TH-U User Manual

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are that TH-U is a virtual guitar rig plugin that allows the user to build custom signal chains by inserting various effect components like pedals, amps and cabinets. It comes in various plugin formats and can be used both inside a DAW and as a standalone application.

The main features of TH-U are that it provides an interactive virtual guitar rig where the user can add effect modules. It also contains amp modeling, cabinet modeling, allows the use of rig presets, and can load rig model library files from Overloud. It is available across various plugin formats for both Mac and Windows.

To insert components into the TH-U sound chain, one can look at the component panel, select the desired component from the dropdown list, and drag and drop it into the desired position in the signal chain. Components can also be moved, removed, and copied/pasted.


v. 1.1.1

Thank you! ________________________________________________1
Cool Features ______________________________________________1
Disclaimer ________________________________________________1

ABOUT TH-U ___________________________2

The User Interface __________________________________________2
Tools ____________________________________________________2
Tuner 2
Looper 2

GETTING STARTED _______________________ 3

Create your User Account _____________________________________3
Authorize TH-U _____________________________________________ 3
Autorizing TH-U 3
De-Authorize TH-U __________________________________________4
Authorization Limits _________________________________________4
Authorize Slate edition of TH-U _________________________________5
Upgrade TH-U Slate to TH-U Full 5
Run TH-U _________________________________________________6
Presets 6
The Sound Chain View 6
About TH-U Components 7
Components 8
TH-U Top Panel _____________________________________________ 9
Input Level Adjustment 9
Master 9
Live Mode 10
Tuner 10
BPM 11
Input and Output Level Meters 11
Looper 12
TH-U Top Bar _____________________________________________13
AUTO (Automation) 16

How to work with TH-U ______________________________________18
Insert a component 18
Move a component 18
Remove a component 18
Copy/Paste a component 18
Create a new setup from scratch _______________________________20
Inserting a Stomp Box 20
Inserting an Amplifier 22
Tweaking an Amp head 23
Inserting a Rig Player 24
Inserting a Cabinet 28
Inserting a Rack Effect 33
Parallel Sound Chain ________________________________________34
Splitter 34
Mixer 34
TH-U Component List _______________________________________36
Technical Support __________________________________________36

• Can be loaded as a plug-in effect in a

INTRODUCTION DAW application like Logic Pro,
Garage Band, Sonar, Live, Cubase,
Pro Tools and the like;
Thank you! • Supports MIDI communication with
We’d first like to thank you for foot controllers or other MIDI devices
purchasing. Our goal when developing to load presets and to adjust effect
TH-U was to create a flagship parameters;
application even more powerful than • Includes a built-in licensing manager
the previous version: TH3. letting you to authorize and de-
TH-U incorporates modules with the authorize TH-U on your computer(s)
best emulations of real guitar rig autonomously;
elements achieved with top quality • Includes a huge collection of factory
software DSP. presets letting you to start
immediately after the installation
with great sounding setups covering
Cool Features a large range of musical genres;

TH-U has the following main features: • Works with the lightest DSP engine
on the market to obtain the best
• Comes in the following formats: tones with minimal CPU load and
VST2, VST3, AudioUnit, AAX and shortest latency;
standalone for macOS, and VST2,
VST3, AAX and standalone for • Supports retina display graphics
natively with gorgeous high
resolution interactive modules.
• Provides an interactive virtual guitar
rig where you can add modules like
pedals, amplifiers, cabinets and rack
effect units and trim their controls;
• Adds control to amp head sound Overloud is an independent software
permitting access to amp tweaks; development company. Any use of third
party trademarks, logos, mentioned
• Also lets you use a special brand names, products and services is
component, the rig-model player,
only referential and Overloud hereby
which allows to play rig model files
disclaims any Sponsorship, Affiliation
that Overloud will provide collected
or Endorsement of or by any such third
in libraries;



With TH-U you can replicate your own
real guitar rig by adding effects and
modules and trimming their TH-U includes a useful Tuner with
parameters like you do in reality. Or optional Auto Mute function (not to play
either you can reproduce a certain through the outputs for example while
sound by using the reproductions of you are tuning your guitar in a live
specific Amps, Cabinets and Effects. performance).

Moreover you can play a rig model with

the dedicated Rig Player component. Looper
Also, TH-U includes a complete multi
track Loop Station with which you can
The User Interface record and overdub your loops.

The user interface of TH-U is organized

into three main sections: Presets,
Sound Chain and Components.
The Presets section lists all the allowable
presets. Presets are grouped in Banks.
The number of banks is unlimited,
while each bank contains 128 presets.
The Sound Chain is a view over the current
guitar rig which actually looks like a
chain of modules so that it’s easy to
follow how the sound is processed
between the TH-U input and output.
The Components section lists all TH-U
components. Adding components to
TH-U is easy: just drag and drop them
from the list to the insertion point over
the sound chain.



After the purchase of TH-U you will
Let’s spend a few minutes to get receive an email with the serial number
acquainted with TH-U. In order to make which represents your license of TH-U.
you feel confident in using TH-U, this The serial number has the following
chapter will guide you through the format:
fundamental aspects of the application
in as few steps as possible. TUBN-KH5K-00F5-RMWP

We know you’d rather play than read.

