Arthritis Healing Super Foods

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ARTHRITIS HAS BECOME a medical condition of near-epidemic proportions. Nearly
50 million Americans are diagnosed with some form of arthritis, and millions more go
undiagnosed who find ordinary activities like climbing stairs and carrying grocery bags a
painful challenge.

Doctors have little relief to offer people who suffer from osteoarthritis, the
leading cause of disability in the United States. Over the counter pain-relievers in the
form of acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin, as well as prescription-strength COX-2
medications, have all been linked to various dangerous side effects, from liver, stomach,
and intestinal damage to the risk of heart attack and stroke. Anti-inflammatory
medications also actually accelerate joint destruction because they inhibit the body’s
natural processes for repairing and regenerating damaged cartilage and tissue.

Surgery for joint replacement has gone from being a radical and expensive option
to standard procedure, but still carries the risks of infection, surgical complications, joint
dislocation, and even lifetime disability from surgeries gone wrong.

What the doctors don’t tell you is that what you eat can directly affect your
body’s response to the creeping progression of joint deterioration and pain. Arthritis is
primarily a disease of inflammation, which, along with having many other devastating
consequences such as cardiovascular disease, also destroys joint cartilage. Changing what
you eat can most certainly change the way your body feels. By eating foods that are
known to be anti-inflammatory, you can minimize your pain, increase your range of
motion, and slow the progression of joint-damaging inflammation.

I’VE BEEN AN ACTIVE JOCK all my life. I played college and professional football
and practiced martial arts; I’ve been a runner, world trekker, and a hyper-competitive
tennis fanatic. But when my arthritis kicked in, all that came to a grinding halt. I didn’t
surrender easily. Like a lot of people, I popped aspirin, then anti-inflammatories, then
prescription painkillers so I could keep going. I tried fish oil, glucosamine, and expensive
joint supplement formulations. I got cortisone shots, hyaluronic injections, massage, and
Rolfing. You name it, I tried it.

But eventually my arthritis won out. I soon became a couch potato, because even
an after-dinner stroll around the block hurt. As a result, I gained 20 pounds, lost the rock-
hard physique I’d been so proud of all my life, and became hopelessly depressed (a
condition common to people with arthritis). My self-esteem plummeted and I began to eat
and drink for comfort. Even though I took my arthritis medication religiously, my joints
hurt worse than ever.

Then I put on another 15 pounds. My sex life suffered. Depression made me
miserable—and almost cost me my marriage. But that’s not the worst of it. At my annual
check-up, my doctor announced that my cholesterol and blood pressure were dangerously
high and put me on a couple of drugs. My cardiovascular fitness had declined and so my
heart wasn’t pumping efficiently. Tests showed that my blood sugar was bordering on
dangerous levels; if I didn’t lose weight soon, I could end up with diabetes. You can
image what this bad news did for my mood. Such is the life-shortening downward health
spiral that arthritis frequently triggers—and I was trapped in it.

Then the “last straw” happened. One day, while picking up my grandson, I felt
something pop in my lower back. The pain was excruciating and I couldn’t straighten up.
I swallowed two painkillers, went to bed and stayed there for three days. When things
didn’t get better, I made an appointment with a back surgeon.
I had my back surgery in winter, and because the cold weather made my arthritis
hurt even worse, my wife and I rented a house in Mexico for the season so I could figure
out a solution to my condition before it put me into an early grave. I’d been researching
and writing about natural healing treatments for more than 35 years, and I was
determined to find a solution to my problem, because my quality of life was zilch. During
my career, I’d learned that certain natural remedies DID provide some relief and healing
for arthritis; in fact, I helped break some of the biggest discoveries: fish oil, glucosamine,
MSM, and many of the other “biggies.”

But I also realized that none of these remedies alone provides a cure. That’s
because the human body is far too complex – and arthritis is much too stubborn. Healing
any degenerative disease requires a multi-disciplinary, "holistic" approach. As Dr.
Sinatra, my good friend and partner always says, “To be successful, you've got to address
the disease at every level it exists on: molecular, biochemical, nutritional, physical,
emotional, and psychological. There’s no such thing as a ‘magic bullet’ cure.”

In Mexico, I used my research skills to surf the internet relentlessly for every
remedy that had been successfully tested on arthritis patients. I dug deeper, reading
books, research reports, and scientific studies. I emailed specialists, spoke to doctors, and
interviewed experts by telephone. I left no stone unturned. Finally, after months of
investigation, I narrowed my list to the top 30 bonafide “real deal” arthritis healers and
helpers with the most impressive clinical research—and with the world’s leading
distinguished scientists behind them.

Among these 30 arthritis healers and helpers are 12 healing superfoods that I
made the central focus of my diet. In a few short months, my personal results were
dramatic. The pain and soreness in my joints completely vanished. I was entirely off
drugs and was successfully managing my inflammation with a proper diet and safe,
inexpensive supplements. I was working out again—and dropping weight (because these
Arthritis Healing Superfoods are also “super” for weight loss!). My depression lifted and
I was feeling more hopeful and positive about my future.
And six months later, the news was even more impressive: I had lost 30 pounds.
Even better, my cholesterol had dropped from a dangerous 260 to 200. My blood pressure
fell from 149/100 to a perfect 120/80. My blood sugar was back in the normal, healthy
range. And my cardiovascular fitness had returned, meaning that my heart was beating
efficiently again. This Arthritis Healing Plan not only was saving my joints…
It had saved my life!


DR. SINATRA AND I HAVE IDENTIFIED a dozen superfoods that are naturally
abundant in phytonutrients such as antioxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and
minerals that work hard to quell inflammation, ease the pain of sore joints, and increase
comfortable mobility. These superfoods are easy to incorporate into your daily diet, and
offer multiple healing benefits that not only fight the inflammation causing your joint
pain, but also help you lose weight and ease the burden of extra pounds on your
weakened knees. In a moment, we’ll take a closer look at the individual healing
properties of each of these foods, as well as the clinical studies that have proven just how
powerful they really are.

The Top Arthritis Healing Superfoods
1. Salmon
2. Flax
3. Brazil nuts
4. Broccoli and other crucifers
5. Berries
6. Olive oil
7. Spinach
8. Yogurt
9. Pineapple
10. Bone Broth
11. Onions
12. Squash

Joint inflammation is responsible for that tight, aching sensation in your knees,
hips, shoulders, hands, and spine. But when reaching for that ibuprofen for pain relief,
keep in mind that medical studies show that you can get the same degree of comfort from
a platter of fish or a few capsules of fish oil. Both contain omega-3 fatty acids, a super-
healing polyunsaturated fat that is a natural anti-inflammatory, and thus offers the same
relief as aspirin and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), but without
the health risks or adverse side effects.

Studies show that people with moderate joint deterioration due to osteoarthritis
(OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA) experience less pain when they control the
inflammation in their joints and in the body as a whole. And research clearly
demonstrates the remarkable capacity of fish oil to ease inflammation and pain in people
with arthritis. Eating omega-3 fish (or taking fish oil supplements) accomplishes this by
tamping down the body’s production of inflammation-provoking hormones that
aggravate arthritis.

Researchers at the Connective Tissue Biology Laboratories in the UK have

demonstrated that omega-3s silence inflammatory cytokines and interleukins, hormone-
like chemicals directly responsible for arthritic soreness and stiffness in cartilage
membranes. And less inflammation means less pain. Omega-3s also calm joint pain by
boosting the body’s production of anti-inflammatory fats called resolvins, which the body
creates from the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the
fat of fish. This one-two punch enables omega-3 fish oil to not only relieve pain, but also
reverse arthritic conditions in some people.

