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Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

3.044 Materials Processing- Spring 2009

Final Exam

Monday, May 18,2008

The Rules:

1) No books allowed; no computers allowed; etc.

2) A simple calculator is allowed

3) THREE hand written 3x5 index cards may be prepared as a crutch

4) Complete 8 out of the 10 problems. If you do more than 8 problems, I will grade the first
8 that are not crossed out.


6) Supplementary materials are attached to the end of the test (eqns., etc.)


Problem #1: More Fun Than a Laser in the Eye

The process of laser surface hardening involves a travelling laser source that deposits energy at
the upper surface of a sheet of material. For this problem, let's say that no local melting or phase
transformations occur.

Part A:
Let's take the system to be a simple 2-
D situation as shown, where the laser Laser beam
beam is very wide (infinite into the
page) compared to its thickness. Let's
also assume that the beam has been
travelling for a long time, so we are in
a steady state condition (with a moving
coordinate system; direction of travel is substrate
shown). Write down the form of the
conduction equation that you would use to solve for the heat distribution in this problem.
2- D Col4..(}t~c..:ho...., : J-r _ ~J ( )2. -r + ~ 'l.. ' ) _ /......,_
Jt - '-"' d)( Z. J-'( L - U

Part B:

Write down the set of boundary conditions that are appropriate for the upper surface of the sheet.
• ~j
X-=--0.-. L J CO"t ~-h..., f- r"- Jn...J- l"-5 er .f..}..;)( 4 -:::: - K-
l ~7

J( ':? L
Gt.?11.j ~.... + eo.., vec-h·o" /Cl5~ ·. _ )L tJ" ..
;)7 -
t -
"'"" ~•'t-...f-

Part C:

Write down any other boundary conditions that you think you would need to solve this problem.
Problem #2: Swimming for Their Lives (the particles, not the students)

In continuous casting, one of the major problems is that

small inclusion particles can be caught in the casting.
Let's analyze this problem, for small inclusions of Ah03 ~-It---melt
(which are actually quite common in steel).
Particle 'A'
Part A:
solid metal
The key consideration is that the alumina particles float in vc
molten steel. For such a particle in the melt region at point
'A', the particle is (a) trying to float to the top, (b) but
being propelled downward at the casting velocity Vc (= 1 rnlmin) at the same time. Write down a
reasonable and simple condition that decides whether the particle will eventually escape at the
top surface, or be carried down and get incorporated in the metal in the sump.
1)utrz.\(' ve.lot..+1 v n-us+- bQ &\( jl_ ve. or '/1- w 111
r ) u ' /LA '
j\J)-ho~ ~J ~ e..r '''l'f,e; ·
I _,
f lc._ve. ttL+ doVJVJvit.flJ
Part B:
c-v:::-v:l (!_

Let's calculate the velocity at which the particle would rise. Write down the force balance for
particle 'A', and indicate with what velocity it rises. (For this part of the problem, ignore the v c
~. ~ . ...._) ... ".}
effect.) ·'
r b
v -.J 3 If (A..\
b'O C\ !L
~:~ S"l -
bO.J)''"'"'CJ C.
~ rb
((.fL. FJ - 3 -rr;...; v d (P, ·s)(~~)(~~'--) ~ rv
FJ = Fi.

Part C: / V -:= ~ _1_ J 2.

,., <... f._;
Some particles will escape, and some will not-calculate which size particles *'win escape and -
which will not. You may need the information at the back of the test, and the viscosity of the
melt is 7 ·1 o-3 Pa·s.
J A\l..CJJ - j .s-\ef.\
I :: (3'770 - 7f~c)l ::: 3~:7 d
~ ~ C). r
jJ-:: 7 xtc
Problem #3: Due Dilligence is Conducted on the Professor

In class, a long time ago, we looked at the problem of glass

fiber drawing. We explicitly looked at the required cooling rate
to keep a new fiber of diameter 20 !-liD, drawn from the fluid,
from breaking up into droplets before it became rigid. A
schematic of the process in shown at the right.
->1<-20 1-lm
Now, back when we looked at this problem, we knew heat
transfer but not fluid flow. Accordingly, you had to trust me
that the kinetics of the fluid flow problem were known.
Specifically, I told you that the time to break up the cylindrical
fiber into droplets was on the order of milliseconds.

