The 100 Most Cited Articles in Prosthodontic Journals: A Bibliometric Analysis of Articles Published Between 1951 and 2019

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This study analyzed the 100 most cited articles in prosthodontic journals between 1951 and 2019 to understand trends in research impact and progress.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the 100 most cited articles in prosthodontic journals between 1951 and 2019.

Some of the main findings were that the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry had the most articles (72), many authors were from the US or Sweden, most articles were reviews (36) or experimental studies (35), and dental implants was the most commonly researched area (27 articles).


The 100 most cited articles in prosthodontic journals:

A bibliometric analysis of articles published
between 1951 and 2019
Gadde Praveen, BDS, MDS,a Reddy Chaithanya, BDS, MDS,b Rama Krishna Alla, MSc, PhD,c
Mohammed Shammas, BDS, MDS,d V. T. Abdurahiman, BDS, MDS,e and Akkaloori Anitha, BDS, MDSf

The published literature is vast ABSTRACT

and although easily accessible,
Statement of problem. Bibliometric studies to determine the characteristics of the most cited
clinicians and researchers articles in prosthodontic journals are lacking.
cannot always assess the
quality of the publications they Purpose. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the 100 most cited articles
in prosthodontic journals between 1951 and 2019.
read. Moreover, areas in which
research has made dramatic Material and methods. The Google Scholar database was used to retrieve the list of journals with
progress may be difficult to titles containing the term “Prosthodontic” or “Prosthetic.” Twelve journals were filtered, and of
identify, and the challenge re- these, only 8 were related to dentistry and hence were included in the study. A search was then
performed for each of the selected journals under “Publication Name,” and articles were
mains of identifying eminent
arranged by the category “Times Cited.” The 100 most cited articles from the 8 journals were
research from among the selected and analyzed with regard to journal name, year of publication, authors and their
multitude of publications. country, type of study, and area of research.
Research in prosthodontics
Results. The 100 most cited articles were published between 1958 and 2013, with the numbers of
has increased largely because citations ranging between 2368 and 342. The journal with the largest number of the articles cited
of increasing demand for sci- was the “Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry” with 72 articles, followed by the “International Journal of
entific knowledge regarding Prosthodontics” with 25 articles. The decade with most articles published was the 1990s with 33
clinical procedures and equip- articles. Many of the authors of most cited articles were from the United States or Sweden. Most
ment.2 This growth has been articles reported reviews (36 articles), followed by experimental studies (35); the most commonly
accompanied by an increased cited area of research was related to dental implants.
number of scientific journals Conclusions. This bibliometric analysis of the 100 most cited articles revealed interesting facts
publishing prosthodontic about scientific progress in the field of prosthodontics. (J Prosthet Dent 2019;-:---)
research. The significance of
an article is reflected by its citation by other researchers calculating bibliometric indicators that give information
and how it created change in clinical practice, generated about the quantity of published research in a specific
discussion, or triggered new directions in research.3 field.4
Bibliometric studies are important in this regard as they The citation index is an important parameter for
provide an overview of research and scientific activity by measuring relevance in a specific field of knowledge.2,3

Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, India.
Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, India.
Assistant Professor, Department of Dental Materials, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, India.
Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Ibn Sina National College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Ibn Sina National College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Mallareddy Dental College for Women, Hyderabad, India.