So profound is omega-3’s healing power that it is beneficial in the treatment and
prevention of a variety of medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD), asthma, macular degeneration, PMS, and others. Symptoms of omega-3
fatty acid deficiency include extreme tiredness (fatigue), poor memory, dry skin, heart
problems, mood swings, depression, and poor circulation.

But not all omega-3 fish are healthful, because despite being rich in this arthritis-
healing oil, most commercial seafoods are loaded with contaminants. Larger ocean
varieties tend to be contaminated with mercury residue generated by the acid rain created
by coal emissions. Since high levels of mercury have been linked to brain disorders,
officials advise that pregnant women, nursing mothers, young children, and women who
might become pregnant avoid swordfish, shark, and king mackerel, and limit their
consumption of other large fish, including albacore tuna, salmon, and herring.

The best fish you can eat, which is both toxin-free and has a high content of
omega-3s, is wild Alaskan salmon. It’s unfortunate that overfishing has created a
shortage of these healthful, wild–caught fish, but don’t be lured into choosing farmed fish
instead. In fact, you should avoid farmed fish of any kind. They may actually make joint
pain worse, and represent one of the most serious dangers to wild fish populations and
our oceans’ ecosystem.

Farm-raised fish often contain lower amounts of inflammation-fighting omega-3s

compared to truly wild-caught fish. They also have unhealthy levels of pro-inflammatory
omega-6 fatty acids. This is because farmed salmon are usually fed unhealthy amounts of
soy pellets, which increase the ratio of omega-6 and promotes chronic inflammation in
humans. Farmed salmon also are fed large amounts of antibiotics to control diseases
caused by the crowded, unhealthy conditions in which they are raised.

Instead, choose truly wild Alaskan salmon known as Chinook (also called King),
Sockeye, Coho, chum, and pink (most of which is canned or frozen). New Zealand green
lipped mussels (technically known as Perna canaliculus) are another excellent source of
omega-3s. Two clinical studies showed that eating mussels produced significant
improvements in people with OA and RA. These mussels also are a rich source of
glucosamine, one of the building blocks of cartilage. (Perna is also available in
supplement form.)

If you find it difficult to eat a lot of fish every week, consider fish oil
supplements. They're so powerful, research shows, that fish oil capsules allow arthritis
patients to quit their COX-2 drugs and other anti-inflammatory NSAIDs. In fact, the anti-
inflammatory effects of fish oil are almost identical to aspirin and other NSAIDs such as
ibuprofen and naproxen, but without the side effects. And a 2005 study noted even better
effects for people with RA when extra virgin olive oil was used along with fish oil, so
dress your salads with it whenever possible.

But do fish oil capsules contain mercury? The watchdog researchers at Consumer
Labs evaluated 20 different brands and found no detectable mercury levels. Almost all
fish oil companies thoroughly filter their products to remove mercury residues. Check the
labels to be sure. Purchase only the fish oil supplements labeled as having undergone
molecular distillation, a process that eliminates toxins. And be certain the product you
pick contains a minimum a minimum of 500 mg EPA and DHA combined.


Flax seeds may be tiny, but their arthritis-healing properties are huge, owing to
their rich supply of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), one of the omega-3 fatty acids that also
makes cold-water fish such a powerful joint protector. In fact, flaxseed is the very best
plant source of healing omega-3s. Just two daily tablespoons of ground flaxseed, or flax
meal, provides you with 140% of the daily recommendation for omega-3s.

Flaxseed’s omega-3s reduce the inflammation underlying arthritis by helping your

body produce prostaglandins, gatekeepers of the anti-inflammatory response. Flaxseed’s
arthritis protection begins when your body converts its ALA into potent omega-3s,
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the same anti-
inflammatories found in omega-3-rich fish like wild salmon. Flaxseed’s omega-3s also
reduce the pain in creaky joints by increasing your body’s production of anti-
inflammatory fats called resolvins, which are made from the DHA and EPA your body
transforms from flaxseed’s ALA.

In addition to omega-3s, flaxseed delivers significant amounts of protective
soluble fiber. You probably know that fiber has a constellation of health benefits, but in
addition to its starring role in keeping your bowel regular and your blood sugar stable,
fiber also drives down inflammation. A University of Massachusetts Medical School
study found that people whose diets include 20 grams of daily fiber or more had 63% less
inflammation than those who ate less fiber. Two daily tablespoons of ground flax
contains the equivalent amount of fiber you’d get from more than a cup of cooked

The best way for your body to absorb all the nutrition in flaxseed is to eat seeds
that have been ground into flax meal. Purchase whole flax seeds, keep them in the freezer
(they spoil easily when exposed to air), and use a coffee grinder to make fresh flax meal
when you need it. Grind just enough for a week and keep the flax meal tightly covered in
your refrigerator or freezer. To get more than the Institute of Medicine’s daily
recommendation for ALA, add two tablespoons of flax meal to your cereal, smoothie,
fruit, yogurt, salad, or vegetables. Substitute flax meal for some of the flour in baked
goods for its delicious nutty flavor.

Flaxseed oil and flaxseed oil capsules also provide omega-3s, but without the
fiber of ground flax. One teaspoon of oil contains a whopping 2.5 grams of omega-3s,
more than twice the amount most people get through their diets. For arthritis stiffness and
pain, take one to three tablespoons daily, drizzled onto your veggies, salad or toast. Or
make a yummy salad dressing. Flaxseed oil is delicate, so refrigerate it and never heat or
cook with it.

Flax in any form is powerful enough to interact with some drugs and medical
conditions. It thins the blood, so talk to your doctor if you’re taking a prescription blood-
thinner, aspirin, or another NSAID. Also ask your doctor about taking flax if you’re on a
cholesterol-lowering medication. And because of flax’s estrogenic effect, check with
your physician if you’ve had a hormone-sensitive cancer, such as breast cancer or uterine


It may sound a little nutty, but nibbling a Brazil nut or two every day is good for
your arthritis. That’s because this chunky nut contains more of the trace mineral
selenium, a powerful joint-healing antioxidant, than any other food.

Scientists studying people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA)
have discovered that low selenium blood levels results in damage to the joints, whereas
those with higher levels of selenium had less damage and less pain. Researchers
measured selenium via toenail clippings, where the mineral accumulates; the low-
selenium group had a higher rate of OA in both knees instead of just one. The pain-free
knees of the normal-selenium participants were produced by the mineral’s nourishing
effect on knee cartilage.

In an ironic twist, certain arthritis drugs lower the amount of selenium circulating
in your body—especially the widely prescribed anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid
medications such as Dexamethasone and Prednisone.

On the other hand, eating selenium-rich foods such as Brazil nuts helps limit the
free radical molecules that cause oxidative stress, while helping to relieve arthritis
symptoms. Selenium’s antioxidant action mops up joint-destroying rogue molecules,
resulting in healthier joints, lowered inflammation, and ultimately, less pain.