Now that you know a bit about fluid flow, please revisit this assertion. Can you convince
yourself (and me) that the millisecond timescale is reasonable?

Information: the material is glass at 900° C, 1-1 = 102 Pa·s, p = 2500 kg/m3 , y = 0.5 J/m2 .

Part A:

Start by writing down the Newtonian flow equation, and rearranging it so that you have units of
seconds on either side.

--c~ ~ 0 -=:::;>
li [~~ 1= -- [~] ;V

j_ ,) 6._ ck~c-+~~t+r< ~~
Part B:
Replace stress in your equation with a characteristic stress that is driving the break -up of the
fiber into droplets.
r r 'r. L ./ ~~ Svr-h.ce.. J..e.-...sttJ._,
dr,\1,~ -ror<.e j()( .b t., c:.- r
use '(eJ.;~ - L-..p/. . c.e RA:t~-t · o)r ~,. I- 4.-Jc..... j
0 t=: c..t/'VI-"lvv~)

Part C: -:::.

Evaluate the characteristic time for droplet breakup. Is it of millisecond scale?
(JO-L) ( JO

2 ( 0.5)
= ().001 s
Problem #4: Collapsing Under the Pressure (not the students, the voids)

In the final stage of sintering, isolated voids shrink to remove surface area. As we discussed in
class, these voids will contain trapped gas if the sintering was conducted in air, and applied
pressure can help to overcome the pressure contained in the voids. Let's look at how such voids

Part A:

ftnte down the pressure balance equation that would apply if we are pressing powders in the
final stage of sintering under the conditions described above.
~ ._ r., _ t nl


Part B:

If the pores first form at a size roughly that of the initial powder size, with radius r p, and they
initially trap gas at atmospheric pressure, then write down an equation that shows how the
pressure in the pores increases as they shrink.

Part C:

Combine Parts A and B to provide an expression for the equilibrium pore size in the final stage
of sintering.
(' J
2'1 ~~
rCA... +- ~
P~t-~ -,
r r

So \v<- ~~ r
Problem #5: The Fun of Multidimensional Diffusion Encounters the World of Chemical
Vapor Deposition

In CVD, a chemical reaction in the vapor provides a source for deposition, and diffusion is
responsible for bringing the reacted gases to the substrate surfaces. In class we discussed some
possible geometries for this process. Let's try another one-imagine a long square tube, where
we want to coat the sides of the tube. The reactive gasses are flowed in along the tube length, at
a high rate so that flow is essentially uniform (plug flow) in the tube.


~ ~~
s > Gas flow

Part A: Lx
Write down the form of the diffusion equation that you would use to analyze this process.
Explain any simplifications that you would employ, and the set of boundary conditions you
would use as well. n L .\ . _I 1 l::::
fvl\ "3 -0 111-t<lJ<-1 f l.~s je~u . .f,'CJ._ I. u.Jr 5~e.:...Jr J!'-l"YL t) o .
' UAo"f.r.... j~...,....J..~ J
!.::. :: !"\ J. '2.(. a'c.. ] fL.r(i)ot.,Q...~r "'" ... ~
J )t u T 2 ~ ,}?.... + 0 (y.., (Xvl'::!)

\S.c.,: ab "-1- vr-H.s

·hJ-e x. ~ 1e
Part B:

Can this problem be addressed by a superposition approach? In other words, are there two or
more 1-D diffusion solutions that we can put together to give the full solution? If the answer is
yes, please write down an approximate solution to the problem, or indicate what the solution
would consist of. If the answer is no, please explain why it cannot be done.
2- ~\:> ~(o\fe.._ 1 011. '( .._.,_J o.., ;:e./ ~ i1 /1.. e S<..V<-t.

~'4! ~~(._
5&? \ve '. ~'-::a
.,... -d··-/'c.. +~
-d t2-
+(-, c)

\ -s~ lo. c... i\ ~L C.. e...~ e.

5 -'fe' ~wro ~<
-7 C"'J'\

(_ - c, (_"f.
Problem #6: A Spoonful of Slurry Will Cure What Ails You

Think about an unusual slurry, in which two different powder materials (call them A and B) are
suspended. Each of the two powders has its own isoelectric point, and therefore its own zeta
potential. The graph below shows how pH affects their zeta potentials.

