Owner'S Manual: BC2311LE BC2611LE/WE BC3501LE/WE BC4501WE

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Thank you for purchasing a ZENOAH product.
Before using our brushcutter, please read this manual carefully
to understand the proper use of your unit. BC4501WE
1 Explanation of pictorials
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
15m (50ft) If warning label peels off or becomes soiled and
impossible to read, you should contact the dealer
from which you purchased the product to order new
labels and affix them in the required location(s).

(1) Read owner’s manual before operating this machine.

(2) Wear head, eye and ear protection. WARNING
(3) Wear foot protection.
(4) Wear gloves. Never modify your machine.
(5) Beware of thrown objects. We won’t warrant the machine, if you use the
(6) Warning / Attention remodeled brushcutter or if you don’t observe
(7) Keep all children, bystanders and helpers 15 meters away from the machine. the proper usage written in the manual.

12. Keep firm footholds and balance at all times. 24. Stop the engine and blade before removing
2 For safe operation Do not use the unit where footing is unsteady
or slippery.
material that is blocking or entangling the
cutting attachment.
13. Keep cutting attachment below waist level. 25. Use a sharp blade. A dull blade is more likely
1. Read this manual carefully until you completely 14. Keep all parts of your body away from the to snag and thrust. Replace the fastening nut
understand and can follow all safety notes, rotating cutting attachment and hot surfaces. according to the manufacturer's instruction.
precautions, and operating instructions before 15. Warn the operator of the danger of blade 26. Cut only material recommended by the
using of the unit. thrust. (Kick back) manufacturer. Do not let the blade contact
2. Do not operate this tool when you are tired, ill, Blade thrust may occur when the spinning material it cannot cut, such as rocks, metal etc.
or under the influence of alchohol, drugs, or blade contacts a solid object in the critical 27. Always wear safety boots, additionally a
medication. area. A dangerous reaction may occur causing helmet is required if there is a risk of contact
3. Always wear eye or face protection and the entire unit and operator to be thrust with falling objects.
hearing protection. violently. This reaction is called Kick back. As a
4. Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry, short result, the operator can lose control of the unit
trousers, sandals, or go barefoot. Do not wear which can cause serious or fatal injury. Kick
anything which might be caught by branches or
moving part of the unit. Secure hair so it is
back is more likely to occur in areas where it is
difficult to see the material to be cut.
3 Setup
above shoulder length. 16. When inspecting or servicing the unit, make
5. Never start or run the engine inside a closed sure to stop the engine and disconnect the
room or building. Exhaust gases contain spark plug as necessary.
1. Loosen the bolts temporarily attached to the
dangerous carbon monoxide. 17. Cover the blade when the transporting or
clutch housing.
6. Before starting the engine, inspect the entire storing the unit. Secure the unit before for
2. Push the drivershaft toward the gearcase and
unit for loose fasteners and fuel leakage. Make storage or transporting to prevent loss of fuel,
rotate it by hand to check that the driveshaft is
sure that the cutting attachment is properly damage or injury.
engaged with the gears.
installed and securely fastened. 18. When replacing cutting attachment or other
3. Insert the shaft tube into the clutch housing until
7. Be sure the blade guard is attached in place. components, be sure to use the parts supplied
it bottoms. When difficult to engage, twist the
8. Fuel is highly flammable. Always keep open or recommended by ZENOAH.
engine slightly.
flames and sparks away from the unit and fuel 19. When the unit is turned off, make sure the
4. Align the positioning holes on the clutch
depot. Do not smoke while refueling the unit or cutting attachment has stopped before the unit
housing and the shaft tube and fit the bolt into
mixing fuel. is set down.
the holes. And fasten the tightning bolts by
9. When refueling the unit, make sure to stop the 20. For units equipped with a clutch, be sure the
turns securely.
engine and allow it to cool down. Wipe spilled cutting attachment stops turning when the
(Tightning torque: 4.9~7.8N.m. (0.5~0.8kgm))
fuel completely from the unit. Move at least 3 engine idles.
meters away from fueling site before starting 21. Use only for tasks explained in the instruction
(1) Positioning hole
the engine. handbook.
(2) Bolt (M5x10)
10. Check the condition of working area to avoid 22. Discard blades that are bent, warped, cracked,
(3) Tightning bolt (M5x22)
any accident by hitting hidden obstacles such broken or damaged in any way.
as stumps, stones, cans, or broken grass. 23. Instructions on stopping a coasting blade.
11. Keep bystanders and animals at least 15 A blade can injure while it continues to spin
meters away from the operating point, If you after the engine is stopped or throttle control is
are approached, immediately stop the engine. released.

