Platinum and Palladium Kit Instructions
Platinum and Palladium Kit Instructions
Platinum and Palladium Kit Instructions
(505) 474-0890
Note: These instructions cover several Platinum/Palladium printing kits. Your kit may not
contain all of the components discussed herein. Familiarize yourself with the kit components
before starting.
This kit provides the essential chemicals in standardized form. No mixing is necessary, you can
begin printing almost immediately without the time consuming weighing and dissolving steps.
For your safety and maximum success with these photographic chemicals, read all instructions
before beginning to print.
Your kit will contain a combination of the following:
-(1) 25ml ferric oxalate #1 solution
-(1) 25ml ferric oxalate #2 (pt or pd) solution -traditional kit or classic palladium kit only
-(1) 25ml Palladium #3 solution-not in platinum printing kit
-(1) 10ml Platinum solution (Platinum #3 in the traditional kit, 5% Na2 in kit for digital negatives,
20% Na2 in the combination kit)
-(1) 32oz B&S potassium oxalate developer
-(1) 250g EDTA clearing agent
-(1) 250g Sodium Bisulfite (for clearing)
You will also need the following items not included in your kit:
-Paper – a good 100% rag art paper with a fairly hard surface
-A brush or coating rod
-A light source – you can use the sun, UV CFL bulbs or a UV exposure box
-A negative as large as the desired image
When using a hair dryer to dry your paper, tiny particles of emulsion may be blown into the
air. If inhaled, the dust could be harmful. It is advised to wear a dust mask when drying prints
with a hair dryer.
We recommend a beginning platinum/palladium printer be under the supervision of an
experienced platinum/palladium printer.
Ferric Oxalate #2
This solution is also 27% and has a small amount of potassium chlorate added as a contrast
agent. The #2 solutions have different amounts of potassium chlorate for platinum and
palladium, the palladium requires twice as much chlorate to achieve contrast.
Note: By mixing ferric oxalate solutions #1 and #2 with your platinum/or palladium solutions in
varying amounts you can control the contrast of your traditional print. If you are printing with a
mixture of both platinum and palladium, you should use the ferric oxalate #2 solution for
palladium. Just use less #2 for the proportion of platinum solution.
We mix the ferric oxalate solution from our exclusive yellow powder just before shipping so
that it will be as fresh as possible. It has a shelf life of approximately 1 year, but will last longer
if refrigerated, however it must be at room temperature when used. As with all photosensitive
materials, it is very difficult to know precisely how long the material will last. DO NOT STORE
Potassium Oxalate Developer
For developing the image after exposure. This is one of several developers used in
platinum/palladium printing. It can be saved and used over and over again as long as you
replenish what evaporates with fresh developer, and filter out the sludge that accumulates
periodically using a coffee filter and plastic funnel. The color will darken due to dissolved metal
accumulating in it. Many printers swear the older the developer, the better. Other printers
prefer to start with fresh developer every once in a while.
EDTA Clearing Agent and Sodium Bisulfite
Use these two powders together and add to water. Use 2 tablespoons of each to 1 quart of
water. This is not a critical measurement; less will just take longer to clear, more will clear
Some Basics
Your Negative
To begin with, you need a negative the size of the image you wish to make. Any size from 2 1/4
up will do. Small negatives make beautiful jewel-like prints. The negative should have a density
range of 1.35 to 1.50. This will give a print with a full rich tonal range. Platinum and palladium
have the unique ability to make soft prints with a strength and character. Printers at the turn of
the century used this quality to their advantage and produced beautiful luminous soft images.
Prints like this are not often being made today. Like avocados, the soft print is an acquired
Large Format Negatives
Shooting large format negatives with your camera provides the sharpest, highest definition
platinum/palladium print possible. We recommend shooting on readily available films like Ilford
HP5 and Ilford FP4. Develop your film in a high contrast developer like Kodak D-19, or Pyro
based developers like Rollo Pyro or Pyrocat-HD.
Inkjet Digital Negatives
Excellent Digital Negatives can be made from almost any digital image file. Negatives can be
made from scanned images or RAW digital files from your DSLR. Several excellent guides to
making negatives can be found online.
4. Quickly pour the coating solution across the center of the paper and rapidly spread it as
evenly as possible. Soon the wetness of the paper will dull and you won't be pushing
puddles around the paper. Stop brushing at this point. Don't worry about some
streakiness, it usually won't matter. Wash the brush thoroughly before using it again,
any solution left on the brush will be exposed and contaminate your next print.
5. Let the solutions soak into the paper for about 10 minutes and then put it in a dark
place to air dry or dry with a hair dryer. Make sure the paper is completely dry before
use. An exposed image will have splotchiness in the areas that were not completely dry
before exposure.
6. Place the negative on top of the coated portion of the paper and place it in a split-back
contact printing frame.
7. Expose the paper using sunlight, a suntan type mercury vapor lamp, or UV Exposure
Unit. The artificial light sources should be placed 3 to 4 inches above the paper or higher
if using Nuarc type screen printing unit. Printing time will vary depending on your light
source, the density of your negative, and the paper used. Using a sun lamp to expose a
4x5 negative will take about 3 to 8minutes. Dense negatives can run a half hour or
8. After exposure, develop the print immediately. Do not use metal trays for developing
the print as this will adversely affect the print. Pour the developer quickly over the print,
pouring rapidly enough to break any air bubbles that may form on the surface. You can
do this by pouring and at the same time tilting and sloshing the contents of the tray over
the print. The print will develop immediately. Development is complete within a few
seconds. Most printers leave the print in the developer for 1 to 2 minutes. The
developer can be used from room temperature up to the boiling point; the print color
and contrast will vary with the temperature.
9. Drain off excess developer off the print and then soak in 1-2 successive baths of clearing
agent mixed 2 tablespoons of both EDTA and Sodium Bisulfite to 1 quart water, five
minutes in each bath. Fresh clearing agent will clear up to a dozen 8x10 prints. Water
hardness will sometimes affect clearing time. The clearing process removes the ferric
oxalate from the print. If the print shows any yellowing in the highlights, it is not being
properly cleared. Increase the concentration of the clearing agent or increase the time
in the bath. Throw away the clearing bath when finished.
10. Finally, wash for 1/2 hour in gently flowing water. Dry, flatten, mount or mat in your
preferred manner.
Drop Charts
These charts are starting points for making a print with each different kit. Adjust as needed to
fit your personal printing style, negatives, and paper selection.
Platinum/Palladium Kit
for Digital Negatives
4x5 Negative 6 6 3
5x7 Negative 10 10 4
8x10 Negative 20 20 4 or 5
35ml Traditional
Platinum & Palladium
Printing Kit
4x5 Negative 6 2 7 1
5x7 Negative 10 3 11 2
8x10 Negative 16 4 17 3
25ml Classic Palladium
Printing Kit
4x5 Negative 6 5 1
5x7 Negative 10 8 2
8x10 Negative 20 18 2
4x5 Negative 6 5 1
5x7 Negative 10 9 1
8x10 Negative 20 18 2