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Improving freeze tolerance of yeast and dough properties for enhancing frozen
dough quality - A review of effective methods
PII: S0924-2244(17)30504-6
DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2017.11.017
Reference: TIFS 2127
Please cite this article as: Luo, W., Sun, D.-W., Zhu, Z., Wang, Q.-J., Improving freeze tolerance of
yeast and dough properties for enhancing frozen dough quality - A review of effective methods, Trends
in Food Science & Technology (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2017.11.017.
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Background: Frozen dough technology could effectively extend the shelf life of bread to ensure
the freshness, which is widely used and gradually replace the traditional bread production.
However, during the production and storage of frozen dough, a series of problems could take
place, such as inhibition of yeast activity, damage of the structure of the dough, leading to the
deterioration of dough quality.
Scope and Approach: This review summarizes the factors that affect the final quality of frozen
dough, including yeast activity, dough structure and dough properties. Some effective methods
for improving freeze tolerance of yeast, dough structure and dough properties are discussed,
including addition of various additives, use of genetic engineering technique, optimization of
freezing and storage conditions, and employment of novel freezing technology.
Key Findings and Conclusions: The addition of additives can not only improve the freeze
tolerance of yeast but also maintain the rheological and thermophysical properties of dough.
Through the modification of gene, freeze tolerance and fermentation ability of yeast can be
improved. Optimizing freezing and storage conditions ensures the activity of yeast as well as
dough network structure so that freezing damage due to ice crystals can be minimized. In
addition, novel freezing technology such as ultrasound-assisted freezing can simultaneously
accelerate the freezing process as well as generate fine and uniform ice crystals, thus protecting
dough network structure.
Contemporary Food Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou Higher Education
Mega Center, Guangzhou 510006, China c Engineering and Technological Research Centre of Guangdong Province on Intelligent
Sensing and Process Control of Cold Chain Foods, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Centre, Guangzhou 510006, China d Food
Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology, University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Agriculture and
Background: Frozen dough technology could effectively extend the shelf life of bread to
ensure the freshness, which is widely used and gradually replace the traditional bread
production. However, during the production and storage of frozen dough, a series of
problems could take place, such as inhibition of yeast activity, damage of the structure of the
Scope and Approach: This review summarizes the factors that affect the final quality of frozen
including yeast activity, dough structure and dough properties. Some effective methods for
improving freeze tolerance of yeast, dough structure and dough properties are discussed,
Key Findings and Conclusions: The addition of additives can not only improve the freeze
tolerance of yeast but also maintain the rheological and thermophysical properties of dough.
Through the modification of gene, freeze tolerance and fermentation ability of yeast can be
improved. Optimizing freezing and storage conditions ensures the activity of yeast as well as
dough network structure so that freezing damage due to ice crystals can be minimized. In
accelerate the freezing process as well as generate fine and uniform ice crystals, thus
1. Introduction
Bread is one of the most widely consumed foods all over the world. However, starch
retrogradation causes a series of physicochemical reactions, shortening the shelf life (Steffolani et
2012), while the loss of moisture increases the hardness of bread (Selomulyo & Zhou, 2007).
Therefore traditional breads on the market generally have a short shelf life. The development of
frozen dough can minimize the effects of these problems. The production of frozen dough
mixing the flour, water and ingredients, kneading and molding, and finally freezing the dough
et al., 2015), and normally the process requires rapid fermentation. Since yeast can be fully
activated only after prolonged fermentation, the yeast would be susceptible to freezing and
thawing damage. Compared to the rapid-fermented dough before freezing, the freeze tolerance
of yeast in unleavened dough is better, but the firmness, flavor and color of the baked bread
are not as good as former (Ayati et al, 2016). Meanwhile, flour with high gluten content
should be selected as it was shown that using high levels (9.5%-11%) of gluten, the frozen
dough was more resistant to freezing damage and the loaf volume, texture, color and hardness
of the final products similar to the fresh one (Kondakci et al., 2015). Furthermore, the
kneading time is usually longer, especially for dough with high sugar content, so as to make
Frozen dough has great benefit to both manufacturer and consumers. For the
manufacturer, frozen dough can not only facilitate their handing, trading, and retail ability, but
can also greatly improve the shelf life of the dough. For the consumers, frozen dough allows
consumers to taste fresh bread anytime and anywhere (Rashidi et al., 2016). However, while
freezing extends the shelf life of the dough, the freezing and storage process can also cause
decline in the quality of frozen dough, such as damaging the structure of the gluten network
and lowering the yeast fermentation activity, consequently affecting the quality of the final
This review intends to introduce the change in the activity of yeast and the structure and
properties of dough as affected by freezing and frozen storage. Effective methods to improve
freeze tolerance of yeast and dough structure and properties are summarized, which includes
using additives, employing genetic engineering technique, and optimizing the freezing rate and
storage condition. Although several reviews on frozen dough have been published (Akbarian
Zhou, 2007), they mainly focus on the use of additives, and information on using genetic
engineering and optimizing freezing conditions is limited. Therefore, it is hoped that the current
review will enhance further understanding of these methods and promote their applications in the
bakery industry.
