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A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed
to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television 04 MAIN MENU 11 MULTIPLAYER
screen or when playing video games may trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts in these individuals. 05 NEW GAME / SAVING & LOADING 13 EXTRA CONTENT
These conditions may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or seizures in persons who
have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has an epileptic
condition or has had seizures of any kind, consult your physician before playing. IMMEDIATELY 07 GAME RULES 16 PARTNER ACTIONS
DISCONTINUE use and consult your physician before resuming gameplay if you or your child 08 ITEM SLOT 18 WARRANTY
experience any of the following health problems or symptoms: 09 RECOVERY / ROUTE GUIDE
• dizziness • eye or muscle twitches • disorientation • any involuntary movement
Bioterror continues to grip the world in fear. A new B.O.W. called “J’avo”

• altered vision • loss of awareness • seizures or convulsion.
has been spotted on the front lines of the Eastern European conflict. And
______________________________________________________________________________ as the U.S. president prepares to meet the challenges head on, a horribly
Use and handling of video games to reduce the likelihood of a seizure cruel fate awaits him and the college town of Tall Oaks.
• Use in a well-lit area and keep as far away as possible from the television screen.
• Avoid large screen televisions. Use the smallest television screen available.
Seven heroes will rise to meet this deadly new threat. They begin on
• Avoid prolonged use of the PlayStation®3 system. Take a 15-minute break during each hour of play. separate paths, but their fates will intertwine as they all head towards
• Avoid playing when you are tired or need sleep. the final conclusion...
Stop using the system immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms: lightheadedness,
nausea, or a sensation similar to motion sickness; discomfort or pain in the eyes, ears, hands, arms,
or any other part of the body. If the condition persists, consult a doctor. GETTING STARTED
NOTICE: PlayStation®3 system
Use caution when using the DUALSHOCK®3 wireless controller and the PlayStation®Move motion controller
motion sensor function. When using the DUALSHOCK ®3 wireless controller or the PlayStation ®Move
Starting a game: Before use, carefully read the instructions supplied with the PS3™ computer
entertainment system. The documentation contains information on setting up and using your system as well
motion controller motion sensor function, be cautious of the following points. If the controller hits a as important safety information.
person or object, this may cause accidental injury or damage. Before using, check that there is plenty
of space around you. When using the controller, grip it firmly to make sure it cannot slip out of your Check that the MAIN POWER switch (located on the system rear) is turned on. Insert the Resident Evil® 6 disc
hand. If using a controller that is connected to the PS3™ system with a USB cable, make sure there with the label facing up into the disc slot. Select the icon for the software title under [Game] in the PS3™
system’s home menu, and then press the s button. Refer to this manual for information on using the software.
is enough space for the cable so that the cable will not hit a person or object. Also, take care to avoid
pulling the cable out of the PS3™ system while using the controller. Quitting a game: During gameplay, press and hold down the PS button on the wireless
controller for at least 2 seconds. Then select “Quit Game” from the screen that is displayed.
Do not connect your PS3™ system to a projection TV without first consulting the user manual for your Hint To remove a disc, touch the eject button after quitting the game.
projection TV, unless it is of the LCD type. Otherwise, it may permanently damage your TV screen.
Trophies: Earn, compare and share trophies that you earn by making specific in-game
HANDLING YOUR PS3™ FORMAT DISC: accomplishments. Trophies access requires a PlayStation®Network account.
• Do not bend it, crush it or submerge it in liquids. • Do not leave it in direct sunlight or near a radiator
or other source of heat. • Be sure to take an occasional rest break during extended play. • Keep this Saved data for PS3™ format software
disc clean. Always hold the disc by the edges and keep it in its protective case when not in use. Clean Saved data for PS3™ format software is saved on the system’s hard disk.
the disc with a lint-free, soft, dry cloth, wiping in straight lines from center to outer edge. Never use The data is displayed under “Saved Game Utility” in the Game menu.
solvents or abrasive cleaners.
CONTROLS Using the DUALSHOCK®3 wireless controller

Hold down Q button & press R button Health Tablet (Recovery P.09 )
E button to attack

Quick Shot P.15

Press Q button & E button Health Tablet Auto-Reload – When you have herbs,
simultaneously press R button & F button

Ready your weapon / Cover

Ready your weapon Hide behind walls, etc
Q button
E button Physical Attack
W button SELECT button START button
Display route guide Options Menu/Skip cutscenes Pause game (offline) Perform regular attack with E
button. When the enemy attacks,
press E button to counter attack

