Acupressure Treatment of Morning Sickness in Pregnancy A Randomised Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study

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Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care

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Acupressure treatment of morning sickness in

pregnancy. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-
controlled study

Arne Johan Norheim, Erik Jesman Pedersen, Vinjar Fønnebø, Lillian Berge

To cite this article: Arne Johan Norheim, Erik Jesman Pedersen, Vinjar Fønnebø, Lillian Berge
(2001) Acupressure treatment of morning sickness in pregnancy. A randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 19:1, 43-47, DOI:

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Acupressure treatment of morning sickness in

A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Arne Johan Norheim 1, Erik Jesman Pedersen2, Vinjar Fønnebø2 and Lillian Berge3
Havnegata General Practice, Harstad, 2Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø, 3Maternity Unit,
Aker Hospital, Oslo, Norway.

Scand J Prim Health Care 2001;19:43–47. ISSN 0281-3432 However, a signiŽ cance level of 5% was reached only in the case
of duration of symptoms, which was reduced by 2.74 hours in the
ObjectiØe – To Ž nd out whether acupressure wristband can allevi- intervention group compared to 0.85 hours in the placebo group
ate nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. (p 5 0.018).
Design – Double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Conclusions – Acupressure wristband might be an alternative ther-
Subjects – 97 women with mean gestational length completed 8 – 12
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apy for morning sickness in early pregnancy, especially before

weeks. pharmaceutical treatment is considered.
Main outcome measures – Symptoms were recorded according to
intensity, duration and nature of complaints. Key words: nausea, pregnancy, acupressure, acupuncture, alterna-
Results – 71% of women in the intervention group reported both tive medicine.
less intensive morning sickness and reduced duration of symptoms.
The same tendency was seen in the placebo group, with 59% re- Arne Johan Norheim, HaØ negata General Practice, HaØ negata 1,
porting less intensity and 63% shorter duration of symptoms. NO-9479 Harstad, Norway.

Traditional Chinese acupuncture has for years been best studied alternative remedy that could afford
presented as a useful antiemetic (1). The acupuncture relief to many women. However, another paper on
point most often used for antiemetic action is point 6 acupressure for morning sickness with opposite re-
on the Pericardium channel according to traditional sults has recently been published (10). By improving
Chinese medicine. The point is located on the fore- previous research models, we have performed a ran-
arm, approximately 3 inches proximal to the distal domised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study util-
wrist crease between the tendons of the  exor carpi ising acupressure in the treatment of nausea and
radialis and palmaris longus muscles, about 1 cm vomiting in early pregnancy.
A recent review included 33 controlled trials con-
cerning acupuncture, acupressure or electrostimula- MATERIAL AND METHODS
tion for treatment of nausea and:or vomiting Participants
associated with chemotherapy, surgery or pregnancy Flyers inviting pregnant women to enter the study
(2). Acupuncture administered under anaesthesia were made available by all general practitioners and
seemed to have no effect, but the reviewed papers pharmacies in the urban area of Tromsø municipal-
showed consistent results across different investiga- ity. A response was obtained from 139 pregnant
tors, different groups of patients, and different forms women. However, symptoms disappeared in 9 women
of acupuncture stimulation. A majority of them before randomisation, and 1 became too ill to partic-
showed effect of acupuncture on nausea and ipate. Four other women were unable to travel to the
vomiting. University Hospital, another 4 did not show up for
Six of the studies in this review reported acupunc- the agreed-upon interview, 3 miscarried before enter-
ture stimulation for morning sickness (3 – 8). The ing the study, and 2 withdrew after they had received
methodological quality in these studies varied greatly, more detailed information about the study design. Of
as some were non-randomised, some were not the remaining 116 women, 19 were excluded because
placebo-controlled, while most of them were based they had gone beyond 12 weeks gestational age be-
on small samples. All but one study favoured fore entry. This study thus comprises 97 pregnant
acupuncture:acupressure over control. Aikins (9) car- women.
ried out a review of papers published in later years on Study selection criteria were: 1) presence of nausea
the same topic, concluding that acupressure was the for at least 1 week before trial entry, 2) no concomi-

Scand J Prim Health Care 2001; 19

44 A. J. Norheim et al.

tant diseases causing nausea and vomiting, 3) no was obtained from all participating women. The
concomitant therapy for nausea at enrolment or dur- study was approved by the regional Ethics
ing the trial, and 4) no abnormalities discovered at Committee.
regular pregnancy follow-up. Gestational length was
estimated by the Naegeles method. Procedure
The study was carried out from January 1995 until
March 1996. Every pregnant woman participated for
Methodology 12 days: a 4-day run-in, a 4-day intervention, and a
The acupressure treatment was given by the use of a 4-day follow-up period. Symptoms of nausea and
wristband with a knob on the inside. Groups of 20 vomiting were recorded daily during this 12-day pe-
pregnant women were block-randomised in either an riod. Participants were asked to make three record-
active acupressure-wristband or a placebo wristband. ings of their problems every evening. The Ž rst
For each 20 patients, 10 were randomised to either registration was to determine what problems they had
group. From the outside, the placebo-wristband had that particular day: 1 ¾no problems, 2 ¾ nausea,
looked identical to the acupressure-wristband. On the but no vomiting, and 3 ¾ vomiting, but regardless of
inside, the placebo-wristband had a felt patch, while how often and how many times they vomited. The
the acupressure-wristband had a protruding button. women were also asked to estimate how many hours
The button, made of plastic, was approximately 1 cm they had suffered each day. Finally, every evening the
in size, round in shape and protruded about 1 cm
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women also Ž lled in a score of overall evaluation of

