Legions of The Petal Throne - Painting Guide

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Vol. 1, No.

light grey, rust colour, etc. Metal greaves and

vambrances are silvery or steel-coloured. Also
metal groin-guard tabard, although this is
highly engraved and inlaid in wealthier Le-
gions. Shield is basically blue with gold inlaid
design, white or other colour trim. Helmet
plume is usually white or other shade of blue.
Shoes are leather with metal plates. Helmet
decoration is gold on blue. Pike has wooden
PAINTING GUIDE shaft and a metalled or lacquered Chlén-hide
head, although richer Legions may have iron
points. Bow-case leather, with decorated lac-
querwork. Bow is a light brownish wood. Ar-
by M.A.R. Barker rows have blue feathers. Considerable freedom
on trim and cloth colours — but no large areas
of “enemy” colours, or course!
The following remarks are organised according to
the original priority list. Each figure is identified
with its Group number and its number within that
Group, plus its name.
Some basic remarks:
Tsolyáni flesh colour is generally a rich, cop-
pery tan, lighter and more golden for women,
and darker and browner for men. Skin should
not be totally “flat,” of course, but rather
slightly glossy to represent the natural oils.
And now to the figures:
The Yán Koryáni are a little lighter: a creamy
golden tan for women and a darker, redder tan T-l The Tsolyáni General
for men. Helmet, shoulder epaulettes, breastplate are all
The other human races are: the Salarvyáni are azure blue (semi-glossy because these parts are
lacquered); helmet trim is gold and a darker,
a darker, heavier bearded people, tending to
sallowness; the Mu’ ugalavyáni are roughly the purplish blue, plus some white. Helmet plumes
same as the Tsolyáni but traditionally ruddier are white, another shade of blue, gold or vari-
in hue; the Livyáni are more golden and tawny; ous other choices depending upon the Legion
the Sáa Allaqiyáni are mountaineers and hence and the wearer’s choice. The vambraces are
browner and rougher looking. There are NO probably gold or steel. The shoulder sleeves
blonds or light-skinned peoples on those por- and kilt are white with blue and gold woven de-
tions of Tékumel now included in the game, signs. The chainmail is steel, the general being
“Empire of the Petal Throne.” wealthy. The greaves are again lacquered blue.
The cape is a darker blue, although it may also
Hair colour is universally glossy black, verging be a brocaded many-coloured iridescent cape T-3 Tsolyáni Armoured Heavy Infantry with Bow:
towards dark brown in individuals. A few peo- of feathers. Shoes are red leather, with metal
ple do have a tawny muddy-brown hair colour, This man wears the blue breastplate, a metallic
plates on top. The “káing” (the great pole-axe, heavy collar of plaques, a belt of similar inlaid
and a tiny percentage of albinos also exists — which is his ceremonial baton) is silvery with a
although these people are greatly despised and plaques in various colours, a white or pastel tu-
bright blue haft and a golden cross-guard. nic (sleeves show) and kilt, an over-kilt of heav-
superstitiously feared. Eye colour tends to be Decorations on the armour can be drawn on
always black and brown, although a few ier cloth in a darker colour (usually blue but
the figure with a delicate pen and acetate inks possibly darker colours for poorer units), blue
“sports” do have hazel or golden coloured (available at any art supply store). Reds,
eyes. Blue-eyed slaves are prized as curiosities. lacquered greaves, leather sandals. The helmet
greens, blacks, yellows, white, etc. etc. can be is basically blue again, but the crest may be
It is thus totally incorrect to use the present used. white, gold, another shade of blue, or trimmed
“flesh colour” paints available on the market. The Tsolyáni Standard-Bearer: in other colours. The sword is Chlén-hide: me
Another important point is the use of the hide Similar to the General: white kilt and sleeves; tallic blue or silvered. The quiver is light brown
of the Chlén beast for most armour and weap- blue helmet, breastplate, and shoulder-epau- basketry with darker leather straps. Arrows art
ons, since iron and steel are scarce. Chlén-hide lettes; vambraces and greaves also blue or met- light brown, feathered in blue, with bow being
is very light in weight and almost as strong as al. Helmet crest in roughly same colour scheme a dark blackish-brown.
iron, though softer than steel. It is very mal- as general’s Belt of inlaid gold or silver
leable when soft, but it can be given treatments plaques. Sword is Chlén-hide but often lac-
which make it solid and yet still slightly flexi- quered in metallic colours: metallic blue, sil-
ble. It has a feel something like that of chitin or very, etc. Great standard has ornate plumes of
a hard and slightly flexible plastic. In its natu- blue, white, various metals, with a blue haft
ral state it is greenish or greyish. Thicker sheets and possible red (etc.) trim. The sphere is
of it tend to be darker, verging towards black- bright gold. Shoes are leather but have metal
ish green-grey. Chlén-hide is usually lacquered, plates on top.
however, and this thus makes it rather uncom-
mon in its native undecorated form. Richer The Tsolyáni Trumpeter:
people do obtain some iron and steel, of Armour as for the above, in shades of blue; kilt
course, as well as gold, brass, copper, silver, and sleeves in white; armlets of gold; vam-
bronze, etc. braces and greaves of metal or blue lacquered
Basic national colours are a common feature Chlén-hide. Helmet crest can have same colour
on Tékumel: the Tsolyáni use a handsome scheme as above. Trumpet is brass or gilded.
azure blue; the Mu’ ugalavyáni lacquer their Trim can be in other colours. Velvet over-kilt is
troops a bright red; the Salarvyáni favour a darker blue than armour.
black; the Livyáni use many bright colours; the T-2 Tsolyáni Heavy Infantry:
Yán Koryáni use blue-green, turquoise, etc.;
the Sáa Allaqiyáni prefer a flame-orange; the This troop-type, has a long pike. Blue-lac-
little nation of Pijjéna uses a reddish purple; quered breastplate, but if this is a crack unit it
the Ghatóni like yellow; the various clans of may have metal shoulder-epaulettes. Sleeves
the disordered nation of Milumanayá use vari- and kilt are white, unbleached linen colour,
ous standards and have no national colour.
April ’77