ZENOAH CO., LTD. 1-9 Minamidai, Kawagoe, Saitama, 350-1165 Japan

[BC3501LE/WE/BC4501WE] 1. Measure out the quantities of gasoline and oil to
• Using attached 4 socket screws, secure the be mixed.
connection firmly with equal force. 2. Put some of the gasoline into a clean, approved
fuel container.
3. Pour in all of the oil and agitate well.
4. Pour In the rest of gasoline and agitate again
■ INSTALLING BLADE for at least one minute. As some oils may be
Remove the guard skirt of debris guard, when difficult to agitate depending on oil ingredients,
using metal blade. sufficient agitation is necessary for the engine
to last long. Be careful that, if the agitation is
■ HANDLE 1. Put the angled bar(1) into the insufficient, there is an increased danger of
[BC2311LE/BC2611LE/BC3501LE] side holes of the inner holder early piston seizing due to abnormally lean
• Put the handle onto the main pipe and fix it with and the gearcase. mixture.
4 screws. 2. Remove the nut(Left-handed) 5. Put a clear indication on the outside of the
and the outer holder(3) from container to avoid mixing up with gasoline or
the gearshaft. other containers.
3. Put the blade onto the inner 6. Indicate the contents on outside of container for
holder(2). Make the marked easy identification.
side face the holder.
4. Put the outer holder(3) onto ■ FUELING THE UNIT
the gearshaft making the 1. Untwist and remove the fuel cap. Rest the cap
[BC2611WE/BC3501WE/BC4501WE] recessed side face the blade. on a dustless place.
1. Loosen the 4 bolts on the upper cap and insert 5. Fasten the blade by the nut and the cover(4). 2. Put fuel into the fuel tank to 80% of the full
the handles equally. Retighten the bolts. capacity.
2. Put the handle assembly into the bracket and ■ BALANCE UNIT 3. Fasten the fuel cap securely and wipe up any
put the upper cap over it. Tighten the cap 1. Put on strap and attach fuel spillage around the unit.
securely. unit to strap.
2. Slide clamp up or down
until unit balances with WARNING
head aparting from the 1. Select bare ground for fueling.
ground when using it. 2. Move at least 10feet (3meters) away from the
fueling point before starting the engine.
3. Stop the engine before refueling the unit. At

[BC2611WE] [BC3501WE/BC4501WE]
4 Fuel that time, be sure to sufficiently agitate the
mixed gasoline in the container.