Swap equipment / Select items

D button Item Slot P.08
Directional button
Up / Down – Swap hand
grenades, first aid spray, etc
Left / Right – Swap weapons
A button Partner Action P.16 / Cancel

Escape – Hold down Q button, Look in partner’s direction / Call –

press S button & move the left Hold down A button
stick Set Attack Tag – Ready weapon
with Q button lock aim on
enemy, & press Abutton
p PS Button

Left Stick Right Stick

Aim / Control camera
S button Action / Confirm * These are the default controls.
Move They can be changed in Options
N button or from the Options Menu within
the game.
Switch left / right hand
F button Reload / Pick up item P.04

To fully enjoy the vibration function, hold down the p button and check “On” under the vibration
function setting.
Pausing the Game - Campaign
Sliding – Press Q Dash – Left stick The game can only be paused if you are playing campaign offline. The SELECT button will bring
button during a Dash and S button up the Options Menu, but the game will still be in progress.
02 03
main menu new game / saving & loading
play game new game
After choosing New Game or Chapter Select, you can adjust various settings.
new game P.05 Start a game from the beginning. Choose the campaign you want to play.
If there is any saved data, this will not be displayed.
Choose the difficulty level.
continue If there is any saved data, “Continue” will SCREEN MODE
be displayed. Choose this to continue with the existing game. Choose between “Single” for one player & “Split” for two players.
chapter select Select the chapter you would Choose the player character.
like to play and start the game.
Adjust the settings for online and offline play.
join game P.11 Use the network to enjoy co-op CO-OP LOBBY
play online. * Not displayed when “Partner Join” is set to “Don’t Allow” on the System Settings screen.

In the lobby you can wait for another player to join you in co-op play. After a
skill settings P.10 Buy and customize skills.
player joins your game, press START button to begin play. You can also press
START button before another player comes to start the game without waiting.
Customize the dog tag
DOG TAGS attached to your account. *Another player may still join your game in-progress.

Enjoy additional game modes

extra content P.13
here. saving & loading
This game features an auto-save function. The game will also be saved when you quit the game from the
Options Menu. Saved data will be loaded upon pressing the START button at the title screen.
options Change the in-game settings
* At least 772MB of free space is required to save game data.
credits View the staff credits * If you begin the game with Chapter Select or Join Game, data from the game in progress prior to that point will be lost.

records View a variety of records

special features View special content For more detailed information about games, systems, characters bios, etc. please visit the following website
PlayStation®Store Download additional content Note: you can also access the website from a smartphone.
04 05
game screen game rules
Player Direction and Partner
distance to target dying
When the player’s Vitality Gauge
reaches zero, they enter the Dying
state, and the Dying Gauge is displayed.
In this state many actions are
restricted, and it will be game over if
more damage is incurred. Dying Gauge
The Dying Gauge is replenished after a set time, and when it becomes
full, the player can return to the game again.

Action Button Dropped item COMS Device

Vitality Gauge Tips pped when
Displays the player’s vitality; Tablets Remaining e the weapon you had equi to reload,
decreases when damage is You can only us state. You will not be able
incurred. Ammo for Equipped you enter the D weapons, or use any items.
change P.17
When less than one Weapon / Remaining
block of damage has Rounds
been incurred, the
damage will regenerate over time. Number of
Physical Combat Gauge (PC Gauge) Weapon Reloads
Performing physical attacks or quick shots will Weapon Function Switch game over / continue
use up some of the gauge    .
P.15 The gauge Displayed when you have equipped a
will regenerate over time. weapon that has multiple functionality. It’s game over when any of the following occurs:
Press the D button while in ready state. • The player or their partner suffers more damage when in the Dying state.
• Failed to accomplish your objectives, or failed certain QTE’s.
The design of th
After a game over, you can restart the game from the previous
e CO checkpoint by selecting “Continue.”
vary depending MS device will
on the characte
Chris Jake r.

06 07
item slot recovery / route guide
Press the D button during the game to open the Item Slot and view
the items you have or discard items you no longer need. recovery
In this game, herbs are used in tablet form. Use health
tablets and first aid spray to replenish your Vitality and PC
Item Slot Screen
Health Tablets
Move Cursor Cursor Item Name
Use one tablet with each press of the R button.
Right stick or With one tablet the Vitality Gauge recovers by one
directional button block and the PC Gauge recovers completely.
Item Inventory You need to convert the herbs into tablet form
beforehand. Select an herb in the Item Slot and
press the S button to store in your tablet case.
Another way to recover is with your partner’s help.

