Hardware - Software Codesign PDF
Hardware - Software Codesign PDF
Hardware - Software Codesign PDF
Hardware/Software Codesign
Richard Gallery
Recommended Citation
Gallery, Richard (2003) "Hardware/Software Codesign," The ITB Journal: Vol. 4: Iss. 1, Article 5.
Available at: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/itbj/vol4/iss1/5
Hardware/Software Codesign
Richard Gallery & Deepesh M. Shakya
School of Informatics and Engineering, ITB
{Richard.Gallery,[email protected]}
The current state of the art technology in integrated circuits allows the incorporation of
multiple processor cores and memory arrays, in addition to application specific hardware, on a
single substrate. As silicon technology has become more advanced, allowing the
implementation of more complex designs, systems have begun to incorporate considerable
amounts of embedded software [3]. Thus it becomes increasingly necessary for the system
designers to have knowledge on both hardware and software to make efficient design trade-
offs. This is where hardware/software codesign comes into existence.
Hardware/software codesign is the concurrent design of both hardware and software of the
system by taking into consideration the cost, energy, performance, speed and other parameters
of the system. During the design, trade-offs are made between the implementation of
functionality in hardware and/or software depending upon both cost considerations and
technical feasibility.
After the system specification is ready, it is divided into a number of blocks to allow a costing,
through the application of cost metrics2 for each of these blocks. This is performed in the Cost
Estimation step where the estimation is done for both hardware and software implementation.
This is actually the step for analysis and estimation. The system is analysed from different
aspects of its cost metrics. This step provides valuable information for the hardware/software
The next stage is to partition the system functionality between hardware and software. The
partitioning phase takes information collected from the Cost Estimation phase to allow
decisions to be taken as to which block is to be mapped on hardware and which block to be
mapped on software. The quality of such mapping depends on how much the design
constraints have been
System Specification
HW/SW Partitioning
HW Specifications SW Specifications
HW Synthesis SW Compilation
Cost metrics can be calculated for both hardware and software. Hardware cost metrics can be, for e.g.,
execution time, chip area, power consumption or testability. Software cost metrics can be, for e.g.,
execution time, program and data memory.
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achieved and how much the design cost is minimized [3]. If the design constraints3 are not met
then the expected performance of the system cannot be met and if the design cost is not
minimized, the design cannot compete in the market.
The system is then designed within the context of the heterogeneous target architecture4. This
requires the specification of the interfaces (communication and synchronization) between
hardware represented by ASICs and software represented by the processors.
Once hardware/software blocks and the interfaces between them have been decided, the next
step is the co-synthesis. In co-synthesis, specification refinement is done, where the
implementation independent system specification is transferred into hardware and software
specifications (and the specific ations for the interfaces).
Once the separate specification and the necessary refinement5 in the hardware design are
carried out, hardware is synthesised that gives a set of ASICs and software is compiled for
the target processor.
Once the synthesis step is over, the next step in the design flow validates the system design
simulating both the ASIC and the processor together. This is called the co-simulation. The co-
simulation checks whether the design goal has been achieved or not. If the design is
acceptable, the codesign flow stops. If the design is not acceptable the design is traced back to
the hardware/software partitioning step and the design cycle is repeated until the satisfactory
design output is obtained [2].
There can be different design constraints for e.g. time, area, power, memory etc. Timing constraints
specifies timeline for the execution of the system task.
System architecture consisting of both hardware (ASICs) and software (general processor).
Modelling can be regarded as the science of capturing the system characteristics [3]. Models
should capture all the information which is necessary for the designers.
Edwards et al.[4] explores the various computational models in the embedded system design,
in which they stress that the formal model should include:
• Formal specification (relation between input and output and internal states),
• Set of properties6 (a set of relation between input and output and internal states. This
is explicitly mentioned to verify it against the functional specification. The properties
are for assertion of the behavior rather than description of the behavior.)
• Performance indices (e.g. cost, reliability, speed, size etc.)
• Design constraints (on performance indices).