Other rich food sources of selenium include crimini mushrooms, pasture-raised
meats, including beef, lamb, turkey, and chicken, seafood, including shrimp, snapper,
oysters, tilapia, tuna, and cod, brown rice, low-fat cottage cheese, and organic eggs.
Selenium is a mineral found in plants and animal meat that is absorbed from its
growing environment, but the amount of selenium a food contains will vary according to
the soil in which it grew or the crops that the animals were fed. In areas of the world
where the soil is low in the mineral, selenium deficiency is widespread—and this is
reflected in the joint problems of the local population. This is especially prevalent in
certain parts of Asia, where many people have a type of arthritis called Kashin-Beck
disease, or “big joint disease.” Here in the US, the high plains of the Dakotas and
Nebraska are rich in selenium, making Western crops and range-fed cattle, poultry, and
dairy excellent selenium-rich foods. Deficient regions include parts of the Great Lakes
east to New England, and also portions of the Pacific Northwest.

To ensure adequate antioxidant activity against your arthritis, be sure to get about
50 micrograms (mcg) of selenium daily. A daily Brazil nut more than covers you, since it
carries from 70 to 90 mcg, depending on where it was grown.


Broccoli is one of the most therapeutic foods on the planet, offering more
nutrition per calorie than any other food. A prominent member of the cruciferous family
of vegetables, broccoli plays an important role in the Arthritis Healing Diet. It offers
significant arthritis relief because it is loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
substances, including sulforaphane, vitamin C, vitamin K, beta carotene, calcium, and the
pain-reliever salicylic acid.

Broccoli eases inflammation with sulforaphane, a naturally-occurring sulfur

compound that stimulates the immune system. At Johns Hopkins, scientists discovered
that sulforaphane prevents joint pain and protects cartilage in the same way COX-2
arthritis drugs do, but without the potentially dangerous side effects. Plus, the beneficial
effects last longer. Their findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, concludes that compounds in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli have
the potential to stop pain before it starts.
Sulforaphane is activated when broccoli is chewed. When you break the plant’s
cells, the chemical is formed. Diindolylmethane (DIM) is also produced as a consequence
of chewing and digesting broccoli. Studies demonstrate DIM’s ability to stimulate
proteins that help regulate the immune system. This is important news for those with RA,
because the immune system is intimately involved in this inflammatory condition. And
broccoli sprouts contain 50 times the sulforaphane found in the mature vegetable,
endowing one ounce of sprouts with as much antioxidant power as three pounds of fully-
grown broccoli. Broccoli sprouts are so tasty even kids will eat them.

Broccoli is also very high in vitamin C. A cup of broccoli has 123 mg of vitamin
C, twice the minimum daily requirement. Studies show that people who are low in C may
be at increased risk for arthritis because C is a necessary nutrient for healthy collagen and
the cartilage it creates and protects. Vitamin C is also effective in healing arthritis
because, as an antioxidant, it is a front-line defense against free radical damage to joints.
It also facilitates the absorption of calcium, another benefit for weak joints.

Vitamin K may also slow and prevent OA. Broccoli is also an exceptional source
of vitamin K, with one cup offering 194% of the daily recommendation. Increasing your
K intake, according to a study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism, could help lower
the risk of OA in hands and knees by a whopping 40%. The Arthritis Foundation believes
vitamin K boosts the action of proteins, which build and strengthen cartilage and bone. K
also seems to reduce the pain-triggering inflammation in joints, while enhancing the
ability of cartilage to withstand wear and tear.

In addition to vitamins C and K, broccoli has a long list of arthritis-friendly

ingredients, with calcium topping the list. OA is caused by both deposition of calcium in
and loss of calcium from the joints—two aspects of the same disease. Contrary to popular
thinking, calcium deposition is not caused by excess dietary calcium, but by a lack of
natural dietary calcium. This is where calcium-rich broccoli is so beneficial. One cup
contains a whopping 74 mg of calcium. Beta-carotene also has been found to lower the
risk of RA and other inflammatory conditions, and broccoli delivers a significant 1,359

Broccoli is rich in selenium, too. Researchers tracking more than 900 people
found those with low selenium levels in their blood had almost double the risk of
developing severe arthritis. The selenium most usable by the body is called selenium
methyl selenocysteine— and the food richest in this compound is broccoli. Another
selenium champ is garlic.

Another great feature of broccoli is its ability to directly relieve arthritis pain.
Salicylic acid (SA) is the active analgesic ingredient in aspirin, which also occurs
naturally in many vegetables. In fact, researchers in Scotland found that vegetarians have
higher levels of salicylic acid in their bloodstreams than non-vegetarians, sometimes
equal to the amount in a daily aspirin. Their research, published in the British medical
journal Lancet, noted that getting salicylic acid from food provides anti-inflammatory
benefits with none of the bleeding problems caused by aspirin. Other vegetables that rate
high in SA are chili peppers, cucumber, okra, and spinach.

If you want to maximize the healing potential of broccoli, cut the florets into
smaller pieces and the stems into thin slices and let them sit for 5 to 6 minutes before
cooking. This enhances their protective properties because it breaks up the cells and
activates beneficial enzymes. This effect is further activated by ascorbic acid (vitamin C),
so sprinkle sliced broccoli with a little lemon juice for added healing power. Broccoli’s
healing enzymes diminish with heat, so slicing broccoli will enable the enzyme to convert
some of the valuable sulfur compounds before cooking.

For maximum nutrient absorption, eat broccoli raw or lightly steamed. Broccoli is
delicious served raw in salads, but light cooking softens its fibrous stem, aiding digestion
and increasing your body’s absorption of nutrients. Enjoy it both ways, and be sure to
invite broccoli’s cruciferous relatives—kale, cabbage, radishes, and Brussels sprouts —to
your table.
You can also maximize the healing potential of broccoli and all the foods you eat
by buying organic. Numerous studies reveal that organically grown foods contain 27%
more vitamin C, 29% more iron, and 14% more phosphorus, on average, than
conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables.

Jim Healthy’s Joint Juice
Here’s another delicious way to get all the crucifers your joints need. This meal-in-a-glass is packed

with phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and inflammation-fighting compounds such as salicylic

acid, a natural pain-reliever plentiful in most vegetables. If you don't already own a good-quality
juicer, you'll need one. It's one of the best investments you can make in your health. Be sure to

choose organic produce only.

Put into a good-quality juicer:

2 stalks celery

4-5 sprigs parsley
1 stalk kale 
1 stalk Swiss chard 
 red beet and a few of the beet greens

small handful of spinach
 -1 sweet apple 
fresh ginger root (about the size of your thumb)

5-8 carrots

The beet, apple, and carrots will sweeten the bitter taste of the greens, so you may want to use more
of these until you get used to the flavor. Makes one 8 to 10 oz. serving.

Note: Making this juice one glass at a time meansa lot of prep and clean-up time. Since we drink
this juice daily, my wife and I now make a one-month supply at once, juicing about three gallons

and freezing it in 8-ounce plastic iced tea bottles. To make a big batch, just multiply the ingredients.
The whole operation takes the two of us about an hour from start to finish once a month, rather than
10-15 minutes every day. In the morning I remove a bottle from the freezer and by lunchtime it's

thawed and ready. If I'm going to be out, I take a frozen bottle with me to drink later. This juice is
 I stay satisfied until dinner. It's a great way to
so nutrient-rich, it's usually all I need for lunch and
stay healthy and lose weight at the same time!

Imagine this as your daily treatment for your osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid
arthritis (RA): A smoothie made of strawberries and yogurt for breakfast, a couple
handfuls of blueberries for a midday snack, and low-calorie raspberry sorbet for dessert.
That’s a great prescription to relieve the pain and soreness in your joints—one that’s
equal to a dose of the leading arthritis drug...and far more delicious.