Now, a series of experiments is +100 m V .......--------------~

conducted. First, a small amount
of slurry is mixed up, with some
concentration of A and B particles.
The pH is adjusted to a specific zeta
value, and the particles are allowed potential 0 1---------,,___---+----r-------t
to settle. The experiment is
repeated five times, for the
conditions listed below. For each
experiment, draw a picture of what
the settled particle packing might
look like. In each case, write ONE 2 4 6 8 10 12
SENTENCE explaining your
thoughts and why they led to the
picture you drew.

(1) 100% A, 0% B, pH= 5

(2) 0% A, 100% B, pH= 5
(3) 50% A, 50% B, pH= 3
(4) 50% A, 50% B, pH= 7
(5) 50% A, 50% B, pH= 9

(j) 1"'~ e. neo~ tJv e. ~ /

--') wiH r'f~l

b,.fl Co"f'"-L•;t I~ e_ 11.~.._frve \

___:: , wl!\ fll(d l't Sv~-t"-S'lJ~ ot.J S e-Hfz. 11-th ~
lPu Jl..- ip .tw"' w( tlfvtl (lloo... 5th ,c£1dr2>. .

eo"'f QAA]:) Iv-Y£. Q PP"~=> ' ~ '1>!) 11 7 ~

w'll ~ ~ t- ~l o Jt,er- 'h $v!)f&t~~~ ·
Iffeo vlv p~c. b~ wJ ne...r - l'llJ<lh Lqr ~
Vtl lt~-e f''YS ) 0 1"1 .'k.,....J....
Problem #7: Get Wired

The process of wire coating is commonly used to put

die channel
the plastic (insulating) sheath around electrical wires of
all kinds. It looks like an extrusion process, in the
sense that polymer is forced through a die. However,
in wire coating the polymer flow is induced by the
motion of the wire, which is pulled at a fixed rate, v 0 •

Part A:

Part B: 0
List the boundary conditions for flow through the die channel region. You may need to define
some geometrical parameters-please be sure the meaning of any symbols you introduce is clear.

6~ e·
_j_ . __
f c
t+~tw__ )
~---~R.,...~-=- ck~ "f.~t
f?.-JN .s
r .... JrJ~
@ r::. 12.w

r ::... n

IJC...c:... )

v= o

Part C:

Write down the solution to the equation from part A, subject to the boundary conditions from
part B. (You can solve it if you want to, or perhaps there is some other way to get the answer ... )

s+e~, - ~-k-te f:1t.eJ

I f3 .( · -? 'lVL...lo.J7 n A.e..+ h.. . sfer ~
-tf ::: T (r) - l(r,)
~h (r/r<w)
)'1 (~/~)
Problem #8: The Students Face Down a Real Phase Diagram
At.om1c Percent Cobalt
You are given a rod
of titanium that
contains 1 at% cobalt,
and asked to purify it. 1600 . \ \
I '

Looking at the Ti-Co ~ \

phase diagram, you
' ;

reason that this alloy l-400
\ ' \

u \ \,
could be zone refined, t j \ \~
exactly as discussed
in your 3.044 class. ~
You place the rod into s '
an induction coil and f- !000' (I'I'i}

pull it through slowly,

locally melting and
resolidifying the rod
as the hot zone passes
over it. ~.
0 10 H) :5.(} 60 70 tW -90 lOO
Ti W(·lt.:ht P~re.cnl Cobalt Co
At the end of one
pass, you analyze the leading end of the rod-this is the first part of the rod to be melted and

Part A:

From the phase diagram, you estimate that the alloy composition at the end of the bar should be
about 0.6 at% after one pass through the zone refiner. Explain this estimate.
v ....
,..... _ c:::.J
ICe-_ 'r;2'f .-v." ' C ,.--


~H-e.r O"'t r--ss: ~k c.. v

Part B: X ~· (c
:: O. 'zr .>< l "(a c 0 . .(.? f ~ tJ, t %!
You are shocked to find, however, that the end of the bar is quite substantially purer than you
first suspected it might be! The composition is ~0.1 at% Co. Explain why the rod is so pure at
this end, and why specifically it is at a value near 0.1 at% Co. (Note: your measurements are
made after the rod is cooled back down to room temperature).
\:j A-~ ~o 1.-J:f;c~+ro.._ /t.ue. 11 "-"'c~r fh. ... se -Jrvu~....:!fl11 ~ 1 ~of 7/

~,;; ~ fn......s o~~.lso yuJLes s .. IJ·e VOJ'IJ.

