=net-802-3|net-no-qos-header'...
Saving state... (CID: 8)
Saving state... (PDH: 1205935456)
Network started successfully
The dial-up function in the cell_mgmt utility will automatically set the DNS and default gateway of the
computer, if they have not been set.

Dial-up Commands

cell_mgmt start

To start a network connection, use the default cellular module of the computer (If the computer supports
multiple modules, use the cell_mgmt interface command to verify the default module that is selected).

If you run the cell_mgmt start command with the Username, Password, and PIN, all the configurations will
be written into the configuration file /etc/moxa-cellular-utils/moxa-cellular-utils.conf.

This information is then used when you run the command without specifying the options.

Usage: cell_mgmt start Username=[user] Password=[pass] PIN=[pin_code]

cell_mgmt stop

Stops/disables the network connection on the cellular module of the computer

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt stop

Killed old client process
Stopping network with '_qmicli --wds-stop-network=1205933264 --client-cid=8'...
Network stopped successfully
Clearing state...

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

cell_mgmt status

Provides information on the status of the network connection.

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt status

Status: connected

cell_mgmt signal

Provides the cellular signal strength.

For moxa-cellular-utils version 2.0.0 and later, cellular signal strength is indicated using levels.

root@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt signal

4G Level 4 (Good)

Level Description
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Fair
2 Poor
1 Very Poor
0 No Signal

For moxa-cellular-utils versions prior to version 2.0.0, the cellular signal strength is measured using
Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP). The following table lists the signal strength for RSRP ranges.

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt signal

umts -77 dbm

RSRP Signal Strength

<-115 dBm No signal
-105 to -115 dBm Poor
-95 to -105 dBm Fair
-85 to -95 dBm Good
>-85 dBm Excellent

cell_mgmt operator

Provides information on the cellular service provider.

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt operator


Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

Cellular Module

cell_mgmt module_info

Provides information of the cellular module (AT port, GPS port, QMI port, and module name, etc.).

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt module_info

Module: MC7354
WWAN_node: wwan0
AT_port: /dev/ttyUSB2
GPS_port: /dev/ttyUSB1
QMI_port: /dev/cdc-wdm0
Modem_port: NotSupport

cell_mgmt interface [id]

Used to view the supported modules and default module on the computer with their IDs. Change the default
module by specifying the ID.

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt interface

[0] wwan0 <Current>

cell_mgmt power_cycle
Use the cell_mgmt power_cycle command to power cycle the cellular module in the computer. You may
see a kernel message that the module has been reloaded.

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt power_cycle

Network already stopped
Clearing state...
[232733.202208] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 2
[232733.217132] qcserial ttyUSB0: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
from ttyUSB0
[232733.225616] qcserial 1-1:1.0: device disconnected
[232733.256738] qcserial ttyUSB1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
from ttyUSB1
[232733.265214] qcserial 1-1:1.2: device disconnected
[232733.281566] qcserial ttyUSB2: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
from ttyUSB2
[232733.290006] qcserial 1-1:1.3: device disconnected
[232733.313572] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8 wwan0: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-musb-, WWAN/QMI device
[232746.879873] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 3 using musb-hdrc
[232747.020358] usb 1-1: config 1 has an invalid interface number: 8 but max is 3
[232747.027639] usb 1-1: config 1 has no interface number 1
[232747.036212] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1199, idProduct=68c0
[232747.043185] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[232747.050473] usb 1-1: Product: MC7354
[232747.054151] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
[232747.068022] qcserial 1-1:1.0: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected
[232747.079525] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[232747.089754] qcserial 1-1:1.2: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected
[232747.099156] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB1

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

[232747.109317] qcserial 1-1:1.3: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected

[232747.118581] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB2
[232747.130890] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
[232747.137174] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8 wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-musb-, WWAN/QMI device, 0a:ba:e1:d6:ed:4a

cell_mgmt check_carrier

The cell_mgmt check_carrier command helps to check if the current carrier matches with the service
(SIM card) provider.

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt check_carrier

----------Carrier Info----------
preferred firmware=
preferred carrier name=ATT
preferred carrier config=ATT_005.026_000
carrier name=ATT
carrier config=ATT_005.026_000

cell_mgmt switch_carrier

Some modules provide multiple carrier support. Use the cell_mgmt switch_carrier command to
switch between carriers. It may take some time (depending on the module's mechanism) to switch between

For the UC-2114 and UC-2116 computers, refer to the following table for a list of the cellular carriers

MNO Profile System Selection LTE Bands Supported UBANDMASK Support

(UC-2114 & UC-2116) (Primary/Secondary)
Default M1/NB1 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 18, No
19, 20, and 25 (M1 only)
AT&T M1 only 2, 4, 5, and 12 No
China Telecom M1/NB1 3, 5, and 8 Yes
Deutsche Telekom M1/NB1 3, 8, and 20 Yes
Sprint M1 only 2, 4, 12, and 25 Yes
Standard Europe M1/NB1 3, 8, and 20 Yes
Telstra M1 only 3, 5, 8, and 28 No
T-Mobile USA NB1 only 2, 4, 5, and 12 Yes
TELUS M1 only 2, 4, 5, and 12 No
Verizon M1 only 13 No
Vodafone NB1/M1 3, 8, and 20 Yes

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt switch_carrier

switch_carrier <Verizon|ATT|Sprint|Generic>
moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt switch_carrier Verizon



wait for power cycle...

Network already stopped
Clearing state...
[236362.468977] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 3
[236362.482562] qcserial ttyUSB0: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
from ttyUSB0
[236362.491019] qcserial 1-1:1.0: device disconnected
[236362.521065] qcserial ttyUSB1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
from ttyUSB1
[236362.529430] qcserial 1-1:1.2: device disconnected
[236362.544653] qcserial ttyUSB2: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
from ttyUSB2
[236362.553133] qcserial 1-1:1.3: device disconnected
[236362.558283] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8 wwan0: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-musb-, WWAN/QMI device
[236376.209868] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 4 using musb-hdrc
[236376.350358] usb 1-1: config 1 has an invalid interface number: 8 but max is 3
[236376.357639] usb 1-1: config 1 has no interface number 1
[236376.364991] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1199, idProduct=68c0
[236376.371925] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[236376.379217] usb 1-1: Product: MC7354
[236376.382924] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
[236376.400588] qcserial 1-1:1.0: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected
[236376.412010] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[236376.422273] qcserial 1-1:1.2: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected
[236376.429958] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB1
[236376.441031] qcserial 1-1:1.3: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected
[236376.448337] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB2
[236376.461514] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
[236376.467762] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8 wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-musb-, WWAN/QMI device, 0a:ba:e1:d6:ed:4a
[236411.387228] usb 1-1: USB disconnect, device number 4
[236411.393963] qcserial ttyUSB0: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
from ttyUSB0
[236411.402361] qcserial 1-1:1.0: device disconnected
[236411.422719] qcserial ttyUSB1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
[236411.431186] qcserial 1-1:1.2: device disconnected
[236411.446102] qcserial ttyUSB2: Qualcomm USB modem converter now disconnected
from ttyUSB2
[236411.454583] qcserial 1-1:1.3: device disconnected
[236411.459687] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8 wwan0: unregister 'qmi_wwan' usb-musb-

