Pole Impact Test: Study of The Two Current Candidates in Terms of Cost and Benefits For France

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Olivier Billot,
Mickael Coulot,
Richard Zeitouni,
Céline Adalian
PSA Peugeot Citroën
Cyril Chauvel
LAB PSA Peugeot Citroën Renault, France
Paper number 13-0440

Regulatory and consumerism discussions currently
take place on the definition of a pole impact that Pole impact test is not yet mandatory worldwide.
could be representative of car accidents in order to USA [1] defined an oblique pole impact test several
better protect the occupants. years ago and it is now required via FMVSS n°214.
Two main test protocols are in competition: the In Europe, a pole test 90° is applicable in consumer
FMVSS 214 one and the current Euro NCAP one. testing [2] but it is not mandatory. The main
France, taking part of the discussion in WP29 purpose of Euro NCAP when they introduced this
GRSP, provided accident data as well as cost test, in the early 2000’s, was to incite the car
benefit study. manufacturers to fit a head protection on the first
row (curtain airbag is usually the protection device
To supply data for this debate, PSA Peugeot used to answer this request). Korea and Australia
Citroën carried out physical tests on different car consumer organisations are also using the same test
platforms with the two types of impact: protocol [3]. But here again, this is not a mandatory
 pole test 75° 32 km/h, also called “oblique / regulatory requirement.
pole test” And for the other countries in the world, no
 pole test 90° 29 km/h requirement exists so far for a pole test.
With the results of these tests, numerical models
were improved to get correlated models. But things are changing since a couple of years.
At the request of USA, an informal working group
Then, the correlated models were used to define the on Pole Side Impact (PSI) was set up in
optimized technical solutions needed on the 75°/32 WP29/GRSP to derive a GTR (Global Technical
km/h test to get back to the same intrusion level as Regulation) on Pole impact for the coming years
the 90°/29 km/h. [4]. With this informal group creation, started the
It is therefore possible to quantify the cost of this discussion on test configuration (mainly on angle,
test if it becomes mandatory for Europe or for impact speed and dummy model).
another country (eg. China).
In addition, accident data analysis assesses the A regulatory test configuration should be pertinent
possible benefits for the European roads. in terms of real world accident statistics and should
This paper presents these data as well as the also be assessed via a cost benefits analysis to
detailed analysis made by PSA Peugeot Citroën to check the improvements worth the money.
establish the additional cost (in terms of Euros but This is where the debate could start since the
also of kilograms) if the discussion ends to the oblique pole test would require additional
selection of the FMVSS214 compared to the structures (and mass) to control intrusion. And
selection of the Euro NCAP test protocol. some members questioned if the additional
The overall conclusion is that there is no efficiency in terms of occupant protection with
justification of such a test for Europe when respect to a 90° pole impact test was really there. In
comparing the costs with the benefits. parallel, the cost for society in terms of CO2
additional emission is put forward when oblique
pole test is compared to the 90° one.

In order to bring some data to this discussion, this

paper presents the application of the two pole tests
protocols on current cars. This allows the
comparison of the protocols and their consequences

Billot 1
on the car structures. It allow us to reckon the cost dummies are not the same between 75°-pole and
and weight needed to go from a car designed from 90°-pole (respectively WorldSID 50th and
a 90° pole test to a design for an oblique pole test. EuroSID-2 50th), as well as their seating position.
This data is then used to assess a cost/benefit study For this reason and because the pole test is
applied to the European roads. designed to be the worst case and therefore requires
impacting the centre of gravity of the dummy, the
PRESENTATION OF BOTH TYPES OF POLE two impact locations on the car structure may
IMPACT differ.