The functional specification fully characterizes the system while satisfying the set of
The design process starts by modelling the system at a high level of abstraction. The designer
checks whether a set of properties have been verified, performance indices are satisfactory
and the design constraints are met.
A discrete event (DE) model is characterized by events which are time-stamped (i.e. the time
at which event occurs is timestamped). A DE simulator requires a global event queue which
keeps track of the time-stamped events and orders them to be executed according to their
time-stamps. The DE approach is used to simulate the digital hardware [5].
An act of adding design details or converting from abstract representation to Register Transfer Level
(RTL) ready to be fed into the hardware synthesis tool.
It can be property of determinate behavior i.e. the output of the system depends entirely on its input
and not on some internal hidden factors.
A system can be thought of as composing of simpler subsystems , or pieces. The method or the rules
for composing and capturing these pieces to create a system functionality is called models of
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FSMs are good for modelling sequential behaviour but are not suitable for modelling
concurrent behaviour of a group of machines, as it may reach the point state explosion8. This
is because the number of states will be the product of the number of states in each machine.
The synchronous/reactive model consists of events which are synchronous i.e. all signal have
events at clock tick. The simulators that use the synchronous models are called cycle -based or
cycle-driver simulators.
In the dataflow model, there is a directed graph where the nodes represent computations and
ordered sequences of events which is represented by arcs [6].
The above discussed modelling techniques may be deployed through the use of appropriate
modelling or specification languages. For example designers using SDL9 (a state oriented
language) [7] can describe multiple concurrent processes10 which communicate with signals.
StateCharts [8] has the ability to decompose a sequential model into hierarchical structure thus
facilitating the representation of FSMs in Statecharts. This hierarchical decomposition can
solve the problem of state explosion [3] . The Esterel [9] language is a synchronous language
that supports concurrent behaviour and thus makes it suitable for modelling in FSMs [9].
SpecCharts [73] exploits the advantage of hierarchical and concurrent state diagrams and the
hardware description language VHDL [61].
Specification languages
Specification language describes the overall goal of the desired functionality of a system. A
good specification language is able to address different aspects of a system which includes
following [2] [52] [54]:
• Concurrency
• State-transitions
• Hierarchy
The number of state grows exponential that makes the design complex enough to be handled.
Specification and Description Language
Process is a program codes consisting of sequence of statements.
States contained within a state are called sub-states of this surrounding state. The surrounding state
is higher in the hierarchy. If there are two machines with 4 states each then if these machines are
combined to form a single machine then the total number of states of the combined machine will be the
permutation of the number of states of each machine. If in any case, all the states (both machines
combined) can be arranged in an hierarchical manner for e.g. all four states of one machine can be
considered as substates of one of the state of another machine then these substates will have nothing
to do with other states of the machine hence the total number of possible number of states is reduced.
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• Programming constructs
• Behavioral completion
• Communication
• Synchronization
• Exception Handling
• Non-determinism
• Timing
Concurrency: Parts of an embedded system work in parallel. Parts may be a process and
threads of the process. A specification language should be able to capture the concurrency12
behavior of the system.
State-transitions: Systems are often conceptualized as having various modes or states, of
behavior. In a system with multiple states, the transition between states occurs in undefined or
unstructured manner. The specification language must be able to model such arbitrary
Hierarchy: A system can be conceptualized as a set of smaller subsystems if modelled as
hierarchical models. Such conceptualization helps system designer to simplify the development
of a conceptual view of a system, since parts of the system can be treated as a separate unit
paving way for scoping objects, such as declaration types, variables and subprogram names.
Lack of hierarchy will make all such objects global and it becomes increasingly difficult for a
designer, as the system will become more complex. There are two types of hierarchy:
structural hierarchy and behavioral hierarchy. Structural hierarchy enables designer to
design a system with interconnected components. Each component is themselves a
composition of sub-components. Behavioral hierarchy decomposes a system behavior into
distinct sub behaviors for e.g. procedures or functions.
Programming Constructs: Specification language should have programming constructs, for
e.g. constructs like functions, procedures, loops, branches (if, case) and assignments simplifies
the sequential description of the system behavior.