The quality of frozen dough depends on CO2 production ability of yeast and CO2 retention
capacity of bread after fermentation. Decreasing yeast viability and destruction of dough network
structure are regarded as two major factors that lead to the deterioration of dough quality while
both are caused by ice crystals. The effects of ice crystals could be multiple: mechanical action of
ice crystals may affect the structure and properties of the dough (Baierschenk et al., 2005), and
the larger the ice crystals, the greater the possible damage to the dough structure; the formation of
intracellular ice crystals would pierce the cell membrane leading to yeast death (Acker &
Mcgann, 2003); and finally, the formation of extracellular ice crystals would increase the
intracellular osmotic pressure, leading to dehydration of yeast cells and the decrease in their
viability (Devireddy et al., 2000). Therefore for obtaining better bread, it is necessary to control
the formation of ice crystals (Yi & Kerr, 2009). There are two ways to control ice crystals, one is
to add protective agents to inhibit the formation and growth of ice crystals, and another is to
control the freezing rate to produce fine ice crystals with a more uniform distribution.
Yeast generally refers to a variety of single cell fungi that can ferment sugar and is widely
distributed in nature, which mainly grows in acidic, moist, sugar-containing environments and
can survive both in the aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In anaerobic environment, yeast
converts carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and ethanol. Yeast must have water to survive, and
the optimum growth temperature for it is between 20-30 oC while its viability will be greatly
inhibited if the temperature is below 0oC or higher than 40°C. Yeast used in frozen dough system
normally refers to Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Ji et al., 2016) and there are three types available
for using in frozen dough production, including fresh yeast (FY), dry yeast (DY) and bulk liquid
yeast, of which DY is the most common type. Some studies (Oda et al., 1986; Wolt, 1984) found
that DY is as efficient as FY and the fermentation performance could be better than fresh one,
leading to the reduction in pre-fermentation time and resulting in a more stable frozen dough.
However when storage for more than 20 weeks, the time for DY proofing is always longer than
Many studies reported that yeast viability is one of a key factor influencing the quality of the
frozen dough (Akbarian et al, 2015; Meziani et al, 2012). Yeast viability in frozen dough has a
significant relationship with proofing time, loaf volume, bread firmness, and bread porosity
because its reduction may result in a decrease in yeast gas production and prolong the
fermentation time. The freeze tolerance of yeast is very low and yeast activity is affected by sub-
zero temperatures. In addition, freezing yeast in the dough system is likely more damaging than
freezing yeast directly, because yeast would suffer from kinds of stresses such as freeze-thaw,
high osmotic pressure and oxidative stress (Tsolmonbaatar et al., 2016). During freezing and
subsequent frozen storage, yeast activity is inhibited, and many of the yeast cells die (Ribotta et
In addition, studies also proved that the freeze tolerance of yeast is related to the trehalose
content, which is an effective protective agent to maintain the integrity of the cell membrane and
prevent the internal structure from being damaged in a wide range of freezing conditions (Shima
& Takagi, 2009; Yokoigawa et al., 2006). Since the production of carbon dioxide is only related
to yeast, the volume of carbon dioxide produced can be used to determine the viability of yeast.
Dough network structure, which can lead to the deterioration of final quality of the products
if damage, is another essential factor for the quality of bread. The function of the dough network
structure is similar to yeast, which affects the retention ability of CO 2, proofing time and loaf
volume. The structure may also affect bread sensory properties such as firmness and chewiness
and is tight after rapid thawing, as gluten matrix inlays with many small spherical starch
granules. However, after several weeks of storage, starch granules have the tendency to separate
from the gluten, indicating the damage of the network structure (Akbarian et al., 2015).