Switch screens with R button
Hold down R bu
Tips l herbs at once
Weapons Screen Switch Weapon Inventory Display tton and press the F
to prepare and conv button Preparing severa em into tablets
g th
ert tablets & then convertin blets.
without opening the automatically ter number of ta
Item Slot. results in a grea
Currently Equipped Weapon

Right stick
up/down or First Aid Spray Equip from Weapons
directional Screen, E button

If you use health tab Tips

button up/down
lets or first aid spray
partner, their Vitality near your
replenished at the sa and PC Gauge are
route guide me time as yours.
Item Menu
Press W button during the game to display the route guide. Using
Use the cursor to choose the route guide you can confirm your current objectives as well as view a marker
an item & press the S button. that shows the direction you should head in.
08 Another way to recover is with your partner’s help. 09
skill settings multiplayer
Skill points can be acquired by defeating There are various multiplayer options in this game, including co-op play and competitive
enemies and at various points throughout online modes.
the game. These points can be used to
purchase skills that will be useful as you Online Co-Op Multiplayer
proceed through the game.
As Host
On the System Settings screen in Typical Settings
the Campaign P.05 and
Create Game (Duo) in The Network Selection
Mercenaries P.13 , you can Select something other than “Offline.”
Skills can be equipped in skill sets.
use the onscreen menus to Partner Join
You can equip up to three skills in incorporate multiplayer into your If you would like to accept a partner, make
one set. game. sure this is not set to “Don’t Allow.”
When you clear a campaign, the Agent Hunt Settings
number of skill sets you can have will (Campaign): If you would like to take part
increase to eight. in an Agent Hunt, P.13 set this to
* Certain skills are specific to the
campaign or extra content P.13 , Private Slots
(The Mercenaries): If you would like to
and can only be equipped in that take on a guest, set this to “1”
particular mode.
As Guest
You can join games that other users have created or are currently
Skill sets can be changed at any time
playing. In each mode, select “Join Game” and follow the onscreen
during the game from the Options instructions to set up online multiplayer.
Menu (SELECT button).
Typical Settings
Quick Match
Tips that you
e skill sets so ur play
Games you can join are automatically selected.
veral favorit Custom Match
Prepare se pending on yo
rent ones de
can use diffe the game circumstances. Specify the types of games you would like to join.
style and
10 11
multiplayer extra content


In certain stages in the Campaign, it’s possible for up to four people In this mode, you aim to A maximum of two people can play at the
to play together at story intersections. score points by defeating as same time. Split-screen play is also possible.
many enemies in a stage as
possible within a set time. Points are displayed on the leaderboards.
Example of Story Intersection Co-Op
In The Mercenaries X Skill Settings, you
Two players in Leon’s Campaign Two players in Jake’s Cam- can buy and equip special skills unique
Split-Screen Multiplayer paign Online Co-Op to this mode.
Skills equipped under Skill Settings in
the campaign will not be equipped in
Four playersthe story The Mercenaries.
together at tion!
Agent hunt
In this mode, you can join This mode must first be unlocked by clearing
* To play with other players during story intersections, change your session settings other players’ games as an
to public. one of the campaigns.
enemy creature, and compete If the agent is defeated in a stage, the victory
to defeat as many players falls to the creature.
(agents) as possible.
Even if you are defeated, you can recover
indefinitely as long as the agent doesn’t clear
The number of agents defeated is displayed
With two or more wireless controllers connected to your on a special leaderboard.
PlayStation®3 system, select “Split” from the Screen The type of creature character you control is
Mode P.05 to experience co-op play split over two decided randomly. Each creature has various
screens. Start the game by pressing the START button on different actions.
the controller during Character Select.
In Agent Hunt X Skill Select, you can buy &
* Split screen play is only possible in the Campaign and The Mercenaries. P.13 equip special skills unique to this mode.

12 13
player actions

action buttons quick shot Press Q button & E button simultaneously.