T-4 Two-Handed Swordsman, the Legion of Red metal plaques similarly over the insteps and with gilt handle, leather-wrapped hilt. Hanging
Devastation: toes. His cape may have the stylised flame sym- from ear-pieces of helmet are leather flaps,
This figure has the flame-red helmet crest of bol worked in gold and black on the back. He sometimes dyed in a “trim” colour: red, yel-
the God Vimúhla; his helmet is blue, however, carries a gilded Chlén-hide mace with steel or low, etc.
except for front and side gold or silver trim. He copper spikes, and at his side he may have the Yán Koryáni Standard-bearer:
has a mail aventail of small steel links; highly sacrificial dagger of copper used by this sect.
This man wears the typical “regular” Yán
decorated inlaid metal or Chlén-hide epaulettes T-6 Medium Infantry from Sokátis: Koryáni helmet with vertical thin metal plaques
with basic blue colour and other colours or lacquered alternately turquoise or green and
metals as trim; blue Chlén-hide muscled cui- This man wears a Chlén-hide blue-dyed helmet
with a metallic crest. He has shoulder epau- white, with gold trim. The central crest is gold
rass; steel-link chain mail half-sleeves with gold or a brilliant metallic emerald green. Ear-pieces
or blue Chlén-hide or metal banding; metallic lettes of Chlén-hide and a leather siege coat to
protect him from light missiles, etc. He has a are metal, and aventail is made of small metal
blue Chlén-hide vambraces; belt of inlaid metal plaques sewn on soft leather. Epaulettes are
kilt of white cloth, greaves of blue-dyed and
plaques; over-kilt of soft white or light blue green-lacquered metal or Chlén-hide, with gilt
decorated Chlén-hide, with sandals of leather.
cloth; under-kilt of mail sewn on leather; sil- or silver trim, some red tracing also possible.
vered or blued Chlén-hide greaves; soft red His halberd is of Chlén-hide, with a wooden
handle and a light Chlén-hide head dyed metal- Scale cuirass of metal sewn on dull fabric tu-
leather shoes with metallic plates sewn on tops; nic. Belt is elaborately engraved metal on leath-
lic blue, silvered, or coloured. On his back he
cape is usually white or light blue with red, er. Over-kilt is made of large horizontal strips
black, or dark blue striping horizontally or ver- carries a Chlén-hide shield with a demon face
on it; this is highly coloured in blue, metals, of soft dun-coloured leather; underkilt is dark
tically. Often the cape will have a central em- green or other colour cloth. Metal greaves and
white, red, etc. etc. The people of Sokátis often
broidered ornament on back. Great two- banded vambraces; leather shoes with metal
use black as a trim colour, more so than other
handed sword is of steel, gold hilt, leather plates on top. Steel or Chlén-hide sword in
wrapped handle. metallic silver, gilt hilt. Standard is a gilded
shaft, turquoise, gold, and white large feathers
at base, then highly coloured and gilded “drag-
on” head above, with “tail” of long green and
white plumes. Other colours are sometimes
used, depending on the Legion; black and
green, red and green, turquoise and gold, etc.
Helmet plume matches this.