2 Volume - Issue -

(implants, residual alveolar ridge, esthetics, temporoman-

Clinical Implications dibular joint [TMJ], occlusion, inlay, crowns, teeth treated
Articles which are heavily cited are considered with endodontic posts, new techniques, and new materials).
All the authors participated in categorizing and analyzing
important in the field of prosthodontics as they can
the most cited articles. Expert opinion was invited to attain
provide information on advances, the areas of most
consensus when there was disagreement.
intense research, and the future direction of the
Table 1 shows the list of the 100 most cited articles in
Although the number of citations does not really reflect prosthodontic journals between 1951 and 2019. The
the standard of an article or the importance of its authors, number of citations varies from 2368 to 342. The first 7
highly cited articles may promote change in clinical articles in the ranking exceeded 1000 citations, and
practice, trigger discussions, and lead to further research each of the first 33 had more than 500 citations. The
in a particular area.3 most cited paper to date in prosthodontics, with 2368
Numerous bibliometric studies have been conducted citations, is the landmark research of Brånemark PI, titled
in different areas of biomedical research,5-8 including “Osseointegration and its experimental background” and
dentistry in general,9 orthodontics,10 endodontics,11 oral published in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry in 1983
and maxillofacial surgery,12 and periodontics.13 These (Table 1). In this article, the author reviewed his pio-
studies aimed to determine the qualities of the most cited neering experimental and clinical work that led to the
articles in their respective field. However, the authors are development of the concept of osseointegration and its
unaware of systematic investigations of this type in application for dental implants.
prosthodontics. The purpose of this study was, therefore, The 100 most cited articles were published in only 4
to analyze the characteristics of the 100 most cited articles journals. The journal with the largest number of the
in prosthodontics, with the goal of revealing valuable and articles cited was the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry with
interesting information about scientific advancements in 72 articles, followed by the International Journal of
the field. Prosthodontics with 25 articles. A total of 97 articles
were published by the aforementioned 2 journals only.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Four journals did not have an article in the top 100
(Table 2).
The most cited articles in prosthodontic journals were
The decade in which most of the articles were
extracted from the Google Scholar database. In the
published was the 1990s with 33 articles, followed by
metrics section of Google Scholar, journals with titles
the 2000s with 23 articles, and the 1980s with 22 arti-
containing the term “Prosthodontic” or “Prosthetic”
cles. The most common methodological designs were
were searched from the catalog of publications. The
review articles (36 articles) and experimental studies
following 12 journals were filtered: International Journal
(35 articles). The predominant area of prosthodontic
of Prosthodontics, Journal of Prosthodontics, Journal of
research was dental implants (27 articles), followed by
Prosthodontic Research, The Journal of Advanced Prostho-
research on composite resins and ceramics (20 each).
dontics, The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society, Euro-
Almost 55% of the articles were published by authors
pean Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry,
in the United States with 12% from Sweden. India
The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics, The
contributed 1 article to the list of 100 (Table 3). In
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Prosthetics and Orthotics
quantitative terms, the author with most articles
International, Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Pros-
(irrespective of whether they were corresponding or
thesis Laboratory in Science, and Orthopaedics, Trauma-
co-authors) was Albrektsson T (7 articles), followed by
tology and Prosthetics. Of these, only 8 journals were
Zarb GA (6 articles). Six authors contributed 3 articles
related to dentistry and hence were considered in the
each, and 18 authors had 2 articles.
study. The selected journals were searched under
“Publication Name,” and all articles were arranged by
the category “Times Cited.” This provided a list of ar-
ticles appearing in a given journal ranked by citation To the authors’ knowledge, this was the first bibliometric
count from the date of publication to July 2019. study exploring the 100 most cited articles in prostho-
The 100 most cited articles were then studied with regard dontics. A bibliometric analysis of the most cited articles
to journal name, list of authors and the country, title, year of aids in the recognition of significant advances in the
publication, type of study (case reports/case series, narrative discipline. It also provides a chronicled point of view on
review/expert opinion, descriptive studies, analytical studies the logical advancement of the specialty and recognizes
and systematic reviews/meta-analysis), and area of research the scholarly markers in a specific field, which could be