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity, WWAN/QMI device

[236423.109879] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 5 using musb-hdrc
[236423.250364] usb 1-1: config 1 has an invalid interface number: 8 but max is 3
[236423.257649] usb 1-1: config 1 has no interface number 1
[236423.266064] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=1199, idProduct=68c0
[236423.273024] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[236423.280331] usb 1-1: Product: MC7354
[236423.284011] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
[236423.298320] qcserial 1-1:1.0: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected
[236423.310356] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[236423.318614] qcserial 1-1:1.2: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected
[236423.328841] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB1
[236423.338942] qcserial 1-1:1.3: Qualcomm USB modem converter detected
[236423.348418] usb 1-1: Qualcomm USB modem converter now attached to ttyUSB2
[236423.360733] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
[236423.366960] qmi_wwan 1-1:1.8 wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-musb-, WWAN/QMI device, 0a:ba:e1:d6:ed:4a
moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt check_carrier
----------Carrier Info----------
preferred firmware=
preferred carrier name=VZW
preferred carrier config=VZW_005.029_001
carrier name=VZW
carrier config=VZW_005.029_001

cell_mgmt at AT_COMMAND

Used to input an AT command. For example, use the AT command, AT+CSQ as follows:

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt at 'AT+CSQ'

+CSQ: 18,99


Configuring a NB-IoT/Cat. M1 Connection (UC-2114 and UC-

2116 only)
You can change the RAT (radio access technology) type of the NB-IoT module in UC-2114 and UC-2116
using the following AT commands:

Switching to the Cat. M1 Mode

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ cell_mgmt at 'AT+COPS=2'

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ cell_mgmt at 'AT+URAT=7'
moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ cell_mgmt at 'AT+COPS=0'

Switching to the NB-IoT Mode

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ cell_mgmt at 'AT+COPS=2'

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ cell_mgmt at 'AT+URAT=8'

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ cell_mgmt at 'AT+COPS=0'

NOTE • The APN name 'internet.iot' is set by the user. For information on the APN settings, contact your mobile
network operator.
• A PPP dial-up connection that uses Cat. M1 and CAT. NB1 may sometimes take a couple of minutes to
establish a connection if the signal is weak.
• Power saving mode (PSM) is not supported in the UC-2114 and UC-2116 computers.

You can also use an AT command to read the mode:

cell_mgmt at AT+URAT?

root@Moxa:/home/moxa# cell_mgmt at AT+URAT?

+URAT: 7,8


7: CAT-M1

UC-8112-ME-T-US-LTE Model
To view the GPS information for the UC-8112-ME-T-US-LTE model, do the following:

1. Power on the GPS module using the command:

root@Moxa:/home/moxa# cell_mgmt gps_on
2. Check the GPS port using the cell_mgmt command.
In the following example, the GPS port is at /dev/ttyUSB1.
root@Moxa:/home/moxa# cell_mgmt module_info
Module: MC7354
WWAN_node: wwan1
AT_port: /dev/ttyUSB2
GPS_port: /dev/ttyUSB1
QMI_port: /dev/cdc-wdm1
Modem_port: NotSupport
AT_port (reserved): NotSupport
3. Type the following command to get the GPS location information from the GPS port.
root@Moxa:/home/moxa# cat /dev/ttyUSB1

For Other Models

Use cell_mgmt module_info to get information of the cellular module including the GPS port information.

moxa@Moxa:/home/moxa$ sudo cell_mgmt module_info

Module: MC7354
WWAN_node: wwan0
AT_port: /dev/ttyUSB2
GPS_port: /dev/ttyUSB1
QMI_port: /dev/cdc-wdm0
Modem_port: NotSupport

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

Type the following command to get the GPS location information from the GPS port.

root@Moxa:/home/moxa# cat /dev/ttyUSB1

Configuring the Wi-Fi Connection

You can configure the Wi-Fi connection for your Arm-based computer using a configuration file or the
wifi_mgmt utility provided by Moxa. For advanced settings, you can use the wpa_supplicant command.

Configuring WPA2
Moxa’s Arm-based computers support WPA2 security using the /sbin/wpa_supplicant program. Refer to
the following table for the configuration options. The Key required before joining network? column
specifies whether an encryption and/or authentication key must be configured before associating with a

Infrastructure Authentication Encryption Manual Key IEEE 802.1X Key required

mode mode status required? enabled? before joining
ESS Open None No No No
ESS Open WEP Optional Optional Yes
ESS Shared None Yes No Yes
ESS Shared WEP Optional Optional Yes

Using wifi_mgmt

Manual Page

The wifi_mgmt utility manages the behavior of the Wi-Fi module.

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo wifi_mgmt help

[sudo] password for moxa:
/usr/sbin/wifi_mgmt [-i <interface id>] [-s <slot id>] [OPTIONS]
start Type=[type] SSID=[ssid] Password=[password]
Insert an AP information to the managed AP list and then connect to the AP.
[type] open/wep/wpa/wpa2
[ssid] access point's SSID
[password] access point's password
wifi_mgmt start Type=wpa SSID=moxa_ap Password=moxa
wifi_mgmt start Type=open SSID=moxa_ap
start [num]
Connect to AP by the managed AP list number.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

Connect to the last time AP that was used.
scan -d
Scan all the access points information and show the detail message.
Scan all the access points information.
Show the AP's signal.
Show the managed AP list.
insert Type=[type] SSID=[ssid] Password=[password]
Insert a new AP information to the managed AP list.
[type] open/wep/wpa/wpa2
[ssid] access point's SSID
[password] access point's password
wifi_mgmt insert Type=wpa SSID=moxa_ap Password=moxa
select [num]
Select an AP num to connect which is in the managed AP list.
Stop network.
Query network connection status.
interface [num]
Switch to another wlan[num] interface.
[num] interface number
wifi_mgmt interface 0
Get the current setting interface.
Reconnect to the access point.
Stop wpa_supplicant then start it again.
Wifi management version.