Generally, the structure and the content of the damaged starch of the frozen dough can be
observed by low temperature scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Fig. 1 shows the images of
starch granules under SEM. As shown in Fig. 1, the normal starch surface has some ridges, but it
looks very smooth and the starch granules are closely connected. However, the surface of the
damaged starch granules is relatively rough. The pimple and many clumps formed by distorted
observed in Fig. 1. The content of the damaged starch increases after freezing and during frozen
storage. An increase in the content leads to an increase in water absorption capacity, eventually
causing water flowing out of the gluten matrix (Zounis et al., 2002). A high level of damaged
starch would make the bread more sticky and resistant to deformations, but at the same time, due
to the increase in the competing of water between gluten and damaged starch, it would result in a
weaker development of gluten, cause a decline in elastic and extensible level (Barrera et al.,
2016). However a proper content of the damaged starch would be more beneficial to frozen
dough. Ma et al. (2016) compared the influence of different contents (range from 9.3% to 30%)
of damaged starch on dough quality and showed that a proper damaged starch content (about
15.7%) improved the farinograph properties (including water absorption, development time,
stability time, falling number and gluten index) of flour, and the quality of steam bread.
The distribution of ice crystals can be observed by various microscopy techniques. Early
studies showed that ice crystals were mainly distributed at the external of gas cells (Gan et al.,
1990). Unlike freezing of other porous foods, Efj et al. (2003) revealed some ice crystals in gas
pores after several weeks of storage, which was considered as the damage to dough network
Rheological properties of the dough mainly include hardness, extensibility and stickiness,
which reflect the deformation of dough (Jia et al., 2014). The rheological properties of dough are
closely related to the quality of the baked bread. It is difficult to proof for dough that has large
tensile resistance and small extensibility, resulting in an undesirable volume of baked bread.
Various rheological parameters, including the storage modulus, loss modulus and loss tangent
can be
measured by a rheometer. In these parameters, storage modulus is used to indicate the elastic
composition of the dough, loss modulus shows the viscous element, and loss tangent represents
increase in the ratio of the latter to the former (Adams et al.,2017). In the production of bread
from frozen dough, manufactures generally prefer bread with similar hardness, extensibility and
specific heat, ice melting enthalpy, freezable water fraction and ice fraction. These parameters
can be used not only to simulate the heat transfer process but also to calculate the size of the ice
The most common and simplest way to measure the thermal conductivity is the unsteady
method, in which a thermal probe is inserted into the dough, and the sample is cooled to different
temperatures and then held for at least 30 min. After the temperature is stable, direct-current
power supply is switched on to allow passing a 500 mA current and the change of temperature
with time is recorded. The thermal conductivity can then be expressed as (Kumcuoglu et al.,
k _ QIn(t2-t0)/(t1-t0) (1)
where k is the thermal conductivity of frozen dough (W m-1 K-1), Q is the energy provided by the
power (W m-1), t1 and t2 are the initial and termination times, respectively, and T1 and T2 are the
The apparent specific heat of the frozen dough is the sum of the proportions of the specific
heat of each phase plus the energy released by melting of the ice (Miles et al., 1983):
Cp Cp X Cp X (2)
app _ w • w + i • i + Cps • Xs + L ^
where Cp app (J kg-1 °C-1) is the apparent specific, Cpw, Cpi, and Cps are the specific heat of liquid
water, ice and solid, respectively, xw, xi and xs are the mass fraction of liquid water, ice and solid,
The thermal conductivity and the ice melting enthalpy (AH) can also be determined directly by
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Based on the content of freezable water, the ice fraction
frozen dough can be calculated. In general, increasing freezable water content may result in
the distribution of water in dough, therefore water has less contact with protein and starch,
leading to
The freezable water fraction can be calculated by (Laaksonen & Roos, 2000):
fw=T$$ x100% (3)
Any where fw is the freezable water of frozen dough (%), AH is the ice melting
(J), AHi is the latent heat of fusion for pure water (334 J/g), m is the mass of water in frozen
The ice fraction can be expressed as (Hamdami et al., 2004): f = 1 - - A
AH ’
where f is the ice fraction in frozen dough, AHr is the exothermic enthalpy for temperature from
T0 to T1.
