AOS Code of Practice January 2020 v8

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BPA Approved Operator Scheme

Code of Practice
Control and enforcement of parking on private land
and unregulated public car parks Version 8 - January 2020


I am delighted to introduce this latest version of the

Code of Practice for parking on private land which
has been updated following extensive consultation
with stakeholders. The updated Code reflects recent
changes in legislation and advances in technology which
demonstrates our commitment to continuously raise
standards across the profession.
These improvements help ensure that our members who
operate parking on private land are always providing a
consistent service for their customers.
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to
improving the Code, in particular members of the
Advisory Panel which includes representatives from both
operators and consumer/motoring organisations.

John McArdle
BPA President



A General conditions in the C Operational requirements in

United Kingdom.................................................................................. 4 Scotland and Northern Ireland.............19
1 Glossary................................................................................................................................................. 4 26 Introduction to the operational requirements...... 19
2 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 5 27 Signs........................................................................................................................................................... 19
3 Code administration..................................................................................................... 6 28 Charges, and terms and conditions.......................................... 19
4 Conditions......................................................................................................................................... 6 29 Parking charge notices......................................................................................... 20
5 Warranty and disclaimers................................................................................. 6 30 Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)..... 22
6 Monitoring compliance with the Code................................. 7 31 Complaints, challenges and appeals............................................ 22
7 Written authorisation of the landowner............................ 7 32 Recovering unpaid parking charges.......................................... 24
8 Keeping and disclosing information............................................... 7
9 Professionalism......................................................................................................................... 8 Appendices...............................................................................................................25
10 Learning and qualifications............................................................................ 9 A Vehicle immobilisation and removal
11 Insurance.............................................................................................................................................. 9 in Northern Ireland and where lawful
12 Requesting registered keeper details......................................... 9 authority applies............................................................................................................... 26

13 Consideration and Grace Periods................................................... 9 B Mandatory entrance signs........................................................................... 30

14 Misrepresentation of authority............................................................... 9 C Schedule 4, Protection of Freedoms

Act 2012.......................................................................................................................................... 32
15 Third-party sub-contractors and ’self-ticketing’...... 10
D Contact details.................................................................................................................... 40
16 Disabled motorists...................................................................................................... 10
E Parking charge notice flow chart:
17 Keying Errors.......................................................................................................................... 10 recovering unpaid parking charge notices
and for appeals under POFA 2012.......................................... 41
B Operational requirements F Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Code
in England and Wales........................................................12 of Practice - A guide to the 12 principles................... 43
18 Introduction to the operational requirements........ 12 G Railway Byelaws................................................................................................................. 44
19 Signs........................................................................................................................................................... 12
20 Charges, and terms and conditions.......................................... 12
21 Parking charge notices......................................................................................... 13
22 ANPR..................................................................................................................................................... 15
23 Complaints, challenges and appeals......................................... 16
24 Recovering unpaid parking charges.......................................... 17
25 Vehicle immobilisation and removal ..................................... 18



1 Glossary Notice to Keeper A parking charge notice which has

been issued to the registered keeper. If the Protection
A Parking Accredited Trade Association (ATA) A parking of Freedoms Act (2012) is mentioned on the notice, the
operator must be a member of an Accredited Trade operator will be utilising the legislation and the notice
Association (ATA) that is recognised by the DVLA to be must meet the conditions of Schedule 4, paragraph
able to request the Registered Keeper’s details if they 8 (if the notice is issued after a Notice to Driver) or
have ‘reasonable cause’. paragraph 9 (if this is the first notice issued).

AOS The Approved Operator Scheme (AOS) is the Parking charge Parking charge means a charge arising when
BPA’s Accredited Trade Association for people and a driver who breaches the terms and conditions of parking
organisations that undertake management of parking on on private land, agrees to a charge that is advertised in the
private land. Members of the AOS must adhere to the parking contract; for example, for an overstay or trespasses
BPA AOS Code of Practice. by parking without permission. It does not mean the
normal parking tariff fees for parking, which are outside the
ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition is a scope of the Code.
technology that uses specialist cameras, software and
image processing to capture vehicle registration plates Parking charge notice (PCN) A document placed on a
and converts the registration plate images into data. vehicle, or sent by post to the registered keeper or hirer,
Photographs are taken at the entry and exit points of by the car park owner, operator or their agent when
a car park showing when a vehicle arrives and when it there is evidence to believe that the terms and conditions
leaves. for parking on a site, as detailed on the terms and
conditions signs, have been breached.
Code Means this Code of Practice.
Parking contract The agreement between the driver and
Driver Is the person driving the vehicle at the time the owner or operator of a car park on private land. The
the alleged breach of the parking terms and conditions contract is offered by the signage and accepted when the
(contravention) occurred. motorist remains on site.

IAS Independent Appeals Service has a brand name Parking tariff The fee that allows a driver to pay for
of POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals) and is parking in a car park on private land.
currently run by the Ombudsman Service.
POFA 2012 Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms
ICO Means the Information Commissioner’s Office. Act (2012).

Keeper liability Under Schedule 4 of the Protection of Private car park Any car park that is on private land and
Freedoms Act (2012) a Registered Keeper may become is not subject to statutory control.
liable to pay a parking charge if the driver is not known or
the driver’s details have not been provided by the keeper Relevant land This is defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 4
within the timescales outlined in Schedule 4 Protection of of the Protection of Freedoms Act (2012).
Freedoms Act (2012).
Recovery charges Supplementary charges that an
Notice to Driver A parking charge notice which has operator may add for a debt recovery process and/
been issued to the driver. It is either affixed to the or solicitor fees and/or court fees to pursue a parking
vehicle or issued via post (if the registered keeper has charge notice.
transferred liability to the driver). If the notice is utilising
the Protection of Freedoms Act (2012) it must meet ‘We’, ‘Us’, or ‘Our’ Means the British Parking Association.
the conditions within Schedule 4 of the Protection of
Freedoms Act (2012), in particular paragraph 7. ‘You’ or ‘Your’ Means in relation to this Code, any
Company or Organisation that is an AOS Member.
Notice to Hirer A parking charge notice which is
addressed to the person or company which hired the
vehicle at the time of the contravention. If you seek to
rely on the Protection of Freedoms Act (2012) it must
meet the conditions of Schedule 4 of the Protection of
Freedoms Act (2012), in particular paragraph 14.


2 Introduction 2.8 The Code comes into force from 6 January 2020. It
replaces all previous codes.
2.1 The British Parking Association (BPA) is an independent
body which represents, promotes and influences best 2.9 The Code and its appendices cover the operation of
practice in the parking sector throughout the UK and parking on private, unregulated land. This includes:
Europe. The BPA set up the Approved Operator Scheme
(AOS) in 2007 specifically to represent those involved in • management and enforcement operations
managing and enforcing parking on private, unregulated • designing and using signs
land. The Code is owned and managed by the BPA on • using ANPR and associated systems
behalf of its AOS members. • issuing and processing parking charge notices and
other notices given to drivers and keepers of vehicles
2.2 In the Code, ‘you’ means the AOS member – a person • appropriate parking charges.
or organisation carrying out parking control and
enforcement on private land; ‘we’ means the BPA. 2.10 The Code covers private parking throughout the United
Kingdom. However, at present, there is a difference in the
2.3 The aim of the AOS Code of Practice (‘the Code’) is to law on private parking within the separate areas of the
describe ‘best practice’ for people and organisations that United Kingdom. This means that:
carry out parking control and enforcement on private
land. All members of the AOS have agreed to support • in general, enforcement by clamping and removal is a
and uphold the principles of the Code. To become a criminal offence in England and Wales, except when
member, parking operators must confirm that they have carried out with lawful authority
systems and procedures in place to ensure compliance • in general, enforcement by clamping and removal is
with the Code. Compliance with the Code should be unlawful in Scotland
part of the culture of the organisation. • in Northern Ireland, clamping and removal is still a
legally acceptable activity.
The Code describes the objectives of these systems and
procedures, and the standards of conduct and practice 2.11 A key issue for any organisation or person managing a
within which AOS members should work. private parking operation is to make sure any parking
charge notices (PCNs) issued are paid. To do this they
2.4 When there is relevant legislation and related guidance, may need to obtain the details of the registered keeper
this will define the overall standard of conduct for all AOS of the vehicle in question from the DVLA. Private parking
members. All AOS members must be aware of their legal operators must be members of an Accredited Trade
obligations and implement the relevant legislation and Association (ATA) that is recognised by the DVLA to
guidance when operating their businesses. Examples of request this information. The BPA has ATA status and,
relevant law and guidance within this sector are: as all members of the AOS have to be members of the
BPA, AOS membership allows you to request information
• contract law from DVLA records. The DVLA has been involved in the
• tort of trespass preparation of the Code.
• data protection law
• consumer protection law 2.12 In England and Wales the Protection of Freedoms Act
• Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (POFA), including 2012 has led to four major changes in unregulated
Schedule 4 (included as Appendix C to the Code) parking enforcement on private land:
• DVLA Guidelines for Accredited Trade Associations
• equalities law. • the banning of clamping and removal in private car
parks, where there is no lawful authority
2.5 The Code explains in principle what we require from you • the repeal in England and Wales of the licensing
and the sanctions you will incur if you do not meet these regime for vehicle immobilisers, which was previously
requirements. We also provide a consumer’s guide to the run by the Security Industry Authority
AOS to give the consumer a summary of the AOS service • keeper liability for payment of parking charges. This
and principles. means that if the driver of the vehicle is not known
then the registered keeper may be liable to pay any
2.6 By creating the Code the parking industry has set out the valid parking charges
minimum standards by which you will be judged by anyone • the setting up of IAS, an independent appeals service
coming into professional contact with you. Members of the to review appeals against parking charges issued by
public should be able to expect that you will keep to the AOS members. The BPA is responsible for developing
law, and act in a professional, reasonable and diligent way. and implementing IAS, and the start of keeper liability
depends on IAS’s implementation.
2.7 All AOS members must make sure that the AOS logo is
prominently displayed in all their car parks, and make it
clear to the public that they are governed by the Code.


2.13 The Code does not cover on-street or off-street car 4 Conditions
parking control and enforcement led by local authorities
and regulated by, for example: 4.1 Any organisation or person applying for BPA or AOS
membership must:
• the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
• the Road Traffic Act 1991 • sign a declaration agreeing to keep to the Code and
• the Traffic Management Act 2004. its principles
These are covered by detailed statutory control and • agree to keep appropriate records to show full and
regulation and can include: effective compliance with the Code requirements and
to allow a full review of these records by the BPA if
• immobilisation we make a reasonable request
• removal of vehicles • pay the appropriate fees set by the BPA Council
• issuing penalty charge notices and excess charge notices. • agree to follow the decisions of IAS, the independent
appeals service.
2.14 Standards of conduct and practice for AOS members are laid
out in the Code, but if there is any conflict the law will prevail. If you do not sign your declaration and pay your fees, you
will not be a member of the BPA.
2.15 Where parking on land is subject to Byelaws you must
ensure that your practices are in accordance with them 4.2 To stay a member of the BPA you must keep to the
or that you don’t operate a scheme that is prohibited by conditions of the Code. If you do not keep to the conditions
them. For the avoidance of doubt, land managed under of the Code we may take disciplinary action against you.
Byelaws is not considered as ‘Relevant Land’ under POFA.
4.3 Under the Code you must keep to all the requirements
3 Code administration laid down by law. The Code reflects our understanding
of the law at the date of publication. However, you are
3.1 The Code is prepared and maintained in consultation responsible for familiarising yourself with the law on any
with the AOS membership and a wide range of activities covered by the Code.
appropriate advisory bodies.
4.4 It is also a condition of the Code that, if you receive and
3.2 The Code will be reviewed at appropriate intervals to process vehicle or registered keeper data, you must:
make sure that it remains relevant. Changes that the
AOS board considers to be minor will be made when • be registered with the Information Commissioner
appropriate. Changes that the AOS board considers to • keep to the Data Protection Act
be major will have a consultation process. This will be • adhere strictly to any DVLA requirements relating to
carried out when the AOS board considers it is necessary. the data.

3.3 There are a considerable number and range of stakeholders 5 Warranty and disclaimers
with an interest in the contents of the Code, and who have
been involved in its preparation.They include: 5.1 We have, and will do our best to keep, Accredited Trade
Association status with the DVLA.
• the BPA
• the DVLA 5.2 You must tell us if you apply to the DVLA for an
• other government departments electronic facility to request data from the DVLA Vehicle
• landowners Record, and use your membership of the BPA and
• operators compliance with the Code as evidence of your intention
• the general public to keep to DVLA procedures.
• drivers
• keepers 5.3 You must also indemnify us against all claims that might
• IAS arise from your obtaining data falsely or illegally, or
• consumer groups. misusing data.

3.4 You can download copies of the Code from the 5.4 We will not be liable for any direct or consequential
BPA website. losses that you, or any third party, incur as a result of:

3.5 If you have any questions, comments or complaints about • complying with the Code
the Code and its application please see the contact details • not complying with the Code
in Appendix D. This contact point is not for communications • being denied the facility to request vehicle information
about a specific parking charge or issue, but only for ones from the DVLA.
about the content or application of the Code.


6 Monitoring compliance with the Code 6.8 If you do not comply with the Code you may be
suspended or expelled immediately from the BPA. We
6.1 You must confirm to us that you have systems and would then start the disciplinary procedures set out
procedures in place to make sure that substantial in the BPA Code of Professional Conduct. This may
compliance with the Code is embedded within the happen when, in the opinion of the BPA Council, your
culture of your organisation. failure to comply with the Code brings the BPA and its
membership into disrepute.
6.2 Before you are allowed to claim that you are keeping to
the Code, you must send us an Evidence of Compliance 6.9 We will inform the DVLA immediately if you are
Statement. If you are a company, this must be signed by suspended or expelled from membership, or if your non-
a director. When new members apply to join the AOS compliance with the Code is sufficiently serious.
we will tell them what the contents of the evidence
statement should be. We will do this through our normal 7 Written authorisation of the landowner
communications channels, including our web site and by
using email. 7.1 If you do not own the land on which you are carrying
out parking management, you must have the written
6.3 We will audit you at least once a year. The audit will be authorisation of the landowner (or their appointed
done by our compliance team or our appointed auditors agent). The written confirmation must be given before
to check that you are keeping to the terms of the Code. you can start operating on the land in question and
If we find any non-compliance issues you must put them give you the authority to carry out all the aspects of car
right within an agreed time. We will also record any park management for the site that you are responsible
complaints we receive about our members. for. In particular, it must say that the landowner (or their
appointed agent) requires you to keep to the Code
6.4 We will investigate any complaints about alleged non- of Practice and that you have the authority to pursue
compliance with the Code. However, we are not set up to outstanding parking charges.
deal with disputes from the general public about parking
or control. Nor are we a regulatory body. Therefore, the 7.2 If the operator wishes to take legal action on any
Code does not provide a way for drivers to challenge how outstanding parking charges, they must ensure that they
a landowner or operator has applied parking control and have the written authority of the landowner (or their
enforcement on private land. Any challenge or appeal is a appointed agent) prior to legal action being taken.
matter for the landowner’s or operator’s procedure, with
the option of taking it to IAS, and/or the courts. We will 7.3 The written authorisation must also set out:
not get involved in the arbitration of a dispute between an
operator and an individual. a the definition of the land on which you may operate, so
that the boundaries of the land can be clearly defined
6.5 Non-compliance with the Code will be dealt with and b any conditions or restrictions on parking control and
monitored through a scheme of sanctions. We will enforcement operations, including any restrictions on
issue sanction points depending on the severity of the hours of operation
non-compliance. If you reach twelve points on your c any conditions or restrictions on the types of vehicles
‘membership licence’ in any twelve month period, we may that may, or may not, be subject to parking control
refer you to the BPA Council for disciplinary action. The and enforcement
referral may result in your membership with the AOS and d who has the responsibility for putting up and
the BPA being suspended or terminated. maintaining signs
e the definition of the services provided by each party
6.6 If we find there has been a failure to comply with the to the agreement
Code, either during a complaint investigation or a
compliance audit, you must make appropriate changes to 7.4 Our compliance team are responsible for making sure
your business operation to bring it into compliance. We that you follow the Code. If the team give you reasonable
will write to you asking for the changes to be made. This notice, you must allow our appointed manager to inspect
will be a formal request and we will give you a timescale the landowner’s written authorisation.
for you to make the changes and send us evidence that
you have done this. Depending on the nature and severity 8 Keeping and disclosing information
of the alleged Code breach, we may issue suspended
Sanction Points and/or a formal letter of censure. 8.1 So that we can carry out our duties to operate the Code
effectively, and to make sure that you keep to the Code,
6.7 If you do not make the changes by the date given in you must keep accurate records of all your operational
the formal written request we will issue an appropriate sites. If our appointed manager asks, you must show them
sanction against your membership licence. If your licence details of any particular site. We would normally ask to
reaches 12 points, we may suspend your membership of see the information only if there was a complaint or
the AOS, and of the BPA. disciplinary action against an operator for not keeping to

the Code, or for audit purposes. An operator who does 9.2 Within that context, we believe that drivers ought to:
not provide the information within 14 days will be treated
as being non-compliant with the Code. • accept that a landowner has the right to set out the
terms on which drivers can enter their land
8.2 Unless paragraph 8.3 applies, we will keep confidential • accept that an authorised operator has the right to
all information which is provided in confidence to us by manage the parking on a landowner’s behalf
you. Only BPA staff involved in compliance monitoring will • take reasonable steps to read the signs and any other
have access to the confidential information, and then only appropriate information at a site
with the approval of a BPA Director. • drive safely and act responsibly while using a private
car park
8.3 Information will not be treated as confidential if: • act responsibly towards the staff managing a private car park
• give you the opportunity to answer any questions
• it was already in the public domain before it was • use the appeals procedures in an honest and fair way.
provided to us
• it entered the public domain after this but not 9.3 You must respect the needs of the emergency services
through any action of ours. to carry out their duties without your taking enforcement
action against them. This means that you must not issue
The information may be disclosed: parking charge notices to:

