Star Wars Living Force - Among The Stars - LFA208 - Almas Sweet Almas 3 - Article - The Sith Fortress

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The Sith Fortress

Scenario Supplement for A Dark Fortress

By Morrie Mullins
Living Force Plot Director and Campaign Designer

Morrie Mullins presents the latest in our monthly series of free supplements to the
Living Force campaign's newest scenarios. With rumors and fears flying in the
Cularin system, the Jedi Academy on Almas has no choice but to investigate the
ancient Sith fortress that squats in that world's wasteland. But is the dark
structure as abandoned as it has seemed all these years? The Jedi's report on the
fortress ties into the May Living Force scenario, A Dark Fortress, which is the
third part of the "Almas, Sweet Almas" trilogy.

The Living Force Campaign Guide provides a brief history of the Sith presence in
Cularin, which ended over a millennium ago when Darth Rivan died alongside many
other Sith at the Battle of Ruusan, the climax of the Sith War. The death of Rivan,
though, did not remove his legacy to Almas, a structure that ended in a black dome
rising from the surface of the desert wasteland. Now, with the coming of the
Believers, information has begun to surface once more about this dark
fortress . . .

A Report From Minos Fel'Kona

Jedi Knight, Almas Academy

For as long as there have been Jedi on Almas, we have avoided the wasteland. It is
an unclean place, strong in the dark side of the Force, and dangerous. The air is
toxic enough to kill a bantha - on good days. Or at least, that was the way our
sensors had always read.

Within the last six months, sensor readings have been erratic. Recently, patrols
began to investigate the wasteland once more, some under the command of senior
officials at the Academy. It was learned that, quite to the contrary of what was
previously believed to be the case, the air is almost breathable. Breath masks
remain a necessity, but there is none of the skin toxicity that has been remarked
upon by expeditions in decades past.

Recent surveys have provided heretofore unknown data. Regarding the dome that
covers the protruding tip of Rivan's fortress, it has been dated at 1,132 years,
indicating that Rivan must have been quite advanced in years prior to the Battle of
Ruusan. This suggests that he did not arise from human stock, as has been
speculated in the past, but instead descended from one of the longer-lived species
of the galaxy. This makes the assumption that the credit given to Rivan for the
construction of the fortress is actually due to the Sith. It remains possible that
someone other than Rivan (perhaps his master) was actually responsible for the
construction of the edifice, and that Rivan took it as his own when he slew the
original creator.

There is no indication that any surface-dwelling creatures live within a thousand

kilometers of the fortress, but there are signs of sub-surface life. It has long
been remarked that great worms live beneath the sands of Almas, though none have
yet been captured for study. Indications are that such worms do not, in fact,
exist, although leavings similar to those of krayt dragons have been discovered (in
fossil form) scattered across the wasteland. Given the difficulty inherent in
distinguishing large, subterranean reptiles from enormous worms when scanning from
outside a planet's atmosphere into an area marked by substantial dark-side
emanations, the mistake seems reasonable. We still have no visual confirmation of
exceedingly large life forms, but something is certainly living beneath the sands
of the wasteland.
A handful of expeditions have attempted to circumvent the dome. One such attempt
involved the use of small-scale mining equipment to burrow beneath the outermost
layer of the structure. After 10 meters, the mining equipment broke through rock
and crashed into a cavern below. This cavern provided access to what appears to be
an entry hall. The corridors of the hall are polished black marble, and the hall
itself slopes down at a 10-degree angle, proceeding deeper into the planet.

The marble is carved in numerous places, and our linguists have yet to decipher all
of the script. Some of it is apparently written in the ancient Sith tongue, while
other elements of the text continue to elude our comprehension. One element of the
carvings that has been deciphered is a series of symbols that line the walls of the
hall as it slopes downward.

It appears that Rivan left behind a record of his pedigree. His name is the last in
the series of symbols, at the bottom of the hall, where it opens out into a large
cavern. Many of the other names - and we assume they are names, since approximately
every third set of symbols corresponds to the name of a known Sith lord - have
associated dates, though they do not match dates as they are presented on the
standard galactic calendar. It is believed that they represent dates of ascension
and death for various Sith lords. The first name, at the top of the hall, is that
of Naga Sadow, and it is widely believed that this is Darth Rivan's Sith lineage,
which he traced back several thousand years.

Deeper explorations of the fortress have as yet been unsuccessful. The influence of
the dark side in this place is great, and there is a constant tugging at the mind
of any Force-sensitive individual, a temptation, a promise of power and glory. As
such, no Jedi is allowed to remain in the fortress for more than 90 minutes, and
the guards outside the fortress are rotated every four hours. All are provided with
substance 90A in order to [this portion of document deleted for security purposes]

The strength of the Force effects in place at the fortress indicates that there may
be one or more active devices (or artifacts) in the bowels of the structure. Until
such time as we feel that deeper explorations provide no undue threat to the safety
of the Jedi involved, however, we cannot recommend such explorations. There is much
to be studied closer to the surface, and with patience, we will learn what must be

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