In order to improve the quality of frozen dough, several techniques and methods have been
developed, which include the addition of additives, such as antifreeze proteins (AFPs) and
hydrocolloids, genetic engineering technique, freezing rate and storage condition optimization,
3. 1 Adding additives
Common additives used in frozen dough include hydrocolloids, AFPs, ice nucleation agents
and other dough improvers. Effects of different additives on frozen dough system are shown in
Table 1. In early studies (Lee et al., 2004; Ribotta et al., 2004), most were about using lipid-
related emulsifiers including diglycerides and sucrose esters. The addition of emulsifiers was
able to prevent the retrogradation of the starch effectively due to the interaction with starch and
minimized migration of moisture between gluten and starch (Ribotta et al., 2004). Nowadays
studies focus more on novel additives such as ice structuring proteins (ISPs) or AFPs and ice
AFPs, also called ISPs, is a series of proteins that can improve the freeze resistance of
organism. Zhang et al. (2007) added Daucus carota antifreeze protein (DcAFP) (a leucine- rich
repeat protein) to frozen dough and indicated that DcAFP could increase the freeze tolerance of
yeast by protecting against freezing damage to cell membranes, controlling the distribution of ice
crystals and inhibiting the formation of large ice crystals. Xu et al. (2009) showed that the
addition of ISPs from winter wheat significantly affected the thermal properties of frozen dough,
such as decreased peak of freezing point, reduced content of freezable water, lowered effective
thermal conductivity and decreased peak of apparent specific heat in the frozen range. In another
study, Ding et al. (2015) demonstrated that barley antifreeze protein could decrease the melting
amount of freezable water during freezing and frozen storage. Wang et al. (2016) found that
extractable arabinoxylan had a function similar to AFPs, in addition, it also had the ability to
prevent disulfide bonds from being depolymerized, because breakage of disulfide bonds could
molecular and low molecular weight proteins were generated in dough samples, whereas low
content of low molecular weight proteins and high content of GMP were generated in the frozen
dough with extractable arabinoxylan added. Thus water extractable arabinoxylan has the ability
to lower the loss of yeast activity and to protect the dough from ice crystal stress.
As for ice nucleation agents, their main function is to minimize the degree of supercooling
and inhibit the formation of large ice crystals. Extracellular ice nucleators (ECINs), extracted
from Erwinia herbicola, are mainly composed of protein, polysaccharide, polyamine and lipid
(Lorv et al, 2014). Shi et al. (2013b) added extracellular ice nucleators into frozen dough and
obtained the bread comparable to fresh one due to less damage of yeast cells during freezing. Fig.
2 shows the appearance of fresh bread as compared with that made with frozen dough with and
without adding ECINs. Compared with the fresh bread, bread made with frozen dough showed
lower loaf volume, and the addition of ECINs produced better bread than without ECINs. In
addition, the color of the bread with ECINs was similar to the fresh. Shi et al. (2013a) also
reported that zein-based ice nucleation films (INFs) would increase temperature of ice nucleation
from -15 °C to -6.7 °C, decrease the proportion of water loss and lower the damage to dough in
freeze-thaw cycles.
The addition of hydrocolloids can minimize negative effects of freeze-thaw cycles on frozen
dough and maintain its rheology properties. During frozen storage, recrystallization of free water
lead to the formation of large ice crystals. As hydrophilic colloid can combine with the gluten
and bound water to form a hydrophilic complex, the addition of hydrocolloids can therefore
increase the water holding capacity of the dough, thus reducing the migration of moisture in the
dough. In addition, hydrocolloids can decrease water activity because they can bind water in their
structure (Akbarian et al., 2015). Sim et al. (2012) revealed that adding locust bean gum from
Ceratonia siliqua seeds could avoid the recrystallization of free water and modify the melting
properties of a frozen dough, as locust bean gum has a strong water holding capacity and can
control the migration of moisture in the dough. In another work, the frozen dough added with
tragacanth exhibited a strong ability to absorb water and had better sensory quality (Gharaie et
al, 2015).