To authorize your license, just run TH-U
then you will see a dialog box warning
Create your User Account you that the application is not currently
authorized. You can choose one of three
The first thing to do, if you haven’t done options:
it yet, is to create your own Overloud
• run a short test demo of 10 minutes;
User Account.
• start an evaluation period of two weeks;
Browse the Internet to the Overloud • authorize your license.
web page Create
your account by providing your personal
Both demo options let you test TH-U
information, paying attention not to
full working, for a limited time, so that
mistype your email address which will
you can make an idea of the product
be the way to communicate between us
before possibly deciding to purchase it.
and the identifier that our servers will
use to deposit your licenses. You can authorize your license of TH-U
by providing a couple of information and
choosing where to store your
Authorize TH-U authorization.
Click the Authorize button on the TH-U
Authorization can follow two different Authorization dialog box and you will be
paths depending on the specific version prompted to type in your account (the
of TH-U which is to be authorized. email address of your User Account)
• TH-U; and the serial number.
• TH-U Slate.
Next, choose where to store the
Let’s look at both these procedures authorization information:
• this computer;
• USB removable device.


Choosing this computer, you will enable Authorization Limits

your computer to run TH-U. This is You can authorize TH-U on up to 3
usually the easiest and fastest option to (three) separate computers plus 1
authorize TH-U and forget about (one) USB stick.
You can de-authorize the same license
Our licensing management lets you of TH-U no more than 10 (ten) times in
remove your authorization by your own, the last 365 days.
for example if you are going to sell your
Choosing USB removable device you will
store the authorization on a USB device
and you’ll be able to move it by bringing
the USB key with you.
This is particularly suitable when you
are changing computer often, or either
if you use to reformat your system from
time to time.

De-Authorize TH-U
You can de-authorize TH-U in two ways:
from inside TH-U itself or from your
User Account online page.
To de-authorize from TH-U, click
SETTINGS and Manage your Authorizations…
You will see the list of all your active
authorizations, each with a Remove
button next to it. Just click that button
for the authorization to remove.
TH-U keeps a connection with our
online servers to update the amount of
authorizations in use.


Authorize Slate edition of TH-U

Slate edition of TH-U, like other Slate
Digital products, is compliant with the
iLok licensing scheme. So there is no
actual matter to authorize TH-U Slate if
the TH-U Slate license has been stored
on the iLok location following Slate
Digital’s instructions.

Upgrade TH-U Slate to TH-U Full

Slate edition includes a selection of TH-
U top quality components with which
you can fit almost all of your needs.
Upgrading TH-U Slate to the Full
version is pretty easy.
To upgrade the Slate edition to the Full
version you just need to get the license
for the components that are not active
in the Slate edition.
Once you got the upgrade license, just
follow these steps:
1. If you don’t already have one, create an
Overloud account, online at;
2. Run TH-U Slate;
3. Access the Authorization panel from
TH-U Slate Settings;
4. Register the upgrade serial number
(you will be prompted for the
Overloud account info in the
authorization panel only if you just
created one brand new at point 1).


The sound chain beginning (the input of

the TH-U sound processing) is on the
left end. Then the sound direction goes
towards right until the right end of the
chain where is the output.
Two types of sound chain are
available: linear and
Run TH-U parallel.

The linear one is a straight
Once the authorization is completed, sequence of modules between the input
TH-U will be ready to use. and output of THU.

On the left side of the interface you can
see the Preset column. In the upper
side of the column you see the BANKS The parallel one is a little more complex:
list. Each bank contains 128 presets. in a certain point with a Splitter it splits
Click a bank of the list to select it. the sound into two parts, upper and
Right below you see the PRESETS list. lower, where you can place your
Note: not all the 128 presets of the modules, and then it mixes the two
selected bank have to contain a preset. parts together again with a Mixer.
The empty ones are marked with:
To load a preset, select it and click LOAD,
or just double click it.
This configuration of the Sound Chain
The Sound Chain View lets you to process the same sound in
two different ways and to mix the two
The central area of the user interface is processed sounds together.
the Sound Chain View, which shows the
current setup of TH-U. You can switch the type of sound chain
by clicking the oval button on the
The view is zoomable. You can choose a bottom left corner of the Sound Chain
suitable zoom factor with the zoom View. The actual behaviour of the
buttons. button changes depending on the


current configuration of the sound

chain. For example, you might be asked
for a confirmation before possibly
removing some components when you
switch from parallel to linear chain.

About TH-U Components

Right after using TH-U for a minute,
you will be tempted to touch switches,
turn knobs and so on. Well, just do it!
The Sound Chain View is totally
interactive and lets you improve the
processed sound at any
Knobs have some features:
• drag up/down to adjust;
• shift-drag to fine set;
• cmd-click to reset to default.

Knobs have their value shown while you

move them.


