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American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Articles Ahead of Print

DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001445

Early rehabilitation for critically ill patients with COVID-2019:

More benefits than risks

Pengming Yu, MS1,2; Quan Wei, MD, PhD1,2; Chengqi He, MD, PhD1,2

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University,

Chengdu, Sichuan, PR China.

Key Laboratory of Rehabilitation Medicine in Sichuan Province, Chengdu, Sichuan, PR China.
Pengming Yu and Quan Wei contributed equally to this work.

Correspondence to Dr. Chengqi He, E-mail: [email protected], Department of Rehabilitation


Medicine Center, West China Hospital, No.37 Guoxue Alley, Chengdu ,610041, Sichuan Province,

PR China

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Keywords: COVID-19, Pneumonia, Early Rehabilitation, Intensive Care Unit


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As of April 4, 2020, a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread to 181 countries

or regions. An epidemiological analysis of 72,314 confirmed cases in China shows that while the

proportion of critically ill is low, the actual number is large.1 One recent study reported that of the

52 COVID-19 patients who were critically ill, 61.5% died within 28 days, and 71% required

mechanical ventilation.2 Apart from treating a large number of critically ill people, impairment of

body function in survivors has also posed a big challenge to the clinicians, the patient’s families,

and the society.

In recent years, the concept of early rehabilitation has been widely accepted by clinicians
in critical care around the world. It is recognized that early rehabilitation in the critically ill patients,

including those requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, is feasible, safe, effective and

beneficial.3 Early rehabilitation plays an important role in the prevention of complications,


promotes weaning from mechanical ventilation, maintains and improves system function,

improves prognosis, quality of life and facilitates the return to daily activities and work.4 Therefore,

early rehabilitation has become an indispensable part of multidisciplinary management of the


critically ill patients.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is spreading rapidly across the globe. Since COVID-19

is a new disease, scientists are racing to determine the nature of the virus and how it affects the

human body. Two recent reports reveal the pathological characteristics of patients with COVID-

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19.5,6 The pathology suggests that a patient suffering COVIOD-19 may benefit from early

intervention by a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. The first pathology report on the novel

coronavirus disease (COVID-19), analyzing its impact on a patient's lungs, liver and heart by

studying the autopsy samples.5 The samples were taken from lung, liver and heart tissue of the

body of a 50-year-old man, who was hospitalized on Jan 21 and died 14 days later, according to a

case report published by the Lancet. The patient was admitted to a fever clinic with symptoms of

fever, chills, cough, fatigue and shortness of breath, and received supplemental oxygen therapy as

well as antiviral therapy with interferon alfa-2b and lopinavir plus ritonavir. Lung samples showed

that the patient had suffered from the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), with the

pathological features greatly resembling those in SARS and MERS coronavirus infection, the
report said. The liver tissue showed moderate microvascular steatosis and mild lobular activity,

but no evidence indicated that the injury in the liver was caused by the COVID-19 infection or by

the drugs. There were no obvious histological changes in the heart tissue, showing that the disease

might not directly impair the heart of patients infected with the COVID-19. The report agreed that

lymphopenia, as a common feature in the COVID-19 patients, might be a critical factor associated

with disease severity and mortality. The report describes COVID-19 being associated with bilateral

diffuse alveolar damage with cellular fibromyxoid exudates.5 These findings can provided new

insights into the pathogenesis of the COVID-19, which may contribute to improve the early

rehabilitation strategies for similar severe patients and reduce mortality. The other study compared

the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscular system symptoms

exhibited in patients with severe and moderate COVID-19 disease.6 The finding suggests that

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COVID-19 patients commonly had neurological symptoms manifested as acute stroke (6%),

consciousness impairment (15%), and skeletal muscle injury (19%) . Elderly patients with chronic

conditions are at an increased risk of altered mental status in the setting of acute infections. Also,

a staging system based on the severity and organ involvement is needed in COVID-19 in order to

rank the patients for aggressive or conventional treatment modalities. It is important to mention

here that although the cerebral damage may complicate a COVID-19 infection, it appears that it is

the widespread dysregulation of homeostasis caused by pulmonary, renal, cardiac, and circulatory

damage that proves fatal in COIVD-19 patients. With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, there is an

urgent need to understand the neurotropic potential of the COVID-19 virus in order to prioritize

and individualize the treatment protocols based on the severity of the disease and predominant
organ involvement.

