Proshad Et Al., 2018. Toxic Effects of Plastic On Human Health

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Toxic effects of plastic on human health and environment : A consequences of

health risk assessment in Bangladesh

Article · January 2018

DOI: 10.14419/ijh.v6i1.8655


8 77,701

6 authors, including:

Ram Proshad Tapos Kormoker

Chinese Academy of Sciences Patuakhali Science and Technology University


Md Saiful Islam Mohammad Asadul Haque

Patuakhali Science and Technology University Patuakhali Science and Technology University


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Biodegradation of Phthalate Esters (Component of Plastic) View project

Potential toxic metals (PTMs) in soil, foodstuff, sediment and water with source identification and risk exposure in Bangladesh View project

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International Journal of Health, 6 (1) (2018) 1-5

International Journal of Health

doi: 10.14419/ijh.v6i1.8655
Review paper

Toxic effects of plastic on human health and environment

: A consequences of health risk assessment in Bangladesh
Ram Proshad 1 *, Tapos Kormoker 2, Md. Saiful Islam 1, Mohammad Asadul Haque1,
Md. Mahfuzur Rahman1, Md. Mahabubur Rahman Mithu 3
1Department of Soil Science, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh
2 Department of Emergency Management, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh
3 Faculty of Nutrition and Food Science, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]


Plastics are used widely everywhere in our life and without plastic, modern civilization would indeed look very diverse. This study fo-
cuses on the toxic effects of plastic on human health and environment and possible consequences of health risk assessment in Bangladesh.
Plastics are essential materials in modern civilization, and many products manufactured from plastics and in numerous cases, they pro-
mote risks to human health and the environment. Plastics are contained many chemical and hazardous substances such as Bisphenol A
(BPA), thalates, antiminitroxide, brominated flame retardants, and poly- fluorinated chemicals etc. which are a serious risk factor for
human health and environment. Plastics are being used by Bangladeshi people without knowing the toxic effects of plastic on human
health and environment. Different human health problems like irritation in the eye, vision failure, breathing difficulties, respiratory prob-
lems, liver dysfunction, cancers, skin diseases, lungs problems, headache, dizziness, birth effect, reproductive, cardiovascular, genotoxic,
and gastrointestinal causes for using toxic plastics. Plastics occur serious environment pollution such as soil pollution, water pollution,
and air pollution. Application of proper rules and regulations for the production and use of plastics can reduce toxic effects of plastics on
human health and environment.

Keywords: Plastic; Bisphenol A; Phthalates; Pollution; Bangladesh.

and other organisms. There are about 20 types of prime plastics

1. Introduction use in the worldwide (APME 2006). Scientists have shown in the
study that the use of plastic bottles or containers increases health
Plastic has changed our everyday life. We are involved with plas- risk due to long-term use. Typically, there are many chemical
tic made products in various ways. Plastic plays an important part substances present in plastic bottles or containers, many of which
in our life. Plastics are used widely everywhere in our life. Plastic are a serious risk factor for health. For example, potentially dan-
makes our life easier and better. They are composed of a network gerous human exposure to toxic components such as Bisphenol A
of molecular monomers bound together to form macromolecules (BPA), thalates, antiminitroxide, brominated flame retardants, and
of infinite use in human society. Day by day peoples are becoming poly-fluorinated chemicals etc. are notable (Halden 2010). BPA
more and more dependent on the use of plastics because of the and phthalates are found in many mass-produced products includ-
characteristics of plastic such as inert, durability, flexibility and ing medical devices, food packaging, perfumes, cosmetics, toys,
versatility and so on. The durability of plastics and their potential flooring materials, computers and CDs and can represent a signifi-
for diverse applications, including widespread use of disposable cant content of the plastic. For instance, phthalates can constitute a
items, were anticipated, but the problems associated with waste substantial proportion, by weight, of PVC while BPA is the mon-
management and plastic debris were not (Yarsley & Couzens omer used for the production of polycarbonate plastics as well as
1945). Plastic has some special properties such as; high heat com- an additive used for the production of PVC. Phthalates can leach
bustion, the water content of the plastics is far lower than the wa- out of products because they are not chemically bound to the plas-
ter content in the biomass, plastics do not absorb much moisture tic matrix, and they have attracted particular attention because of
and increasing availability in the local community. Plastics have their high production volumes and wide usage (Wagner & Oeh-
many benefits and without plastic, modern society would indeed lmann 2009). Phthalates and BPA are detectable in aquatic envi-
look very different. Most important advantages of plastic are med- ronments, in dust and, because of their volatility in the air (Rudel
ical uses and applications in public health. Plastics are cost- et al. 2001; 2003). There is considerable concern about the adverse
effective, require little energy to produce, and are lightweight and effects of these chemicals on wildlife and humans (Meeker et al.
biocompatible. Plastic is soft, transparent, flexible, or biodegrada- 2009). It may be a great concern to use and disposal of plastic.
ble and many different types of plastics function as innovative Worldwide polymer production was estimated to be 260 million
materials for use in engineered tissues, absorbable sutures, pros- metric tons per annum in the year 2007 for all polymers including
thetics, and other medical applications (Andrady & Neal 2009). thermoplastics, thermoset plastics, adhesives, and coatings, but not
However, plastics also have numerous disadvantages, such as synthetic fibers (Plastics Europe 2008). This indicates a historical
toxic substances that may leak out and adversely affect humans
Copyright © 2018 Ram Proshad et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 International Journal of Health