On the right side of the user interface
there is the Components column.
The column contains a list of all
modules available: amps, cabs, stomp
pedals and rack effects.
You can add one of them to the current
sound chain at any time: just drag the
item from the list and drop it to the
insertion point over the sound chain.
On the top of the list you can see a drop
down list with the selected category of
When All categories is selected,
components are visibile all together.
Otherwise you can select a category.
This will make it easy to focus on a
certain kind of effect and see all the
possible allowable alternatives.
Non licensed components appear
shaded, and if you drag one of them to
the sound chain TH-U will prompt you
about using an unlicensed component
allowing to either evaluate it (Demo) or
to authorize (you’ll get an authorization
code by purchasing it from our


Adjust the input level of your audio

TH-U Top Panel interface to keep the level shown in the
three colored bar in the green region.
On the top side of the user interface
there is a header band containing some
useful tools. Starting from the left side, Master
the first one is the Input Level Adjustment. When you click
Input Level Adjustment button, the Master
Controls panel
appears. Master
controls apply globally, independently
from the TH-U preset settings. This
Click the LEVEL button to open the Input allows you to adjust the overall sound
Level Adjustment dialog window. of TH-U.

The In Source area is where you select the

input channels for TH-U. You can take a
stereo couple as input, or only one of
the stereo channels: LEFT or RIGHT.
Sensitivity: changes input sensitivity as
much as it would be on a real amp. LOW
is best suited for single coils, HIGH for
This dialog window supports you to usually works better with humbuckers.
correctly set the volume knob on your
Noise Gate: Noise Gate threshold level.
guitar and the input level of your audio
Works as a combined Expander/Gate
for maximum efficiency. Adjust to
First, set the volume on the guitar to reduce possible noise when present, for
the maximum. example if the pickups are particularly
Then play your guitar very hard to noisy, of if you are working at higher
simulate the highest level you will ever gain levels.
reach while playing normally and while Low & High: master EQ. Adjust the overall
you do that… low and high frequencies of TH-U. This


EQ is global and independent from the U, because you’ll risk to lose your
preset settings. modifications).
Reverb & Delay: Adjusts the overall amount Also, when Live Mode is on, if you
of these effects. Adjust them to change preset, some parameter values
increase or decrease the effects will be preserved across the preset
globally, independently from the preset change (the list of the preserved
settings. parameter is the one of the GLOBAL MIDI
BINDINGS grid in the MIDI settings).
Live Mode So, if you move from one preset to
another – where both of them have the
The LIVE button sets the Live Mode of
Volume pedal –
and you set the
The preset management keeps track of pedal position via
the modifications done to a preset (you MIDI (with a foot
see that a preset has been changed controller)
with the orange circle next to the preset halfway, then at the loading of the new
name on the top of the preset column). preset, the Volume pedal position will
And when you load a new preset with be kept the same across the preset
some changes pending, a prompt will change.
appear asking you to confirm that you
really want to continue discarding those
unsaved changes. Tuner
In the central region of the Top Panel of
TH-U there is the TUNER.

In a live performance this could be You can activate the Tuner anytime. It
annoying, because you’d need to move will process the clean sound coming
the controls (via MIDI for example), and from the TH-U input.
still be free to load a new preset This is a Chromatic Tuner, able to
without being stuck on that prompt. automatically recognize the tuned note
When the Live Mode is on, this prompt which is closer to the one you play. The
is skipped (pay attention not to keep the Tuner shows you how much the note is
Live Mode on, for normal usage of TH- detuned respect to the tuned one.


When you see some bars (or a dot, currently displayed value or
depending on a preference setting) on rhythmically clicking (tapping) on the
the right side of the central area, then TAP circle.
you have to loosen the string on the
When PRESET is selected, TH-U
guitar. If you see the bars on the left
generates and internal beat. The BPM
side, then you have to pull the string.
value gets saved with the current
Adjust your string until you only see the preset.
note name on a green rectangle.
Activate the MUTE to temporarily mute Input and Output Level Meters
the TH-U output while you tune your
The IN meter displays the Input level, of
the input channels of TH-U.
Set the option Auto mute when the tuner is on
to on, in the TH-U preferences, to
should try
connect the MUTE on/off setting to the
to keep
Tuner power.
the input
level as high as possible without
BPM reaching the saturation. You can get
TH-U supports time based parameters assisted to set the correct IN level by
that can be optionally synchronized to clicking the LEVEL button as described
the BPM of the song. above.

TH-U can take the BPM from three The OUT meter shows the level of the
different sources: output channels of TH-U. The output
level too, like the input, should not
reach the saturation.