Two types of pole impacts are applied throughout 90°-Pole 75°-Pole

the world as described in Figure 1: impact line impact line
 254mm diameter pole impact on a 75°
oriented car, travelling at 32 km/h, also
called “oblique pole test”. The test
configuration is defined in FMVSS 214
regulation. But, here we took into account Figure 2. Example of difference in pole impact
the proposal made to the PSI informal line between the two tests procedures due to the
group, i.e. using a WorldSID-50th dummy, dummy used
 254mm diameter pole impact on a 90°
oriented car, travelling at 29 km/h. It is In terms of impact energy, because of the velocity
applied in Euro NCAP, KNCAP and is higher in the oblique pole test, the increase is of
ANCAP. It uses an ES-2 50th dummy. 22%. For example, for a 1,500 kg vehicle the crash
energy for the 90°-pole test is 63kJ and 77kJ for the
75°-pole test.
V = 32 km/h Final general remark, the difference in the impact
angle (15°) adds an X-component to the force
 254 mm applied to the vehicle, which could destabilize the
WSID-50th reinforcements based on Y-direction.

This study is based on the analysis of physical and
numerical tests performed with the two test
protocols on vehicles of different sizes and built on
different platforms. We can split the study into
three phases:
 The first phase was to make an initial
(a) picture of consequences of the two tests on
current cars in terms of intrusion and to
derive correlated numerical models
V = 29 km/h  The second phase was to use numerical
models to design the reinforcements
ES2-50th needed to get the same intrusion level in
the 75°-pole impact test as in the initial
90°-pole test.
 The third phase was to assess these
reinforcements in physical tests to check if
they were effective.

Thanks to this study, we could calculate the cost of

 254 mm reinforcements, in term of mass and price.

(b) In parallel to this analysis, a real world accident

Figure 1. Illustration of pole tests procedures – data analysis was carried out to identify the
(a) 75°-pole test and (b) 90°-pole test relevance of the two test protocols.
A cost/benefit study can be derived from the
It has to be highlighted that if we consider the Euro combination of the two studies to assess the social
NCAP protocol and the current discussion in the consequences of adopting one or the other protocol
PSI informal working group, the crash test on European roads.

Billot 2
COMPARATIVE TESTS AND STUDIES ON If the 90°-pole test gives almost the same
VEHICLES STRUCTURE magnitude of intrusion on the three car families, it
is not the case for the 75°-pole test. Intrusions are
Numerical and physical tests were carried out on always higher in the beginning of crash in the
several platforms: oblique test and the increase varies from 21 to 60%.
 small vehicle,
 family vehicle, Concerning the end-of-crash intrusions, which have
 large family vehicle. to be controlled to maintain enough space for the
occupant (especially in the pelvis zone when the
Both test protocols were performed on each car is equipped with a high centre console), the
platform and the differences were identified. results are presented in Figure 5.

Comparison of the two Pole Test protocols on

structural behaviour

Figure 3. Large Family Car during Pole Tests

Figure 5. Comparison of the end-of-crash
Due to dummy availabilities and also because we deformation between the two pole test protocols
wanted to have a direct comparison between tests, and for the three vehicle categories under study.
we decided to use ES2 dummy in all the tests. But
in order to be representative of the exact 75°-pole Here, the 90°-pole test does not give the same
test, we applied the WorldSID seating position in magnitude of maximum intrusion on the three car
the oblique test even if an ES2 was used. families. But they are always lower than for the
Therefore, the pole impact lines as described in 75°-pole test. In the end-of-crash phase, the oblique
Figure 2 were representative of each of the test test gives an increase of 4 to 19% in intrusion.
We clearly see here that the change of protocol
On the three vehicles, intrusions were measured on from 90° to 75° has a negative impact on the global
the external limit of the underbody and compared. behaviour of the structure via an increase of
The first comparison is made on the first phase of
the crash. Indeed the beginning-of-crash intrusions To come back to a level of intrusion equivalent to
are essential to guarantee a good airbag the 90°-pole test, there is a need to design specific
deployment. The results are presented in Figure 4 reinforcements for the cars if tested with the
oblique pole test.
To design these reinforcements (called structural
add-ons), numerical models were used. These
models were correlated on the 90° and on the 75°-
pole tests.