Connecting to an AP

You can connect your computer to an AP using the following three commands. The DNS and default gateway
will be configured automatically. If you want to use the wireless interface’s gateway, you must clean up
your computer’s default gateway configuration.

wifi_mgmt start Type=[type] SSID=[ssid] Password=[password]

Insert the AP information in the managed AP list and then connect to the AP.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt start Type=wpa SSID=moxa_ap Password=moxa

*** Get DHCP IP address from AP ***
*** Get DHCP IP from AP! ***

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

wifi_mgmt start [num]

Connect to the AP using the managed AP list number. If you have inserted the AP information before, the
information may still be in the managed AP list. Check the managed AP list using the wifi_mgmt list

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt list

network id / ssid / bssid / flags

Choose an AP number to start.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt start 1

*** Get DHCP IP address from AP ***
*** Get DHCP IP from AP! ***

wifi_mgmt start
Connect to the previous AP that was used.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt list

network id / ssid / bssid / flags

Use the wifi_mgmt command to connect to the AP “MOXA_AP1” that was used the previous time as

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt start

*** Get DHCP IP address from AP ***
*** Get DHCP IP from AP! ***

Stop or Restart a Network Connection

wifi_mgmt stop
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt stop

wifi_mgmt restart
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt restart
wpa_supplicant is closed!!
*** Get DHCP IP address from AP ***
*** Get DHCP IP from AP! ***

Inserting an AP or Choosing Another AP to Connect To

If you want to insert and AP use the wifi_mgmt insert command.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt insert Type=wpa2 SSID=MOXA_AP3 Password=moxa

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt list
network id / ssid / bssid / flags

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

If you want to use another AP to connect, use the wifi_mgmt select command to switch to the AP.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt list

network id / ssid / bssid / flags
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt select 2
*** Get DHCP IP address from AP ***
*** Get DHCP IP from AP! ***

Other Functions

wifi_mgmt scan
Scan all of the access point information.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt scan

bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid
b0:b2:dc:dd:c9:e4 2462 -57 [WPA-PSK-TKIP][ESS] WES_AP
fc:f5:28:cb:8c:23 2412 -57 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-NB
fe:f0:28:cb:8c:23 2412 -59 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-Mobile
fc:f5:28:cb:39:08 2437 -79 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-NB
fe:f0:28:cb:39:08 2437 -81 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-Mobile
fc:f5:28:cb:5d:a8 2462 -83 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-NB
2c:54:cf:fd:5a:cf 2437 -83 [WPA-PSK-TKIP][ESS] 5566fans
fe:f0:28:cb:5d:a8 2462 -87 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-Mobile
fe:f0:28:cb:5d:78 2462 -89 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-Mobile
fe:f0:28:cb:39:11 2437 -89 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-Mobile
fc:f5:28:cb:39:11 2437 -91 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-NB
fe:f0:28:cb:39:0b 2412 -91 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-Mobile
02:1a:11:f1:dc:a1 2462 -91 [WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS] M9 Davidoff
fc:f5:28:cb:5d:78 2462 -93 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-NB
fe:f0:28:cb:5d:b7 2462 -93 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-Mobile
fc:f5:28:cb:39:0b 2412 -93 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-NB
fc:f5:28:cb:5d:b7 2462 -95 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-NB
fc:f5:28:cb:5d:93 2462 -97 [WPA2-EAP-CCMP-preauth][ESS] MHQ-NB

wifi_mgmt scan -d
Scan all of the access point information and show a detailed message.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt scan -d

wlan0 Scan completed :
Cell 01 - Address: FC:F5:28:CB:8C:23
Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)
Quality=51/70 Signal level=-59 dBm
Encryption key:on
9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s
Group Cipher : CCMP
Pairwise Ciphers (1) : CCMP
Authentication Suites (1) : 802.1x
Preauthentication Supported
Cell 02 - Address: FE:F0:28:CB:5D:A8

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
Quality=25/70 Signal level=-85 dBm
Encryption key:on
9 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s
Group Cipher : CCMP
Pairwise Ciphers (1) : CCMP
Authentication Suites (1) : 802.1x
Preauthentication Supported
More.. .. ..

wifi_mgmt signal
Show the AP’s signal.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt signal

level=-59 dBm

wifi_mgmt delete
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt list
network id / ssid / bssid / flags
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt delete 2
***** WARNING *****
Are you sure that you want to delete network id 2 (y/n)y
network id / ssid / bssid / flags
0 MOXA_AP1 any

wifi_mgmt status
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt status

wifi_mgmt interface [num]

If there is more than one Wi-Fi interface, you can change the interface.

root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt interface

There is(are) 2 interface(s):
wlan0 [Current]
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt interface 1
Now is setting the interface as wlan1.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

wifi_mgmt reconnect
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt reconnect
*** Get DHCP IP address from AP ***
*** Get DHCP IP from AP! ***

wifi_mgmt version
root@Moxa:~# wifi_mgmt version
wifi_mgmt version 1.0 Build 15050223

Configuring the Wireless LAN Using the Configuration File

You can edit the /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file to configure a Wi-Fi connection. The
following is an example of the configuration file for an OPEN/WEP/WPA/WPA2 access point.

### Open system ###
# ssid="Open"
# key_mgmt=NONE
##### WEP #####
# ssid="WEP-ssid"
# bssid=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
# key_mgmt=NONE
# wep_key0=KEY
##### WPA/WPA2 PSK #####
# ssid="WPA-ssid"
# proto=WPA WPA2 RSN
# key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
# pairwise=TKIP CCMP
# group=TKIP CCMP
# psk="KEY"

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Configuring of Wireless Connectivity

The basic command to connect to a WPA-supplicant is:

root@Moxa:~# wpa_supplicant -i <interface> -c <configuration file> -B

The -B option should be included because it forces the supplicant to run in the background.

1. Connect with the following command after editing the wpa_supplicant.conf file:
root@Moxa:~# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c
/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf –B
2. Use the #sudo apt-get install wireless-tools command to install the Wi-Fi utility.
You can use the iwconfig command to check the connection status. The response you receive should
be similar to the following:
wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:"MOXA_AP"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.462 GHz Access Point: 00:1F:1F:8C:0F:64
Bit Rate=36 Mb/s Tx-Power=27 dBm
Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:1234-5678-90 Security mode:open
Power Management:off
Link Quality=37/70 Signal level=-73 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

Moxa strongly advises against using the WEP and WPA encryption standards. Both are now
officially deprecated by the Wi-Fi Alliance, and are considered insecure. To guarantee good Wi-Fi encryption
and security, use WPA2 with the AES encryption algorithm.

