Predictability of Formulae For Intraocular Lens Power Calculation According To The Age of Implantation in Paediatric Cataract

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Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 on 31 March 2018. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at AAO/BJO. Protected by copyright.
Predictability of formulae for intraocular lens power
calculation according to the age of implantation in
paediatric cataract
Byung Joo Lee,1 Sang-Mok Lee,2 Jeong Hun Kim,1,3 Young Suk Yu3

Department of Biomedical Abstract formula under specific clinical circumstance in
Sciences, College of Medicine, Aims  To analyse the predictability of diverse patients with paediatric cataract is still missing.
Seoul National University, Seoul,
South Korea intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formulae in In this study, we aimed to compare the predict-
HanGil Eye Hospital, Catholic paediatric patients with congenital cataract. ability of three commonly used formulae for IOL
Kwandong University College of Methods  The medical records of patients who power calculation (Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff (SRK)/II,
Medicine, Incheon, South Korea underwent cataract surgery and posterior chamber IOL SRK/T and Hoffer-Q) for paediatric patients with
Department of Ophthalmology,
implantation (in-the-bag) for congenital cataract before congenital cataract who received IOL implanta-
Seoul National University
Hospital, Seoul, South Korea 17 years of age were reviewed retrospectively. Target tion in the capsular bag during their first 16 years
refractions calculated by Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff (SRK)/II, of life. Moreover, we aimed to find clinical factors
Correspondence to SRK/T and Hoffer-Q formulae were compared with the affecting the predictability of these formulae and to
Dr Young Suk Yu, Department of actual refraction. Patients were subgroup according to provide a best-fit regression equation which would
Ophthalmology, Seoul National the age at IOL implantation (age group 0–24 months, help improve the predictability of each formula.
University Hospital, Seoul 110-
25–60 months, 61–120 months, 121–203 months),
744, South Korea; ​ysyu@​snu.​
ac.​kr and we compared mean prediction error (PE) and mean
absolute error (AE) for each formula. Corrected AE was Methods
Received 5 December 2017 obtained by linear regression analysis. We performed a retrospective review of medical
Accepted 10 March 2018 Results  Totally 481 eyes were included in the final records of patients who underwent IOL implan-
Published Online First tation surgery for congenital cataract at Seoul
31 March 2018 analysis. Both SRK/II and SRK/T yielded the lowest mean
AE in the age group 0–24 months and SRK/II yielded National University Children’s Hospital during
the lowest mean AE in the age group 25–60 months. 1999–2014. Only the patients who received poste-
For every formula, the mean PE was positive during the rior chamber IOL implantation into the capsular
first five years of age, which converged to zero according bag before 16 years of age and the eyes with the
to age as IOL implantation increases. The tendency for record of preoperative biometry, and postopera-
immediate postoperative overcorrection in younger tive refraction 4–10 weeks postoperatively, were
patients (<6 years) could be improved by corrected included. All surgical procedures and perioperative
formulae based on the linear regression equation. management of the patients were performed by
Conclusions  Patients with congenital cataract who an experienced paediatric ophthalmologist (YSY).
underwent IOL implantation within 5 years of age Patients with a history of ocular trauma and those
showed higher AE than the older ones did. Among the who had been diagnosed with posterior lenticonus/
three formulae evaluated, SRK/II consistently provided lentiglobus, or persistent fetal vasculature (PFV)-re-
the best predictive result in these patients. For patients lated lens opacity, were excluded. Patients who
aged >10 years, all three formulae showed favourable received IOL implantation in the ciliary sulcus were
predictive abilities. also excluded.
All biometric assessments were performed within
4 weeks before surgery. Keratometric value was
measured with KR-8100 automated keratometer
Introduction (Topcon, Tokyo, Japan) and axial length was eval-
The calculation of exact intraocular lens (IOL) uated by a standard applanation technique using
power in childhood is very complicated. Technical A-scan ultrasound. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was
problems encountered in biometric measurement measured with a non-contact tonometer (Pulsair-
of paediatric eyes and different biometric profile of 2000, Keeler, Pennsylvania, USA) preoperatively.
paediatric eyes from that of adults (steeper cornea Biometry measurement was performed at least two
and shorter axial length) make accurate prediction times especially in uncooperative patients who need
difficult. Currently used IOL power calculation general sedation, and the mean value was used for
formulae have been designed on the basis of the IOL power calculation. In patients with signifi-
biometric database of adult eyes, making selection cant intersession variability (≥0.5 mm for axial
of an adequate formula an important issue with length, ≥1 dioptre (D) for mean K), we measured
paediatric eyes. Although there are several previous biometry again.
studies comparing the predictabilities of commonly In case of primary IOL implantation, lens material
used formulae for IOL power calculation for was removed using bimanual irrigation and aspira-
To cite: Lee BJ, Lee S-M, paediatric patients, they have several limitations tion instrument after mechanical anterior capsu-
Kim JH, et al. Br J Ophthalmol such as small study population and heterogeneity lorhexis was performed using Ocutome through
2019;103:106–111. of patients.1–6 A consensus on the best predictive a superior scleral tunnel incision. For secondary
106 Lee BJ, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2019;103:106–111. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706
Clinical science

