Whitmore BMG-6000 Open Gear Lubricant

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Whitmore’s BMG-6000™ is an open gear and bushing lubricant BENEFITS:
designed for use on the most severely loaded applications. It is
especially useful where gears have previously been damaged due • WEAR PROTECTION – prevents pitting, scuffing, and metal
to severe load or poor lubrication. deformation under high load. Extends gear life.

BMG-6000™ contains a synergistic blend of antiwear and extreme • NOISE REDUCTION – reduction in noise and vibrations
pressure additives designed to protect and smooth gear surfaces frequently occurs within days of switching to BMG-6000™.
under the most severe conditions of high load, slow speed, and
shock load. The wear protection package comprises conventional • SURFACE IMPROVEMENT – on highly loaded gears that
solid lubricants plus a new generation of oil-soluble additives. suffer wear damage.

Using conventional lubricants, it is normal for new surfaces to • PUMPABLE – can be pumped safely and sprayed through
improve somewhat during the running-in process. Using BMG- automatic lubrication systems at temperatures down to 25°F
6000™, running-in surface improvement becomes more (-4°C).

The BMG-6000™ performance difference is seen on older gears APPLICATIONS:

that are suffering from wear damage. Pre-existing wear will
smooth out, forming a shiny load-bearing area. The value to the BMG-6000™ can be used in virtually any open gear application
end user can hardly be overstated. The service life of gears, such as sugar mills, ball mills, rod mills, kilns, dryers, and
whether new or previously damaged, will be greatly extended. granulators. It is also ideal for bushings, especially those
Also, it is common for noise, vibrations, and temperature readings operating under high load and at slow speed. BMG-6000™ has
to decline soon after switching to BMG-6000™. also been used successfully to extend component life on older
draglines operating in a warm climate.
If your gearing suffers from pitting, scuffmarks or other
manifestations of wear, expect the gear surface to improve.
Expect noise and vibration levels to drop, and equipment to last


Grade 1.5
D-217 Cone Penetration (Worked) 295-325
D-445 Kinematic Viscosity (Base Oil)
cSt @ 40°C 8,900
cSt @ 100°C 262
D-2161 Saybolt Viscosity (Base Oil)
SUS @ 100°F 41,000
SUS @ 210°F 1,200
Gardner Density, lb/gal @ 77°F (25°C) 7.62
D-92 Flash Point, °F (°C) (Typical) 400 (204)
Cleveland Open Cup (Base Oils)
D-2596 Four Ball EP
Weld Point, kg 800
D-4049 Water Spray-Off, % Loss <1.0
D-1743 Rust Test Pass
D-4048 Copper Strip Corrosion for Greases
212°F (100°C) @ 3 hrs 1B
Thickener Type Inorganic
The above are average values. Minor variations which do not affect product performance are to be expected in normal manufacturing.

For warranty information, scan the QR code.

You can also email us at [email protected]
Or write to the Sales Department at the address below.

930 Whitmore Drive • Rockwall, Texas 75087 • USA • (972) 771-1000 • 800-699-6318
An ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registered company • www.whitmores.com

TDS-2053 10-18-16 tm/kc

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