How To Plead The Blood - Ernest Angley (1995)

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How to Plead the Blood - Ernest Angley Ministries http://www.ernestangley.


Volume 21 The Mysteries of God

by Ernest Angley

You have heard the phrase: Plead the blood! Plead the blood!
I've heard it all my life, but I never really met anyone who could
explain it. Just to plead the blood is not enough; most Christians
do not know what pleading the blood means. It hasn't had the
effect it was meant to have, and many people lost faith, thinking
the blood wouldn't work in a great way. The bondage wasn't
broken because people didn't have understanding of how to use
the blood so it could be broken. To plead the blood simply means
to use the blood, but to use it God's way only. You can't use the September 1995
blood through your own opinions or the opinions of others; you
must use it God's way. No other way will bring results.
Topics: Blood of Jesus
How can you use the blood of Jesus? What knowledge must you
have to use the blood of Jesus? What must you possess from God
to qualify for such an unbelievable privilege? First you must know the mystery of the blood, know
without a doubt how divine blood came to planet earth, and where it came from. You must know
that it is divine blood. Recognize all that is in the blood of Jesus and how it operates in human
lives, and accept God's truth.

For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of
the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: How that by
revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,
Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed
unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; That the Gentiles should be fellow-
heirs, and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto
me by the effectual working of his power. What kind of power is Paul talking about that
effectually works? Blood power. Blood power overcomes and defeats all demonic spirits and
Lucifer himself. Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given,

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that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. Through the
blood Paul preached the unsearchable riches of Christ, in His blood. And to make all men see
what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath
been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:1-9). The mystery
Paul is talking about is the mystery of Jesus' blood plan of redemption. The greatest mystery of
Christ is the blood. Jesus did not have human blood: He was born of the virgin Mary with the
divine blood of His Father. The mystery of the blood was revealed to the Early Church, and it's
revealed to the Church of Jesus Christ today in this final hour of the Church dispensation.

What brings us into such a fellowship with the mysteries of God? We are made nigh through the
blood. It's the blood of Jesus that has brought us into the family of God. It's the blood that makes
us one in Christ Jesus. The world doesn't understand the fellowship of the mystery of God nor
understand how we are members of the family of God, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. The
mystery is made clear through the blood.

We also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye
might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual
understanding (Colossians 1:9). The Lord wants you to have all wisdom, all knowledge and
spiritual understanding of the blood of Christ, the whole Jesus that ye might walk worthy of
the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the
knowledge of God (verse 10).

To walk worthy of the Lord is to walk worthy of His blood. We're cleansed by the blood. Hebrews
9:22 tells us that without shedding of blood is no remission. No remission of what? No
remission of sin. You cannot be saved without the blood; you cannot enter Heaven without the
blood applied to your soul. You must be blood washed.

We are strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience
and longsuffering with joyfulness (Colossians 1:11). Where does that strength come from?
The blood of Jesus. Through the blood we receive patience and longsuffering.

Know the truth of God, of Jesus Christ, of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the agent that uses the
blood. He uses the blood to enable you to be saved. You couldn't plead the blood if you didn't have
it. When you were lost, you didn't have the blood to use as your own, and the Holy Spirit used it to
provide for your salvation. The Holy Spirit applies the blood and seals your soul with the blood.

The blood didn't work for your soul until you turned your soul completely over to divinity, saying,
"Lord, I give my soul to you." If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us
our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). To confess is not the end
of it; you must believe. The blood did not flow until you believed. When you believed, the Holy
Spirit was able to flow the blood over your soul, able because you had confessed your sins, given
that soul to the Lord. Now the Holy Spirit could use the blood and put the seal of God on your soul,
a seal the devil cannot break. The only person who can break the seal of the blood is you.

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The Gospel truth of salvation is the only truth today to change hearts. It's the only truth that
cleanses from sin; no other truth has salvation in it. Only the Gospel truth will make you a new
creation. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are become new (II Corinthians 5:17). You are brand new when you
receive salvation. The Lord gives you a new mind, a sober mind. For God hath not given us
the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). It all
comes through the blood.

Most people think they have been redeemed because they joined a church, shook the preacher's
hand, were confirmed, were baptized in water. No, redemption comes only through the divine
blood of Jesus. Water baptism is the answer of a clear conscience toward God; it is not redemption.

The truth separates from all sin, gives divine power within. The truth of God will not mix with sin.
The blood of Jesus flows nothing but truth. No sin, no ungodliness can contaminate His blood.

You are saved, you have the blood: this means you are pure and clean. What are you going to do
with the blood? Are you going to use it? Before you plead the blood on whatever you need to
defeat, you must realize you are not guilty of any sin. All the power in the blood belongs to me
because I'm not guilty of sin. I am innocent. I plead innocent in God's eyes. I am holy, justified
through the blood, qualified to use the blood. All the promises concerning the blood are mine.

