Power Quality Management in Smart Grids: Issues and Improvements

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume: 4 | Issue: 4 | April 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470

Power Quality Management in Smart Grids: Issues and

Sumit Gupta1, Dr. Anitha G. S.2
1B.E Scholar, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
2Associate Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India

Aim of this paper is to gives the overview of the power quality management in smart grids, and describes the different
power quality disturbance like voltage sags, voltage swells, harmonics etc. A satisfactory power quality ensures the
necessary compatibility across all the electrical devices connected to the power grid. Solutions should be provided to
reduce the power quality disturbances in the electrical system to increase the energy transmission and voltage stability.
In this paper we describe the improvement of power quality by using the dynamic voltage restore (DVR) to moderate the
voltage sags and swells in the system and obtain the simulation results by using MATLAB/Simulink.

KEYWORDS: Smart Grid, Power Quality, DVR, MATLAB, Simulink.

To increase energy efficiency, the renewable energy Harmonic distortion is the type of power quality
production increases and also increases the development disturbances with having the multiple integer of frequency
of new Smart Grid technology by the worldwide energy arises by any electrical equipment or non-linear loads.
companies. The efficiency of all industrial production Nonlinear passive loads produced the even harmonics. In the
depends on the power quality because disturbance in the power grid, we also have non-harmonic components, under-
electrical system will affect the performance of electrical harmonics or inter-harmonics produced by the
devices. For the proper functioning of all electrical devices asynchronous engines or the frequency convertors which are
it is necessary to reduce the disturbances. using the sliding phenomenon.
Fault occurs at power grid due to the power quality By connecting the non-linear loads to the power grid system
disturbance like voltage sag and swells that might cause will also leads to the unwanted effects on the power quality.
heavy losses to the industries and consumers. To The PV and wind plants which have the variable generation
minimize the power quality issues in the power system, of power will lead to produce the major distortions at the
the power quality moderator devices are used to reduce point of common coupling.
the disturbances such as voltage imbalance, voltage sag, The power quality effect on harmonic filters and PV plants
voltage swell, harmonics. Most of the power Quality connected across the power grid can be measured by the use
problems occurs due to voltage sag, voltage swell, of Total harmonic distortion indicator. THD are calculated as
harmonics. the percentage of the rated frequency.
Voltage sag happens till the faults in the system cleared
and it vary from few milliseconds to secs. Voltage swell is
not important as compared to the voltage sag because it
very less common in power grids. Voltage sag and swell
may fail or shutdown the working of the electrical
equipment’s. For the customers these effects are very
expensive like shutdown of production and damage of
In this paper we describe the Dynamic voltage restorer
and discuss the voltage compensation method using Where Uh is harmonic voltage and U1 is the fundamental
simulation results using MATLAB/Simulink. voltage.
For practical cases, the total demand distortion (TDD)
Power Quality
indicator is used. The current harmonics level is expressing
Power quality is very important factor for the power grids based on the maximum circuit current that delivers the
and should not be avoided. A satisfactory power quality actual current distortion on the supply voltages.
ensures the necessary compatibility across all the TDD indicators can be expressed as:
electrical devices connected to the power grid. It is an
important issue for the healthy operation of the new or
existing smart grids.
Power quality includes the two categories of disturbances:
Events and Variations. Therefore, variations are regularly
measured and estimation, events occurs in uncertain way
and proper action should take. Variations are steady
voltage variations, harmonic distortion, voltage flicker and
Voltage unbalance. Events are faster voltage changes,
voltage dip, voltage swells and power interruptions. Where Ih is harmonic current and IL is circuit current.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com ISSN: 2456-6470
A. Types of Power Quality Disturbances
5. Harmonics
1. Voltage Sag
Harmonics is the current have frequencies or voltage
The voltage sag is the type of power quality
which will varies with respect to the fundamental
disturbances that is exist for 0.5 to 10 cycles. It
frequency(50Hz). Harmonics occurs as a result of non-
commonly occurs due to the short circuit faults such
as double line to ground, line to line, line to ground, linear loads such as rectifiers, inverters and different
three phases to ground faults. static energy equipment’s.