When HOST is selected, TH-U detects the

BPM from the DAW application (Logic
You can adjust the level of TH-U on the
Pro, ProTools, Sonar, Live, Cubase, …).
single effects by moving the LEVEL knob,
It keeps a connection to the BPM even
where present.
when it varies across the song.
Or either you can adjust the overall
When INTERNAL is selected, TH-U
output level by turning the Output level
generates an internal beat, as if it
knob close to the OUT meter.
would receive it from a DAW. The BPM
can be set by double clicking the



and UNDO buttons on top of which there
TH-U includes a multitrack Loop is the track real-time status indicator.
Station with which you can record and
overdub two tracks. Usage
The interface of the Looper has two Starting with the looper in its initial
regions: the transport section and the status (see picture), you can set the
tracks section. COUNT IN, METRONOME and QUANTIZE options
according to
Transport your needs.
PLAY & STOP Then click one
button controls of the tracks
the looper REC button to
player. start the
COUNT IN selects recording.
the intro After the count-
quarter beats in beats, if any,
to be played the recording
before starting starts and
the first you’ll see the
recording. loop length values (in beats and
METRONOME option plays quarter beats seconds) growing on the top of the
basing on the current TH-U BPM shown transport area. This is how you
on the Top Panel. establish the loop length which will be
set when you’ll stop the recording (the
QUANTIZE option lets you stop the first
loop length will be taken instantly and
recording in correspondence of a the
possibly adjusted to beat boundaries if
closest BPM quarter beat, even if you
QUANTIZE is ON). Next, you can play the
stop it slightly before or after.
loop and possibly overdub the same
CLEAR ALL empties the current track track or record on the other track.
recordings and sets the looper to its
UNDO lets you discard the last recording
initial status.
if it does not satisfies you.
SAVE MIX lets to save the looper audio
DELETE lets you delete the current track
content (mix) in a file.
audio content.
SAVE lets you save the single track audio
Next, there are two columns with track content in a file.

control, with the level fader on the left


Show tooltips: if on, a short description

TH-U Top Bar appears when the mouse cursor stands
over an element of the user interface.
On the top of the graphic interface of
TH-U, there is a bar with some Prompts for insertion of matching cabinet with amp:
command buttons for some accessory when on, each time you add the first
functions. amp to the sound chain, TH-U will ask
if you also want to insert the matching
Show controls for quick replace of models: if
Here is where you set your preferences
enabled, when the cursor hovers a
about some options of TH-U.
component, two arrows will appear,
allowing you to quickly
replace the component with
another model of the same

Audio Settings
This is where you adjust the audio
settings of TH-U. This section only
appears when you run TH-U as a
standalone application.

Tuner display mode: DOT or BAR. Selects
how the tuner shows the detected pitch
on its scale.
Output: select the output audio interface.
Pitch: adjusts the reference pitch of the
Tuner. It is the pitch of the A4 note. Input: select the input audio interface.

Auto mute when tuner is on: sets if the MUTE Active output channels: select the output
function should automatically follow channels.
the power of the Tuner.


Active input channels: select the input Authorization

channels. The authorization of your license of TH-
Sample rate: select the sample rate of the U is mandatory in order to let it run.
audio interface. Many audio interfaces The authorization procedure is
can work ad different sample rates. The described in the first part of this
default rate is 44100 Hz. document, see Authorize TH-U.
Audio buffer size: Audio buffer size is very
much dependent on your computer
overall performance and on the kind of
audio device connected. Usually 256
samples is a good starting point; you
might want to lower this to 128 samples
or even to 64 samples if your audio
hardware supports them. Pay attention
that a too much low setting can affect


If you select Active Inputs 1 and 2 of a stereo audio
interface (some devices don’t allow to select a single
channel from a stereo couple for mono sources like a
guitar), you can still set TH-U in order to only consider
the left or right channel of the stereo input. Access the
Master panel clicking on MASTER and look at left side
of the panel: In Source.

TH-U or the whole computer

performance bringing to clicking and
crackling, better known as buffer
Active MIDI inputs: select the physical or
virtual MIDI inputs you mean to use to
remotely control TH-U.
TH-U, by design, listens to MIDI input
flow on all channels of the selected
ports, simplifying your work.


Bypass Wah at min position: when on, turns

off the Wah automatically when the
TH-U has a straightforward MIDI Wah expression pedal reaches the
implementation allowing to easily minimum position (all the way up).
connect almost
MIDI input channel (TH-
any kind of remote
U standalone): let’s
MIDI controller, be
it a keyboard, a you select the
table-top input MIDI
controller or a channel. Default
foot-controller. setting is All.

All MIDI activity is MIDI BINDINGS

managed in the FOR CURRENT
MIDI preferences PRESET
panel, accessed by This is a dynamic
clicking MIDI on the list of MIDI
TH-U top bar. bindings. You can
Program Changes recall bind a parameter
presets in current bank: of a TH-U
sets the way that component by just
Program Change right clicking it on
events are to the Sound Chain
interpreted. If the View, and then
option is enabled selecting LEARN MIDI
(Program Change) The bindings are
event is taken as local to a preset,
an immediate so you will be
recall of the allowed to have
corresponding different binding
preset of the configurations for
current bank. Othe separate presets.
rwise, if the option GLOBAL MIDI
is disabled and BINDINGS
you’ll still need a way to change presets
Global MIDI bindings are those that will
then you’ll bind MIDI events to the
be preserved across preset changes.
Previous/Next preset loading
Each item of the GLOBAL MIDI BINDINGS list
operations as described below.