• if we are required to by a court order, or • liveried vehicles being used for operational fire, police
• if, in the opinion of the Chief Executive of the BPA, or ambulance purposes
not doing so might jeopardise the BPA’s status as an • vehicles being used by a doctor or other health
Accredited Trade Association. worker (such as a midwife or district nurse) who is on
an emergency call at the address under control, and
8.4 Given the increasing prominence of our Association and the vehicle is displaying a BMA badge or authorised
the introduction of the Private Parking (Code of Practice) Health Emergency badge.
Act, it’s essential that we have robust evidence to inform
our associated communications and lobbying activities. In 9.4 Effective from 2 January 2018, the practice of offering
particular, the appropriate use of aggregated membership financial incentives relating to the quantity of parking
data can support strong messages on why effective parking charge notices in new and existing employee contracts
management is essential and challenge misinformed is prohibited.
messages from others. It has been decided to introduce an
AOS operator census programme via a confidential third 9.5 You must not use predatory or misleading tactics to lure
party who will help us to collate and consolidate data on a drivers into incurring parking charges. Such instances will
half yearly basis. Operators will be liable for submission of be viewed as a serious and sanctionable instance of non-
all required data to the programme and any non-submittals compliance and may go to the Professional Conduct Panel.
will be considered as a breach of the Code and may result
in Sanction Points being issued. 9.6 The process known as ‘soft ticketing’ is expressly forbidden.
To confirm, ‘soft ticketing’ occurs where operators
9 Professionalism place a ‘notice’ on a vehicle which asks the motorist to
check online or by telephone to see if their vehicle has
9.1 The Code is based on the understanding that operators committed a parking contravention. The implementation of
and drivers should deal with each other in a respectful way. such a scheme will be viewed as a serious and potentially
sanctionable breach of the Code.
This means that as a member of the AOS you must
maintain a professional standard of behaviour in carrying 9.7 At a time when the private parking sector is under
out your operational duties. This includes making sure that: intense scrutiny from Government, it is imperative that
correspondence from MPs (and similar VIPs) is dealt with
• vehicles engaged in parking enforcement, such as promptly with definitive and comprehensive responses
ANPR vehicles, are marked clearly with appropriate given. When such correspondence is received, we expect
livery or your business name, so that members of the you to acknowledge the communication within 10 days
public can see that you are the operator. Vehicles used and respond within 28 days. If the complaint will take
only to transport parking enforcement staff do not longer than 28 days to resolve, we expect you to update
need to be liveried. the MP of this. Failure to achieve these deadlines may be
• your front-line operational staff wear a uniform and considered a Sanctionable Breach of the Code.
carry a photo-identity card that is visible and available
for inspection by drivers
• you deal with drivers and other members of the
public in a professional way, avoiding using aggressive
or threatening language.


10 Learning and Qualifications 13 Consideration and Grace Periods

10.1 You must ensure your staff and agents are competent to 13.1 The driver must have the chance to consider the Terms
carry out the tasks they are employed to do. and Conditions before entering into the ‘parking contract’
with you. If, having had that opportunity, the driver
10.2 You must provide good quality appropriate education and decides not to park but chooses to leave the car park,
training to all staff for the general job specific and legal (for you must provide them with a reasonable consideration
example, health and safety) elements of their role. We may period to leave, before the driver can be bound by your
require you to evidence how you do this during an audit. parking contract. The amount of time in these instances
will vary dependant on site size and type but it must be a
10.3 You will keep your employees’ education and training minimum of 5 minutes.
records for a minimum of 3 years and make them
available to the BPA during an audit or on request.
13.2 The reference to a consideration period in 13.1 shall not
11 Insurance apply where a parking event takes place.

11.1 Unless you are a public sector organisation, you must have 13.3 Where a parking location is one where a limited period of
enough public liability insurance (at least £5M) to meet parking is permitted, or where drivers contract to park for
reasonable claims for damage or expenses.You must also a defined period and pay for that service in advance (Pay
carry full employers’ liability insurance (at least £10M). & Display), this would be considered as a parking event
You must allow us to inspect your current certificates of and a Grace Period of at least 10 minutes must be added
insurance, to show that you are meeting this requirement. to the end of a parking event before you issue a PCN.

11.2 If you are a public sector organisation you must provide 13.4 Unauthorised motorists will not be entitled to the minimum
an equivalent level of cover as in paragraph 11.1, in case time period of 5 minutes for a consideration period in
there is a claim. You must be able to show, if we ask, how spaces designated for specific users e.g Blue Badge holders,
you are able to provide an equivalent level of cover. pick up/drop off or where parking is prohibited such as
hatched areas in front of emergency exits, or on entry and
12 Requesting registered keeper details exit ramps etc.

12.1 Any BPA member involved in managing, controlling and 13.5 You must tell us the specific consideration/grace period at
enforcing parking on unregulated private land must be a site if our compliance team or our agents ask what it is.
a member of the AOS to request information from the
DVLA’s vehicle records. 13.6 Neither a consideration period or a grace period are
periods of free parking and there is no requirement
12.2 When you apply to the DVLA you must confirm you are for you to offer an additional allowance on top of a
a member of the BPA and the AOS (quoting your BPA consideration or grace period.
membership number). You also have to confirm that you
will keep to the Code, the Data Protection Act and any 14 Misrepresentation of authority
other legislation that applies. Under the Data Protection
Act you will have to register as a data controller with the 14.1 You must give clear information to the public about what
Information Commissioner. parking activities are allowed and what is unauthorised.
You must not misrepresent to the public that your
12.3 You must use data from the DVLA only to carry out parking control and enforcement work is carried out
the parking control and enforcement activity for which under the statutory powers of the police or any other
you requested the data. You must not act as an agent public authority. You will be breaching the Code if you
to get data from the DVLA on behalf of a third party suggest to the public that you are providing parking
(for example a landowner or agent), unless that third enforcement under statutory authority.
party becomes a member of the AOS and meets all the
compliance conditions. If you do not keep to the Code 14.2 You must not use terms which imply that parking is
requirement this could lead to your membership of the being managed, controlled and enforced under statutory
AOS and of the BPA being suspended or terminated. authority. This includes using terms such as ‘fine’, ‘penalty’,
‘penalty charge notice’ or ‘excess charge notice’.
12.4 It is entirely up to the DVLA whether they allow you
to request vehicle keeper information. Also, the DVLA 14.3 The abbreviation ‘PCN’ is also used to mean a ‘penalty
apply terms and conditions to that access, and these may charge notice’ in the regulated environment. Unless
change. We will not get involved in disputes concerning you have previously defined a PCN as a ‘parking charge
the availability of DVLA data or services, except when we notice’ on your signs and notices, you must avoid using
are acting in our general role as the recognised authority the term ‘PCN’ to avoid confusing drivers about the
representing the parking industry as a whole. nature of your parking enforcement.

15 Third party sub-contractors and ‘self-ticketing’ 16.2 ‘Reasonable adjustments’ to prevent discrimination are likely
to include larger ‘disabled’ parking spaces near to the entrance
15.1 You may use sub-contractors to carry out individual or amenities for disabled people whose mobility is impaired. It
tasks to help you in your parking management and also could include lowered payment machines and other ways
enforcement responsibilities. If you do this, you are to pay if payment is required: for example, paying by phone.
responsible for making sure the sub-contractor keeps to You and your staff also need to realise that some disabled
the Code as if you were carrying out the tasks. If the sub- people may take a long time to get to the payment machine.
contractor does not keep to the Code, this failure will be
treated as an act of non-compliance by you. 16.3 Operators of off-street car parks do not have to
recognise the Blue Badge scheme. But many choose to
15.2 Self-Ticketing can be defined as any PCN issued or do so to meet their obligations under the Equality Act.
information gathered that results in a PCN being issued Although a Blue Badge is not issued to all disabled people
by a party who is not directly employed by the parking it is issued to those with mobility problems. So it is a
operator – for example a representative of the landowner. good way for parking operators to identify people who
need special parking provision.
15.2a You are responsible for making sure the customer keeps to
the Code.You must provide your customer with an up-to- 16.4 You are at risk of a claim under the Equality Act if you do
date copy of the Code and get their signed confirmation not discourage abuse of the ‘disabled’ spaces. This means
that they have read the Code and agree to keep to it. that you need to make sure the spaces are regularly
checked to be sure they are not being used by people
15.3 You must tell promptly if you intend to provide self-ticketing who do not have a disability.
services. If we or our agent ask you, you must show us the
evidence that the customer has agreed to keep to the Code. 17 Keying Errors
15.4 Self-ticketers must be registered with the BPA before 17.1 Technology is being used more and more by parking
they are able to issue a Parking Charge or their operator providers as an aid to car park management. Irrespective
can request keeper data relating to a parking incident. of whether a parking facility is off-street or on-street, the
  increased use of technology will often require a motorist
15.5 All operators offering self-ticketing will be required to correctly enter their vehicle registration at a pay and
to register the organisations that they look after with display machine, parking kiosk or at a validation terminal
the BPA and supply photographs of the locations that inside the location in instances where parking is offered at
they manage, showing the signage in place within their a reduced rate or free of charge.
registration documentation.
  17.2 There is also an increase in the use of mobile phone
15.6 All self-ticketing sites should be visited by the operator apps to pay for parking. Just as in the case of fixed or
prior to any enforcement action being taken, unless there stationary parking payment terminals, mobile phone
is an exemption by the ATA. parking apps also require a motorist to correctly enter
  their car registration number.
15.7 Operators will be required to self-report any, and
every, breach of the Code by self-ticketers to the BPA 17.3 No one wants to receive a parking charge for making a
Compliance Team who in turn will investigate and may mistake when entering their vehicle registration number
take necessary disciplinary action. Failure to do this may into a Pay and Display machine or parking validation
be seen as a sanctionable breach of the Code. terminal, when they have paid for the parking event.
  Motorists, car park operators, service providers and
15.8 The practice of offering financial incentives relating to the equipment manufacturers all have a responsibility in
quantity of parking charge notices directly to the person ensuring that obvious and inadvertent errors do not lead
who issues a parking charge notice or gathers evidence to unjustified charges.
for one, in a self ticketing or similar arrangement is
prohibited. 17.4 The Code recognises that keying errors can be grouped
  into 2 main areas;
15.9 Operators are required to ensure that the self-ticketing
organisations that they have responsibility for, undertake A) Minor Keying Errors
appropriate training. Examples of a minor keying error could include:
• 0 instead of o.
16 Disabled motorists • I instead of L.
• 1 instead of I
16.1 The Equality Act 2010 says that providers of services to • Up to one letter wrong, removed, or swapped
the public must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to remove • Up to one number wrong, removed, or swapped
barriers which may discriminate against disabled people. • Numbers and/or letters in the wrong order (but
where the correct registration is still recognisable)


These are minor errors where up to one character has

been entered incorrectly, or where the registration has
been entered in the wrong order. If a typing error such as
this leads to a PCN being issued and the motorist appeals,
the PCN must be cancelled at the first stage of appeal.

B) Major Keying Errors

Examples of a major keying error could include:

• Motorist entered their spouse’s car registration

• Motorist entered something completely unrelated to
their registration
• Motorist made multiple keying errors (beyond one
character being entered incorrectly)
• Motorist has only entered a small part of their VRM,
for example the first three digits

In these instances we would expect that such errors

are dealt with appropriately at the first appeal stage,
especially if it can be proven that the motorist has paid
for the parking event or that the motorist attempted to
enter their VRM or were a legitimate user of the car park
(eg a hospital patient or a patron of a restaurant).

It is appreciated that in issuing a PCN in these instances,

the operator will have incurred charges including but
not limited to the DVLA fee and other processing costs
therefore we believe that it is reasonable to seek to
recover some of these costs by making a modest charge
to the motorist of no more than £20 for a 14-day
period from when the keying error was identified before
reverting to the charge amount at the point of appeal.



18 Introduction to the operational requirements and understand. Signs showing your detailed terms and
conditions must be at least 450mm x 450mm.
18.1 Sections 18 to 25 below apply to England and Wales only.
They take into account the changes to private parking 19.4 If you intend to use the keeper liability provisions in
management following the Protection of Freedoms Act Schedule 4 of POFA 2012, your signs must give ’adequate
2012 (POFA 2012). notice’. This includes:
• specifying the sum payable for unauthorised parking
Schedule 4 to POFA 2012 is set out in Appendix C • adequately bringing the charges to the attention of
of the Code. drivers, and
• following any applicable government signage regulations.
19 Signs
See paragraphs 2(2), 2(3) and 12 of the Schedule.
19.1 A driver who uses your private car park with your
permission does so under a licence or contract with you. 19.5 The wording you include on your specific parking terms
If they park without your permission this will usually be signage is your decision. However, you should try to use plain
an act of trespass. In all cases, the driver’s use of your land and intelligible language in all your signs and information.
will be governed by your terms and conditions, which the
driver should be made aware of from the start. You must 19.6 If you provide a telephone line to respond to complaints,
use signs to make it easy for them to find out what your challenges and appeals from motorists relating to the
terms and conditions are. terms and conditions of parking they have entered into,
these calls must not be charged above the basic rate.
19.2 Entrance signs play an important part in establishing a
parking contract and deterring trespassers. Therefore, 19.7 You should display the BPA’s AOS logos at all sites.
as well as the signs you must have telling drivers about This will help the public to see that you are a legitimate
the terms and conditions for parking, you must also have operator, and show that the site is run properly.
a standard form of entrance sign at the entrance to the
parking area. Entrance signs must tell drivers that the car 19.8 Important: you may have to give other information
park is managed and that there are terms and conditions on signs and notices under companies and consumer
they must be aware of. Entrance signs must follow some protection law and other legislation.
minimum general principles and be in a standard format.
The size of the sign must take into account the expected 19.9 So that disabled motorists can decide whether they want to
speed of vehicles approaching the car park, and it is use the site, there must be at least one sign containing the
recommended that you follow Department for Transport terms and conditions for parking that can be viewed without
guidance on this. See Appendix B for an example of an needing to leave the vehicle. Ideally this sign must be close
entrance sign and more information about their use. to any parking bays set aside for disabled motorists.