2. Voltage Swell 6. Voltage imbalance

The voltage swell is short time faults occur in the The three-phase voltage of the conductors are ideally
electrical system. It is also created at the non-fault equal in magnitude and shift time by 1/3 of the cycle or
region. In a line to ground fault. It can also be arisen 6.7ms. If the single phase of the households draws the
by energizing the capacitor bank or heavy load. equal amount of current and distributed across the three-
phases, so the voltage across the low voltage supply is
3. Voltage Interruption balanced. In real world this is hard to achieve and the
The voltage interruption is the entire lose of the supply voltage varies and this voltage imbalance leads to the
for some period of time, not longer than 1min. The overheat the electrical devices in the grid.
supply voltage is reduced to 10% to the rated voltage.
The electrical equipment fault, manages the impact of the 7. Transients
Interruption and system failure. The transient is the type of disturbance the occurs in the
strength device. Transients can be divided into two
4. Voltage Flickers
categories, oscillatory and impulsive. Transient leads to
Different loads such as rolling mills and welders sudden
the shutdown of the capacitor energization organization,
changes voltage with cycle of few seconds to several min.
heavy load and oscillatory. The impulsive transient
The voltage change during flicker will not exceed 0.9 to occurs as a result of lightning strikes.
1.1 pu. Flickers is an electromagnetic event while
fluctuation is an undesirable change to the voltage
variation in different load.

@ IJTSRD | | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | April 2020 Page: 2

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com ISSN: 2456-6470

B. Power Quality Issues

1. Emission by new devices C. Power Quality Improvement using DVR
Establishment of the smart grids leads to the growth in Dynamic voltage restorer is a power electronics device
the production at distributed generation and in the which is connected in series with the power grid. The
consumption such as high-speed railways, electric components Dynamic Voltage Restorer consists of an
vehicles charging stations etc. From these new types of Injected coupling transformer, filter, series Voltage
consumptions will leads to emit power quality source invertor, an energy storing device and electrical
disturbances, e.g. harmonic emission. Some of the control system.
studies shown that harmonics emission due to smart
grid is limited. Most of the consumers equipment
(lamps, television, computer) leads to emit the low-
level odd harmonics such as 3, 5, 7, 9 etc. But some
modern equipment with distributed generators leads
to emit a broadband spectrum.

2. Interference between devices and powerline-

Smart grids will also depend on the ability to
communicate between grid operator, devices,
distributed generators and customers. There is
different type of communication channels are
achieved. Powerline-communication is used due to the
easy availability, but by using the powerline- Fig-2. Components of DVR.
communication leads to the arises of different power The basic components of a DVR are shown in Fig. 2.
quality disturbances, result in the reduction in the i. Energy Storage Device
power quality of the smart grids. Powerline This device is used for storing the energy in the
communication may result in radiated form of form of DC voltage. Batteries, superconducting
disturbances depending on the frequency chosen and magnetic energy storage (SMES) and
also leads to the interference in the radio broadcasting supercapacitors. Energy storage provides the real
and communication. power to the electrical system while using the DVR.
ii. Series VSI
3. Immunity of devices Voltage source inverter is used to convert dc
Voltage disturbance (such as voltage sag) leads to the voltage from the energy storage unit to ac voltage.
simultaneous tripping of generators is the subject of VSI of high current and low voltage with step-up
important discussion. Smart grid always tries to coupling transformer is used for DVR
maintain the balance between the consumption and compensation technique.
production, heavy tripping will lead to the severe iii. Capacitor
consequences. These should be monitored Dynamic voltage restorer by using the large DC
continuously. capacitor to provide the proper dc voltage to the
voltage source inverter.
4. Weakening of the transmission grid iv. Filter
With the increased use of the distributed generator Filter is used in DVR to convert the inverted PWM
and wind mills will leads to the result in the reduction into a sinusoidal waveform. Filter is used to
on the quantity of generation linked to the remove the undesirable harmonic content
transmission system. The fault severity leads to the produced during voltage source inverter actions.
reduction in the power quality of system. Higher order harmonics content will deform the
compensated output voltage.
5. Allocation of Emission Limits v. Bypass Switch
With the connection of new consumer to the electrical Bypass switch is used to protect the voltage source
system leads to the increase in the amount of emission inverter from high current in the undesirable
will be acceptable for this consumer but may leads to conditions. During a fault, Dynamic voltage
the disturbance in voltage for other customers. restorer changes to bypass condition. The rating of
With the use of the smart grid, the consumption level the Dynamic voltage restorer inverters is a limiting
will have no limits for the production growth. The part for normal rated load current in the primary
growth in consumption and production leads to the winding and results in the insertion in the
high harmonic distortion and also the consumption secondary winding of the transformer.
and production are balance at the electrical system not vi. Voltage Injection Transformer
at harmonic distortion frequency. In a three-phase system, three single-phase
transformer or single three-phase transformer
6. Improving Voltage Quality used for the injection of voltage in the power grid.
Important aim of the smart grid is to increase the
efficiency of the electrical system or prevent the whole The main function of the dynamic voltage restorer is to
system from damage without need for the huge inject a dynamic controlled voltage VDVR produced by
amount of investment in transformers, cables. Smart the voltage source inverter in series to the supply
grid leads to the improvement in the voltage quality of voltage by using the coupling transformer. The
the system reduced in voltage magnitude variations. magnitude of the three phase injected voltages are