5. Security

Moxa’s Arm-based computers offer better security by introducing Moxa’s innovative secure boot feature,
and the integration of a Trusted Platform Module gives the user more solid protection for the platform.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

 Sudo Mechanism
 Cybersecurity—Moxa Security Utility
 Installing the Moxa Security Utility
 Uninstalling the Moxa Security Utility
 Utilizing the Moxa Security Utility
Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

Sudo Mechanism
In an Arm-based computer, the root account is disabled in favor of better security. Sudo is a program
designed to let system administrators allow permitted users to execute some commands as the root user or
another user. The basic philosophy is to give as few privileges as possible but still allow people to get their
work done. Using sudo is better (safer) than opening a session as root for a number of reasons, including:

• Nobody needs to know the root password (sudo prompts for the current user's password). Extra
privileges can be granted to individual users temporarily, and then taken away without the need for a
password change.
• It is easy to run only the commands that require special privileges via sudo; the rest of the time, you
work as an unprivileged user, which reduces the damage caused by mistakes.
• Some system-level commands are not available to the user moxa directly, as shown in the sample
output below:

moxa@Moxa:~$ ifconfig
-bash: ifconfig: command not found

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo ifconfig

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:e8:00:00:07
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:e8:00:00:08

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback

inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:32 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:32 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:2592 (2.5 KiB) TX bytes:2592 (2.5 KiB)

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

Cybersecurity—Moxa Security Utility

Moxa Security Utility enhances the cybersecurity protection on Moxa’s software platforms. You can use the
Moxa Security Utility to conveniently build up the protection mechanism on our Linux platform to meet your
cybersecurity requirements. This security utility is developed in accordance with Moxa’s product
development guide for cybersecurity, which ensures compliance with IEC62443-4-2 standard and the recent
ICS-CERT alerts to provide an adjustable security protection level for your systems and applications.

This section explains the procedure to set up the Moxa Security Utility on Moxa’s platform and build up the
security protection level. The utilization of the Moxa Security utility is discussed in detail in this user’s guide,
which is divided into the following sections:

Installing the Moxa Security Utility

Important: You should have root (user) privileges to be able to install the Moxa Security Utility.

Use the apt-get command to install the utility on your Armv7 platform as follows:

# apt-get install moxa-security-utils

Uninstalling the Moxa Security Utility

Important: You should have root (user) privileges to be able to install the Moxa Security Utility.

Use the apt-get command to uninstall the utility as follows:

# apt-get purge moxa-security-utils

Utilizing the Moxa Security Utility

The Moxa Security Utility provides the following parameters. The options available in the set and get
commands vary based on the different security levels.

Options Description
-s, --switch [STAGE] Setup the platform environment by security level. [STAGE]:
• level0—Default security settings.
• level1—IEC-62443 security level1 settings
• level2—IEC-62443 security level2 settings.
• level2_plus—IEC-62443 security level2 and some enhanced security
-c, --check Check all of the security related status.
-v, --version Show the Moxa Security Utility version.
-h, --help Show the Moxa Security Utility usage.
-l, --level Show the current security level.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

Commands Description
set-guard-intv [TIME] Set checking interval time.
The Moxa Security Utility daemon will scan the system at the time interval
[TIME] - (10 to 99999) minutes.
set-wl-restrict Set wireless access restriction policies.
0—Does not allow user control the device via wireless interface
1—Only allow the specified user to control the device via wireless interface
2—Allow all users to control the device via wireless interface.
set-isolated-run Run a program in isolated environment.
[COMMAND] [COMMAND]: A command that you want to execute in isolated environment.
If [COMMAND] is empty, it will enter into an isolated bash environment.
set-integrity-db Setup the integrity database by using the integrity tool.

Viewing the Current Security Level

You can use the command options 0, 1, 2 to 2 plus to check the current security level.

# mx-security –l

Checking the Current Security Status

You can use the -c command option to check the related configuration status of the current security level:

# mx-security -c

You can use the -h command option to view the command parameters.

# mx-security -h

NOTE The command will display different sets of options depends on current system’s security level.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

View the Version

You can use the –v or -version command option to check the software version of the Moxa Security

# mx-security –v
# mx-security --version

Setting Up the System Security Levels

You can use the mx-security command options to automatically switch and build up the selected level of
security protection from level 0, 1, 2 to level 2+ for your system in compliance with the IEC 62443-4-2

# mx-security -s [stage]
# mx-security -switch [stage]

level0 - Default security settings.
level1 - IEC-62443 security level1 settings.
level2 - IEC-62443 security level2 settings.
level2_plus - IEC-62443 security level2 and some enhanced security settings.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

An Example for Setting Up IEC-62443 Security Level1:

Configuring the Check Interval

You can set the checking interval for the guard daemon from 10 to 99999 minutes. The default setting is
1440 min.

# mx-security set-guard-intv [TIME]

[TIME] (10 to 99999) minutes.

You can view the checking interval of the guard daemon as follows:

# mx-security get-guard-intv [TIME]

Configuring the Wireless Interface Restriction

You can choose the wireless interface restriction rule from three different policies as follows:

# mx-security set-wl-restrict [OPTION]

0 - Does not allow user control the device via wireless interface (Default).
1 - Only allow the specified user to control the device via wireless interface.
2 - Allow all users to control the device via wireless interface.

For instance, you could set to option 0 if you like to block all users to control the device via the wireless

NOTE If you would like to configure user lists for wireless access, edit the configuration file, and specify the users
based on IP addresses, edit the wireless_allow.conf file.
# vim /etc/mx-security/mx-security.conf.d/wireless_allow.conf.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

You can check the current wireless interface restriction policy as follows:

# mx-security get-wl-restrict

Running Commands in an Isolated Environment

You can execute a command in an isolated environment using the utility:

# mx-security set-isolated-run [COMMAND]

[COMMAND]: A command that you want to execute in isolated environment.

If [COMMAND] is empty, it will enter into an isolated bash environment.

For instance, if we like to execute the “ls -l” command in the isolated environment, the utility will create a
new pid to perform the task and shut it down after it is done.

You can switch to an isolated bash environment using the following command.

# mx-security set-isolated-run

NOTE Type exit to leave the isolated bash environment.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

Setting Up the Integrity Database

You can enable the integrity checking mechanism in the Moxa Security utility to monitor the data integrity of
selected databases.

You will first need to use the set-integrity-database command option to create a new database that
reflects the current state of the system.

# mx-security set-integrity-db

After creating an integrity database, you can use the get-integrity-info command option to compare
the current state of the system to a database containing a snapshot of the system, when it was in a known

# mx-security get-integrity-info

NOTE If you like to configure the target directory of the integrity database, use the following command to edit the
configuration file:
# vim /etc/integrit/integrit.conf

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

Configure SSH session timeout

You can set the auto-logout time of SSH session connection through the utility. Default is 600 seconds

# mx-security set-ssh-timeout [TIME]

# mx-security get-ssh-timeout [TIME]

Get Log Messages

You can directly get a specific log message or get the login success or failure message using the get-
login-log command and its various command options.

mx-security get-login-log [FILTER]

[FILTER] is the keyword that you want to search for in the log message.

For instance, you can search the log message for the “sudo” command as follows:

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Security

You can also get Debian package related messages, such as install and remove packages using the get-
package-log command.

mx-security get-package-log [FILTER]

[FILTER] is the keyword that you want to search in the log message.

