Risk Assessment Methodologies PDF
Risk Assessment Methodologies PDF
Risk Assessment Methodologies PDF
Georgios Giannopoulos
Roberto Filippini
Muriel Schimmer
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
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JRC 70046
EUR 25286 EN
ISBN 978-92-79-23839-0
ISSN 1831-9424
doi: 10.2788/22260
Printed in ITALY
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.3 National Strategy and Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure Protection in Canada 7
2.3.3 CARVER2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.7 CommAspen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.8 COUNTERACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.10 European Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning Methodologies for Inter-
connected Energy Networks (EURACOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.17 RAMCAP-Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
References 41
1 Risk Assessment Methodologies for Critical Infrastructures. Set-
1.1 Introduction
Effective risk assessment methodologies are the cornerstone of a successful Critical Infrastructure
Protection programme. The extensive number of risk assessment methodologies for critical infrastruc-
tures clearly supports this argument. Risk assessment is indispensable in order to identify threats, assess
vulnerabilities and evaluate the impact on assets, infrastructures or systems taking into account the prob-
ability of the occurrence of these threats. This is a critical element that differentiates a risk assessment
from a typical impact assessment methodology.
There is a significant number of risk assessment methodologies for critical infrastructures. In gen-
eral the approach that is used is rather common and linear, consisting of some main elements: Identifica-
tion and classification of threats, identification of vulnerabilities and evaluation of impact. This is a well
known and established approach for evaluating risk and it is the backbone of almost all risk assessment
However, there is a huge differentiation of risk assessment methodologies based on the scope of the
methodology, the audience to which it is addressed (policy makers, decision makers, research institutes)
and their domain of applicability (asset level, infrastructure/system level, system of systems level). These
attributes are not mutually exclusive, in the sense that the domain of applicability defines to a certain
extent the target group of the methodology. For example, a risk assessment methodology that is applicable
to system of systems at national or even supranational level is mostly addressed to policy makers and
relevant authorities and less to operators or to asset managers at local level.
Methodologies developed for certain assets are well defined, tested and validated and the vast ma-
jority follows the linear approach already mentioned. However, methodologies that aim at assessing risks
at a higher level e.g. networked systems require further refinement. Detailed risk assessment is not ap-
plicable any more and a certain level of abstraction is necessary. Representing all assets of a networked
system at the highest level of detail (mostly an operator’s approach) leads to unprecedented complexity
that is out of the scope for policy and decision makers. This target group requires simplified solutions
that can provide results even in real time.
The second important parameter that is entering the stage for the risk assessment methodologies of
networked infrastructures is the element of interdependencies. According to the work of Rinaldi et al.
[1] four types of interdependencies are identified for critical infrastructures:
• Physical: The operation of one infrastructure depends on the material output of the other.
• Geographic: Dependency on local environmental effects that affects simultaneously several infras-
Besides cross-sectoral interdependencies (e.g. ICT and Electricity, Satellite navigation and Trans-
port), at European level one can identify intra-sectoral interdependencies of national infrastructures that
form European infrastructures. As a concrete example we can mention the high voltage electricity grid
that is composed by the interconnected national high-voltage electricity grids.
As mentioned before, the domain of applicability of a risk assessment methodology may be the
most important attribute. According to this attribute, CIP risk assessment methodologies can be divided
in two major categories: Sectoral methodologies, when each sector is treated separately with its own risks
and ranking and systems approach that assess the critical infrastructures as an interconnected network.
Methodologies that have been initially conceptualised to fit in the second category are rather limited.
The vast majority of the existing work has been sectoral and mostly at asset level. These methodologies
have been then extended to cope with networked systems. This reflects the natural evolution of risk as-
sessment methodologies existing already at organizational level to address issues at sectoral level. These
methodologies reveal their limitations when cross-sectoral issues have to be addressed.
The European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) is a multi-annual pro-
gramme that encompasses several instruments for the protection of critical infrastructures in Europe as
depicted in Figure 1. The legislative instrument is the Council Directive 2008/114/EC on the identifica-
tion and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their
protection (see [2]).
Figure 1: The European programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (In red JRC involvement)
The scope of the Directive covers only the energy and the transport sector.
The identification and designation process follows a 4-step procedure that is based on the sectoral
and cross-cutting criteria. More information on the identification and designation process can be found
in [3]. These criteria have been defined on the basis of numerous impact assessments and studies carried
out by JRC and relevant stakeholders and have been the subject of intensive negotiations. However, it is
important to stress out that for the definition of the cross-cutting and sectoral criteria no risk assessment
work has been carried out . A very good summary of the relevant activities can be found in [4].
The review of the EPCIP Directive has officially started on the 12th of January 2012 three years after
its adoption. Issues related both to the scope as well as the processes of the Directive will be discussed
under the light of the continuous evolvement of critical infrastructures. This evolution has led to more
complex systems with the interaction of cyber and physical layers. The boundaries of the sectors are
not any more clearly defined thus in several cases it is rather difficult to classify a certain infrastructure
within the limits of sectors. This reflects the complexity that has brought in place the interconnectivity of
infrastructures for delivering vital societal services.
Within the framework of the EPCIP Directive, support activities such as workshops are taking
place at a regular basis (workshops on the implementation and application of the Directive). During the
VI Workshop on the implementation and application of the Directive, the Member States asked for a
closer look at systems approach for critical infrastructures. Risk assessment methodologies are central in
this approach.
The Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-7) established U.S. policy for enhancing
critical infrastructure protection by establishing a framework for the Department’s partners to identify,
prioritize, and protect the critical infrastructure in their communities from terrorist attacks. The direc-
tive identified 17 critical infrastructure sectors and, for each sector, designated a federal Sector-Specific
Agency (SSA) to lead protection and resilience-building programmes and activities. HSPD-7 allows for
the Department of Homeland Security to identify gaps in existing critical infrastructure sectors and estab-
lish new sectors to fill these gaps [45]. For each Sector-Specific Agency a sector-specific plan has been
developed for the implementation of the National Infrastructure Protection programme (NIPP) in each
sector. Clearly the US approach is sectoral and that is similar to the approach that has been implemented
in EPCIP. However, in US CIP there is a tendency to focus more on resilience issues. Furthermore in
the US CIP there is no formalized procedure in analogy with the EPCIP Directive for the designation of
critical infrastructures and assets.