@ IJTSRD | | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | April 2020 Page: 3

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com ISSN: 2456-6470
compensates the line voltage harmonic distortion.
controlled so that to mitigate any undesirable effects • Disadvantages
on power grid due to the non-linear load’s voltage. 1. Dynamic voltage restorer has the limiting current
The Dynamic voltage restorer works independently of conduction and the voltage injection capacity, to
the type of fault or any undesirable event that takes obtain reduces the voltage drop across the DVR in
place in the electrical system, without disconnecting standby mode.
the whole system to the grid. Economical design 2. The size of the dynamic voltage restorer energy
should be obtained by compensating the negative and storage unit is kept low, to reduce the cost of the
positive waveform of the supply voltage disturbances. DVR. Due to voltage sag, the stored energy
The zero sequence if a disturbance does not pass attenuates very fast and to avoid the condition of
through the transformer because of its infinite load tripping due to the inadequate stored energy.
Dynamic voltage restorer has two modes of operation: E. Control technique used in DVR
boost mode and standby mode. In the standby mode Dynamic voltage restorer uses either in-phase
(VDVR=0), the coupling transformer’s is shorted to the compensation method or energy optimization method
converter. In this mode of operation, no switching of by minimum requirement of the power injection by
semiconductors occurs because individual voltage reducing the energy storage unit capacity.
source inverter leg is trigger so as to make the short- Whatever the compensation techniques used, the
circuit path of the coupling transformer. In this mode method should magnitude of voltage supply and the
DVR will work most of the time. In boost mode phase angle to detect the voltage sag/sweep.
(VDVR>0), dynamic voltage restorer is introduced in Voltage sag/swell detection methods used:
compensating voltage through the coupling i. Fourier transforms
transformer due to power quality disturbances. ii.Phase locked loop
iii.Vector control
iv.Peak value detection
v.Apply the wavelet transform
From the above method only Fourier transform,
wavelet transform and Vector control method supplies
both the magnitude of voltage and the phase shift.
Phase locked loop technique can supply only the phase
shift while peak value detection helps to find voltage

i.Fourier Transform
Fourier transform applying to each phase voltage, to
measured the phase and voltage magnitude of each
frequency component. It is the advantage of this
Fig-3. Equivalent circuit of Dynamic Voltage Restorer technique as compared with the other sag/sweep
detection methods.
Fig-3 shows the equivalent circuit of the Dynamic ii.Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
Voltage restorer, when there is a voltage sag and In most of the cases Dynamic voltage restorer uses the
sweep, the DVR introduces a series injected voltage V inj PLL to measured the phase angle and frequency
using the coupling transformer so that the required changes in the supply voltage, PLL is a closed loop
load voltage magnitude VL should maintained. The control system, that produced the signal with same
series injected voltage of the Dynamic Voltage phase angle and frequency of the input supply voltage.
Restorer can be expressed as: PLL consists of an oscillator to supplies the output
Vinj = VL + Vs voltage.
VL is the desired load voltage
Vs is the voltage during swells/sags
The output load current IL is expressed by,

Fig-4. Phase Locked Loop

D. Advantages and Disadvantages of DVR
• Advantages- Phase locked loop respond towards the phase angle
1. Dynamic voltage restorer is preferred over changes and frequency changes of the input supply
DSTATCOM, UPS because DVR is less expensive voltage by changes the oscillator frequency.
than other devices. The loop filter in PLL is used for providing the voltage
2. UPS requires lots of maintenance as compared to to controlled oscillator which supplies the phase
DVR because UPS has a problem of battery leakage. output voltage. The oscillator output is compared to
3. Dynamic voltage restorer is better efficiency and the input if the two frequencies are different from each
small in size as compared to UPS, SMES and other, oscillator frequency is required to match with
DSTATCOM. the input frequency.
4. Dynamic voltage restorer also helps to

@ IJTSRD | | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | April 2020 Page: 4

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com ISSN: 2456-6470

Simulation Result
Simulation of the Dynamic voltage restores control system Another series filter is used to remove any unwanted high
was performed using the MATLAB/SIMULINK in order get frequency content of the power supplied. The non-linear
the desired results. load of 10KVA capacity with lagging power factor.
Voltage sag and swells are simulated by connecting the Simulation shows the 50% three phase sag in the supply
power grid to the non-linear loads and dynamic voltage voltage for the period of 0.3s and 25% three phase voltage
restorer is connected in series with the power grid to swells occurs for the period of 0.2s.
provides the maximum voltage of 50% of phase to ground

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@ IJTSRD | | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | April 2020 Page: 5

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