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 on 31 March 2018. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at AAO/BJO. Protected by copyright.
IOL implantation surgery, the adherent anterior and posterior
Table 1  Overall characteristics of patients
capsular leaflets were separated by an MVR blade to reopen
capsular bag space from which reproliferated lens materials N (%) Mean±SD Range

were aspirated. Further, IOL was implanted into the distended Age at IOL implantation (months) – 43.64±30.06 11–201
capsular bag filled with viscoelastic materials. Single-piece  0–24 111 eyes (23.08%) 21.60±3.52 11–24
Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) IOLs were preferred for  25–60 283 eyes (58.84%) 36.38±10.94 25–60
eyes with secondary IOL implantation and foldable IOLs were  61–120 71 eyes (14.76%) 82.44±18.05 61–120
preferred for primary simultaneous IOL implantation cases.  121–203 16 eyes (3.33%) 152.75±26.61 121–201
During the study periods, four types of one-piece PMMA IOLs Sex
(811B/812C, Pharmacia & Upjohn, New  Jersey, USA; LK55A,  Female 156 (46.15%) – –
Lucid Korea, Seoul, Korea; and MZ60BD, Alcon Surgical,  Male 182 (53.85%) – –
Texas, USA) and one type of one-piece acrylate IOL (SA60AT, Laterality of cataract
Alcon Surgical) were used. For IOL power calculation, we used  Bilateral 239 (70.71%) – –
the A-constants provided by the respective manufacturers. After  Unilateral 99 (29.29%) – –
implantation of IOL into the capsular bag, concurrent posterior AL (mm) – 21.38±1.72 15.17–27.51
capsulectomy and anterior vitrectomy were routinely performed Average K (D) – 43.66±2.25 36.25–51.06
in patients aged <5 years. Scleral tunnel incision was repaired Primary/secondary IOL
with absorbable suture material, following which the viscoelastic implantation
material was removed.  Primary IOL implantation (eyes) 280 (58.21%) – –
Manifest refraction was routinely performed during the  Secondary IOL implantation 201 (41.79%) – –
period between the first and the second postoperative months. (eyes)

The spherical equivalent (SE) of actual postoperative refraction IOL power (D) – 24.19±4.83 8–35.5
was calculated. IOP was measured in the first postoperative AE (D)
month and then at every regular follow-up visit.  SRK/II 481 (100.00%) 1.40±1.24 0.01–6.73
Prediction error (PE) and absolute error (AE) of each case  SRK/T 481 (100.00%) 1.50±1.47 0.00–10.13
were calculated in the following manner:  Hoffer-Q 481 (100.00%) 2.09±2.10 0.01–17.94
PE=predicted refraction – actual postoperative refraction AE, absolute error; AL, axial length; D, dioptres; IOL, intraocular lens; K, keratometric value;
AE=│predicted refraction – actual postoperative refraction│ SRK, Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff.

