Identify The Characteristics of Indian Business: 1. Economic Activity
Identify The Characteristics of Indian Business: 1. Economic Activity
Identify The Characteristics of Indian Business: 1. Economic Activity
1. Economic activity:
The basic activity of any business is trading. The business involves buying
of raw material, plants and machinery, stationary, property etc. On the
other hand, it sells the finished products to the consumers, wholesaler,
retailer etc. Business makes available various goods and services to the
different sections of the society.
3. Continuous process:
4. Profit Motive:
7. Customer satisfaction:
The purpose of the business is to create and retain the customers. The
ability to identify and satisfy the customers is the prime ingredient for the
business success.
8. Social Activity:
Business has some responsibility towards the society and in turn it needs
the support of various social groups like investors, employees, customers,
creditors etc. by making goods available to various sections of the society,
business performs an important social function and meets social needs.
Business needs support of different section of the society for its proper
9. Government control:
Business organisations are subject to government control. They have to
follow certain rules and regulations enacted by the government.
Government ensures that the business is conducted for social good by
keeping effective supervision and control by enacting and amending laws
and rules from time to time.