Manotoc v. CA

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G.R. No. 130974 August 16, 2006 NO.

MA. IMELDA M. MANOTOC, Petitioner, Section 8 of Rule 14 of the old Revised Rules of Court which applies to this case provides:
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and AGAPITA TRAJANO on behalf of the SEC. 8. 21 Substituted service. – If the defendant cannot be served within a reasonable time
Estate of ARCHIMEDES TRAJANO, Respondents. as provided in the preceding section [personal service on defendant], service may be
effected (a) by leaving copies of the summons at the defendant’s residence with some
FACTS: person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, or (b) by leaving the copies at
defendant’s office or regular place of business with some competent person in charge
Manotoc is the defendant in Civil Case No. 63337 entitled Agapita Trajano, pro se, and on thereof.
behalf of the Estate of Archimedes Trajano v. Imelda ‘Imee’ R. Marcos-Manotoc 2 for
Filing, Recognition and/or Enforcement of Foreign Judgment. The following are requirements to effect a valid substituted service:

The Summons and a copy of the Complaint were allegedly served upon (Mr.) Macky (1) Impossibility of Prompt Personal Service
de la Cruz, an alleged caretaker of petitioner at the condominium unit at Alexandra
Condominium Corporation or Alexandra Homes, E2 Room 104, at No. 29 Meralco (2) Specific Details in the Return
Avenue, Pasig City. When petitioner failed to file her Answer, the trial court declared her
in default through an Order. (3) A Person of Suitable Age and Discretion

Manotoc, by special appearance of counsel, filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground of (4) A Competent Person in Charge
lack of jurisdiction of the trial court over her person due to an invalid substituted service of
summons alleging the procedure prescribed by the Rules on personal and substituted
service of summons was ignored. A meticulous scrutiny of the aforementioned Return readily reveals the absence of material
data on the serious efforts to serve the Summons on petitioner Manotoc in person. There is
no clear valid reason cited in the Return why those efforts proved inadequate, to reach the
The trial court rejected Manotoc’s Motion to Dismiss on the strength of its findings that her conclusion that personal service has become impossible or unattainable. The pertinent facts
residence, for purposes of the Complaint, was Alexandra Homes, Unit E-2104, No. 29 and circumstances on the efforts exerted to serve the summons personally must be narrated
Meralco Avenue, Pasig, Metro Manila, based on the documentary evidence of respondent in the Return. Given the fact that the substituted service of summons may be assailed, as in
Trajano. The trial court relied on the presumption that the sheriff’s substituted service was the present case, by a Motion to Dismiss, it is imperative that the pertinent facts and
made in the regular performance of official duty, and such presumption stood in the circumstances surrounding the service of summons be described with more particularity in
absence of proof to the contrary. the Return or Certificate of Service.

On appeal, the CA adopted the findings of the trial court. Thus, according to the CA, the It has been stated and restated that substituted service of summons must faithfully and
trial court had acquired jurisdiction over petitioner as there was a valid substituted service strictly comply with the prescribed requirements and in the circumstances authorized by
pursuant to Section 8, Rule 14 of the old Revised Rules of Court. the rules.

ISSUE: Based on the above principles, respondent Trajano failed to demonstrate that there was
strict compliance with the requirements of the then Section 8, Rule 14 (now Section 7, Rule
WON there is valid substituted service of summons for the trial court to acquire 14 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure).
jurisdiction over petitioner.
Due to non-compliance with the prerequisites for valid substituted service, the proceedings
HELD: held before the trial court perforce must be annulled.

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