A standard form of entrance sign must be placed at the 19.10 Where there is a change in the terms and conditions that
entrance to the parking area. There may be reasons why materially affects the motorist then you must make these
this is impractical, for example: terms and conditions clear on your signage. Where such
• when there is no clearly defined car park entrance changes impose liability where none previously existed then
• when the car park is very small you must consider a transition to allow regular visitors to the
• at forecourts in front of shops and petrol filling site to adjust and familiarise themselves with the changes.
stations Best practice would be the installation of additional/
• at parking areas where general parking is not temporary signage at the entrance and throughout the site
permitted making it clear that new terms and conditions apply. This will
ensure such that regular visitors who may be familiar with
19.3 Specific parking-terms signage tells drivers what your the previous terms become aware of the new ones.
terms and conditions are, including your parking charges.
You must place signs containing the specific parking 20 Charges, and terms and conditions
terms throughout the site, so that drivers are given the
chance to read them at the time of parking or leaving 20.1 When you issue a parking charge notice the charges you
their vehicle. Keep a record of where all the signs are. make have to be reasonable. This section explains what
Signs must be conspicuous and legible, and written in reasonable charges are.
intelligible language, so that they are easy to see, read


20.2 In the Code ‘parking charges’ means charges arising from 20.10 If an Operator seeks to use extracts from the ‘ParkingEye
enforcement under three different circumstances: v Beavis’ judgement laid down by the Supreme Court, the
judgement must be referenced and that extracts from it
• when a motorist breaks the terms and conditions of a must be properly quoted. Best practice would be adding
parking contract the website link to the summary of the judgement, when
• when a motorist trespasses by parking without making reference to it.
• agreed charges that are advertised in the contract; for 21 Parking charge notices
example, for an overstay.
21.1 When a vehicle is parked in a private car park, the
It does not mean the normal tariff fees for parking. normal rule is that the driver is responsible for paying
These are a matter for the landowner and operator the tariff fee (if any) for parking, for following the
and are outside the scope of the Code. Your terms and terms and conditions which apply, and for paying any
conditions will include your normal tariffs for parking, plus parking charges.
any parking charges if the driver breaks the contract or
commits a trespass. Because of the difficulties of identifying who drivers are
and where they live, the law in England and Wales now
20.3 If the driver breaks the contract, for example by not allows car park owners and operators to recover unpaid
paying the tariff fee or by staying longer than the time parking charges from registered vehicle keepers, or, where
paid for, or if they trespass on your land, they may be relevant, from vehicle hirers.
liable for parking charges. These charges must be shown
clearly and fully to the driver on the signs which contain 21.2 Schedule 4 of POFA 2012 creates the new legal basis to
your terms and conditions. claim unpaid parking charges from vehicle keepers and
hirers. As long as the strict conditions of Schedule 4 are
20.4 If you want to enforce a parking charge notice under the met, you may claim payment from the keeper or the hirer
keeper liability provisions of POFA 2012 you will need to of the vehicle rather than from the driver. To do this you
show how you brought the requirement to pay parking need to follow the procedures set out in the Schedule.
charges to the attention of drivers. See paragraphs 2 (2) You can do this whether the parking originally took place
and (3) of Schedule 4. under the terms of a contract or was an act of trespass.

20.5 If the parking charge that the driver is being asked to pay 21.3 You can find more information on the procedures in
is for a breach of contract or act of trespass, this charge Schedule 4 of POFA, which is set out in full in Appendix
must be proportionate and commercially justifiable. We C of the Code.
would not expect this amount to be more than £100. If
the charge is more than this, operators must be able to 21.4 The parking charge notice is the document you:
justify the amount in advance.
• give to drivers, or attach to their vehicle windscreen,
20.6 If your parking charge is based upon a contractually agreed to tell them they have broken your terms and
sum, that charge should not be punitive or unreasonable. conditions and are now liable for parking charges, or
If it is more than the amount in Clause 19.5 and is not • send to vehicle keepers asking them to pay the
justified in advance, it could lead to an investigation by parking charges, if you do not have the driver’s details,
Trading Standards or another appropriate authority. or
• send to vehicle hirers, asking them to pay the parking
20.7 If prompt payment is made (defined as 14 days from charges, if you discover that the vehicle was rented.
the issue of the parking charge notice) you must offer
a reduced payment to reflect your reduced costs in POFA 2012 refers to the ‘Notice to Driver’, the ‘Notice
collecting the charge. This reduction in cost must be by at to Keeper’ and the ‘Notice to Hirer’. All are types of
least 40% of the full charge. parking charge notice.

20.8 If you are asked, you must be able to justify the level of 21.4a A notice sent by post is to be presumed, unless the
parking charges to the AOS Board, a member of our contrary is proved, to have been delivered and so “given”
compliance team or to their specified agent. on the second working day after the day on which it is
posted; and for this purpose “working day” means any day
20.9 You must warn drivers that if they delay payment beyond other than a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday.
a payment period of 28 days and you need to take court
action or use debt recovery methods to recover a debt, 21.5a When issuing a parking charge notice you may use
there may be extra ‘recovery’ charges for debt recovery photographs as evidence that a vehicle was parked in an
action. However, you do not need to say how much these unauthorised way. The photographs must refer to and
recovery charges are in advance, on your signs or notices. confirm the incident which you claim was unauthorised.
A date and time stamp should be included on the


photograph. All photographs used for evidence should • it starts the 28-day time period after which the keeper
be clear and legible and must not be retouched or may become liable to pay the unpaid parking charge.
digitally altered.
21.12 An effective ‘Notice to Keeper’ within the meaning of
21.5b In deciding whether a payment ticket has been visibly POFA 2012, must meet the requirements of Schedule 4
displayed on a vehicle you must do a thorough visual of the Act. In particular:
check of the dashboard and windows.
• paragraphs 6 (1) (a) and 8 (2), if you have already given an
21.5c You should not use wording on your plastic PCN effective Notice to Driver at the time of the parking event
envelopes which implies that you are acting under • paragraphs 6 (1) (b) and 9, if you have not given an
statutory authority. For example phrases such as ‘It is an effective Notice to Driver.
offence to remove...’, should be avoided.
21.13 You should see the relevant part of Schedule 4 of POFA
Notices to Drivers 2012 to make sure you know:

21.6 To be an effective ‘Notice to Driver’ under POFA 2012, • what contents you need to include in the Notice to
your parking charge notice must meet the requirements Keeper (paragraph 8(2) or 9(2))
of Schedule 4. In particular: • the methods of serving the Notice to Keeper
(paragraph 8(4) or 9(4))
• paragraph 7 (2) lists the contents you must include in • the deadlines by which the Notice to Keeper must be
the Notice to Driver served, which differ depending on whether or not a
• paragraph 7(4) sets out how and when the Notice to Notice to Driver was issued first (paragraphs 8(5)
Driver is to be delivered, including the requirement or 9(5))
that the notice must be given before the vehicle • the evidence (if any) you must include with the
has been removed from the car park and while it is Notice to Keeper (paragraph 10).
• paragraph 7(5) defines what information must be 21.14 When you serve a Notice to Keeper, you must also
provided about arrangements to resolve disputes include information telling the keeper the ‘reasonable
and complaints, including arrangements about an cause’ you had for asking the DVLA for their details.
independent appeal.
21.15 If the keeper replies to your Notice to Keeper within 28
21.7 As well as meeting the POFA 2012 statutory days and gives enough details about the driver, you must
requirements to be a Notice to Driver, your parking then pursue the driver for the unpaid parking charge.
charge notice must tell drivers that you may be
requesting information from the DVLA as to the 21.16 If the keeper does not reply within 28 days, or refuses to
registered keeper of the vehicle, and the ‘reasonable give enough details about the driver, under Schedule 4 of
cause’ you have for making that request. POFA 2012 you are able to pursue the keeper for the
unpaid parking charge.
Notices to Keepers
Notices to Hirers
21.8 If you have issued a parking charge notice to a driver in
your car park but had no response, you may wish to take 21.17 Following the issue of a Notice to Keeper, you may find
the next step to recover the charge. that the vehicle was hired at the time of the parking
contravention for which you are seeking a parking charge.
21.9 Or, if you were unable to issue a parking charge notice Instead of recovering payment from the keeper, you
while the driver was present, perhaps because you use will need to try to recover it from the hirer, by issuing a
ANPR or camera equipment to monitor the car park, you Notice to Hirer.
may want to issue a parking charge notice by post.
21.18 Schedule 4, paragraphs 13 and 14, of POFA 2012 sets out
21.10 In either case, you will need to try to identify who was the strict terms under which the hirer may become liable
driving the vehicle and make contact with them. You do instead of the keeper. These include that:
this by first seeking the keeper details from the DVLA.
Having received the keeper details from the DVLA you • you are given a signed statement from the vehicle-hire
will need to issue a ‘Notice to Keeper’. firm within 28 days of the Notice to Keeper, along
with a copy of the hire agreement and a copy of a
21.11 The Notice to Keeper serves three purposes: statement of liability signed by the hirer, and
• these statements contain the details set out in
• it invites the keeper to pay the unpaid parking charge paragraph 13 of Schedule 4.
• if the keeper was not the driver it invites the keeper
to tell you who the driver was, and


21.19 Your Notice to Hirer must satisfy the detailed 22.3 You must keep any ANPR equipment you use in your
requirements of paragraph 14, including: car parks in good working order. You need to make sure
the data you are collecting is accurate, securely held and
• the contents you need to include in the Notice to cannot be tampered with. The processes that you use
Hirer – paragraph 14(5) to manage your ANPR system may be audited by our
• the documents you must send with it – paragraphs compliance team or our agents.
13(2) and 14(2)
• the methods of serving the Notice to Hirer – 22.4 It is also a condition of the Code that, if you receive and
paragraph 14(6) process vehicle or registered keeper data, you must:
• the deadlines by which the Notice to Hirer must be
served – paragraphs 14(2) and 14(3). • be registered with the Information Commissioner
• keep to the Data Protection Act
Local Authorities and unregulated parking • follow the DVLA requirements concerning the data
• follow the guidelines from the Information
21.20 We believe that where possible parking enforcement Commissioner’s Office on the use of CCTV and
should take place within the legal framework provided by ANPR cameras, and on keeping and sharing personal
such legislation as the Traffic Management Act or other data such as vehicle registration marks.
road traffic regulations. If you are enforcing as a local
authority, you should try to enforce in this way. 22.5 We have an expectation that when Operators are using
cameras to manage parking, they will sign up to the
21.21 If this is not possible for whatever reason, you may use Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Code of Practice
the rules of the Code to manage your unregulated and adopt the Guiding Principles which are detailed in
parking enforcement in the following way: Appendix F of the Code.

• You may not use this section of the Code, PoFA 2012 Making use of Keeper Liability provisions
or IAS to manage your unregulated car parks if you are
enforcing using the principles of the law of contract. 22.6 If you want to make use of the Keeper Liability
• You may use the section of the Code for Scotland provisions in Schedule 4 of POFA 2012 and you have
and Northern Ireland if you are enforcing using the not issued and delivered a parking charge notice to the
principles of the law of contract in any part of the UK. driver in the car park where the parking event took
• You may use this section of the Code, PoFA 2012 place, your Notice to Keeper must meet the strict
and IAS if you are able to use the principles of the requirements and timetable set out in the Schedule
Tort of Trespass. (in particular paragraph 9).

21.22 In order to request information from the DVLA’s vehicle Not making use of Keeper Liability provisions
keeper records for unregulated parking events, you must
use an entirely separate system to that which you use for 22.7 To give drivers early notice of your claim, you should
requests under regulated authority.You must also be aware apply to the DVLA for the keeper details promptly.
of the charge that will be made by DVLA for these requests. Usually this would be applying to the DVLA no more
than 28 days after the unauthorised parking event.
21.23 When you join the AOS, you must tell us which regime When applying for Keeper Details you must ensure that
you intend to enforce under. you adhere to the DVLA’s guidelines and requirements.

22 Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)

General principles 22.8 While we have an expectation that operators will seek to
use the POFA legislation, it is appreciated that there will
22.1 You may use ANPR camera technology to manage, be occasions where this might not be possible. If a non-
control and enforce parking in private car parks, as long POFA Notice to Keeper is being issued it must be sent
as you do this in a reasonable, consistent and transparent out as soon as possible and no later than 7 months after
manner. Your signs at the car park must tell drivers that the original parking event.
you are using this technology and what you will use the
data captured by ANPR cameras for. 22.9 You must post the parking charge notice to the keeper
as soon as possible. Your target is to send the parking
22.2 Quality checks: before you issue a parking charge charge notice to the keeper of the vehicle no more than
notice you must carry out a manual quality check of the 14 days after receiving the keeper data from the DVLA.
ANPR images to reduce errors and make sure that it is
appropriate to take action. 22.10 Your letter to the keeper should point out the details of
the unauthorised parking event and ask for payment or


request details of the driver. If you are not making use of an appeal concerning the same incident if the driver has
the keeper liability provisions of POFA or you are unable already appealed.
to achieve the deadlines specified therein, your letter must
not reference POFA or state that the keeper is liable. 23.8 You must acknowledge or reply to the appeal within 14
days of receiving it. If at first you only acknowledge the
22.11 It is the driver’s responsibility to pay the parking charge appeal, or your reply does not fully resolve it, normally
notice. If you receive information from the keeper which we would expect you to seek the additional information
identifies the driver, and the driver is someone else, you require from the motorist and accept or reject
you must serve the parking charge notice by post on the appeal in writing not more than 35 days after the
the driver. information required to resolve it has been received
from the motorist. It is acknowledged that in exceptional
22.12 Parking charge notices served by post must offer the circumstances, an investigation into a appeal may take
same payment discount arrangements as tickets longer than 35 days after such information has been
placed on vehicles, while allowing extra time for the received and in these instances the motorist must be
postal service. advised accordingly and given a date by which they
can expect a resolution. If this date cannot be achieved
23 Complaints, challenges and appeals then the motorist must be written to again and a
revised resolution date agreed. We may require you to
General principles demonstrate that you are keeping to these times

23.1 Under the Code you must have procedures for dealing 23.9 You must not ask the motorist to send payment of the
fairly, efficiently and promptly with any communication parking charge with their appeal.
from the motorist. The procedures must give drivers and
keepers the chance to appeal a Parking Charge Notice. 23.9a It must be made clear on any notices issued or on an
If a motorist pays a Parking Charge Notice and then appeal rejection letter that the motorist has to choose
appeals, you do not have to consider the appeal unless either to pay or to appeal (this also includes appealing to
you opt to do so. the IAS) – they can’t do both.

23.2 Whenever you issue a parking charge notice motorists 23.10 You may not ask the motorist to send a stamped
must first use your procedures for resolving appeals, addressed envelope with the appeal for you to use to
before being able to refer them to an independent send your decision.
appeal service. You must tell motorists at what stage the
independent appeals service becomes available. 23.11 A parking charge may be appealed by a vehicle keeper
on the grounds that the vehicle was stolen or on hire or
23.3 If the motorist asks for it, you must make available any lease at the time the unauthorised parking took place. If
photographic evidence you have. the rental or lease customer’s details have been provided
to you by the hire or lease company, along with the
Operator Procedures documents required under paragraph 13(2) of Schedule
4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act (2012), you should
23.4 If a driver or keeper appeals a parking charge you must pursue your claim instead with their customer.
review the case and decide whether to:
23.12 If you reject an appeal you must:
• uphold the parking charge and explain why it was
issued and should therefore be paid, or • tell the motorist how to make an appeal to IAS. This
• reduce or cancel the charge and take no further includes providing a template ‘notice of appeal’ form
management action other than informing the driver. or a link to the appropriate website for lodging an
appeal and a valid 10-digit verification code. Even if
23.5 If the motorist is due a refund of any fees, you must the verification code is automatically printed on an
include that payment – or written confirmation that you enclosed appeal form, it must still be in a prominent
have made the payment – with your reply. position on the first page of the rejection letter.
• give the motorist a reasonable amount of time to pay
23.6 When you receive a appeal about the issue of a parking the charge before restarting the collection process.
charge, you must stop work on processing the charge We recommend that you allow at least 35 days from
immediately. You must not increase the charge until you the date you rejected the challenge.
have replied to the appeal.
23.12a If an appeal is being considered by the IAS, the
23.7 We consider it a reasonable timescale to allow 28 days debt recovery process must not be commenced/
from the issue of the parking charge notice (in whatever recommenced until the outcome of the case is known.
format you send it) to allow the driver, keeper or hirer We would expect operators to have systems in place to
to appeal the enforcement action. A keeper cannot make ensure that this does not happen.


