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Compendium 1998
Explanatory Note
This section of the 1998 SOCRATES Compendium contains projects supported during 1998 through
SOCRATES, COMENIUS Action 3.1 - European In-service Training Projects.
The projects are listed by coordinating country and project number in ascending order.
• Reference
e.g. 26360-CP-3-98-1-BE-COMENIUS-C31
This reference is made up of the following components:
project number - project type - year of activity - application year - selection round - applicant country -
programme code - Action code
• Title of project
• Description of project
• Coordinating institution of project with contact details
• Partner institutions with country codes
There is a Compendium section for COMENIUS Action 2 and Action 3.1, LINGUA Action A and
Action D, Open and Distance Learning and Adult Education.
The ERASMUS Institutional Contract Compendium 1998/99 is available in web-page format on the
EUROPA Server at the following address:
The SOCRATES 1998 Compendium has been prepared by the SOCRATES & YOUTH Technical Assistance Office for the European Commission,
DGXXII, Education, Training and Youth, Directorate A - Action in the field of education, implementation of SOCRATES.
The SOCRATES & YOUTH Technical Assistance Office is part of the ETAPE Consortium which assists the European Commission in the technical
management of the SOCRATES and Youth for Europe III Programmes.
DESCRIPTION: This project focuses on the improvement of the quality of early childhood education in
general and on the education for children with special developmental needs or socio-
emotional problems in particular. The general aim of this project is to share the
expertise which the coordinating institution has in this field with other European
partners. Together they will develop teaching modules adapted to the specific
educational environments of the participating countries and set up a dissemination
strategy to transfer this expertise to other institutions which are interested in the field of
early childhood care. The original materials developed by the coordinating institution
will be enriched by the cultural differeces among the partners in their perception and
approach to quality in early childhood education. They will organise six training
modules focusing on the improvement of early childhood education.
DESCRIPTION: This project intends to focus on in-service training for teachers as counsellors to pupils
who have socio-emotional problems. It pays particular attention to the multiplier effect
of the project as all teachers who will be trained will have to act as multipliers towards
other colleagues in the schools concerned. The project, therefore, also focuses in an
important way on team-building. The project partner wants to develop a training
resource module on these topics and to make sure that they will be able to disseminate
this module to all interested throughout the EU. As three of the partners have already
met in a Helios II programme and they have shared experience about the subject,
teacher training, consultancy work and behaviour problems, they hope that it will be
easier for them to arrange conatct seminars and produce the intended outcomes. The
use of modern technology relevant to the open and distant learning is also anticipated.
DESCRIPTION: The objective of the ''EB Europese beeld cultuur'' (E.B. European image-culture)
intends to prepare an in-service training course enabling teachers of upper secondary
education to use in an interactive way audio-visual means and new information
technologies in the classroom. Particular attention will be given to the interdsciplinary
approach in relation to this. The in-service training course will focus on concrete sub-
elements which are related to the topic concerned such as how to develop a synopsis
and a scenario for a video, how to direct the making of a video etc. The project will
result in several products: a) the production of a handbook on audio-visual methods and
methodologies for teachers, b) working tools in this field to be used by pupils and c) a
support video which can be used in teacher education.
The in-service education sessions will be on the one hand on-site for 5 days but on the
other hand teachers involved will be able to communicate through the sandwich model;
the teachers thus get a certain number of assignements which they carry out in their
respective countries; the necessary fee-back is given by the tutors through the PC
Network.Teachers will also be invited to draft synopsis for films or videos, send them
via internet to the central training centre where they will be assessed; advice and
suggestions will be given to teachers through internet.
Thus the project focuses on the use of new audio-visual means such as video and
simultaneously links it to the new information technologies such as internet.
DESCRIPTION: The overall general objectives of the present project is to enhance the impact of in-
service education activities have on educational practice by focusing on the evaluation
of such in-set activities; a particular emphasis will be given to lifelong learning for
teachers. The specific objectives of the project hence are the following: a) to make all
the agents involved in in-set (providers, advisers, head teachers, teaching staff...)
aware of what constitutes qualitative staff development and in-set programmes, b) to
provide a coherent framework and easily manageable instruments for the internal and
external evaluation of staff development and in-set programme, c) to provide guidance
and practice in the operationalisation of effectiveness criteria, d) to teach providers how
they can analyse their own practice, e) to teach users how to distinguish between quality
in in-set programmes and excellence in provider institutions and f) to teach users and
particularly school heads how they need to contribute to the successful implementation
of in-set programmes in their schools. The targer groups thus are in-set providers and
in-set users.
The project will result in a number of publications including : 1) a survey of
effectiveness criteria, 2) an instrument for internal evaluation of in-set 3) two
instruments for external evaluation - one for the use of national authorities, and one for
the use of the users of in-set and 4) a brochure for schoolleaders with strategies and
models for setting-up school-based in-set.
The action 3.1. project is also to result in six Comenius action 3.2. courses.
DESCRIPTION: The project entitled ' The Biotic Index at Secondary Education level' or BISEL main
objectives are: a) to make the teaching of biology more attractive and more practically
oriented, b) to promote the integration of the chapters of the biology curriculum which
focus on 'classification' and 'ecology', c) to demonstrate the European dimension of
environmental problems as biological water quality assessments by using the biotic
index are internationally comparable, d) to develop educational tools to help secondary
school pupils to determine the biotic index and e) to promote internationally comparable
scientific research into water quality. Thus the projects hopes to internationalise at the
level of the secondary school, the biotic index, a biological water quality assessment
method for rivers. The target group of the project are thus both t0eachers of biology and
pupils; it is also hoped that the project will contribute to enhance the interest of girls for
sciences. Initial teacher education institutions and eco-centers will also be involved in
the project.
The project will result in the organisation of in-service training courses for teachers of
bilogy focusing on the biotic index stressing the use of fieldwork as an innovative
teaching and learning method; teachers who have been involved in the in-set courses
will have to keep in touch through INTERNET afterwards. Next to the in-set an eco-
manual will be developed for secondary schools. Finally it is the explicit objective to see
to it that the action 3 projects leads to the creation and the implementation of action 1
projects, European Educational projects of Comenius.
TITLE: In-service training programmes European Children's literature on war and peace
DESCRIPTION: The project intends to develop an in-service training course focusing on European
children's literature through the theme of 'War and Peace' both for primary and
secondary school. The project will mainly focus on the development of an in-service
training course and on the development of reading lists and teaching packages in
relation with 'war and peace'. The project will also do research on reading habits and
reading materials in primary and secondary schools. Innovative methodology in the
field of reading content-based language teaching and classroom research will be
implemented in the materials and will provide teachers with new didactic approaches to
their teaching practice. The projects thus wants to enhance reading and to create a
richer reading and learning environment.
The projects hopes to enhance the European dimension by multiplying and by
exchanging the lists and teaching packages; concretely speaking the project will aim at
providing to teachers the possibility to include a European dimension in their language
and literature teaching. The multilingual and multi-cultural aspects of the project will
increase European, multicultural, intercultural and global awareness. The project also
hopes to raise school achievement by implementing innovative methodological and
didactical ideas. Finally the projects hoped to help children who have reading problems;
reading materials on minority groups should stimulate children belonging to such groups
in their reading habits and improve their reading skills.
The beneficiairies will be primary school teachers, secondary teachers, students in
initial and in-set, pupils, students, librarians, publishers and reading societies.
literature on war and peace - children with reading difficulties - teaching packages
DESCRIPTION: L'objectif du projet est de mettre en place un réseau de formateurs capables d'organiser
des formations d'équipes éducatives dans des écoles multiculturelles afin de
promouvoir l'éducation interculturelle et multiculturelle; les groupes cibles dans ces
écoles seront les enseignants et les chefs d'établissements. Les objectifs généraux de
cette formation en termes de compétences à acquérir par les formateurs d'enseignants
stagiaires , sont les suivants: a) être capables d'analyser leurs propres conceptions de
l'enfant, de la différence, de la pédagogie et de la gestion du multiculturel dans une
classe ou une école, b) être capable d'analyser les conceptions des enseignants qu'ils
rencontrent dans les écoles, en fonction du contexte de leur pays, c) maîtriser les
contenus travaillés dans le cadre de la formation, d) former les enseignants à ces
contenus et e) organiser la formation des enseignants dans les écoles, en fonction des
besoins rencontrés et des ressources disponibles.
Le programme de formation des formateurs s'organisera autour des thèmes suivants:
1) les processus de construction de l'identité de la personnalité chez l'enfant, 2)
Comment ne pas placer les enfants dans un conflit de culture?, 3) Comment mettre en
oeuvre le changement? et 4) Comment organiser une formation d'enseignants?
Le projet résultera aussi dans une publication et dans la production d'un CD ROM.
DESCRIPTION: The aim of the project called MICTEP or Methodology to use ICT and multimedia in
multidisciplinary-project work, is to implement the European dimension in school
education by using ICT and multimedia in international and European project work.
The purpose is to develop an innovative project-based ICT training that enables
teachers and students in secondary schools to use ICT in international or European
multi-disciplinary project work.
The aim hence is to investigate how innovative learning strategies for that are more
efficient for both students and teachers and can be introduced by using ICT. The project
wants to provide methodological assistance to teachers in developing cross-curricular
unit linked to national curricula. The project aims to achieve these goals through
intensive collaboration between the four Comenius 3.1 partners and the 8 pilot schools
belonging to a Comenius network, focusing on the multi-disciplinary theme of ''Building
and Living''. The training courses and the materials will be prepared by the four partners
in close co-operation with the teachers of the secondary schools. Target groups are
headteachers, secondary school teachers and students aged 14 - 18 years of age.
Parents of the students will be invited to participate in the ICT training as well. The
expected outcomes and products will be the result of the close collaboration between
the four partners and the pilot-schools; A set of guidelines for a project-based ICT
training in secondary schools and for a methodology to support schools to implement
ICT in international project-work will be developed during the first and second year and
completed in the third year. A multi-media oriented cross-curricular unit ''Building and
living'' and a CD-ROM with interactive materials containing the result of project-work of
students will be created. A transnational virtual forum will be extended gradually for
students and teachers from other schools.
DESCRIPTION: The objectives of the E & H project are: a) to strengthen the European dimension in
teacher education for environment and health education with the help of new
technologies, b) intensify co-operation between European teacher education institutions
in this field by creating a network and c) to develeop a teacher education in-set course
under Comenius 3.2. on environment and health and on an advanced interactive use of
the World Wide Web.
The target group of the training course are the secondary education teachers of all
school types involved in a Comenius Action 1 project on environment and health.
The project will result in 1) a teacher education in-set courses integrating aspects of
crosscurricular activities for different levels of schools in accordance with the goals of
comenius 1 and integrating advanced methods of interative use of the WWW for
international co-operation between schools, 2) adapted models of computer aided and
web based measuring for Comenius 1 projects, 3) support materials for classroom
activities, 3) interactive Web pages with teacher training materials, 4) a Web based
database with data collected on the subject of environment and health and 4) a CD-
ROM with materials and programmes.
DESCRIPTION: The project ''INSET. On-Line'' proposes to develop over three years a series of in-
service training opportunities using on-line technologies. The Danish coordinator,
working with partners in Scotland (UK) and Mallorca (Spain), aims in the first year of the
project to use a link with an on-going Comenius Action I project as a base for
developing a transnational INSET on-line course to be available for all partner
countries. During this first year a video will be planned for staff development. Over the
subsequent years course materials will be developed by each partner in preparation for
an Action 3.2 course which will be held in the project's third year. The project aims to fit
its activities into the framework provided by the European Schoolnet particularly in its
attempt to set up a European Virtual Teacher College. An overall objective of the
project is to encourage the use of the new technologies in the classroom and the added
value of transnational classroom collboration.
DESCRIPTION: the one-year project ''European Documentation Service for In-Service Training in
Special Education'' proposes the setting up of a documentation centre specialising in
information concerning the in-service training needs of teachers working in special
education. Coordinated by the European Agency for develoment in special needs
education based in Denmark, the project is supported by members of the Agency's
national working parties nominated by Ministries of Education in 17 Member States.
The project aims to establish a platform for enhancing the quality of provision in special
education throughout the EU by providing overviews of relevant documentation
developed at European as well as at national level. Project managers will be directly
involved in teacher training courses and will comprise a professional support group to
the documentalist who will assume practical responsibility for the establishment of the
database and user programmes required. The centre when established will be
accessible through the internet.
DESCRIPTION: Ziel des Projekts ''Netzwerkerfahrungen als Katalysator für zukünftige Entwicklungen''
ist es, die Erfahrungen und das Wissen aus einer Vielzahl von Netzwerken und
Projekten zusammenzuführen, und zwar auf Grundlage einer ''Zukunftswerkstatt''
genannten, sich ganzheitlich verstehenden projektorientierten Methode. Ausgangsthese
ist, daß es eine größere Transparenz zwischen den Netzwerken/Projekten zu schaffen
gilt, denn nur so sind Verküpfungen und Kooperationen möglich. Zielgruppen sind
Lehrer, Multiplikatoren, Moderatoren und Trainer verschiedener europäischer Projekte
und Netzwerke. Geplant sind die Erarbeitung didaktischen Materials und die
Organisation von Fortbildungsveranstaltungen. Eine Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse
über Internet ist angestrebt.