1. Remove the air cleaner cover.
2. Connect the end of the throttle wire to the joint • Gasoline is very flammable. Avoid smoking cause severe damage to the internal engine
on the top of the carburetor. or bringing any flame or sparks near fuel. parts very quickly.
1. 2. Make sure to stop the engine and allow it 2. GASOHOL – It can cause deterioration of
cool before refueling the unit. Select rubber and/or plastic parts and disruption of
outdoor bare ground for fueling and move at engine lubrication.
least 3m (10ft) away from the fueling point 3. OIL FOR 4-CYCLE ENGINE USE – It can
before starting the engine. cause spark plug fouling, exhaust port
blocking, or piston ring sticking.
4. Mixed fuels which have been left unused for
a period of one month or more may clog the
■ CONNECTING SWITCH WIRES carburetor and result in the engine failing to
• Connect the switch wires between the engine operate properly.
and the main unit. 5. In the case of storing the product for a long
period of time, clean the fuel tank after
rendering it empty. Next, activate the engine
RECOMMENDED MIXING RATIO and empty the carburetor of the composite fuel.
GASOLINE 50:OIL 1 6. In the case of scrapping the used mixed oil
(when using ZENOAH genuine oil) container, scrap it only at an authorized
• The Zenoah engines are lubricated by oil repository site.
specially formulated for air-cooled 2-cycle
■ PROTECTOR gasoline engine use. If Zenoah oil is not
[BC2611WE/BC3501WE/BC4501WE] available, use an anti-oxidant added quality oil
• Wrap the protector around the outer pipe as expressly labeled for air-cooled 2-cycle engine As lot details of quality assurance, read the
shown in the figure, and fasten the magic use. (JASO FC GRADE OIL or ISO EGC description in the section Limited Warranty
fastener. GRADE) carefully. Moreover, normal wear and change in
• Do not use BIA or TCW (2-stroke water-cooling product with no functional influence are not
type) mixed oil. covered by the warranty. Also, be careful that, if
• Exhaust emission are controlled by the the usage in the instruction manual is not
fundamental engine parameters and observed as to fhe mixed gasoline, etc. described
components (eq., carburation, ignition therein, if may not be covered by the warranty.
■ INSTALLING DEBRIS GUARD timing and port timing) without addition of
1. Fit the guard skirt on debris guard. any major hardware or the introduction of an
2. [BC2311LE/BC2611]
Attach the debris guard with the bolts provided •
inert material during combustion.
These engines are certified to operate on
5 Operation
while inserting the spacer between the guard unleaded gasoline. ■ STARTING ENGINE
and the pipe. • Make sure to use gasoline with a minimum
[BC3501/BC4501WE] octane number of 89 RON (USA/Canada: WARNING
Attach the debris guard with the bolts provided 87AL) The cutting head will start rotating upon the
to the pipe. • If you use a gasoline of a lower octane value engine starts.
Guard skirt than prescribed, there is a danger that the
for line head only engine temperature may rise and an engine 1. Feed fuel into the fuel tank and tighten the cap
problem such as piston seizing may securely.
consequently occur. 2. Rest the unit on a flat, firm place. Keep the
• Unleaded gasoline is recommended to reduce cutting head off the ground and clear of
the contamination of the air for the sake of your surrounding objects, as it will start rotating upon
health and the environment. starting of the engine.
• Poor quality gasolines or oils may damage 3. Push the primer pump several times until
BC2311LE/BC2611 only
sealing rings, fuel lines or fuel tank of the overflown fuel flows out in the clear tube.
1. While locking the gear shaft by inserting the (1) Choke lever
angled bar(1) into the holder(A)(2) on the gear ■ HOW TO MIX FUEL (2) Close
box, loosen and remove the nut(left-handed)
2. Fit the line head assembly to the gear shaft.
(4) Primer pump
Tighten it securely by hand. Pay attention to agitation.
4. Move the choke lever to the closed position.
5. Set the stop switch to the “RUN” position. the head and cause the clutch to slip, resulting
Place the unit on a flat, firm place. in damage to the clutch system if repeated
Keep the cutting head clear of everything frequently.
around it.
(1) (1) Cable adjuster • Your brushcutters is equipped with a semi- auto
type nylon line head that allows the operator to
■ ADJUSTING IDLING SPEED advance the line without stopping the engine.
1. When the engine tends to stop frequently at When the line becomes short, lightly tap the
idling mode, turn the adjusting screw clockwise. head on the ground while running the engine at
2. When the cutting head keeps rotating after full throttle.
(1) Stop switch releasing the trigger, turn the adjusting screw • Each time the head is bumped, the line
counter-clockwise. advance about 1 inch(25.4 mm). For better
6. While holding the unit firmly, pull out the starter effect, tap the head on bear ground or hard soil.
rope quickly until engine fires. Avoid bumping in thick, tall grass as the engine
may stall by overload.

6 Maintenance
(1) Idle adjusting screw WARNING
Make sure that the engine has stopped and is
NOTE cool before performing any service to the
WARNING Warm up the engine before adjusting the idling machine. Contact with moving cutting head or
The product is equipped with a centrifugal speed. hot muffler may result in a personal injury.
clutch mechanism, so the cutting attachment
begins to rotate as soon as the engine is ■ CUTTING WORK ■ AIR FILTER
started by putting the throttle into the start • By using the shoulder strap, hang the unit on The air filter, if clogged,
position. When starting the engine, place the your right side. Adjust the strap length so that will reduce the engine
product onto the ground in a flat clear area the cutting head may become parallel to the performance. Check and
and hold it firmly in place so as to ensure that ground. clean the filter element in
neither the cutting part nor the throttle come warm, soapy water as
into contact with any obstacle when the engine (1) Shoulder strap required. Dry completely
starts. before installing. If the
element is broken or
shrunk, replace with a
new one.