There are some flour materials that can be also used as additives to improve the rheological
properties of dough. Bae et al. (2014) reported that adding whole-grain wheat flour rich in
dietary fibers (11.84%) into frozen dough could generate strong hydration properties with better
pasting properties, thus improving baking properties. Jia et al. (2017) indicated that adding 10%
waxy wheat flour to replace the regular wheat flour could significantly reduce the content of the
damaged starch in frozen dough, increase the gelatinization temperature and crystallinity of
starch because of the prohibition of the migration and redistribution of water molecules.
On the other hand, the effects of additives on frozen dough also depend on the amount of
additives, formula, and processing conditions, and each additive should have an optimum
amount. Giannou and Tzia (2016) compared the effects of different levels of vital wheat gluten in
white flour or whole-wheat flour on frozen dough, and showed that white flour with 4% or 6%
and whole-wheat flour with 4% or 5% levels of vital wheat gluten were most effective to the
Ortolan et al. (2015) used 5% extruded wheat flour or pre-gelatinized cassava starch to replace
wheat flour, and indicated that the proofing and baking times were reduced significantly. Park
oligosaccharide achieved the best baking quality such as proof volume and bread volume,
however, adding more than 6% would gradually decrease the baking quality.
As mentioned previously, yeast would suffer from all kinds of stresses in the process of
producing bread with frozen dough (Lin et al., 2015; Sasano et al., 2013; Tsolmonbaatar et al.,
2016). Under these stresses, the viability of yeast is reduced. The viability of yeast is strongly
related to the total intracellular compound content such as trehalose, glutamic acid, arginine,
proline and glycerol (Shi et al., 2014). It is generally believed that the freezing tolerance of
yeast is mainly related to the content of trehalose and proline, and trehalose plays the most
many organisms such as bacteria, fungi, animals and plants. It acts as a pressure-protected
proteins and biofilms through the combination with phospholipids to resist unfavorable
conditions. Because of this function, trehalose can be used as a cryoprotectant for protecting
the yeast from freezing damage (Shima & Takagi, 2009). On the other hand, trehalose can also
be a carbon source stored in organism, and thus can act as an energy supplement for cells at the
initial stage of fermentation. When yeast cells are exposed to freezing stresses, they
accumulate quickly a large amount of trehalose (Blomberg, 2000). As for proline, it has been
shown that it can combine with intracellular free water to form strong hydrogen bonds to
reduce ice nucleation and cells dehydration. High proline content of yeast contains high level
of superoxide
dismutase and low level of reactive oxygen species, proline can therefore prevent intracellular
substances from oxidation, leading to a high level fermentation ability in frozen dough (Sasano et
al., 2012b). Furthermore, when the level of trehalose is stable in yeast cells, an appropriate
proline concentration is important to protect the yeast from damage by freeze-thaw stress (Kaino
et al., 2008).
Intracellular trehalose and proline concentrations can both be controlled by synthesizing and
hydrolyzing enzymes in yeast. If the content of synthetase can be increased and the content of
hydrolase be reduced, more trehalose and proline will accumulate in yeast. Therefore, genetic
engineering has been studies for this purpose. Table 2 summarizes the applications of genetic
engineering on yeast cell employed in frozen dough. For trehalose hydrolase, there are two types:
neutral trehalase and vacuolar acid trehalase (Nwaka & Holzer, 1997). Among them, the neutral
trehalase mainly regulates the hydrolysis of trehalose. The hydrolysis of trehalose is controlled
by the NTH1 gene (Zhang et al., 2010) while the synthesis of trehalose in yeast cells is controlled
by MAL62 and TSP1 genes. Sun et al. (2016) and Tan et al. (2014) reported that the over-
expression of single gene (MAL62 or TSP1) in yeast would increase the accumulation of
trehalose, resulting in the promotion of the yeast viability under freezing stress, moreover, the
over-expression of the MAL62 gene and the deleting of NTH1 gene could further enhance the
freeze tolerance of yeast and improve the performance of fermentation. Similar experimental
result was reported by Dong et al. (2016), who deleted the NTH1 gene and obtained better yeast
for resisting freezing damage. At the same time, they also proved that PUT1 gene could control
the synthesis of proline oxidase and deleting both NTH1 and PUT1 genes showed higher freeze
compared with deleting only one of them (Dong et al., 2016). In addition, the content of proline
in yeast could be increased by expressing the PR01-l150T and Mpr1-F65L genes (Sasano et al.,
The P0G1 gene can promote compressive capacity of cells. Demae et al. (2007) illustrated
that the over-expression of P0G1 gene made yeast cells better resistance to LiCl, NaCl, high
temperature and high glucose stresses. Sasano et al. (2013) over-expressed the P0G1 gene in
yeast cells, leading to drastically improved leavening performance in high sucrose conditions,
while removing the P0G1 gene significantly enhanced freeze-thaw stress tolerance of yeast.