23.12b Within all Appeal Rejection Letters, and in order to 23.17 If IAS decides that you have failed to demonstrate that a
comply with the EU ADR Directive, the following wording parking charge should be upheld, in whole or in part, you
should be used; must follow its decision.

• You have now reached the end of our internal appeals 23.18 You may not continue with a claim for debt-recovery
procedure. [Insert standard operator text to appeal against a driver, keeper or hirer if IAS has decided against
to IAS, including 28 day time limit for doing so, the IAS you and grants the appeal.
verification code and the IAS website address]
• By law we are also required to inform you that 23.19 If IAS directs you to reconsider a decision you have
Ombudsman Services (www.ombudsman-services. made to reject a appeal, you must do so and tell them
org/) provides an alternative dispute resolution the outcome.
service that would be competent to deal with your
appeal. However, we have not chosen to participate 23.20 If IAS rejects the appeal you may continue to recover the
in their alternative dispute resolution service. As such parking charge.
should you wish to appeal then you must do so to
IAS, as explained above. 23.21 The deadline for payment following an IAS decision in
favour of the Operator is 28 days.
23.13 You must keep evidence of all appeals you receive and
the action you take to resolve them. You must keep 24 Recovering unpaid parking charges
a full audit trail of all actions, which can be manual or
generated by a processing system. You must allow us 24.1a Appendix E of the Code sets out a parking charge
access to this when we are investigating a complaint. You notice flow chart for recovering unpaid parking charges
must keep documents (or scanned copies) for at least and for appeals.
two years from the date of the appeal.
24.1b Where a Parking Charge becomes overdue and before
IAS (Independent Appeals Service) Court Proceedings have commenced, a reasonable sum
(which covers the cost of recovering debt) may be added
23.14 Drivers and keepers may appeal against a parking charge for the debt recovery fees. This sum must not exceed £70
to IAS but a keeper cannot make an appeal concerning the unless prior approval from the BPA has been granted.
same incident if the driver has already appealed.
24.1c Before serving a Letter Before Claim and prior to the
23.15 IAS operates under its own set of processes which issue of proceedings, Operators must, if no responses
include: have been received to the NTD/NTK/reminder letters,
• its remit and jurisdiction take reasonable endeavours to ensure that the contact
• the processes for lodging and defending an appeal details for the person you are writing to are correct.
• the timetable for the appeals processes
• the grounds for appeal 24.1d We have an expectation that members of the BPA’s
• the burden and standard of proof required by the Approved Operator Scheme who manage Debt
parties to the appeal Recovery follow the principles of the Financial Conduct
• the degree to which both parties are bound by its Authority (FCA) and in particular the outcomes listed in
decisions their ‘Fair Treatment of Customers’ schedule. We would
• details of its annual report. expect members to be able to evidence how they deliver
these outcomes during audit.
23.16a You must keep to the processes and other
requirements of IAS, as set out on their website and 24.1e In its written communication with motorist a statement
elsewhere. that free debt counselling and/or legal advice is made
23.16b Witness statements were introduced as an alternative available to motorists and how the motorist can find out
to the provision of a full/redacted landowner contract more. It is especially important that such information is
within an independent appeal evidence pack and as such provided on any letters before action or if it is believed
these statements must be signed by a representative of that the customer may be vulnerable.
the landowner or his agent, and not by a member of the
operator’s staff. Recovery after serving the Notice to Keeper

23.16c The independent appeal evidence must be sent or 24.2 Section 20 of the Code describes the process to alert
made available to the motorist on the same day as the a vehicle keeper about an unpaid parking charge notice
independent appeal service receive it and the evidence and their potential liability to pay it, using the Notice to
pack to the motorist must be the same as the one Keeper process.
provided to the IAS. Failure to do this may be considered
a Sanctionable Breach of the Code.


24.3 Under POFA 2012, you can gain the right to recover 25 Vehicle immobilisation and removal
unpaid charges from keepers only if particular conditions
have been met. Once the conditions are met you may 25.1 Under Section 54 of POFA 2012 it became a criminal
use your right to recover, after the end of the period offence to, without lawful authority:
of 28 days beginning with the day on which the Notice
to Keeper was given. You should read paragraph 4 of • immobilise a vehicle by attaching an immobilising
Schedule 4 of POFA 2012 to understand what these device, such as a wheel clamp, or
conditions are. Note in particular that if: • move or restrict the movement of a vehicle by any
means, intending to prevent or inhibit its removal by,
• the vehicle was stolen at the time of the parking event, or among others, the driver.
• the vehicle keeper has sold on the vehicle to another
registered keeper 25.2 The Act does not criminalise vehicle immobilisation or
removal if a person is acting with ‘lawful authority’. The
you will not be able to pursue the vehicle keeper under explanatory notes to the legislation show that this includes
the POFA 2012 provisions. However, if the keeper did local authorities enforcing road traffic contraventions or
not give you details about the driver or hirer, or if the removing abandoned vehicles from private land, and the
driver or hirer refuses to acknowledge their liability, you police removing dangerously parked vehicles.
would be able to pursue the registered keeper.
25.3 Section 55 of POFA 2012 gives the Secretary of State
24.4 Once you have become able to use your rights to recover powers to make regulations allowing the police, local
from the keeper under POFA 2012 you must do so in line authorities and others (for example, private parking
with the following steps in the Code. These steps are based operators) to move vehicles that are illegally or dangerously
on industry good practice, not on the law. parked, or causing an obstruction on any land (including
private land).The Secretary of State is also empowered to
a Notification letter make regulations about removing abandoned vehicles from
any land, including, for example, private land. At present no
• You should send a notification letter to the keeper. such regulations have been made.
This letter should say that the keeper is now liable to
pay the charge, and that the keeper should pay the 25.4 You should read the wording in POFA 2012 to understand
amount due within a set time. the new criminal offences and avoid breaking the law.
• You must wait until at least 28 days after you sent the
Notice to Keeper before sending the notification letter.
• The notification letter does not have to follow a
specific format but should confirm that the amount is
due and how it should be paid.

b Final reminder

• If you do not receive a challenge or appeal, and the

parking charge is unpaid, you may send a final reminder.
• You must wait until at least 14 days after you sent the
notification letter before sending a final reminder.
• You should make it clear in the final reminder how to
make the payment and what you will do next if you
do not receive payment.

c Court action or charge recovery

• When you have sent the final reminder, you must wait at
least 14 days before taking further action, such as starting
court action or debt recovery against the keeper.

24.5 After serving the Notice to Driver

There may be occasions when you issued a parking charge

notice and handed it to the driver or attached it to the
vehicle, and you know the driver’s name and current
address. If so, you should pursue your claim for payment
against the driver, not the keeper, if the driver fails to pay.



26 Introduction to the operational requirements 27.4 Your signs must give ’adequate notice’. This includes:

26.1 Sections 26 to 32 below apply to Scotland and Northern • specifying the sum payable for unauthorised parking
Ireland. • adequately bringing the charges to the attention of
• drivers, and
27 Signs • following any applicable government signage
27.1 A driver who uses your private car park with your
permission does so under a licence or contract with you. 27.5 The wording you include on your specific parking
If they park without your permission this may be an act terms signage is your decision. However, you should try
of trespass. In all cases, the driver’s use of your land will to use plain and intelligible language in all your signs and
be governed by your terms and conditions, which the information.
driver should be made aware of from the start. You must
use signs to make it easy for them to find out what your 27.6 If you provide a telephone line to respond to complaints,
terms and conditions are. challenges and appeals from motorists relating to the
terms and conditions of parking they have entered into,
27.2 Entrance signs play an important part in establishing a these calls must not be charged above the basic rate.
parking contract and deterring trespassers. Therefore, as
well as the signs you must have telling drivers about the 27.7 You should display the BPA’s AOS logos at all sites.
terms and conditions for parking, you must also have a This will help the public to see that you are a legitimate
standard form of entrance sign at the entrance to the operator, and show that the site is run properly.
parking area. Entrance signs must tell drivers that the car
park is managed and that there are terms and conditions 27.8 Important: you may have to give other information
they must be aware of. Entrance signs must follow some on signs and notices under companies and consumer
minimum general principles and be in a standard format. protection law and other legislation.
The size of the sign must take into account the expected
speed of vehicles approaching the car park, and it is 27.9 So that disabled motorists can decide whether they want
recommended that you follow Department for Transport to use the site, there must be at least one sign containing
guidance on this. See Appendix B for an example of an the terms and conditions for parking that can be viewed
entrance sign and more information about their use. without needing to leave the vehicle. Ideally this sign
must be close to any parking bays set aside for disabled
A standard form of entrance sign must be placed at the motorists.
entrance to the parking area. There may be reasons why
this is impractical, for example: 27.10 Where there is a change in the terms and conditions that
materially affects the motorist then you must make these
• when there is no clearly defined car park entrance terms and conditions clear on your signage. Where such
• when the car park is very small changes impose liability where none previously existed
• at forecourts in front of shops and petrol filling then you must consider a transition to allow regular
stations visitors to the site to adjust and familiarise themselves
• at parking areas where general parking is not with the changes. Best practice would be the installation
permitted of additional/ temporary signage at the entrance and
throughout the site making it clear that new terms and
27.3 Specific parking-terms signage tells drivers what your conditions apply. This will ensure such that regular visitors
terms and conditions are, including your parking charges. who may be familiar with the previous terms become
You must place signs containing the specific parking aware of the new ones.
terms throughout the site, so that drivers are given the
chance to read them at the time of parking or leaving 28 Charges, and terms and conditions
their vehicle. Keep a record of where all the signs are.
Signs must be conspicuous and legible, and written in 28.1 When you issue a parking charge notice the charges you
intelligible language, so that they are easy to see, read make have to be reasonable. This section explains what
and understand. Signs showing your detailed terms and reasonable charges are.
conditions must be at least 450mm x 450mm.


28.2 In the Code ‘parking charges’ means charges arising from 29 Parking charge notices
enforcement under three different circumstances:
29.1 The parking charge notice is the document you:
• when a motorist breaks the terms and conditions of a
parking contract • give to drivers, or attach to their vehicle windscreen,
• when a motorist trespasses by parking without to tell them they have broken your terms and
permission conditions and are now liable for parking charges, or
• agreed charges that are advertised in the contract; for • send to vehicle keepers, asking them to pay the
example, for an overstay. parking charges, if you do not have the driver’s details,
It does not mean the normal tariff fees for parking. • send to vehicle hirers, asking them to pay the parking
These are a matter for the landowner and operator charges, if you discover that the vehicle was rented.
and are outside the scope of the Code. Your terms and
conditions will include your normal tariffs for parking, plus 29.2 When issuing a parking charge notice you may use
any parking charges if the driver breaks the contract or photographs as evidence that a vehicle was parked in an
commits a trespass. unauthorised way. The photographs must refer to and
confirm the incident which you claim was unauthorised. A
28.3 If the driver breaks the contract, for example by not date and time stamp should be included on the photograph.
paying the tariff fee or by staying longer than the time All photographs used for evidence should be clear and
paid for, or if they trespass on your land, they may be legible and must not be retouched or digitally altered.
liable for parking charges. These charges must be shown
clearly and fully to the driver on the signs which contain 29.3 In deciding whether a payment ticket has been visibly
your terms and conditions. displayed on a vehicle you must do a thorough visual check
of the dashboard and windows.
28.4 If the parking charge that the driver is being asked to pay
is for a breach of contract or act of trespass, this charge 29.4 You should not use wording on your plastic PCN envelopes
must be proportionate and commercially justifiable. We which implies that you are acting under statutory authority.
would not expect this amount to be more than £100. If For example phrases such as ‘It is an offence to remove....’,
the charge is more than this, operators must be able to should be avoided.
justify the amount in advance.
Notices to Drivers
28.5 If your parking charge is based upon a contractually agreed
sum, that charge should not be punitive or unreasonable. The notice must:
If it is more than the amount in Clause 28.4 and is not
justified in advance, it could lead to an investigation by • specify the vehicle, the land on which it was parked
Trading Standards or another appropriate authority. and the period of parking to which the notice relates;
• inform the driver of the requirement to pay parking
28.6 If prompt payment is made (defined as 14 days from charges in respect of the specified period of parking
the issue of the parking charge notice) you must offer and describe those charges, the circumstances in
a reduced payment to reflect your reduced costs in which the requirement arose (including the means by
collecting the charge. This reduction in cost must be by at which it was brought to the attention of drivers) and
least 40% of the full charge. the other facts that made those charges payable;
• inform the driver that the parking charges relating to
28.7 If you are asked, you must be able to justify the level of the specified period of parking have not been paid in
parking charges to the AOS Board, a member of our full and specify the total amount of the unpaid parking
compliance team or to their specified agent. charges relating to that period
• inform the driver of any discount offered for prompt
28.8 You must warn drivers that if they delay payment beyond payment and the arrangements for the resolution of
a payment period of 28 days and you need to take court disputes or complaints that are available
action or use debt recovery methods to recover a debt, • identify the creditor and specify how and to whom
there may be extra ‘recovery’ charges for debt recovery payment may be made
action. However, you do not need to say how much these • specify the time when the notice is given and the date.
recovery charges are in advance, on your signs or notices.
29.5 Your parking charge notice must tell drivers that you may be
28.9 If an Operator seeks to use extracts from the ‘ParkingEye requesting information from the DVLA as to the registered
v Beavis’ judgement laid down by the Supreme Court, the keeper of the vehicle, and the ‘reasonable cause’ you have
judgement must be referenced and that extracts from it for making that request.
must be properly quoted. Best practice would be adding
the website link to the summary of the judgement, when
making reference to it.