Behavioral Completion: A specification language should be able to model the behavioral
completion to indicate that the behavior has completed the execution of all computations. An
advantage of behavioral completion is that it allows designer to conceptualize the behavior as
an independent module. The designer may start next behavior in sequence once the preceding
behavior has finished without worrying if any unfinished work remained in that behavior.
The specification languages have been categorized into the following categories as presented
in [2].
1. Formal Description Technique ( for e.g. LOTOS [56], SDL [55], Estelle [57])
2. Real Time System Languages ( for e.g. Esterel [58], Statecharts [59], High-Level
Time Petri Nets [60])
The act of two processes running concurrently.
Memory in a parallel computer, usually RAM, which can be accessed by more than one processor,
usually via a shared bus or network. It usually takes longer for a processor to access shared memory
than to access its own private memory because of contention for the processor-to-memory connections
and because of other overheads associated with ensuring synchronised access.
A message passing system has primitives (for e.g. send ( ) and receive ( )) for sending and receiving
messages. These primitives can be either synchronous or asynchronous. In synchronous message
passing, sending and receiving of message is not complete unless receiving end acknowledges the
receipt of the message. In asynchronous message passing, the message sending process in complete
once the message is sent irrespective of whether the message has been received by the receiving end or
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3. Hardware Description Languages (for e.g. SpecCharts [73] [54], VHDL [61][61],
Verilog [62], HardwareC [44], Handel-C[70])
4. Programming Languages ( for e.g. SpecC [63] [64] [65] ,Cx [19])
5. Parallel Programming Languages ( for e.g. CSP [66], Occam [67])
6. Data Flow Languages ( for e.g. Silage [68] [2])
7. System Design Language ( for e.g. SystemC [69])
The analysis and estimation of the design become more crucial when the design constraints
require fast timing and high power consumption [3]. Correct procedures in the design process
can avoid non-competitive and costly designs.
There are different analysis types that need to be made in the design [3], including, amongst
• Process path analysis
• Architecture modelling and analysis
• Power analysis
• Multiprocessor analysis rate analysis
• memory system analysis
A process path is a sequence of process statements that is executed for given input data [3].
Process-path analysis corresponds to determining a set of possible process paths. By
examining the possible process paths, it is possible to find out the worst case execution time
(WCET) by first tracing the process paths during worse case and then calculating the WCET.
Li et al. extensively discusses the process path analysis in [10].
Power analysis consists in determining the power cost of the system. Tiwari et al. in [11]
describes a power analysis technique to generate the power cost model for the embedded
software. Fornaciari et al. in [12] introduces power metrics included in a hardware/software
codesign environment to guide the system level partitioning. Yanbing Li et al. in [13] explores
a framework for optimizing the system parameters to minimize energy dissipation of the
overall system i.e. both hardware and software. The paper also explores the trade-off
between system performance and the energy dissipation.
Rate analysis includes the analysis of execution rate of the processes. The rate constraints,
imposed by the designer in order to assure proper working of the system to its environment, is
one form of the timing constraints [14]. Mathur et al. in [14] proposes an interactive rate
analysis framework to make sure all the rate constraints are satisfied in the design of the
Memory system analysis is also an important factor in the embedded system design.
Specially, in the areas of image and video processing systems, 50-80% of area cost of the
ASICs for real-time multidimensional signal processing is due to the data storage and transfer
of array signals [15]. So it becomes increasingly necessary to estimate the memory usage and
optimize them well before any decision on hardware software partitioning is made.
Multiprocessor analysis deals with the estimation and analysis of parallel process execution.
Process scheduling decides the order of process execution.
Hardware/software partitioning takes place after the necessary information on cost metrics is
generated from the analysis and estimation of the design. Based upon this information, the
system is divided into hardware and software according to whichever gives the best overall
performance result.