The symptoms in the cases reported above were often managed by early intervention of an

experienced rehabilitation team. The main goal of early rehabilitation is minimizing the adverse

effects of critically ill with COVID-19 on the respiratory system, restoring respiratory and physical

independence, preventing the need for subsequent dependence on mechanical ventilation and

subsequent hospitalizations and improving patient’s quality of life. First of all, this is achieved by

the reduction of patient’s dependency on the ventilator, reduction of secretion retention, atelectasis

and pneumonia, maintenance or recruitment of lung volume, improvement of regional or global

ventilation and compliance, improvement of ventilation/perfusion match, reduction of airway

resistance and work of breathing, and optimization of oxygenation. Not of less importance are the

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preservation and improvement of respiratory and peripheral muscle strength. In clinic setting,

auscultation cannot be used due to the PPE, and patients may report only dry cough, but we still

recommend early use of airway clearance techniques to help patients promote lung ventilation and

mobilization peripheral sputum, so as to avoid the formation of sputum thrombus. At the same

time, we should not only focus on the problems of the lungs, but also consider whether patients

will have neuromuscular injury, and adopt early activities to prevent them the occurrence of

generalized muscle weakness.


Whether early rehabilitative interventions for COVID-19 patients should commence in the
intensive care unit (ICU) is controversial, and many physicians, both medical as well as clinicians

in rehabilitation, hold a conservative attitude. Medical clinicians are particularly cautious about

risks associated with early intervention of rehabilitative techniques. The reason may come from

the general lack of understanding of existing research on COVID-19 and a consequently over

cautions approach to these critically ill patients.


The rehabilitation clinicians are concerned that there is no precedent for early rehabilitation

treatment of COVID-19, a lack of experience in acute management of COVID-19 patients, and the

absence of guidelines, recommendations and expert consensus. So it is unsure how to be ‘involved’.

Some are of the view that the current treatment plan should not allow physical therapists to provide

treatment to COVID-19 patients in ICU, as this may increase the risk of cross infection, and that

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management of these patients should focus on life support, antiviral therapy and hormone therapy.

Some physicians are of the view that early rehabilitation will interfere with clinical treatment,

increase patient oxygen consumption and may not cause any benefit.

The above opinions have led to the current situation where most critically ill patients are

not offered the opportunity of early rehabilitative intervention. As of April 4, there is no report on

early rehabilitation of critically ill patients with covid-19 in the world. We retrieved on the website

of Baidu and WeChat in China, also reviewed all of the Epidemic Bulletin from Chinese

Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, only 9 pieces of information about total 19

physiotherapists entering ICU to carry out early rehabilitation. However, we are of the view that
early rehabilitation interventions delivered by a multidisciplinary team, following comprehensive

assessment and treatment, is safe when conducted in the critical care environment. We hold this

view because the rehabilitation team adopts an evidence-practice approach to the management of

patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, acute respiratory failure, acute heart

failure, acute renal failure, mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

Secondly our experience at West-China Hospital, where early rehabilitation intervention was

introduced for critically ill patients with COVID-9, has been very positive. Our hospital sent a

multidisciplinary medical team including 2 physiotherapists to take over Chengdu Public Health

Center ICU, which is a designated treatment center for all COVID-19 patients in Sichuan province.

Our physiotherapists carried out early rehabilitation for more than dozen of critically ill patients

with COVID-9 from February 16th till all of them have been discharge or transferred to general

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
ward. Before performing the early rehabilitation intervention, we have done a comprehensive

evaluation of the patient’s systemic function, particularly in terms of cognitive status, respiratory

function, cardiovascular function, and musculoskeletal function. Before initiating treatment, a

consensus from the medical team must be obtained, and sufficient preparations should be made.

The cause should be determined, and safety should be reevaluated. Due to safety and human

resource concerns, we covered three major areas: positioning management, early mobilization, and

respiratory management. From our clinic evidence, we found the early rehabilitation interventions

has a positive effect on patients’ prognosis, as assessed by improvements in functional status such

as exercise capacity, muscle strength, and walking ability at discharge, as well as reductions in the

duration of mechanical ventilation, length of the ICU stay, and length of hospital stay. We will
publish our observations soon.


We believe that it is safe and effective to carry out early rehabilitation intervention for

critical ill patients of COVID-19 with the cooperation of multidisciplinary teams. Early

rehabilitation for critically ill patients with COVID-2019:More benefits than risks.

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

We declare no conflicts of interest.

This work did not receive any grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-

profit sectors.


Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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