growth rate of about 9 percent p.a. Thermoplastic resins constitute nanalifenal is extracted from type 2 plastic to ultraviolet rays.
around two-thirds of this production and their usage is growing at Compared to type 1, type 2 container is considered safer for food
about 5 percent globally. Approximately 50 percent of plastics are and drink.
used for single-use disposable applications, such as packaging,
agricultural films and disposable consumer items, between 20 and 2.3. Type 3 plastic containers
25 percent for long-term infrastructure such as pipes, cable coat-
ings and structural materials, and the remainder for durable con- They are used for fruit juice, cooking oil etc. Polyvinyl Chloride
sumer applications with intermediate lifespan, such as in electron- (PVC) is a type of 'heat-resistant' polymer. Depending on non-
ic goods, furniture, vehicles, etc. Post-consumer plastic waste plasticization, type 3 plastic is flexible and unobtrusive. Normally
generation across the European Union (EU) was 24.6 million tons the thalates are used to make PVC flexible, which is harmful to
in 2007 (Plastics Europe 2008). The plastic industry in Bangla- the human body. Plasticized PVC pipes and siding also have
desh uses imported polymer granules. During the period 1989 to thalates. PVC contains many toxic chemical substances such as
2007, the import of polymers increased from 10,000 tons to BPA, thalates, led, dioxin, crater, and cadmium. The whole life
289,000 tons per year. At present total consumption of polymers cycle of PVC, production, use and disposable is related to severe
including imported polymers and recycled plastic wastes is health risks and environmental pollution, due to which PVC use
750,000 tons in FY 2010-2011. This corresponds to the per capita has reduced considerably. However, because of the cost-effective
consumption of plastics in Bangladesh 5 kg per year against the and versatile use, PVC is still very popular in the case of consum-
world average 30 kg. Per capita consumption in India and ASEAN er products. Due to poisonous use of PVC plastic due to health
countries are 8kg and 17kg respectively. Quite a few decades ago, risk and environmental pollution. It can cause cancer, birth defects,
Bangladesh was not familiar with the multiple uses of plastics. But genetic changes, chronic bronchitis, ulcers, skin diseases, deafness,
in recent years, particularly its large cities have experienced a vision failure, indigestion, and liver dysfunction.
widespread and growing use of plastic products. As a result, Bang-
ladesh is also facing all of the environmental, economic and health 2.4. Type 4 low-density polyethylene
problems caused by plastic pollution. Taking the environmental
issue into account, Bangladesh government imposed a ban on poly A type of 'heat-resistant' polymer made of type 4 plastic petroleum,
bags on 1st March 2002. But, unfortunately, of late polybag and which can be both transparent and opaque. Low-density polyeth-
other poly products are gradually coming backing in business. ylene is flexible and rigid but fragile. These plastic are used in
Notwithstanding the current relatively low use of plastic products, packaging of frozen foods and preparation of juices and milk car-
this is an opportune time for policymakers to formulate measures tons. There is no loss of contact with the container or bottled fluid.
and for general users to change their habit and choice to environ- Because the type 4 plastic containers do not contain any harmful
ment-friendly natural fiber products as practical alternatives. Oth- components of the human body, their use is safe for food and bev-
erwise, the longer we shall wait, the more difficult it will be to erages.
