Software Manual For Windows Z/EVES Version 2.3: TR-97-5505-04h Irwin Meisels Release Date: June 2004

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Software Manual

Windows Z/EVES Version 2.3

Irwin Meisels

Release date: June 2004

ORA Canada
P.O. Box 46005, 2339 Ogilvie Rd.
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 9M7

c ORA Canada (1996,1997,1999, 2000, 2004)
EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h i

1 Introduction 1
1.1 GUI Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Release Notes 1

3 Installation Instructions 4
3.1 Installing Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Installing Z/EVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3 Uninstalling Z/EVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.4 The Toolkit and Section Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Using Windows Z/EVES 5

4.1 Z/EVES Program Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2 Using Unix Z/EVES with GNU Emacs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5 LATEX 2ε Support 8

6 Contact 9
ii EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h
1 Introduction
This document describes the procedure for installing Version 2.3 of the Z/EVES verification system
on a Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP system. The distribution format
for Windows Z/EVES is a self-installing executable file, usually downloaded using FTP.
This version of Z/EVES can be used in two ways, in server mode and in Z/LATEX mode. In
server mode, it runs as a server, providing parsing, type checking, and proof service which is accessed
through a graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI is included in the Z/EVES distribution and is
described in [Saa 99b]. The Z/EVES GUI accepts and displays Z text in Z notation, as described
in the Z Reference Manual ([Spi 92]).
In Z/LATEX mode, Z/EVES is accessed directly, through a command-line interface provided by
Z/EVES itself. In this mode, Z text is accepted and displayed in Z/LATEX notation. Also, a GNU
Emacs mode is provided for editing Z/LATEX text and interacting with Z/EVES.
The Z/EVES distribution includes the Z font created by Richard Jones, Version 1.0.4; this font
is Richard
c Jones, 1995.

1.1 GUI Requirements

The Z/EVES GUI is written in Python, and requires Python 2.3 for Windows; an executable file
which installs this program is available from
We have experienced some problems with Python 2.3.x on Windows 98 machines with limited
memory (32Mb on our test machine) and do not recommend running Z/EVES 2.3 on such machines.

2 Release Notes
Version 2.2 had a limited, Windows-only distribution; the last major public release of Z/EVES was
Version 2.1. Save files created with Version 2.2 can be read by Version 2.3. However, because the
Toolkit has changed, save files created by version 2.1 and earlier versions of Z/EVES may be read,
but the proofs are lost and proof scripts, if any, must be run again. The following changes have been
made since Version 2.1:

• Windows Z/EVES is now built with Xanalys LispWorks, which is considerably faster than the
Lisp system used previously.
• The Z/EVES GUI will now work with a more up-to-date version of Python (Version 2.3).
• Save and restore will now work for very large files.
• The mouse wheel, if you have one, now works correctly in the specification and proof windows.
• A specification can be exported in LATEX form. This facility has some minor shortcomings:
– Unchecked syntax declarations are exported incorrectly.
– Some symbols are exported incorrectly:
symbol exported as
\upto ..
\hide \setminus
\comp \semi
In some cases, a \Label{...} command can be exported as \ldata ... \rdata instead.
In all these cases, the exported text can be printed or re-imported without problems, but
cannot be successfully checked in the text mode Z/EVES interface.
– Generic actuals for schemas appear in the wrong place.
2 EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h

– A paragraph’s “ability” can sometimes be lost.