Notices to Keepers Where a Notice to Driver has not been issued the
Notice to Keeper must:
29.6 If you have issued a parking charge notice to a driver in
your car park but had no response, you may wish to take • specify the vehicle, the land on which it was parked
the next step to recover the charge. and the period of parking to which the notice relates
• inform the keeper that the driver is required to pay
29.7 Or, if you were unable to issue a parking charge notice parking charges in respect of the specified period of
while the driver was present, perhaps because you use parking and that the parking charges have not been
ANPR or camera equipment to monitor the car park, you paid in full;
may want to issue a parking charge notice by post. • describe the parking charges due from the driver as
at the end of that period, the circumstances in which
29.8 In either case, you will need to try to identify who was the requirement to pay them arose (including the
driving the vehicle and make contact with them. You do means by which the requirement was brought to the
this by first seeking the keeper details from the DVLA. attention of drivers) and the other facts that made
Having received the keeper details from the DVLA you will them payable;
need to issue a ‘Notice to Keeper’. • specify the total amount of those parking charges that
are unpaid
29.9 The Notice to Keeper serves two purposes: • state that the creditor does not know both the name
of the driver and a current address for service for the
• it invites the keeper to pay the unpaid parking charge driver and invite the keeper:
• if the keeper was not the driver it invites the keeper º to pay the unpaid parking charges; or
to tell you who the driver was. º if the keeper was not the driver of the vehicle, to
notify the creditor of the name of the driver and
29.10 Where a Notice to Driver has been issued the Notice to a current address for service for the driver and to
Keeper must: pass the notice on to the driver
• inform the keeper of any discount offered for prompt
• specify the vehicle, the land on which it was parked payment and the arrangements for the resolution of
and the period of parking to which the notice relates; disputes or complaints that are available;
• inform the keeper that the driver is required to pay • identify the creditor and specify how and to whom
parking charges in respect of the specified period of payment or notification to the creditor may be made;
parking and that the parking charges have not been • specify the date on which the notice is sent
paid in full;
• state that a notice to driver relating to the specified 29.11 When you serve a Notice to Keeper, you must also include
period of parking has been given information telling the keeper the ‘reasonable cause’ you
• describe the parking charges due from the driver as had for asking the DVLA for their details.
at the end of that period, the circumstances in which
the requirement to pay them arose (including the 29.12 If the keeper replies to your Notice to Keeper and gives
means by which the requirement was brought to the enough details about the driver, you must then pursue the
attention of drivers) and the other facts that made driver for the unpaid parking charge.
them payable;
• specify the total amount of those parking charges that Notices to Hirers
are unpaid
• if the unpaid parking charges specified in that notice 29.13 Following the issue of a Notice to Keeper, you may find
to driver have been paid in part, specify the amount that the vehicle was hired at the time of the parking
that remains unpaid contravention for which you are seeking a parking charge.
• state that the creditor does not know both the name Instead of recovering payment from the keeper, you will
of the driver and a current address for service for the need to try to recover it from the hirer, by issuing a Notice
driver and invite the keeper: to Hirer.
º to pay the unpaid parking charges; or
º if the keeper was not the driver of the vehicle, to Local Authorities and unregulated parking
notify the creditor of the name of the driver and
a current address for service for the driver and to 29.14 We believe that where possible parking enforcement
pass the notice on to the driver should take place within the legal framework provided by
• inform the keeper of the arrangements for the relevant legislation and road traffic regulations. If you are
resolution of disputes or complaints that are available; enforcing as a local authority, you should try to enforce in
• identify the creditor and specify how and to whom this way.
payment or notification to the creditor may be made;
• specify the date on which the notice is sent


29.15 In order to request information from the DVLA’s vehicle

keeper records for unregulated parking events, you must 30.8 You must post the parking charge notice to the keeper as
use an entirely separate system to that which you use for soon as possible. Your target is to send the parking charge
requests under regulated authority. You must also be aware notice to the keeper of the vehicle no more than 14 days
of the charge that will be made by DVLA for these requests. after receiving the keeper data from the DVLA.

29.16 When you join the AOS, you must tell us which regime you 30.9 Your letter to the keeper should point out the details of
intend to enforce under. the unauthorised parking event and ask for payment or
request details of the driver.
30 Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)
30.10 It is the driver’s responsibility to pay the parking charge
General principles notice. If you receive information from the keeper which
identifies the driver, and the driver is someone else, you
30.1 You may use ANPR camera technology to manage, must serve the parking charge notice by post on the driver.
control and enforce parking in private car parks, as long
as you do this in a reasonable, consistent and transparent 30.11 Parking charge notices served by post must offer the
manner. Your signs at the car park must tell drivers that same payment discount arrangements as tickets placed on
you are using this technology and what you will use the vehicles, while allowing extra time for the postal service.
data captured by ANPR cameras for.
31 Complaints, challenges and appeals
Quality checks
General principles
30.2 Before you issue a parking charge notice you must carry
out a manual quality check of the ANPR images to reduce 31.1 Under the Code you must have procedures for dealing
errors and make sure that it is appropriate to take action. fairly, efficiently and promptly with any communication from
the motorist.The procedures must give drivers and keepers
30.3 You must keep any ANPR equipment you use in your the chance to appeal a Parking Charge Notice. If a motorist
car parks in good working order. You need to make sure pays a Parking Charge Notice and then appeals, you do not
the data you are collecting is accurate, securely held and have to consider the appeal unless you opt to do so.
cannot be tampered with. The processes that you use
to manage your ANPR system may be audited by our 31.2 Whenever you issue a parking charge notice, motorists
compliance team or our agents. must first use your procedures for resolving appeals,
before being able to refer them to an independent
30.4 It is also a condition of the Code that, if you receive and appeal service. You must tell motorists at what stage the
process vehicle or registered keeper data, you must: independent appeals service becomes available.

• be registered with the Information Commissioner 31.3 If the motorist asks for it, you must make available any
• keep to the Data Protection Act photographic evidence you have.
• follow the DVLA requirements concerning the data
• follow the guidelines from the Information Operator Procedures
Commissioner’s Office on the use of CCTV and
ANPR cameras, and on keeping and sharing personal 31.4 If a driver or keeper appeals a parking charge you must
data such as vehicle registration marks. review the case and decide whether to:

30.5 We have an expectation that when Operators are using • uphold the parking charge and explain why it was
cameras to manage parking, they will sign up to the issued and should therefore be paid, or
Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Code of Practice • reduce or cancel the charge and take no further
and adopt the Guiding Principles which are detailed in management action other than informing the driver.
Appendix F of the Code.
31.5 If the motorist is due a refund of any fees, you must
30.6 To give drivers early notice of your claim, you should include that payment – or written confirmation that you
apply to the DVLA for the keeper details promptly. have made the payment – with your reply.
Usually this would be applying to the DVLA no more
than 28 days after the unauthorised parking event. When 31.6 When you receive a appeal about the issue of a parking
applying for Keeper Details you must ensure that you charge, you must stop work on processing the charge
adhere to the DVLA’s guidelines and requirements. immediately. You must not increase the charge until you
have replied to the appeal.
30.7 Where a Notice to Keeper is being issued it must be sent
out as soon as possible and no later than 7 months after 31.7 We consider it a reasonable timescale to allow 28 days
the original parking event. from the issue of the parking charge notice (in whatever


format you send it) to allow the driver, keeper or hirer 31.12b Within all Appeal Rejection Letters, and in order to
to appeal the enforcement action. A keeper cannot make comply with the EU ADR Directive, the following wording
an appeal concerning the same incident if the driver has should be used;
already appealed.
• You have now reached the end of our internal appeals
31.8 You must acknowledge or reply to the appeal within 14 procedure. [Insert standard operator text to appeal
days of receiving it. If at first you only acknowledge the to IAS, including 28 day time limit for doing so, the IAS
appeal, or your reply does not fully resolve it, normally verification code and the IAS website address]
we would expect you to seek the additional information • By law we are also required to inform you that
you require from the motorist and accept or reject Ombudsman Services (www.ombudsman-services.
the appeal in writing not more than 35 days after the org/) provides an alternative dispute resolution
information required to resolve it has been received service that would be competent to deal with your
from the motorist. It is acknowledged that in exceptional appeal. However, we have not chosen to participate
circumstances, an investigation into a appeal may take in their alternative dispute resolution service. As such
longer than 35 days after such information has been should you wish to appeal then you must do so to
received and in these instances the motorist must be IAS, as explained above.
advised accordingly and given a date by which they
can expect a resolution. If this date cannot be achieved 31.13 You must keep evidence of all appeals you receive and
then the motorist must be written to again and a the action you take to resolve them. You must keep
revised resolution date agreed. We may require you to a full audit trail of all actions, which can be manual or
demonstrate that you are keeping to these times generated by a processing system. You must allow us
access to this when we are investigating a complaint. You
31.9 You must not ask the motorist to send payment of the must keep documents (or scanned copies) for at least
parking charge with their appeal. two years from the date of the appeal.

31.9a It must be made clear on any notices issued or on an IAS (Independent Appeals Service)
appeal rejection letter that the motorist has to choose
either to pay or to appeal (this also includes appealing to 31.14 Only drivers may appeal against a parking charge to IAS.
the IAS) – they can’t do both.
31.15 IAS operates under its own set of processes which include:
31.10 You may not ask the motorist to send a stamped
addressed envelope with the appeal for you to use to • its remit and jurisdiction
send your decision. • the processes for lodging and defending an appeal
• the timetable for the appeals processes
31.11 A parking charge may be appealed by a vehicle keeper • the grounds for appeal
on the grounds that the vehicle was stolen or on hire or • the burden and standard of proof required by the
lease at the time the unauthorised parking took place. If parties to the appeal
the rental or lease customer’s details have been provided • the degree to which both parties are bound by its
to you by the hire or lease company, you should pursue decisions
your claim instead with their customer. • details of its annual report.

31.12 If you reject an appeal you must: 31.16a You must keep to the processes and other requirements
of IAS, as set out on their website and elsewhere.
• tell the driver how to make an appeal to IAS. This
includes providing a template ‘notice of appeal’ form 31.16b Witness statements were introduced as an alternative
or a link to the appropriate website for lodging an to the provision of a full/redacted landowner contract
appeal and a valid 10-digit verification code. Even if within an independent appeal evidence pack and as such
the verification code is automatically printed on an these statements must be signed by a representative of
enclosed appeal form, it must still be in a prominent the landowner or his agent, and not by a member of the
position on the first page of the rejection letter. operator’s staff.
• give the motorist a reasonable amount of time to pay
the charge before restarting the collection process. 31.16c The independent appeal evidence must be sent or
We recommend that you allow at least 35 days from made available to the motorist on the same day as the
the date you rejected the challenge. independent appeal service receive it and the evidence
pack to the motorist must be the same as the one
31.12a If an appeal is being considered by the IAS, the provided to the IAS. Failure to do this may be considered
debt recovery process must not be commenced/ a Sanctionable Breach of the Code.
recommenced until the outcome of the case is known.
We would expect operators to have systems in place to
ensure that this does not happen.


31.17 If IAS decides that you have failed to demonstrate that a

parking charge should be upheld, in whole or in part, you
must follow its decision.

31.18 You may not continue with a claim for debt-recovery

against a driver if IAS has decided against you and grants
the appeal.

31.19 If IAS directs you to reconsider a decision you have made

to reject a appeal, you must do so and tell them the

31.20 If IAS rejects the appeal you may continue to recover the
parking charge.

31.21 The deadline for payment following an IAS decision in

favour of the Operator is 28 days.

32 Recovering unpaid parking charges

32.1a Where a Parking Charge becomes overdue and before

Court Proceedings have commenced, a reasonable sum
(which covers the cost of recovering debt) may be added
for the debt recovery fees. This sum must not exceed £70
unless prior approval from the BPA has been granted.

32.1b Before serving a Letter Before Claim and prior to the

issue of proceedings, Operators must, if no responses
have been received to the NTD/NTK/reminder letters,
take reasonable endeavours to ensure that the person
being written to is the correct party.

32.1c We have an expectation that members of the BPA’s

Approved Operator Scheme who manage Debt
Recovery follow the principles of the Financial Conduct
Authority (FCA) and in particular the outcomes listed in
their ‘Fair Treatment of Customers’ schedule. We would
expect members to be able to evidence how they deliver
these outcomes during audit.

32.1d In its written communication with motorist a statement

that free debt counselling and/or legal advice is made
available to motorists and how the motorist can find out
more. It is especially important that such information is
provided on any letters before action or if it is believed
that the customer may be vulnerable.

32.2 After serving the Notice to Driver

There may be occasions when you issued a parking

charge notice and handed it to the driver or attached
it to the vehicle, and you know the driver’s name and
current address. If so, you should pursue your claim for
payment against the driver, not the keeper, if the driver
fails to pay.


















A1 Immobilisation and removal not be immobilised unless they have stayed beyond a
– general principles reasonable ‘grace period’. The grace period should be at
least 15 minutes beyond the time their permitted parking
A1.1 There are other instances where there is lawful authority period expired.
for immobilisation or relocation for example Railway
Byelaws. A2.3 Drivers of vehicles displaying a disabled persons (blue)
badge, issued by a local authority or other government
A1.2 Immobilising and removing vehicles is an accepted body, are not automatically entitled to concessions when
deterrent in Northern Ireland when parking on private parking on private land. It is important that valid disabled
land is restricted or forbidden. Vehicles that park where blue badge holders comply fully with the government’s
they are forbidden to park, or are parked in breach of Blue Badge Scheme advisory leaflet ‘Parking concessions
the conditions for using the land, may be immobilised, for disabled and blind people’ produced by the DfT.
relocated within the land or removed.

A1.3 You must put up signs saying that vehicles may be A3 Removing vehicles
immobilised or removed. This is so that a driver is given
enough warning, and willingly accepts the risk of their A3.1 Vehicles breaching private land or car park conditions
vehicle’s immobilisation or removal. may be removed to a pound without the owner’s
consent. However, you must first have considered
A1.4 If a vehicle is immobilised or removed by mistake you whether immobilisation would be more appropriate in
must immediately release or return the vehicle without the circumstances. See the examples in A3.2 below.
taking payment. If it is agreed, after payment has been
made, that there has been a mistake you must make a full A3.2 Removal of the vehicle may be appropriate if one of the
refund as soon as possible and at the latest within two following applies:
working days. If it is practicable, refunds should be given
immediately. In every case you should aim to put the • The vehicle driver has parked without authority at
mistake right promptly. that location three or more times.
• The landowner has told the operator in writing to
remove unauthorised vehicles.
A2 When immobilisation or removal must not • The safety of the public, or of other authorised users
of the site, is at risk because of the unauthorised
be used parking; for example, because the vehicle is causing an
obstruction or is a safety hazard, or is blocking a fire
A2.1 The following vehicles must not be immobilised or removed:
exit or access used by emergency vehicles.
• There is no opportunity to relocate the vehicle to
a liveried vehicles being used for operational fire, police
somewhere else on the site.
or ambulance purposes
b vehicles that have had an immobilisation device
A3.3 If a landowner requires you to remove vehicles because
removed less than 30 minutes before and which are
parking at that location is forbidden, you must make sure
in the same position
this is included clearly in your written contract with them.
c vehicles being used by a doctor or other health
worker (such as a midwife or district nurse) who is on
an emergency call at the address under control and
the vehicle is displaying a BMA badge or authorised A4 Types of immobilisation device
Health Emergency badge
d vehicles that are displaying a valid disabled (blue) badge. A4.1 All immobilisation devices used must be fit for purpose
and be designed to minimise the risk of damage to the
A2.2 Vehicles whose drivers have paid legitimately for parking vehicle.
but have overstayed the ‘paid-for’ time, and are not
committing any other breach of the regulations, may


A5 Vehicle pounds and storage areas they have paid. The target time for this is within one
hour of payment, and no more than two hours of
A5.1 You may use a remote pound or storage area for the payment, unless the vehicle is in a car park or car pound
safekeeping of vehicles which have been removed. Vehicle that is closed.
pounds must be secure. You may not remove vehicles to
locations which are not secure, such as the public highway, A7.2 If a pound is run by, or for, a local authority as part of
or to car parks which members of the public have its statutory civil parking enforcement duties, then the
general access to. statutory rules covering the availability of that pound
and payment services will override the Code in
A5.2 You may only remove a vehicle to a pound that is within those respects.
a reasonable distance and journey time from the land that
the vehicle was removed from. In selecting a particular A7.3 Sometimes operatives who remove the clamp from a
pound for storing a vehicle, you must take into account vehicle will also receive the release fee on site. If so, they
the needs of drivers to recover their vehicles without should attend the clamped vehicle to accept the fee, give
undue inconvenience. We recommend that you do not a receipt, and de-clamp the vehicle within two hours of
remove vehicles to pounds more than one hour away by the motorist stating their intent to pay. If the motorist is a
car, in normal traffic conditions, from the land the vehicle vulnerable person, for example a single woman, an elderly
is removed from. or disabled person or a parent with a young child, they
should be given priority for releasing – especially during
the hours of darkness.
A6 Repositioning within the site
A7.4 If services to release a vehicle are not available 24 hours
A6.1 If a vehicle, including a vehicle displaying a valid disabled a day, this must be clearly stated at the time of parking on
(blue) badge, has been: the warning signs.