The National Infrastructure Protection programme (NIPP) [6] is the implementation framework of
the US CIP. It provides the guidelines for the implementation of the CIP programme. Among others it
integrates the efforts for critical infrastructure protection measures in the various sectors, it defines the
roles and responsibilities of the several actors at state and federal level and also sets the framework for
a risk management framework for critical infrastructures. The latter is further analysed in the present
1.2.3 National Strategy and Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure Protection in Canada
The National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure ([7]) sets the framework for strengthening the
resiliency of critical infrastructure in Canada. Clearly the programme gives emphasis to the resilience
aspect of critical infrastructures as the ultimate goal to be achieved. The vehicle to obtain these objectives
is through building partnerships, implementing an all-hazards risk management approach and information
The action plan for critical infrastructures is the implementing element of the national strategy.
It sets out the action items in the areas of partnerships, risk management and information sharing that
are the building blocks of the action plan. Particularly interesting in this action plan is the distribution
of responsibilities among actors, that is federal government, provincial/territorial governments and crit-
ical infrastructure operators. Thus it promotes a multi-layer approach that requires the collaboration of
the various actors that is based on information sharing. Furthermore, the distribution of responsibilities
clearly demonstrates that resilience stays at the territorial and government levels whereas the main role
for operators remains the one of identifying, managing and mitigating the risks associated to their envi-
ronment. Clearly this stems from the fact that resilience cannot be handled at asset/operator level since it
requires the collaboration of various actors, in many cases also involving actors in different sectors. This
is something that the national strategy has fully taken on board during the establishment of the plan.
The aim of the present report is to obtain a structured review of the existing methodologies at EU
and global level, identify gaps and prepare the ground for the proposal of a risk assessment methodology
at European level. The aim is not to establish a new methodology from scratch but rather build on existing
knowledge in Europe and worldwide so that it will be suitable for European critical infrastructures risk
assessment needs. Thus this work is the first of a series of reports that will follow during the process of
the Directive review.
Clearly there is an extensive list of methodologies. We only present a selected number of these
based on their citation records and their recognition in the scientific community. In order to obtain a
structured review, the evaluation of these methodologies took place according to the following criteria:
• Scope of the methodology: Which sector is addressed, to whom it is addressed (Policy makers,
researchers, operators etc.).
• Applied techniques and standards.
• Interdependencies coverage.
• Is resilience addressed?
The report is structured as follows. First we present a theoretical introduction in order to set the
scene at research level. Then we present selected methodologies and relevant implementation tools that
are assessed according to the above listed criteria. Finally we present a gap analysis on the elements that
are still missing at global and mostly at European level.
The modelling scope has changed accordingly, from the concept of complex system to the system of
systems (SoS). While complex systems still got boundaries and defined architecture, a system of systems
is more blurry in boundaries and may evolve in time. An infrastructure is an instance of a system of
systems. Definition and technical issues on systems of systems engineering may be found in the book of
[9] and in the work of [10] and [11], just to mention only a few. A research agenda on System of Systems
Engineering (SoSE) can be found in [12] in which a number of relevant topics that need to be addressed
are outlined. This work can be compared with the state of the art in CIP modelling that is presented by
Yusta et al. [13].
The choice of methodologies is vast, though in several cases the application of the existing ap-
proaches is not straightforward. In addition it is not clear whether the needs of emerging disciplines can
be satisfied. In many circumstances, there is room for significant innovations. In the literature one can
identify three different approaches: application of RA methodologies to infrastructure, structural analysis
and behavioural analysis.
Applications of risk assessment to SoS, with the necessary adjustments, can be found in [14],
in [15] and [16]. Structural approaches assume the existence of a system of systems topology, which
accounts for interdependencies. This field of research is particularly rich of contributions, starting from
the classification of interdependencies [1], [17] to their use in vulnerability analysis, see for example [18],
[19]. Behavioural analysis aims at unveiling subtle mechanisms of failure propagation, cascading effects
that occur as consequence of complex interactions among systems. The majority of this approaches
resort to the theory of resilience [20], [21] and the emerging behaviour [22]. But there are also studies
on building common platforms for the simulation of networked systems, see for example the IEEE 1516
standard on High Level Architecture [23], which is currently applied from the scientific community, see
for example [24]. It is important to say that in all cases presented, the context stretches the application and
definition of a traditional RA framework. Moreover, the most promising research contributions suggest
a new paradigm which is closer to the domain of control than risk. In this respect, room for innovation is
huge. We mention the work of [25] in which this idea of the control paradigm is applied to interdependent
systems and the evaluation of resilience.
2.3 Risk Assessment methodologies in EU and worldwide
Argonne National Laboratory is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s oldest and largest national
laboratories conducting research in a wide range of fields. One of the main domains is national security.
Protection of critical infrastructures is part of this field. Research conducted in this direction is mainly
oriented to the policy needs of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Supporting this activity,
Argonne develops methodologies for assessing infrastructure risk and resilience to a variety of natural and
man made hazards for various infrastructures including energy facilities, transportation, water treatment
plants, financial institutions and commercial office buildings.
The umbrella programme covering these activities is the ECIP (Enhanced Critical Infrastructure
Protection). The cornerstone of such methodologies is the collection of reliable data. The necessary data
sets have been collected by 93 DHS Protective Security Advisors (PSAs) who are located throughout the
US. Argonne has facilitated this procedure by developing statistical and data mining techniques in order
to analyse and display the data in a harmonized and structure way. These data sets undergo a quality as-
surance and control procedure and cover a wide area of security related components and subcomponents.
It can be concluded that in terms of data the programme relies on expert opinion.
