Virtual Banking-SG Overview PDF

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A bank which provides all its facilities… 2013-2017 Dec’14 Jul’17 May’19 Apply by Aug’19

Rise of ”challenger” Launch of China’s 2 million+ accounts 8 virtual banking for 2 full and 3
banks paving the first virtual bank within 2 weeks of licenses granted wholesale licenses.
way for virtual backed by Tencent launch, backed by (30+ applicants), Interested: Singtel,
banking ecosystem Tencent & Alibaba JVs & foreign- Grab, Razer,
backing trends Validus, InstaRem.

Through mobile/
Online tablet apps

Edge in... Concerns in…

• Offering financial services to the underbanked & • Tendency of having high loan-to-asset ratio given the
underserved segments e.g. foreign workers ease of loan application and limited capital
Typically no
• Faster transfers and loans, especially for SMEs • Lack of face-to-face identity validation increasing risk
• Offering new products, quickly adapting to clients’ of identity theft, smurfing, and other financial crimes
needs due to agility provided by fully online setup • Data privacy and liabilities – a digital bank is able to
• Well-designed applications and excellent user collect a lot more data; how it is used and required
experience, including 24/7 availability infrastructures to safeguard it need to be in place
“Competition and innovation has to be aimed
at serving the needs of society and the economy better.”
Senior Minister & Chairman, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Tharman Expected impacts Possible response by incumbents
Shanmugaratnam – June 2019
• Shift of SMEs, transfers and remittances, as well as a • Partnership – incumbents can render credibility and
* portion of millennial clients to the digital bank KYC resources while benefitting from data & future
7 out of 10 Singaporeans • Pressure to be felt more by smaller retail banks rather conversion once clients’ banking needs diversified
are open to new digital platforms* than the 3 major incumbents as they are generally • Establish a separate ring-fenced setup to complement
well-positioned digitally existing offerings and capture new market or perform
• Overall increase in expectations for rapid onboarding, additional client segmentation
and personalized service – fueling innovation for • Review and identify ways to migrate away from legacy
*higher than global average (Oracle 2018 The New Digital Demand report) improved profitability and user experience infrastructures and transition clients to be more nimble

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