For instance, if you like to search the log of “systemd” related package

You can get network interface related message, such as link up, link down using the get-network-log
command option.

mx-security get-network-log

6. Firmware Update and System Recovery

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

 Firmware Update and Set-to-default Functions

 Set-to-default
 Firmware Update Using a TFTP Server
Arm-based Computer Linux UM Firmware Update and System Recovery

Firmware Update and Set-to-default Functions

Press and hold the reset button between 7 to 9 seconds to reset the computer to the factory default
settings. When the reset button is held down, the LED will blink once every second. The LED will become
steady when you hold the button continuously for 7 to 9 seconds. Release the button within this period to
load the factory default settings. For additional details on the LEDs, refer to the quick installation guide or
the user’s manual for your Arm-based computer.

Reset-to-default will erase all the data stored on the boot storage
Please back up your files before resetting the system to factory defaults. All the data stored in the Arm-
based computer’s boot storage will be destroyed after resetting to factory defaults.

You can also use the mx-set-def command to restore the computer to factory default:

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo mx-set-def

The UC-8100 Series does not support Moxa’s Firmware Update and Set-to-default functions. Use the following
command to reset the system to the default settings.

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo setdef

Firmware Update Using a TFTP Server

Preparing the TFTP Server

1. Set up a TFTP server.

2. Make sure the image (*.img) file is in your TFTP server directory.

Use this method to upgrade the firmware on your computer if the size of the firmware file is less than 2 GB.
If the file size is more than 2 GB, use the SD card to upgrade the firmware.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Firmware Update and System Recovery

Updating the Firmware

1. To update the firmware, log in to the product through the serial console. Instructions on how to connect
to the serial console can be found in the Hardware user’s manual for your Arm-based computer.
2. After powering on the computer, press <DEL> or <Backspace>to enter the bootloader configuration
If you cannot enter the bootloader menu by pressing <DEL>, replace the PuTTy tool by the
Tera Term terminal console tool. (Detailed information is available at:

Model: UC-2112-LX
Boot Loader Version 1.0.0S09 CPU TYPE: 1GHz
Build date: Apr 9 2018 - 12:21:58 - 14:44:07 Serial Number: TAFBB1064329
LAN1 MAC: 00:90:E8:55:46:33 LAN2 MAC: 00:90:E8:55:46:34
(0) TPM2 Setting
(1) Update Firmware from TFTP
(2) Go To OS --------------------------------------------------------------------

Some computers support the four functions, as follows:

3. Enter 1 to update the firmware by TFTP server. If you want to set up the TFTP IP address, enter 1 to set
up the target machine’s IP address and the TFTP server IP address and then choose an img file.
Command>> 1
Current IP Address
Local IP Address : ipaddr=
Server IP Address : serverip=
Do you set your ip address?
0 - No, 1 - Yes (0-1,enter for abort): 1
Local IP Address :
Server IP Address :
Saving Environment to SPI Flash...
SF: Detected MX25L6405D with page size 64 KiB, total 8 MiB
Erasing SPI flash...Writing to SPI flash...done
Firmware File Name (firmware.img): FWR_UC-2112-LX_V1.1_Build_18031118.img

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Firmware Update and System Recovery

4. After updating the firmware, enter 2 to open the OS command line.

Model: UC-2112-LX
Boot Loader Version 1.0.0S09 CPU TYPE: 1GHz
Build date: Apr 9 2018 - 12:21:58 Serial Number: TAFBB1064329
LAN1 MAC: 00:90:E8:55:46:33 LAN2 MAC: 00:90:E8:55:46:34
(0) TPM2 Setting
(1) Update Firmware from TFTP
(2) Go To OS --------------------------------------------------------------------
Command>> 2

7. Programmer’s Guide

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

 Linux Toolchain
 Introduction
 Native Compilation
 Cross Compilation
 Example Program—hello
 Example Makefile
 Standard APIs
 Cryptodev
 WDT (Watchdog Timer)
 RTC (Real-time Clock)
 Modbus
 Moxa Platform Libraries
 Error Numbers
 Platform Information
 Buzzer
 Digital I/O
 Push Button
Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Linux Toolchain

Linux Tool-Chain contains the necessary libraries and compilers for developing your programs. Moxa’s Arm-
based computers support both native and cross-compiling of code. Native compiling is more straightforward
since all the coding and compiling can be done directly on the device, but Arm architecture is less powerful,
the compiling speed is slower. On the other hand, cross compiling can be done on any Linux machine using
a toolchain, and the compiling speed is much faster.

The following compiler tools are provided:

ar Manage archives (static libraries)

as Assembler
c++, g++ C++ compiler
cpp C preprocessor
gcc C compiler
gdb Debugger
ld Linker
nm Lists symbols from object files
objcopy Copies and translates object files
objdump Displays information about object files
ranlib Generates indexes to archives (static libraries)
readelf Displays information about ELF files
size Lists object
file section sizes
strings Prints strings of printable characters from files (usually object files)
strip Removes symbols and sections from object files (usually debugging information)

Native Compilation

Follow these steps to update the package menu:

1. Make sure network connection is available.

2. Use apt-get update to update the Debian package list.
moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo apt-get update
3. Install the native compiler and necessary packages.
moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential flex bison automake

NOTE The command line prompt moxa@Moxa:~$ indicates that you are using a Moxa computer.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Cross Compilation

To ensure that an application will be able to run correctly when installed on Moxa computers, you must
compile the application and link it to the same libraries that will be present on Moxa computers. This is
particularly true when the Arm-based Cortex processor architecture differs from the CISC x86 processor
architecture of the host system, but it is also true if the processor architecture is the same.

The host toolchain that comes with the Moxa computers contains a suite of cross compilers and other tools,
as well as the libraries and headers that are necessary to compile applications for the Moxa computers. The
host environment must be running Linux to install the Moxa GNU Tool Chain. We have confirmed that the
following Linux distributions can be used to install the tool chain:

Linux Distro Version

Debian 9

The Tool Chain will need about 300 MB of hard disk space on your PC. To install the toolchain, download the
toolchain file from Moxa’s website. After you untar the package, run the following script to install the

user@Linux:~$ sudo chmod +x \
user@Linux:~$ sudo \

Once the host environment has been installed, add the directories:
"/usr/local/arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-20130415/bin" to your path and the directory "/usr/local/arm-linux-
gnueabihf-4.7-20130415/man" to your manual path.
You can do this temporarily for the current login session by issuing the following commands:

user@Linux:~$ export \
user@Linux:~$ export \
MANPATH=" /usr/local/arm-linux-gnueabihf-6.3/usr/share/man:$MANPATH"

Alternatively, you can add these commands to the "$HOME/.bash_profile" to cause it to take effect for all
login sessions initiated by this user.

