3rd Week GEO-4-MATH-12-may-2020 PDF

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Review Innovations CE Refresher for May 2020

8. Evaluate the stress in the soil caused by the load at depth

REFRESHER SET GEO-4 equal to twice its width.
A. 7.25 C. 3.19
B. 6.47 D. 5.31
Situation: The field moisture content of a soil is 20% and it’s 9. Evaluate the stress at a depth of 2 m and a horizontal
moisture unit weight is 100 pcf. This soil is to be excavated distance of 3 m from the line of the load.
and transported to a construction site and then compacted to A. 0.181 C. 0.668
a minimum dry weight of 95 pcf. B. 0.531 D. 0.302

1. The dry unit weight in field lb/ft3. Situation: A dry sand is placed in a container having a
A. 75 C. 83 volume of 0.4 ft3. The dry weight of the sample is 30 Ib. Water
B. 95 D. 89 is carefully added to the container so as not to disturb the
2. How many cubic yards of excavated soil are needed to condition of the sand. When the container is filled, the
produce 5,000 yd3 of compacted fill? combined weight of soil plus water is 40 Ib. From these data,
A. 6300 C. 5700
B. 7900 D. 4800 10. Compute the void ratio of soil in the container.
3. How many truckloads are needed to transport the A. 0.53 C. 0.86
excavated soil if each truck can carry 20 tons? B. 0.40 D. 0.67
A. 385 C. 292 11. The specific gravity of the solid particles.
B. 321 D. 350 A. 2.83 C. 2.01
B. 1.68 D. 2.54
Situation: K1=3.5×10−2 cm/s, K2=10.5×10−2 cm/s, 12. The submerged unit weight in lb/ft3.
K3=7.0×10−2 cm/s, K4=5.25×10−2 cm/s A. 45 C. 38
Note: All dimensions are in B. 53 D. 30
13. What is the largest grain that passes a no. 200 sieve in
A. 0.020 C. 0.074
B. 0.064 D. 0.0054

Situation: According to Section 304 of the National

Structural Code of the Philippines, the presumptive load
bearing capacity of gravelly, in the absence of exhaustive
geotechnical site assessment and investigation, is 100 kPa for
a minimum footing width of 300mm and a minimum depth
of embedment of 300mm. This value can be increase by 20%
for each additional 300mm of width of footing and/or depth
of founding to a maximum of three (3) times the designated
14. Evaluate the allowable bearing capacity, in kPa, of the soil
for a square footing 1.2m wide founded at a depth of 300mm
below ground surface.
A. 175 C. 160
4. Calculate the equivalent coefficient of permeability. B. 200 D. 150
A. 4.43x10-2 cm/s C. 5.48x10-2 cm/s 15. Evaluate the allowable bearing capacity of the soil for a
B. 6.11 x10 cm/s
-2 D. 3.44x10-2 cm/s footing 1.2m wide when founded at a depth of 900mm below
5. Calculate the rate of seepage. ground surface.
A. 0.088 cm3/s C. 0.122 cm3/s A. 182 C. 325
B. 0.110 cm /s
3 D. 0.069 cm3/s B. 200 D. 224
6. Calculate the height of water above C if piezometer was 16. Determine the safe downward load, in kN, that the
placed at that point. footing of the preceding question can support.
A. 15.8 cm C. 16.2 cm A. 302 C. 252
B. 16.0 cm D. 16.4 cm B. 288 D. 323

Situation: According to the elastic theory, the vertical stress 17. Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the
induced by flexible line load of infinite length that has an Philippines provides that the slope of cut surfaces of the
intensity of q units/length on the surface of a semi-infinite
ground shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use
soil mass can be estimated by the expression p = 0.637 q/N
and shall be no steeper that:
where: N = z[1+(r/z)2]2
A. 1 to 3 C. 1 to 1
r = horizontal distance from the line of the load
z = depth of interest at which stress is induced B. 1 to 2 D. 1 to 1.5
A concrete hollow block wall weighing 6 kN per linear meter
is carried by a wall footing 0.60 m wide. 18. The fraction of soils passing which sieve number is used
for Atterberg Limits tests of soils:
7. Evaluate the bearing pressure, in kPa, exerted by the A. 60 C. 50
footing onto the supporting soil. B. 30 D. 40
A. 14 C. 10
B. 12 D. 16
Review Innovations CE Refresher for May 2020