Design of underbody reinforcements

According to the 75°-pole test scenario, the highest

potential for reinforcement is on the underbody.
This part of the vehicle presents the most
interesting potential stiffness, necessary to
guarantee enough vehicle deceleration during the
Figure 4. Comparison of the beginning-of-crash crash and therefore prevent excessive intrusions,
deformation between the two pole test protocols even if it will not be the unique part to upgrade.
and for the three vehicle categories under study.

Billot 3
The principles of such reinforcements are presented To illustrate the improvements made thanks to the
in Figure 6. add-ons designed for 75°-pole test, Figures 8 and 9
compare the beginning of crash and end of crash
deformations for the small car and for the family
car. Three configurations are displayed: the initial
90° pole test, the initial 75° pole test and the
reinforced 75° pole test.

Figure 8. Beginning-of-crash deformation for the

three test configurations (initial 90° pole test, initial
75° pole test and reinforced 75° pole test) for small
car and family car.

In the first phase, crucial for the airbag deployment,

Figure 6. Two examples of underbody the reinforcements helped to come back at the same
reinforcement principles level as in the initial 90° test for the small car. But
for the family car, the improvement is not sufficient
To give a concrete example, to counterbalance the to reach the same level.
increase of 19% in the intrusion, the add-ons
represent 5 to 10 kg for the family vehicle.

Of course, to maintain a balanced performance

between underbody and superstructure, similar
reinforcements are necessary on the B-Pillar and in
the doors, increasing as well the addition of mass.

Check of performances

For the small vehicle, studies went even further.

After having performed the numerical analysis to
design the reinforcements, a physical test was
carried out with them. Figure 7 presents the
reinforcements made on the underbody for the
Figure 9. End-of-crash deformation for the three
small vehicle.
test configurations (initial 90° pole test, initial 75°
It is interesting to notice that these simple
pole test and reinforced 75° pole test) for small car
reinforcements dedicated to the underbody
and family car.
represent, here, 5 kg.
As shown above, for the small car as well as for the
family car, there is a substantial gain on the end-of-
crash intrusions. The level is even better than in the
90°-pole test.

Figure 7. Reinforcements made on the small

vehicle to counterbalance the excessive intrusion
due to the oblique pole test

Billot 4
IN TERMS OF STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR Therefore, to ensure a similar level of protection
between the two tests configuration, there is no
As expected when looking at the initial test other possibility than adding some structural
conditions, the 75°-pole impact test is more severe reinforcements to counterbalance this extra
than the 90° one in terms of intrusion. severity.
This severity is not only present at the end of This will increase the mass, and so the energy to
impact but also in the first phase of deformation, absorb and will also increase the CO2 emission.
when space is needed to deploy correctly the
airbag. Moreover, a redesign of the airbag is needed to
So the first questions to ask are “what would be the deploy earlier and in a smaller available space. This
consequence on the occupant protection? Will a also increases the cost of vehicle.
reinforcement be enough to ensure the same
protection? Or should there is a need to change the This part of the study is somewhat “theoretical”
restraint system and the interaction between the because it just compares objectively two different
structure, the door and the occupant?” test protocols. It tells us that if the 75°-pole impact
is justified, we will have to take its negative effects
Therefore, we also investigated the biomechanical on board. It is now time to try to answer to the
criteria between the 90°-pole test and the reinforced following questions: is the 75°-pole impact relevant
75°-pole test. to the real life? And are the additional costs
counterbalanced by the benefits that will be
Biomechanical criteria comparison provided by an extra protection? And therefore, the
final question would be: is the 75°-pole impact
This comparison is presented in Figure 10 in terms justified and needed?
of percentage of variation for the small car.
We remind that, for both tests, the measurements For this reason, we also carried out a costs/benefits
were made on the ES2-50th dummy so they can be study focused on European roads.
compared without the need of a transfer function.
ES2 - Biomechanical criteria delta (75°/90° in %) COSTS/BENEFITS STUDY

