Company Law
Company Law
Company Law
How private company can be converted to a public company and vice versa
Doctrine of ultra vires with case laws
What is misstatements in prospectus? Who are liable for such misstatement? Discuss the
nature and extent of their liability
Importance of the object clause of memorandum of Association? Procedure for the alteration of
the objectives of memorandum of Association
Who can be a member of the company? Modes of acquisition of the membership and their
rights duties and liabilities
Define Prospectors right. Its main contents. Liabilities for inclusion of misstatement or untrue
statement of Prospectors
"Majority must Prevail is the principle of company management"
Difference between debenture and share. Can a debenture be converted into share
Provisions provided under companies act 2013 for prevention of oppression and
Unit 4
Who are directors? Procedure for the appointment and removal of directors? Powers and
functions of directors? Legal position of a director
Explain the composition power and functions of the National Financial Reporting Authority.
How to constitute Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO). Discuss its powers and functions
Grounds on which Company Law Tribunal can pass order for winding up of a company? Who
can file a petition for issuance of winding-up order
Between winding up and dissolution? Circumstances under which tribunal may pass an order
for compulsory winding up.
Voluntary winding up