change people's habit.
2.5. Type 5 polypropylene
2. Categories of plastics
Polypropylene is a type of plastic polymer, usually strong and
semi-transparent, strong, high in heat and hydrophobic. They are
2.1. Type 1 polyethylene terephthalate or stomach plas- stronger and heavier than polyethylene. Polypropylene is com-
tic monly used for packing yogurt, medicine, beverage, ketchup etc.
It should be noted here that no harmful substances are found in
Stomach plastic is usually used to make disposable water bottles. food or water from polypropylene plastic. Most polypropylene
Apart from this, stomach plastics are used to make different uten- plastic is microwaveable and washing with dishwasher, but they
sils or containers used for various types of juice, soft drinks, butter, do not cause any harm. Like type 4 plastic, polypropylene con-
salad dressing, vegetable oil, mouthwash, cosmetics etc. The tainers are not harmful, they are considered safe for the human
stomach plastic weight is thin, transparent and smooth. Due to body for food and beverages.
being fully liquid and anti-inflammatory, the stomach is very pop-
ular among plastic water and another food packaging. Being anti- 2.6. Type 6 polystyrene
air, the stomach plastic prevented the entry of oxygen. Drinking or
liquids are not easily washed inside the stomach bottles. Type 1 Polyethylene is one type of petroleum-based plastic. 'Benzene' is
plastic bottle does not have any harmful bacteria or thalates, but its used in the preparation of polystyrene, which is known as a car-
use is used in antimony trioxide. Antimony acts as a possible car- cinogen for the human body. Polystyrene is widely used in making
cinogen in the human body. Antimony is emitted from the con- packaging materials and insulating. Styrene is very risky for health.
tainer for long periods of contact with drinking water. As long as Studies have shown that, due to long exposure, steroid also pro-
the beverage is in contact with the container, the likelihood of vides neurotoxic, hematological, cytogenetic and carcinogenic
antimony excretion increases. It has been found in the study that effects. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
the use of long-time heat is toxic antimony from the stomach bot- identified Styrene as the human carcinogen.
tle. So it is vital to keep these stomach bottles away from high
temperatures. Note that type 1 or stomach plastic is prepared for 2.7. Type 7 polycarbonate
'once use only' (one time use only). The stomach bottle is relative-
ly safe in the 'once used' field. Except for the type mentioned, all plastics are labeled as Type 7
plastics. Polycarbonate container is made of BPA. So, the bever-
2.2. Type 2 High-density polyethylene age or food stored in them, the BPA is released from the container.
Due to the BPA's health risk being proven in multiple studies, the
Polyethylene is the most used plastic in the world. High-density use of type 7 or polycarbonate plastic has recently decreased
polyethylene made from petroleum, a type of heat-resistant plastic. greatly. Polycarbonate is basically used for packaging consumer
Type 2 plastic is used in making milk containers, detergent bottles, goods. Type 7 plastic is used in baby bottles, 3 and 5 gallons of
refrigerators, toys, various types of plastic grocery bags, etc. High- bottles (reusable) etc. Due to health risk type 7 or polycarbonate
density polyethylene is relatively strong, irritable and 'heat-prone' plastic use is unsafe.
in nature. It does not contain harmful BPA or thalates. There is no
known health risk for this type of plastic use. Although some stud-
ies have shown, if the sunlight is kept in a long time, then the
International Journal of Health 3