The aim of this study is to evaluate the cost/benefit
30,00% ratio of regulation evolution for passenger cars and
20,00% Small car light commercial vehicles regarding side impacts. It
was carried out to contribute to the WP29
discussion within the Pole Side Informal Working
Pubic load Abdomen load Rib displacement Head - HIC 36
-10,00% For this discussion on a regulatory topic, two
evolution types have to be considered: the injury
reduction in barrier side impact and the injury
Figure 10. Biomechanical criteria variation when
reduction in pole side impact.
comparing the 75° reinforced test to the 90° one.
Database used
In this graph, a positive value means the results on
the 75°-pole test is more severe than the 90°-pole
To realize this work, we used the BAAC (Bulletin
d’Analyse d’Accident Corporel) data base which is
So we can conclude that for the small vehicle, the the French National database coming from the
police data collection. Year 2009 was taken into
improvement gained with the reinforcements is
account and we sampled fatalities and serious
significant in intrusion. But this is not enough to
injuries distribution of passenger cars (M1
guarantee same protection as in 90°/29kph without
vehicles) and light commercial vehicles (N1
changing the airbag characteristics.
vehicles) involved in side impact (see Table 1).
In addition, it is also important to stress that
WorldSID 50th is larger than ES2 50th and
therefore, it will be even more difficult to ensure a
good airbag deployment. This was not taken into
account in our research. This means that our study
is optimistic with respect to the modifications
needed to fulfil a 75°-pole impact.

Billot 5
The negative effect will be on fuel consumption
Table 1. and CO2 emissions due to vehicle weight increase.
Fatalities and serious injuries distribution Vehicles have to offer the same level of protection
regarding side impact types – Year 2009 for a higher test velocity and a more severe
configuration (see EEVC WG13 and WG21
Fatalities: pole Fatalities: barrier Fatalities: all
M1 vehicles
side impacts side impacts side impacts
Subgroup, Report: Analysis to estimate likely
benefits and costs for the EU of modifying
ONISR year 2009 167 307 474 Regulation 95). This last assumption was not taken
into account for the cost/benefit calculation due to
Fatalities: pole Fatalities: barrier Fatalities: all the difficulties to estimate the CO2 emission cost.
N1 vehicles
side impacts side impacts side impacts

ONISR année 2009 11 14 25 Technical evolutions - Technical cost and

additional weight for M1 and N1 vehicles
Serious injuries:
Serious injuries: Serious injuries:
M1 vehicles barrier side
pole side impacts all side impacts The analysis is made with a two-step approach
ONISR year 2009 312 1301 1613 allowing to go from the current initial state to an
intermediate state (addition of the 90°-pole test) or
Serious injuries: to a final state (use of the 75°-pole test instead of
Serious injuries: Serious injuries:
N1 vehicles barrier side
pole side impacts
all side impacts 90° one), as shown in Figure 11.
ONISR année 2009 6 95 101 Indeed, the first step is to consider the 90°-pole test
impact as the regulatory requirement in addition to
French Fleet the current ECE 95 requirement and in addition to
the current fleet performance that could be assessed
as scoring at least 13 points in Euro NCAP. We can
To be able to calculate a cost/benefit ratio
define the car fleet that would answer this target
regarding French vehicle evolution, we need to
and its cost and benefits.
have some accurate data about fleet. In 2009, the
And then, the second step would be to go from the
M1 French fleet was about 30.85 Million of
car fleet defined in the first step to a car fleet
vehicles. For the same year, N1 French fleet was
answering to the 75°-pole test as already required
about 5.75 Million. Table 2 gives the gravity vs.
in FMVSS 214.
vehicle fleet ratio for both categories. We find that
ratio is much higher for M1 vehicle rather than N1.
This is due to different amount and road use No pole side impact requirement
between M1 and N1 vehicles.
Table 2. ECE 95 and Euro NCAP 13 points
Ratio (fatalities + severe injuries) versus M1 and (2008 protocol)
N1 French fleet Step 1

Gravity (Fatalities +
Barrier side
severe injuries) per Pole side impacts
All side impacts + 90°-pole impact
million vehicle
M1 16 52 68 Step 2

