Examples:-1. Calculate The Equivalent Resistance R in The Circuit in Fig Below

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Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.


1. Calculate the equivalent resistance Rab in the circuit in Fig


Solution :-

The 3Ω and 6Ω resistors are in parallel because they are connected to the
same two nodes c and b. Their combined resistance is

………………... [1]

Similarly, the 12Ω and 4Ω resistors are in parallel since they are
connected to the same two nodes d and b. Hence

................... [2]

Also the 1Ω and 5Ω resistors are in series; hence, their equivalent

resistance is
1Ω +5Ω=6Ω
Now equivalent circuit is as shown in fig (a)
Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

In Fig.(a), 3Ω in parallel with 6Ω gives 2Ω, as calculated in Eq. (1). This 2Ω

equivalent resistance is now in series with the 1Ω resistance to give a
combined resistance of
1Ω +2Ω = 3Ω.
The equivalent circuit is as shown in fig (b)

we combine the 2Ω and 3Ω resistors in parallel to get

This 1.2Ω resistor is in series with the 10Ω resistor, so that

2. Find io and vo in the circuit shown in Fig. Calculate the power

dissipated in the 3Ω resistor.
Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

Solution :-

The 6Ω and 3Ω resistors are in parallel, so their combined resistance is

Thus our circuit reduces to that shown in Fig

Now apply Ohm’s law to get

Apply voltage division principle,

Now, from the fig (a), using current division principle,

Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

The power dissipated in the 3Ω resistor is,

3. Find the Node Voltages in given Fig.

Solution :-

The circuit in this example has three non reference nodes. We assign
voltages to the three nodes as shown in Fig and label the currents.
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Using the elimination technique, we add Eqs.[1] and Eqs.[3]

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4. Find the node voltages in the circuit given below.

Solution :-
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Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

We need four node voltages, v1, v2, v3, and v4, and it requires only four out
of the five Eqs.

From Eq. (3), v2 = v1 − 20. Substituting this into Eqs. (1) and (2)
respectively, gives

…….. [ 6 ]

……… [ 7 ]

Equations (4), (6), and (7) can be cast in matrix form as

Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

5. For the circuit shown in Fig. below, find i1 to i4 using mesh analysis.

Solution :-

Note that meshes 1 and 2 form a supermesh since they have an

independent current source in common.

Also, meshes 2 and 3 form another supermesh because they have a

dependent current source in common. The two supermeshes intersect and
form a larger supermesh as shown.
Applying KVL to the larger supermesh,
Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

6. Use mesh analysis to determine i1, i2, and i3 in Fig shown


Solution :-
Current source between mesh 1 and 2 will be open circuited. So mesh 1 and
mesh 2 will form a supermesh.

Apply KVL for supermesh,

6 = 2(i1 – i3) + 4 (i2 – i3) + 8i3

2i1 + 12i2 – 6i3 = 6 (1)

Apply KVL for mesh 3,

2(i3 – i1) + 2i3 + 4(i3 – i2) = 0

- 2i1 - 4i2 + 8i3 = 0 (2)

at node 0 apply KCL,

i1 = i2 + 3 (3)
Solving Eq. (1) & (2) we will get,
4i2 + i3 =3 (4)
Put value of Eq. (3) in Eq. (1)
7i2 – 3i3 = 0 (5)
Solving Eq. (4) & (5)
i2 = 0.4737 A
put value of i2 in Eq. (1)
i1 = 3.4737 A
put value of i2 in Eq. (4)
i3 = 1.1052 A
Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

7. Find the node voltages for the circuit in Fig below.

Solution :-

According to supernode principle voltage source between v1 and v2 node is


Node v1 and v2 makes supernode.

At supernode apply KCL,

Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

At node v3 apply KCL,

Put Eq. (4) in Eq. (2)

4 = V1 + 8V3 (5)

Solve Eq. (3) & Eq. (5)

V1 = 4.97 V
Put Value of V1 in Eq.(5)
V3 = -0.12 V
Put value of V1 & V3 in Eq. (4)
V2 = 4.85 V

8. In the Circuit shown below solve for i1, i2, i3.

Solution :-
Circuits & Networks 3rd E.C.

Between mesh 2 and 3 there is current source which will be open circuited
and both mesh will form supermesh.

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