- 2019 3

Table 1. List of most cited articles in prosthodontic journals

No. of
Sl. No. Article Citations
1 Brånemark PI. Osseointegration and its experimental background. J Prosthet Dent 1983;50:399-410. 2368
2 Humphrey SP, Williamson RT. A review of saliva: normal composition, flow, and function. J Prosthet Dent 2001;85:162-9. 1444
3 Eriksson AR, Albrektsson T. Temperature threshold levels for heat-induced bone tissue injury: a vital-microscopic study in the rabbit. 1297
J Prosthet Dent 1983;50:101-7
4 Tallgren A. The continuing reduction of the residual alveolar ridges in complete denture wearers: a mixed-longitudinal study 1228
covering 25 years. J Prosthet Dent 1972;27:120-32.
5 Goodacre CJ, Bernal G, Rungcharassaeng K, Kan JY. Clinical complications with implants and implant prostheses. J Prosthet Dent 1054
6 Smith DE, Zarb GA. Criteria for success of osseointegrated endosseous implants. J Prosthet Dent 1989;62:567-72 1029
7 Geng JP, Tan KB, Liu GR. Application of finite element analysis in implant dentistry: a review of the literature. J Prosthet Dent 1005
8 Albrektsson T, Wennerberg A. Oral implant surfaces: Part 1ereview focusing on topographic and chemical properties of different 988
surfaces and in vivo responses to them. Int J Prosthodont 2004;17:536-43.
9 Davies JE. Mechanisms of endosseous integration. Int J Prosthodont 1998;11:391-401. 979
10 Skalak R. Biomechanical considerations in osseointegrated prostheses. J Prosthet Dent 1983;49:843-8. 967
11 Meredith N. Assessment of implant stability as a prognostic determinant. Int J Prosthodont 1998;11:491-501 907
12 Sailer I, Fehér A, Filser F, Gauckler LJ, Lüthy H, Hämmerle CH. Five-year clinical results of zirconia frameworks for posterior fixed 884
partial dentures. Int J Prosthodont 2007;20:383-8.
13 Kelly JR, Nishimura I, Campbell SD. Ceramics in dentistry: historical roots and current perspectives. J Prosthet Dent 1996;75:18-32 874
14 Atwood DA. Reduction of residual ridges: a major oral disease entity. J Prosthet Dent 1971;26:266-79 846
15 Rosenstiel SF, Land MF, Crispin BJ. Dental luting agents: A review of the current literature. J Prosthet Dent 1998;80:280-301. 777
16 Zarb GA, Schmitt A. The longitudinal clinical effectiveness of osseointegrated dental implants: the Toronto study. Part III: Problems 756
and complications encountered. J Prosthet Dent 1990;64:185-94
17 Lombardi RE. The principles of visual perception and their clinical application to denture esthetics. J Prosthet Dent 1973;29:358-82 745
18 Sorensen JA, Martinoff JT. Intra coronal reinforcement and coronal coverage: a study of endodontically treated teeth. J Prosthet 724
Dent 1984;51:780-4.
19 Pietrokovski J, Massler M. Alveolar ridge resorption following tooth extraction. J Prosthet Dent 1967;17:21-7 685
20 Kelly JR. Clinically relevant approach to failure testing of all-ceramic restorations. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81:652-61 685
21 Albrektsson T. A multicenter report on osseointegrated oral implants. J Prosthet Dent 1988;60:75-84 683
