MM 3113 Sales Management.

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Course; MM 3113 Sales Management

Year and Semester: Year 111, Semester 1

Introduction; This course provides a complete overview of sales management and supports equip
students with an adequate knowledge in the areas of sales management including Selling process,
Theories of selling, Sales related marketing policies, Sales Management Strategy, Sales
Forecasting, Budgeting , Evaluating sales efforts , key account management and managing the
Sales force.

Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of course students should be able to:
1. Comprehend the nature, principles and importance of sales
processes and sales management

2. Describe sales planning, organizing ,territory designing,

forecasting and sales budgeting

3. Apply concepts as they relate to operating a sales management

in an organization.

Teaching and Learning Methodology: Lectures, class-room discussions based on case studies,
presentations, guest lectures and field visits.

Course content

We Topics Subtopics Learning No of Recommended Readings

ek Objectives Hrs
01 1.Introduction 1.1Define sales 1.1 Ability to define 03 (Richard R Still, et
to sales management Sales Management al.1998)Ch 01
(Ingram, et al.,2009)
1.2The Nature and 1.2 Ability to module 01
Role of Sales describe The Nature
Management and Role of Sales

1.3Effective sales 1.3Describe

managers Effective sales

1.4Selling process 1.4Ability to

Elaborate Selling

1.5Sales 1.5Ability to discuss

management trends Sales management

02 2.Approaches 2.1Approaches of 2.1Ability to discuss 03 (Richard R Still, et

of selling selling Approaches of al.,1998)Ch 2
Ingram, et al.,2009)
module 02

03 3.Sales related 3.1Product policies 3.1describe and 03 (Richard R Still, et

marketing analyze, Product al.1998) Ch 4
policies and policies, Ingram, et al.,2009)
sales related Distribution policies, module 02
skills Pricing policies

3.2Distribution 3.2Describe sales

policies related skills

3.3Pricing policies

3.4sales related skills

04 4.Sales 4.11analyzing sales 4.1ability to 05 Futrell, Ch 3

& Management management analyzing sales
05 Strategy strategies management (Richard R Still, et
strategies al.,1998) Ch 5

4.21Formulating 4.2ability to
Sales Management Formulate Sales
Strategy Management
strategy or strategies Strategy
relating to the strategy or strategies
company relating to the

06 5.1Allocating sales 5.1Explain 03 Ingram, et al.,2009)

&0 5.Sales force effort Allocating sales module 04
7 development effort

5.2Sales force size 5.2Deciding Sales

force size

5.3Territory design 5.3Describe

Territory design

07 6.1Organizational 6.1describe 03 (Jobber et al.,2009 )module

&0 6.Organization Structures of selling Organizational 06
8 structures of organizations Structures
selling Ingram, et al.,2009)
organizations module 04

08, 7.Sales force 7.1planning 7.1Able to discuss 06 (Richard R Still, et

09 management the theory relates to al.1998) Ch Chapters 13-
&1 sales force planning, 17(Jobber et al., )module
0 Motivation, 17

7.2Motivation 7.2Able to discuss

The Sales force
Evaluation Process

,The Purpose of

7.3Leadership 7.3Setting Standards

Training of Performance, how
to gather
Information and
Measures of

7.5Sales force
Evaluation; The Sales
force Evaluation

The Purpose of

Setting Standards of


Measures of

10, 8.Sales Forecasting

and of 8.1 Explain 09 (Richard R Still, et
11 Budgeting Planning purposes of sales al.,1998) Ch 20and 21
&1 planning,
2 Approaches for sales
forecasting Chapter 12and 13

8.2Types 8.2identify Purpose

Forecasting of the sales budget Spiro, et al,.,2008 Ch
12and 13
8.3Approaches for 8.3describe
sales forecasting Budgetary procedure Ingram, et al.,2009)
and setting a budget module 04


8.6The Sales Budget

8.7Budget Allocation

13 9.Sales Control 9.1Sales Controlling 9.1identify and 04 Spiro and Stanton,2008

&1 and Cost process analyze Sales Ch 14and 15
4 Analysis Controlling process Ingram, et al.,2009)
module 09
9.2Sales audit 9.2describe sales
audit, sales analysis
and Marketing cost

9.3Sales analysis

9.4Marketing cost
14 10key account 10.1What Is Key 10.1identify the 03 (Jobber. et al.,2009 Module
management Account importance 06
(KAM) Management?

10.2Advantages and 10.2analyzes key

Dangers of Key Account
Account Management and
Management Planning

Whether to Use Key

10.4The Tasks and

Skills of Key

15 11. Ethical 11.1Ethical Issues in 11.1identify Ethical 03 (Jobber et al,.2009)

Behavior of selling Issues in selling and
module 12
sales staff analyze ethical
11.2creating Ethical behavior Ingram, et al.,2009)
Behavior in sales

Scheme of Evaluation:; Continuous assessments (40 %)

• Individual assignment – 15%

• Group assignment – 25 %
Final examination (60 %)

Recommended Readings

• Futrell, C.M. (2001). Sales Management: Teamwork, Leadership, and Technology,

Thomson South-Western, USA.
• Jobber, D. and Lancaster, G. (2009), “Selling and Sales Management”, 8th edition,
Pearson Education Limited
• Jobber, D. and Lancaster, and Barbara Jamieson (2009), Sales force Management
Edinburgh Business School

Heriot-Watt University
• Ingram, T.N., LaForge, R.W., Avila, R. A., SchwepkerJr, C.H., and Williams, M.R.
(2009) Sales Management, Analysis, and Decision Making. 6thedn. Indian Edition:
Cengage Learning
• Sales Management Decisions, Strategies and Cases, Richard R Still, Edward W Cundiff,
Norman a P Govoni, 5th Edition, 1998, Asoke K Ghosh, PrenticeHall of India (pvt) ltd,
M-07, Connaught Circus, new Delhi

Supplementary Readings

• Dutta, B. (2011), “Sales and Distribution Management”, I. K. International Pvt Lt

• Greg W. Marshall 2012, Sales Force Management 10th ed. (McGraw-Hill,

• Greg W. Marshall 2010 , Relationship Selling 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill,

• Sales Force Management, 10th ed., by Johnston and Marshall, published by McGraw-

• Spiro, Stanton, and Rich (2008), Management of a Sales Force, 12th edition. Homewood,
IL: Richard D. Irwin. ISBN-13 9780073529776


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