Various algorithms have been developed for the hardware/software partitioning. Gupta and
DeMicheli [16] [17] created an algorithm to automate a search of the design space for the
hardware/software partitioning. The algorithm starts by implementing all functionalities in
hardware and the operations to be moved into software are selected based on the cost
criterion of communication overheads. Movement into software is only done if there is any
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improvement in the cost of the current system partition. The algorithm iterates the process of
movement until no cost-improving move could be found. The main defect in this algorithm is
that the algorithm frequently created very costly hardware that consumes many resources,
since the initial partition starts with the hardware solution [18]. Authors in [17] depict the use
of their algorithm for describing the implementation of a network coprocessor communication
via an ethernet15 link. This co-processor is used to take load off the CPU to handle the
communication activities.
Ernst and Henkel [19] start with the initial partition in software and gradually transfer the
software part into hardware. Ernst and Henkel used a hill-climbing16 partitioning heuristic, an
example of which is the simulated annealing [53]. This algorithm uses a cost function to
minimize the amount of hardware used with the performance constraints remaining intact.
Simulated annealing in [19] starts with an infeasible solution with a high cost penalty for run
time exceeding timing constraints. Then the algorithm searches for an improved timing and a
steep decrease in the cost. Ernst and Henkel in [19] uses their algorithm for the
hardware/software partitioning of the digital control of a turbocharged diesel engine and a filter
algorithm for a digital image in which they got a speed up of 1.4 and 1.3 respectively in
reference to the implementation in software alone.
Once the partitioning specification is ready, the next step is the synthesis of hardware,
software and their respective interfaces. In other words, the co-synthesis step follows next
after the hardware software partitioning. Co-synthesis is defined as the synthesis of hardware,
software and the interface between hardware and software. Once the synthesis is complete
then the design is subjected to co-simulation.
The final synthesized system architecture generally comprises of: a programmable processor,
one or more hardware modules all of which are connected through a system bus, and the
appropriate software modules and interfaces. Hardware modules consist of a datapath, a
controller and I/O interface between hardware and the processor. The processor runs the
Ethernet is a physical and data link layer technology for LAN networking.
Hill-climbing algorithms are neighborhood search algorithms that subsequently select the neighbor
with the highest quality and continue from there. The search terminates when no neighbor exists that
represents an improvement over the current solution. Hill-climbing algorithms belong to the class of
greedy algorithms i.e. the algorithm never goes back to a solution with lower quality. In other words,
the climber never goes downhill to finally reach a higher peak [55].
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software component of the architecture and also includes the device drivers to establish
communication between software and hardware (the hardware/software interfaces).
In [20], an environment is described for the specification and the synthesis of a heterogeneous
system using Cosmos 17. Design starts with an SDL18 [47] specification and produces a
heterogeneous architecture comprising hardware in VHDL and software in C. Codesign steps
in Cosmos includes: partitioning, communication synthesis and architecture generation.
Communication synthesis consists in transferring the process that communicates with high-
level primitives19 through channels into signals. Architecture generation here is actually an
implementation generation step discussed in the next section. Architecture generation includes
two major tasks i.e. virtual prototyping and architecture mapping. Virtual prototyping consists
of hardware (in VHDL), software (in C) and communication (in VHDL or C) which can be
simulated. Architecture mapping consists of synthesizing VHDL descriptions into the ASICs,
conversion of software parts into assembly code resulting in the final architecture that consists
of software, hardware and the communication components.
The software design and the software synthesis are also an important aspect of the
hardware/software codesign since a significant part of the system (i.e. the system that
consists of both hardware and software) are implemented in software. Software synthesis
focuses on the support of embedded systems without the use of operating systems 20 [21].
Implementation Generation
Implementation generation for hardware refers to generating hardware for a set of functions.
Hardware typically consists of [24]:
• Control-unit/datapath
• Storage unit (for e.g. registers, register files and memories)
• Multiplexer
Cosmos is a co-design methodology and tools aimed at the design and synthesis of complex mixed
hardware-software systems.
Specification Description Language.
Primitives are the basic operations. High level primitives for the communication between two
processes can be taken as the communication that occurs by calling functions.
