Cloud Computing in Educational Research: January 2016

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Cloud Computing in Educational Research

Article · January 2016

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2 authors, including:

Deepam Goyal
National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research, Chandigarh


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International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD)
Volume No. 01 – Issue No. 02, ISSN: 2455-8761


Nitika Goyala*, Deepam Goyalb

Department of Computer Science, Guru Nanak College, Budhlada – 151502, India.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research,
Chandigarh – 160019, India.

Abstract: Cloud computing, a fast advancing technique in IT has conveyed new change and prospects to the field
of information technology as well as education. Education plays a critical part in the monetary development of a
nation. Cloud computing is an incredible option for educational institutes, which are particularly facing deficiency of
funds. Such institutes can fulfill their IT needs without spending money for buying PCs and networking hardware.
These days, the institutes are focusing on exploring new methods to make teaching more effective and cloud
computing is one of those techniques which is to a great extent being fused in field of education for this purpose.
Cloud computing provides infrastructure which helps in enhancing the quality of education in educational institutes.
Still there are some weaknesses that should be dealt with while executing cloud computing in educational institutes.
This paper is an attempt to analyze the significance of cloud computing in Indian education system.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Education, e-learning

1. Introduction their constrained resources to provide improved

Indian educational framework traditionally services to their clients. Therefore, they need to
takes into account the grades and numbers. However, depend intensely on third party services to expand
practical knowledge, experience and analytical their in-house abilities and fulfill the requirements of
thinking are essential to survive in today’s their clients.
competitive world. In schools, colleges and even in
the universities, the contemporary education system 2. ROLE OF CLOUD SERVICES IN FIELD
has failed to deliver. Due to the new techniques, it OF EDUCATION
has become possible to demonstrate things practically Various Cloud services and their role in the
utilizing presentations and animations, making it field of education are listed below:
simple to envision the things now. One of the biggest
achievements of this era is Cloud Computing. Using 2.1 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
this technology, education can reach to masses even The customers are rented the primary
in far flung areas. Cloud computing can be utilized to resources like storage space and processor etc. This
construct a high quality education system. service provides an extraordinary aid in the field of
Cloud computing is a sort of computing education as educational institutes can access a great
which is exceedingly versatile and use virtualized computing power without installing new hardware,
assets that can be shared by the clients [Ercan, 2010]. consequently giving cost viability. An example for
Clients need not bother about background IaaS is Amazon Elastic Cloud.
information about the services. An Internet user can
interact with multiple servers at a time and the 2.2 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
servers can also trade data with each other [Hayes, Here, the service provider provides a
2008]. Cloud Computing is one of the latest platform to customers for developing new
innovations which have a visible effect on the applications. In short, PaaS provides a platform that
education environment. Senior executives who head is used by teachers and students to run their
their respective departments face the issue of applications; thus, they need not purchase the related
upgrading their IT operations to uplift their software and hardware and can use cloud
departments in order to cope up with ever changing infrastructure for this purpose. Google Apps Engine,
trends in technology so that they can achieve their Amazon's Relational Data Services are some
organizational goals. Rising demands are compel IT examples of PaaS.
personnel to go for better alternatives to reallocate
International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD)
Volume No. 01 – Issue No. 02, ISSN: 2455-8761
2.3 Software as a Service (SaaS) 4.1 On-Demand Self-Service
This service has great application in the field Clients can consequently procure computing
of education. It gives software usage to its clients. abilities and resources as and when required on their
The client can pick the software from various options own without requiring third person intervention.
given by the service provider according to his/her
need. Here data as well as applications are stored. 4.2 Broad Network Access