Berries aren’t just sweet treats; they’re also loaded with pain-relieving and
healing power. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cherries are
nature’s richest sources of anthocyanins, a group of antioxidant flavonoids with
exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. These two color pigments signal the fruits with
the highest anthocyanin content—and therefore most able to deliver a knockout punch to
free radical molecules, which damage DNA, cell membranes, and joint tissue, thereby
initiating and aggravating arthritis.

A mere half-cup of berries has more antioxidant activity than five servings of
broccoli, a powerful arthritis healer in its own right. Anthocyanins also support the
production of healthy collagen, the infrastructure of all connective tissue, especially in
your joints.

The tiny blueberry is another mighty arthritis-healing force to be reckoned with.
It’s packed with more antioxidants than any other vegetable or fruit, according to Tufts
University researchers. Wild blueberries are even more spectacular, containing at least
five different types of anthocyanins, the antioxidant that puts the "blue" in blueberry.

Berries are also a highly effective pain reliever. Tart cherries, for instance, are ten
times more active than aspirin for joint pain. Scientists at Michigan State University
found that just 20 tart cherries contain 25 mg of anthocyanins, enough to block the COX-
2 enzymes that make arthritic joints hurt, while reducing inflammation the same way that
NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen) do.
At Baylor University, scientists conducted a small study testing the effect of
cherry extract on people with arthritis, with five out of six participants experiencing
significant relief, without side effects. After a mere three months, at least one participant
claimed her pain had completely disappeared. Once she stopped the cherry extract, her
pain returned, which is why she’s now drinking 100% unsweetened cherry juice and
enjoying fresh cherries every chance she gets.

Cranberries are incredibly rich in another antioxidant flavonoid called quercetin,
which also produces strong anti-inflammatory effects in arthritic joints. And the
flavonoid content of the humble strawberry is so remarkable, it blocks the pain and
inflammation caused by the COX-2 enzyme just as well as high-priced COX-2 inhibitor
drugs such as Vioxx and Celebrex. Like these drugs, flavonoids block the pain and
inflammation messages of COX-2 without inhibiting the non-inflammatory COX-l. But
strawberries won’t produce side effects like heart muscle damage and increased risk of
heart attack the way these drugs do.

Research conducted at the Harvard University School of Public Health,

discovered that strawberries also drive down levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a blood
marker for inflammation which can go sky-high in people with RA. The Harvard
researchers found that women eating 16 or more fresh or frozen strawberries per week
lowered CRP levels by 14%.

Cherries and berries are also loaded with vitamin C. Research presented in the
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases show that foods high in vitamin C protect against a
specific type of RA called inflammatory polyarthritis, a condition in which two or more
joints are affected. According to another study of 20,000 people who didn’t eat very
many vitamin C-rich foods, researchers found they had 300% more arthritis than those
who ate the most.

Whole berries have fewer calories and more beneficial fiber than juice, but berry
juice is a good option for powerful arthritis pain relief. If you buy commercial berry
juice, be sure it’s made from organic berries and has no added sweeteners. Fruit juice,
which is highly concentrated, is high in natural sugars (and calories), so it’s best to dilute
it. Make a joint-soothing spritzer by mixing one part 100% cherry, blueberry or other
berry juice with two parts sparkling water or seltzer.

Having pain-free joints is as easy as eating a half cup of mixed berries and
cherries daily to maintain high levels of joint-protective antioxidants in your bloodstream.
So where can you find these fruits at their best? Michigan’s summer tart cherry crop is
legendary—and available through the mail. Check your local farmer’s market or farms in
your area for fresh berries and cherries in season. Buy fresh, locally-grown berries in bulk
and freeze them for enjoying year round. For your health’s sake, insist on fruit that’s been
grown without pesticides—and support farmers who don’t use harmful chemicals. Dried
berries and cherries are another good choice, but read labels to ensure they have no added
sugar, oils or chemical preservatives.

Here’s a quick breakfast that doubles as dessert: toss fresh berries with a little soy
yogurt and top with cinnamon, a sprinkle of chopped nuts and some ground flaxseed,
another powerful arthritis-healing food. Or spoon fresh or frozen berries onto oatmeal
with a dollop of yogurt. During the off-season, keep frozen cherries and berries on your
grocery list and in your freezer. The thawed fruit may not have the burst of the fresh, but
it carries the same outstanding healing power. Fresh or frozen cherries or berries are also
perfect for baking, and an ideal way to kick up the healing power of your muffins,
pancakes, and baked goods. For pancakes, scoop batter onto the griddle and then scatter
the fruit on top of each pancake. Your arthritis and your taste buds will thank you. So will
your waistline, because berries are an ideal weight-loss food.



Olive oil is one of the most healing substances you can put in your body—
especially if you have rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, thanks to its powerful inflammation-
fighting compounds.
Olive oil is a mainstay of The Arthritis Healing Diet due to its rich supply of
polyphenols, powerful antioxidants also found in green tea and red wine, which block the
oxidative damage that free radical molecules wreak on cells, accelerating the aging and
degeneration of joint tissue.

Rates of OA and RA are significantly lower in Mediterranean countries, and
many researchers believe olive oil is the reason. It is also one of nature’s best sources of
oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, two antioxidants that significantly reduce other
inflammatory chemicals in the body.

Research shows that 50 milliliters of olive oil (about 3  Tbs.) produces the same
pain-relieving effect in your joints as a 200-mg tablet of ibuprofen. That's certainly
impressive, especially when you consider that using olive oil won’t put you at risk for the
intestinal bleeding and kidney damage that can occur when you use NSAIDs long-term.
But don’t overdo it: studies also show that consuming no more than two tablespoons at a
time produces the optimal health benefit.

You’ll only get this inflammation-fighting effect from “extra virgin olive oil”
(EVOO), the liquid of the first olive pressing. This makes EVOO far richer in
oleocanthal, a natural compound that exerts strong anti-inflammatory effects in the body.
Oleocanthal blocks the production of inflammatory COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes in the
same manner as NSAIDs. Inhibiting these enzymes decreases inflammation and joint
pain. It’s easy to detect how “healing” your olive oil is because oleocanthal produces a
peppery burning feeling in the back of your throat. The stronger this stinging sensation,
the higher its healing properties.

Oleocanthals are heroes when it comes to soothing your arthritis, but they are
destroyed by the heat of the refining processes, which is why you should only purchase
“extra virgin.” Look for the words “cold pressed” on the label to ensure that harsh heat or
chemicals weren’t used in extracting the oil. Other grades of olive oil, such as “virgin” or
“pure” are refined by heat, which compromises their nutritional and anti-inflammatory
properties. Purchase EVOO in opaque or dark bottles to protect this delicate oil from
light, which also can reduce its healing power. Store it like the precious gift it is, avoiding
light and heat, ideally in your refrigerator or dark, cool pantry. For convenience, keep a
small bottle on your counter or dinner table for daily use.

EVOO also has a low smoke point, meaning that high heat will destroy its healing
benefits—although light sautéing is fine. But the ideal way to enjoy it is fresh,
“Mediterranean style,” splashed on produce and cooked vegetables. Just be aware that,
like all fats, olive oil contains 9 calories per gram —so 3 tablespoons equals 400 calories.
To avoid excess calories (and the weight gain that results), use extra-virgin olive oil
instead of other fats such as butter, not in addition to them. So enjoy those tablespoons
any way you choose—as salad dressings, as a dip for whole grain bread, or as a flavorful
veggie topping.

