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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by
marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 1 only.
1. The BPP may recommend to the President the grant of executive clemency to a prisoner when the following
extraordinary circumstances are present, except:
A. Inmate who is 70 years old and above who have served at least 5 years of their sentence.
B. When inmate is suffering from severe physical disability
C. When inmate is suffering from serious illness
D. Such other circumstances when best interest of justice will be served thereby.
2. An inmate who is about to be release shall be proceeded at the separation and placement center for how many days
before his actual release.
A. 25 days C. 30 days
B. 35 days D. 60 days
3. Which of the following is a place for the confinement of minimum security prisoner?
A. Camp Sampaguita C. Quarantine Unit
B. RDC D. AFP Stockade
5. A procedure that is conducted in jail and in prison where an inmate upon arrival at the place of confinement will be
stripped out for search of contrabands.
A. Operation Shakdown. C. Operation Bakal.
B. Operation Greyhound. D. Operation Shakedown.
6. The only Roman place of confinement, which was built under the main sewer of Rome in 64 B.C. is known as
A. Mamertime Prison. C. Bridewell Workhouse.
B. Dartmoor Prison. D. Walnut Street Jail.
7. The law which fully deducts the period of the offender’s preventive imprisonment is known as
A. R.A. 6127. C. R.A. 2761.
B. P.D. 6127. D. P.D. 2761.
8. A felony of grave coercion is committed by a public officer or employee who maltreats a detained prisoner who is not
under his custody. The statement is:
A. True, because he is a public officer.
B. True, because he overdoes himself in the correction of handling of such prisoner.
C. False, it should be maltreatment of Prisoner.
D. False, Physical injury is committed.
Situation: The maximum term of sentence of Mr. Pedro is 4 years and 2 months, with an actual confinement of 2 years
and 8 months and 21 days.
9. In case Mr. Pedro will be granted for GCTA by the Chief of the RDC, how many days each month shall be deducted for
his good behavior?
A. 10 days/month C. 5 days/month
B. 8 days/month D. None of the above
11. Jose was convicted of a crime and sentenced to serve an imprisonment of 10 months to 2 years. Pedro is considered
A. Insular prisoner C. Provincial prisoner
B. City prisoner D. Municipal prisoner
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12. Camp Bukang Liwayway is also known as:
A. Minimum security camp C. Maximum security camp
B. Medium security camp D. Reception Center
13. The decrepit transport, former warships used to house prisoners. These are termed as
A. Hulks C. Galleys.
B. Gaols. D. galeon
14. The following are the instances when judgment of conviction becomes final, EXCEPT:
A. when the sentence has been partially or totally served.
B. when the accused applies for probation.
C. after the lapse of perfecting an appeal which is 15 days.
D. none of the above.
Situation: Mr. Tim Mckay who was convicted for 20 years imprisonment, was confined in Muntinlupa for 10 years. On
December 13, 2006, at exactly 2:00 a.m. conflagration occurred causing Mr. Tim and his co-inmates to escape.
15. After 1 day upon the declaration of the Chief Executive of the passing away of such conflagration, Mr. Tim voluntarily
surrendered himself to the Penal Superintendent. The said prisoner is entitled for
A.¼ deduction for his sentence C. 1/5 deduction for his sentence
B.1/6 deduction for his sentence D. 1/3 deduction for his sentence
16. In case Mr. Tim did not escape from his place of confinement during the calamity, is he entitled for ¼ deduction of the
period of his sentence?
A. Yes C. No
B. Maybe D. Both A & B
17. How about if Mr. Tim disarmed the guards and escaped?
A. He will be liable under Art. 159 of RPC C. He will be liable under Art. 157 of RPC
B. He will be liable under Art. 160 of RPC D. none of the above
18. After 5 years of such calamity, Mr. Tim was granted for GCTA and will be given a deduction of
A. 5 days/month. C. 8 days/month.
B. 10 days/month. D. 15 days/month.
21. Who is the Director of the Irish Prison who introduced the Irish system that modified the Maconochies Mark System?
A. Manuel Montesimus C. Walter Crofton
B. Domets of France D. Zebulon Brockway
23.Which of the following is the first consideration before any effective rehabilitation programs can be undertaken.