Teachers and students get access to particular The network provides access through
software based on their need without putting any standard equipments. For example, phones, laptops,
budgetary burden on the institute. Google’s PDAs, and so forth.
Education Apps and Microsoft live@edu are best
examples for PaaS. 4.3 Resource Pooling
Using a multi-tenant model, pooling of
3. DEPLOYMENT MODELS various resources is done to provide service to
The cloud space is quickly receiving a various customers at the same time. These resources
plenty of new short structures and expressions to include network bandwidth, virtual machines,
assign diverse parts of the offering, which is the processing power, storage capacity, etc. That is;
bringing revolutionary changes in the Internet. The virtual and physical resources are powerfully
National Institute of Standards and Technology allocated and deallocated taking into account needs
(NIST) definitions given below are utilized for and requests by the clients
deployment models:
4.4 Rapid Elasticity
3.1 Private cloud Resources and capabilities can be rapidly
Such cloud works exclusively for a and automatically assigned and scaled at any time
particular institute. It might be maintained by the and in any quantity depending upon the demand and
organization itself or some third party and may exist needs of the customers.
in camps or outside the campus.
4.5 Measured Service
3.2 Community cloud Automatic monitoring of the use of
Various organisations can share the cloud resources and services by customer is done.
infrastructure. Community cloud provides support to Controlling and reporting offers transparency for the
a particular community having same interest (e.g., client as well as vendor.
mission, security prerequisites, etc). It might be It is necessary to comprehend that the service
overseen by the organization itself or an external models, deployment models and the five attributes of
entity and may exist on camps or off campus. cloud computing as depicted by NIST do not run
autonomously however are fundamentally integrated
3.3 Public cloud and associated with each other. This visual exhibits
This cloud infrastructure provides service to that a cloud-based technique can provide various
general public or a substantial industrial group. The configurations based upon the organisational needs. It
ownership of such cloud resides with the association is not phenomenal for institutes’ to start with one
offering cloud services. service model, for example, SaaS and a Public Cloud
deployment model as a pilot, and after that gradually
3.4 Hybrid cloud scale if the pilot model is proved to be effective. It is
Such cloud is an organization of two or additionally conceivable to utilize various
more clouds (private, community, or public) that deployment models to bolster one or more service
while remaining distinct parts yet are integrated by models.
institutionalized or exclusive technology which
empowers portability of applications and data. (For 5. ADVANTAGES OF CLOUD
example, cloud blasting used to adjust load among COMPUTING IN EDUCATIONAL
Various benefits of executing cloud
4. ATTRIBUTES OF CLOUD COMPUTING computing in educational institutes are illustrated
The five attributes given below, as below:
characterized by NIST, are viewed as fused in the
cloud computing services [Mell and Grance, 2011]
International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD)
Volume No. 01 – Issue No. 02, ISSN: 2455-8761
5.1 Personalized Learning technologies do, cloud computing also likewise
Cloud services provide diversity in learning confronts various difficulties, which should be
to students. A dynamic and effective learning overcome to make full use of its advantages [Anand
environment is provided to students by exposing and Kamayani, 2015].
them to various resources and software tools.
6.1 Security
5.2 Economies Security of data is the most important issue
Need of consistent software and hardware for an educational institute. In cloud computing, there
updates put an inescapable burden on the financial is centralized storage of sensitive and vital
plans of institutes. In these circumstances, cloud information, therefore prone to hacking [Yadav,
computing acts as the savior. Cloud computing 2014]. A survey conducted by IDC (International
empowers educational institutes to go for the Data Corporation) on IT executives appraised
implementation of new technologies and concentrate security as their principal cloud computing issue
on improving the quality of education by providing [Sultan, 2010]. Cloud computing appears to be
them hardware, software and other resources on pay- unsafe on the grounds that its border can't be secured.
per- use basis. Organizations consider information to be safer if it
resides inside the organization rather than any remote
5.3 Elasticity and Scalability location which is not under their supervision and
The significant advantage of cloud whose location is obscure. Implementation of cloud
computing is that clients are not limited to a specific services in educational institutes is not feasible until
