Whitmore BMG-6000 Open Gear Lubricant
Whitmore BMG-6000 Open Gear Lubricant
Whitmore BMG-6000 Open Gear Lubricant
Whitmore’s BMG-6000™ is an open gear and bushing lubricant BENEFITS:
designed for use on the most severely loaded applications. It is
especially useful where gears have previously been damaged due • WEAR PROTECTION – prevents pitting, scuffing, and metal
to severe load or poor lubrication. deformation under high load. Extends gear life.
BMG-6000™ contains a synergistic blend of antiwear and extreme • NOISE REDUCTION – reduction in noise and vibrations
pressure additives designed to protect and smooth gear surfaces frequently occurs within days of switching to BMG-6000™.
under the most severe conditions of high load, slow speed, and
shock load. The wear protection package comprises conventional • SURFACE IMPROVEMENT – on highly loaded gears that
solid lubricants plus a new generation of oil-soluble additives. suffer wear damage.
Using conventional lubricants, it is normal for new surfaces to • PUMPABLE – can be pumped safely and sprayed through
improve somewhat during the running-in process. Using BMG- automatic lubrication systems at temperatures down to 25°F
6000™, running-in surface improvement becomes more (-4°C).
930 Whitmore Drive • Rockwall, Texas 75087 • USA • (972) 771-1000 • 800-699-6318
An ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registered company • www.whitmores.com