DLL Evaluating Algebraic Exp G7 q2

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Teacher Level 7
Daily Lesson Learning
Teaching Dates Area Mathematics 7
Teaching Time Monday 10:40-11:40AM Quarter 2nd
The Learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts of Algebraic expressions, the properties of
A. Content Standards real numbers as applied in linear equations, and
inequalities in one
The learner is able to model situations using
oral, written and graphical, and algebraic
methods in solving problems involving algebraic
B. Performance Standard expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in
one variable.
1.) Evaluate algebraic expressions
for given values of the variables
using step by step process.
2.) Evaluating expressions using
algebra tiles
C. Learning Objectives 3.) Appreciate the importance of
technology in evaluating
algebraic expressions with speed
and accuracy.
4.) Evaluate real LIFE algebraic
II. Content
Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
Textbooks, flashcard, scissors, Multimedia Laptop,
III. Learning Resources
white screen)
A. References Mathematics 7 Learner’s Material
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Pages 114-115
3. Textbook pages Experiential Mathematics page 139-141
4. Additional Materials from wikihow.com
learning Resource (LR) portal https://shmoop.com
You tube: Evaluating real life algebraic
B. Other Learning Resources expressions and formulas by Maria Watkins
IV. Procedures
 it is the number on its own.
o 4
o 7
 is a symbol, usually letters, which represent a
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting value or a number.
the new lesson. Examples:
o x
o y

Algebraic Term
 Algebraic term is a constant or a
variable or constants and
variables multiplied together.
o 2xz
o 5xy

Algebraic Expression
 an algebraic expression is any combination of
one or more constants and variables along
with at least one mathematical operation.
o 3x + 7y
Identify whether the following phrases described as
Constant or a Variable
1.) Your grade level 2.)
Months of the year 3.)
Side of the square
4.) A dozen of a certain objects 5.) A
taxes of an employee
6.) Our feelings
7.) Our parents
8.) Color of your skin Identify whether
it is Algebraic Term or Algebraic
1.) axy
2.) ax +y
3.) 4mn +2m-11
4.) m2
5.) -10a3 +2a2 -7a- 22

Evaluating Algebraic Expressions- is substituting

a certain number for that variable and performs
using the order of the arithmetic operations.
B.)Establishing a purpose for the lesson If x= 5 what is the value of 3x -4?

If y= -2 What is the value of 5y+3?

If a=3 and b= -6 What is the value of

2a2b-5ab +9?
If x=2, y=3 and z= -4, Find the value of
each of the following:
1.) 3x2y= 3(2)2 (3)= 3(4)(3)= 36
Presenting examples/ instances of the new
lesson 2.) 2x2 + yz = 2(2)2 + 3(-4)
= 2(4) -12 =8-12=-6
Evaluating algebraic expressions using
Mash up Math video presentation Learn to
evaluate expressions using
C.) Discussing new concepts and algebra tiles If x= 2 1.)
practicing new skills #1 3x-4
2.) 2x + 2
3.) -4x -6
Evaluating Real Life Algebraic Expressions
D.) Discussing new concepts and Example# 1 An white dove in our school flies
practicing new skills #2 through the farm at 20 miles per hour. Write
an expression for how the eagle will fly:
a.) After two hours b.)
After 1 ½ hour c.)
After h hour
Example #2 The population of catfish in the
fishpond of Mr. Gamboa is currently 44 milkfish, but
it will increase by 50% each year. Write
the expression for how many milkfish will be in the
a.) After 5 years b.)
After 42 months
c.) After y years
1.)The son of Maam Lucero is 7 years younger than
two thirds
of his husband age. If Jose’s dad is d years old,
write an expression that can be used to determine
how old Jose is. If Jose’s dad is 30 years old. How
old is Jose?
Given: d= dad’s age
2/3 d-7
Representation: d=30
= 2/3 (30) -7
= 20-7
= 13 years old (Jose’s Age)
2.)Samuel mows lawns every weekend to make
E.)Developing mastery extra money. Each weekend he has to spend P400
on gas. He charges P500 for every lawn he mows.
If Samuel mows X lawns. Write an expression for
how much money Samuel makes each weekend.
Lawns Php
1 500
2 1000
3 1500
4 2000
X 500x
5 lawns 500(5)-400
2500- 400 = Php 2100
F.)Finding practical applications of concepts 1.)A car company’s profits are equal to
and skills in daily living its sales minus its costs. It cost the company
P40,000,000.00 to manufacture and market a
certain car. This car sells for
P2,000,000.00 each. If the company sells C
car, write an expressions for its profit.
Number Cars Sales
1 P2M
2 P4M
3 P6M
4 P8M
5 P10M
X=cars P40M
P= Sales-Cost

M= 20 Cars

How do you evaluate Algebraic expressions?

How did you find evaluating algebraic expressions

G.) Making generalizations and using algebra tiles?
It is said that algebra is not applied in real life
situations, you have seen how we solve the real life
problem in our lesson. What can you say about it?

Directions: In a one half cross-wise pad paper.

Evaluate this problem
1.) There are 27 goat in the Brgy Madanding, but
H.)Evaluating Learning each year this population of dog increase by 3.
Write the expression for how many deer will be in
the forest:
a.) After 3 year
b.) After 1 year and 4 months
c.) After y year
Maria is going back to school, so she
decided to go on shopping. She buys some
I.)Additional activities for shirts that cost P1000 each. Some pants
application and remediation that costs P2000 each and one pair of new
shoes that cost P2,600. Write an
expression for the total amount of money
Maria spends.
V. Remarks
I have learned a lot from youtube that I
VI. Reflection use in the execution of my lesson today.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% 23 out of 25
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who required 2
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. Yes
of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to None
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies Performance Activity
well? Why did these work?
G. What difficulties did I None
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
H. What innovation or localized Localized Example
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Activity Worksheets

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