22 Kasemo B. Biocompatibility of titanium implants: surface science aspects. J Prosthet Dent 1983;49:832-7 668
23 Wataha JC. Biocompatibility of dental casting alloys: a review. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:223-34 640
24 Raigrodski AJ, Chiche GJ, Potiket N, Hochstedler JL, Mohamed SE, Billiot S, Mercante DE. The efficacy of posterior three-unit 617
zirconium-oxideebased ceramic fixed partial dental prostheses: a prospective clinical pilot study. J Prosthet Dent 2006;96:237-44.
25 Goodacre CJ, Bernal G, Rungcharassaeng K, Kan JY. Clinical complications in fixed prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:31-41 610
26 Tinschert J, Natt G, Mautsch W, Augthun M, Spiekermann H. Fracture Resistance of Lithium Disilicatee, Alumina-, and Zirconia-Based 591
Three-Unit Fixed Partial Dentures: A Laboratory Study. Int J Prosthodont 2001;14:231-8
27 Levin EI. Dental esthetics and the golden proportion. J Prosthet Dent 1978;40:244-52 582
28 Farrar WB, McCarty WL. Inferior joint space arthrography and characteristics of condylar paths in internal derangements of the TMJ. 578
J Prosthet Dent 1979;41:548-55
29 Lee WC, Eakle WS. Possible role of tensile stress in the etiology of cervical erosive lesions of teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1984;52:374-80 567
30 Christensen GJ. Marginal fit of gold inlay castings. J Prosthet Dent 1966;16:297-305 546
31 Atwood DA, Coy WA. Clinical, cephalometric, and densitometric study of reduction of residual ridges. J Prosthet Dent 1971;26:280-95 517
32 Albrektsson T, Wennerberg A. Oral implant surfaces: Part 2ereview focusing on clinical knowledge of different surfaces. Int J 506
Prosthodont 2004;17:544-64
33 Glauser R, Sailer I, Wohlwend A, Studer S, Schibli M, Schärer P. Experimental zirconia abutments for implant-supported single-tooth 500
restorations in esthetically demanding regions: 4-year results of a prospective clinical study. Int J Prosthodont 2004;17:285-90.
34 Okubo SR, Kanawati A, Richards MW, Childress S. Evaluation of visual and instrument shade matching. J Prosthet Dent 1998;80:642-8 484
35 Matinlinna JP, Lassila LV, Özcan M, Yli-Urpo A, Vallittu PK. An introduction to silanes and their clinical applications in dentistry. Int J 481
Prosthodont 2004;17:155-64
36 Rochette AL. Attachment of a splint to enamel of lower anterior teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1973;30:418-23 466
37 Gendreau L, Loewy ZG. Epidemiology and etiology of denture stomatitis. J Prosthodont 2011;20:251-60 458
38 Guzy GE, Nicholls JI. In vitro comparison of intact endodntically treated teeth with and without endo-post reinforcement. J Prosthet 456
Dent 1979;42:39-44.
39 Kribbs PJ. Comparison of mandibular bone in normal and osteoporotic women. J Prosthet Dent 1990;63:218-22 454
40 Feilzer AJ, De Gee AJ, Davidson CL. Curing contraction of composites and glass-ionomer cements. J Prosthet Dent 1988;59:297-300. 453
41 Walton JN, Gardner FM, Agar JR. A survey of crown and fixed partial denture failures: length of service and reasons for replacement. 445
J Prosthet Dent 1986;56:416-21
(continued on next page)