You can check the toolchain version using the following command:

user@Linux:~$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -v

You can now start compiling programs using this tool chain.

NOTE The command line prompt user@Linux:~$ indicates that you are using a computer that has the arm-
linux-gnueabihf toolchain installed.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Example Program—hello
In this section, we use the standard "hello" example program to illustrate how to develop a program for
Moxa computers. All example codes can be downloaded from Moxa’s website. The "hello" example code is
available in the hello folder; hello/hello.c:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;

Native Compilation

1. Compile the hello.c code.

moxa@Moxa:~$ gcc -o hello hello.c
moxa@Moxa:~$ strip -s hello
use the Makefile as follows:
moxa@Moxa:~$ make

2. Run the program.

moxa@Moxa:~$ ./hello
Hello World

Cross Compiling

1. Compile the hello.c code.

user@Linux:~$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -o hello \
user@Linux:~$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip -s hello
use the Makefile as follows:
user@Linux:~$ make CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc \

2. Copy the program to a Moxa computer:

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

For example, if the IP address of your device used for cross compiling the code is "" and
the IP address of the Moxa computer is "", use the following command:

user@Linux:~$ scp hello [email protected]:~

3. Run the hello.c program on the Moxa computer.

moxa@Moxa:~$ ./hello
Hello World

Example Makefile
You can create a Makefile for the “hello" example program using the following code. By default, the Makefile
is set for native compiling.



$(CC) -o hello hello.c
$(STRIP) -s hello

.PHONY: clean
rm -f hello

To set the hello.c program for cross compilation, modify the toolchain settings as follows:


Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Standard APIs
This section shows how to use some standard APIs on Moxa computers.

The purpose of cryptographic hardware accelerator is to load off the intensive encryption/decryption and
compression/decompression tasks from CPU.

Cryptodev-linux is a device that allows access to Linux kernel cryptographic drivers; thus allowing the
userspace applications to take advantage of hardware accelerators. Cryptodev-linux uses "/dev/crypto"
interface to let kernel space hardware accelerator drivers become accessible from typical userspace
programs and libraries.

Example code

The cryptodev example code is available in the cryptodev folder.

Cryptodev-linux APIs are defined in <crypto/cryptodev.h>.

NOTE Need to install Linux kernel header.

More information are available at Cryptodev-linux document: http://cryptodev-

WDT (Watchdog Timer)

The WDT works like a watchdog function. You can enable it or disable it. When the WDT is enabled, but the
application does not acknowledge it, the system will reboot. You can set the ack time from a minimum of 1
sec to a maximum of 1 day. The default timer is 60 seconds and the NO WAY OUT is enabled by default;
there is no way to disable the watchdog once it has been started. For this reason, if the watchdog daemon
crashes, the system will reboot after the timeout has passed.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide


You need to know which driver you’re using first. Assume that the watchdog driver’s name is "ds1374_wdt",
then you can use the modinfo command to check the information as follows:

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo modinfo ds1374_wdt

filename: /lib/modules/4.4.0-cip-
license: GPL
description: Maxim/Dallas DS1374 WDT Driver
author: Scott Wood <[email protected]>
intree: Y
vermagic: 4.4.0-cip-uc5100+ mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8
parm: nowayout:Watchdog cannot be stopped once started, default=0 (bool)
parm: timer_margin:Watchdog timeout in seconds (default 60s) (int)

The parameter’s name is "nowayout" for NO WAY OUT and "timer_margin" for timeout setting. To change
the setting, you can add a conf file under the directory "/etc/modprobe.d/". For example, add a file
"/etc/modprobe.d/watchdog.conf" with the following content:

options ds1374_wdt nowayout=1 timer_margin=60

This changes the setting for "ds1374_wdt" driver with nowayout=1 and timeout=60 seconds.

Example code

The example code is available in the watchdog folder.

WDT driver APIs are used via "ioctl" through a file descriptor. The methods are defined in

The watchdog device node locate at "/dev/watchdog".

int fd = open("/dev/watchdog", O_WRONLY);

if (fd < 0) {
perror("open watchdog failed");

API List


Description Writes to the watchdog device to keep the watchdog alive
Example ioctl(fd, WDIOC_KEEPALIVE, 0);


Description Queries the current timeout
Example int timeout;
ioctl(fd, WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT, &timeout);


Description Modifies the watchdog timeout
Min: 1 second. Max: 1 day; Default: 60 seconds
Example int timeout = 60;
ioctl(fd, WDIOC_SETTIMEOUT, &timeout);

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide


Description Asks for the current status
Example int flags;
ioctl(fd, WDIOC_GETSTATUS, &flags);


Description Control some aspects of the cards operation
• WDIOS_DISABLECARD: Turn off the watchdog timer
• WDIOS_ENABLECARD: Turn on the watchdog timer
• WDIOS_TEMPPANIC: Kernel panic on temperature trip
Example int options = WDIOS_DISABLECARD;
ioctl(fd, WDIOC_SETOPTIONS, &options);


Description Asks what the device can do
Example struct watchdog_info ident;
ioctl(fd, WDIOC_GETSUPPORT, &ident);

NOTE More information are available at Linux kernel document:

RTC (Real-time Clock)

The Real-time Clock is a computer clock that keeps track of the current time. RTC can be used to complete
time critical tasks. Using RTC can benefit from its lower power consumption and higher accuracy.

Example code

The RTC example code is available in the rtc folder.

RTC APIs are used via "ioctl" through a file descriptor. The methods are defined in <linux/rtc.h>.

The rtc device node locate at "/dev/rtc0".

The APIs that read time from RTC and set RTC time are using a structure "struct rtc_time". It is defined in

struct rtc_time {
int tm_sec;
int tm_min;
int tm_hour;
int tm_mday;
int tm_mon;
int tm_year;
int tm_wday;
int tm_yday;
int tm_isdst;

Note that variable "tm_mon" starts with 0 and variable "tm_year" represents the number of years since

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

API List


Description Reads time information from the RTC; returns the value of argument 3
Example struct rtc_time rtc_tm;
ioctl(fd, RTC_RD_TIME, &rtc_tm);


Description Sets the RTC time. Argument 3 will be passed to the RTC.
Example struct rtc_time rtc_tm;
ioctl(fd, RTC_SET_TIME, &rtc_tm);

NOTE More information are available at Linux kernel document:

The Modbus protocol is a messaging structure used to establish master-slave/client-server communication
between intelligent devices. It is a de facto standard, truly open, and the most widely used network protocol
in industrial manufacturing environments. It has been implemented by hundreds of vendors on thousands of
different devices to transfer discrete/analog I/O and register data between control devices.