• left so that it is causing an obstruction or is a safety

hazard, or A8 Signs and information
• parked so that it is obstructing a fire exit or access
used by emergency vehicles, or A8.1 A driver who uses your private car park with your
• parked in a specially reserved bay (for example, a permission does so under a licence or contract with you.
disabled badge holder bay) without displaying an If they park without your permission this will usually be
appropriate permit an act of trespass. In all cases, the driver’s use of your land
will be governed by your terms and conditions, which the
the vehicle may be repositioned within the site rather driver should be made aware of from the start. You must
than removed from the site. use signs to make it easy for them to find out what your
terms and conditions are.
A6.2 You must use appropriate care and skill when
repositioning a vehicle, so as not to cause damage, and A8.2 Entrance signs, located at the entrance to the car
must use equipment that is designed for the purpose. park, must tell drivers that the car park is managed
Repositioning should be to the nearest safe parking space and that there are terms and conditions which they
within the site. must be aware of. Entrance signs must meet minimum
general principles and be in a standard format. The
A6.3 If a repositioned vehicle is later immobilised you must size of the sign must take into account the anticipated
keep to all the requirements in the Code that cover speed of vehicles approaching the car park, and follow
immobilisation.You may not reposition a vehicle to a place Department for Transport guidance. Industry-accepted
where parking is restricted or forbidden, and then immobilise sign designs and guidance on how to use the signs are in
it because it is now parked in an unauthorised location. Appendix B.

A6.4 If a vehicle appears to be abandoned, you should tell the A8.3 Specific parking terms signage tells drivers what your
landowner or agent and advise them to take appropriate terms and conditions are, including your parking charges.
action. Dealing with abandoned vehicles is outside the You must place signs containing the specific parking
scope of the Code. terms throughout the site, so that drivers are given the
chance to read them at the time of parking or leaving
A7 Release times their vehicle. Keep a record of where all the signs are.
Signs must be conspicuous and legible, and written in
A7.1 Drivers whose vehicles have been immobilised or intelligible language, so that they are easy to see, read
removed must be able to recover their vehicles at all and understand. Signs showing your detailed terms and
reasonable times. Operators should aim to make an conditions must be at least 450mm x 450mm.
immobilised vehicle available to the owner as soon as


A8.4 If a driver is parking with your permission, they must have A10.2 We recommend that you do not charge more than the
the opportunity to read the terms and conditions before following fees (these fees will be reviewed every April by
they enter into the contract with you. If, having had that the AOS Board):
opportunity, they decide not to park but choose to leave
the car park, you must provide them with a reasonable Release fee following immobilisation.
grace period to leave, as they will not be bound by your
parking contract. • £125 (private cars or private light-goods vehicles)
• £180 (medium-goods vehicles)
A8.5 The wording you include on your specific parking terms • £250 (HGV/PCV)
signage is your decision. . The AOS team at the BPA are
happy to give advice and guidance on wording that you Vehicle removal: £250
should or should not use. Vehicle storage: £35 a day.

A8.6 You should display the BPA and AOS logos on all sites. A10.3 If you immobilise a vehicle and then within three hours
This will help the public to see that you are a legitimate remove it to a pound, you should not charge more than
operator, and show that the site is run properly. the fee for removal plus the fee for storage. We believe
you would be acting unreasonably if you were also to
A8.7 Important: you may have to give other information charge an immobilisation fee in these circumstances.
on signs and notices under companies and consumer
protection law and other legislation A10.4 All fees advertised on signs and literature must include
VAT if you charge it. They must also show any extra
A8.8 So that disabled motorists can decide whether they charge for paying by credit or debit card.
want to use the site, there should be at least one sign
containing the terms and conditions for parking that can
be viewed without needing to leave the vehicle. Ideally A11 Payments
this sign should be close to any parking bays set aside for
disabled motorists. A11.1 You must accept payments in any reasonable form.
However, the use and acceptance of cash is discouraged
and should be used as a method of ‘last resort’ and after
A9 Photographs all other payment options have been considered.

A9.1 You must have a system in place to take photographs of It is recommended that the operative removing the
vehicles to be immobilised or removed. A date and time clamp does not also collect payment. However, there may
stamp should be included in the photograph. If you do be occasions when they have to accept cash or cheques.
not have a system to photograph vehicles this will be a In these cases, they must give the motorist an auditable
breach of the Code. receipt which meets the requirements set out in the
Code. For reasons of personal safety and security, and for
A9.2 We strongly recommend that you photograph all vehicles simplicity of processing, the preferred method of payment
that are to be immobilised, and you must do so for for clamping release is by credit or debit card taken by
vehicles that are to be removed. The photographs should phone. This will allow the driver to remain in or with the
show the vehicle’s position relative to the sign(s) warning vehicle until it is released.
drivers their vehicles may be immobilised or removed.
The photographs must refer to and confirm the specific A11.2 If a vehicle is removed and held in a pound, you should
unauthorised parking event and should include a correct provide a payment facility at the pound. If this is impractical
date and time stamp. you must make other reasonable arrangements to accept
payments for the release of vehicles.
A9.3 Do not alter digital photographs with the intent to
defraud. If you want to enhance a photograph, you must A11.3 As an alternative to A11.2 you may return the vehicle to
keep a copy of the original. the driver and receive the payment on handing over the
vehicle. You cannot charge extra for this service, unless
A9.4 If photographs were taken and a driver of an immobilised the signs at the site and your other literature say you will
or removed vehicle asks to see them, you must provide a and the driver agrees at the time of payment.
copy of the photographs within 14 days.
A11.4 You must give receipts for payments.

A10 Charges A11.5 The receipts must include the following information:

A10.1 The fees charged for removing an immobilisation device, a the registered company name and number of the
retrieving a removed vehicle or storing a vehicle must be operator and, if the operator is using a trading
reasonable and not excessive. name other than its registered company name, a
geographical address where documents can be served

b the land line phone number of the operator challenge or appeal in writing within 35 days of receiving
c the vehicle registration mark (VRM) of the vehicle it. If the challenge or appeal is accepted and the driver is
immobilised due a refund of any fees you must include that payment,
d the name of the person the receipt is given to or written confirmation that you have made the payment,
e the name, SIA number and signature of the operative with your reply.
issuing the receipt
f the full amount paid and the method of payment (for A12.5 You may not ask the driver to send payment of the
example, cash, cheque, credit card and so on) charge with their challenge or appeal.
g the operator’s VAT number, if the operator is
registered for VAT A12.6 You may not ask the driver to send a stamped addressed
h the date and time of the payment envelope with the challenge or appeal, for you to use to
i how to challenge or appeal against the vehicle’s being send your decision.
immobilised or removed. You should at least provide
an email and postal address for this purpose. A12.7 You must keep evidence of all challenges you receive
j the place where the vehicle was immobilised or and the action you take to resolve them. You must keep
removed from a full audit trail of all actions, which can be manual or
k a serial or reference number unique to that receipt. generated by a processing system. You must allow us
access to this when we are investigating a complaint. You
You may also need to give other information on receipts must keep documents (or scanned copies) for at least
under the Companies Act 2006 and other legislation. two years from the date of the challenge.

A11.6 If payment is made by phone or online, you must provide

a receipt within seven days or hand it to the driver when
releasing the vehicle. This may be in an electronic form
such as email.

A12 Appeals and challenges against immobilising actions

A12.1 Under the Code you must have procedures for dealing
fairly, efficiently and promptly with complaints, challenges
or appeals. The procedures must give keepers and drivers
the chance to challenge:

• having their vehicle immobilised (clamped)

• having their vehicle removed.

A12.2 If a driver challenges having their vehicle immobilised

or removed, you must explain before or at the time of
release why it was done. This explanation should include
any information that applies including:

• in what way their parking had been unauthorised

• where the relevant warning signs had been, and
• how to challenge having their vehicle immobilised or

A12.3 If the driver continues to challenge having their vehicle

immobilised or removed, you should invite them to send in
a written challenge or appeal. Staff working on immobilising
or removing vehicles must have a leaflet ready to give to
a driver which explains how to challenge or appeal against
the decision to immobilise or remove a vehicle.

A12.4 If a driver makes a written challenge or appeal, following

their vehicle being immobilised or removed, you or your
representative must acknowledge the challenge or appeal
within 14 days of receiving it. If you only acknowledge
the challenge or appeal you must accept or reject the



A standard form of entrance sign must be placed at the entrance to the parking area.

There may be reasons why this is impractical:

• when there is no clearly defined car park entrance

• when the car park is very small
• at forecourts in front of shops and petrol filling stations
• at parking areas where general parking is not permitted.

If you think there are other circumstances where it is impractical or undesirable to have an entrance sign, you must tell us in advance
and get our approval to amend the sign or not have one.

Ideally the AOS logo should be incorporated on the entrance sign as it will show motorists that the site is managed by an
organisation who have signed up to a recognised Code of Practice. However exemptions will be considered by the BPA Compliance
Team if a legitimate reason is given.

You should try to keep to the following design principles:

This blue rectangle with the ‘P’ symbol can be left out
if public parking is not invited and it is trespass you
are managing.

If you do not have the ‘P’ symbol, you may move the
AOS roundel to the bottom of the sign alongside the
operator’s name.

You must always mention that terms and conditions

apply and say where to find more details about them.

“Managed by” is required

“On behalf of ” is optional

The sign may be portrait or landscape in layout, depending on

where it is placed.


Signs at the entrance to the parking area should clearly show the Situation Typical Minimum
type of parking; and if, when and how any payment should be approach capital
made. Ideally the AOS logo should be incorporated to indicate speed height for
that the parking is managed under a Code of Practice. (mph) Group 1
text (mm)
We consider it to be good practice that the landowner’s name
is on the sign, but we understand that in some cases the owner Barrier control under 10 50
may not want to be mentioned. You may also place your ‘private Parking area entered immediately 15 60
parking’ banner above your company details and below your by turning off a 30 mph road
terms and conditions. Car park entered from higher- 25 90
speed road or using a length of
If one of the following standard wordings applies to your parking access road
area you should use it. If not, you may alter the wording to fit the Service areas on motorways and 40 120
situation. Words in square brackets may be left out. dual carriageways

There must be at least one item from Group 1. But no more The sign should be placed so that it is readable by drivers
than three items from Group 1 should appear before, and more without their needing to look away from the road ahead. Any
prominently than, text from Group 2. You must always mention text on the sign not intended to be read from a moving vehicle
that terms and conditions apply and say where drivers can find can be of a much smaller size.
more details – this will usually be on the other notices in the
parking area.
Contrast and illumination
If there are different payment terms for blue badge holders, you
There must be enough colour contrast between the text and
should also show these. The words ‘blue badge holders’ should
its background, each of which should be a single solid colour.
generally be replaced by the blue badge symbol (exactly as
The best way to achieve this is to have black text on a white
shown in the Traffic Signs Regulations Guidance Document, not a
background, or white text on a black background.
local version).
Signs should be readable and understandable at all times,
Group 1 including during the hours of darkness or at dusk if and when
parking enforcement activity takes place at those times. This
Pay and display [except/free for blue badge holders] can be achieved in a variety of ways such as by direct lighting or
[x minutes’/hour’s/hours’] free parking [for [business name] by using the lighting for the parking area. If the sign itself is not
customers only] directly or indirectly lit, we suggest that it should be made of a
Pay on exit retro-reflective material similar to that used on public roads and
Pay [on foot/at machine] when leaving described in the Traffic Signs Manual. Dark-coloured areas do
Parking for [business name] customers only not need to be reflective.
Permit holders only

Group 2

Charges apply [after this][after x minutes/hours]

Private land
Terms and conditions apply
See the notice[s] [in the car park] for details

Text size

The capital height for Group 1 text will depend on the approach
speed of traffic. Group 2 text should be at least 50% of this size.
All other text should be smaller than 50% of the Group 1 text
size. However, the name of the car park or parking area, or a
brief welcome message (if included), may be larger.





Introductory “keeper” means the person by whom the vehicle is kept

at the time the vehicle was parked, which in the case of a
1 (1) This Schedule applies where: registered vehicle is to be presumed, unless the contrary
is proved, to be the registered keeper;
(a) the driver of a vehicle is required by virtue of
a relevant obligation to pay parking charges in “notice to driver” means a notice given in accordance
respect of the parking of the vehicle on relevant with paragraph 7;
land; and
(b) those charges have not been paid in full. “notice to keeper” means a notice given in accordance
with paragraph 8 or 9 (as the case may be);
(2) It is immaterial for the purposes of this Schedule
whether or not the vehicle was permitted to be parked “parking charge”:
(or to remain parked) on the land.
(a) in the case of a relevant obligation arising under
2 (1) In this Schedule: the terms of a relevant contract, means a sum in
the nature of a fee or charge, and
“the appropriate national authority” means: (b) in the case of a relevant obligation arising as a
result of a trespass or other tort, means a sum
(a) in relation to relevant land in England, the in the nature of damages, however the sum in
Secretary of State; question is described;

and “registered address” means, in relation to the keeper of
a registered vehicle, the address described in paragraph
(b) in relation to relevant land in Wales, the Welsh 11(3)(b) (as provided by the Secretary of State in
Ministers; response to the application for the keeper’s details
required by paragraph 11);
“the creditor” means a person who is for the time being
entitled to recover unpaid parking charges from the “registered keeper”, in relation to a registered vehicle,
driver of the vehicle; means the person in whose name the vehicle is
“current address for service” means:
“registered vehicle” means a vehicle which is for the time
(a) in the case of the keeper, an address which is being registered under the Vehicle Excise and Registration
either: Act 1994;
(i) an address at which documents relating to
civil proceedings could properly be served on “relevant contract” means a contract (including a contract
the person concerned under Civil Procedure arising only when the vehicle was parked on the relevant
Rules; or land) between the driver and a person who is:
(ii) the keeper’s registered address (if there is one);
or (a) the owner or occupier of the land; or
(b) in the case of the driver, an address at which (b) authorised, under or by virtue of arrangements
the driver for the time being resides or can made by the owner or occupier of the land, to
conveniently be contacted; enter into a contract with the driver requiring
the payment of parking charges in respect of the
“driver” includes, where more than one person is parking of the vehicle on the land;
engaged in the driving of the vehicle, any person so
engaged; “relevant land” has the meaning given by paragraph 3;
“relevant obligation” means:


(a) an obligation arising under the terms of a relevant (g) the Council of the Isles of Scilly.
or (3) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (1)(c) the parking
of a vehicle on land is “subject to statutory control”
(b) an obligation arising, in any circumstances where if any statutory provision imposes a liability (whether
there is no relevant contract, as a result of a criminal or civil, and whether in the form of a fee or
trespass or other tort committed by parking the charge or a penalty of any kind) in respect of the
vehicle on the relevant land; parking on that land of vehicles generally or of vehicles
of a description that includes the vehicle in question.
“vehicle” means a mechanically-propelled vehicle or a
vehicle designed or adapted for towing by a mechanically- (4) In sub-paragraph (3) “statutory provision” means any
propelled vehicle. provision (apart from this Schedule) contained in:

(2) The reference in the definition of “parking charge” (a) any Act (including a local or private Act), whenever
to a sum in the nature of damages is to a sum of which passed; or
adequate notice was given to drivers of vehicles (when (b) any subordinate legislation, whenever made, and
the vehicle was parked on the relevant land). for this purpose “subordinate legislation” means an
Order in Council or any order, regulations, byelaws
(3) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (2) “adequate or other legislative instrument.
notice” means notice given by:
Right to claim unpaid parking charges from keeper of vehicle
(a) the display of one or more notices in accordance
with any applicable requirements prescribed 4 (1) The creditor has the right to recover any unpaid
in regulations under paragraph 12 for, or for parking charges from the keeper of the vehicle.
purposes including, the purposes of sub-paragraph
(2); or (2) The right under this paragraph applies only if:
(b) where no such requirements apply, the display of
one or more notices which: (a) the conditions specified in paragraphs 5, 6, 11 and
12 (so far as applicable) are met; and
(i) specify the sum as the charge for unauthorised (b) the vehicle was not a stolen vehicle at the
parking; and beginning of the period of parking to which the
(ii) are adequate to bring the charge to the notice unpaid parking charges relate.
of drivers who park vehicles on the relevant land.
(3) For the purposes of the condition in sub-paragraph
3 (1) In this Schedule “relevant land” means any land (2)(b), the vehicle is to be presumed not to be a stolen
(including land above or below ground level) other than: vehicle at the material time, unless the contrary is proved.