4 Volume - Issue -

Table 1. (Continued) List of most cited articles in prosthodontic journals

No. of
Sl. No. Article Citations
42 Sulaiman F, Chai J, Wozniak WT. A comparison of the marginal fit of In-Ceram, IPS Empress, and Procera crowns. Int J Prosthodont 445
43 Naert I, Quirynen M, van Steenberghe D, Darius P. A six-year prosthodontic study of 509 consecutively inserted implants for the 443
treatment of partial edentulism. J Prosthet Dent 1992;67:236-45
44 Sorensen JA, Martinoff JT. Clinically significant factors in dowel design. J Prosthet Dent 1984;52:28-35 443
45 Cox CF, Keall CL, Keall HJ, Ostro E, Bergenholtz G. Biocompatibility of surface-sealed dental materials against exposed pulps. 442
J Prosthet Dent 1987;57:1-8.
46 Zarb GA, Schmitt A. The longitudinal clinical effectiveness of osseointegrated dental implants: The Toronto study. Part I: Surgical 438
results. J Prosthet Dent 1990;63:451-7.
47 Felton DA, Kanoy BE, Bayne SA, Wirthman GP. Effect of in vivo crown margin discrepancies on periodontal health. J Prosthet Dent 437
48 Pashley D, Michelich V, Kehl T. Dentin permeability: effects of smear layer removal. J Prosthet Dent 1981;46:531-7. 436
49 Albrektsson T, Zarb GA. Current interpretations of the osseointegrated response: clinical significance. Int J Prosthodont 1993;6:95- 432
50 Diaz-Arnold AM, Vargas MA, Haselton DR. Current status of luting agents for fixed prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 1999;81:135-41 427
51 Atwood DA. Postextraction changes in the adult mandible as illustrated by microradiographs of midsagittal sections and serial 424
cephalometric roentgenograms. J Prosthet Dent 1963;13:810-24.
52 Borges GA, Sophr AM, De Goes MF, Sobrinho LC, Chan DC. Effect of etching and airborne particle abrasion on the microstructure of 422
different dental ceramics. J Prosthet Dent 2003;89:479-88.
53 Holmes DC, Diaz-Arnold AM, Leary JM. Influence of post dimension on stress distribution in dentin. J Prosthet Dent 1996;75:140-7 421
54 Albrektsson T, Jacobsson M. Bone-metal interface in osseointegration. J Prosthet Dent 1987;57:597-607 412
55 Torbjörner A, Karlsson S, Ödman PA. Survival rate and failure characteristics for two post designs. J Prosthet Dent 1995;73:439-44. 412
56 McLean JW. Evolution of dental ceramics in the twentieth century. J Prosthet Dent 2001;85:61-6 409
57 Kern M, Thompson VP. Bonding to glass infiltrated alumina ceramic: adhesive methods and their durability. J Prosthet Dent 406
58 Gutmann JL. The dentin-root complex: anatomic and biologic considerations in restoring endodontically treated teeth. J Prosthet 404
Dent 1992;67:458-67
59 Attard NJ, Zarb GA. Long-term treatment outcomes in edentulous patients with implant-fixed prostheses: the Toronto study. Int J 404
Prosthodont 2004;17:417-24
60 Gibbs CH, Mahan PE, Lundeen HC, Brehnan K, Walsh EK, Holbrook WB. Occlusal forces during chewing and swallowing as measured 403
by sound transmission. J Prosthet Dent 1981;46:443-9.
61 Libman WJ, Nicholls JI. Load fatigue of teeth restored with cast posts and cores and complete crowns. Int J Prosthodont 1995;8:155-61 399
62 Awad MA, Lund JP, Shapiro SH, Locker D, Klemetti E, Chehade A, Savard A, Feine JS. Oral health status and treatment satisfaction 398
with mandibular implant overdentures and conventional dentures: a randomized clinical trial in a senior population. Int J
Prosthodont. 2003;16:390-6.
63 Farrar WB. Characteristics of the condylar path in internal derangements of the TMJ. J Prosthet Dent 1978;39:319-23. 397
64 Ekelund JA, Lindquist LW, Carlsson GE, Jemt T. Implant treatment in the edentulous mandible: a prospective study on Brånemark 393
system implants over more than 20 years. Int J Prosthodont 2003;16:602-8
65 Hansson HA, Albrektsson T, Branemark PI. Structural aspects of the interface between tissue and titanium implants. J Prosthet Dent 392
66 Van der Burgt TP, Ten Bosch JJ, Borsboom PC, Kortsmit WJ. A comparison of new and conventional methods for quantification of 389
tooth color. J Prosthet Dent 1990;63:155-62.
67 Heintze SD, Rousson V. Survival of zirconia-and metal-supported fixed dental prostheses: a systematic review. Int J Prosthodont 389
68 Dérand P, Dérand T. Bond strength of luting cements to zirconium oxide ceramics. Int J Prosthodont 2000;13:131-5 387
69 Douglas RD, Steinhauer TJ, Wee AG. Intraoral determination of the tolerance of dentists for perceptibility and acceptability of shade 387
mismatch. J Prosthet Dent 2007;97:200-8
70 Cormier CJ, Burns DR, Moon P. In vitro comparison of the fracture resistance and failure mode of fiber, ceramic, and conventional 386
post systems at various stages of restoration. J Prosthodont 2001;10:26-36.
71 Wilson AD. Resin-modified glass-ionomer cements. Int J Prosthodont 1990;3:425-9 386
72 Wataha JC. Alloys for prosthodontic restorations. J Prosthet Dent 2002;87:351-63 384
73 Isidor F, Ödman P, Brøndum K. Intermittent loading of teeth restored using prefabricated carbon fiber posts. Int J Prosthodont 383
74 Zarb GA, Schmitt A. The longitudinal clinical effectiveness of osseointegrated dental implants: the Toronto Study. Part II: The 382
prosthetic results. J Prosthet Dent 1990;64:53-61
75 Wiskott HW, Nicholls JI, Belser UC. Stress fatigue: basic principles and prosthodontic implications. Int J Prosthodont 1995;8:105-16 379
76 Livaditis GJ, Thompson VP. Etched castings: an improved retentive mechanism for resin-bonded retainers. J Prosthet Dent 378
77 Fernandes AS, Dessai GS. Factors affecting the fracture resistance of post-core reconstructed teeth: a review. Int J Prosthodont 378
(continued on next page)