The main drawback of using the support of operating system is that most kernels tend to use a fixed
priority preemptive scheduling mechanism, where the timing constraint is realized from the process
priorities. In some cases the timing constraint is realized by scheduling the process with information of
process period, release time and deadline. But in embedded system, the timing constraints should be
realized more on the occurrence of the events. Since, the operating system scheduling mechanism
doesn’t have idea on the time stamp; it doesn’t know when the events are generated. [21]
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• State-register
• Control-logic
While generating hardware, the size of hardware should be as small as possible while
maintaining the system constraints intact. An implementation, which is silicon area efficient, is
thus a sign of quality design. Implementation generation for software refers to producing an
assembly code for software. An efficient software implementation can only be realized if the
compilers can take full advantage of the architectural features of the processor. Some
approaches for exploiting architectural features are described below.
Vahid et al. in [24] describes an algorithm for estimating the hardware size. The paper
describes an algorithm for the hardware estimator, whic h is based on incrementally updating
the design model to acquire accuracy and iterative improvement algorithms to explore the
different design possibilities. Hence, the algorithm maintains both speed and accuracy in
estimating hardware size. The algorithm takes advantage of the fact that between two
iterations of partitioning design there is only an incremental change. For this incremental
change, a data structure (representing an incrementally modifiable design model) and an
algorithm that can quickly provide the basic design parameters needed by the hardware-size
estimator are developed. Therefore, whenever there is any incremental change in the design
model, the corresponding hardware size is estimated.
Retargetable means the reuse without little or no modification for e.g. retargetable compiler is able to
generate code (maintaining the same quality) for the new processor after minor modifications without
need of creating entirely new compiler from the scratch.
Digital Signal Processor
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Ghosh et al. in [32] describes a hardware-software co-simulator that can be used in the
design, debugging and verification of embedded systems. This tool consists of simulators for
different parts of the system (for e.g. Clock Simulator, Parallel Port Simulator, UART
simulator, CPU Simulator, Timer Simulator, Memory Simulator etc.) and a backplane 24 which
is responsible for integrating all the simula tors. The back plane is represented by Simulation
Manager which manages communication between the co-simulators (e.g. CPU simulator,
Memory Simulator etc.) and the virtual instruments. Virtual instruments are used to provide
stimulus and to observe response. The paper describes a tool that provides an environment for
joint debugging of software and hardware and is also capable of evaluating system
performance, selection of algorithms and implementations. The tool also addresses the
possibility of exploring hardware-software tradeoffs.
In [32], the performance of the tool for the applications (which was taken as an example) like
engine control unit has been evaluated. The co-simulation of the engine control unit showed a
slowdown by a factor of 400 which is quite suitable for debugging.
Valderrama et al. in [33] describes a unified co-synthesis and co-simulation methodology i.e.
both the steps are performed using the same descriptions (in C and VHDL). The
In-circuit emulators are used to replace the processor or microcontroller of the target hardware. It is a
valuable software developers tool in embedded design. The developer loads the program into the
emulator and can then run, step and trace into it.
Simulation backplane controls all simulators coupled to it. If a simulator needs to communicate with
partner-simulators, it does this through the simulation back plane.
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Co-simulation uses an abstract model to form a virtual prototype (of hardware) while co-
emulation provides a real prototype by implementing functions in hardware (for e.g. FPGA 26).
Luis et al. in [34] describes the co-emulation process observed in the co-design methodology-
LOTOS [56]. Once all the construction of the interface between hardware and software is
completed, the execution of software (in C) and the simulation of hardware (in VHDL
simulator) is performed on SUN workstation. The things that software requires to write or
read into or from the FPGA (i.e. the hardware) is written into the files (through C functions)
and the hardware simulator reads the files via an extra VHDL component in the interface,
which is a wrapper27 for a set of C functions that perform reading and writing operation on the
files. This is to perform a test for errors before emulating hardware with the FPGA. The next
step performed is the co-emulation where the hardware part is replaced by the FPGA.