The truth tells the real story of the victory of the cross. Many don't understand the cross; for the
preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved
it is the power of God (I Corinthians 1:18). Why do the saved consider the preaching of the cross
the power of God? Because divine blood was shed upon the cross to save man from his sins, and
make him a new creature in Christ Jesus, acceptable to God. Praise the Lord for the divine blood of
Jesus! We will praise God for the blood as the hallelujah's roll throughout the endless ages.

Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the
inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,
and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son (Colossians 1:12,13). How did the
Lord deliver us from the power of darkness? By the light of Him in His precious blood, the eternal
light that shines through the blood of the Son of God. All power is in that blood, and thank God, it
belongs to us! Jesus brought it down from Heaven for us.

We have become a part of the Kingdom of God; Jesus has made us a part. In whom
we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image
of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things
created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they
be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him,
and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the
head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that
in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him
should all fulness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by

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him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth,
or things in heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your
mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled In the body of his flesh through
death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: Even the
mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made
manifest to his saints (Colossians 1:14-22,26). The greatest mystery in the world is the divine
conception and the divine blood that came with it. Your soul must yield to the blood first before
you can use it. This is the reason that some people have such a trying time in their Christian walk.
They are not yielding to the truth about the blood.

Many cannot believe it; even some preachers and teachers do not accept the virgin birth of Christ,
but they must if they expect to enter Heaven.

There are things we cannot do with the blood, but many things we can do, that we are ordained to
do through the blood. We can use the blood. To plead or use the blood, you have to believe it is
divine blood one hundred percent, believe completely in the virgin birth, that no human blood is
mixed in with divine blood. Jesus became related to the human race to be our elder brother; He
had human flesh, but not human blood. To plead the blood means to have truth and nothing but
the truth, the truth of God. There is no victory without God's truth. You will not know who you are
and what you are, will not see yourself as God sees you unless you know the truth. Many are mean
and ugly yet think they are all right; they don't see the truth. You will never know God, Jesus
Christ or the Holy Spirit unless you know the truth. Without truth, you will never know the
mystery of the divine blood.

Without truth working, love won't work either. Without love, I Corinthians 13 tells us, we are
nothing. God's faith won't work for you without His truth. You have no real knowledge, no life
without God's truth. What the world calls knowledge is not real knowledge; it isn't lasting. Eternal
life comes through the truth that's in the blood of Jesus.

What is truth? Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Study Jesus and
learn what truth really is. He spoke, lived and worked in perfect truth. We must wear His shoes,
His spiritual robe in order to do His works. All real miracles and healings are performed through
the truth.

Man at one time in Eden had the truth; it was all he ever needed. He was separated from
everything false and evil because of the truth until he chose to take down that separation. Only the
truth can separate you from everything evil, from all false teachings and doctrines. You are not safe
unless you accept the truth and nothing but the truth of God.

When you accept God's truth, you accept the divine nature. In the divine nature is divine
protection. Adam and Eve had the divine nature until they lost the truth. When you lose the truth,
you have lost the divine nature. Divine truth is in the divine blood from Heaven.

Years ago when I was sick and afflicted, the Lord promised me that He would heal me, get me well;

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but in my suffering I let the light of that promise grow dim and then go out. I felt like I was in a
room with no windows or doors, and thought I was going to die. For so long I had suffered,
watched my body go down to almost a skeleton, and in the pain I forgot about the promise. I forgot
that the Lord told me He would heal me. Had I remembered, I would not have suffered as much as
I did. The light would never have become dark for me. The experience taught me a great lesson.
When God makes a promise, the light of God is in that promise of truth and it will guide and deliver
you, show you the way out. God promised me healing, and He healed me.

The blood has the truth concerning God's healing power. For this purpose the Son of God was
manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). Sickness and disease
are works of the devil. The blood will cast out devils. In the name of Jesus they shall lay hands
on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:18). Sickness will flee before the blood. With
his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). With His blood stripes comes healing. Had there not
been the shedding of divine blood, those stripes would not be healing stripes, but the blood that
was shed was divine; the divine blood stripes bring healing.