T-5 The Priest of Vimúhla:

This figure has the flame-orange crest of the Gong Beater:
deity Vimúhla, Lord of Fire. The visor-rim of This man has armour similar to the preceding
his helmet is of gold, and the face-visor itself is except that the wears a dark green cloth kilt
painted either black or dark red. The aventail sewn over with vertical strips of Chlén-hide
Y-1 The Yán Koryáni General:
of the helmet is dull red cloth, and the two with gold or silver inlaid plaques set in the
scarves which hang from the earpieces are This man has a turquoise green lacquered hel- strips. He has a silver-handled mallet with a
again flame red. His epaulettes are gold and met, with gold trim, plumes of various shades soft-leather-wrapped ball on the end — this is
red, with designs worked upon them in blue to of green, white, and even yellow or red. Metal really a wooden mallet, but the leather is there
show that he is a Tsolyáni and not a Mu’- shoulder epaulettes are silvered, gilded, or to protect the gong surface. The gong is
ugalavyáni priest. His collar is made of gold elaborately lacquered in shades of green. Cen- bronze, hung from a highly decorated wooden
plaques set with rubies, and his breast pectoral tral breast plaque is gilded and covered with stand, done in green, gilt, red, blue, etc. The
is a darker, richer, ruby red with a gold edge. geometric inlay in various colours. Belt of met- plumes on the gong are, of course, the Legion’s
He has a muscled cuirass of metallic red lac- al plaques has emeralds and blue topazes set in colours, in which green or turquoise predomi-
quered Chlén-hide. His sleeves are steel mail it. Kilt and sleeves are usually white, but may nates. The gong hangs from a leather sling.
banded with gold. His vambraces are likewise be unbleached linen, light grey, or elaborately
parti-coloured brocade in darker colours. Y-2 Heavy Infantry:
of steel but may be lacquered red or gilded. He
wears the elaborate plaque belt with hanging Chainmail or scale leggings are steel; leg guards He is almost identical in armour to the Stand-
plaques of red and gold Chlén-hide armour. are Chlén-hide with polished metal plates at ard-bearer above, but he carries a long wood-
His underkilt is a darker red. His cape is flame- front. Metal plated boots of black leather. en-handled pike with a steel head. This is
orange, as are the two long scarves which hang Vambraces are metal — the same as his breast marked “halberd head” on the drawing, and
down from his shoulder epaulettes. His greaves plaque, usually. Under central breastplate, he indeed, this type of trooper can carry a halberd
are of polished gold plates sewn on black or wears an under-cuirass of metal or of green- or a pike. At his belt of plaques he has a short
dark red-brown leather boots. His boots have dyed Chlén-hide. Sword is steel or silvered, dagger in a sheath, and at his other hip he has a
Vol. 1, No. 6

cloth, the same shade as his tunic. His shoes are

of leather (red or brown) with steel instep and
toe guard plates. He carries a small dagger or
sword at his side and wields the great two-
handed halberd-axe of his region. This has a
dark wood handle with a gold knob on the
base, and an iron head of some size. Poorer
troops carry an axe of similar design but made
of Chlén-hide. His shield is not shown on the
figure, but every other man of this group car-
ries a medium shield and uses a short sword,
protecting his halberd-wielding comrade. This
shield is of wood, covered with green-dyed
Chlén-hide, and has a central design of copper
and copper studs at the edges. If he has a scab-
bard, this will be darker leather colour, with
copper and green trim. Note that his Chlén-
hide thigh guards are of stiff but not inflexible
material; as is shown in the smaller picture,
they are worn over his mail breeks and are
strapped on from the rear as well as fastened to
his breeks in front. They are thus rather like able modelling skill. Priestesses of Hry’ý rare-
heavy cowboy’s chaps. ly fight, but if one is needed, the female war-
rior figure can be adapted to fit the case.