For the calculation of predicted refraction, we used the A-con-

stant provided by the manufacturers. Actual postoperative refrac-
tion was defined as the SE of postoperative refraction which was at IOL insertion showed significant correlation with PEs from
performed between the 4th and the 10th postoperative weeks. all three formulae. Axial length was only associated with the PEs
The correlations between the clinical variables and PE were of SRK/T and Hoffer-Q formulae. Both SRK/T and Hoffer-Q
assessed using Pearson’s correlation analysis. Statistical differ- formulae resulted in remarkable overcorrections for patients
ences between the mean values of AE calculated by two different with short axial length. In contrast, mean keratometry was not
formulae were evaluated using paired t-tests and that of three related to the PEs of all three formulae evaluated.
different formulae were assessed by one-way analysis of variance Therefore, we subgrouped our patients according to their age
(ANOVA). We performed linear regression analysis to determine at IOL implantation and compared the predictability of each
a best-fit line which could provide a corrected IOL power calcu- formula (figure 2). In the age group 0–24 months, mean AE
lation formula. SPSS statistical software (V.21, IBM) was used for calculated with SRK/II (1.97±1.48 D) and SRK/T (2.12±1.80
the statistical analyses presented in this study. Statistical signifi- D) was significantly lower than that of Hoffer-Q (3.12±2.60 D).
cance was defined as a p value <0.05. In the age group 25–60 months, SRK/II was the most predictive
formula. Average AE of Hoffer-Q formula (2.04±1.97 D) was
significantly higher than that of SRK/II (1.36±1.21 D) and SRK/T
Results (1.50±1.41 D) in this group. In the age group 61–120 months,
In total, 481 eyes of 338 patients which met the inclusion and SRK/II and SRK/T showed superior predictability than Hoffer-Q
exclusion criteria were identified. The clinical characteristics did. Mean AE of SRK/II (0.86±0.58 D) and SRK/T (0.81±0.57
of subjects are summarised in table 1. The mean age at IOL D) were significantly lower than Hoffer-Q (0.96±0.82 D). In
implantation was 43.64±30.06 (range, 11–201) months. The patients >10 years of age, the mean AE of SRK/II (0.93±0.57
PE for SRK/II, SRK/T and Hoffer-Q formula were 0.81±1.69, D), SRK/T (0.95±0.60 D) and Hoffer-Q (1.04±0.62 D) did
1.12±1.77 and 1.90±2.28 D, respectively, and the mean AE not show statistically significant differences. The distribution
for SRK/II, SRK/T and Hoffer-Q formula were 1.40±1.24, of AE of each formula according to age group is demonstrated
1.50±1.47 and 2.09±2.10 D, respectively. The mean values of in figure 3. In the age group 0–24 months, more than half of
AE obtained from three formulae were significantly different the patients showed unsatisfactory refractive outcome (AE >2.0
(p<0.001, one-way ANOVA) and SRK/II gave the lowest AE D) when the IOL power was calculated by Hoffer-Q formula.
among the three formulae. In patients who received IOL implantation under the age of 6
For calculating adequate IOL power for paediatric years, average PE calculated by all three formulae had positive
aphakic patients, the age at the time of IOL implantation, axial values. As the age at IOL implantation increased, the PE nearly
length and mean keratometric value have been considered as the converged to zero, invariably (figure 2).
major determinants of PE. However, which factors affect the PE As the postoperative refraction tends to result in myopic shift
under certain clinical circumstances continues to be a controver- from the predicted refraction (positive mean PE) by all three
sial question.2 3 We performed Pearson’s correlation analysis to formulae in young patients aged <6 years, we performed linear
address the association of these factors with the PEs calculated regression analysis to reduce PE calculated by each formula
by SRK/II, SRK/T and Hoffer-Q formula (figure 1). Only the age (figure 4). PEs calculated by all three formulae had a significant
Lee BJ, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2019;103:106–111. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 107
Clinical science

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 on 31 March 2018. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at AAO/BJO. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  Scatter plot of prediction errors calculated by each intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formula versus (A–C) age at IOL implantation,
(D–F) axial length and (G–I) mean corneal power. SRK, Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff.