DESCRIPTION: Ziel des Projekts ''Eine Schule für Jungen und Mädchen'' ist es, zur Förderung der
Chancengleichheit von Jungen und Mädchen beizutragen Europaweit liegen viele
Forschungsergebnisse, Zielbeschreibungen und methodische Anregungen für eine
geschlechtsspezifische Arbeit mit Mädchen vor. Zunehmend wird aber deutlich,
daß´auch Jungen in der Schule einer adäquaten, geschlechtsspezifischen
Unterstützung bedürfen, wenn eine Veränderung ihres Rollenverständnisses erreicht
werden soll. Die Konzeption einer mädchengerechten Schule erfordert als Ergänzung
auch Überlegungen und Konzeptionen einer adäquaten Arbeit mit Jungen. Zielgruppen
sind zunächst ausgewählte Multiplikatoren, später Schulteams. Fortbildungsmaterialien
sollen fächerübergreifend entwickelt werden, zudem sind Fortbildungsveranstaltungen
geplant. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Projekten der Aktion 1 von Comenius
(Schulpartnerschaften) und mit der deutschen Initiative ''Schulen ans Netz'' ist
Phone: +49/3378/82.11.17
Fax: +49/3378/82.11.99
Email: [email protected]
DESCRIPTION: Ziel des Projekts ''Autonomere Schulen - Förderung von Eigeninitiative und Selbst-
management'' ist es, Lehrkräften Handlungskompetenz für zunehmend autonomere
Schulen zu vermitteln. Denn in Schulen, die sich im Sinne eines modernen
Qualitätsmanagements organisieren, werden Entscheidungen vielfältiger Art auf der
Hierarchiestufe getroffen, auf der sie sachlich erforderlich sind, nämlich häufig auf
Ebene der Lehrkraft. Deren Problemlösungspotential kann aber nur effektiv genutzt
werden, wenn sie sich diese Aufgaben zu eigen macht und wenn sie über Methoden
verfügt, diese in eigener Verantwortung und in Kooperation mit Kollegen
wahrzunehmen. Zielgruppe des Projekts sind Lehreraus und -fortbilder, Lehrer mit dem
Schwerpunkt im berufsbildenden Bereich, mittelbar auch alle anderen an öffentlichen
Schulen beteiligten wie Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, Schulträger sowie Mitarbeiter
im Schulmanagement. Das Projekt ist zunächst auf zwei Jahre angelegt. Im ersten Jahr
werden Arbeitskonzepte für die Lehreraus- und fortbildung erstellt. Dabei sollen unter
anderem Strukturelemente entwickelt und zwischen den Projektkursen bereits in den
beteiligten Institutionen praktisch erprobt werden. Im zweiten Jahr wird die Arbeit des
ersten Jahrs fortgeführt, vertieft und einer möglichst breiten Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.
Die abschließende Formulierung eines Aus- und Fortbildungskonzepts zielt u.a. auch
auf Lehrerfortbildungen im Rahmen der Aktion 3.2 von Comenius.
DESCRIPTION: The project 'Verwirklichung der europäischen Dimension in Schulen anhand der
Durchführung europäischer Bildungsprojekte' in EN 'Realisation of the European
Dimension in schools through European Learning Projects' builds on cooperation
between experts from teacher training institutes in DE, NL and DK. Each institution has
at least two 'contact schools' most of them already involved in transnational work or
projects. The experts will support the international initiatives of the teachers and exploit
and report their experiences. The partners will also describe the process of
management of European learning projects (ELP) and the methodology and didactics
that must be implemented to realise them. In addition they want to develop evaluation
methods for the assessment of the impact of ELP's on the quality of the teaching and
on the image creation of the individual school.
The project has a planned duration of 3 years and will result in 3 Action 3.2 courses,
one in each country.
The project is focusing on the need for more precise and concrete suggestions for the
implementation of the European dimension in different subjects as well as in
interdisciplinary projects, on cooperative learning and on the use of new media for
Target group of the project are teachers in lower secondary, who have an interest in an
DESCRIPTION: The ultimate objective of this project is for pupils to become familiar with the structures
of labour markets in different European countries by undertaking periods of practical
training abroad. The organisers see this as important in the light of the
internationalisation and globalisation of the labour market.
As pupils are to be accompanied on such visits by their teachers, the project also aims
to provide a thorough training programme to qualify the staff. The aim of the training
programme will be to develop teachers' specialist knowledge of Arbeitslehreunterricht
(teaching of the world of work), focusing on the European dimension of this field. To
this end, it aims to run training sessions and to build up an information and data network
between participating institutions.
The first year is to be a planning and preparation phase by the teacher trainers in the
respective countries. This phase will include practical planning and also lectures from
experts, as well as courses in Denmark and the Netherlands. The second year will
consist of training courses, the third year will see the implementation of the practical
training programme for pupils. The last two years will apply for funding under Action 2.
DESCRIPTION: The project 'Individuelle, politische und kulturelle Identität im gegenwärtigen Europa als
Problem der Bildung' in EN 'Individual, Political and Cultural Identity as a problem in
education in Europe of today' wants to develop ways and materials that can raise the
learners' awareness of the different dimensions of individual, political and cultural
identity and their interaction. Reflections about levels of identity are regarded as a
nessesary basis for understanding of European integration.
The project group will produce a special study and 'travel' guide, that presents
examples of national manifestations (''lieux de mémoires'', ''Kulturgüter'') from all the
countries represented in the project. This collection of examples shall be used for
teaching aiming at increased understanding of national identities and of the generation
of personal, individual identity.
The partnership includes teacher training institutions from DE, GB, SE, FR and IT.
The planned duration of the project is 3 years, and the partners will develop in-service
training courses to be held from the second year and foreward.
The project group intends to produce more materials for teaching and teacher training,
and all outcomes will be published in print and/or on web-sites.
DESCRIPTION: ''Awakening interest: European Concepts for the Teaching of Writing to Young Children
in Multi-lingual classes''.
The aim of this project is to focus on the teaching of writing in the language of
instruction to multi-lingual and multi-cultural groups of young children. The project
aims to refine and share ideas as to how to arouse the interest of these children in
writing. This can be achieved both by content and by method: using material relevant to
the children's lives, working in groups or towards particular occasions, using print and
IT, by focusing on the social aspects of reading and writing. Discussing and presenting
procedure for the organisation of active learning methods, and therefore raising the
school achievement of these children, will be the primary focus. To this end, there will
be two training sessions at which the partner schools will present their materials. The
teacher training institutions present will make oral and written comments to refine
further these ideas for future European training sessions.
DESCRIPTION: The project 'Neue Armut im Kontext eines europäischen Christentums' in EN 'New
Poverty in the Context of European Christianity' has the aim to provide primary and
secondary teachers with information, tools for teaching and methods of autonomous
learning by means of which they can deal with the problems of 'New Poverty' in
teaching of different subjects as well as in interdisciplinary projects. The context and
surroundings of the school should be investigated too. The methodology is linked with
the European dimension and motivated through Christian Ethic. Autonomous learning,
lifelong learning, a multiperspective approach to 'New Poverty' and interdisciplinary
learning are the main focuses of the project. Intercultural education is another aspect of
the issue.
The project is coordinated by an in-service training institute in Mainz, DE and has
partners in Hessen, DE, BE, NL and IE.
The idea of the 'New Poverty' is that changes in the European societies have caused
increased risks for certain groups, for example the risk of unemployment. The project
intends to find ways in which the teachers can enable the pupils to cope with new
situations and to improve their possibilities for a good life by being active themselves.
The project has a planned duration of 2 years.
The outcomes of the project are teaching/learning materials and models for project
work, which will be available in German, Dutch, French, English and Gaelic in print
through the partner institutions and on internet.
During the second year the project group will develop and hold in-sevice seminars to
introduce the principles of working with 'New Poverty' and to present the results from
the project.
DESCRIPTION: This project aims at developing a concept for the use of Geo-information Systems and
electronic communication networks for the introduction to European Environmental
Education. Cooperaing school teachers and scientists from universities as well as from
other educational institutions of different EU countries will develop a ''Module for further
Education of Teachers''.The module serves as a tool for the application of modern
information techniques in education, especially for peripheral regions.They will develop
a common environmental information system of the areas that are less favored regions
of the EU. It will contain a databank with data from this field, photographic information
such as satellite pictures, aerial photos; and methods for the analysis of the available
data. They will also- as part of their final results- produce digital maps and models. The
''Module for further Education of Teachers GIS with Euronetworks and Environmental
Education'' will be available for teachers at internet as WWW document, they will also
present the examples of the modules of Lesbos, Mallorca, Naxos and Syros by using
the latest technology.
DESCRIPTION: The aim of this project is to develop and improve teacher counselling and
communication skills at different educational levels. The project will identify the
educators' specific needs in communication and counselling skills in Greece and partner
countries and will develop educational training material in accordance with the results
obtained. The project partners will organize a training programme for teachers from
preschool education. In the second year they will evaluate the training and educational
materials used. They will then research the effect of the newly acquired skills on
teacher's interpersonal interaction in the classroom preparing a report on the results. In
the third year of the project a translation will be made of the educational materials into
partners' language. Finally the project will promote courses and seminars relevant to
communication and counselling at universities preparing future educators.
Transnational cooperation between teachers and parents will also be promoted . One of
the results will be the establishment of counselling services in schools at all
levels.Materials will be disseminated through seminars and articles in the daily and
weekly press as well as through scientific newsletters.
A 3-year project for the in-service training of teachers on current trends in geology with
emphasis on geological heritage as this relates to issues of environmental conservation.
More specific aims of the project include the following:
a. the development of a transnational network for the diffusion of knowledge and
experience on issues of geological heritage related to environmental education;
b. the planning of transnational meetings promoting the consideration of geological
environment as an important environmental element, the development of an
appropriate theoretical framework, and the practical application of the idea;
c.the production of a research report as a guide to geological heritage in environmental
A series of meetings is planned for the first two years of the project which are going to
prepare the ground for the in-service training which will be provided in the third year.
The framework of cooperation between partners will be developed during the first year
including decisions on the contents of the course for teachers and the construction of a
common approach to an appropriate methodology. The agreed approach, contents and
methodology will be piloted at both national and European level through a series of
seminars during the second year of the project.
DESCRIPTION: the project ''Développement de matériel éducatif pour des besoins de centres
d'éducation de l'environnement; recherche et informations de régions d'intérêt
touristique local'' or '' The devlopment of educational materials for the needs of
environmental education centres; research and information on regions with local tourist
interest'' is a 2-year project for the development of educational materials related to the
needs of environmental education documentation and research centres to be found in
eco-touristic areas of Europe. The material will be jointly developed in the first year of
the project and piloted in the second year; up from the third year the materials could be
used as the basis for in-service training of teachers and other educational staff. It will be
published in Greek, English and Italian. The material will include:a) information on the
areas in focus (history, people, culture, eco-systems, heritage,etc.); b) presentation of
the necessary pre-conditions for the development of eco-tourism;c) a theoretical
component with scientific knowledge;d) proposals for the design of environmental
education programmes (appropriate for primary, secondary and higher education);e)
selection of relevant case-studies and experiments and f) a dictionary of eco-
It is expected that the material to be produced will make a contribution to the quality of
the services provided by the environmental education and documentation centres and
that it will be a useful resource available to visitors which are in many cases teachers,
pupils and students; these will be able to use these materials when they visit with pupils
these tourist areas.
DESCRIPTION: The theme of this project is to extend the learning opportunities for second-level
handicapped pupils. To achieve this aim, training schemes for different education
professionals will be developed for such pupils so that they can be better prepared for
adult life. This project builds on previous experience aquired by the partners in the
HELIOS programme. The curricular modules being developed will be piloted in each of
the participating countries before being disseminated widely on a European basis.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to investigate how discipline can be used to improve
schools. The approach is one of action based research in both the primary and
secondary sectors.The schools to be particularly targetted are those found in peripheral,
rural and marginal areas with serious socio-economic problems.3 training modules are
to be developed to look at ways of increasing pupils' motivation,reducing drop-out rates
and improving interpersonal relationships.
The internet will be used to present and disseminate the project outcomes.
DESCRIPTION: Le projet 'Teacher and media training (l'enseignant et la formation à l'utilisation des
média)' - est la continuation d'un projet développé dans le cadre d'un PEE, Projet
Educatif Européen de Comenius Action 1 mis en oeuvre à partir de 1995.
Cette candidature actuelle vise à développer en Espagne, Suède et Finlande, un
programme de formation continu à dimension européenne adressé aux enseignants et
à d'autres membres du personnel éducatif de l'enseignement primaire en général et en
particulier à ceux qui veulent s'impliquer dans des Projets Educatifs Européens de
l'Action 1 de Comenius.
La formation continue portera sur trois axes :
a) l'analyse et la description pédagogique de la méthode mise au point lors du premier
projet PEE de 95 qui porte ur l'éducation aux moyens de communications;
b) l'étude des possibilités pédagogiques pour introduire les nouvelles technologies de
l'information et de la communication dans le cursus pédagogique des écoles primaires
des pays participant au projet européen;
c) l'apprentissage de la langue anglaise par les enseignants entre autres pour faciliter la
participation au projet.
Le projet se répartit sur trois ans. Les cours de formation continue seront développés et
et testés la première année; ils seront offerts à des particpants de plusieurs pays
éligibles au sein de Socrates par le biais de l'action 3.2. dans la 2e année. Le projet
prévoir différentes rencontres des partenaires pour mettre en oeuvre et évaluer les
activités conjointement.
DESCRIPTION: Le projet, baptisé Europhil, s'appuie sur la relation entre philosphie et éducation et veut
créer un projet de formation continue à dimension européenne basé sur l'enseignement
de la philosophie. Il s'adresse au professorat de l'enseignement primaire et secondaire
et il a l'intention de valoriser la philosophie comme vecteur de transmission et
d'enrichissement pour le raisonnement, la formation de la personnalité et la formation
intellectuelle; le projet veut donc par le biais de la philosophie promouvoir des
compétences de base telles que la capacité de réflexion et de raisonnement.