- 2019 5

Table 1. (Continued) List of most cited articles in prosthodontic journals

No. of
Sl. No. Article Citations
78 Miyazaki T, Nakamura T, Matsumura H, Ban S, KobayashiT. Current status of zirconia restoration. J Prosthodont Res 2013;57:236-61 376
79 Williamson EH, Lundquist DO. Anterior guidance: its effect on electromyographic activity of the temporal and masseter muscles. 369
J Prosthet Dent 1983;49:816-23.
80 Villalta P, Lu H, Okte Z, Garcia-Godoy F, Powers JM. Effects of staining and bleaching on color change of dental composite resins. 368
J Prosthet Dent 2006;95:137-42.
81 Burguete RL, Johns RB, King T, Patterson EA. Tightening characteristics for screwed joints in osseointegrated dental implants. J 368
Prosthet Dent 1994;71:592-9.
82 Turner KA, Missirlian DM. Restoration of the extremely worn dentition. J Prosthet Dent 1984;52:467-74 366
83 Frush JP, Fisher RD. The dynesthetic interpretation of the dentogenic concept. J Prosthet Dent 1958;8:558-81 366
84 Dong JK, Luthy H, Wohlwend A, Schärer P. Heat-pressed ceramics: technology and strength. Int J Prosthodont 1992;5:9-16 365
85 Monticelli F, Grandini S, Goracci C, Ferrari M. Clinical Behavior Translucent-Fiber Posts: A 2-Year Prospective Study. Int J Prosthodont 363
86 Allen F, Locker D. A modified short version of the oral health impact profile for assessing health-related quality of life in edentulous 363
adults. Int J Prosthodont 2002;15:446-50
87 Seghi RR, Sorensen JA. Relative flexural strength of six new ceramic materials. Int J Prosthodont 1995;8:239-46 359
88 Ramfjord SP. Dysfunctional temporomandibular joint and muscle pain. J Prosthet Dent 1961;11:353-74 358
89 Wagner WC, Chu TM. Biaxial flexural strength and indentation fracture toughness of three new dental core ceramics. J Prosthet Dent 356
90 Sennerby L, Roos J. Surgical determinants of clinical success of osseointegrated oral implants: a review of the literature. Int J 356
Prosthodont 1998;11:408-20.
91 Becker W, Becker BE. Replacement of maxillary and mandibular molars with single endosseous implant restorations: a retrospective 352
study. J Prosthet Dent 1995;74:51-5.
92 McCarty WL, Farrar WB. Surgery for internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint. J Prosthet Dent 1979;42:191-6 351
93 Seghi RR, Johnston WM, O’Brien WJ. Spectrophotometric analysis of color differences between porcelain systems. J Prosthet Dent 350
94 Kern M, Thompson VP. Sandblasting and silica coating of a glass-infiltrated alumina ceramic: volume loss, morphology, and changes 349
in the surface composition. J Prosthet Dent 1994;71:453-61.
95 Assif D, Bitenski A, Pilo R, Oren E. Effect of post design on resistance to fracture of endodontically treated teeth with complete 349
crowns. J Prosthet Dent 1993;69:36-40.
96 Frush JP, Fisher RD. The dynesthetic interpretation of the dentogenic concept. J Prosthet Dent 1958;8:558-81 348
97 Meijer HJ, Kuiper JH, Starmans FJ, Bosman F. Stress distribution around dental implants: influence of superstructure, length of 346
implants, and height of mandible. J Prosthet Dent 1992;68:96-102
98 Sproull RC. Color matching in dentistry. Part II. Practical applications of the organization of color. J Prosthet Dent 1973;29:556-66. 343
99 Gibbs CH, Mahan PE, Mauderli A, Lundeen HC, Walsh EK. Limits of human bite strength. J Prosthet Dent 1986;56:226-9. 343
100 Bausch JR, de Lange K, Davidson CL, Peters A, de Gee AJ. Clinical significance of polymerization shrinkage of composite resins. J 342
Prosthet Dent 1982;48:59-67.