3. Effects of plastic on human health In its determination of a reference dose for humans, the U.S. EPA
arrived at a value of 50 μg per kg per day by applying a safety
factor, to account for extrapolation from animals to humans, vari-
Human health risks from plastics can stem from their monomeric
ability in the human population, and extrapolation from sub-
building blocks (e.g., Bisphenol A), their additives (e.g., plasticiz-
chronic to chronic exposures (Welshons et al. 2003). This refer-
ers) or from a combination of the two (e.g., antimicrobial polycar-
ence dose for BPA was calculated on the basis of the lowest ob-
bonate) (Rahman & Brazel 2004). There are several toxic materi-
servable adverse effect level (LOAL) as adverse responses were
als which are secreted by plastics. Among them, we concentrate
found even at the lowest dose tested (Vandenberg et al. 2009).
on plastics components and additives of principal concern such as
Today’s concerns about BPA are driven primarily by low-dose
Bisphenol A and phthalates. Bisphenol A (BPA) is best known as
effects observed in human populations, and by the recognition that
the monomeric building block of polycarbonate plastics. It was
biologically active levels of BPA detectable in human blood are
first synthesized in 1891 and used frequently as an additive to
within or above the range of concentrations demonstrated in vitro
other plastics such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (Dodds & Lawson
to cause changes in the function of human tissues (Vom & Hughes
1936). The annual output of BPA in the worldwide was 2.2 mil-
2005). Phthalates are a diverse group of compounds that represent
lion metric tons in 2003. A sizable fraction of this mass comes
diesters of phthalic acid, a compound also known as 1, 2-
into contact with food. Because the polymerization of BPA leaves
benzenedicarboxylic acid produced in large quantities since the
some monomers unbound, BPA molecules can be released from
1930s. The properties of phthalates are dependent on the length
beverage and food containers into drink and food over time. The
and branching of the dialkyl or alkyl/aryl side chains, i.e., the
leaching process is accelerated by repeated washing of containers
alcohol moiety of the ester. Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP),
and when storing in the acidic or basic items that break down the
produced at annual quantities of 2 million tons and widely used in
polymer. As a result, reusable water bottles, baby bottles, and the
medical devices. Important routes of human exposure to
inner linings of food cans, all made by using BPA, are known to
phthalates include, most notably, medical exposures caused by
leach the controversial monomer into food over time, particularly
direct release of phthalates into the human body, e.g., through
at elevated temperatures (Raloff 1999; Kang et al. 2003). Studies
dialysis, blood transfusions, and extracorporeal membrane oxy-
have indicated that food and drinks stored in such containers in-
genation (ECMO); ingestion of contaminated materials, including
cluding those ubiquitous clear water bottles hanging from just
contaminated food, house dust etc. (Sathyanarayana 2008; Kamrin
about every hiker’s backpack can contain a trace amount of Bi-
2009; Meeker et al. 2009). Thalates usually work to increase plas-
sphenol A (BPA) that may interfere with the body’s natural hor-
tic flexibility or flexibility. Here is an example of adding some
monal messaging system. Food and inhalation are considered the
plastic such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) thalates. Thales like BPA
main source of exposure to BPA in the human body (Wilson et al.
has hormonal imbalances, which also cause them to disrupt hor-
2007). The BPA is considered to be a hormone because it is the
mones normal and daily work. Both BPA and thalates can enter
mimics of reproductive hormones 'estrogen'. As found in various
the body of the newborn through pregnancy and through fetal and
studies, BPA has been associated with a number of health prob-
breastfeeding, they will be able to harm them. However, it is im-
lems such as ovarian chromosomal damage, decreased sperm pro-
portant to remember that, Thales is a little less damaging to human
duction, rapid puberty, rapid changes in immune system, type-2
than the BPA. So all kinds of plastic containers have harmful BPA
diabetes, cardiovascular disorder, obesity etc. Some studies have
and thalates.
also claimed that BPA increases the risk of breast cancer, prostate
cancer, pains, metabolic disorders, etc. BPA in women and im-
paired health, including obesity, endometrial hyperplasia, recur-
rent miscarriages, sterility, and polycystic ovarian syndrome
(Warner et al. 2002; Rayner et al. 2004; Eskenazi et al. 2007).
Levels of unconjugated BPA in human blood and tissues are in the
range of 0.1 to 10 μg/L in the human body and is assessed in
blood serum and urine (Ikezuki et al. 2002; Schonfelder et al.
2002). BPA is determined by enzyme-linked immune sorbent
assay (ELISA). Geometric means for daily intake of BPA estimat-
ed from urinary levels are higher for males than females (53.8
versus 41 ng/kg/day) and higher in children and adolescents (64.6
and 71 ng/kg/day, respectively) than in adults, whose exposure
levels decrease with age from 52.9 ng/kg/day in 20–39-year olds
to 33.5 ng/kg/day in seniors 60 years and older (Lakind & Naiman
2008). Elevated exposure of women of childbearing age and of
children are of particular concern because of known windows of
vulnerability to BPA that put the developing fetus and children at
elevated risk, compared with adults exposed to identical levels of
the contaminant (Vandenberg et al. 2009).
Fig. 2: Impact of Plastics on Human Health.