The methodology developed within the framework of ECIP covers the facilities in 18 critical in-
frastructure sectors (Energy, critical manufacturing etc.). This methodology has a sectoral approach that
goes down to the assets level and gives priority on the protection measures that are applied mainly against
terrorist threats. A particularly interesting point of this methodology is the concept of VI (Vulnerability
Index), PMI (Protective Measures Index) and RI (Resilience Index). The concept behind the develop-
ment of VI is to have a common metric and facilitate the comparison across various sectors of infras-
tructures that are covered by this methodology. The procedure for establishing the VI starts from PMI
that is designed to reflect the increase in protection of certain assets as new measures are applied. The
aim is to provide policy makers with tools that can help in the analysis of the various sectors, identify
vulnerabilities and prepare risk reports. An important parameter of this methodology is that it relies on
operators for the asset assessment through templates that contain what if scenarios. Thus it is possible
for the operator to assess the security of its assets with respect to certain scenarios and also to compare
their security level with respect to that of similar sectors/subsectors.
Although this methodology cannot be characterized as purely cross-sectoral but more as sectoral
that is applied to assets of different sectors, the use of the VI to compare critical assets protection mea-
sures across sectors is remarkable. An additional important characteristic of this methodology is that
dependencies are included in the PMI calculation. For each asset that is analysed it is possible to define
on which main sectors (electricity, gas, ICT, etc.) its operation relies on and quantify this through the
Redundancy, Resilience and Impact indexes.
Resilience is addressed through RI although it is still in a very preliminary phase. The evaluation of
the RI is based on the same methodology as the other indexes (similar data collection methods, operator
involvement etc.) and it is based on data on the robustness, resourcefulness and recovery of a facility. In
Figure 2 a snapshot of the interface that is implemented for this methodology is depicted.
Concluding, this methodology is excellent for being applied to assets of critical infrastructures, it
is mainly addressed to operators of assets and infrastructures while tackling key issues such as resilience
requires further development. More information can be found in [26].
The Federal Ministry of Interior (Germany), the Federal Office for Civil Protection and the Disaster
Response and the Federal Criminal Police Office have issued a baseline protection plan. This protection
plan is more than a risk assessment methodology. It is a complete protection plan that stresses out the
importance of private companies. It sets as basis the cooperation between infrastructures operators and
Figure 2: Interface of the Better Infrastructure Risk and Resilience: Resilience assessment page
state for reassuring the smooth operation of infrastructures with importance to the whole society. It is
explicitly mentioned that infrastructure operators are the ones that should implement security measures
as they have in-depth knowledge of their infrastructure and the way it operates.
In general it addresses to companies that are doing business in the domain of critical infrastructures
with the aim to protect human life. An interesting point is that without being a proper risk assessment
methodology, most of the corresponding elements are in place in the form of recommendations. There
is a substantial and detailed list of possible threats that expands from natural hazards to terrorism and
criminal acts. Then recommendations for the potential vulnerable points are identified for these categories
of threats.
The facilities protection measures are also part of the report. This is the point at which risk assess-
ment is entering the stage. The aim of the risk assessment is focused on the identification of the various
hazards. Particularly interesting is the fact that there is a dedicated section on the way to treat issues
related to interdependencies or domino effects as they are called in the document. These are treated
as secondary effects, or indirect threats that are related to the level of dependency of the infrastructure
under concern with respect to an event that is not developed within the confined architecture of this in-
frastructure. The kind of event is out of concern, the only issue here is whether these indirect effects
can indeed endanger the infrastructure under concern and if so through which dependency (geographical
dependency for natural hazards are particularly mentioned). Furthermore the study raises the awareness
of the operators for the fact that secondary effects can stem from the disruption of supply chains due to
events out of the limits of this infrastructure.
Finally certain recommendations can be found in the document concerning risk management, con-
cluding that a certain level of residual risk (after avoiding, minimising and transferring risk) should be
recognised. As a consequence a risk officer has to be appointed that will work closely with the personnel
within the limits of the company, maintain and update a risk management procedure and interact with the
relevant bodies at government level.
To this end, it provides recommendations on the identification of threats, vulnerable points and risk
management elements. More information can be found in [27]
2.3.3 CARVER2
The NI2 Centre for Infrastructure Expertise is working closely with operators, government, pri-
vate industry in order to ensure the protection of critical infrastructures in US. CARVER2 is a tool
that has been developed in order to serve the needs of critical infrastructure analysis mostly from the
policy maker point of view. CARVER stands for Criticality Accessibility Recoverability Vulnerability
Espyability Redundancy. NI2 states that it is a non-technical method for comparing and ranking critical
infrastructure and key resources and also claims CARVER2 to be the only assessment tool that ranks
critical infrastructure across sectors. A stand-alone PC tool and a server/client version (CARVER2Web)
have been developed for the implementation of this methodology. The methodology is supposed to cover
both terrorist threats as well as natural disasters, thus implementing an all-hazards approach.
Figure 3 depicts clearly how this methodology is implemented. In fact there are six different criteria
for which an asset or an infrastructure is assessed. The criticality is in fact the impact assessment part of
the methodology. It is remarkable that is in good agreement with the cross-cutting criteria of the EPCIP
Directive in terms of impact categories (users affected, direct economic loss and cost to rebuild, potential
casualties). Accessibility refers to the possibility that terrorists can enter the infrastructure to provoke
destruction, it is thus mostly an assessment of the vulnerability of the infrastructure in terms of physical
security. The recoverability in fact partially covers resilience since it refers to the bouncing back capabil-
ity of the infrastructure after failure. The vulnerability covers part of the potential infrastructure vulner-
abilities, the ones related to terrorist attacks and more specifically to explosions and chemical/biological
threats. Clearly at this point the claimed all hazards approach is not evident. The Espyability criterion
refers to the function of an infrastructure as an icon (e.g. cultural site) with indirect impact. However,
the implementation to quantify this is not thoroughly explained. Finally the Redundancy refers to the
alternatives that exit for the asset in consideration.
Particularly interesting is the way that interdependencies are assessed. The user has a list of sectors
that are affected by the loss of an asset. Thus for assets that belong to the same sector (e.g. transport)
it may be the case that different sectors are affected. What needs to be further clarified is at which level
the interdependencies have been defined. Most probably the links between the various assets of different
sectors have been predefined. In addition it is not clear what kind of interdependencies are included in
tool (cyber, physical, functional, geographical).
The user receives reports in various forms as well as a score for the classification of the asset. This
scoring enables to perform apples with oranges comparison and it is a feature that indeed provides a
cross-sectoral harmonized metric for the assessment of the importance of different infrastructures.