the journals, researchers, institutions, or nations associ- considered classic.17 The number was greater than the
ated with the articles.14 number of citations for articles in the field of endodon-
The citation classics can be identified either by setting tics, which counts between 554 and 87 citations.11 It is
citation thresholds or choosing various papers at the top also much higher than for orthodontic research, which
of the list of exceptionally cited papers.14,15 In the present ranged between 545 and 89.2 The number of citations is
study, the second method was followed by choosing the similar to articles published in periodontics, which
100 most cited prosthodontic papers over a period of 67 ranged between 2307 and 229.13
years. The search robots used by Google Scholar try to From this study, it was observed that the Journal of
index most cited papers from every website they visit, Prosthetic Dentistry received the greatest number of cita-
including most major sources and many that are lesser tions, followed by the International Journal of Prosthodon-
known. Another advantage of Google Scholar is that it tics. It was also determined that journals with a higher H
covers articles over a wide period, dating back to 1006 index contributed most articles to the top 100. This was
AD.16 true for all the selected journals, except for the European
All the articles in the present study had received more Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry. The
than 300 citations (2368 to 342) and thus can all be Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry is a long-standing journal


6 Volume - Issue -

Table 2. Distribution of 100 most cited articles in prosthodontic journals and corresponding journal metrics
Sl. No. Name of the Journal No. of Articles SCImago Journal Metrics Country and Year of Origin
1 The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 72 H index: 106; SJR 2017: 1.09 United States and 1951-ongoing
2 International Journal of Prosthodontics 25 H index: 84; SJR 2017: 0.89 United States and 1988-ongoing
3 Journal of Prosthodontics 2 H index: 47; SJR 2017: 0.73 United States and 1992-ongoing
4 Journal of Prosthodontic Research 1 H index: 23; SJR 2017: 1.2 Netherlands and 2009-ongoing
5 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics 0 H index: 18; SJR 2017: 1.2 Republic of Korea and 2009-ongoing
6 The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 0 - India and 2001-ongoing
7 European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 0 H index: 22; SJR 2017: 0.26 United Kingdom and 1992-ongoing
8 The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 0 - Korea and 1960-ongoing