• The Z/LATEX form allows for proof scripts to appear in a “zproof” environment. This has the
Zproof ::= \begin{zproof} [goal-name] command ; ... ; command \end{zproof}
goal-name ::= [ event-name ]
The read command in the text-mode interface to Z/EVES has been modified to process these
environments. If no goal-name is given in the environment, the commands are applied to the
current goal. Thus, a zproof environment appearing immediately after a theorem will apply
to that theorem.
In the text-mode interface to Z/EVES, several new commands are applicable to files containing
zproof environments:
– The read-declarations command reads and processes any Z paragraphs in the given
file, skipping the contents of any zproof environments.
– read-proofs reads and processes and zproof environments in the given file.
The GUI’s LATEX import function reads zproof environments, so that proofs developed in text
mode can be imported into, and re-run in, the GUI. The LATEX export function can also
generate these environments.
• A new command, “Commands|Check and prove all paragraphs”, has been added. This com-
mand checks paragraphs and runs proof scripts for goals as they are generated, and is partic-
ularly useful for re-running proofs after making changes to a specification.
• A new command, “File|Properties”, giving some summary information about the specification,
has been added.
• A new error, “Ill-formed binding” can be reported if a proof step results in an illegal Z formula
and the proof step has no effect. Previously, the system would crash.
• A few glyphs have been moved around in the Z font, so that they will be displayed correctly in
new versions of Python. The font has been renamed so as not to conflict with the unmodified
• The Toolkit has been modified:
– Many new theorems have been added. There are significant additions for constant func-
tions, transitive closure ( + ), reflexive transitive closure ( ∗ ), and arithmetic.
– Some typos in theorem names have been fixed:
old name new name
CrossSubsetCross2 crossSubsetCross2
CrossSubsetCross3 crossSubsetCross3
cardIsNonNegqative cardIsNonNegative
– Theorems crossSubsetCross2, crossSubsetcross3, and mapSeqCat have been strengthened.
– Theorem starDef has been corrected.
– The defining axioms for prefix, suffix, and in have been labelled, so they can be more easily
used in proofs. This as a side-effect means a user’s first unnamed axiom will be axiom$1
instead of axiom$4, so some existing proofs might be affected.
• New internal rules have been added to allow rewrite steps to deal with declarations of the form
x : {} or x : {y}.
EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h 3

• Several errors have been fixed:

– A bug has been fixed in the LATEX import function; this bug was triggered when a .tex file
was imported, a paragraph was deleted in the GUI, and then the .tex file was imported
– The LATEX importer now handles div and mod correctly.
– Applications of prefix generics are now properly parenthesized when necessary.
– Bindings and var-decls are now printed correctly.
– The alphabets of a binding are now sorted, so that the order in which components are
mentioned does not matter.
– Two problems with variable renamings have been corrected.
4 EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h

3 Installation Instructions
Before installing Z/EVES, you must install Python 2.3.4 if you wish to use the Z/EVES GUI.

3.1 Installing Python

To install Python, do the following:

1. Download the Python 2.3.4 installer (Python-2.3.4.exe) at the URL given in Section 1.
2. Run the installer. On Windows NT or above, log in as Administrator first.

3.2 Installing Z/EVES

The Windows Z/EVES distribution file is an executable file which installs Z/EVES and the Jones
Z font, creates a program group for Z/EVES 2.3, and creates shortcuts on the desktop for running
Z/EVES. The installer also creates links, in the Z/EVES program group, to the Z/EVES documen-
tation files. These files are in Adobe PDF format, and you need a PDF reader to view them.
To install Z/EVES, do the following:

1. Download the Z/EVES installer via FTP, to some temporary directory. Make sure that you
download the correct version for your system, and that you download the file in binary mode.
(For more specific instructions on how to download Z/EVES, please contact us at the address
given in Section 6.)
2. Double-click on the installer file in Windows Explorer, or run it from the Start menu. Admin-
istrator privileges are not required.
3. The installer will create a program group for Z-EVES 2.3 accessible from the Start menu, and
install shortcuts for the Z/EVES command line and Z/EVES GUI on the desktop. By default,
Z/EVES files are installed in subdirectories of C:\Program Files\Z-EVES 2.3\.
4. [optional] The file system\z-eves.el in the installation directory contains Emacs Lisp code
for the GNU Emacs Z/LATEX and Z/EVES modes. This code works only with GNU Emacs
Version 19 and above. To install and compile this file, do the following:
(a) Copy z-eves.el to your Emacs Lisp site directory.
(b) Visit the file in Emacs, and use M-x byte-compile-file to compile the file. You will get
some warnings about assignments and references to free variables; these may be ignored.
(c) Add the following to your ~/.emacs file:
(setq auto-mode-alist (append auto-mode-alist
’(("\\.z$" . z-latex-mode)
("\\.zed$" . z-latex-mode))))
(autoload ’z-latex-mode "z-eves" "Z-EVES LaTeX mode." t)
(autoload ’run-z-eves "z-eves" "Run Z-EVES." t)
(setq z-eves-program
"c:/program files/z-eves 2.3/system/z-eves-pc-windows-lispworks.exe")
(setq z-eves-program-args nil)
This assumes that Z/EVES has been installed in the default location. If not, specify the
full path name of the Z/EVES executable as the value of z-eves-program.
The modifications to auto-mode-alist will make Emacs automatically turn on Z/LATEX
mode in a buffer for a file whose extension is .z or .zed. For a file whose extension
EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h 5