Action buttons are displayed at various points during the game. Be A fast attack that automatically targets nearby enemies.
careful, as failing to press them correctly may mean you lose the game.
* If the DIFFICULTY is set to “AMATEUR”, action buttons that make the difference between Tips
life and death will be pressed automatically (Except for certain areas). ick Shot will always
An enemy hit with a Qu
guard . This is a great time to
be thrown off k!
perform a physical attac

escape counter
Hit the button within
the time limit! Holding down the Press the E
Press the button with the correct Q button, move the button at the instant
timing! left stick (up/down/ the enemy attacks.
left/right) & press S
physical attacks E button
After escaping, continue pressing Q button to
When the PC Gauge is empty, you can only ready your weapon while in prone position.
perform attacks that leave you vulnerable.
One Way to Take Down Enemies
Press the Q button near walls or other objects that may
be used for cover. (Press Q button and S button at the
same time to duck behind objects such as tables or crates.)
Perform the When hiding behind cover and holding down Q button, you
Aim for a weak point! Enemy is stunned! coup de grâce! can use the left stick to move around and edge out from your
hiding place to make attacks.

14 15
partner actions

partner actions Partner Action A button dying rescue

There are many situations in the game where you will need the help of a partner. When your partner is in the Dying state, the Dying icon is
displayed onscreen. You can help your partner by doing the
A button: Treatment
Their Vitality Gauge will not be replenished.

R button: Revival*
Use your Health Tablets to free your partner from the Dying
state and replenish their Vitality Gauge at the same time.
When you come to a location where * Health Tablets required.
Tips down the
you will need to work with your partner,
press the A button to activate the
a it in g , p re ss and hold s status. partner prompt. Your character will wait
While w partner’ call
check your
A button to for your partner’s response (this can be
cancelled by pressing the S button).
Hold down the A button and press W button or R
button or the directional button: You can convey simple
rescue messages to your partner, including thanks & instructions.
Hold down the Q button, lock aim on the enemy, & press
If your partner has been captured they’ll enter Help status. Press the the A button to issue an attack command (set an attack tag).
A button in close vicinity to help them escape. Use your laser sight to attack a tag to an enemy. Your partner
will then target these enemies first.
(You can remove the tag by holding down Q button & pressing the
A button when the enemy is not in your laser sight.)

A button passing items Pass items (Only during Split-screen play)

During Split-screen play, you can pass items such as herbs and ammunition
from your Item Slot to your partner.

16 17
(“CAPCOM”) warrants to the original consumer that this FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY
game disc from CAPCOM shall be free from defects in DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CAPCOM BE
material and workmanship for a period of 90 days from LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL
date of purchase. If a defect covered by this warranty OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE
occurs during this 90-day warranty period, CAPCOM will BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES.
replace the game disc free of charge.
The provisions of this warranty are valid in the United
To receive this warranty service: States and Canada only. Some states and provinces
1. Notify the CAPCOM Consumer Service Department do not allow limitations on how long an implied
of the problem requiring warranty service by calling warranty lasts or exclusions of consequential or
(650) 350-6700. Our Consumer Service Department is incidental damages, so the above limitations and
in operation from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives
Monday through Friday. you specific legal rights, and you may have other
2. If the CAPCOM service technician is unable to solve rights, which vary from state to state or province to
the problem by phone, he/she will instruct you to return province.
the game disc to CAPCOM freight prepaid at your own ESRB RATING
risk of damage or delivery. We recommend sending your This product has been rated by the Entertainment
game disc certified mail. Please include your sales slip Software Rating Board. For information about
or similar proof of purchase within the 90-day warranty the ESRB rating, or to comment about the
period to: appropriateness of the rating, please contact
Consumer Service Department
800 Concar Drive, Suite 300
San Mateo, CA 94402-7045 U.S.A.
This warranty shall not apply if the game disc has been
damaged by negligence, accident, unreasonable use,
modification, tampering or by other causes unrelated to
defective materials or workmanship.
If the game disc develops a problem after the 90-day San Mateo, CA 94402-7045 U.S.A.
warranty period, you may contact the CAPCOM Consumer
Service Department at the phone number noted ©CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
previously. If the CAPCOM service technician is unable Resident Evil, CAPCOM and the CAPCOM LOGO are
to solve the problem by phone, he/she may instruct you registered trademarks of CAPCOM CO., LTD. Dolby
to return the defective game disc to CAPCOM freight and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby
prepaid at your own risk of damage or delivery, enclosing Laboratories. “PlayStation”, “DUALSHOCK” and
a check or money order for $20.00 (U.S. funds) payable “SIXAXIS” are registered trademarks and “PS3”
to CAPCOM. We recommend sending your game disc and the PlayStation Network logo are trademarks
certified mail. CAPCOM will replace the game disc of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ESRB
subject to the conditions above. If replacement game rating icons are registered trademarks of the
discs are not available, the defective product will be Entertainment Software Association. All other
returned to you and the $20.00 payment refunded. trademarks are owned by their respective


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