represents a connection between a The preset related command will add a

MIDI Trigger Point (for example: a new item top the list MIDI BINDINGS FOR
stomp switch on a foot controller), and CURRENT PRESET.
a parameter of TH-U.
You can set a new binding by clicking
LEARN on the row of the wanted ACTION
AUTO (Automation)
and then touch the MIDI trigger on the
external MIDI device. TH-U exposes a set of automated
parameters that are automatically
An existing binding can be removed by
associated to controls in the current
clicking CLEAR on the wanted ACTION row.
sound chain, in a way that resembles
You also can set a new binding by right what also happens for MIDI global
clicking a control on the sound chain bindings.
(for example, a power switch).
For example, the automation named
You will see a popup menu with two Amp Gain will automatically be bound to
commands related to MIDI bindings: the Gain control of the first amplifier that
Learn Global MIDI and Learn MIDI for current appears in your current setup (if
preset. present). When the DAW changes the
value of that automated parameter, the
adjustment will be reflected by the Gain
control on that first amplifier, and vice
All the main parameters of every
category of effects are covered this way,
and all their associations are
The global option will set a new global automatically and instantly updated
MIDI binding in the GLOBAL MIDI BINDINGS when the sound chain changes, for
list. This command won’t be enabled example when a new preset is loaded.
when you choose e control which is not In addition, TH-U also includes 15
included in the GLOBAL MIDI BINDINGS list. automation slots that can be explicitly
and manually bound to any control in
GLOBAL VS PRESET MIDI BINDINGS your chain, similarly to what happens
If you create a global binding and a preset binding for MIDI preset bindings.
together pointing the same control, the preset one will To assign a control to one such slot,
prevail the global. You can take the global bindings as
simply right-click on the desired
a standard behaviour and possible preset bindings as
exceptions management. control (for example a knob): a menu
will appear, where you will be allowed


to choose which automation slot to bind

with that control you clicked.
These slots are listed as Slot ## among
the other automated parameters
(## being a number between 1 and 15)
and their associations are saved per
preset. You can review them for the
current preset by clicking the AUTO
button at the top of the TH-U window.

The MANUAL button shows this User

Shows a panel with some information
about TH-U. There, you can find the TH-
U version number (please provide it to
the technical support if need to contact
us for assistance).

TH-U keeps track of your changes while
you are working. You can walk your
changes history backwards with the
UNDO command and forward with the
REDO command.
The UNDO/REDO history is reset each time
you load a preset.


How to work with TH-U Move a component

To move a component across the sound
Now that the user interface around the chain, click it on an empty area (a
Sound Chain View has been described, region with no knobs, switches or other
let’s get into the topic to see how you controls) and drag it to a new position.
work with TH-U.
TH-U virtualizes a real guitar rig with
Remove a component
all components:
There are two ways to remove a
• Stomp boxes component.
• Expression pedals
You can drag it over the
• Amplifiers
trash can icon which
• Cabinets & Microphones appears on the bottom
• Rack effects right corner of the Sound
Chain View
Any combination of these component is when you drag
allowed, even those that you won’t be the component.
able to obtain in reality. This makes TH- Or either you
U a creative tool other than a very can right click
accurate guitar rig modeling the component
application. on an empty
In the initial condition, TH-U starts with area and select
an empty setup. No effects at all. the command
We already have seen how to select a
bank and load a preset. So let’s see now
hot to create a new setup from scratch.

Insert a component Copy/Paste a component

The basic principle of TH-U is that the
list of components is that on the right
Component can
side and that you always can scroll the
be copied and
list, point a component and drag & drop
pasted in
it over the sound chain to insert it in a
another point
certain point of the chain.
of the sound


Right click the component and select

Copy from the contextual menu.
Then, right click another component
and select Paste Component Before (or After,
relating to the position of the clicked
component on the sound chain).


After you copied a component to the clipboard, if you
right click a component which is of the same model,
you can choose Paste Settings which instead of
adding a new component will just set the clicked
component parameters at the same values of the one
in the clipboard memory.


Look at the Component panel. The drop

Create a new setup from scratch down list selects the category of the
effect that are listed below. The All
Let’s now create a brand new TH-U
selection includes all type of
components. Let’s select Distortion for
First, we’ll empty the current setup: example. And then, let’s point to Brunetti
scroll the preset list on the left side Vanilla which is a good distortion effect
until you find an <empty> one, the double pedal.
click it.
Now drag the item of the list and drop it
The empty preset will be loaded so you to the middle of the Sound Chain View.
will have a clear sound chain to start
with. If you have the guitar connected you
already can play and test it (even if this
is quite an uncommon setup).
Inserting a Stomp Box
Try moving the controls, turn the power
In a common guitar rig, stomp boxes switch on and off…

are at the first stage, before the Also click the different zoom buttons to
amplifier. So we’ll start describing how experiment how the view gets rescaled.
to add a stomp box component. This looks pretty useless with a single


pedal, but you’ll find it very convenient

when the guitar rig will be more


Let’s choose No for now to also see how

Inserting an Amplifier
to insert a cabinet afterwards.
Look at the Component panel and from
Now that there is an amplifier, let’s see
the dropdown list select Amp to only see
how to use it. You should have no
the amplifiers.
problems to use knobs, we already
Now point the Brunetti Metropolitan and have seen how to operate with them.
drag ’n drop it close to the right side of And the same with switches.
the Vanilla.
The LEVEL knob sets the output level of
the amplifier without any influence to
the harmonic content, so feel free to
adjust it if needed because it won’t
participate to the quality of the amp
As for any other
component, you
can right click
TH-U will ask you to also add the it on an empty
matching cabinet. This is a very area (no knobs
convenient feature most of the times, nor switches)
even if you always will be allowed to to see the contextual popup menu.
The command Replace with…
lets you replace the
component with another
one of the same category.
Indeed, selecting it you will
see a secondary popup
menu with the complete
list of amp models from
which you can select a
A faster way to change
model is using the arrows
add the matching cabinet by right that you see on the top-left
clicking the amp in an empty area and corner when the mouse cursor hovers
choosing Add matching cabinet. the amp graphic shape.


