General Mathematics 11.2.1

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Performance Standards: Investigate, analyze and solve problems involving simple and
compound interests and simple and general annuities using appropriate business and
financial instruments.

Materials: Cartolina, Coloring Pens, Glue

Construction Papers, Calculator


Situation 1:
Suppose you started a savings account when you were 10 years old with ₱ 500.00, but you
have not added any amount to it thereafter.
a. Creatively make charts showing the patterns which would lead to the formula in
computing your savings account now using 3% simple interest and 3% compound interest
quarterly. The chart must contain the important details like the table below;

Simple Interest
t Principal Annual Balance at End of
Interest the Year
1 Compound Interest
2t Principal Annual Balance at End of
3 & Interest Interest the Year
b. Describe the difference between
the charts you created.

c. Which do you think is best interest when you save money?

Situation 2:

You started with the same amount at 10 years old, but this time you add ₱ 100.00 a month
until you turn 18 years old.

a. How much money do you have now assuming it still gets 3% interest?
b. How much money did you actually put on it?

c. How much was the interest earned?

Note: Choose a speaker from your group to discuss your answers in our depositor’s forum.
All answers must be written visibly on the Cartolina. Creatively present your visuals.



Goal: To create charts through investigations and thorough understanding in order to show
patterns which would lead to the solutions of the problems on simple and compound interest
and general annuities.

Role: Financial Adviser. Making sure that the possible bank depositors will collaborate on
the beneficial interest for their savings.

Audience: Young Bank Depositors

Situation: The Young Bank Depositors will be oriented on the Pros and Cons of saving
money. The students will be presenting which interest is best through their creatively done
charts. Furthermore, they as well demonstrate how they solve the problems using the
concepts they’ve learned on simple and compound interest.

Product: A Depositors’ Forum Presentation

Standards and Criteria for Success:

* Demonstrate an understanding of key concepts of simple and compound interests, and
simple and general annuities.
* Solve problems of simple and compound interest, and general annuities

Prepared by:


Scoring Rubric

Characteristics 4 3 2 1 0
Explanation on the Math information / Math information / Math information / No math No attempt or
required concepts numbers identified. numbers identified. numbers identified. information / below grade
Appropriate labels Appropriate labels Labels may be numbers identified. level work
identified. identified. missing. Prompt is copied. shown.
Math information Most of the math Some of the math No math
used to solve the information is used information is used information is used
problem. to solve the to solve the to solve the
problem. problem. problem.
Strategy chosen and Used an Used an Used an There is an attempt No attempt at
applied appropriate appropriate appropriate to solve the using a strategy
(Students strategy. strategy. strategy. problem. or below grade
approaches in Reasonable Reasonable Reasonable No strategy is level work
making the Charts) strategy selected strategy selected, strategy selected, applied that could shown.
and developed. moderately minimally lead to an answer.
Content knowledge developed. developed. Uses no content
is used correctly. Content knowledge Uses content knowledge.
used appropriately, knowledge with
with minor conceptual errors.
computation errors.
Calculations Calculated the Calculated a Work is partially Attempted to solve No attempt or
performed correct answer. correct answer but shown. the problem. below grade
Work shown is was unable to Major errors may A limited amount of level work
logical. explain the be evident. work shown. shown.
Diagrams or strategy. Calculations Calculations are
labeled work Work shown has contain major completely
support the gaps. errors. incorrect leading to
strategy. Calculations are an incorrect
Calculations are mostly correct, may answer.
completely correct contain minor
and answers errors.
properly labeled.
Correct Answer Arrived at a correct Arrived at correct Arrived at a correct Incorrect answer. No attempt or
answer. answer that comes answer that comes below grade
from computation from conceptual level work
errors. errors. shown.
Justification of Justifies the Justifies the Attempts to justify No justification for No attempt or
strategy, conclusion strategy, strategy, the strategy, the strategy, below grade
and/or answer conclusion, and/or conclusion, and/or conclusion, and/or conclusion, and/or level work
answer to the answer, but leaves answer, but the answer. shown.
problem. out details. justification is not
relevant to the
Explanation of Adequately Adequately Could not explain Attempted an No attempt or
strategy for solving explained the explained the the strategy used. explanation, but below grade
the problem. answer. strategy but did not Explanations are incorrect or level work
Exemplary calculate the somewhat clear. unclear. shown.
explanation. correct answer. Lacks details.
Detailed and clear, Explanation
examples may contained
have been adequate details.
provided. Adequate clarity.
Communication Uses mathematical Uses mathematical Uses mathematical Uses little or no No attempt or
language, graphs, language, graphs, language, graphs, mathematical below grade
diagrams, and/or diagrams, and/or diagrams, and/or language, graphs, level work
charts charts charts diagrams, and/or shown.
appropriately. appropriately, but appropriately, but charts but contains
Solution is may contain contains conceptual errors.
presented in a transcription or conceptual errors. Presents the
clear and orderly computation errors. Solution is problem in an
manner so the Solution is presented in an unclear manner,
reader can follow presented in a unclear manner. steps are missing
the flow of the manner so the Scorer has or out of sequence.
solution and final scorer can follow difficulty following Scorer cannot
answer. most of the steps in the sequence of determine a
the solution and steps. sequence of steps.
final answer.

Who Me? Teach Science? Math? Sandy Gady, ©2006.

OSPI Summer Institutes, 2006.

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