You can also multiply olive oil’s healing power by combining it with other
arthritis-healing foods. Researchers have discovered powerful food combinations that
deliver even greater anti-inflammatory relief. One is drizzling EVOO on omega-3 fish
such as wild-caught salmon; studies have found that eating the two together magnifies the
anti-inflammatory effect that each possesses individually. Scientists at the University of
Athens Medical School in Greece investigated the connection between RA and diet in
more than 300 people and found that people who ate cooked vegetables combined with
olive oil had a dramatically lower probability of developing RA. In fact, people who ate
the most cooked veggies and olive oil reduced their risk for RA by a most impressive
75%. And using EVOO on veggies and salads actually boosts the antioxidant strength of
those vegetables, according to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition.



Popeye’s “power-booster” really is a true superfood for people with arthritis. Spinach is
packed with several antioxidant vitamins that neutralize free radical molecules, which eat
away joint cartilage and tissue. It also provides your body with key nutrients believed to
strengthen bones against the onset of osteoporosis. In addition, spinach contains the same
active ingredient as the world’s most popular pain-reliever. And if that weren't enough,
the oils in spinach contain essential fatty acids, which help control the pain, swelling, and
inflammation of arthritis.

One cup of raw, fresh spinach contains more than 100% of the recommended
daily allowance for vitamin A, about 10% of the USDA daily allowance for vitamin C,
and a healthy dose of vitamin E. These vitamins are well known for their antioxidant
powers. Other arthritis-fighters in spinach’s arsenal include carotenoids and a massive
dose of beta-carotene, which have been found to lower the risk of rheumatoid arthritis
(RA) and other inflammatory conditions. Each of these antioxidants minimizes the free
radical damage that accelerates joint inflammation.

Spinach is also an especially rich source of salicylic acid (SA), the natural
compound from which the active analgesic ingredient in aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, is
derived. In addition to relieving pain, the SA in spinach targets chemicals in the body that
trigger inflammation. These benefits occur without the risk of internal bleeding or the
damage to the kidneys and liver associated with aspirin.

Because 80% of the oil in spinach is omega-3, spinach helps control the pain and
swelling of arthritic joints caused by inflammation. Plant sources of omega-3s are
valuable because they tend to last longer in your body than other sources. While the
richest source of joint-protective omega-3s are found in cold-water fish, omega-3 plants
are loaded with a unique type of the healing fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid
(ALA), which your body stores in far greater quantities than the omegas from fish.

Spinach is also rich in calcium, another arthritis-friendly ingredient. As we

mentioned before, osteoarthritis (OA) is not only caused by excessive wear and tear, but
also caused by abnormal deposits of calcium (sometimes as bone spurs) and the loss of
calcium from the joints (which is linked to porous bones and aqueous cysts). This is
where spinach is so beneficial. One cup of boiled spinach contains an impressive 244 mg
of calcium.
According to a study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism, increasing your
intake of vitamin K—in which spinach is particularly rich—helps lower the risk of OA in
the hands and knees by a whopping 40%. The Arthritis Foundation believes vitamin K
boosts the action of certain proteins that build and strengthen cartilage and bone. Vitamin
K also seems to reduce the pain-triggering inflammation in joints, while enhancing the
ability of cartilage to withstand wear and tear. A one-cup serving of boiled spinach
delivers 200% of the daily Vitamin K. Steam or briefly boil your spinach to maximize the
vitamin K and crank up your body’s ability to absorb this essential vitamin.

Copper, a trace mineral present in spinach, also delivers a triple dose of benefits
against arthritis. It possesses an anti-inflammatory element that is vital for strong bones
and healthy connective tissue, while also guarding your joints against free radicals. A cup
of spinach delivers 16% of your daily requirement of copper.

Spinach that’s fresh from your backyard garden, your local farmers market, or
your supermarket produce section contains the richest supply of arthritis-healing
nutrients. But researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that fresh spinach left
in the refrigerator too long has even less antioxidant power than canned spinach. To
preserve the most nutrients, store fresh spinach in the crisper drawer of your fridge—or
better yet, use it right away. Cooked spinach possesses more healing power than fresh
because many of its nutrients are bound up and unavailable until cooking releases them.
But overcooking can take a hefty toll. For maximum benefits, gently steam your
spinach—or lightly sauté it over low heat in a little extra virgin olive.

Researchers have discovered that people with arthritis who begin to eat a
Mediterranean diet suffer less pain, inflammation, and swollen joints after just three
months. The Mediterranean menu includes lots of vegetables, such as spinach and other
leafy dark greens, as well as olive oil, red wine, and omega-3 rich fish. The National
Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases reports that omega-3s are
“unquestionably anti-inflammatory agents” much like aspirin and other NSAID drugs.
So, have a piece of wild-caught salmon atop a mound of steamed spinach, drizzled with
olive oil, for a joint-protective feast.




Yogurt has been around for thousands of years, but its healing properties are
thoroughly modern. For instance, yogurt is a potent inflammation-fighter with well-
documented curative effects for the pain and stiffness of arthritis. Yogurt’s beneficial
bacteria not only reduce inflammation; they also power-up the entire immune system.
They even improve your body’s efficiency at absorbing essential nutrients, particularly

One reason yogurt is such a dynamic healer is because it’s a living food, the result
of adding beneficial bacteria to milk and keeping it warm until the lactose, or milk sugar,
turns to lactic acid and ferments. This provides the perfect breeding ground for these
“good” bacteria so they can multiply. So eating live yogurt regularly is like sending in the
cavalry to reinforce the beneficial bacteria in your GI tract. These beneficial bugs
represent one way in which nature keeps the “bad guy” bacteria (such as e. coli,
salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, and clostridium perfringens, which cause food
poisoning and other health problems) from overwhelming your body and killing you.

In fact, your GI tract is home to more than 500 species of bacteria— about 100
trillion in number, some of them beneficial and others harmful to your health. That’s why
the live cultures of beneficial bacteria in yogurt are called probiotics (literally “for life”).
They are waging war 24/7 against the infectious microbes and viruses that want to
colonize your body and make you sick.
Here’s another important reason why people with arthritis should eat yogurt often.
A study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that the probiotics in yogurt
trigger a decrease in C-reactive protein (CRP), the blood marker for inflammation. Even
more compelling is that researchers noted that two of the bacteria strains in particular—
Lactobacillus and Propionibacterium—exert an especially strong effect on CRP. This
means that certain beneficial bacteria have “strain-specific” anti-inflammatory abilities,
so look for yogurt that contains these two when shopping. The same study found that
probiotics caused a reduction in the body’s production of cytokines, body chemicals that
turn on the inflammation response in joints.

Israeli medical researchers induced arthritis in rats and fed one group a
commercially-produced live yogurt. The results were profound. In their report, they noted
that the Lactobacillus bacteria exerted "remarkable preventive and curative" effects on
arthritis. A University of Wisconsin Madison study found that a type of fat in milk called
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) snuffs out the inflammatory enzymes that aggravate
rheumatoid arthritis (RA). But CLA is only found in the milk of cows and goats that
graze freely in pastures. Reason? The grasses and wild herbs on which they feed fuel the
production of CLA in their milk. So when shopping, look for dairy products labeled as
“free range” and “pasture-fed” to make sure you’re getting your daily dose of
inflammation-fighting CLA.

