Theory of Machine and Mechanisms

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The document discusses four-bar linkages and coupler curves, including their formation, classification, examples, and applications in mechanisms.

The main components of a four-bar linkage are the fixed link, input link, output link, and coupler link which connects the input and output links.

A coupler curve is formed by the path traced by each point on the coupler link as the mechanism moves. It represents the relative motion between the input and output links.



Team members:
 Srujan Reddy (18xj1a0340)
 Uday Nallui (18xj1a0344)
 Srikar. K (18xj1a0321).

1. ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………... 2
2. Introduction……………………………………………………………… 2
3. Four-bar Linkage Description……………………………………. 4
4. The coupler curve…………………………………………….….…... 7
5. Formation of a coupler curve……………………………………. 7
6. Flow diagram for linkage parameter determination…. 9
7. Classification of coupler curve……………………………….…. 9
8. AutoCAD image……………………………………………………..…. 13
9. Coupler curve examples using MATLAB……………………. 13
10. Examples of a coupler curve………………………….…. 19
11. Conclusion………………………………………………………… 20
12. References………………………………………………………… 21
Basically, the coupler-curve synthesis of a four-bar linkages is a
fundamental problem in kinematics. We will be having an
introduction to coupler curves mainly we will deal with 4-bar
linkages. Like we will be having some coupler curves and how they
are formed for different kind of mechanisms like crank rocker,
double crank, double rocker e.t.c. Moreover, we will be having a
deep description about four bar linkages. Although we can see some
coupler curve equations and how they are derived. Also, we will be
having a code which gives coupler curve. Moreover, we had worked
on animation part which helps in giving a clear idea about the
coupler curves. Also, we will be seeing an example for coupler curve
in four bar linkages as well as the examples for coupler curves which
are used in our daily life. Finally, we will be concluding the whole


In four bar linkages we can consider any mechanism which we are

interested in. It can be a crank rocker, double rocker and also some
other mechanisms the common things which can observe in all these
mechanisms are they consists of four rigid links in which there will be
a fixed link, and also there will be one input link as well as one output
link. Moreover, apart from the fixed link the link which is connected
between the input and the output link is known as the coupler link.
Although the coupler curve is determined by each and every point
which is present on the coupler link. Because these points are which
are present in coupler link traces the path and that path is nothing
but coupler curve or the coupler path. Coupler plays an important
role in determining the entire mechanism especially here we will be
dealing with the four bar linkages. Because we will have only one
information about the input link. That means we know only one
parameter which is the angular velocity of the input link due to this
we can have a clear idea about the entire mechanism. Input link will
be having a motion because of this input link the motion of the
coupler will also have a motion due to this coupler motion we can
get output link motion. In other hand, we can say that there will be a
relative motion between each other because every link is connected
to each other. We can see coupler as well as the coupler curve in the
below figures which is obtained by tracing a point p which is present
on the coupler curve.
Four-bar Linkage Description:
Four bar linkages are classified based on grashof law which is defined
as sum of lengths of smallest and longest link should be less than or
equal to sum of lengths of remaining two links. And the links are
denoted as following
S -> Shortest link distance
L->Longest link distance
P->Link 1 distance
Q->Link 2 distance
S<P<=Q<L (or) S<P>=Q<L
The links in a mechanism has to satisfy any of the two criteria’s
Mechanisms in which S+L<P+Q are
• Crank rocker mechanism
• Double crank mechanism
• Double rocker mechanism.

Definition: -
1. Crank: A side link which revolves relative to the frame is called
a crank.
2. Rocker: Any link which does not revolve is called a rocker.
So, what is the meaning of
crank rocker?
In a four-bar linkage, if the
shorter side link revolves and
the other one rocks (i.e.,
oscillates), it is called a crank-
rocker mechanism.

In this mechanism the link adjacent to the shortest link is fixed and
the shortest link can rotate 360 degrees. And the rotation of rocker
is restricted. We can see in the below figure.


What is double rocker?
In a four-bar linkage, if both
of the side links rock, it is
called a double-rocker
Grashof law is applicable for
the linkages in which at least
one link has to be rotated
through 360 degrees. And in
this particular mechanism the link opposite to smallest link is fixed.
And the smallest link is rotated through 360 degrees. We can see in
the below figure.


What is double-crank?
In a four-bar linkage, if both of
the side links revolve, it is called
a double-crank mechanism.
In this mechanism the shortest
link is fixed and the remaining
two links are rotated through
360 degrees. We can see in the
below figure.
Mechanisms in which S+L=P+Q.


In this mechanism lengths of opposite

links are same. Apart from the fixed link
the rotation of the links is shown below.
The coupler curve:
A coupler curve is the locus of a point on the coupler link.
 In the great number of applications of the outputs from a
simple mechanism of the path is traced by one of the points on
the coupler link
 These paths re generally called as the “coupler points curves”
or “coupler paths.