is .tex, you will have to turn on Z/LATEX mode in the buffer manually. You can add
the cons ("\\.tex$" . z-latex-mode) to auto-mode-alist to automatically turn on
Z/LATEX mode for these files, but this will interfere with the editing of TEX or LATEX
source files.

3.3 Uninstalling Z/EVES

Z/EVES may be uninstalled from the Z-EVES 2.3 program group, or from the Add/Remove Pro-
grams applet in the Control Panel.

3.4 The Toolkit and Section Directories

NOTE: Sections are fully implemented only in Z/LATEX mode. The Z/EVES server starts up with
the Toolkit section loaded, and it is not possible to replace this section or load other sections.
The system\ subdirectory of the Z/EVES installation directory contains the section file for the
Z/EVES Mathematical Toolkit, toolkit.sct. Z/EVES starts with the Toolkit section already
loaded, but if Z/EVES needs to load the Toolkit again, it must know where to find the section file.
Z/EVES looks for section files in the following directories, in the following order:

1. The directory which contains the Z/EVES executable (the “system” directory).

2. Directories specified in the Z/EVES command line, with the -libs option. The value of this
option is a semicolon-separated list of directories. This option may be added to the command
line in the “Z-EVES” shortcut. (As noted in Section 4.1, this option must be preceded with
-- if it is the first Z/EVES option.)

3. Directories specified in the zsection path command, in the order specified (the “user” direc-

In the second and third cases, directory names must end in a backslash (\).
If the zsection path command is given with no arguments, the current system directory and
user directory list are printed.

4 Using Windows Z/EVES

To run Z/EVES in Z/LATEX mode, double-click on the “Z-EVES” icon on the desktop, and a
command-line window will appear. To run the Z/EVES GUI, double-click on the “Z-EVES GUI”
icon on the desktop, and the Z/EVES GUI main window will appear. These shortcuts are also
available in the Z-EVES 2.3 program group.
Chapter 2 of the User’s Guide [Saa 99b] describes how to use the GUI.
To use Z/EVES effectively, you will need to have a good knowledge of the Z language and the
syntax of Z/EVES input. The Z reference manual [Spi 92] describes the former, and the Z/EVES
reference manual [Mei 97] describes the latter. When proving theorems and domain checking con-
ditions, you will find the theorems described in the documentation for the Z/EVES Mathematical
Toolkit [Saa 99a] useful.

4.1 Z/EVES Program Options

The Z/EVES program accepts several options. The first Z/EVES option must be preceded by a
double hyphen (--). The following options are accepted:

-help Print a short description of the valid options and exit.

6 EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h

-version Print version information and exit.

-api Run Z/EVES in server mode (used by the GUI).
-libs dirs Specify a semicolon-separated list of directories in which to look for section files.