Doctors have discovered that people with RA often harbor an overgrowth of

harmful bacteria in their guts—and some researchers believe there is a direct causal
effect. Eating live-culture yogurt probiotic can restore the balance in favor of protective
anti-inflammatory bacteria. Even the lactose intolerant—about 50 million people in the
US who lack the enzyme needed to digest milk sugar lactose—can benefit from eating
yogurt without the typical gas and cramping that result from eating other non-fermented
dairy products. This is a definite benefit, because lactose intolerance bars these folks
from diary-based calcium, which contributes to strong bones and healthy joints.

For people with arthritis—and especially those taking steroid drugs to help
manage their pain and symptoms—the danger of osteoporosis is a serious concern. Since
steroids actually accelerate this bone-thinning condition, people taking these drugs must
pay close attention to their calcium intake. And ounce-for-ounce, yogurt contains more
absorbable calcium than an equal amount of milk. Just one cup of plain non-fat yogurt
provides 414 mg of calcium, which is 25% more than the same amount of non-fat milk.
On top of that, the milk sugar in yogurt greatly improves calcium absorption. Yogurt is
also a rich source of IGF-1, the body’s growth factor that regulates bone formation. More
than 90% of women and 70% of men will succumb to osteoporosis in their lifetimes,
which makes calcium deficiency an “epidemic” you should be concerned about.

Yogurt’s benefits also extend to weight loss. If you have arthritis, losing weight
means less stress on your joints and greater ease of motion. According to the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, women who are obese have four times the risk
of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee than women who weigh less. And for men, the risk is
nearly five times greater. Every extra pound can quadruple the load on your joints – and
that can hurt. On the bright side, every pound you lose removes four pounds of pressure
from your hips and knees.

Losing weight also lowers the level of inflammatory chemicals in your

bloodstream, thus easing pain. That’s because fat cells, especially those in your belly,
secrete pro-inflammatory hormones that raise your blood levels of C-reactive protein
(CRP) and makes your joints stiff and sore. According to a study published in the
International Journal of Obesity, when obese men and women ate three six-ounce
servings of fat-free yogurt daily while on a reduced-calorie diet, they lost 22% more
weight and shed 80% more abdominal fat than those who ate the same number of
calories, but got only one serving of dairy products. The yogurt-eaters lost an impressive
61% more body fat than the non-yogurt group.

Another study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found

that eating a diet high in calcium boosts the burn-rate of body fat. Women from 18 to 30
years old with normal weights were put on either a high-calcium or a low-calcium meal
plan for a full year. The high-calcium women took in 1000 mg to 1400 mg per day from
food sources, while the low-calcium group got less than 800 mg daily. Results? The high-
calcium group burned fat at 20 times the rate of the low-calcium group, a true testament
to calcium’s fat-burning power.
Shopping for the most effective yogurt means you have to become a label-reader.
For starters, steer clear of any yogurt containing sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial
coloring, cookie or candy pieces, and fruit; they add unnecessary calories and
inflammatory sugars. Most commercial yogurt products also have been pasteurized,
which kills the live bacteria that make yogurt so effective against arthritis, although some
add the live cultures after pasteurization. Be sure to choose yogurt with labels marked
“living active cultures” or “live active cultures.” Some of the most beneficial bacteria to
look for include L. bulgaricus, B. bifidus, L. casei, and L. reuteri.

For maximum healing and overall good health, have at least one cup of plain fat-
free or low-fat yogurt daily. For breakfast, add your own fresh fruit, a tablespoon of
ground flaxseed, chopped walnuts, and a dash of cinnamon. For lunch, blend a low-cal
smoothie using fresh or frozen berries, banana, and ground flaxseed or wheat germ. You
can also mix yogurt into savory dressings for salads and vegetables. Or grab a yogurt for
a perfect bedtime snack. For a change of pace, try Greek yogurt, which is thicker with a
richer taste. Or you can knock back a glass of low-fat kefir, yogurt’s drinkable cousin
(just watch out for added sugars in commercial products). Kefir contains its own unique
varieties of beneficial bacteria, including Lactobacillus Caucasus, the Acetobacter
species, and Streptococcus. Feel free to add a touch of cinnamon and berry juice if you


For generations, native peoples in tropical regions have used fresh pineapple to
ease their arthritis pain. It’s so potent at reducing inflammation that many boxers drink it
after fights. This unique fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain, one of the best-
researched natural anti-inflammatory agents around.

The sulfur-based bromelain in fresh pineapple quashes inflammatory agents that

trigger joint pain and cartilage degeneration. A 2006 study sited in Clinical and
Experimental Rheumatology found that a supplement containing bromelain was effective
in easing discomfort from hip arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation discovered that
pineapple’s bromelain produces effects comparable to NSAIDs for relieving pain and
inflammation. UK researchers reviewed ten studies on osteoarthritis (OA) and bromelain
and found that every single one confirmed bromelain’s benefits.

Bromelain supplements contain a concentrated source of the enzyme, but aren’t as

effective as fresh pineapple. Researchers in the Dole Nutrition Institute tested fresh
pineapple against six different bromelain supplements and found the enzyme activity of
the fresh pineapple to be equal to and sometimes higher than the supplements. One
experiment pitted a cup of pineapple against a bromelain supplement and found more
than 12 times the enzyme activity in the fruit.

Pineapple also boosts the action of other supplements that help arthritis
symptoms, such as glucosamine and MSM. Higher intake levels of the antioxidant
Vitamin C is also essential for people with arthritis—and one cup of pineapple has 94%
of the recommended daily allowance (RDA).

Research published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases showed that vitamin
C-rich foods protect against inflammatory polyarthritis, a type of rheumatoid arthritis
(RA) in which two or more joints are affected. Scientists examined nutritional data on
20,000 adults and discovered that those eating the least amount of C-rich foods had more
than 300% higher risk of arthritis compared to people eating the most. Pineapple is also
an excellent way to get the trace mineral manganese, which is essential for building
healthy joint tissue and dense bones. One cup provides 128% of the RDA for manganese,
which also assists in clearing out free radicals that can damage joint cartilage.

The typical dose recommended for bromelain is 80mg–320mg two to three times
a day, equivalent to eating a fresh pineapple daily, or drinking about four cups of its
juice. Try juicing your own pineapple for a bromelain-loaded, joint-soothing beverage.

Bromelain is destroyed by heat, so you must eat fresh pineapple to benefit. Frozen
pineapple retains active enzymes, but canned fruit and processed, packaged juice don’t
provide the anti-inflammatory benefit of fresh. If the fruit needs to ripen, keep it on your
kitchen counter for a couple days. You’ll know it’s sweet and ready to eat when the
bottom softens a bit. There are several clever pineapple-cutting tools that make the job
easy. Refrigerate pineapple slices or chunks so you can enjoy it all week long.

You’ll want to make pineapple your between-meal arthritis-healing snack of

choice. When you eat it on an empty stomach, the proteolytic enzymes go right to work
on your joints. If you eat it with other foods, the enzymes divert their activity to digesting
the food, instead of the gunk in your joints. Pineapple fruit skewers are a nutritious, fun
snack. Simply alternate fresh pineapple chunks with strawberries for an extra vitamin C
blast and extra joint healing.



Broth made with bones has been used for centuries by healers and physicians in
many cultures; it’s even described in the Bible. Some nutritional experts believe bone
broth’s absence from our regular diet partially explains why arthritis affects nearly 80%
of people over 60 today.