What has to be stressed out though is that it is a methodology goes down to asset level assessments.
A higher level or systems approach is missing. Resilience is only partially considered. More details can
be found in [28].
2.3.4 Critical Infrastructure Modelling Simulation (CIMS)
An interesting approach for simulating critical infrastructure disruption has been adopted by Idaho
National Laboratory supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. The software tool that has been de-
veloped back in 2005 aims at providing to policy makers and mostly decision makers with a tool to take
quick decisions to face threats and mostly natural disasters. It is important to mention that hurricane
Katrina provided the incentive to develop this tool.
The main features of this tool is that it visually portrays the interoperability of numerous infras-
tructure sectors and it provides the possibility to create models on the fly from open source information.
Thus it is possible in case of a destructive event to capture the dynamics of the cascading effects and the
way this affects the operation of emergency teams.
The construction of the models is based on simple maps or aerial photos using high level aggre-
gated information, thus the model development does not require detailed engineering data. This gives
an advantage for rapid model development and also for real time updating of the model on the basis of
available information from the evolution of the event.
The system is intended to be used at the level of cities or counties mostly for the prioritization of
emergency response on the basis of the number of people that are affected. Clearly it is a methodology
that is purely cross-sectoral with focus on the interdependencies of infrastructures at high level of abstrac-
tion, but it cannot be classified as a pure risk assessment methodology but rather as an impact assessment
and interdependencies assessment one. Resilience is not considered in its full extent but rather implicitly
at the recovery phase with the prioritization of emergency measures. In addition it is not the resilience
of a certain infrastructure that is implicitly assessed but rather the resilience of the society by optimizing
the emergency measures. More information can be found in [29].
2.3.5 Critical Infrastructure Protection Decision Support System (CIPDSS)
CIPDSS is a tool for information and decision support for the protection of critical infrastructures.
It is a pure risk assessment tool that accounts the probability of a threat, vulnerabilities and impact for all
hazards and different types of infrastructures. It is applicable to almost all kind of infrastructures. The
main audience for this methodology/tool are decision makers that have to decide upon different mitiga-
tion measures and operational tactics and prioritize the resources for protecting critical infrastructures.
This is taking place by performing simulation of the event considering uncertainties in the input (threat,
vulnerabilities) which provides also an estimation of the uncertainty for the output, in other words on the
impact of the event.
An important feature of this methodology is that it accounts for interdependencies (first order)
between 17 critical infrastructure sectors. Being a pure risk assessment tool, the resilience is out of the
scope. It is only implicitly consider by using the risk assessment results for prioritization of the resources
for intervention, thus only the recovery aspect of resilience is somehow present in this methodology.
The major highlight of this methodology is the risk informed decision making process. Different
options (e.g. mitigation measures or doing nothing) are evaluated according to the certain decision met-
rics (fatalities, economic loss, etc.). Thus the evaluation of the impact through these common metrics
overcomes the problem of comparing risks among sectors. In fact the impact is aggregated for the vari-
ous sectors into the final value of one of the common metrics. Finally it is a methodology that is applied
at high level systems of infrastructures (e.g. national). In Figure 4 the framework of this methodology is
Figure 4: Framework of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Decision Support System (CIPDSS)
The CIPMA project is a major security initiative launched by the Australian Government in order to
build the capacities for the protection of nation’s critical infrastructures. The outcome of this programme
(it seems to have some similarities with the EPCIP) is a software tool that combines simulation models,
databases, GIS and economic models. The target group for this tool are policy makers and industry in
order to evaluate different scenarios of critical infrastructure disruption.
It is particularly interesting to mention that CIPMA is restricted to a rather limited range of critical
infrastructure sectors, namely Energy, Telecommunications, Banking and Finance. A key element of this
tool is that GIS functionality is at the core of this system. GIS is used for data gathering, modelling and
visualisation of the results. This methodology is focused on four main areas:
• CI failure consequences: Economy and population consequences with GIS visualization of the
results, duration of failure, dynamics of critical infrastructure systems
• Single points of failure: Identification of particularly vulnerable points that can trigger important
cascading effects
Interdependencies on the previously mentioned priority sectors are taken into account. Decision
makers at national level are the potential users of this tool, thus it must be applicable to high level
systems of infrastructures rather than detailed assets. Resilience has not been among the main targets
of the project, however, it is implicitly included mainly through the investment to mitigation strategies.
Although this is mainly for risk reduction, if applied measures aim at reducing the impact of the threat
(not the probability of occurrence) then one can assume that resilience is implicitly accounted for in this
methodology. Furthermore, according to the developers of this tool, the aim is to assist also recovery thus
resilience is indeed partially assessed.
Finally the methodology is based on an all-hazards approach (natural and man-made threats are
explicitly mentioned). More details in [31].
2.3.7 CommAspen
CommAspen in the evolution of the first version of an agent-based tool that has been developed in
the 90’s in order to model the interdependencies between electric power systems and other infrastructures
that are essential for the US economy. This last version has been developed in order to include the
interdependencies of the telecommunications sector and other infrastructures.
The tool is focusing on telecommunications, electricity and finance. It is a highly technical tool that
requires a certain level of expertise in order to be used. This is mainly due to the modelling techniques
that have been adopted (agent-based) as well as on the setup of the input file in order to proceed with the
analysis. This tool cannot be classified as a risk assessment tool but rather as an impact assessment tool
since it models the behaviour of the interdependent system of infrastructures once there is a decision or
an event in the telecommunications sector. It is important to mention at this point that no dependencies
of the communications sector on other infrastructures are considered.
The network system that supports infrastructures for financial transactions is modelled using a
dedicated agent. The idea behind this modelling technique is to be able to model network outage impact
on dependent infrastructures. What is particularly interesting in this approach is that the communications
infrastructure (in fact ICT) is not assessed as a separate sector/infrastructure but rather as an underlying
layer tightly integrated with the infrastructure for which the impact is assessed. This can be considered
as an example on how ICT sector can be integrated in critical infrastructures at European level since the
EPCIP Directive does not cover this sector for the moment. In addition, implementing such an approach
it is possible to avoid the inherent problem of defining what is ICT infrastructure and defining the limits
of this sector.