A. Medical and health service . C. Orientation
B. Education and Training D. Basic physiological needs
24. Mr. “N” was sentenced to serve a maximum sentence of not more than six (6) years. He filed petition for probation, but
his petition will not be considered if:
A. He was convicted of subversion
B. He was previously convicted by final judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of not less
than one month and one day and/or fine of not less than PhP200.00
C. He was previously granted probation
D. He was previously granted parole.
25. After release, from jail or prison, when does a parolee present himself to the Parole and Probation Officer?
A. At least one month from release.
B. Within 3 weeks from release
C. At least 3 weeks from release
D. Within the period prescribed in the Release Document
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26. One of the purposes of Adult Probation is to:
A. Prevent the commission of crimes.
B. Place the offender outside police power of the state
C. Foster closer relationship between the offender and the judge who promulgated the Probation Order.
D. Create a probation office.
27. What is the action of the court in case a probationer violated the condition of his probation order?
A. Court orders the release of the probationer to the community.
B. Court directs probationer to re-apply for probation
C. Court revokes probation and probationer serves original sentence imposed by court.
D. Court punishes the probationer.
28. The BPP may consider petition for absolute pardon even before the grant official release and discharge in any of the
A. Petitioner is emigrating.
B. Petitioner is seeking re-instatement in the government service.
C. Petitioner is going to be appointed in a private placement work.
D. Petitioner is preparing for his final examination.
29. Which of the following is a prerogative of the Chief Executive with concurrence of Congress.
A. Parole C. Probation
B. Pardon D. Amnesty
30. Mr. “Y” was sentenced to a prison term of Arresto mayor. Will he qualify for probation?
A. No, his sentence is six years and one day.
B. Yes, his sentence is less than six years and one day.
C. Yes, his sentence is one month and one day to six months.
D. No, his sentence is more than six years and one day.
32. What document is issued to a parolee when the maximum period of his prison term has expired?
A. Certificate of final release
B. Certificate of final discharge
C. Certificate of final release and discharge
D. Certificate of prison term completion
35. Mario was convicted by the competent court and was sentenced to serve an imprisonment of 1 month to 3 years.
Under PD # 29, he is classified as a
A. Municipal prisoner C. Provincial prisoner.
B. City prisoner D. National prisoner.
36. Charlie was convicted in violation of R.A. # 9165 and was sentenced of imprisonment for a period of 12 years and 1
day to 20 years or also known as
A. Prision Mayor. C. Prision Correctional .
B. Reclusion Temporal. D. Reclusion Perpetua.
37. Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is being investigated of her alleged conversation with COMELEC
Garcillano. Once it will be proven, she will be prosecuted and eventually to be punished. This only explains one juridical
condition of penalty known as
A. Personal. C. Certain.
B. Equal. D. Legal.
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38. If the inmate agrees to abide by the same disciplinary rules upon convicted prisoners, he shall be asked to manifest
A. Certification. C. Certification in writing.
B. Agreement in writing. D. None of the above
39. The Chief, BJMP is appointed by the
A. President. C. DILG Secretary.
B. Director of the Bureau. D. All of the above
45. An offender, to be entitled to be placed under PD 968 must satisfy one of the following:
A. Sentenced to serve a maximum term of imprisonment of more than six years.
B. Had been once on probation.
D. Sentenced to serve six years or less
C. Convicted of a heinous crime.
46. It is granted by the Chief Executive without and conditions to it, presumably to do away with the miscarriage of justice.
It extinguishes criminal liability.
A. Parole C. Amnesty
B. Absolute pardon D. Pardon
47. The Director of the Bureau of Corrections or the warden shall forward the _____ of the prisoner to the BPP for
evaluation and consideration for parole.