A simple bone broth is loaded with healing nutrients—including collagen,

hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), glycine, proline
(which helps create collagen), and sulfur compounds—which are necessary for the
creation and repair of damaged joint cartilage. Most of us have only seen these nutrients
in a bottle: glucosamine-chondroitin is the top-selling nutritional supplement on the
market today, and medical studies prove that it works. In 2006, the National Institutes of
Health (NIH) conducted the largest study ever on glucosamine-chondroitin and found
that the majority of arthritis sufferers who took the combo experienced significant pain
reduction—and the longer they took it, the better they felt.

Glucosamine, an essential building-block of the cartilage in our own joints, comes
from the shells of crustaceans such as crab, lobster, and shrimp. And animal cartilage in
soup bones is a rich source of chondroitin sulfate. Together, these two compounds help
our bodies repair arthritis-damaged joints, keeping them well-lubricated by helping
cartilage absorb more water.

Cartilage relies on the nutrients in the synovial fluid, which are contained in the
synovial sac that encases your joints. Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and
osteoarthritis (OA) can experience severe pain and inflammation in the synovial joints.
Glucosamine facilitates the creation of new cartilage, resulting in less bone-on-bone
contact, reduced inflammation, and thus more comfortable, flexible joints. Cartilage
repairs itself slowly because it doesn't have a direct supply of blood, so increasing intake
of glucosamine and chondroitin encourages optimal cartilage regeneration.

Arthritis healing broth offers all these benefits, at a fraction of the cost of a bottle
of supplements. A quick visit to the meat and fish counters at your local grocery store can
provide the raw ingredients for a nutrient-dense bone-healing broth you can eat every
day. Just fill a large soup pot with beef /pork knuckles, feet, back bones and/or joint
bones (these gelatin-rich animal parts contain the most cartilage-nourishing compounds.)
Toss in as many crustacean shells as will fit; vegetable scraps are great, too. Splash in a
cup of lemon juice or vinegar. (Acids will help extract all the glucosamine-chondroitin as
well as minerals.) Cover with cold water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer,
cover, and let it cook on the lowest possible heat for hours, checking the water level and
heat every once in a while. (If scum floats to the surface skim it off with a spoon.)

Or, just place all ingredients into slow cooker and let it simmer for a couple of
days on low heat. You can also oven-roast raw bones with their meat to bring out their
flavor, but it’s not essential. Or you can make a seafood-only broth. Just slow-cook until
it develops into a gelatinous brew. When it’s done, strain the liquid through a colander
and chill to remove the fat. It will keep in your fridge for up to four days. Use this
glucosamine-chondroitin broth as the basis for a variety of soups by adding veggies,
beans and herbs. Cook whole grains in your bone broth, too. Or you can simply sip a hot
cup of joint-soothing goodness.
It’s easy to keep a pot of arthritis healing broth going in the kitchen. Just save any
bones left after you roast a chicken or prepare bone-in meats. Keep the skin and any meat
attached, and save your eggshells, too. Some people like to collect bone and meat bits in
a pot in the fridge until they have enough to start a broth. You won’t need very much.
And remember: the longer you slowly cook these humble scraps, the more healing they



The humble, pungent onion is one of the star players in the Arthritis Healing Diet.
It is both a natural painkiller and inflammation fighter that can soothe joint pain caused
by chronic arthritis.

Onion’s arthritis healing power comes from its sulfur compounds, vitamin C, and
the flavonoid quercetin. Sulfur is a critical component of healthy cartilage—and the
sulfur compounds in onions have been shown to significantly drive down inflammation
by inhibiting the enzymes directly responsible for joint inflammation. Healthy joints need
sufficient blood levels of sulfur, so it isn't surprising that people with arthritis are
frequently deficient in it. Researchers analyzing the amount of sulfur in fingernails found
that arthritis sufferers have far less of it than people who don’t have arthritis. Sulfur
compounds also have positive immunostimulant properties, which is important for people
with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) because it is an autoimmune disease.

Onions are also high in vitamin C, an important antioxidant. Arthritis

inflammation creates free radical molecules that further damage tissue, causing added
pain, inflammation, and further joint deterioration. Antioxidants such as vitamin C
neutralize the harm that free radicals can do, thus minimizing joint damage and pain.

Quercetin is another potent antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. It also

reduces the risk of heart attack, as well as cancers of the lung, prostate, and colon.
Furthermore, quercetin inhibits the actions of histamines and other inflammatory
mediators in both osteoarthritis (OA) and RA. The amount of quercetin your body
absorbs from onions is more than three times greater than that of apples and twice what
you get from tea.

Choose the most pungent onions for maximum arthritis pain relief. The strongest
onions contain the most phenols and flavonoids, and thus provide the greatest anti-
inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Researchers found that the Western Yellow
variety of onion contains 11 times more flavonoids than the Western White. Shallots have
even more antioxidant activity, so mince these tiny “onion-ettes” into everything from
salads to omelets.

Onions that are fresh and raw provide maximum nutritional and healing benefit.
Quercetin isn’t destroyed by most cooking methods, though it is decreased by boiling.
Other antioxidants, however, are destroyed by high heat, so onions should be cooked just
long enough to preserve their health-promoting phytonutrients.

Of course, including onions in most recipes means cutting them, and cutting
usually means stinging and burning eyes. Cutting onions under cold running water
reduces eye irritation, but this can wash away beneficial phytonutrients. To minimize
tears, chill onions in the freezer for 20 minutes before cutting, and be sure to use a very
sharp knife.

Although whole onions should be stored in a cool, dark, dry place, those already
sliced or cut should be refrigerated in a sealed container or tight plastic wrap. Otherwise,
their nutrient content diminishes rapidly. Freezing chopped onions is not recommended
because they lose much of their flavor.

You’ll want to eat onions at least three times a week for their impressive healing
benefits. Enjoy them raw in salsa, salads and sandwiches. Begin preparing soups, stews,
and sauces by gently sautéing a chopped onion along with its healing cousin, garlic.


Cut open the tough outer shell of any one of the many winter squash varieties—or
open a can of cooked, pureed pumpkin—and you’ll find a joint-healing orange pulp
loaded with carotenoids, potent antioxidants which neutralize one of the underlying
causes of joint degeneration. For those who already have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or
osteoarthritis (OA), carotenoids block the damaging effects of free radical molecules,
which set the stage for joint inflammation and pain. For those who don’t, researchers say
eating carotenoid-rich foods will lower your risk of ever getting RA.

Winter squash and pumpkins are loaded with the tongue-twisting carotenoids
alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin. The first three
nutrients are converted by our bodies to all-important vitamin A, essential for a strong
immune system, clear vision, healthy skin and sturdy joints. If you suffer from OA, it’s
possible that vitamin deficiencies could be making your problem worse. Vitamin A
deficiency has been linked to diseases such as arthritis, lupus, and Type I diabetes.
Hubbard and butternut squash supply 100% of the RDA for Vitamin A in a single 3-1/2
ounce serving.

Depending on the variety, winter squash can taste as sweet as pie, distinctively
nutty, or delicately mild. Whatever your preference, eating this carotenoid-rich vegetable
actually lowers the risk of developing inflammatory disorders, including RA. A study
involving 25,000 people at UK’s University of Manchester discovered that people eating
the most foods containing beta-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin—like pumpkin and winter
squash—had half the risk of RA compared to those who ate the least amount.

