The 100 Most Cited Articles in Prosthodontic Journals: A Bibliometric Analysis of Articles Published Between 1951 and 2019
The 100 Most Cited Articles in Prosthodontic Journals: A Bibliometric Analysis of Articles Published Between 1951 and 2019
The 100 Most Cited Articles in Prosthodontic Journals: A Bibliometric Analysis of Articles Published Between 1951 and 2019
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, India.
Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, India.
Assistant Professor, Department of Dental Materials, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, India.
Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Ibn Sina National College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Ibn Sina National College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Mallareddy Dental College for Women, Hyderabad, India.
the journals, researchers, institutions, or nations associ- considered classic.17 The number was greater than the
ated with the articles.14 number of citations for articles in the field of endodon-
The citation classics can be identified either by setting tics, which counts between 554 and 87 citations.11 It is
citation thresholds or choosing various papers at the top also much higher than for orthodontic research, which
of the list of exceptionally cited papers.14,15 In the present ranged between 545 and 89.2 The number of citations is
study, the second method was followed by choosing the similar to articles published in periodontics, which
100 most cited prosthodontic papers over a period of 67 ranged between 2307 and 229.13
years. The search robots used by Google Scholar try to From this study, it was observed that the Journal of
index most cited papers from every website they visit, Prosthetic Dentistry received the greatest number of cita-
including most major sources and many that are lesser tions, followed by the International Journal of Prosthodon-
known. Another advantage of Google Scholar is that it tics. It was also determined that journals with a higher H
covers articles over a wide period, dating back to 1006 index contributed most articles to the top 100. This was
AD.16 true for all the selected journals, except for the European
All the articles in the present study had received more Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry. The
than 300 citations (2368 to 342) and thus can all be Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry is a long-standing journal
Table 2. Distribution of 100 most cited articles in prosthodontic journals and corresponding journal metrics
Sl. No. Name of the Journal No. of Articles SCImago Journal Metrics Country and Year of Origin
1 The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 72 H index: 106; SJR 2017: 1.09 United States and 1951-ongoing
2 International Journal of Prosthodontics 25 H index: 84; SJR 2017: 0.89 United States and 1988-ongoing
3 Journal of Prosthodontics 2 H index: 47; SJR 2017: 0.73 United States and 1992-ongoing
4 Journal of Prosthodontic Research 1 H index: 23; SJR 2017: 1.2 Netherlands and 2009-ongoing
5 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 0 H index: 18; SJR 2017: 1.2 Republic of Korea and 2009-ongoing
6 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 0 - India and 2001-ongoing
7 European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 0 H index: 22; SJR 2017: 0.26 United Kingdom and 1992-ongoing
8 The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 0 - Korea and 1960-ongoing
first published since 1951, which may explain the jour- The most cited prosthodontic research was almost
nal’s high contribution to citation classics. The Journal of exclusively from North America and Western Europe.
Korean Academy of Prosthodontics, however, first pub- A similar trend has been observed in citation analysis
lished in 1960, did not appear to have contributed to in other dental fields, including periodontology,13
citation classics, presumably because the main text of the implantology,23 endodontics,11 and orthodontics,10 as
articles was in the Korean language and so was not well as in other medical specialties.5-8 This trend may
included in Google Scholar. Because of this language be explained in part by geographic accumulative
barrier, the chances of these articles being cited inter- advantage, as citations originate more frequently from
nationally is also low. institutions located in the same country.24 The
The true impact and reputation of an article cannot migration of eminent researchers from different parts
be weighed for at least 2 decades.14 The number of of the world to these regions is also a likely contrib-
citations an article receives depends on its year of utor.5 These findings confirm the overwhelming in-
publication, as citations increase over time.18 The fluence that the United States has on prosthodontic
citation count for articles published during the 1980s research because of its large population and the
and 1990s can be attributed to this reason. This also financial assistance provided to the scientific commu-
accounts for few articles being in the top 100 from the nity.24 The reason behind a large number of classical
year 2000 onwards. As a result, the number of citations studies, especially on implantology, originating from
of recently published papers is always underestimated. Sweden is that it was the birthplace of modern-day
Another reason for a large number of articles in the dental implants. Per-Ingvar Brånemark, the father of
1980s and 1990s is that the basics of osseointegrated modern implantology, and his pupil Tomas Albrekts-
dental implants were laid down in 1983.19 Hence, most son are both Swedish.
studies on implantology tend to cite these original According to a study published in Nature, the ma-
works. jority of authors of the most cited articles felt that their
Research conducted between the 1950s and 1970s work was evolutionary (continuous progress, broader
centered on the edentulous condition, with studies on interest, and greater synthesis) and not revolutionary
complete dentures, residual ridge resorption, and TMJ (disruptive innovativeness and surprise). Hence, other
changes being the most cited, followed by osseointe- methods have to be developed to identify and highlight
grated implants during the 1980s and 1990s. With the original innovative works. Until then, the citation
use of composite resins for rehabilitation in the 1980s, the indices will continue to be used to analyze scientific
number of citations for research on composite resin literature.25
materials has increased.20 Research on ceramics had Google Scholar includes in its list of citations
increased in the 1990s and is continuing with the intro- books, dissertations, and other works, in addition to
duction of new techniques and materials. Hence, from scientific articles, which may be a weakness if scientific
this analysis, a new field of study was established in each value is going to be judged. The results of this data-
decade, and research on those recent advances has been base should, therefore, be regarded with caution.
more cited in comparison with other fields. Bibliometric analysis, as with any method, does not
In the field of dentistry, the numbers of systematic cover the entirety of scientific production. Limitations
reviews are rapidly increasing.21 But, only 5% of the top of the present study included that the search strategy
100 prosthodontic articles were systemic reviews. Au- did not identify articles published in nonprosthodontic
thors prefer to cite systematic reviews over research with journals. These articles were not included in the
a lower level of evidence.22 Additional systematic reviews analysis, as it was considered impractical to isolate
and meta-analyses are needed for various focused them from the many dental and other scientific
questions in prosthodontics. journals.