A. Prison record and carpeta
B. Clothes and personal belongings
C. Recommendation and investigation results
D. Result of publication of names of prisoners
50. Female inmates for incarceration as national prisoners or those with more than 3 years maximum sentence will be
brought directly to the
A. Correctional Institution for Women
B. New Bilibid Prison
C. Reception and Diagnostic Center
D. Classification Unit
51.After taking all the cash and other personal property from the inmate or detainee, a duplicate copy should be given to
the inmate for the reason of
A. The inmate will retrieve his cash and personal property after confinement
B. This is to ensure that the personal property of the inmates will be secured
C. This will be kept under the custody of the property custodian
D. Preclude any possibilities or allegations of grafts
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52. The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology was created pursuant to
A. R.A. 8551 C. R.A. 7160
B. R.A. 6975 D. R.A. 9263
54. This means that, “if the defendant successfully completes probation, the criminal conviction will not be place on his
A. Suspended sentence C. Relayed sentence
B. Delayed sentence D. Deferred sentence
55. They assist probation and parole officers in the supervision of probationers.
A. Volunteer probation aides C. Volunteer probation officers
B. Volunteer workers D. Volunteer community workers
56. Mr. “X” was convicted to suffer imprisonment of prision correccional. Can the offender file petition for probation?
A. Yes, because his sentence is less than six (6) years.
B. Yes, because there was a PSIR
C. Yes, because his sentence is from 0-6-1 to 6-0-0.
D. Yes because he was convicted.
57. Mr. “ P” was previously convicted to a sentence of 15 days. He served imprisonment for this conviction. After several
years he was sentenced to suffer imprisonment of 0-6-1 after committing another crime. Can he file petition for probation
for his present conviction, despite of his previous conviction?
A. Yes, because his present conviction is not more than 6 years.
B. Yes, because his previous conviction is less than one month and one day
C. No, because his previous conviction would disqualify him to avail of probation
D. No, because probation is only once.
60. The New Bilibid Prison was established by virtue of the Revised Administrative Code, specifically section:
A. 1807 C. 1709
B. 1708 D. 1878
61. The staff member in the RDC who is responsible for the evaluation of the character and behavior of the prisoner
A. Chaplain C. Psychiatrist
B. Psychologist D. Custodial-correctional officer
62. The procedure in the admission of prisoners the purpose of which is to make sure that documents contains the
signature of the judge or the signature of the clerk of court, and the seal of the court is termed as:
A. Receiving C. Checking of commitment papers
B. Searching D. Identification
63. The prisoners who cannot be trusted in open condition and maybe allowed to work outside the fence or walls of the
penal institution but under guards or escorts are known as:
A. Medium Security Prisoners
B. Maximum Security Prisoners
C. Minimum Security Prisoners
D. Super Maximum Security Prisoners
64. The special group of prisoners composed of incorrigibles and highly dangerous persons are also known as:
A. Maximum Security Prisoners C. Medium Security Prisoners
B. Super maximum security prisoners D. None of the above
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65. A national prisoner is one who is sentenced:
A. to maximum term of imprisonment of more than 3 years or to a fine of more than PhP5,000.00
B. for violating custom laws within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Customs
C. to serve 2 or more prison sentences in the aggregate exceeding 3 years.
D. to serve 3 or more years sentences in the aggregate exceeding 3 years.
A. A,B, and C C. B,C and D
B. A,B, and D D. A, C and D
66. If a parolee dies during parole supervision, the _______ shall immediately transmit a certified true copy of the
parolee’s death certificate to the _______.
A. PPO; Board C. Board; PPO
B. Board; President D. Barangay Chairman; PPO
67. This is submitted by the PPO concerned to the Board thru the Technical Services of the PPA, not later than 15
working days regarding the date the parolee reported for supervision.
A. Arrival report C. Final report
B. Summary report D. Briefing report
68. Who approves transfer of residence of a parolee; and who confirms said transfer?
A. BPP; Regional Director C. BPP; Regional Director
B. Regional Director; BPP D. PPO; BPP
69. An outside travel of a parolee for a period of not more than 30 days is approved by _________.
A. Regional Director C. CPPO
B. BPP D. PPO concerned
71. The procedure in admitting prisoners which purpose is to insure that the person being committed is the same as the
person being named in the commitment order.
