Ce 479 Reinforced Masonry Fall 2005: OW Einforcement Is Sed in Asonry Lements

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Ce 479

Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005


In the preceding lecture on structural design of masonry, we have seen examples of unreinforced
masonry bearing walls. In bearing walls, when the plan length of openings exceeds approximately
one-half the total plan length of the wall, and lateral forces act on the walls whether in-plane or
out of plane, flexural tensile stresses generally become so large that the walls must be designed as
reinforced. Reinforcement can also be used to increase shear resistance.

Unreinforced masonry and reinforced masonry are defined from the perspective of design
approach. Unreinforced masonry is designed assuming that flexural tensile stresses are
resisted by masonry. Any stresses in steel are ignored. Reinforced masonry, conversely, is
designed assuming that flexural tensile stresses are resisted by reinforcement alone. The
flexural tensile resistance of masonry is neglected.

Using the above definition, unreinforced masonry can actually have reinforcement (for integrity
or to meet prescriptive requirements).


Masonry Beams

These require horizontal reinforcement placed in bond-beam units, or in fully grouted cavities
between brick walls.

Masonry Columns and Pilasters

A column is an isolated element, meeting certain dimensional restrictions, that carries axial load
and moment. A pilaster is a column that forms part of a wall, and projects out from the wall.
Masonry columns can be made with solid units or hollow units. If solid units are used, they are
formed to make a box. A cage of reinforcement is placed in the box, which is then filled with
grout or concrete. In such applications, the solid masonry units are essentially used as stay-in-

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 1

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

place cover and formwork with structural function. If hollow units are used, they are laid in an
overlapping pattern. Reinforcement is placed in the cells, which are then filled with grout.

Masonry Walls

When solid units are used, masonry walls are reinforced horizontally with bed joint
reinforcement. Alternatively, the wall can be constructed in two wythes, and a curtain of
reinforcement is placed between the wythes, and grout is then poured between the wythes.
In other countries (but rarely in the US), masonry walls laid with solid units are reinforced by
continuous horizontal and vertical elements of reinforced concrete. This type of masonry is
sometimes referred to as “confined masonry.” When masonry walls are made of hollow units,
vertical reinforcement is placed in grouted cells, and horizontal reinforcement consists of bed-
joint reinforcement, placed in the bed joints, or deformed horizontal reinforcement, placed in
bond-beam units or units with cut-out webs.

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 2

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 3

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005



(Chapter 3 ACI 530-05)

Strength design of reinforced masonry beams follows the same steps used for reinforced concrete

Strain in the masonry is assumed to have a maximum useful value of 0.0025 for concrete
masonry and 0.0035 for clay masonry [Sec. 3.3.2 (c)]. Tension reinforcement is assumed to be
somewhere on the yield plateau. Because axial load is zero, flexural capacity is equal to either the
tension force or the compression force on the cross-section, multiplied by the internal lever arm
(the distance between the tensile and compressive forces).

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 4

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

The depth of the compression block can be determined from equilibrium of horizontal forces.

This closed-form expression permits solving for the required dimensions if the steel percentage is
known. The variable ω is sometimes referred to as the “tensile reinforcement index.”
The steel percentage is constrained by the requirement that the steel be on the yield plateau when
the masonry reaches its maximum useful strain. For this condition to be satisfied, the steel must
yield before the masonry reaches its maximum useful strain. In other words, the steel percentage
must be less than the balanced steel percentage, at which the steel yields just as the masonry
reaches its maximum useful strain.

The balanced steel percentage for strength design can be derived based on the strains in steel and

First, locate the neutral axis under balanced conditions:

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 5

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

Next, compute the compressive force under those conditions, and compute balanced steel area as
the steel area, acting at yield, that is necessary to equilibrate that compressive force:


1) Estimate the steel percentage, ρ, as some portion of the strength balanced steel percentage.

2) Given the width, b, find the corresponding required effective depth, d, and the corresponding
required total depth, t.

3) Iterate as necessary.

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 6

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005


The most common reinforced masonry beam is a lintel. Lintels are beams that support masonry
over openings. Lintel design follows the same basic steps, whether allowable-stress or strength
design is used:

1) Shear design: Calculate the design shear, and compare it with the corresponding resistance.
Revise the lintel depth if necessary.