Les objectifs concrets du projet sont: a) faciliter l'application d'un programme de
philosophie dans les classes concernées, b) donner un charactère transnational au
travail des enseignants à partir de la connaissance, des échanges et des applications
des expériences des différents pays eruopéens et c) permettre à des enseignants à
travailler avec leur classe comme si c'était une communauté de recherche éducative
pour développer leur personnalité et pour améliorer la rendement scolaire des élèves.
Le projet veut créer une formation continue à partir de l'analyse d'expériences vécues
qui seront traduites en méthodes pédagogiques et didactiques innovantes. Le projet a
l'intention d'utiliser lors de la mise oeuvre du projet et de la formation continue les
nouvelles techniques d'éducation ouverte et à distance .
Concrètement le projet développera et mettra en oeuvre un module de 30 heures de
formation qui sera accopagné d'un matériel didactique développé conjointement.
DESCRIPTION: Le projet 'Pistes pour améliorer les systèmes actuels de l'orientation profesionnelle en
europe' vise à développer une formation destinée aux enseignants d'Espagne, de
Grèce, du Danemark afin promouvoir, d'améliorer et d'optimaliser l'orientation des
élèves avant leur insertion dans le monde du travail. L'objectif étant de donner aux
élèves les compétences qui leur permettront d'une part d'obtenir une travail ou d'autre
part de changer de travail facilement si le besoin se présente.
L'objectif principal du projet européen est de donner une formation pédagogique qui
sera considérée par les enseignants comme une aide et un soutien qu'ils pourront eux-
mêmes apporter à leurs élèves. Cette formation prétend accentuer la formation dans
sa totalité; elle ne veut pas uniquement insister sur sur les éléments intellectuels qui
faciliteront la recherche d'un emploi mais elle veut aussi tenir compte des aspects
sociaux, culturels, physiques et pedagogiques qui peuvent avoir une influence sur la
recehrche d'un emploi et sur lesquels il faut travailler pour améliorer cles chances des
jeunes sur le marché du travail.
Les institutions développeront conjointement la formation continue à partir de leurs
expériences individuelles personnelles et curriculaires; il développeront conjointement à
partir de celles-ci de nouvelles perspectives et approches pédagogiques innovantes qui
formeront la base de la formation continue.
Les pays partenaires recevront, successivement au cours des trois années, 25
enseignants européens afin de leur procurer cette formation au sein de l'action 3.2. de
Comenius.Une évaluation annuelle fait partie intégrante du projet.
DESCRIPTION: Le projet, étalé sur trois années, vise la mise sur pied d'une formation continue dans le
domaine de l'environnement et ceci avec une dimension européenne très claire. Le
projet est transnational comme il rassemble plusieurs pays: l'Espagne, l'Italie et le
Les objectifs du projet sont les suivants: a) échanges des expériences dans le domaine
de la formation continue en ce qui concerne l'éducation à l'environnement; cet échange
comparatif, qui sera reflété dans une description comparative des approches, sera la
base des autres activités du partenariat, b) conjointement les partenaires on l'intention
d'inventiariser le matériel didactique existant dans les différents pays et de lé décrire
et/ou de développer et de réaliser du nouveau matériel didactique et pédagogique qui
sera intégré dans la formation continue à mettre en oeuvre, c) le projet organisera des
journées informatives pour des enseignants intéressés dans les pays partenaires et d)
un programme de diffusion des acquis sera mis en oeuvre.
Ces objectifs sont clairement reflétés dans le plan de travail de la première année.
La mise en oeuvre de la formation du professorat à dimension européenne dans le
domaine de l'environnement est envisagée pendant l'année 2; pedant cette deuxième
année de travail le projet utilisera toutes informations recueillies la première année pour
construire son cours de formation continue 'européen'. La dernière année est destinée à
l'expérimentation du cours de formation continue, du matériel didactique élaboré et des
stratégies de mise en oeuvre développées précédemment. La 3ème année donnera
aussi une attention toute particulière à l'évaluation à tous les niveaux et tous les acteurs
concernés. Le projet focalisera dans son approche pédagogique surtout sur des
méthodes actives pour apprendre à apprendre et sur l'interdisciplinarité et le travail en
équipe au niveau aussi bien des enseignants que les élèves.
DESCRIPTION: Le projet ELLE - Ecrire un Livre à L'Ecole'' (Escribir un Libro en La Escuela) a pour
objectif de promouvoir un formation continue par internet et courrier électronique pour
des enseignants leur permettant d'acquérir une méthode d'apprentissage de la lecture
et de l'écriture créative et innovante qui passe par l'écriture d'un livre par les élèves.
A cet effet un réseau de 10 instituitons a été créé dont les établissements de formation
initiale ou continue seront reliés à des écoles qui avec l'aide de ces institutions de
formations vont mettre en oeuvre ces méthodes et créeront entre elles des liens qui
aboutiront à la création de PEE de l'action 1 de Comenius.
Le projet se donne donc comme objectifs:
a) de développer une action prospective pour un projet pédagogique novateur de
développement de la créativité par le livre, b) la formation continue active et concrète
pour l'enseignement de l'écrit et de la lecture et les processus de création littéraire et c)
la promotion de la dimension européenne tant au niveau des participants qu'au niveau
des activités prévues du projet.
Les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants: 1) la diffusion et l'échange d'expériences sur
cette méthode créative, 2) la publication et la diffusion des matériels pédagogiques
innovants pour la formation des professeurs et des élèves à la création littéraire tant sur
support écrit que pour une future application sur CD ROM et 3) la création d'un forum
multimédia permanent d'échanges inter-écoles sur le livre et la création littéraire en
utilisant les nouvelles technologies.
L'objectif n'est donc pas d'orgniser une formation continue européenne in situ mais
d'avoir une formation continue au sens vrai du terme, entre autres, par internet ou
courrier électronique pour lequel tourtefois un Guide de création littéraire sera
développé et traduit en français et en aglais et plus tard dans d'autres langues.
Les objectifs du projet sont: a) former les enseignants à travailler avec et dans les
musées et ceci par le biais d'actions entreprises dans la formation initiale et continue, b)
expérimenter de nouvelles technologies dans le domaine de la pédagogie des musées,
c) promouvoir une apprentissage actif à partir des éxpériences didactiques facilitées
par les musées, d) répertorier des outils existants, les analyser et élaborer de nouveaux
outils en se basant sur la coopération entre les enseignants, e) promouvoir la sensibilité
et l'intérêt pour le patrimoine culturel européen en facilitant l'utilisation des musées à
cet effet, f) promouvoir la coopération entre les enseignants de différents pays en leur
permettant de comparer leurs méthodes et leurs approches dans ce domaine et g)
promouvoir l'utilisation d'intenet comme un outil pédagogique.
Pour réaliser ces objectifs et pour créer une formation continue européenne, le projet
européen associe une institution de formation initiale et/ou continue des enseignants et
un musée des pays suivants : Espagne, Hollande, France et Finlande.
Les résultats des activités conjointes seront les suivantes: 1) le développement et la
mise en oeuvre de nouvelles stratégies pédagogiques ayant le musée d'art comme
objet, 2) des réunions nationales et internationales sur ce thème, 3) des cours pilotes de
formation continue du professorat, 4) la création de pages Internet et 5) des supports
multimédia et des publications (guides didactiques) pouvant servir de matériel
Les cours Action 3.2 auront lieu alternativement dans les quatre pays partenaires, sur
des thèmes présentant un intérêt de portée européenne.
TITLE: En el contexto europeo del año 2000. qué formación debe dar la escuela ?
DESCRIPTION: Le projet ''En el contexto europeo del 2000, qué formacion debe dar la escuela?'' ou
''Dans le contexte européen de l'an 2000, quelle formation doit donner l'école?'' vise à
élaborer un module de formation pour les enseignants sur les contenus éducatifs
fondamentaux pour la société européenne de l'an 2000, en partant de l'analyse de la
situation actuelle dans chaque pays participants, Espagne, Allemagne, Belgique, Suède
et Slovénie. L'objet du projet est de définir des modules de formation pour les
enseignants dans l'enseignement des langues, les nouvelles technologies et la capacité
d'adaptation. Ce module sera applicable aux contextes des différents pays. Des
séminaires permettront de mettre en commun les matériels élaborés dans chaque pays.
Dans chaque pays, des groupes de travail vont être constitués avec la participation
d'experts dans le domaine de l'enseignement. Des enseignants du secondaire vont
participer à l'évaluation. Le projet s'adresse aux inspecteurs, directeurs d'écoles et aux
enseignants. Le projet a une durée de trois ans; la formation continue aura lieu au cours
de la troisième année.
DESCRIPTION: Le but de ce projet est d'étudier l'apprentissage des enfants handicapés au-delà des
définitions et des approches conceptuelles, des modalités de scolarisation et de
prévention ainsi que du traitement des difficultés.
A partir de l'observation des différentes pratiques et de l'analyse des cadres de
réflexion qui les déterminent, il doit être possible de mieux comprendre les similitudes
et les différences. Chacun des partenaires doit être mieux à même de puiser dans
l'expérience des autres des ressources nouvelles pour imaginer des solutions aux
problèmes sans cesse en évolution de la difficulté d'apprendre et d'approfondir, en
particulier, les types de compétences et de collaboration les plus performants face à
l'échec scolaire.
Le projet ainsi défini se propose de déboucher sur la création d'une publication à
dimension européenne, dont la vocation serait d'être un instrument rigoureux de
comparaison d'expériences et un support de formation des personnel chargés de mettre
en oeuvre les aides aux élèves en échec face à l'apprentissage scolaire.
TITLE: Utiliser la Dimension Européenne pour Faire Sortir l'Ecole de ses Murs
DESCRIPTION: Ce projet vise l'élaboration par un réseau de partenaires européens d'outils qui
permettront la construction de modules de formation transdisciplinaires ayant pour but
de réduire pour les élèves les inégalités et, ainsi, d'améliorer l'efficacité de l'école dans
un contexte de dynamisation des valeurs européennes.
Plus tard les partenaires pourraient servir de pays ressources pour des actions de
formation continue permettant à d'autres pays de profiter des démarches et des outils
mis au point.
La diffusion se fera à trois niveaux: création de produits (CD Rom/ Hypertexte),
diffusion des informations sur cette action éducative dans des publications nationales et
internationales, y compris sur internet, ainsi que séminaires de présentation et de
démonstration avec partage des ressouces à travers vidéo et visio- conférence.
TITLE: Une Dimension Européenne et une Mobilité Virtuelle pour des Elèves Démunis
DESCRIPTION: Par rapport à un contexte de scolarisation d'enfants en situation sociale difficile, âgés
de 8-14 ans, le projet vise à faire construire des outils leur offrant une mobilité virtuellle
qui leur rende l'Europe accessible.
La collaboration d'enseignants et de formateurs sera caractérisée par une démarche
interactive de l'enseignement/ apprentissage et la notion de coopération au sein de
groupes de travail. Elle implique une mise en réseau des enfants et des enseignants
dans différentes écoles et pays à l'aide de technologies modernes et entre des
enseignants et d'autres acteurs éducatifs. Les produits pédagogiques et les stratégies
développés seront expérimentés à travers la mise en place de stages.
La diffusion se fera à trois niveaux: création de produits (fichiers de documentation,
cassettes, vidéo, CD ROM), diffusion des informations sur cette action éducative dans
les publications nationales et internationales, y compris sur internet, ainsi que
séminaires de présentation et de démonstration avec partage des ressources à travers
vidéo et visio-conférence.
DESCRIPTION: Le but de ce projet est d'élaborer avec plusieurs partenaires un travail pédagogique
commun pour promouvoir la dimension européenne dans les écoles, permettre
l'émergence de projets pédagogiques européens et lutter contre l'échec scolaire
particulièrement pour les publics défavorisés. Les objectifs et les approches sont de
rassembler l'information sur les pratiques pédagogiques de chaque pays, de l'analyser
et de la traiter entre partenaires européens pour repérer des modalités spécifiques de
travail et de créer des synergies entre les pratiques analysées dans le cadre de
formation pour enseignants et dans une approches multidisciplinaire.
Les résultats sont la mise en place d'une formation continue européenne pour les
personnels enseignants de manière à rapprocher les points de vue et à favoriser
l'émergence d'une conscience européenne à l'école.Il est aussi planifié que le projet
mène à l'élaboration de projets dans le cadre de Comenius Action 1et 2 et des projets
pédagogiques de formation professionnelle comprenant des placements Leonardo.
92 rue du Général Bourbaki
Phone: +33/5/ / +33/5/
Fax: +33/5/
DESCRIPTION: Le projet ''La pédagogie du patrimoine en Europe'' vise à mettre en oeuvre une
formation continue pour des membres du personnel éducatif voulant promouvoir le
patrimoine culturel en Europe en général et les classes du patrimoine en particulier
entre autres par le biais de la création de PEE, de Projets Educatifs Européens de
l'Action 1 de Comenius. L'objectis global étant de perfectionner la méthodologie de
l'étude du patrimoine européen à tous les niveaux éducatifs.