Resilience is not addressed by this methodology. More information on this methodology can be
found in [32].
This approach is closer to an organisational risk assessment methodology containing all the relevant
items. Counteract (Cluster of User Networks in Transport and Energy relating to Anti-terrorist Activities)
has been an FP6 funded project. This project is focused on the transport and energy sectors and it is
focused on terrorist threats. Thus a priori this methodology is sectoral and covers a certain part of the
threats spectrum. According to this consortium, security measures in the transport sector are applied in
a non-structured and inconsistent manner, mostly on a case-by-case basis. In order to remediate this, the
consortium proposed to adopt a security risk assessment methodology as the first and most important step
towards securing transport infrastructure in a consistent way.
The risk assessment methodology presented in this project is focused on assets and operators of
any size, thus excluding an approach at the systems level. The security risk assessment is divided in
two parts, the risk analysis and the vulnerability assessment. The risk analysis focuses on the probability
of an event and the impact it may have, while the vulnerability assessment evaluates the safeguards in
place for the corresponding risks for the various assets. It is a rather different approach as to what is risk
assessment with respect to what is widely acceptable.
The probability of realisation of a threat (terrorist threat) is classified according to a 5 degree scale
(very high, high, possible, low, very unlikely). It is important to mention that the classification of a threat
according to this scheme mostly resides on past events within the limits of this company or within the
limits of similar companies in other areas of the world. It thus mainly relies on past experience.
The impact/severity assessment follows a similar approach and it is classified in escalating cate-
gories (Disastrous, Critical, Marginal, Uncritical). The combination of probability of threat realisation
with the impact provides the risk categories (20 categories, although both threat probability and impact
categories can be modified and adapted according to the needs of the assessment).
The vulnerability assessment follows the probability assessment of a threat and the impact assess-
ment. It is applied to detect gaps and weak points in the prevention and mitigation of threats and incidents
as well as diagnosing potential for optimising the safeguards in place. Basically the vulnerability assess-
ment evaluates additional potential measures against the risks that have been diagnosed during the risk
analysis process. These measures are analysed considering the following parameters:
• costs
• Effectiveness
• Insurance impact
• Impact on the daily basis operation
This part of the methodology can be classified within the limits of risk mitigation and risk man-
agement and less within the limits of a traditional risk assessment. More information can be found in
The DECRIS approach is the result of intensive research from SINTEF in the domain of hazard/risk
assessment for critical infrastructures. The DECRIS project/approach builds on the existing capacities
in the sectoral risk assessment methodologies that existed already in Norway. The main issue of these
risk assessment methodologies, which is common at global level, is exactly the sectorial approach and
the assessment of each sector independently. Thus DECRIS project aims to bridge the gap between
the methodologies that exist in various sectors and propose an all-hazard generic Risk and Vulnerability
Assessment methodology for cross-sector infrastructure analysis. The target group for this methodology
is policy and decision makers.
Clearly it is a methodology that is not highly differentiated with respect to a typical risk assess-
ment one. However, a refinement mechanism has been incorporated in order to narrow down the list of
events that have to be assessed. This selection process is maybe the highlight of this methodology. The
selection process is taking place on the basis of the importance of the risk, of the amount of impacted
infrastructures and also on the communication difficulties of this event to the public. However, the issue
of the comparability of the consequences of one event on different infrastructures still remains open.
A proof of concept of this methodology has been setup for the city of Oslo. For each of the four
categories of infrastructures that have been considered (Electricity, Water, Transport, ICT) a number of
events have been identified. For each of these events, the above mentioned criteria are applied and a short
list of scenarios to be further assessed is established. In principle this methodology fosters the collabo-
ration between the various stakeholders in the different sectors in order to widen their understanding on
the interdependencies across sectors.
Resilience is not directly assessed in this methodology. More information can be found in [34].
2.3.10 European Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning Methodologies for Interconnected
Energy Networks (EURACOM)
EURACOM has been a 7th Framework programme funded project. The aim of this project was
to develop a holistic risk assessment methodology that covers all hazards for all sectors although the
name of the project may be misleading. In fact it is not a methodology with developed supporting tools
but rather a methodological framework. The implementation tools have still to be developed. Within
the framework of this project a risk assessment methodologies state of the art study has been conducted
focusing mainly on risk assessment methodologies at European level.
3. Define risk assessment scales
Clearly it is a very wide framework with several interconnected elements. At this point it is impor-
tant to mention that the scope of the methodology exceeds the limits of assets and it is suitable to be used
for risk assessment at higher level (CI sector, countries). Furthermore, the methodology is extended to
risk management by assigning responsibilities over all levels reassuring that all risks are considered.
The target group of this methodology is policy and decision makers. Resilience is not addressed.
More information can be found in [35].
National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Centre developed the Fast Analysis Infrastructure
Tool (FAIT) in order to support DHS by determining the significance and the interdependencies of US
critical infrastructures. Obviously this tool is addressed to policy makers and decision makers. Interde-
pendencies are a first priority of this methodology and implementing tool.
FAIT is a synthesis of infrastructure data and expert knowledge. This tool consists of 4 main
elements, namely interdependency assessment, co-location of critical infrastructures, information asso-
ciation and economic impact. Interdependencies are treated based on expert knowledge that is coded
in a rule-based experts system software language that is used to express the relationships between the
various infrastructures. A wide range of interdependencies are considered, however, geographical inter-
dependencies seem to be treated in a different way as this is part of the second major element of this
methodology (co-location). This element retrieves the geographical dependencies of assets based on the
relevant geospatial data.
Particularly important is the element of economic impact. This element is designed in order to
evaluate the economic impact of asset disruption on a specified region. Data on the disruption duration
and recovery are used in order to obtain the economic impact using I/O modelling techniques.
FAIT is not a typical risk assessment tool but rather an impact assessment tool, as the probability
of an event is not considered. In addition the aim of the tool is mostly on the functioning of assets and
infrastructures and their interdependencies.
Clearly the tool is not addressing resilience. However, it is a very interesting example that can be
very well adapted to European reality. More information can be found in [36].