(1) Air filter

• Choose a suitable recommended cutting ■ FUEL FILTER

IMPORTANT attachment according to the object to be cut. When the engine runs
Avoid pulling the rope to its end or returning it by Never use other cutting attachment not short of fuel supply,
releasing the knob. Such actions can cause starter approved by ZENOAH. check the fuel cap and
failures. the fuel filter for
7. Move the choke lever downward to open the
choke. And restart engine. (1) Fuel filter
8. Allow the engine to warm up for a several
minutes before starting operation. ■ SPARK PLUG
Starting failure and misfiring
are often caused by a fouled
NOTE spark plug. Clean the spark
1. When restarting the engine immediately after plug and check that the plug
stopping it, leave the choke open. ■ LINE HEAD USAGE gap is in the correct range.
2. Overchoking can make the engine hard to start For a replacement plug, use 0.6~0.7mm
due to excess fuel. When the engine failed to
the correct type specified by
start after several attempts, open the choke and 1. Always wear eye protection such as safety ZENOAH.
repeat pulling the rope, or remove the spark goggles. Never lean over the rotating cutting
plug and dry it. head. Rocks or other debris could be thrown REPLACEMENT PLUG IS A NGK BPMR7A.
into eyes and face and cause serious
■ STOPPING ENGINE personal injury.
1. Release the throttle trigger and run the engine 2. Keep the debris guard attached in place at IMPORTANT
for half a minute. all times when the unit is operated. • Note that using any spark plug other than those
2. Shift the stop switch to the STOP position. designated may result in the engine failing to
(1) TRIMMING GRASS AND WEEDS operate properly or in the engine becoming
(1) • Always remember that the TIP of the line does overheated and damaged.
cutting. You will achieve better results by not • To install the spark plug,
crowding the line into the cutting area. Allow the first turn the plug until it is
unit to trim at its own pace. finger tight, then tighten it a
quarter turn more with a
1. Hold the unit so the head is off the ground and socket wrench.
(1) Stop switch is tilted about 20 degrees toward the sweep
direction. Tightning torque: 9.8~11.8N.m. (1.0~1.2kgm))
2. Use full throttle when cutting.
IMPORTANT 3. You can avoid thrown debris by sweeping from ■ REFILLING TRIMMING LINE
Except for an emergency, avoid stopping the your left to the right. 1. For replacement line, use a diameter of 2.4mm.
engine while pulling the throttle lever. 4. Use a slow, deliberate action to cut heavy The spool is capable for a line upto 6m on the
growth. The rate of cutting motion will depend 4” head. Avoid using a larger line as it may cut
■ ADJUSTING THROTTLE CABLE on the material being cut. Heavy growth will down the trimming performance.
• The normal play is 1 or 2 mm when measured require slower action than will light growth. 2. Pinch the slotted area on the both sides of the
at the carburetor side end. Readjust with the 5. Never swing the unit so hard as you are in spool housing to unhook the bottom cap.
cable adjuster as required. danger of losing your balance or control of the 3. Take out the spool and pull off the old line. Put
unit. one end of new line through the spool holes
6. Try to control the cutting motion with the hip and pull it until the length is equal between
rather than placing the full workload on the arm each part of the line.
and hands. 4. Wind up the line in the correct direction as
7. Take precautions to avoid wire, grass and indicated on the spool.
1~2mm (1) Cable adjuster dead, dry, long-stem weeds from wrapping 5. Hook each end of the line in the slot on the
(1) around the head shaft. Such materials can stall edge of the spool, and then put the ends
through the eyelets on the housing. Make sure ■ IMUFFLER
that the spring and the washers are in place.
6. While holding the spool against the housing,
pull the line ends to release them from the slot. • Inspect periodically, the muffler for loose
7. Line up the slot on the bottom cap with the hook fasteners, any damage or corrosion. If any
on the housing, press the cap against the sign of exhaust leakage is found, stop using
housing until it clicks. the machine and have it repaired
• Note that failing to do so may result in the
■ INTAKE AIR COOLING VENT engine catching on fire.
• Never touch the cylinder, muffler, or spark EVERY 100 HOURS OF USE
plugs with your bare hands immediately 1. Remove the muffler, insert a screwdriver into
after stopping the engine. The engine can the vent, and wipe away any carbon buildup.
become very hot when in operation, and Wipe away any carbon buildup on the muffler
doing so could result in severe burns. exhaust vent and cylinder exhaust port at the
• When checking the machine to make sure same time.
that it is okay before using it, check the area 2. Tighten all screws, bolts, and fittings.
around the muffler and remove any wood 3. Check to see if any oil or grease has worked its
chips or leaves which have attached way in between the clutch lining and drum, and
themselves to the brushcutter. Failing to do if it has, wipe it away using oil-free, lead-free
so could cause the muffler to become gasoline.
overheated and that in turn could cause the
engine to catch on fire. Always make sure
that the muffler is clean and free of wood
chips, leaves, and other waste before use.
• Check the intake air cooling vent and the
area around the cylinder cooling fins after
every 25 hours of use for blockage, and
remove any waste which has attached itself
to the brushcutter. Note that it is necessary ■ MAINTENANCE BEFORE STORAGE
to remove the engine cover shown in in • Old fuel left in the carburetor may cause
order to be able to view the upper part of the starting failure. When a series of operation
cylinder. finished, make sure to empty the fuel tank and
drain the carburetor.
• Check all parts and the functions. If the failured
IMPORTANT or damaged parts have been found, replace
If waste gets stuck and causes blockage around them with new ones.
the intake air cooling vent or between the cylinder
■ GEAR CASE fins, it may cause the engine to overheat, and that
• The reduction gears are lubricated by in turn may cause mechanical failure on the part of
multipurpose, lithium-based grease in the gear the brushcutter.
case. Supply new grease every 25 hours of use
or more often depending on the job condition.
• Remove the bolt opposit to the grease nipple (1) Cylinder
before installing new grease to arrange for old (2) Intake air cooling vent
grease to exit.