below the inside of the wristband. There was no way their symptoms on a visual analogue scale (VAS). A
of adjusting the pressure of the wristband, which was self-composed non-graded VAS was used, with 0
made of elastic material. The bands used in our study indicating no problems and 5 indicating the worst
were delivered free of charge by Sea Band UK Ltd, thinkable level of nausea and vomiting. The registra-
through B&T Akupressur, Oslo, Norway. tion forms were returned by mail.
In our pre-trial power calculations we chose a Thirteen women who did not complete all of the
signiŽ cance level of 0.05 and a power of 0.8. We daily registration forms during the study period were
assumed that 30% of those wearing placebo wrist- assigned values equivalent to the last reported value
bands would experience symptom alleviation and we on the outcome variables. This was done to ensure
wanted to be able to detect a beneŽ cial effect among analysis according to the intention-to-treat princi-
60% in the acupressure group. According to these ple.As part of the study entry interview, the partici-
calculations, 100 participants should be enough to pants were asked about previous pregnancies and
signiŽ cantly demonstrate a difference of this magni- related problems (Table I).
tude between use of the acupressure and placebo- In the intervention period, participants used wrist-
wristbands. Owing to expected drop-outs, we invited bands day and night on the ‘‘Neiguan’’ point of both
139 pregnant women to participate (see previous arms. The women were asked to take off the wrist-
section). The investigators were blinded to the choice band when they took a bath, or engaged in other
of wristbands as a study assistant was hired to in- activities where the wristband could get wet.
struct the pregnant women. Written informed consent At the end of the 12-day period, an evaluation
interview asked about possible problems the women
Table I. Acupressure treatment for morning sickness in preg-
nancy. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
had encountered during the trial. They were also
among 97 women. Comparison of subjects in the active treat- asked what kind of wristband they thought they had
ment and placebo groups. used, and whether they had continued to use the
wristband after the 12-day study period.
Active group Placebo group
Mean age (years) 28.3 28.5 Data from the Ž rst day of each period (run-in, inter-
Mean parity 1.6 1.5
Nausea in previous preg- 87.5 87.5
vention and follow-up) were not included in the
nancy(ies)% analysis because of their transitional nature. All re-
Mean height (cm) 166.1 166.3 sults were analysed with the use of Epi-Info software
Mean pre-pregnant 63.2 63.4 (11). Two-sample t-tests for paired data and chi-
weight (kg) squared tests were used to compare the two groups.
Mean hours of nausea: 9.7 8.9
vomiting in the run-in
Mean VAS-score in run- 2.7 2.8
in period In the active treated group, 71% of the women
reported less intensity of morning sickness while

Scand J Prim Health Care 2001; 19

Acupressure treatment of morning sickness in pregnancy 45

Fig. 1. The intensity of symptoms of morning sickness for active and placebo wristbands through the 12-day
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period as measured by visual analogue scale. The Ž rst day of each period, dayS 1, 5 and 9, were not included
in the analysis because this was the day of introduction to registration or change of status (putting on
wristbands or taking them off).

Fig. 2. The mean daily duration of morning sickness for active and placebo wristbands through the 12-day
period. The Ž rst day of each period, days 1, 5 and 9, were not included in the analysis because this was the day
of introduction to registration or change of status (putting on wristbands or taking them off).

Table II. Acupressure treatment for morning sickness in pregnancy. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study among
97 women. Difference between symptoms in the last 3 days of the run-in period and the last 3 days of the intervention period.

Difference in symptoms Active group Placebo group Difference 95% CI of difference

(Intervention period–Run-in period)