sword in a dark brown or black leather scab- NH-1 Shén:

bard, and also a bow in a lighter-coloured The Shén have gleaming black scales, although
leather case covered with inlaid green and white their third sex (the egg-layer — the other two
designs. His long oblong shield is of Chlén-hide being the “male” or egg-creator and the egg-
on wood — richer units may carry a similar fertiliser) tends to be smaller and more of a I
shield of light metal — and this is decorated in blue-black-grey. There are other sub-species,
geometric designs in white, gold, and red on a too, who come in other colors, but it is mostly
green or turquoise base. This man has theverti- the “male” and sometimes the “egg-fertiliser”
cal-striped kilt of fabric, which may have who join in military expeditions. The Shén is
Chlén-hide strips sewn on, as for the Gong- thus basically a gleaming black, with lighter I
beater. grey areas around his reddish eyes, on his un-
Y-3 Heavy Infantry with Composite Bow or Cross- derbelly under his tail, etc. His claws are some-
bow: times silver-covered — a traditional fighting
weapon of this martial race.
This figure should be painted similarly to Y-2. The Shén figure may be given small reddish
eyes with vertical black pupils, a reddish open
mouth and tongue, and a wash of silver over
his black scales to add a slightly metallic touch
to the unrelieved black of his body.
NH-2 Ssú Warrior:
The figure is shown without any of the elabor-
ate armour which characterises the leader. His
greyish skin is difficult to show, since it must
be tattered and peeling, rather looking like a
handful of torn and soggy wet newspaper from
This figure wears robes of purple: his over-robe a distance. His eyes are a pupilless, milky
is a deep, rich purple, and his velvet head-scarf white, the mouth is a black hole. No ears or
is of a slightly lighter shade of purple. His
sleeves have red edging and cuff-designs. He
wears a two-part tabard which hangs just be-
low his throat. This is of rather stiffish Chlén-
hide. It is dull red with black inscriptions in
Ancient Tsolyáni outlined in gold. At the bot-
tom it has two white skull pendants. His shoes
are soft black-leather. Both Priests and Priest-
esses of this evil deity go masked. The type of
Y-4, Yán Koryáni Regional Infantry: Medium In- mask differs from person to person, rank to
Y-5 fantry from Dharu: rank, and place to place, with mythological de-
This man has a steel cap helmet with a green mon masks predominating. These are always
central Chlén-hide crest, red-bordered ear- of velvety-surfaced cloth over thin Chlén-hide.
pieces with green centres, and a mail aventail of They are painted according to the mythological
iron links. He has an epaulette-collar of steel- particulars, and the more horrible the better.
coloured Chlén-hide, and he wears a muscled There are thus black, deep red, gold, blue, etc.
cuirass of thin Chlén-hide. Under this he has a etc. masks, with varying trim colours. In his
green tunic, the sleeves of which show. His hand he carries the Staff of Power of the
vambraces are steel-coloured Chlén-hide (or Temple Commandant of Jakálla (other cities
actually iron for wealthier men) with copper have slightly different standards). This is a
spikes. He has a studded belt of small Chlén- black-hafted circle of gold with a central purple
hide plaques set with copper, and below this he circle and a diagonal red slash. The beast head
wears green-dyed mail breeks. To these are fas- at the top is of gold, and the plumes are reddish
tened large Chlén-hide leg guards. These are purple and black. Priests of Hry’ý are some-
red or copper coloured, with a central steel-col- times fighters, and if so, a special figure with
oured or silver circle containing a red protec- the proper helmet can be adapted from the
tive symbol. The borders are also steel-col- Priest of Vimúhla figure — but the helmet con-
oured. He wears full-length hose of thin green version may require another head or consider-
April ’77

nostrils show through the peeling, rotting skin. side they are serving in a battle — they never
He wears a black leather belt with copper become confused, although their human em-
studs, with the dagger and pouches hanging at ployers do! The Ahoggyá may also wear tubu-
his “waist.” His body shades to black under- lar body armour, which fits rather like a stove-
neath, at the backs of his legs, and on the feet. pipe just under their eyes, leaving their mouth
The sword is again steel, with a silver, copper, free. An armoured covering for their upper
etc. hilt. carapace is also seen, although the thickness of
His shield is of a curious shape, black wood the latter really renders this strictly unneces-
fronted with raised metal discs, highly emboss- sary.
ed. The shield is black, and the discs are cop-