Example code

We use "libmodbus" with current stable version v3.0.6 as our modbus package. The package is also
available from the following link:

To run the test program, we first need to build the "libmodbus" library. We can build it simply by running
the following commands:

$ cd modbus/libmodbus-3.0.6/
$ ./configure && make install

After build completes, the test program can be found at "tests" directory. The test program provides 3
types of protocols (tcp/ tcppi/ rtu) which can be set by passing command line argument.

The test program is client-server modeled. We should run the server program first, and then run the client
program from another terminal.

$ cd modbus/libmodbus-3.0.6/tests/
$ ./unit-test-server tcp

$ cd modbus/libmodbus-3.0.6/tests/
$ ./unit-test-client tcp

NOTE More information are available at libmodbus document:

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Moxa Platform Libraries

Moxa provides several libraries for developing customized applications. In this section, we will show how to
utilize these libraries.

Example codes are available at:

Error Numbers
Moxa defines exclusive error numbers for Moxa libraries. It works with other Moxa library codes, and is
useful for checking the result of executing an API.

If you call an API, you can check the return value to take particular action in response.

int num_of_interfaces;
ret = mx_get_number_of_interfaces(&num_of_interfaces);
if (ret == E_SYSFUNCERR){
// do something...


• Need package "libmoxa-errno-dev"

• Include header <mx_errno.h>

Error Number List

Name Value Description

E_SUCCESS 0 Exit successfully
E_SYSFUNCERR -1 Error occurs in system functions (e.g. open)
E_INVAL -2 Invalid input
E_LIBNOTINIT -3 Library is not initialized
E_UNSUPCONFVER -4 Config version is not supported for the library
E_CONFERR -5 Error in config file
E_GPIO_NOTEXP -20 The GPIO is not exported
E_GPIO_UNKDIR -21 Unknown GPIO direction get
E_GPIO_UNKVAL -22 Unknown GPIO value get
E_BUZZER_PLAYING -30 The buzzer is already playing
E_UART_NOTOPEN -50 The UART port is not opened
E_UART_GPIOIOCTLINCOMP -51 GPIO and IOCTL are incompatible for UART
E_UART_UNKMODE -52 Unknown UART mode get
E_UART_EXTBAUDUNSUP -53 Extended baudrate is not supported
E_PBTN_NOTOPEN -70 The push button is not opened

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Platform Information
Moxa platform info library is used to get information of interfaces on the device, which is useful to know the
device’s capability before developing applications.


• Install the package "libmoxa-platform-info-dev"

("libjson-c-dev" package will be installed automatically when install "libmoxa-platform-info-dev")
moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo apt-get install \
• Include header <mx_platform_info.h> and <json-c/json.h>
• Link the libraries "-ljson-c" and "-lmx_platform_info" while compiling

API List

Function Prototype int mx_get_number_of_interfaces(int *num_of_interfaces);

Description Get the number of interfaces supported on the device
Parameters • num_of_interfaces: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int num_of_interfaces; mx_get_number_of_interfaces(&num_of_interfaces);

Function Prototype int mx_get_platform_interface(char ***profiles);

Description Get the interfaces supported on the device
Parameters • profiles: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
 the list of platform interfaces, in "char **" format.
e.g. { "led-control", … }
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example char **profiles;

Function Prototype int mx_free_platform_interface(char **profiles);

Description Free the memory space of profiles allocated by "mx_free_platform_interface" API
Parameters • profiles: profiles from "mx_free_platform_interface" API
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_free_platform_interface(profiles);

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Function Prototype int mx_get_profile(const char *interface, struct json_object **profile);

Description Get the profile of target interface
Parameters • interface: the name of the target interface
 "buzzer-control"
 "dio-control"
 "uart-control"
 "led-control"
 "push-button"
• profile: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example struct json_object *profile;
mx_get_profile("led-control", &profile);

Moxa buzzer control library can be used to control the buzzer on the device. We provide interfaces for
controlling the buzzer to beep for a certain period or keep beeping till it is switched off.

NOTE  Moxa buzzer control library should be used carefully, the buzzer must be stopped before the process
ends. Or the buzzer may beep without control.
 The Moxa buzzer control library is supported only in the UC-8100A-ME-T Series.


• Need package "libmoxa-buzzer-control-dev"

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo apt-get install \
• Include header <mx_buzzer.h>
• Link library "-lmx_buzzer_ctl" while compiling

API List

Function Prototype int mx_buzzer_init(void);

Description Initialize Moxa buzzer control library
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_buzzer_init();

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Function Prototype int mx_buzzer_play_sound(unsigned long duration);

Description Play the buzzer
Parameters • duration: the duration time in seconds
 range: 1-60
 0 for keep beeping
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_buzzer_play_sound(3);

Function Prototype int mx_buzzer_stop_sound(void);

Description Stop the buzzer
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_buzzer_stop_sound();

Digital I/O
Moxa DIO control library can be used to control digital I/O interface. Including getting states from Direct
Input and Output ports, setting state of Direct Output ports.


• Need package "libmoxa-dio-control-dev"

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo apt-get install \
• Include header <mx_dio.h>
• Link library "-lmx_dio_ctl" while compiling
• Need to call "mx_dio_init" before using other APIs

API List

Function Prototype int mx_dio_init(void);

Description Initialize Moxa DIO control library
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_dio_init();

Function Prototype int mx_dout_set_state(int doport, int state);

Description Set state for target Direct Output port
Parameters • doport: target DOUT port number
• state:
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_dout_set_state(0, DIO_STATE_HIGH);

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Function Prototype int mx_dout_get_state(int doport, int *state);

Description Get state from target Direct Output port
Parameters • doport: target DOUT port number
• state: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int state;
mx_dout_get_state(0, &state);

Function Prototype int mx_din_get_state(int diport, int *state);

Description Get state from target Direct Input port
Parameters • diport: target DIN port number
• state: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int state;
mx_din_get_state(0, &state);

Function Prototype int mx_din_set_event(int diport, void (*func)(int diport), int mode,
unsigned long duration);
Description Set an action for an event occurred of target Direct Input port
Parameters • diport: target DIN port number
• func: a function pointer which will be invoked on DIN event detected
• mode: DIN event mode
• duration: The during time that the event occurred to trigger action
 range: 40 - 3600000 (ms)
 0 means no duration
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example void (*fp)(int );
mx_din_set_event(0, fp, DIN_EVENT_STATE_CHANGE, 100);

Function Prototype int mx_din_get_event(int diport, int *mode, unsigned long *duration);
Description Get event setting of target Direct Input port
Parameters • diport: target DIN port number
• mode: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
• duration: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int mode;
unsigned long duration;
mx_din_get_event(0, &mode, &duration);

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Moxa UART can be used to set the mode of UART ports and transmit data via UART ports.