linear relationship with the age at IOL implantation surgery. We II (p<0.001, paired t-test) and SRK/T (p<0.001, paired t-test)
propose the corrected formulae for each original IOL calculation were still significantly lower than that calculated by Hoffer-Q
formula, which can be adopted for patients aged <6 years, based formula in patients who received IOL implantation within their
on the linear regression equation. first five years of life. The average AEs of corrected SRK/II and
For SRK/II, corrected predicted refraction=redicted refrac- SRK/T formula did not show significant difference (p=0.166,
tion+0.055 × [age at IOL] − 2.784 paired t-test).
For SRK/T, corrected predicted refraction=predicted refrac- Because we have used both PMMA IOL (811B, 811C, 812C,
tion+0.060 × [age at IOL] – 3.261 LK55A, MZ30BD and MZ60BD) and acrylic foldable IOL
For Hoffer-Q, corrected predicted refraction=predicted (SA60AT) during the study periods, we performed a subgroup
refraction+0.085 × [age at IOL] – 4.947 analysis according to the IOL used. In the PMMA IOL group,
When we calculated the corrected AE using each formula, the the mean AE of Hoffer-Q formula (2.34±2.26 D) is significantly
mean value of corrected AE was significantly lower than that of larger than that of SRK/II (1.51±1.31 D; p<0.01) or SRK/T
the original AE in all three formulae evaluated: from 1.51±1.32 (1.66±1.56 D; p<0.01) formula. The mean AE of SRK/II was
to 1.25±1.02 D for SRK/II (p<0.001, paired t-test), from significantly smaller than that of SRK/T (p<0.01). In acrylic fold-
1.64±1.56 to 1.30±1.10 D for SRK/T (p<0.001, paired t-test) able IOL group, the mean AE of Hoffer-Q formula (1.38±1.30
and from 2.34±2.22 to 1.53±1.51 D for Hoffer-Q (p<0.001, D) is  significantly larger than that of SRK/II (1.07±0.94 D;
paired t-test) formula. The mean corrected AE calculated by SRK/ p<0.01) or SRK/T (1.02±0.99 D; p<0.01) formula. There was
108 Lee BJ, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2019;103:106–111. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706
Clinical science

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 on 31 March 2018. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at AAO/BJO. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2  Comparison of absolute error and prediction error of each intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formula according to the age at IOL
implantation: (A, E) 0–24 months, (B, F) 25–60 months, (C, G) 61–120 months and (D, H) 121–203 months. In box and whisker plots for prediction
error, outliers to 5th and 95th percentile are demonstrated as dots (E–F). *P<0.05; paired t-test. NS, not significant; SRK, Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff. 

no significant difference between the mean AE of SRK/II and of IOLs might be a variable, which can affect the predictability
SRK/T (p=0.21). Because there was no significant difference of IOL power calculation formula.
between the mean age at IOL implantation of the PMMA IOL
group (42.77±28.99 months) and that of the acrylic foldable
IOL group (46.15±33.10 months), we postulated that the types Discussion
According to our results, in paediatric eyes with congenital cata-
ract, PE calculated by each formula is consistently affected by
the age at IOL implantation for all three formulae, whereas axial
length is correlated only to the PE of two theoretical formulae.
Keratometry is not related to the PE. While the longitudinal
growth of axial length persists throughout adolescence, the flat-
tening of corneal curvature is known to occur mostly during the
first year of life.7 In our series, all participants were aged >1 year,
except for one. We postulated that among our study participants
corneal curvature had less influence on the PEs calculated by
commonly used IOL power calculation formulae for this reason.
As short axial length is the representative biometric feature
for paediatric eyes, IOL power calculation formulae which give
the best prediction in short eye were expected to yield a better
refractive outcome. In adults with short axial length, Hoffer-Q
formula, a third-generation IOL formula which determines the
personalised anterior chamber depth (ACD) considering both
axial length and corneal curvature of each patient,8 has been
Figure 3  Predictive accuracy of Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff (SRK)/II, SRK/T reported to outperform other formulae such as SRK/II, SRK/T
and Hoffer-Q formula for each age group. AE, absolute error; D, dioptres. and Holladay I.9 10 However, Hoffer-Q formula was found to
Lee BJ, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2019;103:106–111. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 109
Clinical science