amp, while the highlighted tube marks

Tweaking an Amp head
the current selection for each section.
When you have found the amp head
with the right general tone, but you still The AMP TWEAKS panel also has a VARIAC
need an additional degree of knob to control the tube power supply
customization, if the amp component voltage, mainly to lower the voltage and
induce an early saturation of the tube.
allows it, you can access the AMP TWEAKS
When the VARIAC is set at full clockwise
position, the amplifier has its
Click the gear wheel conventional harmonics content, while
which appears when lowering the VARIAC voltage, the amp
the mouse cursor tube goes saturates more easily
hovers the amp making the amp character more
graphics and the panel will pop up.

The AMP TWEAKS panel has a collection of aggressive starting at lower gain
tubes that you can select to change the values.
pre-amp and the power amp ones.
A white check sign marks the
predefined tube for both sections of the


You can open and scroll the list of RIG

Inserting a Rig Player
files by clicking the Rig Player display.
The Rig Player is a special TH-U
Double click a RIG file from the list to
component which reproduces the
load it.
sound of a complete guitar rig: pre-

amplifier, amp In addition

head, cabinet, you can use
microphones the arrow
and ambient. buttons to
TH-U instantly load
terminology to the previous
name one of or next rig
these kind of model,
sampling of a without
guitar rig, is having to
Rig Model. deal with the
Therefore, the
Rig Player is a player of Rig Models. RIG MODELS
The Rig Player points to a root directory Rig Model files are obtained with Overloud proprietary
on the file system where RIG (.rig) files technology R2M (Rig to Model) with which it’s possible
to faithfully reproduce a complete rig.
are stored and can be browsed and
loaded. Overloud does these rig modelling in house using top
quality tools and procedures, to allow users to play
with the best possible guitar tones.


list. It could be useful while searching However, if you click the cabinet
for a new tone in a more creative display, a new rig models list pops up
context. allowing you to select an alternate
model just for the cabinet. This way to
RIG GAIN LEVEL cross amp and cabinet models
dramatically widens the range of
Rig model icons have a small colored circle. The color
of the circle visually indicates the level of the gain allowable sound from the same
ranging from GREEN for CLEAN sounds, to YELLOW for collection of rig files.
CRUNCH to RED for LEAD. RIGLIB libraries (.riglib files) are
collection of rig models including one
The Rig Player includes two sections: or more banks of presets using them.
AMP and CABINET, which can be enabled After the purchase of a rig library, you
independently. Disabling the cabinet is just need to drag and drop the .riglib
a good way to replace it with another file, once you downloaded it, over the
one by adding different cabinet next to TH-U user interface and authorize it by
the Rig Player. typing the serial number when
The opposite can be done as well, by
adding a different AMP component on
the left of the Rig Player and turning off GETTING MORE RIGS…
the Rig Player AMP. Getting more rig models is easy: just click the GET
The cabinet section of the Rig Player MORE RIGS… button and a window of the system
includes a separate display normally default Internet browser will appear, pointing to a web
page allowing you to select new rig libraries to add.
showing the word <matched> which
means that the playing cabinet model is
the one of the amp section rig model.

Both rig file list windows (rig models

LOCK CAB MODEL and cabinets), include a SEARCH feature.
Click the magnifier icon on the top of
Every time you select a new rig model for the cabinet,
the rig list window, and you’ll see an
you break the matching between amp and cabinet
models. To restore the matching, just load a new rig empty space to digit your search
model for the amp. pattern.
But if you want to keep the cabinet model unchanged The search is performed starting from
while you scroll through the amp models, you can the Rig Models root directory and
activate the cab lock (PADLOCK button) and it won’t traversing all subfolders recursively.
change anymore.