• Need package "libmoxa-uart-control-dev"

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo apt-get install \
• Include header <mx_uart.h>
• Link library "-lmx_uart_ctl" while compiling
• Need to call "mx_uart_init" before using other APIs

API List

Function Prototype int mx_uart_init(void);

Description Initialize Moxa UART control library
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_uart_init();

Function Prototype int mx_uart_set_mode(int port, int mode);

Description Set mode of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• mode:
 UART_MODE_RS422_RS485_4W
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_uart_set_mode(0, UART_MODE_RS232);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_get_mode(int port, int *mode);

Description Get mode of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• mode: a pointer for storing output
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int mode;
mx_uart_get_mode(0, &mode);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_open(int port);

Description Open target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_uart_open(0);

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Function Prototype int mx_uart_close(int port);

Description Close target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_uart_close(0);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_read(int port, char *data, size_t count);

Description Read data from target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• data: memory location of data to be stored
• count: read size
Return Value • positive integers means size of data read
• negative integers as error number
Example char data[256];
mx_uart_read(0, data, 256);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_write(int port, char *data, size_t count);

Description Write data from target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• data: memory location of data to be written
• count: write size
Return Value • positive integers means size of data read
• negative integers as error number
Example char data[256];
mx_uart_read(0, data, 256);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_set_baudrate(int port, int baudrate);

Description Set the baudrate of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• baudrate: The baudrate
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_uart_set_baudrate(0, 115200);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_get_baudrate(int port, int *baudrate);

Description Get the baudrate of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• baudrate: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int baudrate;
mx_uart_get_baudrate(0, &baudrate);

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Function Prototype int mx_uart_set_databits(int port, int bits);

Description Set the data bits of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• bits: The data bits
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_uart_set_databits(0, 8);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_get_databits(int port, int *bits);

Description Get the data bits of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• bits: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int bits;
mx_uart_get_databits(0, &bits);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_set_stopbits(int port, int bits);

Description Set the stop bits of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• bits: The stop bits
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_uart_set_stopbits(0, 1);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_get_stopbits(int port, int *bits);

Description Get the stop bits of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• bits: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int bits;
mx_uart_get_stopbits(0, &bits);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_set_parity(int port, int parity);

Description Set the parity of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• parity: The parity
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_uart_set_parity(0, 0);

Function Prototype int mx_uart_get_parity(int port, int *parity);

Description Get the parity of target UART port
Parameters • port: target UART port
• parity: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int parity;
mx_uart_get_parity(0, &parity);

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

LED APIs can control the LEDs on the device, which can be ON, OFF, or BLINK. LEDs on a device are
separated to types and groups. There are 2 types of LED: Signal LED and Programmable LED. Each type
may contain several groups, and each group may contain several LEDs.


• Install package "libmoxa-led-control-dev"

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo apt-get install \
• Include the header <mx_led.h>
• Link the library "-lmx_led_ctl" while compiling
• Call "mx_led_init" before using other APIs

API List

Function Prototype int mx_led_init(void);

Description Initialize Moxa LED control library
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_led_init();

Function Prototype int mx_led_get_num_of_groups(int led_type, int *num_of_groups);

Description Get the number of groups of a LED type
Parameters • led_type:
• num_of_groups: a pointer which points to a place for storing output value
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int num_of_groups;
mx_led_get_num_of_groups(LED_TYPE_SIGNAL, &num_of_groups);

Function Prototype int mx_led_get_num_of_leds_per_group(int led_type, int

Description Get the number of LEDs per group of a LED type
Parameters • led_type:
• num_of_leds_per_group: a pointer which points to a place for storing output
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example int num_of_leds_per_group;

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Function Prototype int mx_led_set_brightness(int led_type, int group, int index, int state);
Description Set LED state on, off, blink
Parameters • led_type:
• group: group number
• index: LED index
• state:
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_led_set_brightness(LED_TYPE_PROGRAMMABLE, 1, 1, LED_STATE_ON);

Function Prototype int mx_led_set_all_off(void);

Description Set all LED off
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_led_set_all_off();

Function Prototype int mx_led_set_all_on(void);

Description Set all LED on
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_led_set_all_on();

Push Button
Push button APIs.


• Need package "libmoxa-push-button-dev"

moxa@Moxa:~$ sudo apt-get install \
• Include header <mx_pbtn.h>
• Link library "-lmx_push_btn" while compiling
• Need to call "mx_pbtn_init" before using other APIs

NOTE Remember to terminate the push button daemon that run by the system. Or you might accidentally trigger
some system functions which defined in the daemon when testing the button.
The push button daemon here is called moxa-pbtn. You can terminate the process by using the
systemctl stop moxa-pbtn command.

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

API List

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_init(void);

Description Initialize Moxa push button library
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_pbtn_init();

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_open(int type, int index);

Description Open a push button by button type and index
Parameters • type:
• index: button index
Return Value • negative integers as error number
• 0 or positive integer: button ID for manipulate the button by other APIs
Example int btn_id;
btn_id = mx_pbtn_open(BUTTON_TYPE_USER, 1);

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_close(int btn_id);

Description Close a push button
Parameters • btn_id: button ID returned by "mx_pbtn_open"
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_pbtn_close(0);

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_start(int btn_id);

Description Start listening on a push button
Parameters • btn_id: button ID returned by "mx_pbtn_open"
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_pbtn_start(0);

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_stop(int btn_id);

Description Stop listening on a push button
Parameters • btn_id: button ID returned by "mx_pbtn_open"
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_pbtn_stop(0);

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_wait(void);

Description Check if there is any button being listened on, if so, hang the process. This API can
be used for daemon.
Parameters N/A
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example mx_pbtn_wait();

Arm-based Computer Linux UM Programmer’s Guide

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_is_pressed(int btn_id);

Description Get the state of a button
Parameters • btn_id: button ID returned by "mx_pbtn_open"
Return Value • negative integers as error number
• 0 if the button is released
• 1 if the button is pressed
Example mx_pbtn_is_pressed(0);

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_pressed_event(int btn_id, void (*func)(int));

Description Register action on button pressed
Parameters • btn_id: button ID returned by "mx_pbtn_open"
• func: a function pointer which will be invoked on button pressed
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example void (*fp)(int );
mx_pbtn_pressed_event(0, fp);

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_released_event(int btn_id, void (*func)(int));

Description Register action on button released
Parameters • btn_id: button ID returned by "mx_pbtn_open"
• func: a function pointer which will be invoked on button released
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example void (*fp)(int );
mx_pbtn_released_event(0, fp);

Function Prototype int mx_pbtn_hold_event(int btn_id, void (*func)(int), unsigned long

Description Register action on button hold
Parameters • btn_id: button ID returned by "mx_pbtn_open"
• func: a function pointer which will be invoked on button hold
• duration: the time that button being hold to trigger action (in seconds)
 range: 1-3600
 0 for keep triggering every second
Return Value • 0 on success
• negative integers as error number
Example void (*fp)(int );
mx_pbtn_hold_event(0, fp, 60);


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