Final Test: Read The Text and Answer The Questions 1-5. The TITANIC: Fact and Fiction

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Read the text and answer the questions 1-5.

The TITANIC: fact and fiction

The story of the “unsinkable” Titanic, which met with tragedy when it hit an iceberg on the night of 15 th April, 1912
on its disastrous first voyage, is a moving one. Most of our knowledge about it, however, is not really based on
historical data but on rumours and legends created by books, films, musicals and exhibitions. Fact and fiction are
twisted together.

The truth is that the Titanic wasn’t really big news at the time. The Olympic, the Titanic’s sister ship, had stolen the
public interest on its voyage from Southampton to New York just a year earlier, in 1911. It had the same captain as
the Titanic, travelled the same route and had the same facilities.

The owners and builders of the Titanic never claimed that it was “unsinkable.” In fact, stories of it being
“unsinkable” only appeared after it actually sank. Another example of false information about the ship is the
rumour spread by a passenger that the Mummy of Amen-Ra, which carried a deadly threat, was travelling in the
cargo. Following the disaster, there were many incorrect stories printed in the press even though the actual
mummy was on display at London’s British Museum at the time.

Despite the exaggerations, nobody can deny that there were many heroes aboard. There were eyewitness accounts
of wealthy Molly Brown comforting survivors and helping fellow passengers on Lifeboat No. 6 and Rosalie Ida
Straus refusing to enter Lifeboat No. 8 as she looked into her husband’s eyes and famously said, “Where you go, I
go.” Accounts of the band playing sweet music to calm the drowning passengers as the boat sank have proven
irresistible to filmmakers, poets, writers and artists.

Naturally, the wreck holds a great deal of interest for historians, explorers and treasure hunters. For many years,
nobody even knew where the wreck was located until it was found by a French-American expedition team in 1985.
Thanks to the films, interest in the shipwreck has been so great that various technologies which were developed
specifically to explore the Titanic affect the way we explore the sea today.

The Titanic disaster has not only led to improvements in the way we explore shipwrecks, but has also upgraded
safety in sea travel. Safety measures directly linked to the sinking were introduced shortly after the tragedy, such
as ensuring that more lifeboats were provided and the better monitoring of wireless radios.
1. What is true according to the text?
a. Most of the information we have about the Titanic is false.
b. It is impossible to separate the facts from the legends.
c. Most of the information about the disaster is not based on historical facts.
d. The film industry has helped to uncover the truth.

2. The Olympic and the Titanic

a. both sank.
b. made their first voyage the same year.
c. both received a lot of publicity when they sailed.
d. were very similar.

3. What does the story about the Mummy of Amen-Ra show?

a. how facts were incorrectly represented in the press
b. that the public was more interested in rumours than facts
c. that the truth about the mummy will never be known
d. that the mummy was unlucky for the ship

4. According to the text, people like Molly Brown, Rosalie Ida Straus and the musicians of the Titanic’s band
a. were made heroes thanks to poems, books and films.
b. took the truth about the disaster with them when they died.
c. were eyewitnesses to very heroic actions.
d. are examples of great courage and bravery.

5. The publicity created by the films about the Titanic

a. has discouraged treasure hunters.
b. has increased interest in other shipwrecks.
c. has benefited sea exploration.
d. has helped to locate the ship.

6. What change took place soon after the Titanic sank?

a. Technology to search for the shipwreck was developed.
b. Sea travel laws were changed for greater safety.
c. Wireless radios were used to monitor ships.
d. The press became more careful when reporting stories. ____/6
1. Complete the gaps with the correct form of verbs in brackets
(Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Simple,
Going to, Future Continuous, Future perfect)

1. Here is my plan for the weekend: I _______________ (do) the housework on Saturday and then on Sunday I and my
friends _________________ (eat) out together.
2. More and more people _____________ (travel) to China these days.
3. _________ you ________ (do) your homework yet?
4. When I (turn) the radio on yesterday, I (hear) a song that was popular when I was in
high school. I (hear, not) the song in years, and it (bring) back some great memories.
5. My dog _________________ (not like) going for a walk in the city centre because it’s noisy.
6. Why ________ she _________ (run) at the park for such a long time last night?
7. We ________ probably _______ (fly) to Italy next summer.
8. Tom first ____ ___ (fall) in love when he ____ __ (be) 17. Now, he __________ (have) a wife and three
9. I’m sure she __________ (find) a good job soon.
10. We ________________________ (not visit) our grandparents at the weekend because we must study for next week.
11. John _________________ (know) his best friend since they were both babies.
12. Last summer, while the children _____________________ (enjoy) the waves, their nanny __________________
13. Since I began acting, I (perform) in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama.
However, I (speak, never) publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985.
14. Right now, Jim (read) the newspaper and Kathy (make) dinner. Last night at this
time, they (do) the same thing.
She (cook) and he (read) the newspaper.
Tomorrow at this time, she also (prepare) dinner and he (read).
They are very predictable people!