Know the truth about sickness. Some think it is the will of God to be sick, but it is not. There will
be no sickness in Heaven, a place that has God's will in perfection. Every good gift and every
perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is
no variableness, neither shadow of turning (James 1:17). Sickness is not a good or perfect

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. He healed people everywhere He went. Since He
came to do the will of the Father, it should be obvious that the Father's will is for people to be
healed. Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God (Hebrews 10:9). It is the will of the
Lord for the blind to receive their sight, the deaf to hear and the crippled to be made whole. It is
the will of God for people to be delivered from all manner of sickness and disease. And Jesus
went about all Galilee…healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease
among the people (Matthew 4:23). Knowing the truth about sickness will help you reach out for
your miracle. God gets no glory from sickness; He gets glory from His miracles of healing. The
truth of His love for all is in His Word. Some people do not understand the love of God. For God
to give you cancer, heart trouble or some other disease or affliction would not be love. You
wouldn't discipline your children by giving them a terrible disease; neither does the Lord discipline
by giving diseases.

The blood of Jesus will reveal the truth about the devil. Jesus uncovered the devil when He was
here on earth; He trampled devils underfoot, cast them out of souls they possessed. The devils
screamed, protested, but Jesus told them to be quiet. What a Christ! What a Redeemer!

Know the truth about the Holy Ghost. Many do not understand the Holy Ghost baptism, do not
know the power of the Holy Ghost, and so they have rejected Him. In rejecting the Holy Ghost,
they have shut off the truth. Only the Bible truth has all the answers for time and eternity. The
world is without answers that matter, but the true Children of God have answers because they have
the Word hidden in their hearts. At the age of twelve, Jesus had all the answers. Through divine

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blood He answered the questions of every doctor, every lawyer who talked with Him in the temple
that day.

The truth in the blood gives the mind of Christ. Only through truth can you have the mind of
Christ. If you don't have the mind of Christ, you can find it through the blood.

The truth in the blood gives understanding of sin, of what sin really is. Some people don't
recognize sin when they see it because they have rejected the truth that distinguishes righteousness
from sin.

Why do people have difficulty overcoming their bondages? Why? Because they haven't accepted
the truth, haven't applied it daily. Mixing the false in with the truth squeezes out the truth and
forces people into bondage with the false. The truth liberates; the false creates bondage. If you
have gone away from the truth you are not an overcomer. You are deceiving your own heart, saith
the Lord. The truth is not there or you would be overcoming all sin, all lust.

The truth of Jesus' Resurrection: Do you really believe in the physical Resurrection of the Son of
God? Many do not. If you have a problem believing the physical Resurrection it means the blood is
not operating in your soul. When people have no trouble at all with the Word of God, with the
truth of God, it's because the blood of Jesus flows in their souls night and day. They have salvation,
the Holy Ghost baptism, the Holy Spirit Himself, the Spirit of Truth operating the blood in them.

The truth of His compassion helps us to have love for others, to show love and compassion for lost
souls. You can't use the blood to defeat the devil for you unless you use the truth. When you leave
the truth, you are in trouble.

The truth of His miraculous power to deliver, the truth of His gifts and fruits of the Spirit of Truth
are all in the blood. Many do not understand the fruits of the Spirit and they don't have them: that
means that the truth isn't there. If you have the blood operating freely, you are born again and
filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have the Holy Spirit, you have the fruits of the Spirit. A lack of
the fruits of the Spirit in your life means you need to get your life together with the truth.

Many can't accept the truth of God's miracle supply. In one breath they declare that God will
supply all their needs, and in the next they cry, "Oh God what am I going to do!" If they had the
truth they would know what they were going to do trust God. They would say, "The Lord will
provide. The Lord will provide until the matter is taken care of. God said it."

Will you accept the truth? If the truth is in you, you can accept the promises of God. If the Spirit of
Truth is not abiding in you, it's hard to accept the promises of truth. All of God's promises are

The truth concerning prayer: My God answers prayer. Do you make prayer dull? Are you just
saying words, talking to the walls? The truth about prayer is that you are connected with the Lord.
You can call Heaven anytime, saying, "Father, in the name of Jesus I come." Now Heaven is on the
line; you are talking to the Lord.

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If you could hear the voice of the Lord in the natural, you would be calling up Heaven often. The
truth tells you that the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open
unto their cry (Psalm 34:15). The Lord hears you when you pray. If you find yourself talking to
the walls, know that you need to get the mind of Jesus and pray effectively. The Lord promised to
listen every time you pray if you pray through the truth and through the blood of Jesus. When the
blood flows, truth flows.

The truth concerning the Word: We are saved, healed by the Word. He sent his word, and
healed them (Psalm 107:20). Heaven and earth will pass away, but the word of the Lord
endureth for ever (I Peter 1:25). So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the
word of God (Romans 10:17). Faith cometh by hearing the truth. The truth, I say again, sets you
free and breaks all bondages. If you have the Jesus blood flowing in you, you can find the truth for
your problems, but first you must learn how to use the blood.

Truth, how to rear your children is in the truth. Some people have much difficulty rearing their
children. Children who give over to the devil, worship the devil, use drugs and alcohol do not have
the truth. But in this condition, many have come to our services and been delivered through the
truth; today they are free.