Sasano et al. (2010) also revealed that over-expression of the MPR2 gene in yeast cells reduced
the intracellular oxidation levels, leading to enhancing the air-drying stress tolerance. Lin et al.
(2015) over-expressed the SNR84 gene in yeast, which exhibited a higher freeze resistance and
improved fermentation capacity in high sucrose containing dough. Nakagawa et al. (2017)
reported that the over-expression of self-cloning PDE2 gene made yeast better freezing stress
The above studies are helpful for ameliorating the quality of frozen dough, however
consumers are more receptive to product without foreign gene. Therefore, investigations have
been conducted for gene mutation (Ando & Nakamura, 2016; Tsolmonbaatar et al., 2016). For
example, Tsolmonbaatar et al. (2016) reported that gene PR01 mutations caused intracellular
gene mutation technology is safer, it is thus expected to be more widely applied in future.
As discussed above, the freezing rate and the temperature of frozen storage can seriously
affect the quality of frozen dough, mainly due to their effects on the activity of yeast, and the
nucleation and growth of ice crystals. During freezing, a slow freezing rate tends to form large
ice crystals, which can cause serious damage to tissue cells. For frozen dough system, rapid
freezing can increase the extensibility of the dough and reduce the damage to the microstructure
of the dough network, but in the meantime, rapid freezing could also have negative effect on
yeast activity (Ban et al., 2016; Selomulyo & Zhou, 2007), therefore the freezing rate should be
properly controlled. Slow freezing allows plenty of time for water to flow out of the cells to form
extracellular ice, causing dehydration of yeast cells (Nakamura et al., 2009). Ayati et al. (2016)
showed that the activity of yeast increased and then decreased with the increase of the freezing
rate. Ban et al. (2016) indicated that an appropriate freezing rate was necessary to guarantee the
yeast viability while also ensure forming small ice crystals to protect the structure of the dough.
Recent studies (Silvas-Garcia et al., 2016) have proved that lower freezing rate is more
beneficial to the microstructure of frozen dough than fast freezing after storage for several weeks.
Fig. 3 compares the microstructures of wheat flour and dough under low freezing rate (-
0.14oC/min) and high freezing rate (-1.75oC/min) with 2, 4 and 8 weeks of storage, respectively.
As shown in Fig.
3, starch granules (S) and gluten matrix protein (P) separation occurred after storage for 8 weeks
with slow freezing, and the gaps between the starch granules were not obvious, however with fast
freezing, the starch granules and gluten matrix protein were isolated after storage for 2 weeks,
and the gaps between the starch granules were obvious after 8 weeks of storage (Silvas-Garcia et
2016). Gerardo-RodrlGuez et al. (2017) also chose an appropriate freezing rate (-0.14oC/min) and
16 concentration of trehalose to make the bread from frozen dough with comparable fresh bread quality.