2) Flexural design:

a) Calculate the design moment.

b) Calculate the required flexural reinforcement. Check that it fits within minimum and maximum
reinforcement limitations.

In many cases, the depth of the lintel is determined by architectural considerations. In other cases,
it is necessary to determine the number of courses of masonry that will work as a beam. For
example, consider the lintel in the figure below. The depth of the beam, and hence the area that is
effective in resisting shear, is determined by the number of courses that we consider to comprise
it. Because it is not very practical to put shear reinforcement in masonry beams, the depth of the
beam may be determined by this. In other words, the beam design may start with the number of
courses that are needed to that shear can be resisted by masonry alone.

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 7

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

Example: Lintel Design according to Strength Provisions

Suppose that we have a uniformly distributed load of 1050 lb/ft, applied at the level of the roof of
the structure shown below. Design the lintel. Assume fully grouted clay masonry with a nominal
thickness of 8 in., a weight of 80 lb/ft2, and specified design strength of 1500 lb/in.2. The lintel
has a span of 10 ft, and a total depth (height of parapet plus distance between the roof and the
lintel) of 4 ft. These are shown in the schematic figure below. The design presumes that entire
height of the lintel is grouted.

First check whether the depth of the lintel is sufficient to avoid the use of shear reinforcement.
Because the opening may have a movement joint on either side, use a conservative span equal to
the clear distance, plus one-half unit on each side. So the span is 10 ft plus 16 in., or 11.33 ft.
Assume that 700 lb/ft of the roof load is D, and the remaining 350 lb/ft is L. The governing
loading combination is 1.2D plus 1.6L.Calculate maximum bending moment and shear force:

Because this is a reinforced element, shear capacity is calculated using Section of the
2005 MSJC Code:

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 8

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

As (M/Vdv) increases, Vm decreases. Because (M/Vdv) need not be taken greater than 1.0 (2005
MSJC Code Section, the most conservative (lowest) value of Vm is obtained with
(M/Vdv) equal to 1.0. Also, axial load, P, is zero:

Also according to Equation (3-20)

This does not govern, and the shear design is acceptable. Now check the required flexural

In our case,

Because of the depth of the beam, this can easily be satisfied with a #4 bar. Also include 2-#4
bars at the level of the roof (bond beam reinforcement). The flexural design is quite simple.

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 9

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

The 2005 MSJC Code has no minimum reinforcement requirements for flexural members. This
will probably be addressed in future editions of the Code.
Section of the 2005 MSJC Code does require that the nominal flexural strength of a
beam not be less than 1.3 times the nominal cracking capacity, calculated using the modulus of
rupture from and Table In our case, the nominal cracking moment for the 4-ft
deep section is

This value, multiplied by 1.3, is 952,224 in.-lb, which exceeds the nominal capacity of this lintel
with the provided #4 bar. Flexural reinforcement must be increased to

Use a #6 bar.

Finally, Section of the 2005 MSJC imposes maximum flexural reinforcement limitations
that are based on a series of critical strain gradients. As explained in the Commentary, the
limitations can in some cases be more severe than those used in the past. They generally do not
govern for members with little or no axial load, like this lintel. They may govern for members
with significant axial load, such as tall shear walls.



Reinforced masonry beam-columns are reinforced masonry elements subjected to combinations

of axial force and flexure. Reinforced masonry beam-columns, like those of reinforced concrete,
are designed using moment-axial force interaction diagrams. Combinations of axial force and
moment lying inside the diagram represent permitted designs; combinations lying outside,
prohibited ones. Unlike reinforced concrete, however, reinforced masonry beam-columns rarely
take the form of isolated rectangular elements with four longitudinal bars and transverse ties. The
most common form for a reinforced masonry beam-column is a wall, loaded out-of-plane by
eccentric gravity load, alone or in combination with wind.

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 10

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005



Using the strength approach, we seek to construct interaction diagrams that represent
combinations of axial and flexural capacity. This can be done completely by hand, or with the
help of a spreadsheet.

