Cln4u Task Prisons Rubrics

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Designing the Ideal Prison:

Prison Design Assessment Rubric

Student’s Name:

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Content of ideal • Extensive factual • A good range of • A fairly good range •Insufficient factual
prison plan information, factual information, of factual information,
(K/U) covering all outlined covering most information, omitting many of
criteria outlined criteria covering the the outlined criteria
majority of outlined

Layout of ideal • Highly accurate, • Accurate, realistic, • Generally accurate • Inaccurate and/or
prison plan realistic, and and effective and realistic unrealistic blueprint
(C) effective blueprint blueprint of prison blueprint of prison of prison
of prison • Includes most of • Includes some of • Includes few or
• Includes all required required elements required elements none of required
elements (full title, (full title, labels, (full title, labels, elements (full title,
labels, scale, scale, legends, etc.) scale, legends, etc.) labels, scale,
legends, etc.) legends, etc.)

Creativity • Highly original • Mostly original • Some original • Prison design and
(T/I) prison design and prison design and prison design and features mainly
features features features, with some copied from existing
• Extensive evidence • Clear evidence of borrowing from format
of creative thinking creative thinking existing format • Little or no evidence
skills skills • Some evidence of of creative thinking
creative thinking

Copyright © 2004 Emond Montgomery Publications Ltd. This page may be reproduced for classroom use. UNIT 3 TASK:5

Designing the Ideal Prison:

Oral Presentation Assessment Rubric

Student’s Name:

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Content • Demonstrates a • Demonstrates • Demonstrates some • Demonstrates
(K/U) thorough considerable knowledge of the limited knowledge
knowledge of the knowledge of the ideal prison plan of the ideal prison
ideal prison plan ideal prison plan and of program plan and of program
and of program and of program proposals proposals
proposals proposals
Oral presentation • Very good oral • Good oral • Fairly good oral • Poor oral
(C) presentation, with presentation, with presentation, with presentation, with
good eye contact, eye contact, clear some eye contact, limited eye contact,
clear articulation, articulation, and and generally clear and a lack of clear
and appropriate appropriate body articulation and/or articulation and/or
body language language appropriate body appropriate body
language language
Presentation • Presentation • Presentation • Presentation • Presentation does
materials/ employs models and effectively employs employs appropriate not employ
technology graphics very models and graphics models and graphics appropriate models
(C) effectively • PowerPoint • PowerPoint and graphics
• PowerPoint technology is used technology • PowerPoint
technology is used skillfully (clear (slides, graphics, technology
skillfully (clear slides, use of transitions, etc.) is (slides, graphics,
slides, use of graphics, etc.), with used, with some transitions, etc.) is
graphics, etc.), with few errors errors used, but with many
no errors • Few errors in • Some errors in errors
• Very few errors in spelling or grammar spelling or grammar • Frequent errors in
spelling or grammar spelling or grammar

Application • Presentation • Presentation • Presentation • Presentation not

(A) organized very organized effectively organized fairly effectively organized
effectively • Generates effectively • Generates very
• Successfully considerable class • Generates some limited class
generates discussion class discussion discussion
considerable class

UNIT 3 TASK:6 Copyright © 2004 Emond Montgomery Publications Ltd. This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

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