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NCN Summer School: July 2011

Near-equilibrium Transport:
Fundamentals and Applications

Lecture 1b: Introduction

Mark Lundstrom

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Network for Computational Nanotechnology
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana USA

copyright 2011

This material is copyrighted by Mark Lundstrom under

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2 Lundstrom 2011
about these lectures

This is a course about how electrons flow in semiconductors

and metals.

3 Lundstrom 2011
Ohm’s Law

I I I = GV = V R

+ conductor

1) Why is the characteristic linear?
How large can V be?

2) What determines G (or R)?

Georg Ohm, 1927

4 Lundstrom 2011
“diffusive” transport

“ideal” contacts 1) random walk with a small

cross-sectional bias from left to right
area, A
2) electric field

dV V
I Ex = − =−
uniform n-type dx L
semiconductor 3) force on an electron

−V + Fe = −qE x
4) average velocity:

5 Lundstrom 2011 υ d = − µ nE x
conductance (resistance)

“ideal” contacts I = Q tt
area, A Q = nqAL
L tt = L υ d

I = nqυ d A = nqµ nE x A
n-type semiconductor A
I = nqµ n V
υ d = − µ nE x L
G = nqµ n = σ n
−V + L L

G = σn σ n = nqµ n
6 Lundstrom 2011 L
carrier transport in semiconductors

I “high-field transport”

I = GV V
“low-field” or “near-equilibrium”
or “linear” transport

7 Lundstrom 2011
transport at the molecular scale

contact 1 contact 2

I = GV

G = nqµn ?

We will find that resistance is quantized in small conductors.

Lundstrom 2011 8
carrier transport

1) near-equilibrium transport

2) high-field (hot carrier) transport

3) non-local transport In small devices

4) quantum transport

5) transport in random / disordered / nanostructured media

Lundstrom 2011 9
why study near-equilibrium transport?

1) It is the foundation for understanding transport in general.

2) It is useful in characterizing and understanding materials.

3) It plays an important (sometime dominant) role in most

electronic devices.

Lundstrom 2011 10
why take a new approach?

1) More physically transparent

2) Mathematically simpler

3) More broadly applicable

Lundstrom 2011 11
the lectures
Lecture 2: General Model

Lecture 3: Resistance: Ballistic to diffusive

Lecture 4: Thermoelectric effects: Physical Approach

Lecture 5: Thermoelectric effects: Mathematics

Lecture 6: Carrier scattering

Lecture 7: The Boltzmann Transport Equation

Lecture 8: Measurements

Lecture 9: Introduction to phonon transport

12 Lecture 10: Graphene: A Case Study

Lecture 2: General Model for Transport

Datta’s model of a nanodevice (a version of the Landauer

approach) is introduced as a general way of describing
nanodevices – molecular, semiconductor nanowires,
carbon nanotubes, graphene, etc. – as well as bulk metals
and semiconductors.

Supriyo Datta, Lessons from Nanoelectronics: A new approach to

transport theory, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 2011.

13 Lundstrom 2011
Lecture 3: Resistance: Ballistic to Diffusive

The resistance of a ballistic conductor and concepts such

as the quantum contact resistance are introduced and
discussed. The results are then generalized to treat
transport all the way from the ballistic to diffusive regimes.

We will discuss how to apply these concepts to 2D

conductors (electrons free to move in a plane).
L 1
R2 D = ρS ? σS = = nS qµ n ?
W ρS
We will also discuss 3D conductors (electrons free to move
in 3D) and to 1D conductors (electrons free to move along
a wire). Lundstrom 2011 14
Lecture 4: Thermoelectric Effects: Physical Approach

We will discuss how temperature gradients affect current

flow and how electrical currents produce heat currents.
Coupled equations for the electric and heat currents will be
presented and applications to electronic cooling and the
generation of electrical power from thermal gradients will
be briefly discussed.

15 Lundstrom 2011
also near-equilibrium transport

T1 T2 > T1 ∆V = −S∆T
S is the “Seebeck
n-type semiconductor
coefficient” in V/K
I =0
S < 0 for n-type conduction
− +
∆V = ? S is also called the

The Seebeck effect was discovered in 1821 by Thomas Seebeck. It

also occurs between the junction of two dissimilar metals at different
temperatures. It is the basis for temperature measurement with
thermocouples and for thermoelectric power generation.
still more on near-equilibrium transport

Q Q IQ = π I
π is the “Peltier coefficient”
in W/A
n-type semiconductor There is a close connection
between the Peltier
isothermal I >0 coefficient and the Seebeck
I→ coefficient.

π = TS Kelvin relation

The Peltier effect was discovered in 1834 by Jean-Charles Peltier and

explained in 1838 by Lenz. It finds use in thermoelectric cooling.
Lecture 5: Thermoelectric Effects: Mathematics

Beginning with the general model for transport, we

mathematically derive expressions for the four
thermoelectric transport coefficients:

i) electrical conductivity
ii) Seebeck coefficient (thermopower)
iii) Peltier coefficient
iv) Electronic heat conductivity

We also discuss the relationship of the coefficients (e.g. the

Kelvin relation and the Weidemann-Franz Law).
18 Lundstrom 2011
Lecture 6: Carrier Scattering

In Lectures 1-5, we describe scattering by a mean-free-

path for backscattering. In this lecture, we show how the
mfp is related to the time between scattering events and
briefly discuss how the scattering time is related to
underlying physical processes.

19 Lundstrom 2011
Lecture 7: The Boltzmann Transport Equation

Semi-classical carrier transport is traditionally described by

the Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE). In this lecture,
we present the BTE, show how it is solved, and relate it to
the Landauer Approach used in these lectures. As an
example of the use of the BTE, we derive the conductivity
in the presence of an applied B-field.

20 Lundstrom 2011
Lecture 8: Measurement Considerations

Measurements of near-equilibrium transport are commonly

used to characterize electronic materials. This lecture is a
brief introduction to commonly-used techniques such as 4-
probe measurements, transmission line method, van der
Pauw techniques, and Hall effect measurements.

21 Lundstrom 2011
Lecture 9: Introduction to Phonon Transport

Most of the heat flow in semiconductors is carried by

phonons. In the presence of a small temperature gradient,
phonon transport is also a problem in near-equilibrium
transport, and the techniques developed for electron
transport can be readily applied to phonons. This lecture is
an introduction to phonon transport and to the key
similarities and differences between electron and phonon

22 Lundstrom 2011
Lecture 10: Case Study: Transport in Graphene

In previous lectures we largely consider applications of

near-equilibrium transport to traditional materials, such as
semiconductors with a parabolic energy band, but the
theory is much more general. As an example of how to
apply the concepts in these lectures, we discuss near-
equilibrium transport in graphene, a material that has
recently attracted a lot of attention and was the subject of
the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics.

23 Lundstrom 2011
course objectives

1) To introduce students to carrier transport using a “bottom

up” approach that works at the nanoscale as well as at
the (traditional) macroscale.

2) To acquaint students with some key results (e.g. the

quantum of conductance, common measurement

3) To provide a starting point, a basic foundation upon

which you can build.

24 Lundstrom 2011
for more information

“Electronics from the Bottom Up”


“ECE 656: Electronic Transport in Semiconductors”



25 Lundstrom 2011

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