Strength Interaction Diagrams Hand-Calculations

By hand, we can compute three points (pure compression, pure flexure, and the balance point).
We then draw a straight line between pure compression and the balance point, and either a
straight line or an appropriate curve between the balance point and pure flexure. This approach is
commonly applied to reinforced concrete columns.

As in ACI 318-05, the leading factor of 0.80 in effect imposes a minimum design eccentricity.

Pure Flexure

As before, the possible contribution of compressive reinforcement is small, and can be neglected.

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 11

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

Balance Point

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 12

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

Next calculate the corresponding tensile and compressive forces:

Example: Moment-Axial Force Interaction Diagram by the Strength Approach (hand-


Construct the moment-axial force interaction diagram by the strength approach for a nominal 8-
in. CMU wall, fully grouted, with fm ′ = 1500 lb/in.2 and reinforcement consisting of #5 bars at 48
in., placed in the center of the wall. Compute the interaction diagram per foot of wall length.

For the case of a wall with reinforcement at mid-depth, the reference axis for moment is located
at the plastic centroid (geometric centroid) of the cross section, which is also at mid-depth. This
leads to results which appear considerably different from what we are used to for a symmetrically
reinforced column. For example, using the geometric centroid (the level of the reinforcement) as
the reference axis, the contribution of the reinforcement to the moment is always zero. In what is
apparently even stranger, the balanced-point axial force does not coincide with the maximum
moment capacity. As a result, hand calculations are useful for some reinforced masonry beam-
columns, but not all.

Pure Compression

Because the compressive reinforcement in the wall is not supported laterally, it is not counted in
calculated capacity.

Per foot of wall length, the design capacity will be the above value, divided by 4 (the length of the
wall in feet), and multiplied by the strength reduction factor of 0.90:

φPn = 79,041 lbs

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 13

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

Pure Flexure

As before, neglect the influence of compressive reinforcement:

Per foot of wall length, the design capacity is the above value, divided by 4 and multiplied by the
strength reduction factor of 0.90:

Balance Point

First, locate the neutral axis:

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 14

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

The value of β1 is prescribed in Section 3.3.2 (g) of the 2005 MSJC as 0.80:

Per foot of wall length, the design capacities are the above values, divided by 4 and multiplied by
the strength reduction factor of 0.90:

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 15

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

As we shall shortly see, the points that we have calculated are correct. The form of the diagram is
misleading, however, because the balance point is actually not the point of maximum moment. It
is incorrect to draw the diagram with a straight line from the balance point to the pure
compression point. The balance point becomes the point of maximum moment as the
reinforcement is placed farther apart than about 70% of the thickness of the wall.

Example: Design of Masonry Beam-Columns by the Strength Approach

Once we have developed the moment-axial force interaction diagram by the strength approach,
the actual design simply consists of verifying that the combination of factored design axial force
and moment lies within the diagram of nominal axial and flexural capacity, reduced by strength
reduction factors.

Consider the bearing wall designed as unreinforced. It has an eccentric axial load plus out of
plane wind load of 25 psf.

At each horizontal plane through the wall, the following condition must be met:

• combinations of factored axial load and moment must lie within the moment- axial
force interaction diagram, reduced by strength-reduction factors.

Because flexural capacity increases with increasing axial load, the most critical loading
combination is probably 0.9D + 1.6W.

From the unreinforced example, we know that the critical point on the wall is at or near the
midspan of the wall. Due to wind only, the unfactored moment at the base of the parapet (roof
level) is:

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 16

Ce 479
Reinforced Masonry
Fall 2005

The maximum moment is close to that occurring at mid-height. The moment from wind load is the
superposition of approximately one-half moment at the upper support due to wind load on the
parapet only, plus the midspan moment in a simply supported beam with that same wind load:

Check the adequacy of the wall with 8-in. nominal units, a specified compressive strength, fm ′, of
1500 lb/in.2, and #5 bars spaced at 48 in. All design actions are calculated per foot of width of
the wall. At the mid-height of the wall, the axial force due to 0.9D is:

At the mid-height of the wall, the factored design moment, Mu, is given by:

In each foot of wall, the design actions are Pu = 1134 lb, and Mu = 16,124 lb-in. That
combination lies within the interaction diagram of design capacities, and the design is

Instructor: Julio A. Ramirez 17

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