Le projet vise à confronter les expériences effectueées dans le domaine de la
pédagogie du patrimoine au niveau européen, afin de chercher à progresser, à
harmoniser les pratiques; quand cela est souhaitable, à innover dans la manière de
regarder et de s'approprier le patrimoine, de favoriser le travail de la mémoire des lieux
d'histoire, d'évaluer le caratère commun du patrimoine européen, de confronter les
savoirs et les identités, de réfléchir sur les manières différentes, et relative à la culture
d'aborder et de penser le patrimoine, d'élaborer des outils, des matériels, de
promouvoir des publications PEE, de mettre en place des centres de patrimoine dans
les pays européens.
Le projet mettra donc en place trois modules de formation dans trois pays européens
pour donner aux enseignants une qualification plus grande dans le domaine concerné;
du matériel didactique sera conçu; la diffusion de publications existantes sera promue
entre autres par le biais d'un CD ROM; enfin de nouveaux centres du patrimoine seront
crées pour étayer la formation continue.
DESCRIPTION: L'objectif primaire du projet est de créer conjointement entre les trois partenaires un
Guide sur le projet d'établissemnet pour des chefs d'établissements scolaires; ce quide
sera la base de formations continues futures. Le Guide consisterait en deux tômes qui
seront chacun développé sur une année.
Le Guide traîtera des éléments suivants: 1) qui est le chef d'établissement et quelle est
sa vision, comment pilote-t-il un établissement, 2) quels sont les éléments que
constituent la conduite du projet: comment diriger, persuader, contrôler, participer,
négocier, déléguer, responsabiliser?, 3) le projet et un éventuel groupe de conduite du
projet; les méthodes du groupe de travail, le suivi des actions par groupe, 4) la mise en
place de scénarios pour la mise en oeuvre du projet d'établissement; comment
résoudre les problèmes? être capable d'utiliser les moyens audio-visuels, utiliser les
moyens-audiovisuels, les média, comment pratiquer des exercices d'auto-évaluation.
Voilà donc tous les élements clé qui seront intégrés dans ce Guide du projet
d'établissement qui formera la base de formation continue pour chef d'établissements
de plusieurs pays de l'Union Européenne.
DESCRIPTION: L'objectif du projet est de mettre en oeuvre une formation continue focalisant sur
l'utilisation de la 'correspondance scolaire entre élèves' (ou 'chantiers d'écriture')
comme moyen pour faire émerger une conscience européenne d'une part et pour
contribuer à l'amélioration de la réussite scolaire d'autre part. C'est principalement la
réussite scolaire qui est espérée par la confrontation des points de vue des jeunes qui
communiquent par le biais de la correspondance sur un thème choisi, celui de
l'environnement; ce thème est traîté par le biais de sous-thèmes: la protection de la
forêt, le traitement des déchêts, la pollution de l'eau, la valorisation de la nature etc.
Le point de départ de l'élaboration de la formation continue sera une recherche-action
qui fournira les élements de base pour construire la formation continue qui aura comme
thème ces chantiers d'écriture. En choisissant de travailler sur un même sujet mais
dans des lieux différents avec des démarches différentes, avec des résultats et des
présentations qui peuvent varier on mettra les élèves face à des situations-problème
sources d'apprentissage. En outre, la communication avec et pour des partenaires
amènera à produire de vrais écrits.
La formation continue proposée sera donc construite à partir de la recherche-action et
puisera dans les expriences vécues lors de cette recherche-action aussi bien au niveau
des élèves que des enseignants. La recherche-action sera la base de l'élaboration et du
développement d'une méthodologie de ces chantiers d'écriture.
DESCRIPTION: L'objectif du projet est de mettre en oeuvre à partir de la 3e année de ses activités une
formation continue pour permettre à des enseignants et d'autres acteurs éducatifs d'être
attentifs et d'intégrer mieux dans les écoles ordinaires les enfants et adolescents
atteints de maladies somatiques.
La première année du projet consistera à analyser dans les établissements des
différents pays européens, les fonctionnements usuels et les organisations mises en
place pour assurer l'accueil de ces jeunes malades. A partir de ces descriptions
générales le projet s'efforcera pendant la 2e année à dégager les facteurs favorisant la
qualité de cet accueil parmi lesquelles: les conditions matérielles, les ressources
humaines, les compétences pédagogiques et techniques requises de la part des
partenaires éducatifs, les références déontologiques partagées par les partenaires et
les contributions apportées par les familles et les associations de parents. Cette phase
résultera dans la production de documents (écrits, audio-visuels, informatiques etc.)
La 3e année foaclisera sur l'élaboiration d'un cours européen de formation en vue de
sensibiliser et de former des enseignants à l'accueil des enfants malades somatiques.
DESCRIPTION: L'objectif du projet est d'organiser une formation continue pour des membres du
personnel éducatif des établissements scolaires agricoles à partir d'un projet de
recherche action sur le projet personnel de l'élève dans les écoles agricoles et le liens
entre ce projet personnel et la politique éducative de l'établissement. Un des objectifs
généraux est de faciliter la transition des élèves vers le monde professionnel.
Le projet est centré autour d'une problématique centrale: remettre en perspective l'aide
à la maturation ou à la réalisation du projet personnel de l'élève dans sa confrontation
avec l'environnement professionnel et le projet éducatif de l'établissement.
La formation qui découlera de la recherche-action s'adresse aux publics-cibles suivants:
les chefs d'établissements, les coordinateurs d'activités pédagogiques et éducatives au
niveau d'un établissement, d'une classe, d'une filière et/ou de niveaux de formation
L'action de formation est fondée sur un processus de recherche-action qui s'inspire de
la pratique réflexive et de la démarche de ''learning organisation''. Le projet résultera
premièrement dans la mise en oeuvre de la recherche-action et à partir de celle-ci dans
deux formations continues en mai 1998 et 1999. En plus les publications suivantes
seront produites: a) un rapport de recherche sur l'accompagnement du projet personnel
de l'élève par les équipes d'établissements et b) l'analyse du fonctionnement du
dispositif multilatéral de recherche-action. Il est prévu d'organiser un symposium
européen pour clôturer le projet en l'an 2000 à l'occasion des assemblées générales
des deux assscoiations européennes EUROPEA et REIFEA qui travaillent dans le
domaine de l'éducation agricole.
DESCRIPTION: Le projet a pour objectif de faire coopérer quatre institutions européennes dont les
activités sont tournées vers la formation des directeurs d'établissements scolaires afin
de mettre en commun leurs expériences ainsi que leurs compétences pour parvenir à:
1. Réaliser un état des lieux du pilotage des établissements européens c'est-à- dire:
a) le rôle, les responsabilités, la marge d'autonomie et la formation des directeurs
d'établissements scolaires pour la mise en place de l'ouverture européenne dans leurs
établissements scolaires et b) rendre explicites les points forts et les points faibles du
pilotage d'établissements scolaires pour rendre effective une prise de conscience des
élèves à la citoyenneté européenne;
2. Construire un cours de formation continue sous Comenius Action 3.2. à destination
des personnels scolaires (formateurs de directeurs et responsables des systèmes
éducatifs, directeurs, inspecteurs) dont le contenu sera le suivant: connaître le pilotage
des établissements scolaires européens pour que se développe la dimension
3. Offrir aux établissements scolaires européens des outils multimédia et l'Education
Ouverte et à Distance destinés à favoriser l'ouverture des élèves sur la citoyenneté
DESCRIPTION: The project ''DBCOM'' aims to support the in-service training of personnel working with
children born deaf and blind. Coordinated by the French national centre working with
disabled children the partnership includes similar organisations in this field in several
countries: UK, DK, B (nl), NO, CZ and Pl.
By sharing experiences and expertise the network formed by the partnership intends to
bring about a number of improvements to the way in which children in this category are
educated; the experiences will be compared and this comparison will possibly be the
basis for improved pedagogical approaches. The project will include work on improving
children's communications skills and their integration into school life and society in
general, the production of guides and handbooks on good practice to be disseminated
through a Web site, and assistance and support to families in coping with new teaching
The first year will be charaterised by seminars to develop jointly the production of
materials, the second year the setting up of the a web site will be implemented and the
project will be extended to other Central and Eastern European countries and the third
year the preparation of an INSET course will be finalised and a final dissemination
conference will be organised at European level.
TITLE: Ecoles Europe Environnement : Internet, outil des écoliers européens pour
DESCRIPTION: The three year project ''Ecoles, Europe, Environnement'' or ''Schools, Europe and the
environment'' aims to construct a multimedia package in support of an in-service
training course for teachers in Primary and Lower Secondary schools. The theme to be
covered is the protection of the environment and the development in pupils of what is
called 'eco-citoyenneté' or ecological citizenship focusing on respect for the
environment and on a broader view of the responsibilities of each community for the
well being of all. The methodused in the project is to make maximum use of the Internet
and for those without the necessary equipment to produce a CD-ROM. The coordinator
is a French curriculum adviser and in-service trainer and the partnership has been
formed with in-service training units in Germany and the UK., following the successful
outcome of a Comenius Action I project on a similar theme. The project aims to
produce teaching modules which will be tested in schools and disseminated through the
Internet and on CD-ROM.
DESCRIPTION: Ce projet prévu pour 3 ans vise à inclure la dimension européenne tant au niveau des
processus de l'apprentissage que de l'enseignement sur un exemple concret: l'énergie.
Les objectifs du projet sont: 1) analyser et confronter les pratiques pédagogiques liés à
l'enseignement du thème de l'énergie, 2) élaborer des documents multilingues sur le
thème à destination des enseignants et des étudiants, 3) proposer des outils
d'évaluation formative et normative en rapport avec l'acquisition des concepts
développés dand l'enseignement de ce thème, 4) apporter un complément de formation
sur ce thème, tant sur le plan théorique qu'expérimental et pédagogique au cours d'un
séminaire de 6 jours pour des enseignants et d'autres acteurs de l'éducation, 5) diffuser
sur papier et par internet les dossiers et tests réalisés.
TITLE: ISIS - Integrating Students into Schools: Support Structures for Students in
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop INSET for teachers towards emphasising the
importance of and assisting them in the development and setting up of support
structures in schools which monitor and assist student's progress in both academic and
non-academic areas in order to create the positive learning environment which is a pre-
requisite to school effectiveness.
The rationale for this project is that raising the level of achievement for pupils is an
issue that involves a whole-school approach to addressing the needs of pupils at a
variety of levels and that if teachers are going to be able to effectively meet this
challenge, they need particular training.
The framework for this project's development is as follows Year One: The development
and production of an INSET manual, Year Two: INSET piloting of year one,Year Three:
Evaluation, publication and dissemination.The actual workplan for Year one involves
each of the partners selecting two teachers who jointly and through visits to each of the
partner countries share experiences to form the basis of the manual which will have 50
pages- 1000 copies of which will be printed in English and French.
TITLE: ILES - Improving the Learning Environment in Schools through Effective Bullying
and Discipline Strategies
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop INSET which will improve the learning
environment in schools through improving the ability of teachers to develop and
maintain good discipline whilst also preventing bullying.
This three year project involving 3 institutions from three countries plans to achieve its
aims through the development of an inset manual and training programme (year one)
and its implementation both at national and European level in year two and three.
Secondary schools are targetted and the project plans to adopt a whole-school
approach to the issue of discipline and bullying.
First year activity revolves around the development of the programme manual. Focus
areas and issues are identified both in terms of content ( factors affecting
failure/success, student needs, motivation, self-esteem) and methodology( how to
implemenent effective strategies both within the classroom and within a whole-school
framework). Particular attention will be focused on the needs of disadvantaged children.
The proposed manual will have 50 pages. 1000 copies will be produced (French and
English in the same manual-100 pages in total).
DESCRIPTION: This project aims at improving the organisational and planning capabilities of teachers
and headteachers. It is planned that these aims will be achieved through the
establishment of networks where the exchange of experience and the development of
new approaches will be stimulated.
In its development of this theme, the project also aims at twinning the school and labour
market. Associated schools will also be involved in the development of the project. It is
anticipated that combining the actual experiences of head teachers with organisational
theory and practice from other domaines will identify key issues in improving
management technique whilst also enriching the quality of response to these issues
developed by the projects.It is anticipated that the modules develped by the institutions
in close cooperation with partner associated schols will result in courses which, within
the context of Comenius Action 3.2, can be deliverd to a European- wide audience.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop the ability of teachers to work in multi-
disciplinary ways particularly within the context of enabling schools to participate in
European partnerships.
As such the objectives of the project are to provide the knowledge, experience and
skills necessary for developing European transnational projects whilst presenting such
information in a way which generates enthusiasm for such projects.
It is anticipated that the Action 3.2 Inset courses subsequently developed will also
provide the opportunity for teachers to form concrete partnerships in which they can
develop the knowledge and skills which they have acquired.
DESCRIPTION: The overall aim of this project is to develop teacher training and to improve the
opportunities for teacher exchanges within the area of European Citizenship in order to
create greater awareness and understanding.
The development of the project centres on the creation of links and partnerships
between schools exploring the idea of European Citizenship in a multi-disciplinary way.
As such the opportunity to develop courses under Comenius Action 3.2 is an integral
part of the projet's development. These courses will provide a forum by which the
project may trial and develop the modules and materials it plans to develop. Among
the materials for develoment are a teacers' manual, a students' manual, multi-media
products and simulation/ role play games.