11. Nov 2015 CE Board | A manufacturer estimates
that 0.25% of his output of a component are
1. The half-life of a radioactive material is the time in defective. The components are marked in packets of
which half of it will disintegrate. If its amount after 200. Using Poisson’s distribution, determine the
t years is 5 (2−90 ), what is its half-life? probability of a packet containing only 2 defective
A. 45 hours C. 75 hours components.
B. 60 hours D. 90 hours A. 0.0638 C. 0.0773
B. 0.0673 D. 0.0758
2. Which of the following is the logarithm of -6? 12. In a travel agency, the number of calls coming per
A. 1.3644 – 0.7782i minute is a Poisson random variable with a mean of
B. 0.7782 – 1.3644i 4. What is the probability that only one call will
C. 0.7782 + 1.3644i come in a given minutes period?
D. 1.3644 + 0.7782i A. 0.0638 C. 0.0733
3. Find the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of B. 0.0673 D. 0.0721
(3𝑥 + 1)4 13. The average number of flaws in a 100 m optic cable
A. 256 C. 255 is 2.2. If the number of flaws follows a Poisson
B. 254 D. 257 distribution, find the probability of at least three
flaws in a 100 m cable?
4. Find the sum of the exponents in the expansion of A. 0.2337 C. 0.3773
(2𝑥 3 − 𝑦 5 )7 B. 0.2130 D. 0.3310
A. 210 C. 56 14. The number of registrations in a website follows a
B. 224 D. 180 Poisson distribution. If the average registration
5. Three times the first of three consecutive odd every thirty minutes is 8. What is the probability
integers is three more than twice the third. Find the that there are exactly 5 registrations in fifteen
third integer. minutes?
A. 9 C. 13 A. 0.1423 C. 0.1563
B. 11 D. 15 B. 0.1223 D. 0.1763
6. The relative angle of twist between the ends of a 15. 1 crash will happen in the program for every 500
solid circular rod varies directly as the product of programs, on an average. If a company has 2000 of
the applied torque and the length, and inversely as the program running, what is the probability that 6
the fourth power of the diameter. If the angle of programs crashed?
twist of a circular rod is 2.23 radians, find the angle A. 0.1240 C. 0.1133
of twist on another rod of the same material when B. 0.1042 D. 0.1177
the length, diameter, and the applied torque were
halved. 16. Nov 2015 CE Board | From the given distribution
A. 4.46 C. 8.92 shown: Find the expectation
B. 0.0348 D. 0.56
7. When John was as old as Paul is now, the sum of x 2 3 11
their ages was 51. When Paul will be as old John is f(x) 1/3 1/2 1/6
now, the sum of their ages will be 103. John is older
than Paul by how many years? A. 2 C. 4
A. 25 C. 13* B. 16 D. 26
B. 19 D. 32
17. May 2015 | Given the following set of data:
8. A lizard traveled starting from a corner of a {34.5, 12.7, 28.5, 25.6, 52.6, 45.4, 18.5, 27.5, 12.5}. Find
rectangular room to the opposite corner. The room the first quartile value.
has a dimension of 4 x 3 x 2. Determine the shortest
distance it can cover. A. 12.7 C. 18.5
A. 5.39 m C. 6.4 m B. 15.6 D. 25.6
B. 7.28 m D. 6.71 m
9. Three circles are tangent externally. The distance
between their centers are 58 m, 63 m, and 81 m.
Find the radius of the largest circle.
A. 51 m C. 43 m
B. 20 m D. 38 m
10. Candle A and Candle B of equal length are lighted
at the same time and burning until candle A is
twice as long as candle B. Candle A is designed to
fully burn in 8 hours while candle B for 4 hours.
How long will they be lighted?
A. 3 hours and 30 mins
B. 2 hours and 40 minutes
C. 3 hours
D. 2 hours

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