Chengdu Hualin Elementary School

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Chengdu Hualin Elementary School

Chengdu, China
Architect Shigeru Ban Architects
Tokyo, Japan
Client The Education Department of
Cheng Hua District in
Chengdu City

Commission 2008
Design 2008 - 2008
Construction 2008 - 2008
Occupancy 2008
Aerial view
Site 1'260 m2
Ground Floor 614 m2
Total Floor 614 m2
Costs US$ 192'000
Programme The programme called for the
construction of nine 6 x 9-
metre temporary classrooms
in a two-month period for an
elementary school damaged
by the 2008 earthquake. The
architect further constrained
the project by resolving to
use only locally available
construction materials and to
reduce both the number and
variety of the parts. Paper Interior view Exterior view of three buildings
tubes and wooden joints were CHENGDU HUALIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
employed to assemble the On May 12 2008, the day of the Sichuan earthquake, Shigeru Ban
base structure for three 6 x immediately contacted Hironori Matsubara, fellow professor at Keio
30-metre buildings in long, University, Japan and Beijing based Architect, and proposed a collaborative Head
teacher’s master’s
row-house style on the post-disaster project involving both their students. One month later, the classroom
classroom room room

foundation of the destroyed team proposed a newly designed temporary house system in Chengdu.
structures. The pitched However, the Chinese government had scaled back it’s interest in mass
roofing is polycarbonate with construction of temporary housing and Ban’s team lost the contract.
plywood panels, while a post-
and-beam structure provides A local NGO remained interested in the team’s proposal and asked to
design a temporary elementary school building in Chengdu’s Hualin
awnings. Each structure
District. classroom classroom classroom
accommodates three The School asked for nine classrooms and hoped for completion in
classrooms. August. Having only 2 months to design and build, Ban’s idea was to
use only local and easily obtainable construction materials, minimize the
number and variety of individual parts. Using locally manufactured paper
classroom classroom classroom
tubes and wooden joints, three buildings in a long row house style was
designed. Shigeru Ban has developed methods for paper tube structured
architecture for more than 20 years, a material which is manufactured
almost anywhere around the world.

Construction was by Japanese students of Keio university, Students from Axonometric of overall planning Site Plan 1:600
Chengdu’s Southwest Jiaotong University, and local volunteers made up of
teachers.Using the foundation of the former classroom, the rst paper tube
arch was raised on August 8. Overcoming the lack of common languages
and values, students from two countries worked equally side by side in
great effort to complete the school on September 11, in 40days.
The original duration for the use of the school was 2 years, however with
Building Type Schools no major repair work, it is still being used as the classrooms for the children
2013 Award Cycle 4246.CHI and teachers of Chengdu.
Long Section 1:200 Short Section 1:200

corrugated polycarbonate roof

Paper tubes and Wood joints

plywood panel
with holes
isulation foam

wooden joints

paper tubes

Construction of the Paper tube Arch Completion of the Strucural Arch

PVC shash
window / door

plywood wall


Plywood Panel for Roof

Polycarbonate Roofing and Plywood Panels Exterior view, Children playing in the Corridor Corrugated Polycarbonate Roofing

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