Cedric et al. in [71] describes the co-simulation between SystemC and an emulator called
ZeBu. The paper depicts how SystemC can be co-simulated with ZeBu at different level of
abstraction i.e. at signal-level and at transaction level28. ZeBu is a hardware verification
product built on a PCI card with Xilinx Virtex-II FPGA [72] devices. ZeBu consists of a
technology called Reconfigurable Test Bench (RTB) that interfaces a design under test
A modular representation of deign in VHDL is called an entity.
Field Programmable Gate Array
Wrapper is a piece of code which is combined with another code to determine how the latter code is
executed. Wrapper actually acts as an interface between its caller and the wrapped code.
The communication that takes place with function call.
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(DUT). DUT is emulated by one or more Virtex-II FPGA devices. The main function of the
RTB is to stimulate and monitor each individual I/O data pin of the DUT emulated by the
FPGA. ZeBu also consists of C/C++ API which works in concert with the RTB providing
direct interaction with the test benches modelled at higher level of abstraction via SystemC. In
the paper, a test case is presented in which the co-simulation for a graphics design is
conducted for three different cases: SystemC model and HDL29 (Verilog), SystemC model
and ZeBu at the signal level and SystemC model and ZeBu at the transaction level. SystemC
models consist of test bench that interacts with the emulated hardware. The result shows that
the co-simulation execution time for SystemC/HDL is 3 days (for that particular test case
considered), SystemC/ZeBu at signal level is 330 seconds and SystemC/Zebu at the
transaction level is 5 seconds. This co-simulation process with emulated hardware is one of
the latest technologies in the literature. The main benefit of this technique is its ability to co-
simulate at transaction level that gives significant speed-ups.
Co-design Systems
In section 0, a generic hardware/software codesign methodology was presented. In this
section different codesign approaches will be introduced. An interested reader on particular
codesign system may refer to the references given against a methodology name introduced
Hardware Description Language to simulate the hardware.
System specification with more than one specification language.
Co-synthesis for Embedded Architectures
Lyngby Cosynthesis
Choosing one suitable design out of many.
Tools for System Codesign Automation
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methodology that is mainly targeted for control flow dominated35 reactive real-time systems
[2]. The target architecture in Tosca consists of off-the-shelf processors and a set of co-
processors on a single chip. The design description is specified using C, VHDL or Occam
[67]. Vulcan [42][43] is a hardware/software codesign tool focusing on the co-synthesis. The
input specification to this codesign tool is the hardware description language, HardwareC [44].
The partitioning in Vulcan starts with a complete solution in hardware i.e. describing the entire
solution in HardwareC [44]. Chinook [45] is a co-synthesis tool for embedded real time
systems. Chinook focuses on the synthesis of hardware and software interface and
communication. Cosmos [46] is a codesign environment in which the system description is
specified in SDL36 [47] and ends up by producing a heterogeneous architecture with the
hardware descriptions in VHDL and the software descriptions in C. CoWare [48][2] is a
codesign environment of a system supporting co-specification (heterogeneous specification),
co-simulation and co-synthesis (heterogeneous implementation). Polis [49] is a framework for
hardware/software codesign targeted for the reactive embedded systems 37. The system is
specified in the specification language called Esterel [50]. SpecSyn [51] is a codesign
environment which supports a specify-explore-refine design paradigm i.e. the design starts
with the specification of the system functionality and then the rapid exploration of numerous
system level design options is performed. Once the feasible most option is selected then
refinement is carried out for the chosen option
Hardware/software codesign is relatively a new topic but since its inception, its literature has
grown to a wide range of arena and many researches have been conducted in this field. There
is no standard co-design methodology which can be regarded as the most useful for every
system design. All the methodologies that are available in the literature till date has its own
advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, it only suits specific applications. Competitive
product with low cost and less time to market is the manifestation of an efficient design
methodology. However, methodology alone is not sufficient; it needs equally strong
specification language, suitable model of computation, efficient compiler, efficient synthesis
tool and the efficient co-simulation environment.
System which is determined at run time by the input data and by the control structured (e.g. "if"
statements) used in the program.
Specification and Description Language
Reactive systems typically respond to incoming stimuli from the environment by changing its internal
state and producing output results [2].
Issue Number 7, May 2003 Page 65
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