The storage temperature and time can affect the growth of ice crystals and recrystallization
of water in frozen dough. Normally, the ice content does not change during storage. The
generation of the large ice crystals during storage resulted from temperature fluctuations that
make small ice crystals dissolved and the surface of the dough pores would adsorb a large
amount of water molecules (Baier-Schenk et al., 2005). This change may not be obvious for
short storage time, however, with the prolonging of storage, large ice crystals could gradually
form. Normally, the suitable storage temperature for frozen dough is between -18 and -22 oC
(Kenny et al., 2001; Leray et al., 2010) and any temperature fluctuations during storage should
be avoided as fluctuations in temperature may cause the frozen dough to undergo freezing and
thawing cycles. With repeated freeze-thaw cycles, due to water migration, ice recrystallization,
and mechanical stress during water transform to ice, the flexibility and CO2 retention capacity of
the dough are deteriorated, causing the change in high molecular weight glutenin in dough and
resulting in poor extensibility, which also affects the activity of yeast. Phimolsiripol et al. (2008)
reported that the fluctuation of frozen storage temperature decreased dough quality, which was
With the increase in storage time, the quality of dough would gradually decline. Fig. 4
shows the images of the size and distribution of ice crystals in the dough at different storage
times. The ice crystals produced under fast freezing conditions using liquid nitrogen were small
and did not distribute in the pore of the dough, while most of the ice crystals were distributed in
the pore wall of the dough if air blast freezing was used (C and D). Fig. 4 also shows that some
together after storage for one day (E and F); after five months of storage (G-J), the sizes of ice
crystals were further increased and the ice crystals were no longer distributed on the pore walls,
but inside the pore, meanwhile, large cube (I) and spherical (J) shapes of ice crystals could be
In controlling ice crystal formation and distribution during dough freezing, novel freezing
technologies could be used (Sun, 2016). Among them ultrasound-assisted freezing (UAF) has
been investigated for promoting ice nucleation and crystal growth. UAF can decrease the degree
of supercooling, increase heat transfer efficiency, and produce a large number of fine ice crystals
with better distribution (Cheng et al., 2014). The mechanism of the UAF is mainly related to the
which produces a large number of cavitation bubbles and such bubbles could act as the seeding
sites for ice nucleation. In addition, the collapse of the bubbles would produce momentarily high
pressure, breaking large dendritic ice crystals into small fragments to promote secondary ice
nucleation, thus producing small ice crystals with uniform distribution (Zhang et al., 2015).
Hu et al. (2013) revealed that using UAF, the total freezing time of dough was reduced by
more than 11% at 288 W and 360 W levels, in the meantime, the elasticity and sensory properties
of the dough were also increased significantly owing to the fine ice crystals. Parameters of UAF
also have effects on microbial viability. Kiani et al. (2013) reported that UAF could increase the
viability of
Lactic acid bacteria cells in the temperature range from -4 to -2 oC, furthermore, ultrasound
resulted in a further increase in cell viability during phase change period. As the novel freezing
technologies are emerging methods, their applications in dough freezing is very limited and
Frozen dough can overcome problems of traditional bread, such as starch retrogradation and
short shelf life. However, in the production of frozen dough, reduction of yeast activity and the
destruction of dough network structure are inevitable, resulting in decline of the baking quality of
dough. This review discusses main factors affecting the quality of frozen dough, and suggests
effective methods for minimizing the quality loss of the frozen dough.
Using additives is a method to increase the freeze tolerance of yeast and improve the
rheological and thermophysical properties of dough, so that final products close to fresh bread
could be made. Breeding yeast has higher trehalose and proline content, thus the freeze tolerance
and fermentation capacity of the yeast could be enhanced. 0ptimizing freezing rate and avoiding
temperature fluctuation could maintain yeast activity and prevent the recrystallization of
moisture in frozen dough. In addition, novel freezing technologies can accelerate the freezing
process and improve heat transfer and mass transfer, and ultrasound assisted freezing has been
shown to have positive effects on dough properties and cell viability, however few studies are
Although frozen dough has been widely studied, few studies focus on the micro perspective
frozen dough, on the other hand, there is little research on physical and chemical reactions of
components in frozen dough, and little information is available on the interaction between
additives and components in dough, all of which require further research attention. In addition,
the safety of genetic engineering technique and the mechanism of action of certain genes are still
Up to now, the above methods have been mainly used alone. These methods could be
combined to further improve yeast viability, protect dough network structure, and provide final
products with fresh-like taste. However no study has been attempted yet to verify the
effectiveness and viability of the concept, and thus future investigation is needed.