Multilayer Infrastructure Network is a methodology that has been developed by the Purdue School
of Civil Engineering. The objective is to generalize the paradigm of transportation network to infrastruc-
tures, and apply optimisation. In fact all types of infrastructures can be assessed. The approach of this
methodology seems to be totally different with respect to the rest of the methodologies assessed in the
present report in terms of theoretical background. This is based on game theory and optimisation under
multiple constraints, in addition to concepts of network reliability. Interdependencies are addressed by
capturing the flow dynamics as input-output (Leontief model-like) across sectors. The model includes
heterogeneous interdependencies in the same framework (inspired by Rinaldi’s work on interdependen-
cies). It is important to mention at this point that additional interdependencies with respect to Rinaldi’s
work are included in the framework.
The analysis is performed by agent based modelling and simulation. The outcome is the flow of
quantities at the steady state, which makes possible to obtain an optimal allocation of resources. However,
this methodology requires a high level of expertise and technical knowledge in order to be used. This
obviously reduces its area of applicability. In addition it is not a pure risk assessment methodology but it
is restricted to impact assessment. Finally resilience remains out of the scope of this methodology.More
information can be found in [37].
Sandia National Laboratories are involved in an important number of projects related to critical
infrastructure protection. The Modular Dynamic Model is the outcome of one of these projects and it has
been developed based on the issue of interdependencies. All sectors and infrastructures are falling within
the scope of this methodology. The objective is to analyse the risk by modelling infrastructure interde-
pendencies. The analysis outcome is the estimate of the consequences due to an applied perturbation.
The theoretical background is based on agent-based modelling and dynamic systems modelling.
This methodology follows a kind of hierarchical modelling approach in the sense that it provides a first
screening that can be followed by a more detailed analysis if the identified risks require such action.
However, the whole approach is rather complicated and requires substantial effort from the end user to
obtain accurate and reliable results. In addition a huge data set is necessary that further complicates the
analysis process.
The target group of this methodology is primarily CI operators and decision makers but with a
certain level of expertise. Resilience is not explicitly addressed.
2.3.14 Agent-Based Laboratory for Economics (N-ABLE)
This tool has been developed by NISAC (National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Centre).
It is an agent-based microeconomic framework that aims at analysing the interdependencies between
firms and the infrastructures they use. The scope of the methodology is to identify which economic
sectors are most vulnerable to the disruption of infrastructures. What is particularly interesting is that
this methodology can be used for the assessment of supply chain impact due to infrastructure disruption.
This is feasible since the economic sector concept can be used for the representation of supply chains
(such as the chemicals supply chain).
The theoretical background is on the theory of complex networks (Barabasi, [39]) and agent based
modelling (for simulation). The tool is mathematically sophisticated and requires experienced users in
order to render reliable results.
The target group of this methodology is mainly researchers and scientists working in the field.
CI operators and policy makers may benefit from this methodology but this depends on their level of
N-ABLE cannot be characterised as a pure risk assessment methodology but rather as an impact
and interdependencies assessment methodology. However, if there is one issue to highlight this is the
capability to model impact on supply chain due to infrastructure disruption.
This methodology may seem irrelevant to be included in this report. A first reading of the method-
ology would confirm this statement. In fact this methodology has been developed for military operations
to be used as a real-time operations assessment tool. The main element of this methodology is that it treats
the opponent’s infrastructure as a system of interconnected networks thus it covers all sectors. Here the
identification of the interdependencies does not aim at reducing the impact but rather identify the critical
elements of the network that can maximize the impact through cascading effects. Thus is the other side
of the coin using the same principles as for infrastructure protection.
The theoretical background is based on similar tools for supporting military strategy, e.g. against
sabotage, and for assessing vulnerabilities across domains. The analysis provides consequence manage-
ment (what if analysis) with respect to closer effect, and with second order effects (spread throughout the
infrastructure). Results are mapped in GIS.
Obviously the tool is addressed to military authorities. However, CI operators and decision makers
can benefit from this as it is possible to identify the vulnerable points of assets and infrastructures by
observing the issue of protecting infrastructures from a different angle.
At this point it is important to mention that the tool leaves the freedom of defining what a depen-
dency is, so also functional on/off dependencies are possible. An ideal line of command is postulated
like in the military context, which should apply the best strategies to the diverse players, i.e. net centric.
Though, this is hardly the case in heterogeneous infrastructures.
Resilience is implicitly within the scope of the methodology through the protection and recovery
measures. More information can be found in [41].
The NSRAM methodology has been developed by the Institute for Infrastructure and Information
Assurance at James Madison University. The methodology covers all interconnected infrastructures and
the objective is to determine how the systems respond and interact to various kinds of accidents and
The theoretical background is agent modelling simulation in stochastic environment. Besides fail-
ure events, the model also includes repair capability that models the effects of repair personnel or part
scarcity, communication requirements and uncertainty. This is an element that has not been encountered
in any other methodology presented in this report. Among other advantages, this repair element can
be used for the modelling of human behaviour in case of system damage. The NSRAM emphasizes
interactivity and interconnectedness among the infrastructures simultaneously.
The analysis of the models returns the system service performance, with security and risk metrics
over time. It also identifies the most serious failure modes, implementing cost-effective countermeasures
and planning for reconstitution. The target group of the methodology is CI operators and decision makers.
Apparently resilience is addressed in this methodology mainly through the recovery process. More
info can be found in [42].
2.3.17 RAMCAP-Plus
The RAMCAP-Plus methodology has been developed by ASME (American Society of Mechanical
Engineers) as an all hazards risk and resilience assessment methodology. The scope of the methodology
covers all infrastructures, with the objective of addressing protection of nations critical infrastructures
(avoiding hazardous events or their consequences) and resilience (rapid return to full function after dis-
ruptive events).
1. Asset characterisation
2. Threat characterisation
3. Consequence analysis
4. Vulnerability analysis
5. Threat assessment
The target group of this methodology are CI operators and decision makers.
Resilience is addressed in this methodology. In fact it constitutes a central element of the methodol-
ogy, a feature that is not developed at this level by any other methodology analysed in the present report.
More info can be found in [43].
This methodology has been developed by the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA).
The scope of the methodology is all sectors with the objective of assessing threats, risks and vulnera-
bilities in relation to those functions that are particularly critical for the effective functioning of society,
including during major accidents or catastrophes.