NH-4 Ahoggyá:
These are several sexes (as much as one can
make out). The “males” are brownish, ranging
from a light yellowish brown or tan on upper
surfaces to a dark brown on the body and un-
der the limbs. There are also slate-grey Ahog-
gyá and a bluish-grey one, but the “sex” of
these is not clear. There are even occasional
rare greenish grey ones, but these do not
emerge to fight in human wars. The Ahoggyá
has a knobbly, rough light brown carapace on
top, arms of a darker colour shading into the
darker browns of the body. They are bristly
and rough, with smaller bristles on their bony
arms and elgs, longer hair on their bodies.
They wear little clothing: usually just armlets
of steel or copper, an elaborate belt hung with NH-5 The Sró:
weapons and pouches, and occasionally inlaid
decorations on their thick upper carapaces. These great beasts have two basic colours, de-
NH-3 The Hláka: The purpose of these is not known. The Ahog- pending upon the sex: males have a dark green
This small flying humanoid ranges from five gyá has yellowish eyes, set in brownish or body and black wings, with lighter green
feet to about six feet in height. The Hláka is a greenish-brown skin just under his carapace. around the mouth. Their three horns tend to be
leathery greyish-brown, shading to lighter His mouth has reddish-brown “lips” around it greenish white. Their eyes are red spheres with
greys mixed with tan on the wing membranes, and yellowish teeth. On all four sides of his nictitating black membranes and a central
and with darker brown areas along the spine, at body he has eyes, but there is only one mouth; round pupil. Their teeth are whitish, their
the joints, and on the slender hands and feet. the other three sides have sexual, auditory, and forked tongue bright red, shading to brown
Along the top of the head and down the upper olfactory organs under the eyes. These are best and black in the corners of the mouth. Their
back there is a curly greyish ruff of what ap- pictured as small amorphous lumps, painted a huge wings are black, with dull green ribbing
pears to be somewhat of a cross between fur slightly lighter tone of brown or yellow-tan. and claws. The male Sró is lighter underneath,
and feathers; this conceals the Hláka’s hearing The claws and nails of the Ahoggyá are black. ranging to a dull medium green. His claws are
organs. The muzzle is light brownish grey, with He carries simple, crude weapons of several gleaming black. The female Sró, on the other
black nostrils, and blackish areas around the varieties. He prefers steel but also uses Chlén- hand, is more bluish-green, speckled with sil-
three deep-set eyes. These eyes are a curious hide. His swords are thus . . . steel-coloured, ver, and shading to lighter, brighter blues in the
translucent blue-green in colour on most with leather-wrapped handles, a bit of gold on areas mentioned above. Very old Sró tend to
Hláka, although individuals may have black or the hilts, etc. His maces are Chlén-hide or become darker and more blackish, though re-
reddish pupils. The teeth are an ivory white, wood with metal spikes. He may also carry a taining their sex-differentiated colours. A faint
and the lips shade from brown to black. Al- round dish-shaped shield, always lacquered wash of silver can be used to highlight the
though the Hláka are an ancient cultured race, black and deep red, dark purple and dark scales of the Sró and give the slight sheen and
and their abilities and intellects are as high or green, etc. While the Shén may wear a helmet iridescence to the scales which are required.
higher than their human comrades, they tend crest of the colour of the human country for The huge sword is always bright silver with a
to disdain armour and rely instead upon their which they are fighting, the Ahoggyá never do, bronze or gold hilt.
speed and flying skill. At most, therefore, they and thus sometimes only they can tell which
wear a light belt of Chlén-hide with a golden
buckle and a sheathed short dagger of Chlén-
hide in a brown leather sheath. The Hláka may
carry a light javelin of wood with a Chlén-hide
point, or a sheaf of smaller throwing darts (us-
ually three to a bundle). Occasionally a slender
stabbing sword (almost like a rapier) is used.
The Hláka’s tail is a long greyish-white stab-
bing rapier as well, being composed of a bony,
flexible cartilage. Some Hláka decorate this tail
with rings or ornaments of gold and may put a
delicate needle point of steel on it as well.
Hláka weapons are usually poisoned with a
dull blue-green substance brewed by them from Y-2
certain local plants. The Hláka usually wears T-2
no other clothing, nor does he carry a shield. For figures T-2 and Y-2 the spears should be glued to the figure in an
Occasionally a strip of coloured cloth may be upright fashion so the figures can be ranked in a unit.

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