4. Effects of plastic on the environment

The distribution of plastic debris is highly variable as a result of
certain factors such as wind and ocean currents, urban areas, and
trade routes. Human population in certain areas also plays a large
role in this plastics can also be used as vectors for chemical con-
taminants such as persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals
(Barnes et al. 2009). Toxic chemical release during manufacture is
another significant source of the negative environmental impact of
Fig. 1: Chemical Structures of Bisphenol A and Di-(2-Ethylhexyl) plastics. A whole host of carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and hormone-
Phthalate (DEHP), which Illustrate the Use of Endocrine-Disrupting Mon-
disruptive chemicals are standard ingredients and waste products
omers and Plasticizers in Contemporary Plastics.
of plastic production, and they inevitably find their way into our
4 International Journal of Health

ecology through water, land, and air pollution. Some of the more For sale, exhibition for sale, store, distribution, transportation or
familiar compounds include vinyl chloride (in PVC), dioxins (in use for commercial purpose – 6 months sentence of vigorous pris-
PVC), benzene (in polystyrene), phthalates and other plasticizers on or 10 thousand taka fine, or both punishments together.
(in PVC and others), formaldehyde, and Bisphenol-A, or BPA (in
polycarbonate). Many of these are persistent organic pollutants 6. Conclusions
(POPs)—some of the most damaging toxins on the planet, owing
to a combination of their persistence in the environment and their
high levels of toxicity. Their unmitigated release into the envi- Toxicity of plastic is a problem in nature on a universal scale,
ronment affects all terrestrial and aquatic life with which they from the individual level to the level of populations. The study
come into contact. The manufacturing process of plastic products reveals that the negative consequences of plastic on human health
in plastic industries releases a huge quantity of dangerous gaseous and environment as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals used in
chemicals into the air including carbon monoxide, dioxin, and the production of plastics. Peoples of Bangladesh unconsciously
hydrogen cyanide. These gases pollute air seriously. The presence used those plastics without knowing its toxicity. The toxic effect
of these gases in air at high proportion is detrimental to both hu- of plastics on human health and environment is very much evident
man and animal health. They may cause respiratory diseases, by the most of the reviews. The government, law implementing
nervous system disorders and reduction in immunity to diseases. agencies and health authorities of the country should take more
Chlorinated plastic can release harmful chemicals into the sur- steps and pay attention to sustainable production, use, and disposal
rounding soil, which can then seep into groundwater or other sur- of plastics. Phthalates of high concern should be banned and im-
rounding water sources and also the ecosystem. This can cause plemented, primary in consumer products or product in contact
serious harm to the species that drink the water. Landfill areas with children. Bisphenols should be forbidden from use in materi-
contain many different types of plastics. In these landfills, there als that come into contact with food and beverages and children
are many microorganisms which speed up the biodegradation of and in the long term in other consumer products like thermal cash
plastics. The microorganisms include bacteria such as Pseudomo- receipt. Every company must take their responsibility in terms of
nas, nylon-eating bacteria, and Flavobacteria. These bacteria break the reduction of unnecessary plastic consumption. A full of infor-
down nylon through the activity of the nylonase enzyme. When mation about all existing chemicals in consumer products must be
biodegradable plastics are broken down, methane is released, required so that peoples becomes aware to use of those products.
which is a very powerful greenhouse gas that contributes signifi-
cantly to global warming (Biello 2013). Apart from the above Acknowledgement
impacts, some scientists believe that the bobbing bits of polymer
in the oceans could contribute to global warming by creating a The authors thank the authority of Patuakhali Science and Tech-
shaded canopy that makes it harder for plankton to grow. It needs nology University (PSTU), Bangladesh for supporting to complete
no telling that the plant kingdom is the universal carbon sink. We this study.
are facing a serious problem of water pollution by plastic waste.
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