Formation of a coupler curve:

Four bars are a kinematic equivalent mechanism of profile cutting
machine. As coupler point defines the path of the cutter, it is
essential to guide this point along a desired cutting profile. The
objective was to generate different coupler curves or cutting profiles
such as ellipse, square, circle and 8 other shapes.
Dimensions synthesis of four bar mechanisms has been carried by
guiding coupler point along this pre-defined shape. Synthesis was
done without violating Grashoff’s condition. As per Grashoff’s
criterion of crank and rocker, summation of remaining two link
length. Constraint in dimensional synthesis was Grashoff’s condition.
Images of coupler curve:

Three different four bar linkage tracing same type of coupler curves.
a) A schematic view of a slider-crank four-bar and the
vector representation of its geometry along with a
typical coupler curve; b) the displaced configuration.
Flow diagram for linkage parameter determination:

Classification of coupler curve:

Four bar coupler curves come in a variety of shapes which

can be crudely categorized. In general, a four-bar coupler
curve can have up to three real double points which may be a
combination of cusps and crunodes as can be seen in Figure
A double point is a point on a curve at which the curve has two
tangents. A double point may be of two types: -
crunode – at which the tangents are distinct, the curve crossing itself
cusp – at which the tangents are coincident, the curve being tangent
to itself

The most familiar example of the cusp is derived from the curve
traced by a point on the periphery of a rolling wheel. The curve is the
common cycloid, one of the special cases of the trochoid. We note
that a cusp is a curve property associated with a point on a moving
centrode and with the relative motion of centrodes.

The most familiar example of the cusp is derived from the curve
traced by a point on the periphery of a rolling wheel. The curve is the
common cycloid, one of the special cases of the trochoid. We note
that a cusp is a curve property associated with a point on a moving
centrode and with the relative motion of centrodes.

The crunode is a more obvious form of double point than the cusp.
The curve crosses itself and therefore has two distinct tangents. A
simple example again derives from a special case of the trochoid,
specifically the prolate cycloid.
AutoCAD inventor:

Code using MATLAB for coupler curve:

Another example:
clc; clear all;
% Parameters
A = 2; B = 3; C = 4; D = 5;
t = 0:0.05:10;
ang_speed = 2;
theta = ang_speed*t;
P1 = [0;0];
P4 = D*[1;0];
P2 = A*[cos(theta); sin(theta)];
E = sqrt (A^2 + D^2 - 2*A*D*cos(theta));
alfa = asin(A*sin(theta). /E);
beta = acos((E.^2 + C^2 - B^2)./(2*E*C));
P3 = [D - C*cos(alfa+beta); C*sin(alfa+beta)];
P3_x = P3(1, :);
P3_y = P3(2, :);
P3_vx = diff(P3_x). /diff(t);
P3_vy = diff(P3_y). /diff(t);
P3_v = sqrt (P3_vx. ^2 + P3_vy. ^2);
for i=1: length(t);
ani = subplot (2,1,1);
P1_circle = viscircles(P1',0.05);
P2_circle = viscircles(P2(: i)',0.05);
P3_circle = viscircles(P3(: i)',0.05);
P4_circle = viscircles(P4',0.05);
A_bar = line([P1(1) P2(1, i)], [P1(2) P2(2, i)]);
B_bar = line ([P2(1, i) P3(1, i)], [P2(2, i) P3(2, i)]);
C_bar = line ([P3(1, i) P4(1)], [P3(2, i) P4(2)]);
set (gca,'XLim’, [-5 8],'YLim’, [-2 7]);
str1 = 'P3';
str2 = ['Time elapsed: ‘num2str(t(i)) ' s'];
P3_text = text (P3(1, i), P3(2, i) +0.4, str1);
Time = text (-2,6, str2);
pause (0.005);
if i<length(t)
delete (Time);
vel = subplot (2,1,2);
set (vel,'XLim’, [0 10],'YLim’, [0 10]);
xlabel(vel, 'Time (s)');
ylabel(vel, 'Amplitude (m/s');
title (vel,'Speed of P3');
grid on;
Result of this code:
Examples of a coupler curve:

1) Nodding donkey pumps.

2)Photo of the gearshift on my motorcycle.

3)Represents a Mountain Bike frame geometry,
featuring a FSR technology. Based on a
Specialized Stumpjumper FSR bike (2004 model).


The objective of this work is to aid a designer with tools and

knowledge to design a four-bar mechanism to produce a
coupler curve that would meet design criteria. In this work,
mechanisms and in particular four bar linkages have been
studied and their components and classifications have been
discussed. Position analyses of all the links in a four-bar
mechanism have been done using vector algebra and based on
this, separate algorithms to numerically generate the coupler
curves have been arrived at. Computer codes and the plots
thus obtained are added. This work will help the designer to
synthesize analytically, a four-bar mechanism with proper
selection of dimensions thereby saving the laborious task of
choosing, by trial and error, a mechanism that had already
been designed which would rarely coincide the requirements.
Finally, we showed the output using animation in math lab. To
examine the output of the mechanism designed the graphical
methods presented would be an excellent tool.


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