Graded symptoms ¼0.50 ¼0.25 0.25 ¼0.12 to 0.62

Hours of discomfort ¼2.74 ¼0.85 1.89 0.33 to 3.45

Scand J Prim Health Care 2001; 19

46 A. J. Norheim et al.

using wristbands; the corresponding Ž gure for women pregnant during the study period. The prevalence of
in the placebo group was 63%. Duration of symp- morning sickness in early pregnancy has been esti-
toms, too, was reduced in both the active and placebo mated at 75%. In other words, more than 1000
groups, as an improvement was reported in 71% and potentially eligible women could have suffered from
59%, respectively. morning sickness during the study period.
Figs. 1 and 2 show the mean intensity and duration The 97 participants in our study might thus be a
of morning sickness, respectively, for both groups non-random subgroup among those with such prob-
through the 12-day period. The mean difference be- lems. Some women might consider nausea and vomit-
tween the last 3 days of the run-in period and the last ing as a normal part of pregnancy and therefore did
3 days of the active period is compared in Table II. not give much attention to our study. Perhaps those
The hours of complaint had been more reduced in the who volunteered also ‘‘believed in’’ alternative meth-
actively treated group than in the placebo-treated ods, and therefore do not represent the true ‘‘nausea
group; 2.74 hours and 0.85 hours, respectively (p ¾ population’’. The women who entered the study
0.018). In addition, there was a small non-signiŽ cant might also be those who suffered most from morning
difference with regard to symptoms on the visual sickness.
analogue scale. Even if the general prevalence of morning sickness
Based on the registration of daily symptoms, we among pregnant women is less then 0.75%, our study
further analysed the results according to a 5 degree group would still be a selected subgroup. We hold
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grading of emetic symptoms similar to that in previ- that this selection limits only the generalizability of
ous research: 1 ¾no problems (neither nausea nor our results. Perhaps our selected women were the
vomiting), 2 ¾ slight (occasional nausea without vom- ‘‘worst’’ non-hospitalised cases, and therefore the re-
iting), 3 ¾ moderate (daily nausea without vomiting), sults would only apply to this group.
4 ¾ troublesome (periodic nausea with vomiting), and
Filling in forms is another possible source of bias.
5 ¾ severe (daily nausea with vomiting) (3,6). An
The recording could be an invalid estimate of the real
average improvement of 0.4– 0.6 according to this 5
experience of the women. If the participants were
degree grading of emetic symptoms was obtained
truly blinded as to their treatment allocation, any loss
among 43% in the active group and 41% in the
of validity in the data collected would dilute the
placebo group. However, there was no signiŽ cant
results, not change the main Ž ndings.
difference between the two groups. At the end of the
There is always a chance of performance bias in
follow-up period, 38% of those who had worn an
intervention studies, especially when using therapy
active band thought they had used an acupressure-
administered by the patient herself. The instructor,
wristband, and 30% that they had used a placebo
device. In the placebo group, 7% thought they had however, trained the patient carefully in placing the
used an active wristband, and 59% thought they had wristband, with both groups being given the same
used the placebo device. Just one-third, 32% and information and instruction. No patient recognised
33%, respectively, did not know what type of wrist- the type of wristband they were given by the instruc-
band they had used. There was no difference in terms tor, but participants in the control group guessed
of continuous use of the wristband after the 12-day better what type of band they had used. This could
study period between the two groups. have been either because they were simply better able
Sixty-three percent of participants in the active to detect their type of band or due to the lack of any
group and 90% in the placebo group experienced effect from it. There was no contact between partici-
problems when using the wristband (p ¾0.004). Pain, pants in the study as long as it proceeded.
numbness, soreness and hand-swelling were those In previous studies, objections have been raised
most often reported. No serious adverse effects were about what should be considered as a true placebo.
mentioned, but three women (two with the acupres- Our placebo can be considered as the most equal
sure-wristband and one with the placebo-wristband) technique following the choice of study design. Fur-
said that they felt more sick during the study period. ther, there has been a request for cross-over design
for these kinds of study. We claim that a cross-over
design would have biased the study more seriously, as
DISCUSSION participating women could more readily have distin-
Bias consideration guished active from placebo treatment. We believe
There are three possible sources of bias in our study: that our methodology leaves little chance of perfor-
selection, information and performance bias. Follow- mance bias. Further, a natural decrease in symptoms
ing the annual number of births at the University with increase in gestational age might have diluted
Hospital of Tromsø, about 1500 women became the effect if a cross-over design had been chosen.

Scand J Prim Health Care 2001; 19

Acupressure treatment of morning sickness in pregnancy 47

Effect of acupressure be effective. However, the hours of discomfort

We Ž nd it interesting that stimulating a certain point seemed to be reduced by wearing the acupressure
on the forearm might reduce complaints from morn- wristband, which might therefore be recommended
ing sickness. One could of course be sceptical to for morning sickness in early pregnancy, especially
acupuncture and acupressure and claim that any before pharmaceutical prescriptions are considered.
physical stimulation of the body would give the same
result. However, our study was performed with the
idea that stimulation of certain points according to
traditional Chinese medicine is more effective that
We thank all participating women in our study and
stimulating random points or areas of the body.
the doctors who referred the women to it. We also
We were unable to demonstrate the same degree of
thank Sea Band UK Ltd, through B&T Akupressur,
symptom reduction by acupressure stimulation at
Oslo, Norway, for providing the wristbands. The
Pericardium 6, as in most previous studies (2). Thus,
study was Ž nanced by a research grant from the
the intensity of nausea measured by VAS was re-
Norwegian Research Council.
duced in both groups. However, the proportion of
participants who experienced fewer symptoms was
larger in the acupressure-wristband group, and the
reduction was more pronounced. REFERENCES
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Scand J Prim Health Care 2001; 19

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