The truth about marriage, you must have the truth of God in your marriage for it to be a marriage
that God ordained. God is the one who ordained marriage, planned it, and He is the one who
knows how marriage ought to be. Only through the truth can you know about marriage. If you
don't have truth in your marriage, it is not what God wants or planned. Because it is not, you have
trouble, you fuss. Two people with the truth can live together and not fuss, two people with the
blood flowing. Does the Bible say that you shall not be married unless you can fuss together? Of
course not.

The truth gives understanding of each other, brings you together to reason things out. If one or
both don't have the truth, they can't reason together. Did you ever try to reason with someone who
wouldn't accept truth? There is no common ground where minds can meet. Many Christian
couples think they have the truth, but if both had the truth and used it, they would reason together,
be together in God's love through the blood of Jesus.

God sent Jesus with divine blood to reconcile us unto Himself, and to reconcile us unto each other
in Him so we could be in one mind, one accord with Him. If you can't live without fussing, the
Lord won't make a place for you in His Heaven. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, a way that
excludes fussing.

The truth for your work, the truth shows you how to do your work and what God wants you to do.
The truth makes plain paths for people who will walk them. God doesn't make anything but truth
paths. The Lord wants you to know you have to accept the truth if you use the blood, if you want to
plead the blood and defeat the devil in every case for your life. You must walk in the truth for that

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There is no righteousness of God without truth. Righteousness without God is self righteousness;
no truth is in self righteousness, no life of God. The devil has only death, death, death, false, false,
false. If you have been born new through the blood of Jesus, you know the way, you have the truth
and the life, eternal life.

The truth about the coming of the Lord: You know the truth of the endtime signs. Jesus said He
would come again and He told you what to look for. We are seeing those signs now. We don't
know the hour He will appear, but we know we live in the season. Jesus said, And when these
things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your
redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28). Lift your head high and keep your eyes on Jesus. He
said, Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching
(Luke 12:37).

The truth of the qualifications to make the Rapture: Many won't accept them. They don't think
they need the Holy Ghost to make the Rapture. The Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to
them that obey him (Acts 5:32). The obedient will seek until they receive the Holy Ghost, but
the disobedient will not receive. Do you think the disobedient will be taken in the Rapture? They
will not. The disobedient will not be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus is
coming after those without spot, wrinkle, blemish or any such thing. Those taken in the Rapture
must be holy, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or
wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish (Ephesians
5:27). Only the Holy Ghost can get all the spots and wrinkles out that means holiness. Those who
won't accept holiness will miss the Rapture.

The truth concerning the destruction of all evil: The world does not believe all evil and every
container of evil will be destroyed. Any human being with any evil at all will be destroyed if that
one dies in sin.

Having the mind of Jesus, you will have no trouble using the blood; Jesus didn't. No guile was
found in His mouth. Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should
follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth (I Peter 2:21,22).
If sin, wrong-doing, grudges are in you, you will not be able to use the blood. Remember, to receive
salvation, you have to ask the Holy Spirit to help you, cleanse you so He can apply the blood to your
soul. Then you can ask God's mercy, God's help in time of need because your life is covered with
the blood.

The Lord looks at us through the blood of Jesus. When we are under the blood, He finds no sin, no
condemnation in us; and God allows us to use the blood just like His Son used it when He was here
on earth. We are to take the place of Jesus, to do the same works, to deliver the people through His
blood, to set the captives free, deliver the devil possessed. Jesus said that believers in my name
shall…cast out devils (Mark 16:17). In His blood name devils are cast out; they have to come

It's wonderful to be able to use His marvelous, miraculous power over demonic spirits and deliver

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the devil possessed! Recognize all the greatness in the power that God's people are to use. The
Bible does not limit the number of people who will cast out devils other than saying believers will
do it all who believe, not just preachers.

The Bride will do much in this last hour; she will have power over demonic spirits. The Bride will
not be tormented in mind, but will rejoice in the joy of Heaven, the favor and peace of Heaven.
Wearing the shoes of Jesus, she will walk in all the grace of her Lord. The Bride is a blessed
overcomer. How wonderful indeed it is to be an overcomer!

To plead or use the blood incorporates all the powers of Jesus. When you use the blood, you can
use all the powers that He brought, all those powers that He manifested when He was here on
earth. The Bible speaks of the powers of the Lord, the powers of the blood. Turn your case over
completely to divinity or the blood won't work.