DESCRIPTION: Ce projet a pour objectif de renforcer la prise de conscience des enseignants dur
l'importance du rapport entre les compétences linguistiques et les facteurs de succès ou
d'échec scolaire. Le public cible concerné est constitué des élèves en lisière de la fin
de l'obligation scolaire. Il s'agit de voir dans quelles mesures les aptitudes
communicationnelles en général et les compétences linguistiques en particulier influent
sur le cursus scolaire et la préparation professionnelle. Partant de l'hypothèse que
cette zône de la communication est précisément celle où se jouent bon nombre des
scénario entraînant des occurences scolaires dont les conséquences risquent de se
prolonger durablement, il devrait être possible de définir des principes et des moyens
d'interventions appropriés aux situations idéentifiées. Les stratégies didactiques qui en
résulteront seront ici élaborées autour d'outils concrets (répertoires d'actions, tests de
diagnostic et de contrôle, grilles d'observation, etc.). Par ailleurs, les nouvelles
technologies - et particulièrement celles qui procèdent d'une approche multimedia -
seront mises à contribution afin de permettre l'effectuation du projet et la diffusion de
ses résultats à travers une mise en réseau des informations disponibles.
DESCRIPTION: The aim of the project is to design and organise an in-service training course for
primary school heads focusing on school self-evaluation. The course is intended to last
a week and will be composed of several modules; the course will be open to 14 to 18
heads as participants. Pilot training materials will be developed during the first year and
these will be tested during a trial run of the course towards the end of the 1st year. The
results of this trial run will in the 2nd year help to finalise the approach and contents of
the course. During the second year the in-situ in-service training course will be turned
into modules available through ODL, Opena and Distance Learning means.. Finally the
project also hopes to produce an international bibliography on the topic of self-
evaluation of schools. The methodology to bring about this course will be based on
action-research and will foresee a follow-up including networking between participants
by using internet.
It is hopes that the European in-set course will thus: a) provide an European overview
of evaluation systems of schools, b) encourage an exchange of experiences, c)
increase awareness of self-evaluation techniques, d) train participants in the use of self-
evaluation instruments and e) design training materials and tools useful for future
activities also through ODL.
TITLE: Dall'Agorà alla piazza virtuale per la costruzione di una cultura europea
DESCRIPTION: The title of the project is ''Dall’Agorà alla piazza virtuale per la costruzione di una
cultura Europea'' (From Agorà to the virtual piazza, towards the construction of a
European culture).
This project takes into account that our society is moving towards a process of
European integration and this process will occur only through respecting other local
Agorà is understood as a place where men and women can compare ideas, participate
in political discussions and can contribute in cultural debates. Through the use of
information technology the project intends to create a virtual piazza of the European
Community. This is motivated by the necessity to reinforce the following elements
through teacher training: (1)Knowledge of the local historical environment; (2) the
capacity to use the telematic communicative and informative resources; (3) knowledge
of the differences and similarities of other urban European contexts; (4) knowledge of
the EU programmes; (5) enable the teachers to learn to socialise and to publish all the
didactic and cultural research that they produce so that other schools can benefit from
The target groups for this project are teachers from primary schools and lower and
upper secondary schools in Bari, Paris and Madrid, namely from towns in the three
partner countries.
This project is a biannual one.
DESCRIPTION: The project ''LA SCENA DEI SOGNI. Formazione in servizio sui linguaggi
dell’integrazione teatrale'' or ''The Stage of Dreams. In-service training on the
languages of theatre integration'' is a project involving organisations from four countries
(I, DK, E, UK) which intends to develop and test a pedagogical model for the training of
teachers and other staff working in the field of special needs education. Such model is
to be based on the use of drama as a means of expression and communication as a
means of enhancing educational opportunities for children in special education.
The project will be organised in three stages. The first stage will consist of the exchange
and comparison of current pedagogical practice and materials as developed by the
different participating organisations. The second stage will achieve the development
and testing of the model at local, regional or national level. The third stage will be
dedicated to the preparation of a cd-rom and videos documenting the model and the
The project hopes to disseminate the outcomes on the one hand through the possible
organisation of an in-service training course within the framework of action 3.2. and on
the other hand through the European Agency for Development in Special Needs
TITLE: 'Trans Europe Theatre' - Formazione al Linguaggio Teatrale per insegnanti delle
scuole medie superiori
DESCRIPTION: The project ''Trans Europe Theatre: formazione al linguaggio Teatrale per insegnanti
delle scuole medie superiori'' or Training for the language of the theatre for teachers of
upper secondary education'' aims to develop through the exchange and comparison of
techniques, practice and traditions in the four countries involved, teacher training
courses in the use of drama for educational purposes. Thus the project intends to
stimulate the interest and the knowledge of the students by confronting them with the
social, artistic and cultural expressions of society and European culture transmitted
through theatre. The first phase of the project will be to compare and confront the
different metholodogies in training teachers in this area in the participating countries.
The second phase will be the development of a new programme integrating the theory
and practice which exist at European level.
The project's outputs will include training modules, learning materials (both paper-based
and on a cd-rom) and a web site. The outcomes will be disseminated through the
possible in-service training course organised within the framework of Comenius action
3.2., through conferences and seminars and also through the internet.
TITLE: S.A.L.I.R.E. (Start Off) - Secondo Apprendimento Logico Intuitivo per il Recupero
DESCRIPTION: The project ''SALIRE: (Start Off): Secondo Apprendimento Logico Intuittivo per il
Recupero Educativo'' or ''Secondary education based on intuitive logics to re-integrate
dropouts'' aims to develop training for secondary school teachers who are specialised in
strategies for the re-integration of educational dropouts into the school system. The
purpose is both the development of innovative pedagogical approaches and the
exploration of the potential of multimedia as an educational tool for the pupils targetted.
The project is based on an action-research approach whereby the teachers trainers and
the teachers involved will develop the approaches and materials from the results of
research and analysis activities carried out in the schools involved. The pedagogical
framework will be based on a modular approach allowing teachers to run focused
interventions (modules) on groups of pupils. Such interventions would be supported by
multimedia-based educational tools that would be developed as part of the project
activities. Materials for the training of teachers to the implementation of the pedagogical
framework and the use of the educational materials would also be developed and
tested, and these would be based on ODL approaches, in order to benefit from the
flexibility offered by these approaches.
The project's concrete outputs would be the pedagogical framework, the multimedia
educational materials to support the use of the pedagogical framework, and ODL
teacher training materials.
DESCRIPTION: The aim of this project is to equip educational staff in secondary schools so they can
better educate young people for adult and working life in an European context. They
want to update the knowledge and skills of educational staff in charge of Careers
Education and Guidance (CEG) and the European dimension. They want to share
cross-national experience regarding innovation and improvment of CEG programmes in
secondary school organizations. As they will promote co-operation between the
facilitating organizations and the participating secondary schools, they want to develop
joint traning activities based on direct contact as well as open and distance learning
methods. On the basis of this experience they will improve the curriculum concerning
this subject.They will write a report and produce curriculum guidelines which will be
disseminated at the three national conferences and finally in the international
conference which will be organized for all European countries.
DESCRIPTION: This project intends to focus on the environment and intercultural dialogues between
regions. They want to develop a feeling for sustainability, cooperation and democratic
action in relation to the above mentioned topic. In each of the participating regions, they
will organize two regional seminars - one at the beginning of the project's development
one towards the end. Teachers will be involved from the beginning and the first seminar
will be held in September 1997. After the international seminars, there will be
developed new contacts and school links to work out inter-regional contacts with
students on the project's theme . They will also organize an in-service training course
for teachers at both primary and secondary level. The main aim of the second seminar
is to look at evaluation and activities for further implementation in the
schoolcurriculum. Their seminar reports will be published and disseminated while
articles will appear in both regional as well as international journals.
DESCRIPTION: The present project of the Anna Frank Foundation intends to develop modules for a
teacher training course integrating approaches and experiences that have been tried
out in the five countries involved in it.The project results from research into the use of
educational materials in the area of discrimination and exclusion; those materials have
been developed over the previous years in the framework of Action 2 of Comenius.
This suggested that while there are many materials of good quality, most are not used
even where they have been paid for. The specific aim is therefore to train teachers on
how to deal with such themes. It does not create new materials - rather it deals with how
to make better use of existing ones through a solid, systematic training programme for
teachers and an expansion of teacher training activities throughout Europe. The starting
point of the project will be the draft in a questionnaire which will be sent to teacher
training institutions, and the results discussed at an Amsterdam meeting in autumn
1998. The subsequent results will form the basis for a course proposal which will again
be the subject of a meeting of partners. The modified proposal will then be translated
and published, together with a list of recommended literature and resources. In later
years a course will be developed and provided for teachers across Europe. A web-site
will be created to enhance dissemination and communication between teachers and
teacher trainers within a large network.
DESCRIPTION: The objective of the present project is to organise European in-service training courses
focusing on teaching quality imporvement in environmental schools. Contentwise the
scheduled in-service training courses concern previously tested methodologies for
enhancing the quality of environmental schools concerning twxo aspects. the first
apsect is the environmental care and the second one is teaching students the extent to
which social action contexts influence and determine people's actions, however without
individualising and without a moralistic/environmentalist approach.
This Socrates application derives from an existing research project between the
partners. It proposes to develop 2 teacher training courses based on existing materials
in the area of environmental education. It will instruct participants how to improve
environmental quality in their schools through particular measures to enhance school
management and subject teaching.
In addition to the outcome of performing actually teacher training courses the project
will deliver two other products: a) an instruction guide for teacher trainers and b) a
collection of the curricular materials as used during the courses possibly on floppy disk
and/or on CD ROM.
TITLE: ''The Innovation of Education for Pupils with Hearing Impairments and Speech
and Language Difficulties''
DESCRIPTION: This project is concerned with the education of children with hearing impairments and
speech and language difficulties. It puts together existing teaching materials from the
three collaborating organisations and develops a composite course. This is then tested
and modifications made where necessary. Finally ODL materials are developed to
support it. The main subjects concern preparation for integration and the professional
development of the teacher (NL), Preparation for integration into life and collaboration
with parents and and educators (UK) and Open and Distance learning for pupils with
hearing impairment and speech and language difficulties and specialised support for the
teacher (FI). Evaluation will be on a day to day basis by the participants but there will
also be an international committee comprising people from schools, training centres
and parents organisations. External experts in the area of deafness will be contacted for
opinion. It is the intention of the project manager to make a CD ROM available to every
college which wants it.
Ziel des Projekts ist es, eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Fachleuten aus dem Bereich
Schule, Berufswelt und der Lehrerfortbildung auf europäischer Ebene aufzubauen und
eine europäische Brücke zwischen Schule und Beruf herzustellen. Somit soll, auf ganz
konkrete Weise, die europäische Dimension in die Lehrerfortbilung eingeführt werden.
Grundidee und gleichzeitig Ansatz formen hierbei der Übergang vom Konzept
''Schonraum Schule'' beziehungsweise ''phasenbedingter Abschied von der Kindheit''
hin zur Arbeitswelt, der ''Erwachsenenwelt''. Um dies harmonisch und auch effizient
gestalten zu können sind neben der bestehenden Partnerschaft des Projekts
Schulpartnerschaften vorgesehen. Das Projekt konzentriert sich in seiner Arbeit auf
folgende Themen/Bereiche: interkulturelles Lernen, Unterstützung von
Pflichtschulabgängern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen bei der Suche nach einem
Arbeitsplatz und Arbeitsassistenz sowie das Kennenlernen der Arbeitswelt und den
Berufsmöglichkeiten für behinderte. Um dies zu ermöglichen ist eine Vernetzung mit
dem sozialen Bereich (z.B.: Jugendämter) vorgesehen.
DESCRIPTION: EURO - LAND: Wirtschatserziehung für Schüler der Primar- und Sekundarstufe I
Ausgehend von den Lehrplänen der jeweiligen Staaten derTeilnehmer des Projekts
sollen zum Thema ''Die Europäische Dimension im Unterricht'' Medien und Materialien
aus bereits vorhandenen zusammengestellt werden beziehungsweise neu entwickelt
werden für möglichst viele Schulstufen. Für alle Unterrichtsstufen sollen Modulen
Lehrmaterialien entwickelt werden, welche im Unterricht eingesetzt werden können und
die den Lehrkräften ein fundiertes Wissen über die Europäische Union vermittelt wird.
In der Beginnphase konzentriert sich das Projekt auf Geographie und Wirtschaftslehre
wobei folgende Themen vorgesehen sind: Europäische Währungsunion, freier
Wahrenverkehr, freier Kapitalverkehr, freier Personenverkehr und freier
Dienstleistungsverkehr. Anhand der Module kann auch die Lehrerfortbildung didaktisch
moderiert werden. Es wird angestrebt die Module in jedem EU-Staat einzusetzen,
deswegen werden alle Module/Materialien mehrsprachig erstellt. Die angefertigten
Module/Materialien werden nach Themen strukturiert und zusammengefügt und so wird
eine ''didaktische Spielwiese - das EURO-LAND -'' entworfen und gestaltet mit genauer
Handlungsanleitung für den Gebrauch in den Schulen für verschiedene Altersstufen.
Ein weiteres Kernstück des Projekts ist die Lehrerfortbildung. Durch die Aufarbeitung
von Lehrmaterialien zur Wirtschaftserziehung in Europa sowie dem Einsatz von
Telematik wird eine optimale Vernetzung gewährleistet. Durch die Erstellung von
flexibel einsetzbaren, elektronischen Datenträgern (CD-ROM) wird ein weite
Verbreitung ermöglicht.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop a new model for the teaching of mathematics
in school settings. As such the project wishes to investigate a theoretical basis for the
model, develop modules and materials for implementing the model, devise a format for
INSET delivery particularly appropriate to the model and finally deliver the INSET itself.
The basic rationale for the project is a concern that what is taught by teachers is not
always effectively learnt by pupils.Therefore the concern of this project is to develop an
approach to the teaching of mathematics that emphasises understanding and
differentiation according to ability with particular attention paid to the needs of the less-
well able students.