2. Scenario development
The theoretical background is based on qualitative risk assessment. The risk and vulnerability
analyses are conducted for a general purpose rather than at detail level. The focus is on critical functions,
which denote those activities, goods and services that comprise the basis for the ability of society to
function and, therefore, must be upheld and continued during major accidents or catastrophes. The RVA
model is primarily based on the use of qualitative rather than quantitative data. All assessments are
conducted using the index method, in which a level for probability, consequences and vulnerabilities is
stated on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is best and 5 is worst.
The target group are primarily government authorities and secondarily other interested parties with
preparedness responsibility, both public and private entities. Resilience is not addressed.
Sandia National Laboratories presented back in 2000 a risk assessment methodology for the pro-
tection of physical critical infrastructures. This work has been performed on behalf of an agency of the
US Government, thus it has a clear orientation towards policy makers at national level.
What is particularly interesting is that in the abstract of the report there is a clear link between
critical infrastructure and services and also continuation of service even after anthropogenic threats.
This translated to modern critical infrastructure jargon would be increase the resilience of critical in-
frastructures against terrorist and man-made threats. Clearly resilience is within the objectives of the
methodology although it is not explicitly mentioned.
The methodology comprises seven distinct steps:
• Characterise facility
• estimate risks
Fault tree analysis is the main tool of this methodology to identify the vulnerabilities. This implies
that the user of the methodology is in the position to master this methodology and apply it to assets of crit-
ical infrastructures. It is important to mention that fault tree analysis is mostly adapted for use in selected
assets rather than complex networks, although this is also feasible by adapting the fault tree methodol-
ogy. By applying fault tree analysis it is possible to identify failure scenarios and critical elements for the
functioning of the asset.
A thorough investigation of the propose process demonstrates that this risk assessment method-
ology follows a path that this rather different with respect to a traditional methodology (i.e. threat,
vulnerability, risks). At threat level the methodology starts from the undesired events and the relevant
consequences in order to narrow down the number of possible threats only to those that can lead to these
undesired events. Then for these prioritised threats a quasi-typical risk assessment methodology takes
place with the addition of the protection system effectiveness that is expressed in terms of reducing the
probability that a threat is successful. Thus the final risk value takes into account the effectiveness of the
protection measures.
The final step of the methodology is to evaluate whether the risk is acceptable or not. In case the risk
is unacceptable, it is necessary to evaluate again all assumptions and then proceed to the improvement
of the protection measures. At this point it is necessary to evaluate the trade-off between increasing the
security and putting additional burden to the operations of the infrastructure.
The issue of interdependencies as well as cross-sectoral risks is not explicitly mentioned in this
methodology mainly due to its orientation versus assets protection from terrorist attacks. Finally as
previously mentioned, resilience is only implicitly described in this methodology.
As a last section of this report concerning the various methodologies we have intentionally put the
Risk Management Framework of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) developed by the De-
partment of Homeland Security and the corresponding Risk Management framework in Canada (see next
section). As a proof of concept of the importance of risk assessment for effective critical infrastructure
protection we quote the following phrase that provides an overview of the scope of this framework: The
cornerstone of the NIPP is its risk management framework that establishes the processes for combining
consequence, vulnerability, and threat information to produce a comprehensive, systematic, and rational
assessment of national or sector risk.
The scope of the methodology covers all sectors. The objective is to provide a framework that, given
national priorities, goals, requirements for critical infrastructure, makes it possible to allocate protection
resources effectively in order to reduce vulnerability, deter threats, and minimize the consequences of
attacks and other incidents.
The theoretical background is a classic risk assessment framework, with the specificity of respond-
ing to all CI sectors identified in Homeland Security Presidential Directive-7 (HSPD-7), and addresses
the physical, cyber, and human considerations required for effective implementation of comprehensive
programmes. The framework has got six steps from goals definition, threat identification, assessment and
prioritization of risk, to the validation of protective actions and measures for risk reduction.
The analysis returns the estimate of risk, and validation of protective measures that contribute to
reduce the risk. These latter translate into plans with the key initiatives, milestones, and metrics required
to achieve the desired risk reduction.
The users are the decision makers at Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Sector-
Specific Agencies (SSAs), and other Federal, State, local, tribal, and private sector security partners.
Resilience is not explicitly addressed. We have chosen to include in this report Figure 5 that de-
picts in an excellent way the elements that risk management framework or critical infrastructures has to
include. More information in [45].
One of the main elements of the action plan of the national strategy for critical infrastructure pro-
tection in Canada is the risk management framework that is mostly addressed to the operators and juris-
dictions. Although the whole strategy and programme fosters collaborative actions in order to improve
resilience of critical infrastructures this particular element (risk management) is addressed to operators
and local governments.
The risk management framework is based on three pillars:
• Risk assessments
Concerning risk assessment, the framework sets out some guidelines for the elements of the method-
ologies but does not indicate which methodology should be implemented. Although interdependencies
should be considered, at the same time sector specific methodologies have to be considered which seems
to be a contradiction. However, this is not the case as the interdependencies are considered firstly within
sectors between the assets/infrastructures of the same sector and then at a second phase between sectors.
Thus there is some kind of aggregation of information from sectoral level to cross-sectoral level. Thus
cross-sectoral risk should somehow be included in the relevant risk assessment methodologies.
Resilience is not directly tackled at this level but it is part of the national strategy for critical infras-
tructure protection. The risk management framework and the relevant risk assessment methodologies are
the foundation for improving resilience of critical infrastructures.
The number of available methodologies in risk assessment for CI is large and only a partial - though
significant - sample is presented in this report. In many cases, the risk assessment methodologies for CI
are an adaptation of methodologies that have been used for assessing risks within the confined environ-
ment of an organization. As a consequence, these methodologies are tailored to the particular needs of
this organization and biased to consider only part of relevant threats. In such context, the application
is facilitated by the knowledge of architecture and functioning principles, which are the preconditions
for modelling and subsequent simulation. This precondition is not always met when the risk assessment
methodology exceeds the limits of the organization and aims at the assessment of systems of systems,
such as interconnected infrastructure, for which the knowledge on architecture and functioning principles
is fuzzy. This is the true challenge for upscaling any risk assessment methodology to complex systems.