Use the blood of Jesus, use the voice of the blood. The blood has a mighty voice to liberate, to set
free. Use the blood power to cast out devils. Use blood power and put the devil to flight. Resist
the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Resist the devil with the blood. Through
faith you have power to surround yourself with the blood. Instead of trying to think the devil away,
instead of trying to fuss him away, instead of jumping up and down, screaming, just stand calmly
using the blood against him. The hedge of blood then goes up the way it was around Job. You're
using the blood power, but you first had to accept the truth; you had to be made pure and clean.
None but the pure and holy can use the blood of Jesus. When you are holy, you can use the blood
just like Christ used it when He was here on earth.

Before God, plead not guilty of sin. He gave you the opportunity to have a new mind through
Jesus. You can have the mind of Christ, a mind that would never go into insanity. If you have a
mind that won't work right, trade it through the blood for the mind of Christ. With the blood in
your soul, you can have a new mind. It has been yours all the time.

Learn how to use the blood to keep the mind clear of the cobwebs, spiders and leeches. The
leeches can't stand the blood. When the blood flows over and through the mind the way it flows
through the soul, it will keep demonic spirits, demonic power out of your mind just as it keeps
them out of your soul. But for the blood to flow, you must live in the truth and for the truth. You
can't indulge in anything unlike Jesus. The Bible teaches that you can be just like Jesus.

Jesus said, I must work the works of him that sent me (John 9:4). Jesus worked as His
Father worked. His Father worked through Him. Jesus showed us that as sons and daughters of
God, made that way through the blood, we have the blood of Jesus and the works of God moving
through us.

Plead the blood, use the blood. Use the blood to defend your case. When the devil comes against
you and you are able to plead not guilty, God takes over your case. God takes over the cases of
Children of God for victory, gives victory each time because He knows they are no more guilty of
any sin than His Son Jesus was and look how perfectly God worked through Jesus when Jesus was

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here on earth.

Excuses in the court of the Lord won't be accepted. The Children of God plead the blood; the blood
is their reasoning. Because of the blood you are redeemed, pure and clean like Jesus, a fit citizen to
walk down the avenue of Glory whenever the Lord calls you home. You are justified by the blood
of justification flowing in your soul. No condemnation is there when the blood flows in your soul;
you are free. But if you have condemnation, you can't use the blood.

Being not guilty, you can ask the Holy Spirit to take over your case. The Holy Spirit will then use
the blood. Plead the blood with confidence and perfect faith that God will do all that He has

When the blood is used, God becomes your judge and jury. You are assured of the right verdict.
You are innocent, justified in the eyes of God, sanctified, holy. You have nothing to plead before
God but innocence, holiness, righteousness; this means that mercy and grace are yours.

Compare the plea in a court of law to man's plea before God. To present a plea in a court of law
means to argue the case. In God's court, you can make an honest appeal to the Judge of all the
earth through the mercy in the blood. Every Child of God should appeal in this way. Through the
blood you who have been born again are not guilty of any crime, any sin, of anything wrong. You've
been falsely accused by the devil or people, and you are innocent. Plead the blood; appeal to the
Judge of all the earth through the blood. The devil comes to make you think you are no good,
weak, that he is strong. All you have to do is use the blood, go to bed and go to sleep. Be content
and have full assurance that God will do what He has promised. Defend a case by stating facts
concerning the blood; let the devils know they can't stay because of the blood.

I use the blood. The devils have spoken to me when I was going to cast them out saying, "We don't
have to come out. We're not coming out." I've heard them say, "We've been here too long." The
blood using my voice called, "Thou foul devils, come out! Come out in the name of Jesus!" The
devils had to move at the power of that blood name. They lost their power; they had no strength.
They had to come out. I marvel at the way the devils fear the blood.

Why let your mind be leeched with despair, depression and your own opinions, tormenting you,
upsetting you? You're not using the blood for your mind when you're in that condition. You have
forgotten you have the blood in your soul. If the blood is not in your soul, you can't do much about
your mind; but when the blood is in your soul, you don't have to be tormented. Jesus came
delivering those who were oppressed of the devil. How were they oppressed? In their minds.

Use the blood against oppression, deciding you don't have to have it. Don't pray and pray for
oppression to go; rebuke it through the blood of Jesus. Use the power in the blood to take all the
depression away; use the eternal joy in the blood to replace it. It's just that simple, but you must
believe it, accept it and be rid of that oppression, that depression.

If your mind is clogged with anything that would rob you of joy, then the truth is not working in the
mind the way it should. You haven't taken on the mind of Christ. The mind needs to be renewed.

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How to Plead the Blood - Ernest Angley Ministries

And be renewed in the spirit of your mind (Ephesians 4:23).

