Business Model of Chalao'
Business Model of Chalao'
Business Model of Chalao'
Our projected investment is around 3 crore taka and we have come up with a decision to make use of
equity funds and share our ownership with the equity holders. Following graphs indicating our
company’s business model:
Revenue Model
We will collaborate with vehicle owners or drivers for sharing their cars and come up with a minimum
charge for them for serving as a partners of our company. We will provide them customers through
dynamic car sharing app and charge a particular amount of commission from them. The commission
could be 15% to 20% of the total amount charged from the customer. Besides, we will charge price on
the basis of per kilometer and time duration.
Legal cost
Insurance cost
Licensing fees
Advertising and marketing
Administrative cost
Operating cost associated with our company
Financial Projection
Chalao Company
(For 1 year)
Revenues :
Cleaning 2,700,000.00
Technology 2,000,000.00
Taxation 23,982,000.00