Search results are shown in real time Rig Player knobs are organized into two
while typing the search pattern. rows. The upper row ones control the
timbre of the model. The lower row
ones are the typical controls of an amp
Definition: adjusts the amount of low
frequencies cut before the input signal
enters the distortion stage. Lower
settings produce vintage tones as early
amps used to process the whole input
harmonic content. Higher settings
produce modern tones by filtering out
some low frequency content and
boosting the remaining harmonics.
Power Sagging: basing on the electric
effect of tube saturation, which lowers
the tube power supply energy at louder
signal levels, it produces a reduction of
dynamics in a compressor-like kind of
effect. This parameter adjusts the
threshold level this phenomenon starts
at. Setting it halfway, the nominal tube
RECENT ITEMS HIGHLITED behaviour is reproduced. At higher
Each time you install new contents, you may want to values, however, you can go beyond the
easily find them among the existing elements. tube electric response by still
Recently installed items will appear in yellow color for preserving a natural distortion.
two days after the installation, making it particularly
easy to distinguish them from older ones. Compressor: adjusts the clean signals
dynamic range by eventually
compressing it as you need. You can
find a balance of this parameter value
with your guitar volume control to
range from crunch sounds to clean
ones that still keep the same energy.
Clarity: sharpens the processed sound by
adding presence and focus to the clean
portion of the signal, and lightening the


distortion pressure in the mid

frequencies to improve sound clarity.
Tube Shape: sets the personality of the
amp by choosing how subtle is the
crossing from clean to distorted
sounds, relating to the playing style.
Lower values are for softer kinds of
preamp-like distortions, while higher
values produce hard distortions more
typical of power tubes.
Tube Bias: adjusts the asymmetry of the
distortion shape. Lower setting
represent the shape of the reference
amplifier. Increasing its value allows to
have a more asymmetric distortion
shape which produces more even
Direct Mix: adjusts the amount of input
clean sound to be mixed to the
processed one. Adding some direct
sound, you can improve the resulting
dynamic and enforce the attacks, as
well as add some of the clean harmonic
content to the output signal.
Level: can be used to adjust the final
output level or to balance different rig
models audio levels with each other by
keeping all other settings untouched.


Double clicking a Rig Player knob, an edit field will
appear letting you to type a numeric value for the knob


Like every
Inserting a Cabinet
Look at the Component panel and from component,
the dropdown list select Cabinet to only the cabinet
see cabinets. can be turner off (bypassed). When the
Now point the 1x8 Brunetti Metropolitan and mouse cursor hovers the cabinet, you
drag’n drop it close to the right side of will see a small speaker icon on the
the Metropolitan amplifier. bottom-right corner of the cabinet.

Cabinet components look simple, Click that icon to turn the cabinet on or
graphically, but are through the most off.
complex models of TH-U. TH-U cabinets are of four types: 1
Cabinets support: 2 frontal 3D speaker, 2 speaker, 4 speaker and IR
positioned microphones, a rear Cabinets which will be described later.
microphone, a 45° inclined microphone, The way you set microphones in front of
phase inversion, ambience emulation, the different kind of cabinet is pretty
ReSPiRe technology and high and low much the same. TH-U modeling of the
pass filters. harmonic content takes in account:


position, distance and of course the

model of microphones.
Right after adding the Brunetti
Metropolitan cabinet you will see that it
has two microphones in front of it.
Choose a good zoom ratio so that you
have a good view of the whole cabinet.
Now, play your guitar and drag the
microphones around to hear how the
harmonic content varies accordingly.
The X-Y positioning is done by left

Let’s now take a look to the cabinet

Properties panel.
You can access the cabinet properties
panel double clicking it, or right
clicking and selecting Properties… .
Mic A & Mic B are where you choose the
model of your microphones.
Invert phase inverts the phase of Mic B.
Use it to achieve creative sounds: 3D
positioning won’t never lead to phase
artefacts since all Mic processing do
dragging the microphone. You also can
happen in phase.
adjust the distance of the microphone
from the cabinet. Right drag the Ambience selects the kind of ambience
microphone (drag it with the mouse supported. Ambience plays a role when
right button). you have microphones at a certain
distance from the cabinet. In these
When you right drag the microphone, a
conditions, indeed, microphones
white line shows you the Z axis and the
capture a bigger part of the ambience
microphone shadow projected over the
cabinet helps you to make a clearer
idea about the distance. Settings lets you set some additional


ReSPiRe stands for Real Sound Pressure Bass cabinets have red speakers. The
Response, and is an Overloud custom 45° inclined microphone, for bass
technology that reproduces the same cabinets, corresponds to the tweeter
kind of sound pressure feeling you get microphone level.
when playing in front of a real cabinet.
 All bass cabinets in TH-U have red
You might want to set this off when your speakers.
mix tends to be muddy.
The real difference, as said, is the DSP
HPF & LPF are high-pass and low-pass model which of course is a bass
filters with respective characteristic cabinet.
frequencies of 65 Hz (HPF) and 12 kHz
(LPF). You can use these preset filters But the way you operate with it is totally
when the cabinet sound exceeds in low the same.
or high frequency harmonics. Cabinet IR
Mic A, Mic B, Rear Mic, 45° Mic knobs adjust A special cabinet, however, is the
the level of the four microphones. Rear Cabinet IR, which is a sort of “open
microphone is good to capture some cabinet” able to play up to two impulse
lower frequencies from the cabinet. responses at same time.
While the 45° inclined one is usually
The cabinet has a different graphic
used for hard rock and metal genres for
appearance and don’t have
its characteristic aggressive kind of
microphones in front of it because its
tone exclusively comes from the
Bass Cabinets provided IR files.
Basic actions like turning the cabinet
on/off, are pretty much the same as for
other cabinets. Differences are in the


Double click the Cabinet IR to access its that it will accept only mono IR (each
properties panel. You will find it very cabinet speaker is mono by definition).
different if compared to the standard You may find TIR (.tir) files as well. TIR
cabinet panel. files are an older format supported for
Import IRs backward compatibility.
IRs are loaded from the file system. TH- Use the IRs
U points to a root directory which
Click the button IR A to select the first
contains them all. You can browse the
IR. Next, browse the IR list below and
folder hierarchy from the properties
double click the IR file to load.
panel itself and load the selected IR
double clicking it. Then you can do the same for IR B.