_______ / 28
2. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.
1. If I had studied more, I the exam.
a. would pass b. would have passed c. passed d. will pass
2. The manager told us we take more than twenty minutes off for a lunch break, or else we’ll have to work
extra time.
a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. don’t need to d. might
3. I ran all the way to my gate, but realised that because our flight had been delayed.
a. I mustn’t have b. I hadn’t hurried c. I mustn’t hurry d. I needn’t have
hurried hurried
4. to take a spare T-shirt with you to school because you’re going to get sweaty riding your bike all the way
a. You’d better b. You should c. You ought d. You must
5. She went for a coffee while her car .
a. be repaired b. was repairing c. was repaired d. was being repaired
6. I’m so glad I Gladys to throw away those awful shoes and buy a new pair.
a. made b. got c. had d. did
7. I try to avoid in the car because it makes me feel sick.
a. to read b. reading c. read d. am reading
8. The factory in 1993.
a. is built b. is being built c. was built d. had been built
9. He wishes they a bigger dining room – then it would be easy to have the whole family over for dinner.
a. had had b. had c. would have d. might have
10. What would you do if you something very important?
a. forgot b. forget c. have forgotten d. had forgotten


3. Complete with suitable question tags:

1. You speak German, ___________?
2. You haven’t got a dog, ___________?
3. She’s going to have a baby soon, ____________?
4. They went to the cinema yesterday, _____________?
5. Tom won’t come tomorrow, _____________?
_______ / 5
4. Two old friends, Carol and Alex met in the street one morning. Report what they said to each other, using the
correct reported speech verb forms.

ALEX: Hi Carol. How are you?

CAROL: I’m really happy. I’ve started a new job and I’m having a great time there. The work is interesting and
the people are very friendly.
ALEX: What’s the job?
CAROL: I’m doing market research. I love it.
ALEX: I’m pleased for you. Listen, I have to go, but we can meet soon. It’ll be nice to have a long chat about
CAROL: Yes, I haven’t seen you for ages. Can we meet next week?
ALEX: We can’t meet next week because I’m going to be away.
I won’t be back until Friday.
CAROL: Well, I’ll give you a ring on Saturday.
ALEX: Great. I’ll wait for you to call me.

Carol said the she____ was______really happy.

She said that she________________ a new job and that she________________ a great time there. She said that the
work________________ interesting and that the people________________ very friendly. Alex asked .
Carol said that she________________ market research and she________________ it.
Alex said that he ________________ pleased for her. He said that he ________________but that they
________________soon. He said that it ________________nice to have a long chat about things. Carol said that
she________________Alex for ages, and she asked .
Alex said that they________________ next week because he________________ away. He said that
he________________ back until Friday. Carol said she________________ him a ring on Saturday. Alex said he
________________for her to call him. ____/18

5. Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1. The held up a yellow card and pointed at the player.

a. trainee b. referee c. instructor d. pilot

2. With the she could see incredible details.

a. goggles b. test tube c. microscope d. stressor

3. She wants to the book into French.

a. interpret b. assume c. suppose d. translate

4. He was to the noise. He was the only one who didn’t wake up.

a. oblivious b. vain c. fickle d. overawed

5. I don’t know him well. He’s just a(n) .

a. sibling b. supervisor c. acquaintance d. ex-husband

6. Can you help me put my luggage in the overhead ?

a. corridor b. cockpit c. cabin d. locker

7. Do you know if this juice is free of ?

a. paprika b. additives c. treats d. nutrition

8. He didn’t have the to finish the marathon.

a. resource b. stamina c. degree d. objection

9. She lives on the of town.

a. doorstep b. territory c. departure d. outskirts ______/9

6. Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box.

throat physical counselling mood eyebrows security

quality interpret skill tell

It has been found that deaf people who use sign language recognise and
(1) body language quicker than non-signing hearing people.
They are the first to observe the (2) actions of other people, such as someone raising
their (3) or touching their
(4) . They are better at understanding if someone is
(5) a lie or what kind of (6)
a person is in.This can be a valuable (7) for jobs where
(8) is important, such as in airports. Being sensitive to body language and feelings can
also be a useful (9) for someone
who is involved in (10) . It also demonstrates that communication is much more than
just the spoken word and that what is seen to be a disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.

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