As such project development is based on constuctivist theory, situated cognition, and
subjective experiences. The approach to project development is one of action research
through teams of teachers in each of the participating countries.
A three year project- planned outcomes are two publications of project findings in both
theoretical and applied forms, a teachers' handbook, the setting up of a www site and
INSET training courses.
DESCRIPTION: Le projet de formation continue proposé s’adresse aux chefs d’établissements des
écoles du secondaire inférieur et supérieur (écoles de l’enseignement général et
professionnel/technique); il vise à les aider à monter des projets de coopération
transnationale au sein du programme communautaire SOCRATES; la formation
continue donnera une attention toute particulière à la création de Projets Educatifs
Européens au sein de l'Action 1 de Comenius 1 et des Projets Educatifs Conjoints au
sein de l'Action E de LINGUA.
La formation continue 'européenne' insistera aussi sur la création de projets Action 2 de
Comenius dans le domaine de l'interculturel, de l'éducation des enfants de migrants et
du combat contre le racisme et la xénophobie.
Les produits qui résulteront de ce projet Action 3.1. seront a) des manuels bilingues
focalisant sur la création, la mise en oeuvre et la gestion de tels projets de coopération
transnationale et b) la création d’un CD-ROM reprenant cette information; en plus
l'information des manuels sera diffusée sur Internet.
Le projet espère aboutir à des actions de formation continue aussi bien sur le plan
national que sur le plan européen, notamment (mais pas exclusivement!) dans le cadre
de l’Action 3.2. Dès le début l'objectif du projet est d'associer des institutions en Europe
centrale et orientale aux activités du projet et ceci comme ''silent partners''.
Le projet fera aussi appel à des enseignants et d'autres membres du personnel
chevronnés dans le domaine de la création de projets de coopération transnationale
dans les établissements scolaires. Le projet espère donc former par cette formation
continue des promoteurs Comenius pouvant exploiter à fond tout les innovations
pédagogiques et didactiques mises à la disposition des écoles par la création de tels
projets européens. L'interdisciplinarité aura un rôle clé dans la formation continue.
DESCRIPTION: Le projet 'Growing up in Europe gifted - grandir en Europe en utilisant ses talents
(artistiques) ''vise à développer une formation continue pour des enseignants afin de
leur permettre de mieux 'exploiter' toutes les possibilités de l'éducation artistique et
esthétique. Cette formation continue devrait permettre à des enseignants et à d'autres
membres du personnel de faire découvrir aux élèves tout le potentiel artistique et
créateur dont ils sont porteurs eux-mêmes.
Les objectifs de ce projet sont: a) la conception, le développement et la réalisation de
ce que le projet appelle ''Art and Architecture Bookmobiles'', c'est-à-dire des collections
de matériel mobile de toute sorte focalisant sur l'art et l'architecture:des livres, des CD-
Roms, des diapositives, des jeux éducatifs prenant comme point de départ
l’architecture et l’art, b) la conception, le développement et la réalisation de ce que le
projet appelle ''Activity Boxes for Children'' (des ateliers- boîtes - mobiles pour des
élèves avec un matériel didactique ayant pour objectif de stimuler la créativité des
enfants), c) le développement d’autre matériel didactique innovant sur CD-Rom qui
sera également disponible sur Internet et d) la conception, le développement et la mise
en oeuvre d'un cours de formation continue permettant à des enseignants et d'autres
membres du personnel de se familiariser et de travailler avec les outils pédagogiques
mentionnés ci-dessus.
Les formations continues concrètes dans le cadre del'Action 3.2. de Comenius sont
annoncées pour plus tard, probablement à partir de la 2ème ou 3ème année; elles
insisteront fortement sur la créativité des enseignants afin de stimuler la créativité des
élèves. Ce projet devrait permettre aux enseignants intéressés de vraiment faire surgir
et d'exploiter tout le potentiel créatif artistique qu'il y a au fond de chaque enfant.
DESCRIPTION: Das Projekt ''From Europe into space'' verfolgt das Ziel mutimediale Lernhilfen in Form
einer interaktiven World Wide Web Präsentation und einer daraus entwickelten CD
Rom aus dem Gebiet der Astronomoe und der subatomaren Physik zu erstellen. Es
werden hierbei die neuen Kenntnisse und Forschungsentwicklungen an Lehrer und in
Ausbildung stehende Studenten vermittelt. Die Lehrer sollen in der Benutzung von
neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien geschult werden, um diese dann
effizient im Unterricht einsetzen zu können. Die Zielgruppen sind also Lehrer,
Lehrerfortbildner und Schüler in ganz Europa. Die Schüler werden durch die
multimediale Lernsoftware angeleitet, sich spielerisch mit physikalisch-
naturwissenschaftlichen Themen ausinanderzusetzen. Schüler verschiedener
Vorbildung und Leistungsfähigkeit können mit dem Lernmaterial arbeiten .Die
geplanten Aktivitäten sind Expertentreffen in Wien und Sheffield, wo die Arbeit an der
ersten Version der Web-Site erarbeitet werden soll . Diese soll in Schulen erprobt und
ausgearbeitet werden.
DESCRIPTION: The main purpose of the project '' COCUS- Conflict culture in schools - a challenge of
leadership'' will be to design in the next two years a course and teaching and learning
materials in the area of conflict management for school-leaders, leading teams and
people in leading positions in schoolmanagement. To design that material for the
course, there will be research work in each of the participant countries. The base will
be the different models that have already been developed in each of the countries and
the different strategies already used. The course and the materials to run the course will
aim at developing the profesional competence of school leaders by enhancing their
awareness and understanding of conflict and their potentially support role. There will be
an international held workshop, nationaly financed, at the end of the first year. This
workshop will help the steering group of the project to give immediate feed back.The
evaluation of the workshop and further research will lead to a design of an international
held seminar (run under Comenius 3.2) and materials for that.The strategy of the
course will apply the tools and methods of conflict resolutions. It is dedicated to the
approach of systematic and experience-bases and self-reflective learning.
TITLE: Promoting the European Citizenship : Fighting violence, xenophobia and racism
in schools
DESCRIPTION: The project ''Promover a cidadania Europeia: lutar contra a violência, a xenofobia e o
racismo nas escolas'' ( Promote European citizenship; to fight violence, xenophobia
and racism in the schools) has as its main general objective the promotion of attitudes
and behaviour which go against xenophobia and racism and this starting from the
concrete school situation within which youngsters meet on an every day basis.
The specific objectives are to train teachers : a) to develop networks of schools and of
educational institutions which the objective to enhance co-operation in particular in the
fields of health, environment and in the field of models of evaluation and b) to develop
strong and efficient partnerships to elaborate and experiment didactical materials which
are use in European schools.
The methodologies used within this project will be the following: 1) the creation of
transnational partnerships and 2) a training seminar for teachers with the objective to
develop three didactical units. The units will be linked to the several levels of the
school system.
Ultimately it is hoped to bring about modifications of attitudes of youngsters in the areas
mentioned above.
DESCRIPTION: The aim of this project is to support the professional and personal growth of the
personality of the recently graduated teacher while also to establishing a multi-national
training programme. The project is focused on primary school teachers who have
graduated 1-5 years ago from local institutes. To be able to gain these results, the
project has decided to use technology as a tool for planning, organizing and
implementing the modules in the participant countries.They will also organise seminars
where teachers will learn how to use the new technology. They want to promote further
cooperation within the existing network of teachers and trainers whilst also extending
its number and influence. The project also looks to promote the use of educational
technologies at school and in all training environments. They will produce a set of
modules to be implemented in each of the partner institutions as a part of their existing
curriculum. They will also develop study material which could be used in distance
education courses. They will collect data from the schools that take part in this project
producing a report which will be disseminated through the pedagogical journals in
participating countries and later on in other international journals. They hope that after
the first results, new partners will join this programme.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop the ability of teachers in vocational schools to
cater for children with SEN within the mainstream classroom.
This project is anticipated as a three year venture between five instituions from five
countries( UK, SF,GR,NL and F).
The project framework is the sharing of experience in order to enrich and deepen
current practice. The project outcomes are a module resulting from this shared
experience and classroom based materials. The specific focus areas identified for
investigation include identifying approaches to SEN, identifying the needs of both
teachers and students( both educationally and practically (in terms of facilities) and the
identification of approaches to evaluation.
The first year of the project involves the gathering of information and the development
of the module and materials. Year two involves the development and delivery of INSET
courses with year three concentraing on the project's evaluation and dissemination.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to support teachers in small, rural primary schools as they
attempt to bring a spirit of lifelong learning to their school such that not only do pupils
benefit but the local community also benefits through the development of schools as
local resource centres.
This project is undertaken by a partnership of four in-career education providers
working together with local schools and higher education institutes.
The target group for this three year project is, therefore, not only primary school
teachers and pupils in these rural areas but also the local, rural community.
Particular content areas to be investigated cover the organisation of learning within the
rural school, communication between rural schools and the development of school-
based local resources. Specific focus areas can, therefore, be identified as exchanging
new methods in teaching multi-age groups, developing learning through ODL and NIT
and developing the idea of schools as local education centres.
The main first year outcome is an INSET course based on the year's transnational and
local work. The main project outcomes to be achieved by the end of the project's three
years will be a handbook entitled 'Small schools in Europe', a video , a CD Rom and a
www site.
DESCRIPTION: The three year project ''IPWEM'' aims to enhance the opportunities for women to take
on managerial responsibilites in education through a series of initial and in-service
training strategies. The project has been devised by staff development units at national
and provincial levels in FI/UK/IE and PO against a background of inequalities in the
educational world, particularly in schools.
Although in the majority in most sectors of education, women are still in a small minority
where managerial posts are concerned. By targeting teacher trainers, the project hopes
to influence the environment in which teachers work and the way in which they are
trained to facilitate access to management by women. There will be three phases in the
project, the first to develop networks and the exchange of experience and materials, the
second to begin producing a video and CD-Rom and to begin planning teacher courses
to take place in the third phase at the same time as the publication of a handbook on
women in education in Europe.
TITLE: My Europe
DESCRIPTION: This project aims to develop awareness of the EU through developing comparative
European studies in schools at all levels- with particular emphasis on the lower
secondary stage- and through in-service teacher training in four countries with
participation of teacher trainers and teachers from all partner countries. The aim of this
project is to generate new in-service training courses which will use new didactic
methods. These courses are intended to be included in the normal future activities of
the participating in-service training providers. They will also produce material that will
be used in both teacher training and in the classroom. The development of CD-roms
for use in the classroom is also anticipated. Courses for teachers who have developed a
European Dimension in their own teaching will also be organised.
The project intends to set up a course focusing on dyslexia; the course will last at least
one week (possibly two weeks) and will focus especially on reading and writing
The main objectives of the project are : a) to enhance awareness of dyslexia problems
in all the Member States of the European Union and in other European countries, b) to
see to it that teachers and other members of the educational staff get a deeper
understanding and c) to enhance European co-operation in this field starting from
comparative studies which the participants to the in-set courses will make; these
comparative studies will be based on the work of the participants with dyslectic pupils.
It is the intention to give to the participants at the en of the course a (European!)
Certificate of Advanced Professional Studies, CAPS that equals 2 units of a Masters
degree. The in-wet course will be partly in situ courses or conatct courses but also
courses using Open and Distance Learning means such as electronic conferencing
and new information technologies such as is done within open university based in-set
courses. It is thus hoped that participants will acquire the necessary skills to work with
dyslexic children and to make within this framework specific and expert usage of new
technologies and multimedia.
The first year will focus on creating course modules, the second on holding the in-set
course itself and the third on evaluation and gathering of education material.
The key activities will be: seminars, workshops, IT and distance learning..
Dyslexia - use of NIT and ODL - comparative studies - part of a Master's degree
The aim of the project is to develop in-service training courses for members of
educational staff focusing on methods for multicultural and multireligious education
within the school and also within basic adult education.
The intention is also to do research on and to gather documentation on teaching
methods and ideologies within intercultural, interreligious and multicultural education.
The project furthermore intends to develop methods and material that visualise and
strengthen the status of minorities and that create and enhance intercultural
understanding; it is also hoped that the methods and materials developed will facilitate
the bringing about of a dialogue and will make available comparative knowledge on
other religions and on views of life which will help to strengthen one's own identity.
The taget group is teachers and all other members of staff interested in intercultural and
interreligious education.
The project is scheduled to last three years: the first year will focus on action-research,
the second year will be used to develop the European in-service training course and the
third year will be used to writing out the course material and disseminating it as largely
as possible. Thus the key aspects of the project will be: research activities and
gathering of information on religious education aspects and methods for a multicultural
and multireligious education.
The project will result in several documents, in an European in-set course and in the in-
set course material which will be produced.
TITLE: Quality and Diversity in Early Years practice; Process and Practice
DESCRIPTION: The Quality and Diversity in Early Years project aims to develop a course on reflective
teaching as a means of identifying equal opportunities for boys and girls and the social
inclusion of minority and immigrant groups. It starts with a large seminar in Portugal to
define the parameters for the project and the course training materials, and then applies
them to schools in the partnership localities. The project will contribute to an increase in
research possibilities for women, as the target group is teachers in early years
education. Educational methods in Art and Movement, both containing cross-cultural
and gender elements, will be identified and mapped with particular attention also which
will be paid to the European dimension. National and transnational networks of teachers
interested in using modern information technology for contributing to a continuing
debate on social inclusion and gender issues in Europe will be initiated. Schools will be
involved in the project possibly through Action 1 EEPs of Comenius.