You can let TH-U reveal the IRs root Clear empties the corresponding IR slot.
directory by clicking the white right The option Invert phase is present to
arrow on the list header. You can copy optionally invert each IR. This is useful
your own IR files there to let them be when the IRs come from different
available for loading to Cabinet IR. sources and could incur into some
TH-U accepts WAV files as sources, phase artefacts when playing together.
with any resolution (best is 24 bit or 32 Balance A-B adjusts the mix between A

bit and
floating point) and sample rate. The B IRs.
Cabinet IR module is mono, meaning
Delay sets a delay between the two IRs,
emulating different distances of the


virtual microphones from the speakers,

thus introducing lots of comb- filtering.
Accuracy sets the overall accuracy of the
IR in the lowest frequencies (sub 80
Hz). Usually Low (L) is good for CPU
overhead, unless you need a very
faithful and deep bass response, then
choose either Mid (M) or High (H).
H-Mode adjusts the mode of the high freq
filter. Settings are: Off, H-Cut, H-Shelf.
H-Freq adjusts the frequency of high freq
H-Gain adjusts the gain of high freq filter.
L-Mode adjusts the mode of the low freq
filter. Settings are: Off, L-Cut, L-Shelf.
L-Freq adjusts the frequency of low freq
L-Gain adjusts the gain of low freq filter.


adjust the Level knob until the OVER light

Inserting a Rack Effect
turns off.
Look at the Component panel and from
the dropdown list select Reverb to only
see the reverb effects.
Now point the AQTX Spring Rev rack effect
and drag’n drop it close to the right side
of the Brunetti Metropolitan cabinet.

Rack effects usually come after the

cabinet. The specific one we just added
is a spring reverb.
In a common setup you may need to
use more than one rack effect. TH-U
will settle them together in stacks of
three. This will keep the sound chain
short and still allow you to see and
operate on all the components of the
Almost all rack effects have the OVER
indicator that shows when the effect
output level is too high. In case, you can


parallel paths.

Parallel Sound Chain X-OVER FREQ. and SWAP are active in this
When you select the parallel sound
chain as an alternative to the linear BANDPASS: the crossover works as a
one, two additional modules are band-pass/band-reject filter network.
present: the Splitter and the Mixer. You can process mid frequencies and
high/low ones separately in the two
parallel paths.

Splitter All parameters are active.
The splitter is placed at the beginning
of the parallel processing section. Splitter Controls
Swap button: this button swaps the
destination paths of the filter networks
when X-OVER MODE is not in the Off
X-OVER FREQ.: sets the frequency
around which the filters operate.
controls the width of the band-reject
filter allowing for a partial layering of
the signals for added flexibility.
BALANCE: it simply sets the amount of
signal directed to the upper (1) and
lower (2) path.
Its function would have been almost
self-explanatory wasn’t it for some Mixer
extra features we added.
The TH-U Mixer is placed at the end of
X-OVER MODE: there are three crossover the parallel processing section and
modes. allows you to trim each path’s signal to
OFF: all controls but Balance are your needs.
deactivated. The Splitter acts as an off- PHASE: controls the phase of the
the-shelf splitter. input channel.
NORMAL: the crossover works as a DELAY: controls the amount of
common high-pass/low-pass network. delay of the input channel. Optimal
You can process lower and higher control to correct phase delay problems
frequencies separately in the two


as a creative tool to dial in complex

comb-filtering like effect.
WIDTH: sets the stereo width of the input
channel. 0 equals to Mono, 100 to
stereo and -100 to inverse stereo (swap
of L and R inputs)

PAN: sets the panpot or panorama

position of the input channel at the
output. For stereo signal it acts as a
balance control: at minimum it will only
pickup the left channel signal, at
maximum only the right channel will be
preset at the mixer output.
LEVEL: the reference level of the channel.
BALANCE: this control allows you to dial-
in a real-time balance between the two
mixer channels.
MONO/STEREO: sets the output mode of the
mixer. Mono merges all inputs to mono.


TH-U Component List Technical Support

The complete list of component of TH-U If you need technical support please
is constantly changing as we keep first take a look at our FAQ pages online at
adding models from time to time. There you'll find
For this reason, instead of listing all answers to the most common
models here, and have the list being questions.
already outdated right after the release
of the manual, we provide you the link
If the FAQ pages didn’t help, you can
to the TH-U online page where you can
get free technical support online at
find the complete component list clicking on SUPPORT.
always up to date.

NOTE: Any use of third party trademarks, logos, mentioned brand names, products and services

is only referential and Overloud hereby disclaims any Sponsorship, Affiliation

or Endorsement of or by any such third party.

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