Cover Page ( (DLW 5013) ) 11 April 2020 - .222 PDF

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DLW 5013




This is an INDIVIDUAL PROJECT, replacing your final exam due to the current Covid19
issue and the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia.

Kindly read ALL the below-listed rules (submission rules, referencing and plagiarism rules,
project format and formatting rules, assessment rules) carefully before you attempt your
final project.

Submission Rules
1. Please submit via email as stated, using a Word document. The document MUST
commence with a proper Cover Sheet, with all details completed (including your
particulars, signature and photo). Kindly remember, you shall submit only a single file
(starting from the Cover Sheet to the Appendix).

2. You have a specific deadline/due date for this project.

Softcopy: 25th April 2020, 12:00 pm (MST) to be emailed to [email protected] and CC
to [email protected] (DO NOT send to any other email).

Hardcopy: To be submitted latest on the 1 st day of the next module starts right after
the Movement Control Order (MCO) ends.

3. ABSOLUTELY NO EXTENSIONS. Failure to submit either part of the assessment will

result in an automatic fail in this course. Extensions and late submission will not be
entertained under any considerations.

4. The project MUST be taken entirely alone. Any discussion among classmates or other
students in the course or senior course mates who have completed this course is

5. Any student’s project, which is found to be similar to other student(s), all students
involved will be given a FAILURE for this subject.

6. You MAY use other references to research on comparative jurisdiction of other

Referencing and Plagiarism Rules
1. You must reference all sources used, even where you do not use the exact words that
appear in the source.

2. Any source taken from books, notes etc HAS TO BE CITED with referencing, DO NOT
COPY AND PASTE but write in your understanding and paraphrase.

Again, please ensure that you do not copy-paste from any source as preserving the
originality of your work is very crucial (all projects will be checked via Turnitin, and this
similarity should not exceed 19%. Any submission of the project exceeds the similarity
of 19%, and the said 50% of your total mark would be deducted immediately.

3. PARAPHRASING TOOLS are NOT ALLOWED, any answers detected using PARAPHRASING
TOOL will be automatically awarded Zero marks.

4. Where you use another author’s ideas, but phrase these ideas in your own words. This
must be cited as a ‘paraphrasing’, except quotation with a quotation mark (in line with
APA 6th edition).

Wherever you do use the exact words of another author, you must recognise this by citing
as a quotation (not a paraphrasing). Citing a direct quote as a paraphrasing may
constitute deliberate plagiarism.

5. You are reminded that the intentional unacknowledged appropriation of other people’s
work constitutes plagiarism and that the University’s policy in this regard will be
enforced. Ignorance of what constitutes plagiarism is unlikely to be a successful defence.

6. Please note that it is likely that you will identify scholarly articles which review the
earnings business management literature. If you use these to help you structure your
write-up, or if you cite sources referenced by these papers, but which you have not read
yourself, you must disclose this appropriately.
Project Format and Formatting Rules
1. Your answers MUST BE TYPED using Microsoft Words. Again. Only Microsoft Word

2. Answer all questions. Your answer needs to demonstrate your depth of understanding
with clear answers that are supported with relevant examples where necessary.

3. Your answer should adopt the format of an academic piece of report work. Write in
fluent, formal English.

4. Your answers should be arranged in sequence (starting with Q1a, Q1b, Q2, etc.) and
labelled appropriately.

5. You are required to produce your answers within the required word counts as stated at
every question.

6. The additional requirement to the overall answer presentation:

a. Student ID Number on each page (Header).
b. Margin must be a 1-inch margin on all sides with page numbers at the bottom centred
c. Font: 12 points, Times New Roman
d. Text: 1.5 Spacing, Block Aligned (Justified)
e. Referencing Style: APA 6th Edition

Assessment Rules
Marking is based on QUALITY of your answers, the more UNIQUE/CREATIVE/ORIGINAL your
answer is, the BETTER YOU SCORE!

Marks are given based on proper research methodology, research robustness and
innovativeness, logical findings with clear support (case law and case study examples) and
commendable conclusions.

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