first published since 1951, which may explain the jour- The most cited prosthodontic research was almost
nal’s high contribution to citation classics. The Journal of exclusively from North America and Western Europe.
Korean Academy of Prosthodontics, however, first pub- A similar trend has been observed in citation analysis
lished in 1960, did not appear to have contributed to in other dental fields, including periodontology,13
citation classics, presumably because the main text of the implantology,23 endodontics,11 and orthodontics,10 as
articles was in the Korean language and so was not well as in other medical specialties.5-8 This trend may
included in Google Scholar. Because of this language be explained in part by geographic accumulative
barrier, the chances of these articles being cited inter- advantage, as citations originate more frequently from
nationally is also low. institutions located in the same country.24 The
The true impact and reputation of an article cannot migration of eminent researchers from different parts
be weighed for at least 2 decades.14 The number of of the world to these regions is also a likely contrib-
citations an article receives depends on its year of utor.5 These findings confirm the overwhelming in-
publication, as citations increase over time.18 The fluence that the United States has on prosthodontic
citation count for articles published during the 1980s research because of its large population and the
and 1990s can be attributed to this reason. This also financial assistance provided to the scientific commu-
accounts for few articles being in the top 100 from the nity.24 The reason behind a large number of classical
year 2000 onwards. As a result, the number of citations studies, especially on implantology, originating from
of recently published papers is always underestimated. Sweden is that it was the birthplace of modern-day
Another reason for a large number of articles in the dental implants. Per-Ingvar Brånemark, the father of
1980s and 1990s is that the basics of osseointegrated modern implantology, and his pupil Tomas Albrekts-
dental implants were laid down in 1983.19 Hence, most son are both Swedish.
studies on implantology tend to cite these original According to a study published in Nature, the ma-
works. jority of authors of the most cited articles felt that their
Research conducted between the 1950s and 1970s work was evolutionary (continuous progress, broader
centered on the edentulous condition, with studies on interest, and greater synthesis) and not revolutionary
complete dentures, residual ridge resorption, and TMJ (disruptive innovativeness and surprise). Hence, other
changes being the most cited, followed by osseointe- methods have to be developed to identify and highlight
grated implants during the 1980s and 1990s. With the original innovative works. Until then, the citation
use of composite resins for rehabilitation in the 1980s, the indices will continue to be used to analyze scientific
number of citations for research on composite resin literature.25
materials has increased.20 Research on ceramics had Google Scholar includes in its list of citations
increased in the 1990s and is continuing with the intro- books, dissertations, and other works, in addition to
duction of new techniques and materials. Hence, from scientific articles, which may be a weakness if scientific
this analysis, a new field of study was established in each value is going to be judged. The results of this data-
decade, and research on those recent advances has been base should, therefore, be regarded with caution.
more cited in comparison with other fields. Bibliometric analysis, as with any method, does not
In the field of dentistry, the numbers of systematic cover the entirety of scientific production. Limitations
reviews are rapidly increasing.21 But, only 5% of the top of the present study included that the search strategy
100 prosthodontic articles were systemic reviews. Au- did not identify articles published in nonprosthodontic
thors prefer to cite systematic reviews over research with journals. These articles were not included in the
a lower level of evidence.22 Additional systematic reviews analysis, as it was considered impractical to isolate
and meta-analyses are needed for various focused them from the many dental and other scientific
questions in prosthodontics. journals.


- 2019 7

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Corresponding author:
Based on the findings of this bibliometric analysis, the Dr Gadde Praveen
following conclusions were drawn: Department of Public Health Dentistry
Vishnu Dental College
1. Although the citation index is not a direct measure Bhimavaram-534202
of the quality or importance of an article, it does Email: [email protected]
enable quantitative evaluation of scientific impact. Acknowledgments
2. The 100 most cited articles are considered important The authors thank Dr Suresh Sajjan, Head of the Department, Prosthodontics, for
his assistance in preparing this manuscript.
as they can provide information on advances, areas
of most intense research, and future objectives in Copyright © 2019 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
the field of prosthodontics.


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