In this last hour, everyone will have mind battles. You must know how to handle what comes
against you so you aren't constantly troubled and depressed. The devil brings battles of the mind
against every Child of God in this hour, and you must know how to throw up the hedge of blood for
protection around you and find peace. Jesus has given you His peace through the blood, but you
must use the blood for that peace, joy, serenity and security. Your deliverance is all in the blood,
that divine blood is within you, giving you eternal life. You won't have any more eternal life when
you reach Heaven than you have now; you can't add to it. Through the blood you can have the
same joy those in Heaven are delighting in, the same peace, the same love. You can have the mind
of Christ and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit on how to turn things over to Him. The Holy Spirit
is your teacher, your guide, your helper.

Yield to the faith in the divine blood in your soul. Don't think you don't have enough faith; the
blood has enough faith. Just yield to the blood. Turn yourself over to the Holy Spirit; turn your
mind over to Him. The mind and soul must work together. The soul feeds the mind; the Holy
Spirit brings what is in your soul and delivers it to your mind. However, if your mind is cluttered
with cares, troubles, worries, the Holy Spirit can't feed it.

You can have a cluttered mind and still be a Child of God, but you will not be the worker God wants
you to be, not be a help to His Kingdom. You may reach Heaven, but you will be a sad sight on
your way there. In Heaven you will be happy and free, but you could have been happy and free
here on earth, too.

Be rid of all depression; don't let the devil cheat you. You can be a Child of God and still be cheated
out of peace of mind. I see it again and again. I see miserable Children of God; I know through the
gift of discerning they have Jesus in their hearts, but their minds are confused, cluttered,
depressed. If they would let what is in their souls reach up into their minds, their outlook would
change completely.

Decide that you will let your mind be cleared. Don't entertain thoughts that make you sad. Ask the
Lord to protect you. Take the strength from the Lord to think on the overcoming greatnes of your
God. Take on the Lord's peace every day. Look at the blood, the divine blood in your soul. Know
you will have a happy day because of the blood.

You can be set free, but you must know what truth is. What is the truth about you? If you are a
Child of God, what is in your soul? Do you really have divine blood? In one message I named over
forty things that are in the divine blood of Jesus, and there are more. They all are yours.
Everything to defeat the devil is in the blood. You would be foolish not to use it. You don't have to
carry an uneasy burden. You're wondering whether you will lose your job, make your payments;
why not dwell on the promises God has given you? My God shall supply all your need
according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). How rich is God? Is He
rich enough to supply your needs? Of course He is. Think about the supernatural deliverance your
heavenly Father has for you.

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Look up, praise God and examine your soul to find if the truth is there. If it is, use it on your mind.
The blood of Jesus is in your soul when you are born again; now let it work in your mind. Your
soul and mind should work in harmony. The Holy Spirit is here to help serve what is in your soul.
From the divine blood the help flows, a fountain of life open to you bubbling into life everlasting.
Jesus said, He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow
rivers of living water (John 7:38). From your soul will flow rivers of living waters, divine life.
Look into your soul and see eternal life.

It's wonderful to live in the presence of God and have eternal happiness, eternal joy, peace and love
while you are still here on earth. All that the Lord gives you is eternal. When you are holy before
God, your plea is through the blood. Don't answer the devil; don't fuss with anyone. Jesus didn't
fuss with people. Turn your problems over to the blood of Jesus and let the blood plead your case.

When you plead innocent through the blood of Jesus, you plead all the love in the blood against all
hate. You don't have hate because you are using the blood one hundred percent; there is no room
for hate. If any hate is in your heart, you can't use the blood.

Plead the righteousness in the blood against unrighteousness; plead a sinless life against a sinful
life. Don't let the devil torment you who are born again about whether or not you are going to
Heaven. The Bible calls the devil the accuser of our brethren (Revelation 12:10). He accuses
the Children of God before God night and day, but one day one angel using one chain of the blood
of Jesus will cast him into the bottomless pit.

Plead the blood strength; let the weak say, I am strong (Joel 3:10). Why would you say you are
weak when you have strength in the blood? In the blood of Jesus you will find His strength. Use
that strength. When Paul asked the Lord to take care of a demonic spirit that was creating
problems for him wherever he went, the Lord told him, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my
strength is made perfect in weakness (II Corinthians 12:9).

The Lord could have put that devil to flight; Paul had that kind of power. Paul used the blood
power on a devil-possessed girl who trailed along after him and Silas announcing that they were
servants of the most High God. Paul had enough of it and commanded the fortunetelling devil to
come out of her. But now Paul sought the Lord three different times for the Lord to allow him to
use the blood to get rid of the devil who was following him wherever he went to stir up people
against him. The Lord let Paul know that His grace was enough, it's the blood of grace. At one time
the Lord had shown Paul the sufferings he would have to endure in order to bring others to the
Lord, to reconcile others to the sufferings of Christ; and Paul's thorn in the flesh was part of those

Plead the power of cleansing through the blood on that which is unclean around you. Plead for the
cleansing. If others in your home are unclean, plead the blood over your home. Touch the pillows,
the beds they sleep on, the chairs they sit in. Don't tell them, but use the blood power. Let the Holy
Spirit work. Turn them over to the Lord and don't fuss. Lord, when they come in and sit here,
Holy Spirit, use the blood. Convict them; condemn them; save them. Remember, to plead the

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How to Plead the Blood - Ernest Angley Ministries

blood is to use the blood.

