Delta Motor Corporation Vs Genuino

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Delta Motor Corporation vs.

170 SCRA 29, Feb. 8, 1989

 Rescission will be ordered only where the breach complained of is substantial as to
defeat the object of the parties in entering into the agreement. It will not be granted
where the breach is slight or casual. Further, the question of whether a breach of a
contract is substantial depends upon the attendant circumstances.


Private Respondents are owners of an ice plant and cold storage who ordered black iron
pipes from Delta Motors (petitioner) for which the latter provided two letter quotations
indicating the selling price and delivery of said pipes. The terms of payment are also included in
the letter quotations which must be complied with by the respondents.

Private respondents made initial payments on both contracts but delivery of the pipes was
not made by Delta Motors so that the Genuinos were not willing to give subsequent payments
notwithstanding the agreed terms of payment requiring them of such.

In July 1972 Delta offered to deliver the iron pipes but the Genuinos did not accept the offer
because the construction of the ice plant building where the pipes were to be installed was not
yet finished.

Three years later, on April 15, 1975, Hector Genuino, in behalf of España Extension Ice
Plant and Cold Storage, asked Delta to deliver the iron pipes within thirty (30) days from its
receipt of the request. But petitioner Delta is unwilling to deliver said iron pipes unless the
Genuinos agree to a new quotation price set by the former.

Private Respondents rejected the new quoted prices and instead filed a complaint for
specific performance with damages seeking to compel Delta to deliver the pipes. Meanwhile,
Delta, in its answer prayed for rescission of the contracts pursuant to Art. 1191 of the New Civil

RTC: Complaint for specific performance w/ damages seeking to compel Delta to deliver the
 Delta prayed for the rescission pursuant to NCC Art. 11911.

The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent upon him.
The injured party may choose between the fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation, with the payment of damages in either case. He
may also seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter should become impossible.
The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless there be just cause authorizing the fixing of a period.
 Ruled in favor of Delta, ordering Delta to return the 15,900 downpayment to the
Genuinos and the Genuinos to pay 10k attorney’s fee to Delta. RTC rescinded the

COURT OF APPEALS: Ruled in favor of the Genuinos.

 Reversed RTC ruling. Ordered the Genuinos to pay the remaining installments to Delta
and to execute the Promissory Note required in the contract and thereafter, for Delta to
immediately deliver pipes.
 Reasoning of CA:
1. Delta was aware that the construction was ongoing and should have included in said
contracts (Delta was the one who prepared the contracts) a deadline of delivery, but
it did not. Neither did Delta insist on delivery when the Genuinos refused to accept
its offer of delivery.
2. Delta’s refusal to make delivery in 1975 unless the Genuinos pay a higher price
would mean an amendment of the contracts. Delta already made us of the advance
payments made by the Genuinos. That would be unjust enrichment on the part of
Delta at the expense of the Genuinos and is considered an abominable business
 MR by Delta denied. Thus, this petition.

ISSUE: WON the contract of sale should be rescinded?

RULING: No. While there is merit in Delta's claim that the sale is subject to suspensive
conditions, the Court finds that it has, nevertheless, waived performance of these conditions
and opted to go on with the contracts although at a much higher price. Art. 1545 of the Civil
Code provides:

Art. 1545. Where the obligation of either party to a contract of sale is subject to any condition
which is not performed, such party may refuse to proceed with the contract or may waive
performance of the condition.

It would be highly inequitable for petitioner Delta to rescind the two (2) contracts considering
the fact that not only does it have in its possession and ownership the black iron pipes, but also
the down payments private respondents have paid. Delta cannot ask for increased prices based
on the price offer stipulation in the contracts and in the increase in the cost of goods. Reliance
by Delta on the price offer stipulation is misplaced. The moment private respondents accepted
the offer of Delta, the contract of sale between them was perfected and neither party could
change the terms thereof. Neither could petitioner Delta rely on the fluctuation in the market
price of goods to support its claim for rescission.

Rescission will be ordered only where the breach complained of is substantial as to
defeat the object of the parties in entering into the agreement. It will not be granted where the
breach is slight or casual. Further, the question of whether a breach of a contract is substantial
depends upon the attendant circumstances.”

The conduct of Delta indicates that the Genuinos’ non-performance was not a
substantial breach, let alone a breach of contract as would warrant a rescission.
 Delta did not do anything, as testified by its Technical Service department manager
Crispin Villanueva, when respondents refused their offer to deliver.
 3 years later, when respondents demanded delivery, Delta did not raise any argument
but merely demanded higher prices.

Delta cannot ask for increased prices based on the price offer stipulation in the
contracts and in the increase in the cost of goods. Reliance by Delta on the price offer
stipulation is misplaced. Said stipulation makes reference to Delta’s price offer as remaining
firm for thirty (30) days and thereafter will be subject to its review and confirmation.
The offers of Delta, however, were accepted by the private respondents within the thirty
(30)-day period. And as stipulated in the two (2) letter-quotations, acceptance of the offer gives
rise to a contract between the parties:

“In the event that this proposal is acceptable to you, please indicate your
conformity by signing the space provided herein below which also serves as a
contract of this proposal.”

Thus, the moment private respondents accepted the offer of Delta, the contract of sale
between them was perfected and neither party could change the terms thereof.

CONCLUSION: CA decision affirmed. The parties should comply with the original terms of their

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