It is a three year project which will ultimately be described on the web and distributed to
other institutions of education.
DESCRIPTION: The project intends to develop an in-service training course in the field of issues in
relation with underachievement. The specific objectives of the project thus are: a)
identify and describe patterns of underachievement in pupils aged 9-11 in the partner
regions, b) to collect data relating to underachieving, especially case study materials of
successful strategies to do something about underachieving, c) to use the data and
case studies as a basis for locally based seminars leading to an action 3.1. course, d) to
run an international 3.2. course, e) to develop materials from 3.1 and 3.2 which can be
used as a basis for dissemination and as a resource pack for teachers. and f) to
disseminate the end results of the programme through publications and linked series of
national confernces.
The project identifies the teacher and the system as the main reasons for under-
achievement rather than the pupil and the materials to be developed would recommend
new pupil-teacher relationships within a Lifelong Learning framework. Seminars and
workshops are also planned, both as a part of the project and for teachers in the locality
of the project partners. Target populations cover all people in the Education service with
a responsibility to improve knowledge of, and action for improving, underachievement
in schools for pupils aged 12 to 19.
DESCRIPTION: The Literacy within Lifelong Learning Project intends to investigate, research, compare,
evaluate and exchange effective practice in language and literacy and locally apply
best practice in selected schools. It will also develop resources and materials to
implement such practice on a local level and achieve mutual understanding of literacy
and increased knowledge of ways of addressing these. the target group consists of
European teachers teaching literacy skills to children from the age of five to twelve.
The result of the project will be the dissemination of theory, and findings of teaching
strategies by a scientific study, by documented exchange of good teaching practice, by
arranging seminars and by developing an European in-service training course for
teachers and heads. The project takes a wider view of literacy than simply reading and
writing skills and invokes the idea that family learning and the use of computers are an
essential part of improving literacy.
The project will implement the use of information technology communication between
participants, by using e-mail and by creating web sites. In all forms of publication the
three languages of the project will be used viz. English, Portuguese and Swedish. The
outcomes will be available through all interested teachers though internet and the web
TITLE: TOIL - Teaching of Initial Literacy: Accelerating literacy development for bilingual
and monolingual learners
DESCRIPTION: The TOIL project intends to produce, pilot and implement at European, member state
and city levels an in-service training course designed to equip teachers and others with
skills, knowledge and understanding required to accelerate children's acquisition of
competence in literacy. The project will draw on and synthesize best practice in the
participating cities and their member states in the construction of the programme. The
project will also test and produce recommendations about effective in-service training
models with particular emphasis on the role of coaching and mentoring to complement
a training programme.
In particular the materials will target teachers of immigrant school children who need to
teach literacy in the host country language, but it is also believed that they will be
relevant to all underachieving children. This 5-city, 5 country project draws upon best
practice from within the participating cities. The results will be placed on the DIECEC
(Development Intercultural Education in Cities of the European Community: a network
of cities involved in Comenius) web-site after the 3 year duration.
Evaluation and monitoring is done internally and include the use and analysis of pro-
formas and course/teacher appraisal forms.
DESCRIPTION: The objective of the projet CLITT is to develop an action 3.1. European teacher
education course to implement and disseminate the results achieved by the CLIP
project over the period of 1994 till 1997. The CLIP project focuses on Co-operative
learning in Intercultural projects and it is based on the theories of Complex Instruction
(CI) (status treatment in heterogeneous classrroms) and the multiple intelligences
theory. The intention is that the European in-set course will enable teachers: a) to
organise co-operative learning activities in their classrooms in such a way that it meets
the criteria for intercultural education and b) to use the different skills and knowledge of
their students in a construtive way in order to improve the learning results of students.
One of the main findings the present CLIP method is based on is the fact that Co-
operative Learning as developed in the Complex Instruction improves the quality of
learning and the outcomes for the students who are at risk. The target groups of the
project are teachers both in primary and secondary education and teacher educators.
The expected result will be a training module and a training manual for teacher training
courses for teachers and teacher trainers. The project hopes to enhance dissemination
of its outcomes within the countries involved in the CLIP project; it also intends to use
the internet and to co-operate for dissemination with another important NGO called
EFIL, the European Federation for Intercultural Learning). It is hoped that the project
will contribute to bring about 'equitable classrooms' which means that teachers will be
trained to work in heterogeneous groups and make sure that all pupils (including
handicapped children, children at risk because of their social and cultural backgrounds)
have equal access to the learning process.
DESCRIPTION: This project takes cognisance of the need that is now apparent to take account of the
many pupils who experience discontinuity in learning. Teaching staff that try to meet
their particular educational needs have identified a gap in their knowledge and
professional expertise in addressing their intermittent pupils. This project aims to
develop appropriate differentiation in the school systems which support the individual
needs of interrupted learners. They will try to identify principles in policy and practice
which enable schools to support learners out of school. They will interview teachers,
pupils and families to get more information and develop a few Case studies in each
state. They will collect all good practice and prepare and offer an information package
for the relevant target group. They will also produce a framework of a module for
teacher training , promote the use of technology and encourage the wider use of
networks between interested teachers.
TITLE: Resource Net : Linking Teacher Development and Resource Centres across
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop an in-service training course for lead officers
within Teacher Development and Resources Centres in line with the report ''A Regional
Role in Education and Training Partnerships''. It recommends the creation of a
partnership network amongst members of the Assembly of European Regions for
supporting and assisting schools in their participation in European Education Projects.
They will run an Internet Training Course which will be organized for 12 participants;
this will result in all partners having practical knowledge and experience of using the
internet as a transnational collaborative medium. They will produce a pack of In-service
training materials which will be piloted in each partner country. Eventaully this pack will
also be produced electronically and a summative evalution seminar organised. They
hope to open training courses in each member state to relevant personnel staff.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to investigate how the potential of transnational Inset and
the European Dimension can best be used to develop good practice in the area of
children with special needs. The project will achieve these aims through an institutional
structure consisting of 5 training partners, 25 associated pilot schools and a training
paradigm consisting of five multi-disciplinary themes. The themes of the paradigm are
Autonomous learning, New technology, Special needs, Languages and Communication
and Inter-culturalism. The in-service training for these themes will be prepared and led
by the five partners in collaboration with five co-ordinating schools- one in each
state.This project is established for teachers of pupils aged 9-13 years in the 25 pilot
schools and for teachers from schools that will join the project in subsequent years or
who join the network established by the first 25 pilot schools. They will also develop a
curricular module in the five themes mentioned above. ODL will be used in the project
in a significant way.
DESCRIPTION: This project aims to establish a transnational in-service Master's Degree for school
teachers and other educators which has a European Dimension as its main focus. The
project is unique since school teachers from all participating countries will be able to
study for a degree and also be taught together for a substantial part of the course.
Distance learning techniques will also be used to enhance communication between
partner institutions and among school teachers. The aim of these courses is also to
develop curriculuar modules in European issues.The pupils from the schools of
teachers studying the Master Programme will benefit directly since part of the course
involves school-based practical work. Seminars for teachers will be held in the region of
each institution to encourage the dissemination of experience to other teachers.
Information about the Master's degree will be made available on the World Wide Web.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to provide INSET for the development of creative
strategies for overcoming linguistic barriers in primary school EEPs. To achieve its aim
the project proposes to provide examples of how linguistic challenges can be met both
within particular subject areas and within a cross -curricular context. They wish to target
teachers, pupils and other school staff who may be involved in transnational support
communication eg school secretaries.The project is also keen to change the perception
of language as the burdensome challenge of EEP work to its perception as a means of
enriching EEP work. To this end they also seek to develop an INSET unit illustrating
the interface between language/culture and identity.Project outcomes are anticipated as
INSET modules and materials to form the basis of an Action 3.2 course in year one
with year two activities centring around addressing the linguistic challenges posed by
more abstract, scientific or creative curricular areas and year three activites involving
the development of self-study units for use by children with their parents and the
generation of a CD- Rom covering all three years of project activity.
DESCRIPTION: The aim of this project is to make available to teachers in primary school quality training
courses and teaching materials which will enable them to integrate knowledge and
respect for cultural diversity in Europe into their teaching programmes.
The project focus is on the development of cross-curricular strategies and materials to
be developed and trialled by practising teachers within a focus area specifically defined
for each year.
Year One is entitled ' The Origins of Difference' and explores the theme of Journeys in
order to highlight the origins of cultural diversity within Europe eg migration.
Year Two is entitled 'The Experience of Difference' and explores the theme of Conflict
and Settlement in order to highlight the initial experiences of different cultures coming
into contact in a European context.
Year Three is entitled 'The Accommodation of Difference' and explores the theme of
'Living Together' in order to highlight the resolution of conflict arising from cultural
differences in a Europen context.
Materials and strategies will be produced in both hardcopy and electronic
format(WWW) at the end of each year with a CD Rom also being made in the third year
to include the results of all three stages of the project.INSET courses are anticipated at
the end of each year of the project with teachers from the partner countries being
particularly targetted.
Primary school-Interculture-INSET-materials-www
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop INSET for pre-primary, primary and secondary
school teachers in the area of maritime education such that they may use this as a
basis for participating in cross-curricular transnational projects.
This project builds on an initiative already funded by DGXI (for the development of
environmental Education materials relating to the North Sea) through the development
of an INSET curriculum based on these materials and the extension of the project to
include the Atlantic coast and the mediterranean coast through the addition of a
Portuguese and Greek partner.
First year activities involve the development of the INSET curriculum (content and
methodologies), through the development of a manual and through the development of
a data base for schools wishing to apply the manual within a cross-curricular
transnational framework.Second year activities involve the finalisation of the manual, its
placing on the www and the delivery of an Action 3.2 course. The manual will be
published in English with glossaries of species, landforms,techniques etc in French and
the language of the partners.
DESCRIPTION: The pupose of this project is provide INSET for both primary and secondary teachers
towards the introduction of an element of intergenerational learning into their teaching
and learning organisation.
This project builds on two initiatives funded by DGV in 1993 and 1994 which looked at
identifying examples of good practice in school-based intergenerational work.
The rationale for this 3-year Comenius Action 3.1 project is that successful
intergenerational learning is largely dependent on effective facilitation by teachers in
the classroom who require an understanding of the theoretical and practical approaches
This project will, therefore, develop an Intergenerational training programme for
delivery at the end of each of the project's three year life-span.This course will be
developed for both teachers and teacher trainers. A training manual and materials for
both teachers and teacher trainers will be produced and disseminated through the
internet and through national conferences.
This three year project aims at increasing the incidence and effectiveness of the
European dimension in the primary school curriculum across Europe. This is done by
developing in-service training modules and materials to enable teachers of the primary
age range (5-11) to improve their delivery of the European dimension in the curriculum.
The modules will be delivered transnationally, the materials will include a video, in-
service-training curriculum, training materials, a guide for trainers and evaluation guides
and tools to assess impact in the classroom. The project will give particular attention to
the way in which the European Dimension can raise levels of achievement for all
children. It will be based on the premise of the primary school as a learning community.
The activities completed during the first funding year are the development of the in-
service training curriculum and delivering module 1, drafting and revising the materials
and starting the practitioners database. The main target groups of the project are
primary school teachers, headteachers, advisors and inspectors.
This three year project aims at promoting the European dimension of teacher in-service
training. The project is specially designed to promote deeper understanding of the
added-value school-enterprise links can bring to the curriculum and, in particular, the
role of teacher placement in enterprise. It will stress the influence of a quality approach
to school-enterprise links and the need to integrate such activity within the curriculum
as a whole. The project will develop an in-service training programme for general and
vocational education teachers in the 4-18 age range which will be appropriate for
adaptation to all European countries and will be delivered by a multi-national group of
trainers. It is intended to encourage teachers to set up partnerships with a school
enterprise focus under Comenius Action 3.1. During the first year the partners will meet
to develop the training programme, agree monitoring and evaluation strategies and
develop the support materials which will be trialled in in a pilot workshop in the UK. In
the second year, the training programme will be adapted for use in other member states
and the materials will be adapted to take account of experiences from the first
European placements within Comenius Action 1.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this 3 year project is to develop accredited INSET for Educational staff
who work with visually impaired children. It is an initiative introduced by three teacher
teacher education institutions from 3 countries ( UK, Swe and SF).
The rationale for this project is that the current trend towards mainstreaming of children
results in children being taught by teachers who lack the appropriate skills and
experience teaching in classrooms and schools without appropriate support or
The framework for this project's development is as follows:Year One- Sharing
experience for curricular and material development.Year Two- Validation of curriculum
developed. Implementation on a pilot basis. Year Three: Evaluation, publication and
The project focus is on sharing experience in order to define a common curricuum,
training materials and outcomes and to consider how this can be presented in a
modularized INSET format.
The project's final outcome will be INSET (curriculum and materials) which will be
validated in each of the partner countries.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this 3 year project is to extend the already existing EUROPEPI
Programme to more schools, teachers and pupils in the 11-18 age range.EUROPEPI (
the European Personal Effectiveness Programme Initiative) is designed to increase the
personal development of students and help them develop strategies for Lifelong
Learning through focusing on developing competencies and qualitites identified as
important by schools and businesses in Europe.
Four five-day Action 3.2 courses are planned for 1998 - one in each of the partner
countries.It is hoped that the third year of the project will see INSET being extended
beyond the partnership group and being delivered at a local, national and european
level on a self-funding basis by means of the modules and materials developed during
year one and two.
