Dept of Electronics&Communications First Year C++ Programming Problem Set # 3 (Arrays & Strings)

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Dept of Electronics&Communications First Year

C++ programming Problem set # 3 (Arrays & strings)

1. Write a program to find the maximum and minimum numbers in a list of N integers. The program should be
able to find the location of the maximum and the minimum. Test your program on a list of 10 numbers of your

2. Write a program that reads the values of an array called score of size N and then reverses the order of the array
(i.e. score[0] goes into score[N-1], score[1] goes into score[N-2], and so on). You must do the operation
without an external array (i.e. the change of order happens in the same array). Discuss the case of even and odd
values of N.

3. Write a program to read the marks of 10 students in 4 different courses. The program is required to display the
total score and the grades of each student and the average mark obtained by the students in each course.

4. Write a program to multiply two matrices. The program should read the dimensions of the two matrices and
test if the multiplication is possible and then read the elements of each matrix and then print the resulting

5. (*) Write a program to sort a list of N integers into an ascending order. Test your program on the list you
defined in problem 1.

6. What is the output of the following program? The data for the program is given below it.

#include <iostream.h>
{int a[100], b[100]; int c[10][10], ct[10][10],cd;
int j,i, m, sumA, sumB, sumDiff;
sumA=0; sumB=0; sumDiff = 0;
cin >> m;
for(j=0; j < m; j++)
{ cin >> a[j] >> b[j];
sumA= sumA + a[j]; sumB = sumB + b[j];
sumDiff = sumDiff + (a[j] - b[j]);}
cout<<" the two arrays and their difference "<<endl;
for (j= m-1; j >=0; j--)
cout << a[j] << ' ' << b[j] << ' ' << a[j]-b[j]<< '\n';
cout<<" the sum of the two arrays "<<endl;
cout << " sumA "<<sumA<< ' ' <<" sumB "<<sumB<< '\n';*/
for(j=0;j<3;j++) cin>>c[i][j];
cout<<" sum of diagonal "<<cd<<endl<<endl;
cout<<" the transpose of c "<<endl<<endl;
{for(j=0;j<3;j++) cout<< ct[i][j]<<" ";cout<<endl;}}

11 15
19 14
4 2
6 3
7. Write a program that reads a single character from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ and produces a pyramid of letters. For example,
if the input is ‘E’, the output is :


8. Write a program to convert a decimal integer n to a binary integer. The conversion can be implemented by
dividing n by 2 and repeat the division for the quotient until the quotient is zero. The remainders of all the
divisions represent the resulting binary number. Implement this algorithm iteratively and recursively.

9. Write the code for the following string manipulation functions:

a. void StrToUpper(char str[ ]) that converts a given string to uppercase. Use the function char toupper(char
ch) that return the uppercase of the argument ch.
b. int strcmp(char s1[ ], char s2[ ]) as described in lecture
c. void strcat(char s1[], char s2[]) as described in lecture
d. int strlen(char s1[])as described in lecture

10. Show the output of the following programs:

a) int main()
{char m[20], n[20];
for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
{ gets(m); gets(n);
cout<<" first string "<<m<<endl<<" second string "<<n <<endl;
int i=-1;int k=0;int x,y;
do{i++; x=m[i]; y=n[i];
cout<<m[i]<<" "<<x<<" "<<n[i]<<" "<<y<<endl;
if(m[i]!=n[i]) {k=m[i]-n[i];break;}
if(k==0) cout<<" equal , output= "<<k<<endl;
cout<<" not equal " <<endl;
if(k>0)cout<<" first string is greater by "<<k;
else cout<<" first string is less by "<<k;}}
return 0; }

Let the inputs of the program as follows:

m n
Ahmed Ahmed
Omar Kareem
Abdelrahman Abdelwahab

b) void main ( )
{char ch, s[100], word[50];
int i, k, j;
strcpy (s," computer& logic& design & circuits#");
cout<<s<<endl; ch='&';
i=0; k=0; j=0;
{ if(s[i] = = ch) k++;
else { word[j]=s[i];j++;} i++;}
cout<<" number of deleted characters "<<k<<
" the new string "<<word<<endl; }
11. Write a C++ program that reads the names of 100 students as an array of strings then search for certain name in
the array.

12. Write a C++ program that reads any string and a certain character, then count the number of occurrence of the
character in the string.

13.Write a program that asks the user to enter two strings, then use a function that takes the two strings and returns
a string that is the concatenation of the two strings with a dot (".") in the middle. For example, given the string
"program" and the string "file", the function returns "program.file". You must declare the strings using the keyword

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