Policy makers, decision makers and infrastructure operators are aware of this deficiency, and actu-
ally ask system analysts to develop effective approaches for assessment of complex infrastructures and
lately system of systems. The effectiveness stands in the compromise between the time (and data) nec-
essary to develop a model, and its expressiveness to cope with risk (and resilience), at the level in which
the analysis outcome has to feed the decision process. The first step towards this direction has been the
development of methodologies that are tailored for the assessment of critical sectors (as these are defined
by the policy makers) and for a variety of hazards, e.g. terrorism, natural disasters, man-made threats,
etc. The criticality is established along the dimension of interdependency, which is the main challenge
for these methodologies. The identification of interdependencies would permit to assess cascading ef-
fects and return a common cross-sector risk figure so that comparison of sectors does not end up to a
comparison of apples vs oranges. Most of the risk assessment methodologies considered in this report
cope with this issue up to a certain extent. Two main approaches have been identified: aggregated impact
and scoring.
Impact of infrastructure disruption is usually expressed in terms of aggregated figures that account
for the economic losses. This is a straightforward choice that enables policy makers inter alia to evaluate
different disruption scenarios including cascading effects across sectors and evaluate costs and benefits of
mitigation measures. A complete risk assessment is possible if the impact is combined with the likelihood
of the scenario. If this information is not available then the analysis is just an impact assessment and
cannot be used for prioritization of risk mitigation measures especially for HILF (High Impact Low
Probability) events.
Scoring approach has inspired a few methodologies. It resembles a multi criteria decision analysis
in the fact that the final score produced is the weighted mean of several scores. This approach is qualitative
and mostly useful for prioritization of mitigation measures e.g. give priority to a certain sector instead
of another one because it can lead to more severe effects. However, this approach is not applicable for
cost-benefit evaluation of mitigation measures.
In all available methodologies, resilience seems to be the missing element, or in the best option
it is only implicitly addressed. Operators, asset managers, policy makers tend to identify threats and
vulnerabilities within their domain of responsibility. This means that the overall picture in which they
interact with other actors is never complete. A consequence is the tendency to protect themselves from
risk relevant to their domain of responsibility, often by considering worst case scenarios, and thus ap-
plying disproportional risk mitigation measures. From the risk assessment point of view this approach is
effective but it narrows down the possibilities for a cost-effective risk mitigation.
If the issue would be taken from a resilience point of view, more alternatives to mitigate risks would
exist. A resilience analysis requires assessing the infrastructure from a holistic point of view, enhancing
coordination and timely response throughout the interdependencies. For example the mitigation of risk
for the networked system due to the potential failure of a critical node, besides the avoidance that such an
event may develop, can also be tackled by increasing the capacity of the dependent nodes to withstand the
perturbation. In order to apply this resilience paradigm a higher level of communication and coordination
among the operators of the various networked infrastructures is required. This approach is missing from
the methodologies that have been presented in this report and to the knowledge of the authors there is no
methodology today that incorporates the resilience paradigm, with prevention, resistance to disturbance
and failure recovery measures.
The risk assessment methodologies at European level do not match the maturity, in term of ef-
fectiveness and completeness of their counterparts in US. This is not surprising considering the frag-
mentation of several European infrastructures into several countries with different security measures and
security culture, which developed to meet local protection issues. A challenging goal for risk assessment
methodologies is to fill the previously mentioned gaps and finally converge into a harmonized frame-
work at European level. This framework should be able to accurately capture interdependencies across
different infrastructures, cross-sector and cross borders (unique requirement applicable only to EU) with
a focus on resilience. In addition an agreement has to be obtained on a common metric for risk across
sectors e.g. economic impact could be one.
In conclusion, risk assessment for critical infrastructures must be considered as an integral part of
a wider framework in which the principal tool is the resilience analysis. The continuation of the present
work will be the proposition of a resilience assessment framework for critical infrastructures where risk
assessment will be a subset and it will aim to bridge the gaps identified in the present work.
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Interdepen Cross-
Methodology Sector/Hazards Users Objectives Resilience
dencies sectoral risk
Better Infrastructure Risk and asset Vulnerabilities
Resilience All sectors/All
managers, assessment, Yes Yes Yes
policy risk reporting
and risk
companies, Yes
BMI All Sectors/All Foster
CI operators, (Recommen No No
Hazards collaboration
http://www.bmi.bund.de Policy dations)
between policy
makers and
private sector
FAIT (Fast Analysis Infrastructure Tool) Policy and cies Partial
All sectors/ All
decision assessment Yes (economic No
http://www.Sandia National hazards
makers and disruption impact)
Laboratory.gov/nisac/fait.html impact
N-ABLE (Next-generation agent-based
propagation Partial
economic laboratory)
All sectors/technical, CI analyst, effects in term
Yes (consequen No
http://www.sandia.gov/nisac/docs/ieee economic hazard researchers of economy
losses by ces)
NEMO (Net-Centric Effects-based All sectors/technical CI operators What if Yes Partial Yes
operations MOdel) hazards and decision analysis under (consequen
makers malicious ces)
http://www.dodccrp.org/events/10th_I attacks
CI operators assessment
All sectors/ Technical
http://www.asme- and decision and mitigation, Yes Yes Yes
makers multi-level,
EUR 25286 EN - Joint Research Centre – Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
Title: Risk assessment methodologies for Critical Infrastructure Protection. Part I: A state of the art
Author(s): Georgios Giannopoulos, Roberto Filippini, Muriel Schimmer
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
2012 – 70 pp. – 210 x 297 cm
EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series – ISSN 1831-9424 (online), ISSN 1018-5593 (print)
ISBN 978-92-79-23839-0
doi: 10.2788/22260
Effective risk assessment methodologies are the cornerstone of a successful Critical Infrastructure Protection
program. The extensive number of risk assessment methodologies for critical infrastructures clearly supports
this argument. Risk assessment is indispensable in order to identify threats, assess vulnerabilities and evaluate
the impact on assets, infrastructures or systems taking into account the probability of the occurrence of these
threats. This report aims at providing an overview of the relevant methodologies at global level.
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