4.2 Using Unix Z/EVES with GNU Emacs

There are GNU Emacs major modes for editing Z/EVES source and for running Z/EVES. These
modes are available if you have installed the z-eves.el Emacs Lisp file and modified your ~/.emacs
file appropriately (Section 3.2). When editing a file whose name ends in .z or .zed, the buffer will
automatically be placed in Z/LATEX mode.
The following commands are available to start Z/LATEX mode in a buffer, and to start an inferior
Z/EVES process.
M-x z-latex-mode start Z/LATEX mode
M-x run-z-eves start an inferior Z/EVES process
The following commands are available in Z/LATEX mode:
C-c C-l start an inferior Z/EVES process or pop to existing process
C-c C-b move to the previous command or declaration
C-c C-f move to the next command or declaration
DEL delete previous char; if a tab, convert to spaces first
C-j insert a newline and indent to previous line
TAB insert a tab, or complete symbol before point
For a Z paragraph to be recognized by Z/LATEX mode, the \begin and \end text must start in
the first column of a line. The text of a command must also start in the first column of a line.
When an inferior Z/EVES process is started, a window connected to the process is popped up,
and the following additional commands are made available in Z/LATEX mode:
C-c C-e send the declaration or command which starts at or before
point to Z/EVES
C-c C-r send declarations and commands in the current region to
C-c C-s insert a proof summary at point
The following command is available in the Z/EVES process window:
C-c C-c interrupt Z/EVES
If the C-c C-r command is given a numeric argument (using the C-u prefix), only declarations
and non-proof commands in the region will be sent to the Z/EVES process. Also, if the C-c C-s
command is given a numeric argument, the inserted proof summary will be enclosed in a zproof
Output from the form(s) sent to the Z/EVES process by C-c C-e and C-c C-r will appear in the
Z/EVES window. If the C-c C-l or M-x run-z-eves command is given while a Z/EVES process
is running, the Z/EVES window will be popped up on the screen if it is not currently visible. You
can also move to the Z/EVES window and type Z/EVES commands there; it is a “comint window”
and the commands available in comint mode are also available in the Z/EVES window.
If you have used the ztags command to generate a tags file for your Z/LATEX source file(s), the
tags-related Emacs commands, (e.g., M-x tags-search) may be used, but note the following:
• The current buffer must be in Z/LATEX mode when the tags table is loaded. If not, you will
have to kill the tags table buffer and reload the table.
EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h 7

• To search for a name or symbol defined in a \syndef declaration, enclose the name or symbol
in double quotes ("), to distinguish it from the name defined in a declaration box.
The Z/EVES process may be terminated by exiting Z/EVES and killing the Z/EVES window.
8 EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h

5 LATEX 2ε Support
The Windows Z/EVES distribution includes a LATEX2e package, z-eves, for typesetting Z/LATEX
specifications. This package consists of the Z macros from the zed-csp package written by Jim
Davies, plus macros for typesetting the Z/LATEX extensions to Z (e.g., theorems).
To install this package, copy the file doc\z-eves.sty to your site-local LATEX package directory.
EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h 9

6 Contact
If you have any problems with the system, contact us at:

Postal mail:
c/o ORA Canada
P.O. Box 46005
2339 Ogilvie Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 9M7
Electronic mail:
[email protected]
World Wide Web:
There is a mailing list (email) for Z/EVES-related announcements and news, and for general
discussion about Z/EVES and Z. The list is a good way to keep in touch with the Z/EVES developers
and with Z/EVES users.

• To subscribe to the list, send an email message to [email protected], with no subject

and the word subscribe in the message body.
• To unsubscribe from the list, send an email message to [email protected], with no
subject and the word unsubscribe in the message body.
• To post a message to the list, email the message to [email protected]. Please don’t send
subscription/unsubscription requests to this address.
• The Z/EVES mailing list is implemented with Majordomo. For general information on Ma-
jordomo functionality, send an email message to [email protected], with no subject and
the word help in the message body.

• For help with problems, send an email message to [email protected].

10 EVES Project TR-97-5505-04h

[Mei 97] Irwin Meisels and Mark Saaltink. The Z/EVES Reference Manual. ORA Canada Tech-
nical Report TR-97-5493-03d, September 1997.
[Saa 99a] Mark Saaltink. The Z/EVES 2.2 Mathematical Toolkit. ORA Canada Technical Report
TR-03-5493-05c, June 2003.

[Saa 99b] Mark Saaltink. The Z/EVES 2.0 User’s Guide. ORA Canada Technical Report TR-99-
5493-06a, October 1999.
[Spi 92] J.M. Spivey. The Z Notation: A Reference Manual, 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall, 1992

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