Rubric For Personality Tests Presentation

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Student name___________________________date________

Personality Presentation Rubric

ELEMENT Exemplary (3 PTS) Proficient (2 PTS) Partially Prof. (1 PT) Unsatisfactory (0 PTS) POINTS

Introduction The introduction slide The introduction slide The introduction slide is The introduction slide is ___/3
presents the overall topic is somewhat clear and vague and lacks some missing or does not make
and is visually attractive is appealing visually. visual appeal. sense, and lacks some
visual appeal.
Content The content is written The content is written The content is vague in The content lacks a clear ___/3
clearly and concisely with with a logical conveying a point of point of view and logical
a logical progression of progression of ideas view and does not cover sequence of information.
ideas and supporting and supporting the topic completely.
information. information. Lacks
Includes little information
some detail.
Includes some and only one or two ideas
Full reporting of online information with few about the topic.
test results. Mostly complete facts.
reporting of online
Information is incomplete
test results
partial reporting of and/or missing altogether.
online test results

Text The fonts are easy-to-read Sometimes the fonts Overall readability is The text is extremely ___/3
and point size varies are easy-to-read, but difficult with lengthy difficult to read with long
appropriately for headings in a few places the use paragraphs, too many blocks of text and small
and text. of fonts, italics, bold, different fonts, dark or point size of fonts,
long paragraphs, color busy background, inappropriate contrasting
or busy background overuse of bold or lack colors, and poor use of
Text is appropriate in
detracts and does not of appropriate headings, subheadings,
length for the target
enhance readability. indentations of text. indentations, or bold
audience and to the point.
Layout The layout is visually The layout uses The layout shows some The layout is cluttered, ___/3
pleasing and contributes horizontal and vertical structure, but appears confusing, and does not
to the overall message white space cluttered and busy or use spacing, headings and
with appropriate use of appropriately. distracting with large subheadings to enhance
headings, subheadings gaps of white space or the readability.
and white space. uses a distracting
Graphics, The graphics and/or The graphics and or Some of the graphics Graphics do not enhance ___/3
animations & animation assist in animation visually and/or animations seem understanding of the
transitions presenting an overall depict material and unrelated to the content, or are distracting
theme and enhance. assist the audience in topic/theme and do not decorations that create a
understanding the enhance the overall busy feeling and detract
flow of information or concepts. from the content.
Appropriate images are
Images are unnecessary Animations and
Appropriate images and/or poorly placed, transitions are incomplete
Animations and
are used. sized or cropped. for most areas
transitions are complete
for all slides.
Animations and Animations and
transitions are transitions are
There is a consistent
complete for most incomplete for many
visual theme.
slides areas
Miscellaneous No errors detected that One error detected 2-3 errors detected that 4+ errors that effect the ___/3
effect the grade that effect the grade effect the grade grade

Total Points

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