A. Receiving C. checking of commitment papers
B. Searching D. Identification
72. Use of telephone of inmate in prison after showing a good behavior is earned after 90 days. In such case an inmate is
entitled to:
A. 5 minutes C. 3 minutes
B. Not exceeding 5 minutes D. Not exceeding 3 minutes
73. The only program that is conducted during the free time schedule is called:
A. Religious services C. Recreational programs
B. Prison Education D. All of the above
74. The one in charge for immediate sounding of alarm in case of emergency.
A. Warden C. Control Center
B. Information Center D. Custodial Force
76. The travel abroad of a parolee is approved by_______ and confirmed by____________.
A. Regional Director; BPP C. BPP; administrator
B. PPO; Regional Director D. Administrator; BPP
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79. It is the nature of the grant of probation.
A. A mere privilege C. A matter of choice
B. A matter of right D. A mere whim and caprice
80. Within how many days, from release, should the parolee present himself to the PPO for supervision?
A. Within 30 days
B. Within the period prescribed in the FRD
C. Within 45 days
D. Within the period prescribed in the Release Document
81. The maximum period of probation for a person sentenced to suffer arresto mayor.
A. 3 years C. 6 years
B. 2 years and 6 months D. 2 years
84. A majority of all the members of the Board shall constitute a __________.
A. Quorum C. Resolution
B. Penalty D. Deliberation
85. In terms of service of sentence of a prisoner, his case may be reviewed by BPP for possible communication of
sentence if he has served:
A. One-third (1/3) of the definite or aggregate prison term
B. One-half (1/2) of the maximum of his prison sentence.
C. One-third (1/3) of the minimum of his indeterminate sentence.
D. One-half (1/2) of the minimum of his definite prison sentence.
86. The offender may be granted absolute pardon under any of the following circumstances, except:
A. He served his maximum sentence C. Court termination of probation
B. Granted final release and discharge D. Paid his fine
87. It transferred the function of supervising parolees to the Parole and Probation Administration.
A. Executive Order 292 C. Executive Order 922
B. Executive Order 229 D. Executive Order 293
88. Referral of inmates for health reason or special treatment outside the jail shall be allowed upon:
A. approval of warden C. approval of court
B. approval of Medical officer D. approval of Chief BJMP
89. The law that established the Correctional Institution for Women in 1931 is known as
A. R.A. 6036 C. R.A. 3579
B. R.A. 3732 D. R.A. 6975
90. The rank of the deputy chief for administration in the BJMP is
A. Director. C. superintendent.
B. Chief superintendent. D. senior superintendent.
91. Grave misconduct in the performance of official duty when committed for the first time carries with it the penalty of
A. Suspension for 1 year. C. dismissal.
B. Suspension for 6 months. D. transfer.
92. The admitting officer or jailer shall accomplish a jail booking report in four copies to be distributed to the following
offices except
A. BJMP central office . C. Provincial administrator’s office.
B. Regional office. D. Office of the president.
93. “The society is protected from the further depredations of criminals if they are all imprisoned immediately after
committing a crime”. This justification of penalty is known as
A. Expiation C. Reformation.
B. Deterrence. D. Protection.
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94. ‘Floating hell” is also known as
A. Gaols. C. Galleys.
B. Hulks. D. Transportation.
95. The code which specified punishment according to the social class of offenders is known as
A. Justinian Code. C. Greek Code of Draco.
B. Burgundian Code. D. Code of King Hammurabi .
96. The warden shall issue a ___ under oath if the detainee refused to abide with the rules applied by the court under the
provision of Art. 29 of RPC, on the rules applied to convicted offenders.
A. Manifestation. C. Certification of Agreement.
B. Certification. D. Report
97. The desk officer shall carefully check the credentials of the person(s) bringing in the inmate to determine his/their
A. Authenticity of commitment order. C. Identity and authority.
B. Contraband. D. Personal property.
99. The following are the authorized disciplinary punishment imposable to inmates except
A. Reprimand.
B. Close confinement which shall not exceed 8 days.
C. Cancellation of visiting hours.
D. None of the above
100. A felony of grave coercion is committed by a public officer or employee who maltreats a detained prisoner who is not
under his custody. The statement is:
A. True, because he is a public officer.
B. True, because he overdoes himself in the correction of handling of such prisoner.
C. False, it should be maltreatment of Prisoner.
D. False, Physical injury is committed.
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