Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
(Chapter 6)
Artermio was appointed CEO of Rafol’s Enterprises upon the death of his
father. The company went public under the leadership of Artemio and had to
adapt to being open and transparent to outside investors. There were pressures
from the shareholders to reduce costs and increase profits. In response, Artemio
implemented cost-cutting measures including downsizing by means of enforcing
early retirement of employees who he felt could not cope in the move to digitize
the operation of the business.
As expected, most of the employees were not happy and this affected the
morale of their employees. Artemio sought the assistance of Ely Buenaobra, the
VP of HR. Ely suggested a comprehensive program wherein it is not just the
managers who would be evaluated based on achieving results but even the
employees by means of demonstrating to their employees that their performance
affects company results. This in turn will show to the shareholders that the
company’s primary objective is to increase performance.