Be knowledgeable of the powers in the blood, the joy, peace, deliverance, healing, strength and all
the other wonderful benefits. Know the work the blood has done on your heart. If you don't know
that, you will not be able to plead the blood; you will just be saying words.

If you are not completely holy, you are not experiencing what the blood has done or will do for
you. Therefore, you are not qualified to use the blood, to plead the blood. You can only use the
blood if you have it. You can only use the joy in the blood, the peace of God if they are in you. You
don't draw the joy and peace of God down from Heaven; the joy and peace of God are in you when
you have the blood in your soul. The Lord gives you that joy, that peace from on High, and the
Holy Ghost produces the fruits of the Spirit in your life when you stand cleansed, sanctified,
justified by the blood.

The name of Jesus is not sufficient without the blood; but with the blood, it has all the powers of
Heaven. Pray in the name of Jesus. Because the disciples were prayed up beforehand, they did
very little praying for diseases to leave when they came in contact with those in need of miracles;
they commanded the sick to be healed and the devils to go out of people, and it was done. The
disciples used the command of the blood; through the blood the miracles were done, and that's
what I use to deliver the people. That's the reason the sick are healed, the devil possessed set free.
Thousands have been delivered through the power in the blood that works in this Jesus ministry. I
use the blood of Jesus that was in operation from the day Jesus was born, divine blood.

Live in the blood, stay under the blood. To stay under the blood you must have the right spirit, you
must keep away from sin, from the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father
is not in him (I John 2:15). But when the blood is in your heart, the love of God is there, too.

The first thing you receive through the blood of Jesus when you are saved is His great love; next,
His great faith. His love and faith give you the ability to love your enemies. Instead of worrying
about your enemies, you put them under the blood; use the blood to cover them, and God's faith to
keep them covered. When you put your enemies under the blood then vengeance is mine; I
will repay, saith the Lord (Romans 12:19). Now your enemies are the Lord's responsibility;
leave them alone.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is the Old Testament Law-work, not the blood-work of the
new covenant. The Lord knows what vengeance to bring on people. I've seen Him bring it again
and again. I turn my enemies over to the Lord, and the Holy Spirit uses the blood. In the blood of
Jesus is vengeance against all the enemies of God. If you are holy in the Lord, your enemies are
God's enemies. When people mistreat you, it's as though they were mistreating Jesus. When they
mistreat Jesus it's as though they were mistreating God the Father. If they mistreat God, they are in
trouble: Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.

Use the blood to cover the wrongs done to you. How many nights of sleep have you lost thinking
about your enemies? How often have the wrongs done to you rolled over and over in your mind,

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fuming and spewing out? How many ways to get even did you think of? Did you plead not guilty
because you were wronged? The Lord would not accept such a plea.

Praying for lost souls should keep you awake at night, not plotting revenge on your enemies. When
you toss to and fro, unable to sleep, find out why. If it's because of your enemies, put them under
the blood and let the Lord take care of them. I will repay, the Lord said. That's promise enough.
What we cover with the blood, the Lord will serve vengeance upon. But if we don't cover the
problem with the blood, He won't. God wants you to shut up, love up, pray up and trust up in the
blood. If you do not, you are tying the hands of the Lord. Why not tie the hands of the devil
instead? God is a good God; you need His hands untied all the time so you can receive His help.

Plead the blood when you request help from the Lord, and you can expect help. Don't doubt the
blood. Fighting, struggling to believe means you don't have knowledge of the blood the way you
should. Although you have the truth in your heart, you won't let it operate in your mind. You let
the devil bring all kinds of false things to you, accusations even against your God, that God isn't as
good to you as He is to others, that God doesn't really care. You won't turn your battles of the mind
over to the Lord so He can take care of them. All you need to do is use the blood and say, "Devil, I
turn you over to the blood of Jesus," and that would take care of it, saith the Lord. But you don't
know how to use the blood; you don't know the great weapon you have.

When you turn a matter over to the blood, you are not guilty in the eyes of God unless you really
are not innocent. Two people fighting are both guilty. There is no need to plead the blood between
blows you are handing out. Make sure you have the blood in your soul, and then you can plead the
blood against any devilish spirit coming against you but don't speak it aloud if the other person can
hear. Use the blood. That which you absolutely put under the blood God will take care of. He has
promised. If you are not guilty, if no condemnation, no sin is in your heart, you don't have to
worry; all Heaven will fight for you. You can have His blood working for you and in you. I say
again, the blood doesn't work for some people because they will not let it.