The basis for this INSET is providing teachers with the knowledge, skills and stategies
to add a personal effectiveness programme to their work and develop this through a
cross-curricular approach by means of transnational partnerships involving both schools
and business/industry.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop INSET towards working with parents in order to
help them suport their children's learning more effectively. The particular target group
identifed is children aged 4-11 who are struggling at school particularly in the basic
skills ie reading, writing and mathematics.
The focus of the INSET will be on improving the ability of teachers to communicate and
work with parents, to generate a family learning approach and to develop succesful
learning relationships between parents and children. In addition to the development,
material production and delivery of this INSET, the project will also explore methods of
rewarding or formally accrediting parents. The participation of parents, therefore, is
integral to the project at all stages of its development including design and evaluation.
This three year project has the following plan: Year One- Sharing good practice,
collating and adapting existing materials and beginning the development of two training
courses. Year Two-Training courses completed in draft format. Year Three-evaluation,
publication (paper/ CD Rom) and dissemination.
DESCRIPTION: The Meeting the Challenges of Europe project has the intention to develop an in-service
course including appropriate teaching and learning materials to assist teachers promote
intercultural education. The project will explore cultural identity and will examine how,
where and when cultures meet. The European dimension will be a permeating theme
of the project. The project will seek to explore similarities and differences in European
identities in an effort to develop knowledge, understanding and tolerance in multi-
cultural Europe. An important element will be the contribution that information and
communication technology makes to the development of a European dimension
including intercultural awareness and understanding. The target groups will be
language teachers and teachers of religious and moral education and also history
teachers. The purpose explores issues of cultural identity and the meeting point of
cultures in order to promote tolerance, understanding and knowledge. The outcome of
the project will be two in-service training courses; the first one will aim to assist teachers
in planning their own relevant curriculum which promotes a critical awareness of cultural
identity; the second course will aim to assist teachers in promoting a greater knowledge
and understanding of multicultural Europe, using Christianity and Islam as a paradigm.
DESCRIPTION: The MIMS - managing in multicultural schools - addresses the issues of managing in
multicultural schools and will put in place an in-service teacher training programme
based on the knwoledge, experience and expertise of previous transnational work which
has been carried out by RAMA (Raising and Measuring Achievement) and Management
of Change projects. The objective is to create, test and deliver locally, nationally and
transnationally differentiated in-service teacher training programmes to sensitise
schools, headteachers, senior staff, school governors and teachers in cities with a high
immigrant population to the issues involved in multicultural teaching so that schools can
give the appropriate responses in their schools to the needs of pupils from different
heritages, in particular those from ethnic minorities, with a specific focus on their levels
of achievement, in terms of academic, personal, social, moral, spiritual and
interpersonal success.
The project builds on the principle of valuing the pupils own culture and uses standard
teacher training methods of lectures, large and small group sessions and peer tutoring.,
The use of video and teleconferencing will be investigated during the second year. 6-7
cities in EU countries are involved, many of them with the most forward looking
policies and high expertise in dealing with immigrant children. The spin-off into other
European countries is likely to be high.
DESCRIPTION: The CRAVE project (Citizenship, Religion and Values Education) will develop, over 3
years, an in-service programme for teachers to enhance pupils self-esteem, notions of
selfworth and identity through the use of stories from religious sources in the major
faiths and the involvement of children in drama and story-telling activities. The project
intends to bring together and train teachers with succesful experience and interest in
areas of citizenship, values education and multicultural or multifaith education on the
one hand and on the other hand teachers with experience with drama and story telling
in the classroom. The vehicle of training will be the production of a teacher training
programme and attendant materials for trainers and trainee teachers; its title will be
''Citizenship and values education: sharing stories through drama''. Content will be
drawn from the major religious traditions; approaches using drama and story telling will
be identified. The project follows directly from a previous Comenius Action 2 project
led by the same coordinator and indirectly from another Comenius Action 2 project led
by others. The programme will lead to the production of a CD ROM, a web page and a
printed version for in-service trainers.The materials will cover such subjects as
citizenship, racism and xenophobia, shared values and several seminars are also
planned as a part of the project. Evaluation will be done by headteachers, staff and
parents during the course of the project.
TITLE: Creative approaches to the curriculum as a vehicle for the european dimension.
DESCRIPTION: The project ''Creative approaches to the curriculum as a vehicle for the European
dimension'', is designed to make imaginative use of drama as a teaching and language
facilitation tool and to enhance through the use of educational drama and the visual arts
the development of literacy and communication skills. It combines this with the use of
communications technology as a support teaching tool, creates videos, uses
videoconferencing, organises workshops and involves teachers, administrators and
pupils in an Action Research project. The outcomes include in-service training courses
at the end of the third year but up from the end of the first year a professional videotape
with case studies will be available; teacher materials will be developed for the in-service
training sessions and discussions will be held with universities to establish formal
accreditation of the course for teacher's professional development.
Its approach is a highly active learning by doing, involving children, teachers and
professional actors in dialogue to extend their knowledge and use of the spoken
language and to improve visual literacy; the use to this effect of photography, drama,
puppetry, mime, dance, music and storytelling based on folk tales and folk music are
particularly innovative.
TITLE: The European Dimension in special education: sharing good practice in a multi-
agency approach to meeting the diverse needs of individual pupils
DESCRIPTION: The European Dimension project aims to share good practice in Special Education at a
European level. It puts special emphasis on multi-agency strategies, integration and
partnership and the creative use of Information Technology.The project stresses to
believe in the creative educational opportunities offered by a European dimension in
Special education; the project thus aims to assist teachers and other professionals
involved in special education to deliver an appropriate, challanging and stimulating
curriculum for all pupils with special educational needs. Emotionally and physically
handicapped Children and those with severe learning difficulties will be involved as well
as teachers and other professionals in communicating through email and the internet in
specific projects.It includes visits to special schools, finding examples of good practice
and designing the guidelines for an in-service programme. Innovative are the multi-
agency approach to special education, the emphasis on maximum autonomy in
learning, the development of personal educational action plans and the creative use of
NIT. It follows on from a previous Socrates project. They include the use and further
development of strategies include the use of special computer based techniques for
overcoming handicap such as diagnostic software, CAL programmes and touch-screen
strategies. Other topics to be explored include basic word-processing. A web page will
be created. Four countries, UK, FR, NL and the Czech Republic are involved in a 2
year project.
DESCRIPTION: The Training with Europe project puts partners in UK, NL and Romania together to
develop Training modules for those staff educating students with visual impairment. It is
believed that no such European course presently exists in other European Union
countries and that the project partners can thus develop a model to be widely used in
several Member states and other eligible countries. The activities of the project will start
by using modules developed in the UK for the Royal National Institute for the Blind by
the University of Plymouth, assesses their suitability for Romania and Holland with
teachers and trainees and translate them accordingly in Dutch and Romanian. The
methodology the project will be based on is participatory learning focusing on the active
involvement of the learners. A Train the Trainer cascade process is used in the two
recipient countries. Arrangements are also in hand to accredit the programme in
Romania. The project already has links with Action 1 EEPs, European Educational
Partnerships of COMENIUS. The project coordinator is linked to a large UK network
called OPSIS, which is the National Association of Independent organisations for the
blind and visually impaired children. Internal and external evaluation of the project
activities and outcomes are scheduled. At the end of the third year the project is to
organise a major conference to disseminate largely the outcomes.
This pluriannual project aims at promoting the updating and improvement of the skills of
teachers and other educational personnel concerning the use of new information
technologies.The main objectives of the project are 1) to enhance the pedagogical
abilities of teachers and other educational staff to implement the Internet as an
integrated educational and administrative device in school settings at all levels, 2) to
bring together European teacher educators to exchange experiences and to develop
links with other European countries, 3) to develop and disseminate techniques and
teaching methods that facilitate the implementation of information networks in the
classroom and 4) to improve the prospects of pupils to achieve better education. During
the first project year an in-service curriculum is developed and a pilot on-site course is
run for 30 teachers from the partner countries. The participants will be introduced to the
following applications on the Internet: E-mail, news-groups, irc, real-time audio/video
and the WWW. The main focus will be on the use of the Web in designing educational
environment, and recieving and transmitting text, illustrations, video and audio for
educational purposes. In the course of the following project years each partner country
will design and run a distance course for educationalists all over Europe. The main
target groups of the project are teachers and other educational personnel at pre-
primary, primary and secondary level. The expected outcomes are the in-service
curriculum and the in-service network techniques, the in-service modules and the
instructional material.
This project aims to develop a European dimension in the in-service training of primary
school teachers in the three partner countries, focusing on the teaching of ''Future
studies''. It is planned for three years and cooperates closely with a Comenius Action 1
project in which an EEP will be set up between six schools- two in each country - all
teaching ''Future studies'' in selected classes. The project provides an opportunity for
the teacher trainers to compare the impact of a European dimension in their courses,
especially at an in-service training level, and- by working with schools in the EEP- to be
able to examine the practical, theoretical and technical issues involved in achieving
this. During the first year 1) the staff from each of the partner institutions will work with
selected local teachers doing ''Future studies'' with their classes and assisting them in
linking with similar classes in the partner countries via email and internet, 2) the
partners involved in the project will meet three times during the first year in order to
compare data and experiences in the teaching of ''Future studies'' and seeing how the
European dimension fits in respective school curricula and teaching styles and 3) the
project will set up a trinational in-service course for teachers to examine the future for
teaching in schools, especially focusing on the technology involved and developing a
range of resourses: teacher guides, videos a CD Rom etc. for dissemination.
TITLE: Transpro - Transnational educational projects using the project method and ICT in
in-service-training for teachers
DESCRIPTION: The TRANSPRO project - Transnational educational projects using the project method
and ICT in in-service training for teachers intends to create over 2 years a virtual
European in-service training course focusing on transnational and cross-curricular
projects using the project method and ICT as an educational tool. The outcome will be a
basic ODL course on the educational use of the internet. It is also the intention to link
local and regional education authorities to institutions of higher education in different
countries to exchange knowledge in the field of education and thus to enhance co-
operation between higher education and partners in the local community. The project
will also establish web pages. In terms of pedagogical methodologies the project deals
with project work of which the objective is to enhance active learning and teaching and
it also deals with the pedagogical use of NIT as a means of communication and co-
operation between teachers/children within specific projects using new information and
communication technology. Meetings will be held in Prague and these will include a
workshop for teachers on the uses of ITC. Course development takes place between
meetings and as a result of them. The project includes Norway (coordinator), UK,
Denmark and the Czech Republic. It is hoped that the project will lead to an European
in-service training course in the third year of its activities.
DESCRIPTION: This 3 year project develops a trans-national course for primary school and
kindergarten teachers, special needs educators and educational psychologists on
mainstreaming disadvantaged and disabled children. It builds on the collective
knowledge of each of the partners, much of which is at present only practiced internally
within the countries concerned. Each of the centres concerned has an international
reputation in its field.
The objectives are to develop a transnational course for primary school and
kindergarten teachers, special need educators and educational psychologists, in order
to i) enable mainstreaming learning disabled children (of all degrees in severity)
ii)develop social skills of learning disabled children within normal school environment
iii)develop cognitive skills of learning disabled children within normal school
Activities :
Phone: +47/565/168.25
Fax: +47/565/133.00
Email: [email protected]
TITLE: Training for school teachers about the best environmental educational methods
DESCRIPTION: Le projet ''Training for school teachers about the best environmental educational
methods'' (Formation des enseignants à l'éducation à l'environnement) vise à former
des professeurs à l'éducation à l'environnement dans un contexte de coopération
européenne afin de promouvoir l'éducation à l'environnement et la dimension
européenne dans l'éducation dans les pays partenaires en général et en Hongrie en
particulier où des efforts importants doivent être faits pour promouvoir cette dimension
Dans un pays où l'environnement a été sacrifié pendant des années le seul moyen
d'améliorer la situation est de former les enseignants pour que les élèves puissent
ensuite gérer eux-mêmes les problèmes et contribuer en tant que citoyens actif (au
niveau national et européen) au développement d'une société durable. Le projet
transnational insistera surtout sur les approches pédagogiques innovantes et actives
dans ce domaine. Le partenariat associe des formateurs de pays où ce problème a déjà
été pris en compte et qui pourront aider leurs collègues à se former eux-mêmes; un des
objectifs est de former un groupe d'une trentaine de personnes en Hongrie qui seraient
des promoteurs clé pour l'éducation à l'environnement et la dimension européenne. Le
projet devrait déboucher sur l'organisation d'un séminaire de formation continue dans le
cadre de l'Action 3.2. et sur la production de matériaux pédagogiques appropriés
(vidéo,CD ROM,publications écrites) à l'intention des enseignants intéressés.
TITLE: Councel - Councelling and guidance to higher education in market and transition
DESCRIPTION: The present project called 'COUNCEL: Councelling and Guidance to Higher Education
in market and transition economies'' intends to set up an European in-service training
course to improve the skills of teaching staff in upper secondary general, technical and
vocational schools. It is hoped that contents and methodologies will be developed which
enable teachers to give beter advice and councel to pupils in upper secondary
education so that they take the best possible decisions in terms of their future studies as
possible. The change from a centralised economy to market economy has put this need
for councelling high on the agenda and the projects hopes to contribute to better
counselling through the present project. the project is linked up with a PHARE-TEMPUS
project which major objective was the creation and setting -up of an Interuniversity
center for young people guidance to technical education started already in 1995; the
project of action 3 will give substance to the activities of the centre which as
established. The project also builds on a comparative study which has been made
focusing on the formulation of the national higher education policies and on a
comparative study of guidance and counselling projects. All these elements will be
taken on board in the European in-service training courses to be developed.