domain of resources. Institutes can start with services the lawful security issues identified are not
on a small scale and after that slowly enhance them completely resolved.
without putting much financial burden on themselves.
Institutes are provided flexibility by giving them 6.2 Compliance Issue
option to upgrade to more resources if the load In cloud computing, decentralization of data
increases or scale down if the load decreases. centres all around the world make the data prone to
several risks. In a distributed service environment,
5.4 Accessibility institutes are not aware of the fact that where their
Clients can get to resources from any place important information is stored and who has access to
day in and day out and throughout the year. This is their information, moreover organizations cannot
conceivable because of the high quality services control their data. In such circumstances, information
provided by high quality resources. stored in remote nations might be more promptly
prone to hacking and exposure [Hignite et al., 2010].
5.5 Lower Carbon emission UK's Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 restricts the
Cloud computing empower organizations to exchange of data outside the European nations
cut down their power usage. It reduces the carbon [Sultan, 2010]. Henceforth, the cloud service
emissions. In addition, cloud service providers providers have no decision option other than setting
attempt to establish eco-friendly data centers that will up data centers inside the nation in order to abide by
save environment. the directions. This may act like a major test for the
cloud providers.
5.6 Standardization
Cloud computing gives provisions for 6.3 Lock-in
standardizing software to be used by educational Now the exclusive Application
institutes exclusively or district wide. For instance, an Programming Interface is provided by cloud
institute can build up its own application and reuse it providers to provide their services [Sultan, 2010].
again and again. This will bring down expenses, These outcomes in absence of interoperability as an
enhance the reliability and reduce the implementation all-inclusive set of norms and interfaces have not yet
time. been characterized. Organizations face the problem
of vendor lock-in wherein they are bound to the
6. CHALLENGES TO CLOUD products given by a specific seller. If another cloud
COMPUTING FOR EDUCATION provider provides better services, it would be very
It is certain that cloud computing provide troublesome for the organization to move from its
great opportunities in education sector. Yet there are current presently` utilized framework to an absolutely
issues which cannot be disregarded. As all the new
International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD)
Volume No. 01 – Issue No. 02, ISSN: 2455-8761
new system. This would likewise force critical Management of Learning Activity: Management of
monetary burden on the institute. learning activities of students like study pattern and
individual models becomes easy with the help of
6.4 Reliability cloud computing. By this, students are given
The money-making tendency of cloud opportunities to improve their study pattern and
providers make them utilize their resources to their searching techniques thus properly managing their
maximum capacity, this occasionally brings about learning activity [Zhang et al., 2010].
failures in the system. In February 2008, Amazon's
S3 and EC2 went through a 3-hour blackout. Later in Administration of Access: A service provider
July 2008, S3 once again endured an 8-hour blackout. interacts with teachers and students by using internet
In mid-2009, Google's Gmail went down for 3 hours, and provides a vast variety of resources and study
depriving its 113 million clients from getting their material
mails and access to their online documents stored as
"Google Docs" [Sultan, 2010]. 8. CONCLUSION
Cloud computing has emerged as an IT
7. TRENDS OF CLOUD COMPUTING innovation which entirely deals with the principle of
TECHNOLOGY FOR E-LEARNING pay-as-use. This innovation has proved to be cost
SYSTEM effective to a great extent for the educational
Cloud computing providing E-learning institutes, which generally would need to spend a
solutions to Academic Institutions [Rani & Singh, robust sum in acquiring latest equipments and
2015]: licensed softwares. Thus, cloud computing is a
milestone in the field of IT that helps institutes in
Infrastructure: It can be utilized as an e-learning developing an enhanced learning environment for the
framework by using supplier's Infrastructure. students and that too at an exceptionally reasonable
cost. However, cloud computing comes with some
Platform: It can be utilized as an E-learning system issues as well. The problems related to security,
by utilizing provider’s interface. reliability, interoperability are some issues that
should be managed if we want to use cloud
Service: It can be utilized as an E-learning computing in education sector.
framework by using provider’s services.
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