The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (I John 1:7). Every word in the
English language ending with "eth" means to continue. The blood working in your soul continues
to keep all the hate out, all the wrong. These things can't get in when you are sealed with the blood
and don't want them in.

Plead the blood, plead the blood, use the blood, use the blood. Use the blood on spirits coming
against your mind. Don't entertain them any more. Think on the six things the Bible tells us to
think on in Philippians 4:8, Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,
think on these things. The Lord lets us know exactly how to think. Jesus kept His mind on
these six things when He was here. Use them.

Is the truth in you? Do you have the truth? Are you abiding in the truth? Jesus said, If ye abide
in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto

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you (John 15:7). Ask what you will, and the Lord hears. If His Word abides within you, and you in
Him, you can ask for deliverance: it's yours. Ask for protection: it's yours. Ask for God's love to
flow within: it's yours to flow. His love flows from His blood within you. You have God's joy in
your soul, but you have to use it.

These are some of the things God has given me to help you understand the blood; they all come
from the Word of God. I take everything to the Word of God; if anything doesn't stand the Word
test, I don't use it. What the Lord explains to me He verifies with the Word of God; it's in the Bible.
That's the reason this ministry never gets into fanaticism or into modernism, but goes right down
the middle of God's highway of holiness. Everything is tested; every vision is tested with the Word
and has been down through the years. I know in whom I have believed. When God makes me a
promise, I wait for the promise to be fulfilled. I take it to the Word. If it stands the Word test, God
said it, God will do it.

Here on earth the Lord has provided a highway of holiness. Look to the Lord's love, the Lord's
power. Your help is in the blood. You have the blood if you are born again; now use it. Through
the blood you have victory; there's power in the blood, all the power you need to keep you free, to
give you peace, joy, happiness, health, strength.

If you don't have that blood in your soul, let me pray the sinners' prayer with you now: Oh God,
save my soul! I'm so sorry I sinned against you, but I've come home. I'm going to serve you, Lord,
the rest of my life. I believe that the blood of Jesus washes away all of my sins right now! Come
on into my heart, Jesus! Come on in.

If you meant that prayer, He has come. Rejoice, you who have found the Lord today, and rejoice all
who know Him!

One drop of the blood of Jesus has all the life of Heaven in it, all the joy, peace that you could ever
use for all eternity. It's through divine blood in Heaven that you will have life, that you will never
be sick. Why not use that divine blood and get well now? Healing is in the divine blood.

You who are sick and afflicted, the Bible says, With his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). I'm
not a healer, I'm a believer in God's truth. Healing is in His truth. If you have cancer, heart
trouble, if you are crippled, God heals every manner of sickness, disease and affliction. Our God is
able, but the devil is a cheat, a liar, a thief. Don't let the devil steal from you. You have the blood
power, the blood of Jesus to trample the devil under when you are saved. In that blood power is
deliverance over sickness and disease. Jesus spoke, and sickness was destroyed; it was blood
power coming forth in His voice. He spoke and the devils had to obey, had to come out no matter
how many had bound the person. Jesus was forever setting the captives free. Jesus came to
destroy sickness and disease. The works Jesus did then, He is still doing today. All things are
possible to those who believe.

I believe God with you for healing. Lord, here they are, the sick, the afflicted, the blind, the
crippled, the little deformed babies who will never be normal without your touch. You have given

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that touch again and again. In the name of Jesus, in the holy name of Jesus, from your gift of
miracles, from your gifts of healing it comes through the power of the good Holy Ghost: Heal!
Heal! in the name of Jesus, in the all powerful blood name of our Lord.

The healing power is flowing. That power will linger in your body or in the body of one you have
prayed for and bring complete deliverance if you believe the truth. Notice all changes daily and
write and tell me about them.

God wants you to have a sober mind, a sound mind, a mind untroubled. Troubles come, but with
the Lord you can handle them through the knowledge of truth. Learn through truth what the Lord
wills for His people. In doing so, it's wonderful how simple it is to be delivered. It's simple to be
set free, to be healed when people look at the problem the way the Lord looks at it. Know that
through His blood you have not only healing for your soul but for the mind and body. Start using
the blood, and take on this mighty anointing that is in the blood of Jesus.

Plead the blood! Plead the blood! Use the blood! Use the precious blood of Jesus and be

HOW TO PLEAD THE BLOOD, All rights reserved. Copyright © 1995 Ernest Angley.

All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use
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© 1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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