N1 3 19 22 75°-pole impact instead of 90°

To estimate also this cost/benefit ratio we need to Figure 11. Assessment of side impact technical
know the time of fleet renewal (progressive evolutions as a two-step approach.
increase of new M1 and N1 designed cars into the
fleet). For France, it takes about 14 years to renew To respect the 90°-pole test requirements in
completely M1 and N1 car fleets. regulation, the upgrade of vehicles would require
an additional cost of about 290 € to 348 € and an
additional weight of about 13 to 20 kg per vehicle
French social costs (source EEVC studies). This would be the cost for
the first step of the approach described above.
We can estimate some positive and some negative
effects on social costs. To respect the 75°-pole side impact, the vehicle
For year 2009 in France, the positive effect on answering to the first step would need an additional
fatalities and serious injuries reduction is estimated update that would cost about 84 € to 223 € (source
to 1.2 M€ per fatality and 0.132 M€ per severe NHTSA 2004 studies) and about 50 € to
injured people. These figures are in the average of 60 €/vehicle (source France) per vehicle.
European figures. For this second step of upgrade, the additional
weight will represent 7 to 15 kg per vehicle.

Billot 6
To maximize result in our study, the global cost Regarding N1 vehicle, after 14 years French fleet
used for calculation is 340 € to 408 €/vehicle and renewal, reduction represents 241 severe injured
the total weight is 20 to 35 kg/vehicle. It takes into people and 73 fatalities avoidance. Societal benefit
account the two steps presented below. is 119 M€ and technical cost is between 1,955 M€
and 2,346 M€. Cost/benefit ratio result is between
Potential reduction of Fatalities and Serious 16.4 and 19.6 (>1, therefore not good).
injuries Therefore, technical cost balance should be
economically interesting at 21€ per vehicle (see
At this stage, it could be good to recall that this Table 3).
study was made to analyse the effect of all the
types of side impact; meaning the ones due to large Table 3. Cost/benefit ratio for M1 and N1
obstacle (eg. other car, heavy vehicle…) combined vehicle – standard fleet.
to the ones due to narrow obstacles (eg. tree, pole). Balanced cost /
Cost / benefit ratio
This could be done by requiring what is presented benefit ratio
as the first step in Figure 11. Min Max in Euros
M1 vehicles 4.9 5.9 69.3
Benefit evaluation of new side impact safety N1 vehicles 16.4 19.6 20.8
systems on cars (improvement of curtain airbags,
and structural changes: car stiffness, side body and
doors) contributes to a 34% potential efficiency DISCUSSION ON THE COST BENEFIT
gain (source: LAB studies). ANALYSIS
Evaluation of benefits due to the 75°-pole side
impact (optimized airbags, structural changes such This cost benefit analysis shows that the ratio is
as increased reinforcement,…) contributes to a always above 1, for M1 and even more for N1 fleet.
maximum of 20% potential efficiency on fatalities The technical cost to be economically interesting
and serious injuries reduction (Figure 12). would need to be very low – 69€ for M1 and 21€
for N1, which is not realistic.
But, one critic could be to stress that the car fleet
MAIS3+ and MAIS3+ + 3kph risk curves regarding side
impact vehicle with narrow fixed obstacles (vehicle design will be influenced by a new regulation that came
1980 and more) (n=124 occupants) into force not so long ago: the mandatory fitment of
1 ESC.
0.9 Therefore, we can carry out a second analysis
0.8 20% efficiency taking ESC into account.