~ )< f::
~ /.., ~ ~~
So 1;-J,~ftc~ fn,...._
,xl b-)-r=y __ I_ - - . Co'

(0 = O.b/ --"7 .
J'f<.. '~
'-!. -
t o - - - - - - - - : ._ _ _ _ _
Problem #9: Outside-In Heat Transfer

We have frequently talked about processes in which a solid was heated or cooled by virtue of its
contact with a fluid (or vapor) that exchanged heat at the interface by convection. What if the
problem went the other way around? How long does it take to heat a vapor with a hot solid? We
have never thought through this problem, but I think you should be able to do it on the fly.

Consider a furnace where the heating elements are in the walls; the walls may be considered as
instantaneously being raised to a temperature Tw at t = o-. Derive an equation that tells how the
temperature rises in the furnace as a function of time. You may assume that the air flow in the
air is rapid, so that the whole furnace interior is at a constant temperature.

You may need to introduce some

quantities/variables (such as the volume of air in
Walls at Tw the furnace, V, among other things). Please
explain when you do and label the symbols so I
Air inside know what you are thinking.

~ ,~, +"'0"-*"•
::: ( JTt= \
) 1:-

1Cit f 1-. Lo~ ..


g 4 0 \
Problem #10: Blowing Hot and Cold

Below are five scenarios in shape forming. In each case, there is a question about how a change
in temperature can impact the process. For each, indicate whether an increase or a decrease is
the required change, and explain in ONE SENTENCE why this is the case.

A) A sheet being stretch-formed is developing a local thin region that leads to a rupture.
The engineer in charge would like to introduce a local air jet that would either heat or
cool the material near the thinning region.

Cool--) Io <- "'"\ svf>fr e-s.s ~~"' of 0 'kt.,\. 0 . :\-t.) s~ ~.s J o.A-\
{ ll) Cot... Jk} qJiu--w/)e iJ de~fP\.~ 1:,, -h-5 +-..


B) Aluminum is being shape formed at a stress of 1

MN/m2 and 300° C; the ductility is insufficient to ;;,o-~-::....,...--~~~---t-1r----;;;;;;±;=----1
form the desired part geometry. A deformation lli-
mechanism map is provided for this material. ~ 10·'1--t~~~~~~
h~ k.u- -( w.1! e.r.,~s •k h ~
0 10'1---~'·--"·"'+-+-'~~~~

Pov.ta- }"'-v Cfe€-p -7> ~rL L , ~

~ H. 0 It\ - N.t-'l7H1 J("\ • ~0

CooL~ rn(/JI(_ 1~k:.eJ7 ~ 5e.+ Ki·t___ ~~~~~~

==-;; ~ • ~ }JL¥f-ovt ~ &J..._ J/J-n/;f.$ ) IO ~~MOLOGg~S
"• ~<f .S~k~
C) A thermoplastic is being continuously film-blown into a largefube. The plastic 1s
coming out cloudy.

be coo J

D) Glass is being poured continuously onto a bed of molten tin. The waves created on
pouring are not damping fast enough, and the sheet is coming out non-planar.
fro~ E1 sk.e~+-~ 04."-t·k.~ .e.,h..
:7 ·

~:: trr(- l_j). ~) us)-' f lo-ov 11'·-- -h

A" Lt -n1 ~e..~
-'? /ov~lf? _~ b-t-fW- > Jt.s I r I!
E) A melt is being sprayed into an atomization chamber to create powders. These are t.V<- ~
coming out irregularly shaped instead of spherical.

f'J 0 t- 0'\.0'()l p)!, .( -h, 5 rke( 0 it\ j 'te_ ____..;::,

~~+- ue
MIT OpenCourseWare

3.044 Materials Processing

Spring 2013

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