7 Specifications
MODEL CODE Unit BC2311LE BC2611LE BC2611WE BC3501LE BC3501WE BC4501WE
Overall size
Length mm 1815 ← ← 1845 ← ←
Width mm 420 ← 650 420 650 ←
Height mm 295 ← 560 360 560 ←
Dry weight Kg 5.0 5.1 5.3 7.1 7.6 7.8
Engine model ✽ G23LS G26LS ← G35L-D ← G45L-D
Displacement cc 22.5 25.4 ← 33.6 ← 41.5
Carburetor ✽ Diaphragm ← ← ← ← ←
Fuel (Mixture ratio) ✽ 50:1 (Gasoline and 2cycle oil) ← ← ← ← ←
Fuel tank capacity litter 0.6 0.75 ← 0.74 ← 0.94
Service range rpm 5000~8000 ← ← ← ← ←
Spark plug ✽ BPMR7A ← ← ← ← ←
Clutch system ✽ Two-shoe Centrifugal-Type ← ← ← ← ←
Anti-vibration system
Housing ✽ Yes ← ← ← ← ←
Handle-bracket ✽ No ← ← ← Yes ←
Neck angle deg 60 ← ← ← ← ←
Reduction ratio ✽ 1.462 ← ← 1.40 ← ←
Blade rotation ✽ Counter-clockwise ← ← ← ← ←
Handle type ✽ Loop ← Both Loop Both ←
Throttle lever ✽ Trigger Type (With Safety-lock) ← ← ← ← ←
Standard cutter ✽ Nylon ← ← ← ← ←
Harness type ✽ Single ← ← Double ← ←
Quick release ✽ Yes ← ← ← ← ←
Standard accessories
Goggle ✽ ● ← ← ← ← ←
Tool-kit ✽ ● ← ← ← ← ←
Owner's manual ✽ ● ← ← ← ← ←
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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