Potential reduction of Fatalities and Serious


injuries with ESC generalisation
0.2 MAIS3+ + 3kph Benefit evaluation of ESC (regulation in 2012)
0.1 regarding pole side impact avoidance gives a 34%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
potential efficiency (source: EEVC).
EES in kph Benefit evaluation regarding pole side impact
Figure 12. MAIS3+ and MAIS3+ +3kph risk implied by the 75°-pole side impact gives a 20%
curves regarding side impact vehicle with narrow additional potential efficiency.
fixed obstacles.
Cost / benefit ratio results
Cost / benefit ratio results Regarding M1 vehicle, after 14 years French fleet
renewal, stiffness and protection upgrade
Regarding M1 vehicle, after 14 years French fleet contributes to 4,007 severe injured people
renewal, stiffness and protection upgrade reduction and 1,249 fatalities avoidance.
contributes to a reduction of 4,150 severe injured Societal benefit is 2,028 M€ and technical cost is
people and an avoidance of 1,326 fatalities. between 10 489 M€ and 12,587 M€. Cost/benefit
Societal benefit is 2,139 M€ and technical cost is ratio result is between 5.2 and 6.2 (so >1, therefore
between 10,489 M€ and 12,587 M€. not good).
Cost/benefit ratio result is between 4.9 and 5.9. Therefore, to get something economically
It may be useful to recall that when result is >1, it interesting the technical cost balance should be at
means that the cost/benefit ratio is not good. 66€ per vehicle.
Therefore, to get something economically
interesting the technical cost balance should be at Regarding N1 vehicle, after 14 years French fleet
69€ per vehicle. renewal, reduction represents 238 severe injured
people and 68 fatalities avoidance.

Billot 7
Societal benefit is 113 M€ and technical cost is 2012, the cost/benefit ratio is estimated > 5 for M1
between 1,955 M€ and 2,346 M€. Cost/benefit ratio vehicles and > 17 for N1 vehicles.
result is between 17.3 and 20.8 (>1, therefore not
good). Human benefit versus technical cost balance is then
So, technical cost balance should be economically about 66 Euros per M1 vehicle and 20 Euros per
interesting at 20€ per vehicle (see Table 4). N1 vehicle.
Therefore, even if the decrease of fatalities and
Table 4. Cost/benefit ratio for M1 and N1 serious injuries is important, this new possible
vehicle ESC equipped regulation is not economically interesting for
Balanced cost /
Cost / benefit ratio We guess that the same conclusion would be
benefit ratio
Min Max in Euros derived for China.
M1 vehicles - ESC
5.2 6.2 65.7
N1 vehicles - ESC
17.3 20.8 19.6

This is even more stringent to take ESC into The authors wish to thank the different labs (the
account for the cost benefit analysis. internal PSA Peugeot Citroën Crash Test Centre,
UTAC, Autoliv France and Millbrook Crash Test
CONCLUSION Centre), and the PSA Peugeot Citroën research
teams that were involved in this study.
Conclusion on the structural reinforcements
needed for the 75°-pole test REFERENCE

Comparing the two test configurations, there is no [1] FMVSS No. 214, DYNAMIC SIDE IMPACT
discussion possible: the 75°-pole impact test is PROTECTION -Rigid Pole Side Impact Test
more severe than the 90° one in terms of intrusion. Requirements -
It is also important to stress that the severity is not http://www.nhtsa.gov/Vehicle+Safety/Test+Proced
only present at the end of impact but also in the ures?procedurePage=1
first phase of deformation, when space is needed
for a correct airbag deployment. [2] Euro NCAP Pole Impact Testing Protocol -
Version 5.2, Feb 2012
To counterbalance this additional intrusion
severity, structural reinforcements are needed. [3] Safety Companion, Safety Wissen -
These add-ons would weigh up to 10 to 15 kg. Regulation and consumerism tests, 2013 edition
But this would not be enough to reach the target of
getting the same level of occupant protection as the [4] WP29/GRSP – Informal Group on Pole Side
90°-pole test. The restraint system would also need Impact -
to be modified. https://www2.unece.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.actio
Moreover, because WorldSID 50th is larger than
ES2 50th, it will be even more difficult to ensure a
good airbag deployment in this limited space. This
was not taken into account in our research. This
means that our study is optimistic with respect to
the whole set of modifications needed to fulfil a
75°-pole impact.

These modifications would increase the mass of the

vehicle, and so the energy to absorb and would also
increase the cost of vehicle and the CO2 emissions.

Conclusion on the cost benefits

As a conclusion, the analysis shows a cost/benefit

ratio > 1 for passenger vehicles, and a huge rate for
commercial vehicles.
Without ESC, the cost/benefit ratio is estimated > 4
for M1 vehicles and > 16 for N1 vehicles. And for
Europe, where ESC is mandatory since January 1st

Billot 8

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