It was also discovered that study participants with RA had a 40% lower daily
intake of beta-cryptoxanthin foods and a 20% lower intake of zeaxanthin compared to
those who were arthritis-free. These findings echoed previous research showing that
getting as little as 400 mcg of beta-cryptoxanthin from foods— about the amount in a
slice of pumpkin pie or half a sweet potato—was linked to lower RA risk.
Pumpkin and all winter squash varieties are exceptionally low in calories and
brimming with fiber. With only 80 calories and six grams of fiber per cup, it’s the perfect
inflammation “squashing” food. Dietary fiber, say researchers at the Federal Research
Center for Nutrition in Germany, lowers C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which are
measured in order to determine the effectiveness of inflammation treatments for RA. The
German scientists found that men who boosted their consumption of fiber-rich foods
from two to eight servings daily drove down their CRP by more than 30%. On top of that,
the reduction in CRP was primarily caused by eating carotenoid-rich, orange-colored
vegetables and fruits, including pumpkin, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, mangos, and

Low-calorie squash and pumpkin also play an important dual role in the arthritis-
healing diet by helping you lose excess weight and reduce inflammation. Researchers at
the Medical University of South Carolina found that participants who ate 28 grams of
fiber daily on average were able to slash their CRP levels. Winter squash is also rich in
manganese and vitamins C, both of which are essential for building and repairing
connective tissue and reducing inflammation in arthritic joints.

Carotenoids are fat-soluble, meaning you need to eat a little healthy fat such as
extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil with your squash or pumpkin so your body can absorb
more of their pain-relievin benefits. One important fat-soluble nutrient in the carotenoid
family is lutein. Research shows that people with the highest levels of lutein in their
bodies are about 70% less likely to have OA of the knee, according to the National
Institutes of Health. Because lutein is a powerful antioxidant, eating more foods rich in it
can help ease the pain of OA or RA, by neutralizing cartilage-damaging free radicals.

Carotenoid-rich foods are among the most affordable fresh foods and are easy to
prepare. Canned pumpkin isn’t just for holiday pies. It can be added to muffins and
pancakes, or stirred into your morning oatmeal. Or you can add a dollop to plain yogurt
for extra flavor and healing power. You can also spoon pumpkin into tomato sauce,
soups, chili and stews to make than more inflammation-fighting. Groceries often carry
many varieties of winter squash, including butternut, Delicata, and acorn squash. Also
check roadside stands and farmers markets in autumn for locally-grown varieties such as
buttercup, Hubbard, Japanese kabocha, and beautiful small red-orange “pie pumpkins.”
Look for organic fresh (or canned) squash to avoid a side dish of pesticides.

Squash is easy to prepare. Just wash a small squash, such as acorn or Delicata,
and cut it in half. Scoop out the seeds and rub a little oil on the cut edges, sprinkle
cinnamon in the cavities, and lay the halves upside down on a lightly oiled cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 to 400 degrees F for 40 minutes to an hour, depending on thickness, or until
a knife can be inserted easily into the skin. Flip them over and sprinkle the hot squash
bowls with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil, raisins, walnuts, plus a bit more
cinnamon and nutmeg. Make a big batch so you can re-heat the leftovers for a joint-
relieving lunch, snack or dinner side dish.

Don’t have time to bake? You can microwave a whole small squash, such as
acorn, butternut, or spaghetti squash for fast results. Simply slit the skin in a few spots
and microwave for seven minutes or until tender. The squash will be very hot, so wait ten
minutes before cutting it in half. Scraping out the seeds and spoon out the savory orange
pulp which you can mash like potatoes. Add anti-inflammatory extra virgin olive oil or
sesame oil, plus garlic or diced green onions. Winter squash is also delicious cubed,
steamed and served cool on top of antioxidant-rich red leaf lettuce or arugula salad


IF YOU WANT TO AMP UP the power of your Arthritis Healing Superfoods, you can
add generous amounts of these Super Healing Spices. More than just flavor boosters,
these spices have healing compounds that make them effective allies in your fight against
arthritis pain.
Curry is a mainstay of Asian cuisine, but it does more than taste good; it’s an arthritis-
fighting powerhouse, thanks to its spice content. Several spices that make up traditional
curries combat diabetes because they help reduce inflammation and repair and prevent
the damage done by free radicals. Curry powders are a mixture of spices that usually
include turmeric, cinnamon, fenugreek, cilantro (coriander), chili peppers, and ginger.
You could eat all these healing foods and spices separately. But if you spice up your diet
by eating curry, you get the benefit of all of them at the same time.

Turmeric gets the gold star when it comes to helping heal many diseases. The key
ingredient in turmeric that accounts for curry’s characteristic golden glow is curcumin
(not to be confused with cumin). Researchers at Columbia University have found that
curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory as well as a beneficial antioxidant, important
for combating the damage free radicals do over time to blood vessels.

Cilantro, also known as coriander or Chinese parsley, is another potent curry spice that’s
beneficial for people with arthritis. Both the fresh leaves and seeds of cilantro are high in
phytonutrients, flavonoids, and polyphenols, including quercetin, a potent antioxidant
that neutralizes free radicals. Quercetin also inhibits the actions of histamines and other
inflammatory mediators in both osteoarthritis (OA) and RA. Both Japanese and German
researchers have also confirmed the presence of anti-inflammatories in the essential oils
of cilantro.

Chili peppers give the heat to curry. The main active compound in all chili peppers,
from cayenne to jalapeño, is capsaicin. The antioxidants in capsaicin help combat free
radicals: In a study of 27 adults, eating fresh chilis was found to minimize the damaging
oxidation of blood fats due to free radicals.

And capsaicin is a well-known anti-inflammatory: FDA-approved capsaicin

cream is a highly effective pain reliever when rubbed into arthritic joints. Capsaicin
works by depleting the levels of a brain chemical called substance P, which is responsible
for transmitting pain messages. Using capsaicin cream regularly reduces the amount of
substance P in nerve fibers, so that fewer pain messages reach the brain. In a sense, it
tricks your brain into blocking its sensitivity to its pain receptors. Chilis are also high in
vitamin C and carotenoids, which both fight inflammation. Two teaspoons of chili
peppers provide 6% of your daily value for vitamin C and 10% of vitamin A. Chilis also
help you lose weight, because the heat you feel after eating them takes energy to produce
and that means calories burned.

Ginger, often added to curries and other Asian dishes, is another potent antioxidant with
powerful anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. A study published in Life
Sciences found that gingerols inhibit the production of nitric oxide that quickly forms a
very damaging free radical called peroxynitrite.

For centuries, people in Tibet and India have used ginger to relieve inflammatory
joint diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis. Ginger’s ability to quell the body’s
inflammatory compounds makes it a “natural” for people suffering from RA or OA.

A study at the University of Miami Medical School, reported in the journal

Arthritis and Rheumatism, found ginger to be as effective as conventional drugs for
arthritis pain relief. Researchers examined 250 people with osteoarthritis (OA), all with
moderate-to-severe pain. Over the course of six weeks, part of the group took 255
milligrams of ginger extract twice daily, with the others took a placebo. Fully two-thirds
of the ginger-takers reported significant pain relief.

Researchers in Denmark found that eating ginger regularly reduces swelling and
relieves pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and OA. They also observed that it
improved patients’ mobility. All these benefits occurred without the stomach-wrenching
side effects that anti-inflammatory drugs can produce.

So what are you waiting for? The sooner you incorporate these Arthritis Healing
Superfoods and Super Healing Spices into your daily diet, the sooner you’ll experience
relief from the pain and misery of arthritis!

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