(a) a highway maintainable at the public expense (4) The right under this paragraph may only be exercised
(within the meaning of section 329(1) of the after the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the
Highways Act 1980); day on which the notice to keeper is given.
(b) a parking place which is provided or controlled by
a traffic authority; (5) The maximum sum which may be recovered from the
(c) any land (not falling within paragraph (a) or (b)) keeper by virtue of the right conferred by this paragraph
on which the parking of a vehicle is subject to is the amount specified in the notice to keeper under
statutory control. paragraph 8(2)(c) or (d) or, as the case may be, 9(2)(d)
(less any payments towards the unpaid parking charges
(2) In sub-paragraph (1)(b): which are received after the time so specified).

“parking place” has the meaning given by section 32(4)(b) (6) Nothing in this paragraph affects any other remedy
of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984; the creditor may have against the keeper of the vehicle
or any other person in respect of any unpaid parking
“traffic authority” means each of the following: charges (but this is not to be read as permitting double
(a) the Secretary of State;
(b) the Welsh Ministers; (7) The right under this paragraph is subject to paragraph
(c) Transport for London; 13 (which provides for the right not to apply in certain
(d) the Common Council of the City of London; circumstances in the case of a hire vehicle).
(e) the council of a county, county borough, London
borough or district; Conditions that must be met for purposes of paragraph 4
(f) a parish or community council;


5 (1) The first condition is that the creditor: (e) identify the creditor and specify how and to
whom payment may be made;
(a) has the right to enforce against the driver of the (f) specify the time when the notice is given and the
vehicle the requirement to pay the unpaid parking date.
charges; but
(b) is unable to take steps to enforce that (3) The notice must relate only to a single period of
requirement against the driver because the parking specified under subparagraph (2)(a) (but this
creditor does not know both the name of the does not prevent the giving of separate notices each
driver and a current address for service for the specifying different parts of a single period of parking).
(4) The notice must be given:
(2) Sub-paragraph (1)(b) ceases to apply if (at any time
after the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the (a) before the vehicle is removed from the relevant
day on which the notice to keeper is given) the creditor land after the end of the period of parking to
begins proceedings to recover the unpaid parking charges which the notice relates, and
from the keeper. (b) while the vehicle is stationary, by affixing it to the
vehicle or by handing it to a person appearing to
6 (1) The second condition is that the creditor (or a person be in charge of the vehicle.
acting for or on behalf of the creditor):
(5) In sub-paragraph (2)(d) the reference to arrangements
(a) has given a notice to driver in accordance with for the resolution of disputes or complaints includes:
paragraph 7, followed by a notice to keeper in
accordance with paragraph 8; or (a) any procedures offered by the creditor for dealing
(b) has given a notice to keeper in accordance with informally with representations by the driver
paragraph 9. about the notice or any matter contained in it; and
(b) any arrangements under which disputes or
(2) If a notice to driver has been given, any subsequent complaints (however described) may be referred
notice to keeper must be given in accordance with by the driver to independent adjudication or
paragraph 8. arbitration.

7 (1) A notice which is to be relied on as a notice to 8 (1) A notice which is to be relied on as a notice to
driver for the purposes of paragraph 6(1)(a) is given keeper for the purposes of paragraph 6(1)(a) is given
in accordance with this paragraph if the following in accordance with this paragraph if the following
requirements are met. requirements are met.

(2) The notice must: (2) The notice must:

(a) specify the vehicle, the relevant land on which it (a) specify the vehicle, the relevant land on which it
was parked and the period of parking to which was parked and the period of parking to which
the notice relates; the notice relates;
(b) inform the driver of the requirement to pay (b) inform the keeper that the driver is required to
parking charges in respect of the specified period pay parking charges in respect of the specified
of parking and describe those charges, the period of parking and that the parking charges
circumstances in which the requirement arose have not been paid in full;
(including the means by which it was brought to (c) state that a notice to driver relating to the
the attention of drivers) and the other facts that specified period of parking has been given and
made those charges payable; repeat the information in that notice as required
(c) inform the driver that the parking charges relating by paragraph 7(2)(b), (c) and (f);
to the specified period of parking have not been (d) if the unpaid parking charges specified in that
paid in full and specify the total amount of the notice to driver as required by paragraph 7(2)(c)
unpaid parking charges relating to that period, as have been paid in part, specify the amount that
at a time which is: remains unpaid, as at a time which is:

(i) specified in the notice; and (i) specified in the notice to keeper, and
(ii) no later than the time specified under paragraph (f); (ii) no later than the end of the day before the
(d) inform the driver of any discount offered for day on which the notice is either sent by post
prompt payment and the arrangements for the or, as the case may be, handed to or left at a
resolution of disputes or complaints that are current address for service for the keeper (see
available; subparagraph (4));


(e) state that the creditor does not know both the (7) When the notice is given it must be accompanied by any
name of the driver and a current address for evidence prescribed under paragraph 10.
service for the driver and invite the keeper:
(8) In sub-paragraph (2)(g) the reference to arrangements
(i) to pay the unpaid parking charges; or for the resolution of disputes or complaints includes:
(ii) if the keeper was not the driver of the vehicle,
to notify the creditor of the name of the driver (a) any procedures offered by the creditor for dealing
and a current address for service for the driver informally with representations by the keeper
and to pass the notice on to the driver; about the notice or any matter contained in it; and
(b) any arrangements under which disputes or
(f) warn the keeper that if, at the end of the period complaints (however described) may be referred
of 28 days beginning with the day after that on by the keeper to independent adjudication or
which the notice to keeper is given: arbitration.

(i) the amount of the unpaid parking charges (as 9 (1) A notice which is to be relied on as a notice to
specified under paragraph (c) or (d)) has not keeper for the purposes of paragraph 6(1)(b) is given
been paid in full, and in accordance with this paragraph if the following
(ii) the creditor does not know both the name of requirements are met.
the driver and a current address for service for
the driver, the creditor will (if all the applicable (2) The notice must:
conditions under this Schedule are met) have
the right to recover from the keeper so much (a) specify the vehicle, the relevant land on which it
of that amount as remains unpaid; was parked and the period of parking to which
the notice relates;
(g) inform the keeper of any discount offered for (b) inform the keeper that the driver is required to
prompt payment and the arrangements for the pay parking charges in respect of the specified
resolution of disputes or complaints that are available; period of parking and that the parking charges
(h) identify the creditor and specify how and to have not been paid in full;
whom payment or notification to the creditor may (c) describe the parking charges due from the driver
be made; as at the end of that period, the circumstances
(i) specify the date on which the notice is sent (if it is in which the requirement to pay them arose
sent by post) or given (in any other case). (including the means by which the requirement
was brought to the attention of drivers) and the
(3) The notice must relate only to a single period of parking other facts that made them payable;
specified under subparagraph (2)(a) (but this does not (d) specify the total amount of those parking charges
prevent the giving of separate notices which each specify that are unpaid, as at a time which is:
different parts of a single period of parking).
(i) specified in the notice; and
(4) The notice must be given by: (ii) no later than the end of the day before the
day on which the notice is either sent by post
(a) handing it to the keeper, or leaving it at a current or, as the case may be, handed to or left at a
address for service for the keeper, within the current address for service for the keeper (see
relevant period; or subparagraph (4));
(b) sending it by post to a current address for service
for the keeper so that it is delivered to that (e) state that the creditor does not know both the
address within the relevant period. name of the driver and a current address for
service for the driver and invite the keeper:
(5) The relevant period for the purposes of sub-paragraph
(4) is the period of 28 days following the period of 28 (i) to pay the unpaid parking charges; or
days beginning with the day after that on which the (ii) if the keeper was not the driver of the vehicle,
notice to driver was given. to notify the creditor of the name of the driver
and a current address for service for the driver
(6) A notice sent by post is to be presumed, unless the and to pass the notice on to the driver;
contrary is proved, to have been delivered (and so “given”
for the purposes of sub-paragraph (4)) on the second (f) warn the keeper that if, after the period of 28 days
working day after the day on which it is posted; and for beginning with the day after that on which the
this purpose “working day” means any day other than a notice is given:
Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in England and Wales


(i) the amount of the unpaid parking charges must accompany a notice which is to be relied on as a
specified under paragraph (d) has not been notice to keeper for the purposes of paragraph 6(1)(a)
paid in full, and or paragraph 6(1)(b) (as the case may be).
(ii) the creditor does not know both the name of
the driver and a current address for service for (2) The regulations may in particular make provision as to:
the driver, the creditor will (if all the applicable
conditions under this Schedule are met) have (a) the means by which any prescribed evidence is to
the right to recover from the keeper so much be generated or otherwise produced (which may
of that amount as remains unpaid; include a requirement to use equipment of a kind
approved for the purpose by a person specified in
(g) inform the keeper of any discount offered for the regulations); or
prompt payment and the arrangements for the (b) the circumstances in which any evidence is, or is
resolution of disputes or complaints that are available; not, required to accompany a notice to keeper.
(h) identify the creditor and specify how and to
whom payment or notification to the creditor may (3) The regulations may:
be made;
(i) specify the date on which the notice is sent (where (a) include incidental, supplementary, transitional,
it is sent by post) or given (in any other case). transitory or saving provision;
(b) make different provision for different purposes.
(3) The notice must relate only to a single period of
parking specified under subparagraph (2)(a) (but this 11 (1) The third condition is that:
does not prevent the giving of separate notices which
each specify different parts of a single period of parking). (a) the creditor (or a person acting for or on behalf
of the creditor) has made an application for the
(4) The notice must be given by: keeper’s details in relation to the period of parking
to which the unpaid parking charges relate;
(a) handing it to the keeper, or leaving it at a current (b) the application was made during the relevant
address for service for the keeper, within the period for the purposes of paragraph 8(4) (where
relevant period; or a notice to driver has been given) or 9(4) (where
(b) sending it by post to a current address for service no notice to driver has been given);
for the keeper so that it is delivered to that (c) the information sought by the application is
address within the relevant period. provided by the Secretary of State to the applicant.

(5) The relevant period for the purposes of sub-paragraph (2) The third condition only applies if the vehicle is a
(4) is the period of 14 days beginning with the day after registered vehicle.
that on which the specified period of parking ended.
(3) In this paragraph “application for the keeper’s details”
(6) A notice sent by post is to be presumed, unless the means an application for the following information to
contrary is proved, to have been delivered (and so “given” be provided to the applicant by virtue of regulations
for the purposes of sub-paragraph (4)) on the second made under section 22(1)(c) of the Vehicle Excise and
working day after the day on which it is posted; and for Registration Act 1994:
this purpose “working day” means any day other than a
Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in England and Wales. (a) the name of the registered keeper of the vehicle
during the period of parking to which the unpaid
(7) When the notice is given it must be accompanied by parking charges relate; and
any evidence prescribed under paragraph 10. (b) the address of that person as it appears on the
register (or, if that person has ceased to be the
(8) In sub-paragraph (2)(g) the reference to arrangements registered keeper, as it last appeared on the
for the resolution of disputes or complaints includes: register).

(a) any procedures offered by the creditor for dealing 12 (1) The fourth condition is that any applicable
informally with representations by the keeper requirements prescribed under this paragraph were met
about the notice or any matter contained in it; and at the beginning of the period of parking to which the
(b) any arrangements under which disputes or unpaid parking charges relate.
complaints (however described) may be referred
by the keeper to independent adjudication or (2) The appropriate national authority may by regulations
arbitration. made by statutory instrument prescribe requirements as
to the display of notices on relevant land where parking
10 (1) The appropriate national authority may by regulations charges may be incurred in respect of the parking of
made by statutory instrument prescribe evidence which vehicles on the land.


(3) The provision made under sub-paragraph (2) may, in (4) A statement required by sub-paragraph (2)(a) or (c)
particular, include provision: must be in such form (if any) as may be prescribed by
the appropriate national authority by regulations made by
(a) requiring notices of more than one kind to be statutory instrument.
displayed on any relevant land;
(b) as to the content or form of any notices required (5) The documents mentioned in sub-paragraph (2) must
to be displayed; and be given by:
(c) as to the location of any notices required to be
displayed. (a) handing them to the creditor;
(b) leaving them at any address which is specified
(4) Regulations under this paragraph may: in the notice to keeper as an address at which
documents may be given to the creditor or to
(a) include incidental, supplementary, transitional, which payments may be sent; or
transitory or saving provision; (c) sending them by post to such an address so that
(b) make different provision for different areas or they are delivered to that address within the
purposes. period mentioned in that sub-paragraph.

Hire vehicles (6) In this paragraph and paragraph 14:

13 (1) This paragraph applies in the case of parking charges (a) “hire agreement” means an agreement which:
incurred in respect of the parking of a vehicle on relevant
land if: (i) provides for a vehicle to be let to a person
(“the hirer”) for a period of any duration
(a) the vehicle was at the time of parking hired to any (whether or not the period is capable of
person under a hire agreement with a vehicle-hire extension by agreement between the parties);
firm; and and
(b) the keeper has been given a notice to keeper (ii) is not a hire-purchase agreement within the
within the relevant period for the purposes of meaning of the Consumer Credit Act 1974;
paragraph 8(4) or 9(4) (as the case may be).
(b) any reference to the currency of a hire agreement
(2) The creditor may not exercise the right under includes a reference to any period during which,
paragraph 4 to recover from the keeper any unpaid with the consent of the vehicle-hire firm, the hirer
parking charges specified in the notice to keeper if, within continues in possession of the vehicle as hirer,
the period of 28 days beginning with the day after that on after the expiry of any period specified in the
which that notice was given, the creditor is given: agreement but otherwise on terms and conditions
specified in it; and
(a) a statement signed by or on behalf of the vehicle- (c) “vehicle-hire firm” means any person engaged in
hire firm to the effect that at the material time the the hiring of vehicles in the course of a business.
vehicle was hired to a named person under a hire
agreement; 14 (1) If:
(b) a copy of the hire agreement; and
(c) a copy of a statement of liability signed by the (a) the creditor is by virtue of paragraph 13(2) unable
hirer under that hire agreement. to exercise the right to recover from the keeper
any unpaid parking charges mentioned in the
(3) The statement of liability required by sub-paragraph notice to keeper, and
(2)(c) must: (b) the conditions mentioned in sub-paragraph (2)
below are met, the creditor may recover those
(a) contain a statement by the hirer to the effect charges (so far as they remain unpaid) from the hirer.
that the hirer acknowledges responsibility for
any parking charges that may be incurred with (2) The conditions are that:
respect to the vehicle while it is hired to
the hirer; (a) the creditor has within the relevant period given
(b) include an address given by the hirer (whether a the hirer a notice in accordance with sub-
residential, business or other address) as one at paragraph (5) (a “notice to hirer”), together with
which documents may be given to the hirer; (and a copy of the documents mentioned in paragraph
it is immaterial whether the statement mentioned 13(2) and the notice to keeper;
in paragraph (a) relates also to other charges or (b) a period of 21 days beginning with the day on
penalties of any kind). which the notice to hirer was given has elapsed;


(c) the vehicle was not a stolen vehicle at the (a) any procedures offered by the creditor for dealing
beginning of the period of parking to which the informally with representations by the hirer about
unpaid parking charges relate. the notice or any matter contained in it; and
(b) any arrangements under which disputes or
(3) In sub-paragraph (2)(a) “the relevant period” is the complaints (however described) may be referred
period of 21 days beginning with the day after that on by the hirer to independent adjudication or
which the documents required by paragraph 13(2) are arbitration.
given to the creditor.
Application to Crown vehicles etc
(4) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (2)(c) a vehicle is
to be presumed not to be a stolen vehicle at the material 15 (1) The provisions of this Schedule apply to:
time, unless the contrary is proved.
(a) vehicles in the public service of the Crown that
(5) The notice to hirer must: are required to be registered under the Vehicle
Excise and Registration Act 1994 (other than a
(a) inform the hirer that by virtue of this paragraph vehicle exempted by sub-paragraph (2)), and
any unpaid parking charges (being parking (b) any person in the public service of the Crown
charges specified in the notice to keeper) may be who is the keeper of a vehicle falling within
recovered from the hirer; paragraph (a).
(b) refer the hirer to the information contained in the
notice to keeper; (2) But this Schedule does not apply in relation to a
(c) warn the hirer that if, after the period of 21 days vehicle that:
beginning with the day after that on which the
notice to hirer is given, the amount of unpaid (a) at the relevant time is used or appropriated for
parking charges referred to in the notice to use for naval, military or air force purposes, or
keeper under paragraph 8(2)(f) or 9(2)(f) (as the (b) belongs to any visiting forces (within the meaning
case may be) has not been paid in full, the creditor of the Visiting Forces Act 1952) or is at the
will (if any applicable requirements are met) have relevant time used or appropriated for use by
the right to recover from the hirer so much of such forces.
that amount as remains unpaid;
(d) inform the hirer of any discount offered for Power to amend Schedule
prompt payment and the arrangements for the
resolution of disputes or complaints that are 16 (1) The appropriate national authority may by order
available; made by statutory instrument amend this Schedule for
(e) identify the creditor and specify how and to the purpose of:
whom payment may be made; and
(f) specify the date on which the notice is sent (if it is (a) amending the definition of “relevant land” in
sent by post) or given (in any other case). paragraph 3;
(b) adding to, removing or amending any of the
(6) The documents mentioned in sub-paragraph (2)(a) conditions to which the right conferred by
must be given by: paragraph 4 is for the time being subject.

