Research Methods in Sports Coaching is a key resource for any student, researcher,
or practitioner wishing to undertake research into sports coaching. It takes the
reader through each phase of the research process, from identifying valuable
research questions, to data collection and analyses, to the presentation and
dissemination of research findings. It is the only book to focus on the particular
challenges and techniques of sports coaching research, with each chapter
including examples, cases, and scenarios from the real world of sports coaching.
The book introduces and explores important philosophical, theoretical, and
practical considerations in conducting coaching research, including contextual
discussions about why it’s important to do sports coaching research, how to
judge the quality of coaching research, and how sports coaching research
might meet the needs of coaching practitioners. Written by a team of leading
international scholars and researchers from the UK, US, Canada, and Australia,
and bridging the gap between theory and practice, this book is an essential
course text for any research methods course taken as part of a degree programme
in sports coaching or coach education.
Paul Potrac is Professor of Sports Coaching at Edge Hill University, UK. His
research and teaching interests focus on exploring the social complexity of
sports coaching and coach education, with a particular emphasis on the political
and emotional nature of practice.
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Research Methods in Sports
Edited by
Lee Nelson, Ryan Groom, and Paul Potrac
First published 2014
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
and by Routledge
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
© 2014 for selection and editorial matter, Lee Nelson, Ryan Groom, and
Paul Potrac; for individual contributions, the contributors
The right of Lee Nelson, Ryan Groom, and Paul Potrac to be identified as the
editors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright,
Designs and Patent Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised
in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Research methods in sports coaching / edited by Lee Nelson, Paul Potrac,
Ryan Groom.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Coaching (Athletics)--Research--Methodology. I. Nelson, Lee. II. Potrac,
Paul, 1974-
GV711.R47 2014
1 Introduction 1
Philosophical considerations 7
2 Philosophy of knowledge 9
3 Logical positivism 18
4 Interpretivism 31
5 Poststructuralism 42
Preparing and initiating the research process 53
10 Ethical considerations 98
Quantitative approaches to coaching research 109
11 Questionnaires 111
Qualitative approaches to coaching research 159
15 Interviews 161
16 Ethnography 171
Contemporary approaches to coaching research 203
19 Autoethnography 205
Disseminating coaching research 239
Index 261
List of figures and tables
3.1 A model of adult leadership behaviors in sport and hypothesized
relations among situational, cognitive, behavioral, and
individual difference variables 23
13.1 A scatterplot of the observed relationship between Banister’s
TRIMP and Edward’s TRIMP 134
13.2 Scatterplots showing the relationships in four sets of bivariate
data 136
13.3 A histogram showing normally distributed (A) and right-skewed
data (B) 139
13.4 The ladder of powers 141
3.1 Coding categories of the Coaching Behaviors Assessment System 24
13.1 Statistical tests that are common in sports coaching research 137
14.1 Forms of validity 153
19.1 Dominant ways of understanding autoethnography 207
20.1 Foucauldian discourse analysis 221
21.1 Conversation analysis transcription symbols 232
Notes on editors and contributors
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research’, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Bath.
Cushion, C. and Lyle, J. (2011) ‘Conceptual development in sports coaching’, in L. Lyle and
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Gilbert, W. D. and Trudel, P. (2004) ‘Analysis of coaching science research published from
1970–2001’, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75: 388–99.
Potrac, P., Gilbert, W. and Denison, J. (eds) (2013) The Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching,
London: Routledge.
Bush, A. (2008) Doing coaching justice: Promoting critical consciousness in sports coaching
research, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Bath.
Cushion, C. and Lyle, J. (2011) Conceptual development in sports coaching, in L. Lyle and C J.
Cushion (eds) Sports Coaching: Professionalisation and Practice, London: Elsevier, 114.
Gilbert, W. D. (2002) An annotated bibliography and analysis of coaching science: 19702001,
Washington, DC: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, online,
available at:
Gilbert, W. D. and Trudel, P. (2004) Analysis of coaching science research published from
19702001, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75: 38899.
Potrac, P. , Gilbert, W. and Denison, J. (eds) (2013) The Routledge Handbook of Sports
Coaching, London: Routledge.
Philosophy of knowledge
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Logical positivism
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