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 on 31 March 2018. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at AAO/BJO. Protected by copyright.
Figure 4  Deducing corrected intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formulae from regression equation for patients who underwent surgery
during the first five years of age. Regression equations for prediction error calculated by Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff (SRK)/II, SRK/T and Hoffer-Q formula
and the age at IOL implantation were derived (A–C). The mean values of absolute prediction error (PE) calculated by original formulae and corrected
formulae are compared (D). NS, not significant.

be the least predictive formula in patients who underwent IOL and type of cataract) are the major shortcomings of the previous
implantation in our study, before 10 years of age. Short axial studies. To our knowledge, this is the largest study ever to
length is a representative biometric feature for paediatric eyes, compare the predictability of IOL power calculation formulae in
but the ratio of anterior and posterior segments of the eye in chil- eyes of paediatric patients. Our study included sufficient number
dren is also different from that of adults. As the anterior segment of patients in each age group. Moreover, we included only the
is disproportionately large in infancy,11 empirically modified patients with congenital cataract and adopted strict exclusion
personalised ACD assuming strategy to optimise refractive criteria. Patients with a history of ocular trauma were excluded
results in adult eyes might be inappropriate for these patients. because the effective lens position (ELP) could be affected by
In addition, these results can be attributed to the phenomenon previous trauma.13–15 The eyes with PFV were also excluded
of amplification of biometric error by IOL calculation formulae because the presence of retrolental fibrous components could
in paediatric patients.12 Young and uncooperative patients who result in shift of the lens–iris diaphragm16 to affect ELP. More-
need sedation for biometric measurement are more likely to over, eyes with posterior lenticonus or lentiglobus were excluded
show greater biometric error because of lack of fixation. It has because they usually show bulging of the posterior capsule,17 18
been reported that in eyes with shorter axial length and steeper which could possibly affect the value of immediate postoperative
cornea Hoffer-Q formula tends to be more sensitive to the refraction.
biometric errors than other theoretical formulae such as SRK/T, In our study, SRK/II was the most predictive formula across
Holladay I and Haigis formula, while SRK/II has an invariable all age subgroups, and Hoffer-Q was the least predictive one for
sensitivity to the size of biometric error.13 patients who received IOL implantation surgery during their
Results of previous studies are inconsistent regarding which first decade of life. However, the predictability of Hoffer-Q
formula yields the best predictive results in paediatric cataract formula also improved as the age at IOL implantation increased.
surgery. Limited number of patients and heterogeneity of study Although a head-to-head comparison of the results of each study
populations (especially in terms of the age at the time of surgery is difficult, our result about the predictability of each formula is
110 Lee BJ, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2019;103:106–111. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706
Clinical science

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 on 31 March 2018. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at AAO/BJO. Protected by copyright.
in accordance with those of Kekunnaya et al4 and Neely et al,1 Competing interests  None declared.
but is discordant with the report of Nihalani and Van der Veen.3 Patient consent  Detail has been removed from this case description to ensure
Neely et al analysed postoperative refractive outcome of 101 anonymity. The editors and reviewers have seen the detailed information available
paediatric cataract eyes and concluded that SRK/II is the least and are satisfied that the information backs up the case the authors are making.
variable and Hoffer-Q is the most variable formula. However, Ethics approval  The Institutional Review Board of Seoul National University
37% of the patients in their study had been diagnosed with poste- Hospital has approved this study.
rior lenticonus/lentiglobus, PFV or traumatic cataract. Nihalani Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
and Van der Veen have reported that among patients who under- © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
went IOL implantation for paediatric cataract before 18 years article) 2019. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
of age Hoffer-Q is the most predictive formula. However, they expressly granted.
only excluded the eyes with traumatic cataract from their anal-
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Lee BJ, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 2019;103:106–111. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2017-311706 111

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