Countries and Nationalities Worksheet: Activity Type

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Countries and Nationalities Worksheet

Activity Type Introduction

Reading, writing, This productive worksheet activity helps students to learn and
listening and speaking practice countries and nationalities.
Language Focus Give each student a copy of the worksheet.
Countries and
Working alone, students write the nationality for each country in
the chart on the worksheet.
Yes/no questions and
short answers with the When the students have finished, go through the answers with
'verb to be' the class.

Answer key
Australian Turkish Egyptian Swiss
To practice countries and Japanese Chinese Dutch Irish
nationalities British Spanish Israeli French
American Indian Polish Portuguese
Italian Vietnamese Thai Burmese
Make one copy of the Next, students categorize the nationalities according to their
worksheet for each suffixes.
Answer key

Level -n, -an, -ian -ese -ish other

Elementary Australian Japanese British Dutch
American Chinese Turkish Israeli
Italian Vietnamese Spanish Thai
Time Indian Portuguese Polish Swiss
25 minutes Egyptian Burmese Irish French

After that, divide the students into pairs and have one student in
each pair turn over their worksheet.

The other student then tests their partner on the countries and
nationalities. If the student says a country, their partner replies
with the corresponding nationality. If the student says a nationality,
their partner replies with the country. When the students have
finished, they swap roles and repeat the activity.

Finally, students take it in turns to imagine they are from a country

on the worksheet and their partner asks yes/no questions with
the verb 'to be' to find out which country they are from.

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Countries and Nationalities Worksheet

A. Write the nationality for each country.

Country Nationality Country Nationality

Australia Egypt

Japan Holland

Britain Israel

The United States Poland

Italy Thailand

Turkey Switzerland

China Ireland

Spain France

India Portugal

Vietnam Burma

B. Categorize the nationalities according to their suffixes.

-n, -an, -ian -ese -ish other

C. Work with a partner. Test your partner on the different countries and nationalities. If you say
a country, your partner replies with the nationality. If you say a nationality, your partner replies
with the country.

D. Now, take it in turns to imagine you are from another country. Choose a country from the
worksheet. Your partner then tries to guess which country you are from using yes/no questions
with the verb 'to be'.


A: Are you from Spain? B: No, I'm not.

A: Are you from Italy? B: No, I'm not.
A: Are you from Japan? B: Yes, I am.
A: So, you are Japanese? B: Yes, that's right. © 2018 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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