The authors are grateful to the International S&T Cooperation Program of China
(2015DFA71150) for its support. This research was also supported by the Collaborative
Fisheries of Guangdong Province (A201401C04), the National Key Technologies R&D Program
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2017MS067), the International and
Intelligent Food Quality Control and Process Technology & Equipment (2015KGJHZ001), the
Guangdong Provincial R & D Centre for the Modern Agricultural Industry on Non-destructive
Detection and Intensive Processing of Agricultural Products, the Common Technical Innovation
Products (2016LM2154), and the Innovation Centre of Guangdong Province for Modern
Science and Technology on Intelligent Sensing and Precision Control of Agricultural Product
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640 Table 1. Effects of different additives on frozen dough system
Additives Mechanism Results Quality of final product
Diglycerides Interaction with starch, prevention of the
Sucrose esters
migration of moisture between gluten and starch Preventing the rétrogradation of the starch and Increase in volume and reduction in firmnes
production of high protein breads of bread
dough, and decreased activity of water due to Preventing the recrystallization of moisture and Increase in moisture content of bread and
Ceratonia siliqua seeds water in hydrocolloids competing with the maintaining the rheological properties of frozen better sensory quality
protein and starch in frozen dough dough
Whole-grain wheat flour Combining with the moisture and prohibiting the Reduced freezable water content and improved Increase in volume, firmness and antioxidan
Waxy wheat flour migration and redistribution of water frozen dough with strong hydration properties activity of bread
and pasting properties
641 Table2. Genetic engineering applied to yeast cell employed in frozen dough
nes Conditions Results Re
or TSP1 Overexpression of the MAL62 or Increased accumulation of trehalose resulting in promoting the Sun et al. (
TSP1 gene yeast viability under freezing stress
d PUT1 Deleting both NTH1 and PUT1 Higher freeze tolerance and fermentation performance Dong
1150T Overexpression of PRO 1-1150T Improved content of the proline and fermentation ability Sasano
-F65L and mpr1-F65L gene
G1 Overexpression of the POG1 gene Improved leavening performance in high sucrose condition Sasano
Deletion of the POG1 gene Increased freeze tolerance of yeast
R2 Overexpression of MPR2 gene Reduced intracellular oxidation levels leading to enhance the air- Sasano
R84 Overexpression of the SNR84 Higher freeze resistancestress tolerancefermentation capacity in
and improved Lin e
high sucrose containing dough and freeze-thaw conditions
E2 Overexpression of PDE2 gene Improved freezing stress tolerance and better genetic trait Nakagaw
O1 PRO1 gene mutation Increased tolerance to freeze-thaw and high sucrose stresses Tsolmonba
Figure caption
Fig. 1. Images of starch granules under scanning electron microscopy (Barrera et al., 2013). A is
normal starch, and B, C and D are damaged starch with damaging percentage of 13.3%,
34.1%, and 72.9%, respectively. The top row of images show the magnification of 8 kx of
the whole starch granules and the bottom row of images show the magnification of 40 kx of
Fig. 2. The bread appearance of fresh, with and without addition of ECINs (Shi et al., 2013b). A
is fresh bread, B and C are the bread made from frozen dough without or with ECINs
Fig. 3. Microstructure of wheat flour and frozen dough at different freezing rate (Silvas-Garcia et
al., 2016). (a) and (b) represent microstructure of wheat flour at slow freezing rate and fast
freezing rate respectively, (c, e, g) and (d, f, h) show the microstructure of frozen dough at
slow freezing rate and fast freezing rate respectively for 2, 4 and 8 weeks of storage.
Fig. 4. Images of the size and distribution of ice crystals at different storage times (Baier-Schenk
et al., 2005). (A) and (B) show ice crystals in dough under the condition of liquid nitrogen
freezing, (C-J) show the ice crystals in dough under air-blast freezing for one hour, one
663 Fig. 1. Images of starch granules under scanning electron microscopy (Barrera et al.,
2013). A is
664 normal starch, and B, C and D are damaged starch with damaging percentage of
665 34.1%, and 72.9%, respectively. The top row of images show the magnification of 8
kx of
666 the whole starch granules and the bottom row of images show the magnification of 40
kx of
668 Fig. 2. The bread appearance of fresh, with and without addition of ECINs (Shi et al.,
2013b). A
669 is fresh bread, B and C are the bread made from frozen dough without or with ECINs
678 Fig. 3. Microstructure of wheat flour and frozen dough at different freezing rate (Silvas-
Garcia et
679 al., 2016). (a) and (b) represent microstructure of wheat flour at slow freezing rate
and fast
680 freezing rate respectively, (c, e, g) and (d, f, h) show the microstructure of frozen
dough at
681 slow freezing rate and fast freezing rate respectively for 2, 4 and 8 weeks of storage.
692 et al., 2005). (A) and (B) show ice crystals in dough under the condition of liquid
693 freezing, (C-J) show the ice crystals in dough under air-blast freezing for one hour, one