(a) handing them to the hirer; (2) The power to amend this Schedule for the purpose
(b) leaving them at an address which is either: mentioned in subparagraph (1)(b) includes, in particular,
power to add to, remove or amend:
(i) an address specified in the statement of liability
mentioned in paragraph 13(2)(c) as an address (a) any provisions that are applicable for the purposes
at which documents may be given to the hirer; of a condition;
or and
(ii) an address at which documents relating to civil (b) any powers of the appropriate national authority
proceedings could properly be served on the to prescribe anything for the purposes of a
hirer under Civil Procedure Rules; or condition by regulations made by statutory
(c) sending them by post to such an address instrument.
so that they are delivered to that address
within the relevant period for the purposes of (3) An order under this paragraph may:
subparagraph (2)(a).
(a) include incidental, supplementary, transitional,
(7) In sub-paragraph (5)(d) the reference to arrangements transitory or saving provision;
for the resolution of disputes or complaints includes: (b) make different provision for different purposes.


Parliamentary procedure

17 (1) A statutory instrument containing regulations under

any provision of this Schedule is subject to annulment by:

(a) a resolution of either House of Parliament (in the case

of regulations made by the Secretary of State); or
(b) a resolution of the National Assembly for Wales (in
the case of regulations made by the Welsh Ministers).

(2) A statutory instrument containing an order made

under paragraph 16:

(a) in the case of an order of the Secretary of State,

is not to be made unless a draft of the instrument
has been laid before, and approved by a resolution
of, each House of Parliament;
(b) in the case of an order of the Welsh Ministers, is
not to be made unless a draft of the instrument
has been laid before, and approved by a resolution
of, the National Assembly for Wales.




BPA Office and Customer Services

British Parking Association

Chelsea House
8-14 The Broadway
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 3AH

Tel: +44(0) 1444 447300

Fax: +44(0) 1444 454105
Email: [email protected]

Complaints form regarding breaches of the Code:




Notes to Flowcharts: a. If you have the name and current address for service of
papers on the hirer, you must pursue the hirer.
1. If full and final payment is received, or a payment that is
accepted by the operator is received at any point in the b. If the hirer of the vehicle refuses to admit liability, then
process, the process ends. Schedule 4 does not enable you to pursue the hire
company. However Schedule 4 also makes the hirer
2. Where a ticket is issued by hand, the Debt Recovery
statutorily liable for the parking charges unless the hirer
process may begin at any point beyond day 29.
can prove that the vehicle was stolen.
3. If the Registered Keeper of the vehicle is a hire company,
c. If the hirer of the vehicle offers the name of another driver,
the hire company may release the details of the hirer of the
the driver should be pursued. After all, ultimately it is the
vehicle under the terms of PoFA 2012.
driver who has breached the terms of your car park.

Ticket posted to keeper/issued by ANPR

A Pursue Keeper B
You should apply to DVLA
You must Wait
Driver denies liability C as soon as possible Refund made and
case closed
Wait 35 DAYS

You receive data No Yes

Appeal rejected?

Driver does not reply if vehicle registered

or address is not Pursue Driver
serviceable Driver Apeeals
You must deliver letter to keeper Yes
within 14 DAYS after the issue YOUR appeal process
Keeper is invited to event occurred
disclose driver details

Keeper appeals
Keeper receives

Keeper has up to 14 DAYS after Driver/keeper can use

Keeper accepts liability delivery of the Notice to Appeal upheld IAS Appeal process within
Keeper to pay at discounted rate 28 DAYS

Parking charge notice Appeal not

Keeper pays? You may send a cancelled Upheld/not received
Yes reminder letter by IAS

Payment received
and case closed Mitigation requested No payment received
by IAS
You may send
a final reminder

Operator revisits and

Keeper has a further 14 DAYS reports to IAS
after the delivery of the
Notice to Keeper to pay
at full rate


Move to Debt
Recovery process


Ticket issued by hand/to driver of the vehicle

A Pursue Keeper B
You must Wait
Driver denies liability C Driver has up to 14 days after the
Refund made and
case closed
Wait 35 DAYS
issue event occurred to pay
at discounted rate No Yes
Driver does not reply Appeal rejected?

or address is not Pursue Driver
Driver has up to 14 more DAYS Driver appeals
after the issue event occurred Yes
to pay at full rate (28 days in total) YOUR appeal process
Keeper is invited to
disclose driver details

Keeper appeals
DAY 29 you
may request details
from DVLA*

Driver/keeper can use

Keeper accepts liability Appeal upheld IAS Appeal process within
You receive data 28 DAYS

Parking charge notice Appeal not

Keeper pays? After no more than 28 cancelled Upheld/not received
Yes days you may send a by IAS
reminder letter
Payment received
and case closed Mitigation requested No payment received
by IAS
You may send a

Operator revisits and

After 14 DAYS reports to IAS
you may send a final
reminder letter


Move to Debt
Recovery process

* = from this point you may appoint a Debt Collection Agency




How well does your organisation comply with the 12 guiding principles of the surveillance camera code of practice?
Here are some questions you should consider to help you check if you comply.

• What’s your system for?

1 • Do you review its use?
• Have you carried out a privacy impact assessment?
2 • Do you publish your privacy impact assessment?
• Do you have signage in place to say surveillance is taking place?
3 • Is there a published point of contact for people to raise queries or complaints with?

• Who’s responsible for your system?

4 • Are your staff aware of their responsibilities?
• Do you have clear policies and procedures in place?
5 • Do your staff know what your policies and procedures are?

• How long do you keep images/information?

6 • How do you make sure images/information is deleted once they’re no longer needed?
• Do you have a policy on who has access to the stored information?
• Do you have a policy on disclosure of information?

8 • Do you follow any recognised operational or technical standards?

• Do you make sure that the images captured by your system are caught securely?
9 • Are only authorised people given access to the images?
• Do you evaluate your system regularly to make sure it’s still required?
10 • Could there be an alternative solution to a surveillance camera system?
• Can the criminal justice system use the images and information produced by your
11 surveillance camera system?
• Do you have a policy on data storage, security and deletion?
• Do you use any specialist technology such as ANPR, facial recognition, Body Worn
Video (BWV) or remotely operated vehicles (Drones)?
12 • Do you have a policy in place to ensure that the information contained on your
database is accurate and up to date?

Contact the Surveillance Camera Commissioner

2 Marsham Street
1st Floor, Peel

Email: [email protected]

More information:



1 General Conditions the costs incurred by an Operator or an authorised person
for this may be recovered from the vehicle’s owner.
1.1 The ‘General Conditions’ from the BPA Code of Practice
apply and Members will be audited against these. (iv) The power of clamping and removal provided in Byelaw

1.2 The only exception to this is Clause 14 of the ‘General 14(4)(ii) above shall not be exercisable in any area where
Conditions’. Operators are required to reference the passenger parking is permitted unless there is on display in
Statutory Authority that they are managing the land that area a notice advising that any vehicle parked contrary
under. to these Byelaws may be clamped and/or removed by an
Operator or an authorised person.
1.3 The specific Byelaws of the Railway Byelaws that apply to
parking are; (5) In Scotland

14. Traffic signs, causing obstructions and parking Any motor vehicle, bicycle or other conveyance used, left or
placed in breach of this Byelaw in Scotland may be removed
(1) No person in charge of any motor vehicle, bicycle or by or under the direction of a constable.
other conveyance shall use it on any part of the railway in
contravention of any traffic sign. 2 Signage
(2) No person in charge of any motor vehicle, bicycle or other 2.1 Requirements for signage on Railway Land are specifically
conveyance shall leave or place it on any part of the railway: referenced in Byelaws 14 (1), 14 (2) (ii) and 14 (4) (iii)

(i) in any manner or place where it may cause an obstruction 2.2 Parking operators are required to follow the principles
or hindrance to an Operator or any person using the railway; outlined in Section 18 of the Operational Requirements
or in England & Wales.

(ii) otherwise than in accordance with any instructions issued 3 Who can the Operator pursue?
by or on behalf of an Operator or an authorised person.
3.1 The Byelaws 14 (4) are specific that the owner of a
(3) No person in charge of any motor vehicle, bicycle or vehicle “may be liable for a penalty as displayed in that
other conveyance shall park it on any part of the railway area”. Therefore, if pursuing for breach of Byelaws, the
where charges are made for parking by an Operator or an parking operator can only pursue the owner of the
authorised person without paying the appropriate charge at vehicle.
the appropriate time in accordance with instructions given by
an Operator or an authorised person at that place. 3.2 The owner may or may not be the person who was
driving at the time. Another person driving the vehicle
(4) In England and Wales does not affect the owner’s liability for a penalty.
(i) The owner of any motor vehicle, bicycle or other conveyance 3.3 The “owner”, in relation to a vehicle, means the person by
used, left or placed in breach of Byelaw 14(1) to 14(3) may be whom the vehicle is kept, which in the case of a vehicle
liable to pay a penalty as displayed in that area. registered under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act
1994 (c. 22) is presumed (unless the contrary is proved)
(ii) Without prejudice to Byelaw 14(4)(i), any motor vehicle, to be the person in whose name the vehicle is registered.
bicycle or other conveyance used, left or placed in breach of
Byelaw 14(1) to 14(3) may be clamped, removed, and stored, 3.4 Parking operators can pursue the owner of a vehicle for
by or under the direction of an Operator or authorised person. breach of Byelaws by affixing a penalty to the windscreen
of a vehicle for the attention of the vehicle owner. They
The owner of the motor vehicle, bicycle or other conveyance may also seek keeper information from the Driver
shall be liable to an Operator or an authorised person for the and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) in order to
costs incurred in clamping, removing and storing it provided send a notice to owner through the post. If the DVLA
that there is in that area a notice advising that any vehicle determines that the parking operator has reasonable
parked contrary to these Byelaws may be clamped, removed cause to seek the information, they may provide it to the
and stored by an Operator or an authorised person and that parking operator.

4 Timescales for the Issue of Notices 5 Content of a Penalty Notice

4.1 The Railway Byelaws set out no timescales for the issue 5.1 POFA 2012 provides specific instructions on the
of a penalty for breach of Byelaws. However, the parking information that should be contained within a parking
operator is timed out of prosecuting the motorist charge notice. This information allows drivers and keepers
through the Magistrates Court for breach of Byelaws to understand the allegation against them, the situation in
after six months pursuant to section 127(1) of the which they find themselves, and their options. There are
Magistrates Court Act 1980. no such requirements for penalties for breach of Byelaws
or parking charges where the parking operator is not
4.2 The Code considers a lack of timescales unreasonable seeking to pursue the keeper using the provisions within
to motorists. If a driver or an owner did not receive POFA 2012.
notification of a parking charge or penalty until several
months after an incident of alleged improper parking, 5.2 However, we consider it important that any Penalty
they may have little or no memory of the event and their Notices issued clearly communicate the circumstances to
ability to appeal will be hampered. owners and drivers so they know their options and can
make an informed decision on what to do next.
4.3 POFA 2012 sets out timescales for the issuing of parking
charge notices. While POFA 2012 does not apply on 5.3 A Penalty Notice must:
Railway Land, the standards have been put in place for
situations similar to those in question. As those standards • Say it is a Penalty Notice (this can be abbreviated to
are used across the industry, and both parking operators PN providing the phrase Penalty Notice is used first)
and motorists are familiar with the standards, it is • Be dated
reasonable that these standards are utilised as a guide • Specify the alleged contravention including the time
when considering appeals against penalties issued on and date, site, and period of parking
Railway Land.
• Confirm how the Byelaws were brought to the
motorist’s attention
4.3.1 Affixed to vehicle: this should be given by affixing it to the
vehicle at the time the alleged breach of Byelaws is identified. • Confirm the law under which it has been issued
• Be issued to the vehicle owner (Registered Keeper
4.3.2 Issued via post following a penalty notice affixed to vehicle: assumed to owner unless proved otherwise)
this should be given in the period of 28 days following • Confirm potential consequences of non-payment,
the period of 28 days beginning with the day after that on including prosecution
which the initial penalty notice was affixed to the vehicle.
• Confirm the amount of the penalty – which should be
the same as the penalty shown in the car park
4.3.3 Issued via post without a penalty notice having previously
being affixed to vehicle: this should be issued in the • Inform the owner of any discount offered
period of 14 days beginning with the day after that on • Explain how to pay and who to pay
which the specified period of parking ended. • Confirm the appeal procedure

4.4 It is presumed that a penalty notice sent by post, unless 5.4 A penalty notice must not:
the contrary is proved, to have been delivered on the
second working day after the day on which it is posted; • Mention POFA 2012 (as this is not relevant and will
and for this purpose “working day” means any day other confuse the owner about the situation in which they
than a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in England and find themselves)
• Mention ParkingEye Vs Beavis (as this is not relevant
4.4.1 Under the Interpretation Act 1978 Section 7 - References and will confuse the owner about the situation in
to service by post. Where an Act authorises or requires which they find themselves)
any document to be served by post (whether the
expression “serve” or the expression “give” or “send” or • Use the words “parking charge”, “parking charge
any other expression is used) then, unless the contrary notice”, ‘’Penalty Charge Notice’’ or “PCN” (as this is
intention appears, the service is deemed to be effected not relevant and will confuse the owner about the
by properly addressing, pre-paying and posting a letter situation in which they find themselves)
containing the document and, unless the contrary is
proved, to have been effected at the time at which the • Refer to keeper or driver liability (as this is not relevant
letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post. and will confuse the owner about the situation in
which they find themselves)

• Say anything untrue or misleading


6 Appeals

6.1 When handling appeals parking operators are required

to follow the principles outlined in Section 22 of the
Operational Requirements in England & Wales.

6.2 Operators can make alternative arrangements to POPLA

for the independent assessment appeals but these will
require approval by the BPA before implementation.

7 Recovering Unpaid Charges

7.1 When seeking to recover unpaid charges, parking

operators are required to follow the principles outlined
in Section 23 of the Operational Requirements in England
& Wales.

7.2 The parking operator is timed out of prosecuting the

motorist for breach of Byelaws via a Magistrates Court
after six months.

8 Clamping and Removal

8.1 Clause 14 (3) of the Railway Byelaws permit Clamping

and Removal.

8.2 If an operator plans to enforce in this way they are

required to follow the principles outlined in Appendix A –
Vehicle Immobilisation and Removal in Northern Ireland.



47 47


48 48

This Code of Practice is published by the BPA in good faith. It is believed to contain accurate and current information and reflects our
interpretation of the law at the time of publication. The BPA reserves the right to update, amend, or withdraw this Code at any time.
E and OE.
British Parking Association
Chelsea House
8-14 The Broadway
Haywards Heath
West Sussex RH16 3AH
Phone: +44 (0) 1444 447300
Fax: +44 (0) 1444 454105
[email protected]
© British Parking Association 2019
Version 8 – January 2020

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